Breeding Bitches

Published on Feb 18, 2022


Breeding Bitches Chapter 5

If you don't like or are offended by taboo and D/s subjects - move on. This story is MOSTLY fiction, although there are definite elements that have happened in my life, at least. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone else dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

No condoms were hurt during the making of this story. Seriously though, it is assumed all characters are on PrEP, and I although I do not judge whether the readers practice safe sex or not – no one else's place to judge but your own – but I do hope that you are sensible and take precautions regarding the spread of diseases. Please stay safe, and remember that your body is your own temple. Treat it as such. I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. Email me at

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Thanks, P. *insert favorite heart emoji*

Main Character: Pete, 25, 6", black hair and green eyes. Swimmer's build, Gym-honed, lightly hairy body with a well-developed and toned chest and arms, much larger than average and naturally smooth bubble butt.

Breeding Bitches, Chapter Five

I was lightheaded from the assault, but panting and still groaning after it was over. He moved the thong strap back over the plugs base, straightened me up, took me upstairs to check my work (with which, he was thoroughly pleased).

"Ok, don't worry about the sheets. Matt has another slut coming over tonight, and we'll be using different equipment for this one. He's a lot more advanced than you. Anyway, let's go back to my office. I have a list of your responsibilities and tenets. Feel free to ask any questions you may have along the way." He started walking, me following along faithfully.

"I do have a...concern? Sir?" I approached the topic with trepidation. He nodded his consent, and I continued. "With that live broadcast last night and uploading the sex we had on the internet...Well, I'm a little concerned that it could affect my job Sir."

"Yeah. Matt and I gave that some thought too. But this is the conclusion we came to. If someone, one of your clients or coworkers was watching that, then they were not just into it, but they are a paying customer of ours. They won't be outing you to anyone, because as soon as they do, they'll be outing themselves. So, don't fall for any blackmail traps. And don't be concerned about it. No one will fuck with you over it. We protect our sluts. We really do have your back, Peter." He clapped me on the shoulder.

I actually felt completely mollified by his words. He was right – I hadn't thought of it that way. "Thank you very much, Sir."

"Any other questions?"

"I might have more Sir, but at present no."

"Well, ask them, but be respectful about it." He said, bringing me into his office and handing me a manilla envelope. "Inside are your instructions for the next two weeks. Matt and I will be using you this coming weekend, but the rest of the this and next week and weekend are booked solid. You are not to question anything in there. You are just to obey. Understood?"

"Yes Sir."

"Good. I have to prepare for tonight. You keep that plug in until further advised. Also, this evening, you will be receiving a care package of toys and personal grooming items. It's all in your instructions, but if you have any questions, give Brandon a call. I believe he put his number in your phone already." I looked around for it and my clothes, but they were nowhere to be found, looking at him questioningly, but before I could ask, he answered. "Your clothes today were...subpar. Our sluts are dressed in a very specific manner. Both in private and in public. When you get home, you will find your wardrobe has already been replaced...I believe Brandon took Mark's key to your place and lent it to the tailor, who should have already finished delivering everything. But, for now, those are your clothes to wear home..." He waved at the lilac lace thong. "...and there's a decent pair of flip flops by the door for you, your phone, keys and wallet are on the table next to the door." He turned a very serious face to me. "Don't." He grabbed me by the neck, squeezing hard enough to cut off some air. "Fuck this up. We have a shit load of money invested in you already. You're one of our up-coming prime cuntboys, Peter, and trust me. I will get a return on my investment, one way or another. Nod your head if you understand."

With my air supply mostly cut off, and my hands vainly grabbing hold of his wrists (more for support than anything – there was no way I would be able to dislodge that hand), I did my best to nod furiously. He relaxed his grip, but left it there for a while longer. I took a big gulp of air and coughed a bit, and he brought his mouth in for one of his trademark domineering kisses.

"Good boy. Now, get going. And, I know it's broad day light out there, so try not to get seen and arrested. But let it be a warning to you. Our boys don't wear that low rent shit, if they try, they end up wearing nothing. Goodbye for now, bitch."

