Breeding Bitches

Published on Feb 23, 2022


Breeding Bitches Chapter 6

If you don't like or are offended by taboo and D/s subjects - move on. This story is MOSTLY fiction, although there are definite elements that have happened in my life, at least. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone else dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

No condoms were hurt during the making of this story. Seriously though, it is assumed all characters are on PrEP, and I although I do not judge whether the readers practice safe sex or not – no one else's place to judge but your own – but I do hope that you are sensible and take precautions regarding the spread of diseases. Please stay safe, and remember that your body is your own temple. Treat it as such. I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. Email me at

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Thanks, P. *insert favorite heart emoji*

Pete, 25, 6', black hair and green eyes. Swimmer's build, Gym-honed, lightly hairy body with a well-developed and toned chest and arms, much larger than average and naturally smooth bubble butt.

Etienne, 17, 5'8", blond hair and blue eyes. Twink, toned, slightly muscular. Very little body hair, bubble butt that rivals Pete's. Surprisingly large and thick 7" cock.

Brandon, Age undeterminable (looks late teens/early 20s, but something about him seems far older), 6'1", brown hair with natural blond accents. Twunk-ish, muscular build. Truly, terrifyingly, massive cock.

Mark, 28, 6'2", brown hair and eyes. Gym built body, but not overly muscular. Some hair on chest, moderate hair over the rest of his body. Nice pert butt, 6" and relatively thick cock.

Breeding Bitches, Chapter Six


Waking up, looking around the room while I was coming to and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, my brain finally kicked in and a smile grew on my face. I was at Trent's, but he was already gone for the day. The alarm clock on the nightstand said it was 6 am, and I lazily stretched on the bed for a few minutes. I couldn't believe how incredible this gig had been...getting to be a personal trainer for a new and up-coming porn star, meeting celebrities, being wined and dined by very influential men in the entertainment – and adult entertainment – industry. And, of course, getting my pussy railed on a regular basis by some incredibly hot men. Even some of the `bottoms' of the industry, like Devin. God, he had a massive cock. And was an amazing `Switch', he could go from sub to Dom at the drop of a hat. He liked his bottoms in chastity a little too much for my tastes, however. Trent however...well, the only annoying thing (to me) that he wanted was the sheer g strings and thigh high stockings he liked me to wear. But, he's Bi, so I guess I can kinda see it? Didn't really matter. His dick was fantastic. Not super massive (but definitely big), and curved just right, so when I was on my back it was constantly nailing my p spot. And he could go for hours. This sex is mind boggling. I never, not once, ever thought I would be experiencing this in life. I had cum leaking out my puss 24/7, had more `protein drinks' than I could ever need, some fabulous jewelry, some great additions to my wardrobe (which, with all the seed flowing out my cunt, I needed it), been invited or taken to some incredible parties...ah. Life is good. I even got to meet Chris Evans – calm your tits, not gay. Although, I got the distinct impression that he woulda taken me for a test drive, if the time and circumstances were right. Beautiful human being, nonetheless.

I was laying there lazily on the bed, thinking about all this, and my thoughts shifted back to Pete. I wonder how he was doing. I knew what Matt, Kevin and Brandon had planned for him. I actually felt sorry for the poor kid. Not sorry enough to regret fucking him...god that ass was perfect. And, to be quite honest, I'm pretty certain he really enjoyed that...I mean, he did fight and try to throw me off him, but after a few minutes he quit and laid there while I was fucking him, even going along with it a little bit. When we met, I suspected that the whole `exclusive top, all man' bravado was him just subconsciously covering for a desperate need to get fully bitched by real Men. I'll have to call Brandon Sir and see if he would be willing to give me an update. I really did care for Pete. I grew to respect him as a person. The sex was ok, not great (his dick really wasn't big enough for it to be even `good', to be frank, but he did have a way of fucking that hits the button...shame he wasn't hung), but that was only part of the relationship we had developed. Deep down, he really was a caring, considerate person. He actually cared what you wanted...where you wanted to go for dinner, if you wanted to go out or just snuggle and watch a movie, take a walk in one of SF's glorious parks – JUST to be with you. I know our relationship had changed. And that really was for the best. We weren't destined to be boyfriends in the traditional sense.

