Breedum Hung University

By Mitchell Bardine

Published on Jul 15, 2019


Late evening, on the first day of Orientation Week before the fall semester, the new roommate moved in, joining as a transfer at the Junior level from a 2-year college. To get in to this particular university, you had to have letters of recommendation as well as grades, the letters based largely on having an extra-hefty male endowment, coming from gym instructors, school doctors, or the chicken hawks among the faculty. "Bull balls" (or "BB" or, usually, "Beeb") started here as a Freshman. He'd occupied this particular dorm room since his Sophomore year, favoring its nice view, but mainly its proximity to the dorm's courtyard pool (an exhibitionist's paradise), a notoriously cruisey bathroom, and an adjacent shopping mall with 24-hour food and constant-action peep booth arcades. Beeb's previous roommates had enjoyed those amenities also.

Beeb was going to be forward and friendly at the same time. This new guy was reputedly straight, but anyone with as much meat as you had to have to go to this school probably had more than a few gay experiences, just from automatically turning on other boys of any orientation and taking the consequences. Plus, being heavily hung usually came with a sex drive on overdrive, so it wasn't hard to get new recruits "oriented" the right way during this first week with no classes.

"Hey, Junior! Mind of I call you that? You're a 'junior' now anyway!"

"Hi. Yeah, it's fine, whatever. Are you 'Beeb'? Nice room."

The new guy hauled in a backpack and two suitcases, and started to put his clothes in the dresser. Beeb noticed his underwear, a special brand catering exclusively to the horsehung, with a two-way front pouch. Pack your dick in sideways across your hip, and it's discreet and out of the way. Pack it in the front pouch and it's pushed forward to display an awesome bulge. A third option was to let it hang down along the leg, out of the shorts entirely, yet constricted at the base by a specially designed elastic strap that kept it maximally expanded but soft, like a cock ring. This is how most of the guys at the school wore theirs, looking more casual while providing a better measure of the length. It disadvantaged the "growers" but so what. "Show-ers" rule at the pool.

Beeb reclined on his bed with his legs apart, smiling. "I've got that same kinda underwear you got there, Junior. But I hafta use the front pouch just for my balls, 'cause they're too big. I fill it up, can't put my cock in there."

"Wow." Junior paused to put his hand in the front pouch of one pair, marveling at how much volume that had to be. "Pretty impressive nuts." Junior took a good look at Bebe's pants crotch, now openly displayed. "I was wondering what that was" he said with a grin. "Me, I hafta let it hang, 'cause it won't fit the side pouch." Junior stood with his legs bowed apart, showing where his cock thickened his pants leg.

Beeb hadn't noticed this before because he was looking for the end somewhere about halfway to the knees. Now he realized that it went all the way down the thigh, ending at the joint. "Wow, fuck!" Beeb exclaimed. "Holy moly! Here's the future valedictorian!" The head-bulge in Beeb's pants started to move downward.

Junior became embarrassed. "Yeah, I get that a lot from guys. Can't take a shower at the gym without getting my balls drained by some crazed cocksucker, ha ha! I mean, no offense, I don't know which way you go, but I'm basically straight and I'm trying to dial back the guy stuff and meet some girls."

"Ha! Really! So you go to an all-boys school that selects the biggest dicks, where gay orgies are as common as beer parties! Sounds like a plan, my man."

"Hey, it's a good school, academically. And I figured that my dick wouldn't be such an embarrassment here, 'cause everybody's got similar ones, or nearly, and I'd fit in better."

"Oh, you'll fit in alright. We know how to handle guys like you just fine. You probably know by now how lame girls are at getting that big thing off. Here, you'll be shooting a gallon a day and still have time to study. In fact, keeping your balls empty makes you sharper at academics, which is why this place is so highly ranked. Our graduates are all full professors, CEOs, heads of government agencies, you name it. So, get with the program! Don't you wanna come five times a day?"

This raunchy talk was beginning to stiffen Junior's meat, despite his pledge to avoid sex with guys until he established a long term heterosexual relationship. Once he had a steady girlfriend, he could supplement that with the occasional man-to-man encounter, just to reliably get his rocks off. Most girls couldn't or wouldn't make him cum, but that was OK if he could play with his real object of desire, and maybe even get some love and kissing. He wouldn't kiss guys, and sucking cock made him gag, so the gay life wasn't going to satisfy, except in one very important way.

