Breeding Jimmy

By Jasper Jones

Published on Aug 22, 2018


This story involves sex between men that sometimes has some nonconsensual and fetish elements. If it isn't legal where you are to read this, please stop reading. The story is pure fiction. Any similarities between actual people are purely coincidental.

Please keep the feedback and suggestions coming. I am definitely modifying the story based on what you guys tell me you want to see happen.

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Authoritarian m4m

I woke up Sunday morning and remembered that Derek was going to be coming by at 9 to go for a run. I put on my jock, gym shorts and a tank and laced up my running shoes. I had a text from Ryan asking me to hang out later and I just replied "Sure." Charlie was in the kitchen having coffee and making himself some breakfast. He grunted hello at me and went back to his phone. He had clearly had a few too many last night.

Derek arrived a couple of minutes later dressed for the run and carrying a big bottle of water that was almost finished.

"Hey, Charlie, man, you ok this morning? You look a little rough." Derek laughed.

"Fuck, really hung over. I guess I lost track of how much I was drinking last night. Do you remember?"

"Dude, once you got that text from your girlfriend dumping you I think you did 10 shots in a row. It was an awesome display man, the whole bar was cheering you on. You're better off without that skank anyway. Good pussy but too many people in town were tapping it."

"Yeah, fucking whore. I guess it's just me and my left hand for a while, just like Jimmy here." I turned beet red. Derek just shrugged, looked straight at me with a smirk, and said "Maybe." Thankfully Charlie was too hung over to notice or care.

"Jimmy and I are going for a run. Little dude totally crushed me yesterday." I should hate Derek for forcing his cock down my throat and up my ass, but hearing him compliment me on my running just made me burst with pride. Deep down, I guess I was starting to realize that I wanted what was happening with Derek and with Ryan. Or at least I thought I did. I was hating myself for feeling so good about being near Derek. His smell was filling my brain.

"Yeah?" Charlie looked surprised. "I'm going to take some Advil and go back to bed. Wake me up when you guys are done and we can go lift."

"Cool, dude, will do. You ready, Jimmy?" I nodded. Derek finished the last of his water and we headed out. Derek said he wanted to pick the course, which was fine with me.

We ran to the park and into the trails in the woods. Derek took a path I'd never been down before but it was a beautiful morning, about 78 degrees and a lot less humid than the day before. I was following Derek and was in that zen runner zone.

About three miles into the run, Derek pulled up to catch his breath. "Hey, dude, I want to show you something." I was bummed that we'd stopped but I knew better than to argue with Derek. He led me down a dirt path into the woods. We passed a few guys just hanging around, which seemed weird to me out in the middle of nowhere. But Derek seemed to know where he wanted to go.

The path opened into a small tree-lined clearing. Derek leaned up against a tree and motioned for me to get to my knees. I was scared shitless.

"C'mon, Derek, anyone could see us here. This is really uncool man." Derek slapped me hard across the face. Ow, fuck, that hurt.

"Listen, bitch, do you remember what happened last time you told me no?" I did. Truth is my ass was still a little sore from the beating Derek had administered yesterday. "Your choice. On your knees now or I spank you right here in the woods. Is that what you want?"

It really wasn't a choice. I dropped to my knees, my mouth level with Derek's crotch. Derek pulled down his shorts and his jock. He was starting to chub up just a little bit.

"Open up, faggot, and take the head of my cock in your mouth."

Dejectedly, I did as I was told. Derek put his hands on both sides of my head like he was getting ready to fuck my face. But he didn't. I looked up at him, confused, wondering how long he was going to prolong the agony of being in this position in public.

Derek let out a sigh and my mouth started filling with liquid. What the fuck? It took me a few seconds to realize that it was Derek's piss. Holy shit, that video hadn't been a joke. He was telling me what he was going to do to me when he sent it. I tried to get off him but he had my head in a firm grip. I was squirming and struggling and some of the piss was coming out of the sides of my mouth.

"Swallow, faggot." It was that or drown. The piss was acrid, but not as bad as I thought it would taste. I guess I should thank Derek later for drinking a lot of water this morning. Yeah, right. My cheeks were burning with tears. I didn't think I could feel lower or more ashamed of myself. I was Derek's human urinal in the middle of a public park.

Derek finally let me go and I dropped to the ground in fetal position. He pissed on my for at least another minute drenching my hair, shirt and shorts. The piss mixed with the ground and I was caked in mud and urine. "I can't take much more," I cried.

Derek couldn't stop laughing. "Dude, this is only the beginning. Now back to your knees.

It was then that I realized we weren't alone. There were two guys standing in the clearing, stroking their cocks and watching. One dude was a pretty hot dad sporting a gold wedding band. He was probably late 30s, nice body, maybe a little extra weight but you could tell he had been an athlete in college. He was dressed in running clothes and had a big 7" thick cock in his hand. The other guy was older than my dad and kind of gross. He was probably 50s, big beer belly held in by a tight t-shirt and super hairy. His cock was about my size, five inches and thin. He was beating it furiously.

While I was sucking Derek's cock, he called over to the fat dude. "Hey, buddy, could you get his hole ready for my dick?" I looked at Derek, pleading with my eyes. He just laughed and let loose a wad of spit into my face.

The fat dude said "Fuck yeah," got behind me, pulled down my shorts and dove into my crack and hole. I was completely grossed out and yet his tongue was making me feel so good.