Actually...the way Trent was putting the moves on me...I was kinda wondering what was truly going on here. I might have to be looking at relocating. I don't know though...I would really LOVE to find a husband. And maybe a few weeks of fucking, wining and dining, and a collar of sorts isn't quite what constitutes as an engagement proposal, but I felt like Trent was acting a little too attached for this to be nothing more than casual sex.

I had already been here for six weeks, and had a minimum of 3 more to go (Marshal, the kid I was training, was doing great with his diet – he actually embraced what I had planned for him – but he was pretty lazy with the workout regimen, so I had a bit more fighting to be done there and had to finally figure out what would properly motivate him to sculpt his body – and keep it sculpted - to be an A lister). I'll have to call one of the Sirs anyway to make certain that there were no problems with my bills there last month, so maybe I will ask how Pete is doing.

I got up from the bed, grabbed my phone, and padded out onto the balcony (nude...I had long given up wearing clothes at Trent's place...they would be ripped to shreds as soon as he got home and was horny anyway), and dialed Matt. No answer, so I tried Kevin. No answer there either. So, I had to call Brandon...I hated doing it. Something about him always made me feel like I didn't want to bother him, remind him of my existence. But I couldn't get around it. The phone ringed 3 times, and just when I was about to hang up, he answered.

"Hello Mark."

"Hello Sir. How are you?"

"I am doing well slut, thank you for asking. Is there a reason you're calling?"

"Yes Sir. I just wanted to make sure that everything was fine with my bills there. I don't want to lose my flat or have my power shut off, and I haven't heard from anyone."

"Everything is fine. Your rent is current, as are all of your other bills that you don't pay online. You don't need to worry about that, just keep doing a good job in LA."

"Yes Sir. Um...I was also wondering..."

"Yes, about Pete. He's progressing nicely. Fought us a little bit, took a few weeks to really get him under control. But he's doing well, and even seems a bit...happier."

"Great Sir. I'm glad to hear that."

"He's also ended up with a new boyfriend of sorts..." My heart sunk, just a tiny fraction. "...but that relationship dynamic is odd. I'm allowing it, however. If he's happy, it makes my job that much easier, and the kid is impressively pretty, understands their and MY place in the order of things, so I have no intentions of stopping it from developing." I wonder what he meant about an odd dynamic? Guess I'll just have to wait and see. "We will all be glad to have you back when you're done there...assuming you didn't go get yourself collared already."

"Not in the traditional sense Sir. Trent did give me a collar, but I get the impression it's more of a thing for while I'm here. I don't really know, I'll just have to wait and see, I'll bring it up when I'm about a week away from being done with Marshal's training."

"That is going well, I noticed. His videos so far and pictures...he's coming along nicely. Remember, he's a top, so keep his ass firm but don't go crazy with getting that too much bigger. Make sure the routines emphasize the front, especially that beautiful v leading to that nice cock he has. Just keep his starring roles in mind."

"Yes Sir. I have been. He's a bit lazy on the workouts, but he really adapted well to the diet I placed him on."

"I'll see if there's something I can do about motivating him to keep up with the workout routines then, but it is ultimately your job, so keep working at it."

"Yes Sir. Thank you Sir."

"Good boy. Anything else?"

"No Sir."

"You are dismissed." And he hung up.

I had been sweating while talking to him...that kid...ok, well, his demeanor was definitely MAN, but honestly if he were in a bar hitting on me, I would have carded him before even saying `hi'. Anyway, that kid just has this ability to make me nervous. I walked back inside, used my shirt from last night to towel off, and decided it was time to get busy with today's program for Marshal.


On the following Monday after my debasement, Brandon came to pick up Etienne and go get him outfitted around 10am. This gave us plenty of time to cuddle and chat, and some time for him to show me how to douche properly. That was certainly interesting. It felt good, I have to admit. Even the full feeling was erotic. This was accompanied by more `daddy/son' banter, I think both of us getting a feel for how this dynamic that was attractive to us was going to proceed. I had never personally heard of a sub-daddy/Dom-Son relationship before, even though I had used a fair number of older subs before that fit the bill of `silver daddy'.