Beeb got up and stood with his prominent ball-pouch shoved forward, till you could see the two massive nuts distinctly through his pants. He proceeded to undress for bed as he offered a final note of advice. "Actually, you got nothin' to worry about, because they say it's what you want, not what you do, that makes you what you are. Plenty of guys have left here as straight as they came in, for what that's worth, but in the meantime they had a lot of fun and became better studs as well. I won't pressure you, but there's plenty of opportunities right near here that you'll probably want to use, sooner or later. The hottest bathroom on campus is right down the hall. At the far end of the hall is a door that leads to the upper floor of a shopping mall, weirdly enough. You can get fast food 24 hours, but also there's three porno stores with video booths and lots of action. Plus there's a pool in the inner courtyard of this dorm where they have amazing parties every Saturday, although there's something raunchy happening on most nights. It's hard for the guys with windows onto the courtyard to study past 10 o'clock or so, 'cause it makes 'em horny."

Beeb was finally naked, with his softball-sized testicles hanging low and his cock raised high from being shown off. Junior stared at the gargantuan gonads and tried not to get fully erect. The cock was attractive too, though Junior wasn't going to admit that right now.

"Anyway, you can get off here easier than just about anywhere else, so just let it happen. I'm gonna go to sleep now, but I gotta use my machine first, and it makes some noise." Beeb hopped into bed and pulled a large cylinder from a charger in his night table. When he slipped it over his cock and turned it on, an inner cylinder could be seen moving up and down with a rhythmic motor sound, as Beeb laid back and waited for it to make him cum.

Junior figured he should leave Beeb alone right now, so he quietly exited the room and closed the door. That last lewd spectacle had gotten him completely hard, and he had to take a piss anyway, so maybe the bathroom should be his next stop. It was a grand old marble and porcelain job, with a row of urinals built into one wall, the kind that go all the way to the floor so you can't miss. Spacious as the place was, the urinals were spaced less than an arm's length apart, allowing the users to reach and grab. Junior headed for the stalls, remembering how much trouble he usually got into at open urinals like these, with no barriers, when other guys came in.

Once he'd dropped his pants and his rigid dick sprang up, he stood and waited for it to soften so he could piss. Then he noticed the porno pics glued to every inch of the walls, a collage of huge cocks in every type of action, including thick-shafted dongs stretching thick-lipped pussies, and long cocks gushing ball juice between massive tits. This was somebody's carefully curated art installation, worthy of all the sperm loads spilled there daily, and it got Junior hot and bothered in spite of himself. Clearly, jacking off was called for, and he sympathized with Beeb for having to use that machine just to get to sleep. Junior sat down to admire the images on the back of the stall door and stroke himself.

Shortly before Junior was ready to cum, someone else came in, stopped in front of his stall, and then went into the adjacent one. This other fellow could be heard dropping his pants on the floor, and to Junior's amazement, could be seen doing so through a large hole in the wall he hadn't noticed till now. Despite not wanting to get into a scene with this guy, Junior had to take a peek to see what was going on next door. The guy was sitting down too, and was stroking his own tall pole, giving it maximum visibility. "Fuck" thought Junior, "it's one of those places!" Anybody who'd been to college would recognize the setup as a "tearoom" where guys traded blowjobs; you couldn't avoid them because every building had at least one. In more conservative communities, a discreet tap of the foot was the signal that you wanted action, but in freer cities with a large gay population, just being in such a bathroom obliged you to participate. Even straights had to develop oral and manual cock-stroking skills, so as to not appear disdainful or improper.

The other guy, seeing Junior hesitant at shoving his cock through the hole, probably figured Junior was more interested in sucking than being sucked, so the guy obliged. He stood up and stuffed his double-wide dick through to Junior's side as far as it would go, and waited to feel Junior's mouth. Now, most glory holes are two and one eighth inches diameter, the standard for installing doorknobs in doors, so you can get the hole saws anywhere. Guys know this stuff. This is also big enough for most dicks, but at this particular institution of higher learning, two and an eighth would usually be too narrow, so they use two and a half, which is about the same as a beer can. If a guy was that wide all the way around, his circumference (the dimension that matters when you're trying to get your mouth or hand around it) would be seven and seven eighths, which is a real stretcher, a true "beer can cock."

