Breeding Boys


Published on Nov 30, 2015



The doctor walked to the door, checking the name on the door with the one on his clipboard: Patrick. Opening the door, he entered Patrick's room, which was just large enough for Patrick to be comfortable. Inside was a bed, which Patrick, clothed only in a tight-fitting restraint that prevented unauthorized release, was laying on, posters of nude females in provocative poses on the walls, a wall-mounted television that transmitted a constant stream of females being bred, specifically customized to Patrick's preferences, magazines of nude females being bred, again carefully selected to suit his tastes, one of which Patrick was looking through as he lay on the bed, and spread across the floor were pheromone-laced panties. When the doctor entered the room, Patrick looked up at the doctor and smiled. Patrick, age 15 in human years, had been in the breeding program since he was 12, when he was first able to release, and was one of the most demanded studs. Having been in the program this long, he was familiar with the routine, and was thrilled to see the doctor enter, knowing that it was time for him to breed. He sat up, the portion of the restraint surrounding his penis sticking straight up, erect, and waited for the doctor to release him from the device.

"Well someone is happy to see me," the doctor said, seeing Patrick's enthusiasm. Patrick just smiled at the doctor, his legs over the edge of his bed, waiting.

The doctor walked over to Patrick, tousled his light brown hair, which Patrick seemed to appreciate, and took a key from his lab coat pocket. Patrick immediately stared at the key, his eyes transfixed to it as the doctor got on his knees between Patrick's legs and inserted the key into the restraint, unlocking it. The doctor removed the restraint, which hung off Patrick's hips and had two separate compartments, one cylindrical, which contained his penis, and the other, spherical, for his precious and valuable testicles. To accommodate the varying, though nearly constantly erect, state of the boys' penises during the day, the cylindrical compartment is in a fixed, erect position. When the boys are let out of their rooms, to either relieve themselves, under careful supervision to prevent the boys using the momentary freedom from the restraint to release themselves, or during meal times when the boys are brought together to eat, hormonal supplements added to their food, it appears that the boys have constant erections, though it may well be that they are always erect inside the device.

Now free from the restraint, Patrick's penis, erect, throbbed between Patrick's legs, just in front of the doctor's face. Preseminal fluid made the tip of Patrick's penis, his head snugly covered by his foreskin, glisten under the artificial lighting in the room. Placing his clipboard down, the doctor lightly grasped Patrick's penis, the contact making Patrick moan, his penis pulsating in the doctor's hand, increasing the amount of preseminal fluid collected on the tip. The doctor slowly lowered his clutched hand towards the base of Patrick's penis, his hand nestled in the aesthetically groomed patch of brown hair, which made the tight foreskin delicately retract and glide across Patrick's extremely sensitive head, smooth and moist from its protective sheath. Patrick again moaned as the doctor slowly moved his hand up and down Patrick's length, examining it as he felt the pulsating firmness in his hand, the smooth, gliding motion of the foreskin as it sensually slid over Patrick's head, each stroke making Patrick moan louder. Satisfied, the doctor fully retracted the foreskin, exposing the sensitive, pink flesh, the doctor's hand loosely holding Patrick's penis at the base, his thumb and forefinger interlaced with Patrick's hair, and leaning forward, the doctor carefully lapped the preseminal fluid from the tip with his tongue, tasting it.

The contact made Patrick instinctually thrust forward, the doctor using his other hand to hold him steady. The doctor continued to use his tongue to stimulate Patrick, moistening his head with his saliva, Patrick moaning and bucking under the doctor's hands. The doctor continued this, taking mental notes of Patrick's response, until he was certain Patrick was ready. Placing his lips against Patrick's premoistened tip, the doctor pursed his lips together tightly, preparing Patrick for the tightness he will experience once breeding, and pressed firmly, letting Patrick's tip separate his lips and penetrate him. Once the tip broke the seal, the rest of Patrick's head soon forced the lips further apart, the doctor's wet, tight lips pressing firmly around the sensitive glans, his tongue caressing the delicate strand of nerves on the underside. Once Patrick's head was completely inside his wet, warm mouth, the doctor released his hold of Patrick and allowed Patrick control. Patrick immediately placed his hands around the doctor's head, pulling the doctor down on to his penis and he, with a loud grunt, thrust his hips, making the doctor's face slam into his crotch, completely penetrating him, the doctor's lips pressing against his hair. Patrick immediately started thrusting into the doctor's mouth, moving the doctor's head in sync with his thrusts, moaning and grunting each time he felt his tip hit the back of the doctor's throat, the doctor's mouth tight and wet around his length. Having not released since last week, it did not take long for Patrick to begin to feel the familiar sensation in his testicles, his penis beginning to pulsate at it rapidly penetrated the doctor's mouth. With a loud grunt, Patrick powerfully thrust into the doctor's mouth, holding the doctor's head tightly against his body, as he felt his seed travel through his penis. Patrick moaned loudly as his first load was released, his body twitching as another surge of sensations coursed through his body, his hips jerking forward with each spasm. Filling the doctor's mouth, Patrick's penis gradually stopped throbbing as each shot lessened, soon leaving his penis to slowly return to its original state engulfed in his own hot seed.