"Yes Sir, thank you Sir!" I scrambled to the front door, found my phone and keys and wallet on the little table, slipped the (very posh) flip flops on and sprinted to my car. Once in, I made a bee line for my apartment, and had a bit of trouble getting in without being seen by my neighbors or anyone else in the building, but I think I was mostly successful, save for a run in with the older gay couple down the hall. "Is that a chastity device he had on, George?", "Yeah..." laughing, as I was running down the hall to my door, my body flushing. Shit. Oh well, nothing I can do about it.

In my apartment, I see a note from this mysterious tailor, but no key. It's basically just washing instructions for the items. I would have to go buy fine fabric care laundry soap, apparently, and figure out a system of air drying. I was pretty curious, so I checked out my closet. The clothes were stunning. I mean shit that models would wear. For work, there were a variety of clothes, all tailored to fit, showcasing my ass and thighs. Looked like some club wear...jesus, talk about everything as sheer as possible. Even the tailored slacks and shirts for work were slightly sheer. I tried a few things on, enjoying the feel of the expensive fabric and perfect fit. Got a little plump in my chastity device, as I was standing in front of my mirror checking everything out. My shoes were the same deal, new all around, various dress shoes, a couple pairs of sneakers, a couple pairs of flip flops (much like the ones that Kevin gave me today), everything designer, expensive, and beautiful. I placed everything back on the hangers and back in the closet and turned to my dresser. My jean drawer was packed with several pairs of designer, and incredibly expensive jeans, and all my t shirts had been replaced by either fine crop tops or sheer t shirts.

I turned to my underwear drawer. Almost everything was lace or mesh, and everything designer. And everything was a thong cut. Apparently, that was a mandatory thing now. I had always disliked them. They didn't feel right, brushing against my hole, as a top...but that wasn't what I truly was, was it? I tried on several pair. I was becoming increasingly sexually aroused, modeling the underwear in front of my mirror. I couldn't believe how well they fit, and how sensuously they felt against my body, hugging my small locked package, caressing the inside of my ass cheeks, snuggly fitting over the base of the plug currently lodged in my hole. There were various colors, mostly blacks, pinks, but a smattering of others, and different fabrics. I found I liked the feel of the microfiber and lace best. They just molded to my body and caressed it so perfectly. I had to pause to wipe up some precum that was starting to ooze out of the piss slot, and I decided it was time to get on with other things. I was getting a little too worked up, standing there looking at how the thong straps framed my ass just right, feeling the fabric slide against my body. I put Mark's thong back on, and put everything away.

Then it occurred to me that I needed to read what was in that manilla envelope that Kevin gave me. There might be something important. I went back into the living room, and retrieved it from the coffee table, made myself a drink, and sat down to read the instructions.


Enclosed, you will find your instructions, a release authorization, a work contract, and our contract. All items will be signed and delivered to us promptly. This is your ONE chance to back out of everything. You need to think about this carefully, as once those contracts are signed, you are legally bound to your obligations. You also need to consider that, provided you don't back out, you will be giving notice with the Distributor you currently work for within a day of signing. We have a lot of work for you, but this is your career and HAS to be your decision alone. You will be putting in some long hours, and be required to travel often, as we have clients abroad that will require your services for various functions. Your living arrangements will also be changing very soon. You will, upon signing, give notice to your property management, and we require you to be out and moved into your new place within two weeks. Funds will be allocated if you have to pay any penalty for this, but it WILL be done immediately. As to where you are moving, Brandon will be by either today or tomorrow to discuss this with you.

I don't think I need to say this. But you're broken. You're not the man you pretended to be all those years. That's not you, Peter. It's not who you are, and I'm quite certain that at this point you're well on your way to realizing and accepting this. You are OURS. You might technically belong to a specific Man, soon, but you are all of ours. We treat our bottoms well, so long as they behave appropriately. I can guarantee you, provided you accept and sign, you will not regret this decision, but it is yours to make.

Read over your rules. Fully read and sign the enclosed contracts. We will see you soon.



1.      Chastity remains on at all times.

2.      You will be naked or in a thong at all times indoors, and often outdoors.

3.      You will address all Men in your life as Sir, and address them with respect at all times.

4.      You will follow the direction of Brandon, Matt and Kevin at all times.

5.      If you feel at any point that any of our direction is somehow jeopardizing you, you must respectfully and promptly ask to discuss the issue. But our word is always final.