Well, this guy had one. Junior was dismayed. He'd never got much practice giving head, because the other guys were always preoccupied with his dick and he could just passively take it. In the few gay orgies or clubs he'd been to, cocks would be offered to him and he would suck for a while just to be polite, never having to do the work to bring the guy off. Now it was his responsibility--by default--to suck to completion. He leaned over and was barely able to get the bulbous head past his lips, but then found it easier to stroke with his lips once the head was in. He tried to get the thing down his throat a ways, but the unusual downward curve and its stout rigidity made it impossible from that angle. "I'll get on my knees. That'll work best for this shape cock" thought Junior, feeling more workmanlike than lusty.

Junior got off the seat and kneeled on the floor and started sucking again, his knees protruding under the wall into the other guy's stall, his enormous stiff cock protruding as far as his knees. The other guy must have looked down and saw what was looming over his feet; after about a minute, despite the amateurish blowjob, the big head swelled up in Junior's throat and leaked copiously. Junior couldn't breathe, and pulled off of the cock just in time to see it start to gush ball juice all over his shirt and pants. It kept coming as Junior just let it spray him. "Boy, this guy can cum! So many strong squirts and he's still shooting! What a fuckin' mess!" By the time the guy finally stopped ejaculating, Junior was as drenched in jizz as if he'd been the center of a bukkake party. The thick hose retracted from the hole, still dripping, the guy zipped up with some difficulty and left. "Probably straight, like me" sighed Junior, knowing that a gay would at least offer to bring him off in return. Now what?

Junior tiptoed back into the room, but Beeb was sound asleep, undoubtedly relieved of a cum load by the cylinder machine, now back in its charger. "How much does Beeb shoot, with those giant balls of his?" mused Junior, figuring he'd probably find out soon enough. After changing clothes, Junior realized he was really hungry, so the 24 hour fast food mall sounded good. At the end of the hall, a sturdy fire exit door led to a much larger hallway with small shops and stairways. The stores were closed at this late hour, but electronic signs next to the stairways advised that "booths" were open and gave their numbers. Were these booths in restaurants? Junior chose a stairway and descended, only to find the sleaziest porno store he'd ever seen.

Coming in via a side door, he surprised some customers who were perusing the collection of old porno mags in stacks on a table. They looked him up and down and returned to their "reading" while feeling each other's bulging crotches. On the wall was a floor-to ceiling display of vintage gay magazines, all with covers featuring the most exciting pictures. Long schlongs pushed aside mustaches and sideburns. Horsecocks protruded from clingy bell-bottom slacks. The biggest endowed stars of 8mm movies and VHS tape showed off alongside newly-discovered amateurs stroking each other in the back of a van. Courageous pioneers all, taking the first opportunity to provoke hardons in an appreciative mass audience. That was clearly happening here, where everybody was pitching a major tent in his pants with no concern for decorum. No one could view this array of explicit images without throwing a boner, so Junior averted his gaze and explored the store.

He had to zigzag his way through, as it appeared a friendly crotch grope was the standard greeting here, and Junior was afraid to be found out. A few men were watching someone trying on cock rings in the fitting room, which featured a half-silvered mirror that afforded a view from outside. The man slipped a metal ring over his cock and balls together, then one for the cock and one for each ball, then joined them together with a set of clips. This made an artsy, geometric cage that stylishly set off his heavy genitals, evoking applause from the onlookers. Apparently this store was a magnet for proud exhibitionists. Junior toyed with the idea.

Next to the glass cockring cabinet was a display of jackoff machines and penis vibrators, and a door to the "testing room." Junior peeked in, and saw two men going from one station to the next, inserting their condom-sheathed cocks and pressing a button. Each time their machine would activate for one minute, they could assess the potential for orgasm while not being stimulated enough to cum. On some of the machines they exclaimed to each other "whoa! I could really cum with this one!" or "another minute of this would make me pop" or "it starts out slow but it really gets to you after a while." Junior recognized one of the machines as the model Beeb used on himself, and this appeared to be the men's favorite. They were getting increasingly hot and bothered, like they really needed to cum soon, so Junior left them to their own devices.