The doctor released Patrick's half-erect penis from his mouth, tasting his seed, scrutinizing the taste, texture, and viscosity of it before swallowing. Standing up, he picked up his clipboard, jotting down notes on Patrick's performance, response, and most importantly, his release. Finishing his notes, the doctor looked down at Patrick, his breathing starting to return to normal, his wet, half-erect penis bobbing between his legs.

"Stand up."

Patrick followed the doctor's instructions and stood in front of him. The doctor again got on his knees as he took Patrick's penis in his mouth, cleaning it thoroughly of the remaining seed that was left on it. Patrick, knowing from experience that the oral stimulation was for cleaning purposes and not to release, did not take hold of the doctor's head as before, but nevertheless enjoyed the sensation as his penis became erect again in the doctor's mouth, which he knew was necessary for the next step of the breeding process. No longer tasting Patrick's seed, the doctor released Patrick's penis from his mouth and stood up, seeing Patrick's erection jutting straight out from his hair, satisfied.

The doctor put his arm around Patrick's bare shoulders, leading him out of the room as they walked down the hall to the breeding room, Patrick's wet, glistening erection bobbing up and down as he walked completely naked beside the doctor. Once they stood before the door to the breeding room, Patrick smiled, knowing what was behind the door. The breeding room was substantially larger than Patrick's own room, having rows of devices and supplies to aid in the breeding process. Most boys have their seed collected by various devices such as masturbators, oral simulators, and artificial females that allow them to breed naturally, the younger, less experienced boys given the masturbators and the older, more experienced boys the artificial females. In Patrick's case however, as his seed is so in demand, when not directly breeding a female in heat by penetrating her, his preferred method of breeding, he is given one of the bitch-boys to breed. The boys in the breeding program are separated into two groups, the studs and the bitches. All boys, including Patrick, are placed in the bitch group when they are about 11 or 12 years old, and are used to allow top studs such as Patrick to breed naturally when there is no female present. But in Patrick's case, however, he was placed with the studs after about six months in the bitch group, where he has been ever since.

The bitch, on his hands and knees in the middle of the room, equally as naked as Patrick, is one that Patrick has bred many times before. Alex, 13, is one of the older boys in the bitch group. When it was discussed whether or not Alex should be moved with the studs, it was decided that Alex should remain with the bitches as Alex appeared to be more eager to be bred than to breed. Alex's body, like all bitches', was completely hairless, designating his role as a bitch. For the younger boys who have just started growing hair, it is shaved until the boy becomes a stud, should he become one. For older bitches like Alex, his hair is chemically removed as it is easier than the frequent shaving it would require for him to be completely bare. When a boy becomes a stud, his hair is allowed to grow, properly groomed and maintained by assistants of the breeding program, for prospective breeders who prefer virile, fertile studs. Patrick's erection started throbbing as he saw Alex on the floor, waiting for him. The doctor placed his clipboard down on the table near the door, where he will examine the breeding, and walked over to one of the cabinets. The cabinet was filled with vials of pheromones and other stimuli for the studs and looking through the numerous liquids and scents, he picked one that he knew would tremendously arouse Patrick, labeled: FEMALE IN HEAT.

