Breeding Jimmy

By Jasper Jones

Published on Aug 18, 2018


This story involves sex between men that sometimes has some nonconsensual and fetish elements. If it isn't legal where you are to read this, please stop reading. The story is pure fiction. Any similarities between actual people are purely coincidental. Please feel free to send me feedback. I'd appreciate it.

High School, College, Authoritarian, m4m

The day I lost my virginity started out a pretty normal Friday. I went to school in the morning. Classes were winding down for the year and my friends and I were looking forward to being juniors in the Fall. I had a lot of friends. I wasn't a star athlete but I held my own in soccer and track, did a lot of activities and was pretty popular. Not a cool kid and definitely not a jock, but someone who blended pretty well with a lot of groups and was smart enough in school to have nerdy friends too.

My name is Jim, but everyone still calls me Jimmy despite my best efforts. I am unfortunately a small guy - a few more inches and I could have really been a top athlete. I'm about 5'5, 135 pounds. Good lean build, six pack abs, shaggy brown hair, blue green eyes, killer smile and a nice ass. My dick is a solid 5" - I'm hoping that grows as I get older too. I just turned 17. I have a girlfriend, Madison, but it is pretty casual. We hang out and have have fooled around but haven't gone all the way. I think she wants to, but I'm not ready.

Last year, I came out as bi, but I have never had sex with a guy. Well, let me be more specific. I came out as bi to myself. I'm not ready to tell anyone, but I couldn't deny that I was attracted to guys. I'd steal looks in the showers after practice and I even watched some gay porn online. I had a slight crush on one of my best friends, Ryan, but he is a total stud and has all the girls drooling over him. He seems to be fucking a different one every week. We hung out at lunch and he was telling me about his latest conquest, Lisa.

"Hey, dude, what are you doing this weekend? You going to Brad's party on Saturday? Lisa and I are going to head over around 9."

"Don't know. Dad has to go out of town for business again. Been almost every weekend lately it seems but it's good he has regular overtime work. It's just me and Charlie again."

My mom died a few years back and it's been just me, my dad and my older brother Charlie. Dad does construction, but it's been a little sporadic the last few years. He's got a regular gig for the next six months, but it means weekends away. I miss him. Charlie's 20 and is in college across town but living at home because money is tight. Charlie is my idol. He's 6'2, 180, brown hair, hazel eyes and a constant scruff. He was a star pitcher in high school and made the varsity team in college in his freshman year, which is completely unheard of for a division 1 school. I've always looked up to him but the truth is I'm just his annoying little brother to him. Got to admit it kind of hurts. I practically beg for his attention but he would rather hang out with his friends than me. I thought it would get better as I got older, but if anything it's gotten worse. I think he's embarrassed that his little bro is a scrawny little dude instead of a stud athlete like he was in high school. And he's always teasing me about never getting laid. I'm still looking forward to the weekend though. At least I get to hang out with him.

"Oh, that sucks about your dad, but at least the money is good. If you decide to go to Brad's, hit me up. I'm supposed to go with Lisa, but there's room in the car."

"Yeah, dude, that sounds like a lot of fun. Me tagging along on a date with you and Lisa."

"Ha, it'll be fun. Text me!"

I got home from school and decided to go for a run. When I got back, Charlie was there.

"Hey squirt, what's up?" He knows I hate it when he calls me that, but I decide to ignore it.

"Not much, what are you up to?"

"Derek is going to come over later and we're going to order some pizza and watch the game in the basement. You can join us if you aren't too annoying."

"Really?" my voice cracked a little. "Cool. Thanks." I couldn't believe it. He was going to let me hang out with him and Derek. It didn't hurt that Derek was even more of a stud than my bro. He was also on the baseball team and he was 6'3" of solid, lean muscle. He had shoulder length blonde hair, the brightest blue eyes I'd ever seen. He had a little bit of hair on his chest going down to a treasure trail. I'd been in the lockers once at the college after the game and Derek's dick soft was as big as mine fully hard.

The downside was that Derek was a total asshole to me. He and my brother egged each other on and the result was sometimes me in tears when it was over. But they'd never invited me to hang out and I was pretty excited.

Derek showed up. He and Charlie bro hugged and he greeted me in his usual way. "Hey faggot, what's up?"

"Haha. Very funny Derek." I reminded him about my girlfriend.

"Oh, yeah, you fuck her yet?" I turned bright red. "Haha. Didn't think so faggot. Charlie, dude, didn't you teach him anything?"

"Yeah, I tried" Charlie said, "but he is a fucking disappointment in that department."

I am not going to cry. I am not going to cry. I am not going to cry. I kept telling myself but I was really bummed. This was not starting out well.

We went downstairs to the basement where we have a sweet large screen tv and a couple of nice chairs. The pizza came and Derek also brought a couple of six packs of beer. He tossed me one.

"Hey, man, I don't think he drinks" my big bro offered up.