A small shelf displayed self-published booklets depicting fetishes and bad attitudes too bizarre for the mainstream. Perusing one of these gems of ultra-sleaze, Junior noticed the board behind it, and the pinned-up, one-page personal ads with pictures. Guys had posted their dick pics, along with descriptions of their desires and contact info. "Why isn't all this online somewhere, on social media or some meetup website?" pondered Junior, but then it occurred to him that in this format, it was all more private and protected, not subject to the usual internet dangers. With increased confidentiality, you could tell your wants more candidly. A few admissions of perverted lust were downright shocking, but most guys, impressively hung as they were, wanted to make it with an even bigger stud than themselves. Junior figured he could get any of these studs, and looked around for a sufficiently appealing set of cock and balls. "Balls! Fuck! That's Beeb!" Yes, his new roommate was up on the wall, offering his unique 'nads to testicle fetishists who wouldn't neglect his cock. Juniors heart pounded. "How many guys does he get to nuzzle that nutsack?" wondered Junior admiringly, as he studied the details of Beeb's self-description. "Hm. He loves 69. Yeah, well...could be a fair exchange." Almost all of the posts were students at the school, judging by the dorm rooms for addresses, many of which were in his very building. A flush of lust came over him. This was the first look at how much prime meat was available a few steps away, a veritable porn video studio full of studcocks next door. They were all so horny that they advertised in a porno store where everybody had a hardon already! Junior certainly did, and decided that he needed to rid himself of a big load of cum right now, or he'd be sucked into this manly scene, unable to establish relationships with girls, forever addicted to dick.

The beaded curtain at the entrance to the peep booth arcade clattered as Junior walked through it. Guys were standing next to the open booths, checking out the prospects, lewdly rubbing their pants to keep their dicks hard and their bulges tight for advertising purposes. Occasional grunting could be heard as someone blew his load into a rapidly stroking hand or mouth. The best strategy, as Junior knew from experience, was to wait until someone emerged from a booth looking satisfied. Whoever had brought him off would probably be pretty good, 'cause guys wanting to get jacked or sucked could pick and choose, going from booth to booth, and save their load for the most skillful. A door right next to him opened, a guy went out, and Junior went in.

The giant flat video monitor was turned sideways in the narrow booth, displaying six channels of gay porn simultaneously, all selectable with buttons so you could see hundreds of streaming videos. This was the old selection format from when the source was a bank of VCRs or DVD players, now mostly replaced by video-on-demand from the internet. The old format survived here because it provided a special benefit: seeing many, randomly changing sex flicks at once mesmerized the viewer, bypassing his rational mind, pouring liquid lust into his animal brain, making it go wild with excitement. The channels, if not controlled using the buttons, would spontaneously change to another video where a cock was close to erupting, so that the display seemed to be an endless cumshot compilation with six dicks at once. This would make anybody go nuts, but Junior didn't need any help.

He had to drop is pants at least to his knees in order to get his dick out. When it sprang up it hit the video screen, leaving a streak of precum. As it was, the knee of one pants leg had a big dark wet spot, and he was glad to get out of them. The sight of this made the guy on the other side of the hole frantically give the "come hither" sign, to which Junior responded. The guy was probably going to spend some time wallowing in all this dick meat, heating him up, then he'd get down to business making the giant cock squirt. Sure enough, Junior could feel the fellow licking and running his lips along the shaft, and then jamming the thing down his throat as far as possible. The guy then let out some muffled grunts, and pulled his mouth off, pulled his pants up, and left. "What the fuck?" complained Junior aloud. This cocksucker had apparently been jacking himself off, turned on by the big meat, and when he was done he was done. Selfish bastard!

With the door open and Junior's telephone pole still jutting through the hole, the guys waiting outside got a good look, and were falling all over each other to be next. One got in and locked the door, and resumed where the previous one had left off. Junior was relieved as the guy started the usual routine of tongue and hand strokes. Junior could feel a slight, rhythmic wiggling of the guy's mouth as he sucked, and wouldn't ya know it, this one too was jacking and cumming from megacock excitement and had no patience for doing the needed work. He too put his softening, dripping dick back in his pants and opened the door for the next one. This scenario played itself out several more times, frustrating Junior, who was getting just a little closer to cumming each time, but pushed farther away by the annoyance of being nothing but a pole to suck while you beat your meat. Hello! Junior was also a whole, human cock with its own need to cum, and if you worked on it long enough, you lazy S.O.B.s, it would give you a tasty reward.

Maybe this was the wrong place for that. Junior wasn't going to debase himself by saying "Aw, fellas, please make me cum!" to a crowd of single-minded strangers. Of course, he himself had no intention of helping any of these wankers with their loads, so maybe they couldn't be blamed, but tell that to Junior's aching nuts.