Taking the vial from the cabinet, the doctor closed the cabinet and returned to his desk, opening a drawer and taking out a collection reservoir and unscented lubricant. In all the devices used to collect the boys' seed, at the end of the penile insert is a small container to collect his seed. The artificial female, having two openings that the boys can freely use at their preference, representing a mouth and a vagina, has two inserts and reservoirs. When top studs like Patrick breed with a bitch in heat, no collection is needed as he is breeding by penetrating the female directly, but when breeding with another boy, an internal reservoir is used, inserted into the bitch and retrieved immediately after the stud releases. The doctor walked over to Alex, his hole exposed, ready to be bred. Removing a sterile glove from his coat pocket, the doctor placed one of his hands inside. Using the lubricant, he spread it around Alex's hole and his fingers, and inserting two fingers, which Alex accepted without resistance, confirmed that another reservoir had not already been inserted. Removing his fingers, the doctor applied the lubricant to the exterior of the reservoir and pressed it against Alex's hole, which spread to accommodate the size as it slowly entered him. The doctor continued pushing the reservoir deeper inside Alex, finger-deep. As the reservoir collects the stud's seed when he releases, it is positioned at the end of the stud's penis, at the tip. To accurately place the reservoir to the correct depth, it is inserted finger-deep into the bitch, and when the stud begins breeding, it is pushed deeper inside based on the length of the stud's penis as the stud penetrates him, going as far deep as the tip, the perfect depth for collecting. Trained studs, especially one as experienced as Patrick, know to thrust as deeply as they can as they are about to release, ensuring the reservoir collects the maximum amount of their seed. Once the doctor removed his fingers from Alex, ensuring that the reservoir was properly inserted, he took off his glove and opened the vial of female pheromones, which according to the label, was collected from the same female that Patrick bred the previous week. He poured the liquid onto his fingers, which he used to spread around Alex's hole and rear, generously coating him with the scent, before placing the vial in his pocket. Reservoir inserted and pheromone applied, the doctor returned to Patrick, who was anxiously waiting to breed, and placed his fingers, still covered with the liquid scent of the previous week's female, under Patrick's nose.

The instant Alex smelled the doctor's fingers, he grabbed the doctor's hand, pressing the fingers firmly against his nose, taking deep whiffs of the pheromone as his hips started thrusting the air. Patrick proceeded to lick the fluid off the fingers, running his tongue along the length of the fingers, sucking both of them as he started moaning, his penis bobbing up and down as he furiously penetrated the air. His mouth tightened around the finger, sucking hard, similar to how he sucks the nipples of the females he is breeding, as if sucking the fingers would result in the release of more of the intoxicating fluid. Using his other hand to release his fingers from Patrick's grasp, the doctor pointed towards Alex, who was still in position to be bred. Patrick immediately ran over to Alex, getting on his knees behind him. As he smelled the pheromone around Alex's hole, Patrick immediately leaned forward, using his elbows to prop his body up, and placed his face to Alex's rear end. Taking long, deep breaths, he spread Alex's mounds further apart, giving him more room and better access to the scent-soaked hole. Patrick started lapping at Alex's hole, savoring the taste of the female fluid, moving his tongue around the entirety of Alex's rear. Seeing Patrick on his elbows and knees, his penis twitching between his legs as Patrick resumed his thrusting, the doctor picked up his clipboard and started taking notes. Patrick again returned to Alex's hole, moaning as his tongue tasted Alex's pheromone soaked hole, which started to tighten as Patrick's tongue pressed against it, trying to penetrate him.

No longer tasting the stimulating fluid, Patrick used Alex's body to prop himself up, still on his knees, and with one hand on his throbbing erection, he pressed his tip against the wet hole, grunting as he pressed forward, his head penetrating the tight hole, and slowly inserted himself deeper inside as his head pressed the reservoir deeper as well. Once completely inside Alex's tight, hot hole, his hair pressed firmly against Alex's rear, reservoir in position, Patrick wasted no time in properly breeding him. Patrick started moaning as he furiously thrust in and out of Alex, his hips rocking back and forth as his penis slid smoothly inside Alex's hole. Taking a tight hold of Alex's hips, Patrick started pulling Alex's body to him, penetrating him as deeply as he could. The sound of Patrick's body slamming into Alex's filled the room along with the moans and grunts from the boys. Patrick continued thrusting into him, only stopping momentarily to change position. Still holding Alex's hips tightly, Patrick changed to a squatting position, balancing himself on the balls of his feet, and resumed breeding, his thrusts harder and faster than before. Patrick's moans also intensified as he bred Alex in this new position, which the doctor immediately noted. Patrick's moans were combined with shallow, rapid breaths as he continued breeding Alex, eyes closed and head angled towards the ceiling, mouth agape as he freely moaned. Another quick change in position, returning to the original position on his knees, but now leaning his chest on Alex's bare back, Patrick's arms moving from around Alex's hips to between his arms, his hands gripping Alex's shoulders from underneath, Patrick was thrusting rapidly into Alex, the sound of his large, valuable testicles making contact with Alex's, and started moaning in a higher tone than before, which the doctor knew from experience meant that Patrick would be releasing soon. Patrick started howling as he slammed into Alex's hole, Patrick's rear muscles flexing as he furiously penetrated Alex, the muscles in his legs tightening with each thrust. After several more rapid thrusts, Patrick grunted loudly and rammed his penis hard and deep into Alex's hole, moaning as he started releasing his fresh seed deep inside Alex. With each spurt, Patrick quickly withdrew his hips before thrusting again hard, ensuring his release was directly deposited into the reservoir.