6.      You will care for your body. It is your temple. Treat it as such.

7.      You will care for anything we give you to the same extent as your body.

8.      You will NOT deny any male that wants to fuck you, unless you are on orders forbidding that at that specific time.

9.      You will stay on PrEP, and be tested monthly.

10.  Your haircut will be changing from the messy mop it was at the time of signing your contracts, and you will be required to keep it in the style we choose.

11.  If you go to bars, you will not become overly intoxicated. You must learn to moderate and handle your alcohol consumption.

12.  You will refer to your pussy as either pussy or cunt from now on. Men have holes. You are not a Man. You are a bottom. You are a bitch.

13.  You will remain true to all of the contracts you sign, as they are legally binding.

14.  You will accept any and all punishments we decide are necessary, no questions asked. If you are being punished, it is to help you learn.

15.  When we require you to work, you will be prompt, professional, reasonable, compliant, submissive, and you will do as told. No questions.

This was a little mind blowing, to be frank. I read over everything once. Then again. My hands were trembling from desire and nervousness, and I didn't know what to think or what to do. It was a mental block had formed on all of my thoughts and actions, and I couldn't clear my mind. So, I put a light pink t shirt and black lounge shorts (both relatively sheer), with the flip flops from earlier on and headed down to the corner market to grab something I had given up a few years back: A pack of Winston Red 100s, accompanied by several cat calls.

Walking back to my apartment, taking a drag on the cigarette often, I was glad I broke back into my old bad habit right then. They calmed my nerves and cleared my thought process. My friend, Etienne. I needed to get ahold of him. He could read these contracts. He had experience in all of this, so I texted him on my walk back and asked if he had time to come down or for me to go to his place, that I really needed to talk.

Etienne responded by the time I got back to my apartment and stripped to my undies (seemed like it was becoming second nature already...and I didn't want to get the pre that was flowing all over my new clothes).

*What's up?*

*Just really need some advice about...everything*

*From me? LOL*

*Well, you know a lot more about all this D/s stuff than I do*

*OHH. Gotcha. Well, I am in town today, so your lucky day. Come pick me up? I'm at Powerhouse.*

*Be there shortly*

Lucky break. I wouldn't have to go to SJ, he was already here. I pulled up and texted him.

*Come in*

*Well I would really prefer not to after Friday night there, I'll tell you more*

*K. Be a minute, then be out*

He came out, got in, gave me a quick peck on the cheek which I returned, and we headed back to my place. Getting there, I disrobed immediately, which he gave an odd stare at (and a raised eyebrow to my boypanties, might as well call them what they were), but said nothing and joined me, stripping to his briefs. I made him a drink, and myself one, then handed him everything that Kevin had given me and asked him to read it.

After an hour of mostly passively reading, going back over and discussing a few things with me, he finally put down the papers, and got right up next to my cuddled up form on the couch, putting his arms around me and laying his head on my chest.

"So. This is kinda deep. The rules are pretty fair and standard really, for a sub. And to be honest, I know others that have far harsher rules from their Doms. And the contracts are pretty standard work and D/s contracts. Keep in mind, though, the way they worded this all, it definitely is legally binding."

"Okay...I feel a `but' coming..."

"Yeah. But. You need to answer this as brutally honest as you can, because from everything you've said, everything you've told me so far, you really haven't had much of a choice in this, so to speak. So. Do you accept all this? Are you ok with this?"

"That's a tough one to answer. I mean...before, none of this would be even remotely acceptable. It would have been offensive." I answered, thinking this was the right track.

"That's not what I asked. I know who you thought you were. We've had discussions on it before. But...I don't know Pete, it just seems like your eyes are finally opening? How are you feeling, in this moment, about everything that has happened? Sexually, personally, physically? Forget about `before', that's inconsequential now."