"Faggot bitch is moaning on my dick. Nice job." Derek's compliment to the old dude got him going even faster. Derek continued to fuck my face while the old, fat dude was jamming his tongue in and out of my hole.

All of a sudden I felt the head of a very large dick at my hole. It was at the dad. I guess Derek had signaled him to fuck me and he was wasting no time. With one push, he shoved his entire dick into my ass. I screamed, but my screams were muffled because I still had Derek's cock assaulting my throat.

"Nice, dude, wreck the faggot's cunt."

The dad didn't need to be told twice. "Fuck, so much tighter than my wife's pussy and she never puts out anymore." He picked up the pace, pulling all the way out and slamming hard into me. He and Derek got into a rhythm of fucking my hole and mouth. I was nothing, just two holes they were using to get off. Balls slapping against my ass and chin.

"Fuck, man, let's switch, I need some of that ass. He likes it rough so make sure you fuck his throat hard."

They switched and continued their assault. I could taste my ass mixed with pre-cum on the dad's dick as he reamed my throat. My jaw was aching and my ass was stretched to its limit. I was getting spit roasted in a public park, I didn't know one of the guys and I never wanted it to stop.

I could hear their breathing get faster and tighter and all of a sudden with a scream the dad unloaded into my throat pumping volley after of volley of cum in to my mouth. That was enough to set Derek off and he plastered the inside of my guts with his warm spooge. I came hard without touching myself and I collapsed to the ground. I lay like that for what seemed like an eternity.

"Up on your knees, fag. Thank this guy for feeding you his load." Derek slapped me on the back of my head. "No fucking manners." I was humiliated. Was Derek kidding? A quick look told me that he was not. Derek was glaring at me.

"Thank you, Sir, for feeding me your seed and for fucking me." I was crying as I said it.

The guy just laughed. "Damn, you really have him well trained. Love to use him again some time."

"Sure, give me your number and I'll text you." Derek responded. "He still has a way to go before he accepts his place in life, but he is getting there." They exchanged numbers and shot the shit a bit while I just knelt there.

Derek slapped me on the back of my head. "Bitch, are you forgetting something? Thank that nice man for eating your hole to get you ready for breeding."

I looked over at the fat guy who was still standing their with his cock in his hand. I was bright red and defeated. I didn't even know he was still there. There was no point in arguing. "Thank you, Sir, for eating my ass so that I could be fucked."

"Now suck his cock, faggot." I looked at Derek with a panicked look in my eyes. He couldn't be serious. Even the old, fat dude looked surprised. It was one thing to submit to alpha studs like Derek and the dad, but not this gross dude who was clearly out here to suck cock. He couldn't make me do that.

The fat dude came tentatively toward me, his 5" thin pecker in his hands. His bush was untrimmed gray wiry hairs and his gut hung over his waist. I was sick to my stomach.

"Now" Derek commanded. I opened my mouth and took in his cock with his belly resting on top of my head. Thankfully it was over quick. He pumped twice and shot a thick, bitter load into my mouth.

Suddenly it all caught up to me. I turned my head and vomited piss, cum and my morning coffee. Derek just laughed.

When I finally came up for air, Derek gave me a hand up. He looked at me and said "You did good, Jimmy. It took months for my last fag to get to where you are in just two days. I'm really proud of you." He tousled my hair and beamed a smile at me. I just melted. How is it possible that I could go from abject misery one moment to feeling on top of the world the next? Derek's approval meant everything to me. It was my reason for living. What was happening to me and how much more could I take of this?

"Let's go, dude." I was a mess, covered in spit, cum, piss and mud. And we still had two miles to go to get back to the house. We set off at a good pace and I took the lead again and made Derek work to keep up. At least I could remind him with my running that I was still a jock and an athlete.

About a half mile from the house we saw two girls jogging toward us. I realized it was my girlfriend Madison and Ryan's ex, Lisa. Fuck I panicked as we came up to them.

"Jimmy, what the hell happened to you?" Madison asked. I was speechless. I was blushing and started to stammer.

"Hey, I'm Derek. I'm a friend of Charlie's and Jimmy here was just working my ass off training me on a run. He took a tumble a mile back and ended up in a creek." Derek saved the day.

"Oh, hi, Derek. I'm Madison and this is Lisa. Jimmy, you look like hell. And you stink." They all laughed although it was good natured. "Let's hang out later, it's been a long time."

I recovered my poise. "Sure, Mad. Charlie is working tonight. Why don't you come by around 6 PM and we can hand out?"

We chatted for a bit and Derek and I headed home.

"Jimmy, man, that is some grade-A pussy you are not fucking. But we have to talk about your game." He laughed but I felt great. Derek was being really nice to me again like we were friends.

When we got home, Charlie was still asleep. I ran up to shower while Derek got him up to go lift at the gym.

Charlie and Derek were gone when I got out. I grabbed some food and checked my phone. I had a text from my dad, a text already from Madison making sure I was ok and a return text from Ryan who wanted to hang out this afternoon. It all felt so normal.

That's the end of part 5. Keep the suggestions coming. Hoped you liked the piss element - a lot of you have been asking for it. Tell me how far you want to see Jimmy degraded and humiliated. And donate to Nifty! Thanks, men.

Next: Chapter 6

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