The real interesting part, however, was that we were able to just talk to each other without having to `turn off' (so to speak) that dynamic. It was like it was just naturally progressing, a part of our new and budding relationship. I realized that I did feel deeply for Etienne already. I hoped I wasn't alone in that. But I didn't want to push (and given our dynamic, it wasn't necessarily my place to push anyway), so I just decided to let him mostly take the reins. He wasn't overly dominant, not like Brandon, Kevin or Matt, requiring a `Sir' almost every time I spoke to them. He just seemed to prefer the role of `teacher' between us. But, deciding not to read too much into his demeanor so far, I just went with the flow.

Brandon told me to get over to Matt and Kevin's by noon; that Matt wanted me for a half hour or so, but after I had to go into my employer and give my two-week notice. I would then have to contact my property management and give my notice with them as well, then return home and start preparing to move.

Upon arriving at Matt and Kevin's, I stripped and waited for him in the foyer. After a minute, he came walking down the hall, a somewhat pissed look on his face. I stood there trembling as he quickly approached me, grabbed me by the hair, spun me around, pulled the thong strap aside, and brutally rammed his cock up my pussy with one shove.

"No words, dickbreath. Just take it. Moan and whimper and cry all you want, but otherwise I don't want to hear a peep out of you. You're here to service me today, and that's it." He spat the words at me. It was almost hateful, like he despised me for even being there.

My ass was burning from the sudden invasion of his massive cock. And I did whimper and cry at first, but soon was moaning like a whore. I was careful not to talk however, he made it very clear he didn't want that. I started leaking precum into my thong pouch, dick still useless, locked up and mostly flaccid. I'm glad I chose a microfiber thong today, or I would be licking up a pool of pre off the granite foyer floor after he was done fucking, of that I'm sure. The pouch was getting pretty soggy.

"Look at you. A `top'. That's a fucking laugh and a half." He started speaking, well into the fuck. "You're...a...little...pathetic...moaning...bottom...whore..." He was punctuating each word with a brutal slam into my ass. Then he picked up his pace. I could tell he was getting close, his battering was becoming slightly erratic, he was cursing and swearing at me more.

For my part, I think I did a pretty good job. Tears were running down my face, but only partly because of the sheer ferocity of the hate fuck Matt was giving me, mostly because of the vehement filth that was flying out of his mouth, directed at me. I really think he does hate me, hate what I've been turned into. It made me feel lower than low. But I still stood there with splayed legs, and took the violent pounding he was giving my pussy and abusive trash talk he was spewing. I may have cried, but I didn't flinch away from him. I just took it.

Growling loudly, he finally bit my neck hard and announced "Take it! Take it, you slimy bitch. Take that load!" As he slammed in, one more time harshly, then yanked his cock out. "Keep that fucking load in you, slut, and turn around and clean off my cock" He spun me around, shoved his dick in my mouth. I could taste myself – thank god Etienne had went through a full douche with me this morning, I thought – and his cum on his massive dong. I dutifully, with a tear streaked face, cleaned him up.

"Now get your clothes on and get the fuck out, you worthless cunt. I have work to do."

I did as ordered, and got the hell out of there. Driving home and trying to wipe up my face, I realized I really didn't like Matt. Kevin was degrading, but at least somewhat `caring'. Matt however...He was just fucking mean. It was like there was something about me he just couldn't stand, and for the life of me, I couldn't imagine what it was. Did my odor offend him? My looks? My demeanor? No, I don't think it was that. When he was verbally assaulting me, it was directed solely at my existence – at the simple fact that I was alive. I'll have to talk to Etienne about this. I don't know how to handle it.

I got home, gave my ass a bit of a wipe down, tried to clean up my face as well as I could and brushed my teeth again, put the plug back in, cleaned up whatever pre was still wet on my caged dick, put my thong back on and got dressed. I picked out the most conservative (which really wasn't...the shirts were pretty much as close to sheer as possible, I could see my nips through them, and the slacks were only slightly less...if I looked, I could easily make out the black thong and even a bit of the pink cage under it...maybe that was just because I knew it was there, I don't know) outfit I could and got dressed. I had plenty to do today, and didn't want to waste time. I also grabbed what consisted of my workout clothes now – low slung tank, sheer running shorts and trainers, thank god I belonged to a gay gym – was going to need to do a good workout after the workout Matt gave me. It might have been a hate fuck, but it left me insanely horny. Not being able to jack off was starting to take its toll, and I would have to ask Etienne how he deals with it. But, maybe a good hour session at the gym will cut back on some of my horniness...I hope.