He headed out the arcade and back upstairs to the dorm. Maybe Beeb's machine would fit him and do the job automatically, if it was charged up by now. Then he remembered the pool, the only resource he hadn't tried yet. It was downstairs from Beeb's hallway, and out into the courtyard. Late at night, the pool itself was empty but the adjacent little hot pool had a couple of guys in it, jacking each other off amid the rising clouds of mist. "Should I disturb their party by getting in with them, or should I discreetly jack off on the lounge chairs till they notice?" pondered Junior, who was nothing if not polite. He chose the latter option, stripping naked, leaning back on the recliner, putting his legs on either side, making sure he caught a ray of light on his dick and stroking hand. The guys in the hot pool were probably gay, 'cause they embraced and kissed and jacked and appeared to ignore everything.

Fortunately, there were some night owls studying at this hour, probably grad students. A light turned off in one of the rooms as the occupant tried to get a better look outside, and then the door to the hallway appeared to open and close. Soon, a grad student-lookin' guy (you can always tell) walked out into the courtyard and sat down sideways on a lounge chair adjacent to Junior's, facing him. "Hi. You look like you're new here. I just wanted to say, just so you know, you may not be aware, but maybe you are,..." The guy paused to stare at Junior's rigid pole and dripping cockhead, wagging back and forth as Junior's hand masturbated it. "...that there's this sorta gesture we do when we really need somebody to get us off, and we do it here, right here in the pool area where everybody can see, and, well, it just happens to be what you're doing right now. Of course, if that's not what you intend, well, now you know how it might be interpreted, but, well, it really does appear to me that you wanna get that horsedick of yours serviced all the way, and if that's true, correct me if I'm wrong, then I certainly wouldn't mind cordially providing that service." Whew! This guy must be a budding academic! Pump those journal papers fulla words, why doncha. Law school, perhaps?

Junior angled his cock so that it just about reached over to the guy's lap. The grad student took hold of it, tilted it up, and proceeded to gulp down as much as he could, meanwhile quickly jacking the upper shaft. This was a useful technique for handling a giant cock you can't swallow, and Junior felt that it might actually do the job, eventually. Just then, another night owl appeared, with his cock out already and his hand on it, eager to help out. He added to the grad student's effort with his own hand and mouth farther down, while fondling Junior's balls. Ah, this was better still, two mouths and three hands. Plus, it was more exciting to have a bigger service crew. Welcome a third guy and a fourth, who had stripped naked for the occasion and were beating their meat, standing on either side of Junior's lounge chair. Junior reached out and grabbed both cocks, because they both looked so grab-able, and, despite his intrinsic "het" orientation, figured it would accelerate the process now in progress.

Another two guys showed up. One got down between Junior's legs and went after his balls with his tongue, improving that stimulation point. The other was horse-dicked, not quite Junior's magnitude, but in that class. He knew how most guys react to having a huge cock in their face, so he hovered his stiff whanger just over Junior's mouth, and Junior stuck his tongue out to touch it. The big cock slid smoothly back and forth over Junior's lips sideways in long, slow strokes. A model of restraint, the horsedick guy didn't want to become a burden by jamming it down Junior's throat, rather it was just one more inducement to cum.

And that it was. With three dicks, three mouths and three hands on him, Junior blasted out such a cum load that the grad student just about choked, having to let the voluminous spooge flow out the sides of his mouth rather than swallow. Junior's cock was pressure-washing the guy's tonsils, while the two men being jacked by Junior's hands started erupting in sympathy. Funny how that happens, but you can see it in every gangbang movie; they all come at the same time. The cock and ball lickers leaned back and yanked the loads out of their dicks, and finally the horsedick guy lifted it up and shot a copious load over Junior's shoulder onto his chest. Jizz-coated, Junior leaned over and saw the two guys still kissing in the hot pool, oblivious.

Junior snuck back into Beeb's room after a shower (of soap and water, that is), finding him still sound asleep. "Thanks for the recommendations" said Junior, silently. With his balls drained, the mansex urge satisfied and his mind cleared, the project of getting a girlfriend seemed like the right thing to do, cause his romantic urges were still there. So, OK, he could shoot gallons with guys, as Beeb said, and at the same time find a romantic relationship outside of school. Oh, and take classes and ace them...and make a lot of money...and become famous...

The noise woke up Beeb. "So, Junior's a snorer eh? I dunno. Is this gonna work out?"

Next: Chapter 2: Frat at Breedum Hung U

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