"Okay. Fair enough. Well...I suppose I feel...kinda right? I mean, I am, deep down and truthfully, very sexually satisfied with the past two days, even if I'm a little emotionally turbulent right now, but it does in a way feel right. I haven't really thought too much about jacking off. And as far as personally, I guess..." I trailed off, trying to find the words. "...Ok, so my job really wasn't going anywhere. I didn't have much in the hopes of advancement. I had a job that allowed me to live here, and I guess that's all that mattered at that point. So, I won't miss that really. And physically, well, the physical sensations have been amazing. I never thought sex could be that good." Etienne just nodded his head emphatically to that.

"Tell me about it. It can be fulfilling to be used, honestly. Most guys would balk at the idea, but you seem to have been pretty sexually satisfied with it." He sagely stated.

"Oh, fuck, I know, right? I mean...shit. Just mind-blowing. Even this morning when I really didn't `get off', I still got off! Just by feeling Kevin in me." I exclaimed.

"Yeah...boy, you got it BAD..." He laughed. "So, tell me a bit about Brandon. He sounds mysterious."

"Well, that's just it. He is. I mean, I just found out this morning, the kid is fucking loaded. At least his parents are. You should see the fucking mansion. You could fit 50 of these apartments on one floor alone, and I don't know how many floors there are. The grounds are massive. Circular driveway, long one, leading out to a very posh neighborhood. There's more...I was just stunned, mentally." And thinking deeper, I added: "But it's not just that. Even last year when I tried to pick him up, there was just something about him I couldn't crack. Like he was untouchable or something. Beyond it all, or something. His demeanor, his attitude, his physical stance, the way his eyes just seem to see right into me with no effort. And, him...well, I had a thought earlier today. And it was like he just read my mind, and answered the question before I had even thought to ask it." I shuddered in Etienne's arms slightly. "Honestly, he's spooky a bit. And, he's got a slight build, although I know he plays soccer. He's shorter than me, not even remotely as muscular. Almost close to your build, honestly..." I looked down at his upturned frown. " offense, you know you're hotter than hell and your ass definitely gives mine a run for it's money." This seemed to mollify Etienne, as he licked my nipple. "But FUCK the kid is like ten times stronger than me!"

Etienne's eyes looked like they were far away. "I really gotta meet this dude." He chuckled nervously.

Questions answered, I got up with a purpose. I went to my computer desk, grabbed a pen, and signed all the contracts, folded them neatly and put them in the envelope that accompanied them. Etienne just watched me with a knowing smile on his face.

"Well. Thank god you're finally making the decision to accept yourself."

"Thanks. I mean it, really. I needed you badly today. Just your company and your advice. This is for the best, isn't it." I didn't really `ask' so much as state. Etienne just gave me a bigger smile and nodded. "I just, well, I never thought I would see myself like this. I never even imagined it."

"Sometimes it takes another person to see something inside you that you're blind to yourself, and set you free. Because that's what's happening Pete, you're being set free." Etienne said, looking up at me.

"You're awesome, man. Thank you so much. When do you have to get back to San Jose?"

"Well...I didn't want to bring it up, because you have so much changing in your life now, But..." He paused, looked a bit sad, but continued. "...well, see, Sir was finally visiting this past week. But he didn't come over. He texted me, telling me he had to break everything off because his `wife' was getting too nosey. I didn't even know he was married, the asshole..." He sighed, but continued once more. "So, the property management, not getting this months' payment from him, evicted me. When I asked my manager for help, he said he was unable to because he was barely making it at the bar, and he also couldn't employ a homeless person." Some tears welled up in his eyes. "So, I came down here, but my family won't even see me because of the whole D/s thing. So, honestly, I was just wandering the street wondering what I was going to do, thinking of trying to get back to San Jose and see if one of my friends there can help for a week or two...when you..." He broke at that moment. I held him tightly, as close as I could without hurting him.

"You know what. Fuck all that. You don't need them. You have me. After everything that you've done for me, if you think I'm going to sit by and watch while you're out on the street, you're wrong. You're moving in here with me...well, at least until I have to move, but I won't take no for an answer, you'll be coming with me then too. At least, if you want to. And you can stay as long as you like. A week...permanent...I don't care. You have me, little man."

He really started crying then. I could tell by the way he was holding me, that it was a big `yes please and thank you'.