As Patrick continued releasing inside Alex, the doctor stood up, leaving his clipboard on the desk, and walked towards the boys to collect the sample. As Patrick was still releasing by the time he arrived, the doctor got to his knees to examine the penetration, watching as Patrick slammed hard into Alex with each spurt. Placing his hand on Patrick's bare, muscular rear, the doctor pressed forward as Patrick released more of his seed, satisfied as Patrick was already as deep as he could be. After Patrick stopped thrusting, he lay on top of Alex's back for a minute, catching his breath. He carefully lifted himself up, keeping his hips pressed tightly against Alex's rear, the doctor also pressing Patrick's rear to maintain the seal. Once Patrick was upright, his hands again on Alex's hips, he, with the doctor's assistance, slowly pulled out of Alex's hole, his half-erect penis sliding out of the tight ring. Once Patrick moved aside, Alex instinctively lowered his torso to the ground, angling his rear upward so Patrick's seed would not spill out of the reservoir. His hand inside another glove, the doctor inserted two fingers inside Alex, the hole looser than when he inserted the reservoir, and finding the catch, he slowly pulled the reservoir out, careful to not spill a drop of Patrick's valuable seed. The seed secured, the doctor walked back to the desk and made additional notes on the clipboard, applying a label to the reservoir. He walked over to the door and rang a buzzer. Another doctor, dressed identically as the doctor, entered the room and took the reservoir, walked over to Alex, and removed him from the room, taking the hairless boy, his own erection bobbing as he walked, back to his own room.

The doctor returned his attention to Patrick, the two of them alone in the room. Patrick sat on the floor where he had just bred Alex, his erection returned. With the stimuli the studs are provided and the hormonal supplements in their food, the boys are able to have erections soon after releasing, ensuring the maximum amount of seed able to be collected. Patrick, one of the most valuable studs, averages three or four releases an hour, including time for breeding. During peak season, when his seed is most in demand, he is released up to five times an hour, every other hour, for a week, giving over twenty releases a day, stopping only when he is unable to release useable seed. The first release of the day is the most valuable, having the entire night to rest, producing the largest and most fertile release, each sequential release worth about half of the previous release. When he breeds with a female, the most lucrative of the services Patrick provides, and Patrick's favorite, he typically breeds with ten females a day, releasing inside them multiple times to ensure fertilization. The doctor looked at the clock, checking the time, and saw from Patrick's enthusiasm, as well as the erection between his legs, that he was able to provide another release before he would take a break.

The doctor walked back to the door and rang the buzzer again, requesting a monitor and breeding table. A minute later, the other doctor, the one who took the reservoir and Alex, returned with a television monitor and a large, foldable table. The breeding table was a portable table that was used to allow the stud to breed with his bitch, or in this case, his artificial female. The two doctors set up the breeding table next to the table that was already in the room, placed the monitor on the table. Once completed, the second doctor left, leaving the doctor and Patrick alone again. The doctor turned on the monitor and accessed the program's files, finding the recording of Patrick breeding the female from the previous week. For liability purposes, the program records the breeding of their studs with a breeder's female, which they store a copy of on their mainframe. Turning the volume up, the doctor watched as the sounds of Patrick breeding the female, both of their moans filling the room, immediately captured Patrick's attention, erection bobbing as he ran to the monitor to see the video. While Patrick was engrossed in the video, the doctor walked over to the rack of collection devices, picking up one of the artificial females, checking that a clean reservoir was in place, and brought it over to Patrick, tossing it on top of the breeding table. Patrick immediately got on top of the breeding table, which was level with the table the monitor stood on, and took hold of the artificial female, mounting it, laid it on its back, its large, erect nipples protruding from the artificial breasts, and immediately inserted his erect penis inside the vaginal simulator. As he lay on top of the artificial female, his bare, muscular chest on top of the artificial female's breasts, he turned his head over to the monitor, which the doctor repositioned so Patrick could watch himself breed the female while reenacting it with the artificial female.