"Nah, it's cool" I replied. Truth is, I'd barely ever drunk. But there was no chance I was letting them know that. I took the beer. Tasted awful and Derek and Charlie laughed at the face I made. But I drank it and the next few as well. The game was pretty intense, the pizza was good too and the guys were treating me ok. They were talking about their sex lives and how they weren't getting any. Charlie was dating this freshman girl who wouldn't put out and Derek had just broken up with his girlfriend. I was in heaven hanging out with them and they weren't too mean to me during the game apart from having me fetch more beers. And I even got to steal a few looks at Derek when he was adjusting himself.

At halftime, Derek pulled out a joint and he and my bro smoked it while I watched. They blew some smoke in my face and laughed but didn't make me try it. Part way into the second half, my bro passed out asleep. His head was totally back and he was completely out of it.

"He's such a fucking lightweight" Derek laughed.

"Yeah? I think I'm going to bed too" I replied, "Feel free to crash."

"Cool," Derek said. "Going to watch the rest of the game and probably take off."

I made my way to my room. I was a little drunk, texted with Ryan a little and got into bed and fell dead asleep.

In the middle of the night I had a really intense dream. Someone was in bed with me, spooning and I could feel a big hard dick pushing against my briefs. A hand was running up and down my chest and someone was kissing the back of my neck.

"Hey dude, I was wondering when you'd wake up."

Holy shit, I wasn't dreaming. It was Derek.

"Derek, man, what the fuck?"

"Shhh shhh, Jimmy, man, you don't want to wake up your bro. I've been watching you. I know you want this. Shhhhh."

I just lay there. Derek ran his hands up and down my chest. He played with my nipples and every so often would brush his hand on my raging hard dick. Eventually he took my hand and moved it back to his dick and told me to play with it. I started rubbing it and Derek moaned.

"That's right little dude. Just two guys helping each other out. Keep going. It feels good." I could feel some pre-cum on his head and used it to get his dick slicker. Derek got up and told me to get closer to his dick while I stroked it. He was enjoying the hand job and kept moaning and saying how good it felt.

"Why don't you just kiss the head, Jimmy. You don't have to do anything else. Just kiss the head."

I froze. Everyone jerks off with a buddy at some point in their lives. Even Ryan and I had jerked off together when we were younger. And I was a little drunk. But this was my brother's best friend and he was 19 years old. If I kissed his dick, there was no turning back. I wasn't ready for that. I wasn't ready to come out and I wasn't ready to suck dick even though I really wanted to.

"Nah, man, let me just stroke it."

I never saw it coming. In one move, Derek had me by the neck and pushed up against the wall. I was shocked.

"Listen, faggot. I was trying to be nice, but you are either going to get me off with your mouth or your ass. Which is it going to be?" He spit in my face and I could feel it sliding down toward my mouth. I couldn't believe it. The guy who was stroking my chest and kissing the back of my neck had turned mean. His voice had a hard edge and I knew he was serious.

"Mouth I squeaked out."

"Then get to work." He released my neck and I gasped for air. He kicked back on the bed and I got down between his legs and started licking his dick. I treated it like a lollipop, licking up and down the shaft and getting it really wet.

"That's right, faggot. Feels so fucking good. Now take the heading your mouth and swirl your tongue around the head. Mmmmm. Yeah, just like that" he moaned. I tried my best to do what I'd seen in porn and he was clearly enjoying it.

"Now bob up and down on it and see how much you can get in your mouth. If I feel any teeth, you're going to have to explain to your bro in the morning why your teeth were knocked out." I started going down, further and further, but could only get about half of his massive tool in my mouth.

"Fuck, you're terrible at this, but I am going to train you to be a good cocksucker." Wait, what? He was going to train me? This was not sounding good.

Derek grabbed the back of my head and started pumping his dick down my throat. I was gagging and choking but he didn't care.

"Oh fuck. I love hearing you gag on my cock, man." With that he pushed it in almost to the hilt and just held it there. I couldn't breathe and was starting to panic. Finally he pulled out so I could catch my breath. For the next five minutes he pumped his dick into my throat. I was crying, snot was coming out of my nose and drool was everywhere. My throat felt raw and my jaw was starting to ache.

Just when I thought I couldn't take anymore, he picked up his pace and all of a sudden thick ropes of cum were going down my throat. I couldn't keep up and cum was coming out of my mouth and dripped onto Derek's stomach. He guided my tongue to the cum and told me to clean it up. I didn't need to be told twice.

I was still crying and Derek just slapped me. Not too hard, but enough to get my attention.

"Stop crying faggot. You loved every minute of it. You even shot your load while I was raping your throat." Fuck. He was right. My shorts were a mess. I didn't even realize I had shot a load.

"Clean yourself up and get some sleep. We are going to have a lot of fun in the next few weekends while your dad is out of town. You breathe a word of this to your brother and I'm going to tell him that you begged me for it. Who do you think he is going to believe?" He got up and left.

I knew he was right. Deep down Charlie hated me and would believe Derek. And the truth is, I did love every minute of it and wanted more. I cleaned myself up and cried myself to sleep.

That's the end of part I. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for subsequent chapters. And don't forget to donate to nifty. Thanks guys.

Next: Chapter 2

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