Work wasn't a big deal. Turns out they were downsizing anyway, so my boss told me unless I had to have the hours, we could just finalize the employment right then. He had me come back in an hour to pick up my final paycheck, and I was done. I was actually relieved. That was nice because I could actually make my own hours, so long as I kept on it to make sure clients were happy...but there were times when it was just a massive pain in the ass, where the client would decide they didn't want or weren't able to sell a specific product and want to return the unsold units, or other little issues that would pop up with a fair number of clients on a weekly basis. So, it was a wash.

My property management...I was very happy they said I could move out when I needed to. All I had to do was have the place cleaned and inspected, make sure that all the furniture was still there (it came pre-furnished), nothing was broken, etc. So, when I got home, I called Brandon to tell him all the news. He answered, but told me to start packing and that he and Etienne would be home within an hour. They had apparently finished at the tailor and went to have lunch then stopped at a local bathhouse where Brandon had fucked Etienne in front of a large crowd of guys. This was good news to me. Brandon seemed to be enjoying Etienne's particular charms. The boy was as sweet as he was sexy, so I wasn't surprised, but I was a tad worried that Etienne's ass would be sore. I had planned to ask him if he would let me use the strap-on on him tonight. But one thing at a time.

I was packing when they showed up, both smiles and giggles, like nothing else besides two horny teens. Brandon stopped, looked around at the boxes I had already taped up, and appeared to be pleased with that, as Etienne was disrobing.

"It looks like you've got quite a bit accomplished already Peter." He said, looking at me.

"Yes Sir. I'm not sure where I'm going, but you did say you wanted this all completed ASAP, and the property management company said I could move out at my own leisure. Only thing is I will have to have an inspection before I go."

"How much of" His mouth turned up in a sneer saying that. I know it was low rent, so I didn't take offense. Not that it would have mattered anyway. " yours?"

"None of it is. This was all pre-furnished actually, so it's really just the small stuff."

"You boys are making my life easy with this. I'm pleased."

I smiled at him "Thank you, I'm very happy to hear that!" I said enthusiastically. "If you don't mind me asking Brandon, where are we moving to?" After saying that, I kinda flinched, realizing I said his name and not `Sir'.

He just stared at me for a moment, unreadable, and as I nervously shifted from one foot to the other, he broke out in a big grin. "Just yanking your chain. Look. I don't require you to call me `Sir' with every complete sentence. That's nonsense, and a waste of time. What is vastly more important is your attitude. Be respectful and courteous and deferential. Throw in my title of `Sir' every so often, and we're golden. Now, as to where you're moving..." He paused, glanced at Etienne, then back at me. "You're moving into my house. There are things that you don't know about me. And things you never will. All you need to know is that my `rent's place is actually mine. I currently live there, alone. Anything else, if you have a question ask it, and if I feel you have a need to know, I'll tell you. If not, I'll tell you to mind your faggot business. That will be when you shut up." He said, bluntly. "I'll see to it that you have a couple movers in here, starting tomorrow. You will be staying here until the two days before the inspection. Schedule it for Friday. If they have any problems with that, call me and I'll clear up their problem for them. One way or another, inspection is Friday, and starting Wednesday night, you two will have a permanent residence in my home. Understood?"

"Yes Sir." Both Etienne and I stated.

"Now. How about your work? How did that go?" He asked.

"It went very well also. I had a good discussion with my boss. He said they were in the middle of downsizing anyway. I could have kept the job if I wanted the extra two weeks, but I figured I would need time to prep this place for moving, so we skipped that and finished my employment. I was told to wait an hour for my final check, but he hasn't texted me yet to come pick it up, so I'm still waiting for that."

"How much is the check?"