Finally, he calmed down, I got a cool wet rag for his eyes to ease the puffiness of crying that hard, and took care of him as best I could, handing him tissues every so often to blow his nose. "I can't thank you enough, Peter." He started.

"Shh. You already had. In advance. Consider this me thanking you back."

We laid together on the couch for some time. Petting each other, kissing every so often, holding each other. I felt so close to him. I should feel like an older brother...But I didn't, not completely. I felt like a younger brother to this boy. He was wise, way beyond his years. And so compassionate. Laying there, sharing our bodies, I felt at peace, protected. I was hoping he was feeling the same. After feeling that emotion, I scooted down so we were face to face. I pressed my lips to his, and began sucking his tongue into my mouth. I wanted to feel at least some part of him in me. He passionately gave it to me, forcing his tongue in deeper, all the while wrapping his arms around me and holding my head in one hand, only reluctantly breaking it off when we heard the door buzzer.

"I better get that. I'm expecting a delivery." I excused myself, not bothering to throw clothing on.

The delivery guy, probably about 10 years older than me and kinda sexy in his own slightly chubby way, was definitely surprised to see me answer the door wearing nothing but a lace thong. I just blushed, moved the 3 boxes inside, signed the form to confirm delivery as I felt his eyes rake up and down my body, finally coming to rest on my locked dick which was clearly visible in the lace. He stammered a "Thank You." And I responded nervously "No, thank you Sir. Have a great afternoon." As I quickly closed the door.

I let out a loud sigh and leaned against the door, looked at Etienne and said "Gonna have to get used to doing that."

"Unwritten rule?" He queried.

"Yeah. That was humiliating."

"Mmm. I don't know. He had a massive boner in his shorts when he turned away, so must have done something good for him." I burned red.

Opening the boxes, there were several sex toys – an 8" dildo attached to a strap on harness among them, which Etienne squealed with delight over and grabbed, placing it on the coffee table close to him "Oh, I always wanted to try one of these!" - a few butt plugs, and a couple that looked like plugs to me but were thinner and oddly shaped (to which Etienne piped in once again, explaining that they were prostate massagers, I would need them to keep my prostate healthy, and he would teach me how to use them later), nipple clamps, a paddle and riding crop, a few pairs of thigh high stockings (neon green, neon pink, sheer black and fishnet black) to which I raised my eyebrows and Etienne just shrugged and said "Sometimes they want a femme boy, but don't worry, you'll look great in them, just go with it.", a pair of stilettos, a 10" dildo with a suction cup on the end, a new Holy Trainer (same color as mine), and a few bottles of high quality, any material lube. Etienne was practically clapping like a kid on Christmas morning with all the goodies, and I had to admit several of them were something that I wanted to try soon.

In the second box that we opened, there were some hygiene products, wax works for my hair, body powders, a battery operated rechargeable cordless body trimmer/razor set, and a few other things for the shower and prep time.

In the third box was full of enemas and a bunch of the Pur for Men (that I was already taking). I guess these guys were serious when they said they demand a clean pussy.

Looking around at all the stuff, I was a little bewildered. But Etienne got me up off the floor, and helped me start putting stuff away, telling me to leave the strap on out for now. As we were doing so, the front door unlocked, and Brandon came in and slammed the door behind him. He looked around, Etienne standing nervously slightly behind me to one side, and his eyes focused first on Etienne, then on me.

"Who's this, Pete?"

"This is Etienne Sir. A friend of mine who was helping me today, Sir." I responded immediately.

Circling around so he could get a good look at Etienne, eyeing him with annoyance. "Well, he needs to leave."

Surprising everyone in the room, I said "No Sir. He is living here now. Punish me if you want, but he's staying with me."

Brandon was on me in a flash. His massive hand wrapped around my comparatively scrawny throat. Etienne started forward, but I, as well as I could, put my hand up to warn him back, as I felt Brandon's grip tightening. I could barely pull in any air, struggling to stand, my hands coming up to his wrists. "You better have a damn good excuse for this, bitch, or I'm going to squeeze till your fucking head pops off." He released enough pressure to allow me to gasp in a little bit of air and squawk out a few words.

"He's done...a lot...for me already...Sir...and now...he's homeless...because his a married...asshole...who...decided to...dump...him...without...any...warning...Sir."