Eyes transfixed to the monitor, Patrick watched as his body thrust hard and fast into the female, his hips rocking back and forth as he and he female moaned. Patrick mimicked his movements on the monitor with the artificial female, thrusting in sync with his recorded thrusting. The doctor watched as Patrick watched himself, seeing his rear rise and fall rapidly, his muscles flexing with each thrust into the artificial female, knowing Patrick was reliving his experience with the actual female. After several minutes of non-stop thrusting into the artificial female, Patrick propped himself up on the breeding table, deviating from the recording, which he continued to watch as he continued to breed the artificial female. Using one arm to hold his weight, Patrick started fondling the artificial female's breasts, squeezing them, pinching the erect nipple, his eyes switching between the artificial female and the recording, his thrusting still in sync with the monitor's. He leaned down, taking the artificial female's nipple in his mouth, sucking it, moaning as he nibbled on it, his eyes locked on to the screen. Hearing the moaning of the female in the recording, the doctor walked to the side of the breeding table, next to Patrick as he rapidly thrust his penis into the vaginal simulator, moved the artificial female's leg to check Patrick's penetration, seeing him thrust to the base of his penis, Patrick's head looking in the other direction, enthralled by the activity on the monitor. The doctor flipped a switch on the artificial female, activating the vaginal contractions. The sudden moan from Patrick confirmed that they were activated. Inside the vaginal simulator, the medium acting as the vaginal walls, started expanding and contracting around Patrick's penis as he thrust in and out, tightly squeezing his penis, milking him as he thrust even faster, his moans matching the moans from the monitor. Patrick laid back on top of the artificial female, placing his arms under its shoulders, gripping them tightly as he thrust furiously into the artificial female, the vaginal contractions gripping his penis as he slammed his hips into it. His moans quickly grew louder, more shallow, his voice higher as he approached his release. With a well-trained, hard thrust, he released deep inside the artificial female, into the reservoir, howling as the vaginal contractions continued around his penis, milking his seed as he thrust deep with each squirt, his body jerking with each spasm.

Patrick's release completed, his naked body, glistening with sweat, flat atop the artificial female, motionless, his face now towards the doctor, the doctor moved to deactivate the vaginal contractions, but was stopped by a low growl from Patrick. The doctor watched as Patrick's rear began to flex and his hips start to move slowly. Surprised, the doctor looked back down at Patrick, whose eyes were closed and face filled with pleasure as he slowly resumed his breeding of the artificial female, his thrusts gradually increasing in speed and force. The doctor let Patrick continue his breeding, knowing that the reservoir inside the artificial female would be able to hold two of Patrick's releases, and went around the breeding table to note this down on his clipboard. Patrick continued this for several minutes, eyes closed the entire time as only his rear and hips moved, thrusting deep inside the artificial female, the vaginal contractions still activated. Eventually, Patrick started grunting, and soon, with another powerful thrust, he released again inside the artificial female, his fourth release of the hour. The doctor moved to turn off the vaginal contractions, and this time Patrick did not protest. Helping Patrick up, the boy apparently exhausted from the final release, the doctor wrapped his arm around Patrick's bare torso, lifting him up. He carefully withdrew the boy's now-flaccid penis from within the artificial female to preserve the two releases inside. Moving the artificial female off the breeding table by its feet, the doctor gently laid Patrick on the breeding table, the boy's body limp. The doctor removed the reservoir from the vaginal simulator, noting the large amount of Patrick's seed, and buzzed the other doctor for processing. Certain that Patrick would have difficulties standing up and walking back to his room, the doctor carefully lifted Patrick up, carrying the naked boy to his room. Placing Patrick on his bed, the doctor took hold of Patrick's penis and testicles, placing them in their correct compartment, and locked the restraint. He picked up a pair of pheromone-laced panties that were laying on the floor, smelled them to check that they were still effective, and tossed them next to Patrick's head, knowing that the smell in the closed room for the next hour or two will reinvigorate him, making him ready and eager for the next round of breeding.

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