"About 3200 Sir. Base wages, plus commission for pushing new stuff."

"Good. That goes directly into your savings. Also, you will provide me access to both savings and checking. I have no interest in running your financial affairs for you, but I prefer if I have knowledge and can watch it, if you prove it's necessary for me to do so. Plus, $500 of that will be going into a savings for Etienne, and another $500 will be going into a checking account. Same bank as you," turning to Etienne "and same rules. I will watch, but generally won't interact." Turning back to me, "This will be done by 5pm. If your old employer hasn't given you a check by 3, call me, I'll make sure he picks up the pace. One of my companies does business with him, so it's in his best interest. That's an hour from now, so be mindful of the time. Oh. One more thing. Your Kia. That thing has to go. Make arrangements to sell it. I don't want that on my property. If you have dishes or pots, pans, any of that kind of stuff, just donate it. Personal effects only. Is that all understood, boys?"

"Yes Sir" Once again, Etienne and I said at the same time.

Brandon was turning to leave, when he stopped and stood facing the door for a moment. "Oh, and Peter. I know you're thinking of it. And no, you're not to top Etienne with the strap on. You're not to top. Anything. Ever. Again. You are strictly a bottom now. Get those thoughts out of your head. He can fuck you all he wants with it from today forward, however. Have fun, but get this shit done, boys." With that, he left.

I was glad he wasn't looking. I was as pale as a ghost right then. He knew my thoughts? I couldn't not, to save my life, figure out the deal here. Etienne looked at me, concern on his face.

"You ok Pete? You're pale as hell."

"Umm...yeah, he just caught me by surprise with that last part."

"Well, if he says no, I'm not going to argue. I thoroughly enjoyed last night." He came up and put his arms around me, pulling me in for a kiss. "And I think my daddy has been a naughty little fucker again today. I think he needs a good solid fucking tonight. Right, daddy?"

That shook me out of my head quickly. My little locked dick throbbed. " my son horny for his daddy?"

"Horny for daddy-pussy, you fucking betcha." He sniffed me and added "And it smells like daddy didn't shower after the gym. Bad daddy." He breathed in more of me, I knew he loved it.

"Oh, so daddy's been bad? Mmmm..." I couldn't finish the sentence. He was pawing at my asscheeks, biting my neck. It made me so weak in the knees, I dropped down to the floor. He stood above me, looking hungrily down at me. I shifted my gaze down to his smooth balls and locked dick, and started lapping at them like I hadn't ate in a week. His smell, clean but musky, was making my head spin. I slathered his balls with my tongue, popping them in my mouth and rolling them around, for several minutes. He was moaning above me, caressing my head and face, but all too soon pulled me away.

"Yeah. Daddy's been bad. And now he's teasing his son. Gonna have to pay for that. But later, daddy. You have to wait." He said to me hungrily.

I was out of my mind with lust right then. But I knew he was right. We had packing to do, a check to pick up, and two accounts to open. We got busy, and got a fair amount of packing done by the time my old boss texted me at 2:45, letting me know my check was ready to pick up.

Etienne and I got in my car, went to the distributor, my boss shaking my hand and telling me it was a pleasure to have such a good employee, wished me well on my new job (which was odd, I didn't really mention too much on that before...Brandon must have called, I pieced together). We drove back to the bank, I deposited $2200 and took $1000 in cash, then gave that to Etienne and told the teller we needed to open an account for him. She called someone, asked us to wait, and shortly after a lady came to collect us and took us into her office.

"Well, we are pleased to have a new customer, and thank you Mr. Walsh for bringing him in today. Related?"

Etienne spoke up right away. "Yeah. Daddy wanted me to bank here. I'm just moving to San Francisco, so I needed to get this done, and he said this is a good place."

"Aw. That's so sweet, taking care of your son like that, Mr. Walsh." I must have been 50 shades of red at that point.

"Yeah. Well, he's an amazing kid. Have to take care of them, you know." I fumbled.