Brandon kept staring in my eyes. Then his expression softened, and he let go of my throat. He spoke softly, but firmly. "I can tell you're telling the truth, Pete. But, don't ever speak to me that way again." He stepped back, patting my cheek, and turned to Etienne. "Your Sir dumped you because his wife was getting `nosey'..." Wait. What the fuck. I didn't tell him that. Did he just guess? "...and your manager couldn't help you out and ended up firing you for being homeless..." Ok, now THIS is just scary. I didn't anything about Etienne's work situation. I trembled. This was fucking weird. "...and your family knows about your submissive side and won't have anything to do with you. Then you came here to help out this faggot, not wanting to say anything about your own predicament. Does that about cover it, boy?" He looked impassively at Etienne.

"Yes Sir. That's about it. Please don't blame Peter, if I would have known he was going to be in trouble over this, I wouldn't have said anything." Etienne pleaded.

"Don't be stupid boy. One thing is clear. You're a good friend of his. You actually care. And that self-sacrificing attitude, that's something that is very rare in humans. No, you're not going anywhere. You're staying with this bitch. We will figure out the details and your place with us as we go along. But you're not going anywhere." He stepped closer to Etienne, who visibly flinched, grabbed his chin, and lightly brushed their lips together, then licked him and growled slightly. "Mmm...yes. You'll do perfectly, boy. You will fit right in." Brandon said hungrily, licking his lips, then letting go and stepping back. "As for you, bitch..." looking at me "You will be punished. It's not your goal that was wrong. It's how you approached it. But you're new and you will learn. Get the riding crop, bring it to me, then bend over the couch. You will hold that position until I say so."

I did as he ordered, and immediately the thrashing started. My mind was on fire, my ass cheeks felt like the were going to split open. I was opening crying and wailing. But I stayed put. I don't know how I did it, because the pain was amazingly, ferociously intense. I have no idea how many lashes with that crop I endured. 50? 100? It felt like it just kept going.

Finally, Brandon stopped, came around the couch to my head, knelt down and picked my head up by the hair. "Do not ever speak to me like that again. You're a bottom. You're a bitch. You're my property. You broke a serious tenet and didn't address me with respect. Don't ever do that again." He let my head go, and out of the blurry corner of my eye, I saw him stand again and turn to Etienne. "I trust you know how to handle a thoroughly thrashed ass?" Etienne quickly confirmed. "Then you'll be taking care of it. Now, on to other matters. Do you have anything that needs to come here from your studio?" mention of him having a mind was racing trying to rationalize it, but I couldn't. Etienne told him yes, but very little, just clothing really. The furniture came with the place, and everything else came from his family, who I suspected after what they did, he wanted no reminders of. "So, really, just clothing. Nothing personal?"

"No Sir. Everything personal is in my backpack right now. I was going to go back and get my clothes..."

"Don't bother," Brandon said, lifting Etienne's shirt and pants, motioning questioningly to them, and Etienne confirmed yes. "This is shit. None of our boys are dressed this..." He walked over to the trash bin and threw the clothing inside. "...low. You are mine now. You will be appropriately dressed, as I see fit. Borrow a few things from slut here until tomorrow. I'll take you to the tailor and you'll get the same treatment as Peter. Also, I see that he signed the documents. You will be required to sign the same things. Do you agree to that?"

Etienne shifted nervously, but less hesitantly than I had been about it all, agreed. "Yes Sir. I will commit to that."

"Good. Well, this has turned out to be a fabulous day. Two for the price of one." He walked to my ass, roughly yanked out the plug, and inspected my hole. "Hmm. Still incredibly tight..." roughly jamming a finger in the closing entrance. "...but coming along. Plug stays out tonight, however. Matt needs you tomorrow for a short while, and you need some rest." He stopped, eyeing the strap on sitting on the coffee table, and turned to Etienne. "I see that you found one of the little presents interesting?" Etienne nodded. "Good. You're allowed to use it on this slut once tonight. But only once. No cumming from either of you, so watch out for his prostate, it's extremely sensitive. Now. Any questions, boys?"

I gasped out a "No Sir." And Etienne firmly stated "None Sir."