Grabbing Etienne's ID and looking at it, she continued. "Well, you certainly don't look old enough to have a 17-year-old son, Mr. Walsh. And happy birthday, young man! Just turned 17! How exciting!" My eyes went large, and I looked at Etienne. As the account manager's face was turned to her screen, he put up his hand, then shook his finger, signaling to me to keep quiet for now. I didn't have much choice but to go with it, although he and I were going to have a talk later. I thought he was 19, and I here he was, JUST turning 17, the little shit.

"Thank you, ma'am! And yeah. I'm lucky to have such a good daddy. He really knows how to help his son. I couldn't be luckier." The last sentence...I literally felt how sincere it was. It was like a tang in the air that I could taste. My heart melted right then, and I decided that maybe he did lie about his age by two years, but I didn't care now. I knew he meant it. Then he continued, I think just to torment me a little bit. "I know this one kid with a bad daddy though. He's very tough to deal with. I just don't know what it is about the guy, but he just can't control himself, you know? You know anyone like that?" His arm snaked over and into my shorts, hidden by the desk, and started prodding at my pussy plug. I started sweating a bit, and stifled a moan as he shifted the plug around in my hole.

"I sure do, hon. My HUSBAND." She laughed.

"Well, you should teach him a few lessons. You're a strong, independent woman! Show him who's boss! That's how you deal with a bad daddy, I keep telling the guy I know this. I think he's gonna do it too. Show his daddy that he's not to be messed with."

Her face turned serious for a minute, in thought. "You know, hon, I might just do that. Like tonight. I've had it with his shit." Her eyebrows went up. "Oops, I apologize for the crude language." If she only knew the whole scope of everything going on in that office, she wouldn't have been apologizing. She would have kicked us out.

There I was, mid 20s, about ready to have a heart attack at the bank. Jesus, this kid is as devious as he is sweet and sexy.

"What do you think about that, daddy? Should my `friend'..." the little shit used air quotes. " his daddy who's boss?" Etienne looked at me, devilish grin on his gorgeous face.

"Um..." I stammered a bit. "...well, yeah, son, I think your friend should..." I just let it go. My mouth was dry and I was stuttering. I was barely keeping it together between the banter and Etienne so publicly fucking me with my butt plug.

"Yeah. I'll do that." He concluded. Thankfully, the account manager either didn't catch on or didn't care. The rest of the process took maybe half an hour, and Etienne had a savings and checking finally. And he finally withdrew his hand from my shorts to sign all the e-documents. We got up, me with a large wet spot on the front of my shorts that I was desperately trying to hide, thanked the nice lady, and left.

I wasn't sure how to approach this, getting in the car. "So..." I started. I felt guilty. Perverted. Like some monster that was trying to twist innocence.

He again held up his hand. "Look. Peter. I'm sorry about lying about my age. It's actually the main reason the manager wouldn't put me up at my old job. Although, he really couldn't afford to either. That wasn't a lie." He said, turning to me, taking my hand and looking me right in the eyes. "You have to understand. I've been out on my own since I was 14 and my parents found the toys and web pages and magazines. I haven't had birthday parties...Christmas...Thanksgiving...none of it. And, I'm very insecure about my age. And I know that you think it was putting you in jeopardy, but I wouldn't ever even think of doing that to you." His grip tightened. "I know it's only been a few weeks since we met, but this isn't fantasy. This is real. You weren't ever in danger. Plus, I WAS on my own. There's no difference about me now versus yesterday." He had a point there. "I'm not giving up on this because you feel funny about it. Our dynamic is real, and it's working for both of us. You can't deny that. I should have told you before we went in the bank, so the one thing I'll apologize for is you finding out this way. But you can't expect me to be sorry about wanting to be around you." Again, he made a valid, and very mature, point. "Besides...the look on your face while I was talking to Lorraine?" Account Manager's name. "Yeah. That was priceless. And it was SO hot to see you squirm from both the mental and physical things I was doing. So, get over it, daddy."

"Yes, son." Only valid response.

"By the way, Brandon has encouraged all of this." He added. Of COURSE Brandon encouraged that.

I leaned over and kissed him. I think he was a little surprised at first, but quickly returned the kiss. One thing, however. "E. If you've been out on your own, working, it had to have been tough. But you need an educa..."

He put his finger on my lips. "I already have my G.E.D. It wasn't easy, but I fought for it and got it earlier this year. And Brandon wants me to enroll in college online next year." I smiled. I should have known better than to question him, he's as smart as he is sexy.

"So, what do you want to do for your birthday? We need to eat, definitely." I asked.

"Yeah. But we have so much work to do." Responsible.

"Ok. Well, how about this. We go back to my apartment, work our asses off till 6, and while we're doing that, we can discuss where to go."

"Great idea. Let's go!"

By the time 6 rolled around, we had a massive amount of stuff packed already. All belongings from the bedroom and living room. I had called the local homeless shelter earlier, and they would be by to pick up my dishes, pots, pans, all the extraneous crap that wouldn't be coming with. Looking at the boxes, then at the trash bags for the other crap that didn't have any value and I didn't need or want to bring along (the trash bags outweighed the boxes, big time), I realized how hollow my life has been, at least up until now. I went to my closet, opened it up. That's stuff that I wouldn't be throwing out. That stuff meant something. It had value. Strange how these things hit you, you know?

Etienne had decided he wanted to go back to the same gay owned pizzeria we went to his first night here. He said he wanted to try some other dishes they had on their menu besides pizza, and felt comfortable there being who we really were. I conceded, wanting to take him to a nicer place, but he had a good point.

Dinner was great, me, after all these years finally trying something other than pizza there, realizing how much I had missed out prior. I was so glad he was there, at that point. He was starting to make a difference in my life. And he was helping me. There was plenty of Daddy/son talk, to which the waiter giggled. He, although it was inappropriate but not unwelcomed, asked if son had to have a spanking today.

"Fuck no. Daddy's the one that gets the spankings at our house, pal."

The waiter's eyes lit up, and as he walked away, we heard an excited "Eeeeee!". Etienne certainly made his night. And when we tried to tip him, he shoved the money back at us, stating loudly that what Etienne said earlier was the best tip he's ever had.

Then Etienne said he thought we needed to go to Powerhouse for a drink. He didn't want booze, but wanted to relax. I was pretty timid about it, but it was his birthday after all, so I agreed. We were greeted with a chorus of "Woo!" and cheers of "Sexy slut's here!". I wanted to melt into the floor, but Etienne just kept pulling me to the bar. He ordered a coke, and told the bartender `daddy needs a good stiff Vodka Cran'. We sat there, sipping our drinks, me fielding questions and comments from various patrons. Honestly, it wasn't as bad as I thought. As a matter of fact, it was almost all positive. A couple guys said slut in a nasty way, but for the most part, the whole bar was rubbing my back and patting my shoulder, telling me it was an excellent performance the other night. I really started to enjoy the attention, although toward the end it was getting a bit too much. We thanked everyone, and Etienne drove us home at 9.

Immediately upon getting in the door, we both disrobed completely, letting our clothes lay in a trail to the bedroom. He pushed me on the bed, raised my legs up over my chest, pulled the plug out and went into the bathroom. I heard some steel clanking. Then, to my utter delight, he came out sporting a massive erection. He had to be 7", pretty thick. I was dumbfounded.


"Brandon and I discussed a lot more than clothing today, daddy. We discussed you. Your needs. My needs. How things were going to develop between us. And we came to a good understanding."

"But...the chastity..."

"I hold my own keys now. With rules, yes, but at times like this, Brandon saw the need for me to keep the keys to my device myself."

"Oh, god, Etienne...get over here and make your daddy happy!"

"Hmm...Maybe. Maybe I should just tease daddy though?" He grinned mischievously. "Maybe daddy doesn't deserve his son's cock tonight."

"Oh, god, son, come on. You know how horny I am! I'm dying here! I can't stand another minute of being in this device!!!" I practically screamed.

"Well, that's unfortunate for you daddy, because that's staying on. I guess if you really don't want your son's cock..." He turned to the bathroom.

"No, no, no! Please, no, E, I need you!" I begged.

"Then no more telling me you can't stand another minute of something that's part of you, daddy. Bad. Very bad daddy." He said, sultry voice cooing the words. He was driving me fucking bananas with his talk.

"Yes son, I promise, no more. I'll do whatever you want. I just need you in me. Please." I said softly, demurely, as seductively as I could. Gone out the window, all those reservations about today's revelations.

"Mmm. Now that's better daddy. Might even say good daddy." He said, walking quickly over to my ass, half hanging of the bed. He had already lubed, and my pussy had been jammed open by the plug all day. But, even so, it hurt a fair bit when he was slowly sliding his rod up into me. Fucking big-dicked twink, goddamn! How hot is that?!? I was gasping, panting and grunting in pain as he slowly but deliberately pushed all the way to the hilt.

"Oh, god, my pussy! It's so full!"

" daddy, full of my cock. Betcha didn't expect this nice pipe on me, did you?"

"No, son, I didn't. It's fucking perfect! Holy shit!" I gasped as he slowly started rocking in and out, opening me a bit more.

All things considered; his cock was the perfect size in my opinion. Thick enough to deliver a constant assault on my prostate. Thick enough to stretch me, but not painfully so. Long enough to really deep dick me. And harder than a fucking brick of steel.

"Yeah, you look so good all stretched out by my big dick, daddy. Gonna keep this fuck going for as long as I can. Going to see if I can fuck you till you pass out, then fuck you awake again."

"Jesus...fucking jesus fucking hell!" His dirty talk was making me a babbling idiot. And his cock drove me wild. It still does, to this day. We haven't lost any steam, AT ALL. If nothing, it's gotten better.

We did fuck for a long time that night. And he was true to his word. Banging into me, with various rhythms, slow, then fast, back to leisurely. I passed out from sheer emotional and physical overload. I don't remember when. At some point while I was comatose, he had pushed me fully onto the bed, so he could pile drive down into me, and that and his sweat dripping down on me is what woke me up again. I had blasted what looked like a ton of precum on my chest, it was so much I thought I had pissed myself. But it didn't smell like pee. His hips, diving down onto my ass, battering me mercilessly. Finally, I couldn't hold back. I warned him. I was scared I would be in trouble, but too far gone and just automatically accepted the consequences.

"Fuck...son..." I said between grunts of being pounded. "...daddy cum...gotta...stop...can't..." I pleaded. It was his decision now.

"You get to cum tonight daddy. I want to fuck it out of you. I want to see you cum because of my cock, fucking your daddy-cunt!" He snarled in my face.

"Can't...ah...oh fuck yeah...oh...SON!!!" And, once again, I was blasting into outer space, handsfree, locked in chastity. It flew everywhere, landing on my face. My left eye had to close because a massive glob had landed there while my package had bounced it up, pointing it at me. The rest painted Etienne's chest and my splayed-out legs. I was going nuts, swooping my head up and sucking on his nipple where some cum had landed. I nibbled as he kept battering into me. Pulling all the way out, then smashing back in, each stroke.

Finally, not too long after I blew, he was cursing and swearing at me, really giving it everything he had.

"Yeah, daddy! Gonna breed that hot daddy pussy! Yeah you fucking SLUT! Feel that? Yeah! Breeding you, my daddy bitch!" He looked like he wanted to devour me, growling and snarling, scratching at my chest, as he flooded my guts with his cum.

We passed out like that, him still firmly lodged in my hole. We woke, hours later, the stench of man and cum and sex still hanging over us. And we reveled in it. He began to harden again, and slipped back into me. Fucking my pussy slowly this time. Tenderly. Wordlessly. Just the two of us, making love, being part of each other. Devouring one another with our mouths, tenderly pinching nipples, gently biting ears and necks. If you've ever been so physically close to a person that you felt you were them, then that's how we felt.

I didn't cum again. Well, not at least from my locked dick. My ass however, if it could cum, that's what it felt like. He quickened slightly after 45 minutes of passionate lovemaking. And I felt him breed me once again. All of it wordlessly. We didn't need them. We knew what each other was thinking. Feeling. He showed me a side to myself right then, that I sadly had never experienced. Love, sex. Both acts, as one. And us, combined. I couldn't believe how badly I missed it, although I had never experienced it before. And I knew, I had to have that again. A lot.

He slipped out, cuddled into me. I put my arm around him and we fell asleep that way, until the sun came up in the morning.


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