"Good. I have other matters that require my immediate attention. I've spent too long here today as it is. Behave." As an afterthought, "Oh, and the keys to your device Etienne. They are in your bag, no?" Etienne nodded, retrieved them, and offered them to Brandon. "Good boy." And with that, he was gone.

I gingerly got up, with Etienne's help, and he took me to the bathroom, asking if I had any body cremes. Showing him where they were, he applied a generous amount to my throbbing ass cheeks. It stung at first, but then started to feel soothing, as his hands had a delicate touch.

"God this ass is so beautiful. No hair anywhere either. It's stunning." He dreamily said, massaging the crème into my battered butt.

I just cocked my head around and gave him a half-wincing, but purely thankful smile.

A couple hours later, we decided to go out for pizza and a couple beers at a gay run pizzeria a few blocks from my place. I found a couple pairs of slightly sheer shorts, him preferring the silver, me taking the black, and a couple of shirts for us. He selected a black thong, and grabbed a pair of flip flops (that were slightly too small for his feet), and we were off to the pizzeria. The hard wooden chairs weren't a welcome addition to my meal, but the company and the food definitely were. We chatted freely here, not feeling out of place with our somewhat see through clothing. We had already warmed up over the couple weeks that we knew each other, but we were really coming to know each other well, even in just the short time of that day. The waiter told us he was happy to see such a cute couple so obviously starting to fall in love with each other. Both of us just blushed at that, not really wanting to broach the subject of what was truly going on.

On the walk home, Etienne took my hand. He turned my face to his and gave me a short but deep kiss. Then started walking again, pulling me along with slightly. "Alright. We need to talk about Brandon. I've been wondering how to approach this ever since the encounter today...but there's definitely something different about him."

"Yeah. I've been having that same thought..." I tentatively pushed an idea. " how did he know all those details? And the keys to your chastity? You didn't even tell me you had them. It was, for the lack of a better term, and I'm not being disrespectful...well, it was creepy."

"I feel the same. However, our best bet is to comply. He might seem creepy, but I have this feeling that he actually does not mean us harm. I'm pretty sure he really does have our best interests at heart. I didn't get an evil vibe off him...actually, just the opposite. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe I'm wrong, but we should see where this leads us."

"Well, in that case I'll follow your lead. You're more well versed about all this than me. I mean, he does scare the crap out of me, but I do kinda get what you're feeling. He doesn't seem malevolent. Just very strict, and knows what he wants." I said.

"Ok. I agree. Let's roll with that."

We spent the rest of the night on the couch. I felt lazy and guilty for not hitting the gym that day, but I didn't want to leave Etienne alone. We cuddled and kissed, fondled and played. My ass was still burning when it was time to go to bed. I slipped on the bed, thong on still (deciding to see if it would help with the nighttime issues that came with being locked up), Etienne going into the living room and fooling around for a few minutes.

Five minutes after I laid down, he came sauntering in. Wearing the strap on, the big synthetic cock wagging in front of him. "Brandon did say I could use that beautiful ass of yours tonight, Pete. And, I know it's hurting, but sorry to say, I have got to see what you look like bottoming. So, get ready, cause this time you're the one getting fucked, you sexy little bitch."

I can't deny how turned on I was right then. Seeing him sexily sauntering toward the bed...massive 8" strap on waving around like a deadly weapon...that sexy grin on his gorgeous twink face. His lithe body, slowly and seductively crawling on the bed toward me...I had one of the biggest smiles on my face I think I ever managed in my life. There was something about this. A twink. About to top a built, former-top. The role reversal was doing some serious mindfucking to me already. I started drooling precum at a rapid pace as soon as he uttered the words "Roll over, bitch, I want to fuck you like a dog in heat." I literally moaned out, not spoke out, "FUCK YEAH...", and got into position on all fours, planting my knees apart and arching my back so he could have the best access to my pussy possible.

"Jesus that's just made for fucking. Sorry, babe, but you were so far wrong thinking you were a top before. This shit is grade-fucking-A, prime time, boypussy...and it looks so fucking great framed by your little boypanties..." He began licking around the rim of my still somewhat stretched and puffy pussy lips. I was groaning, begging him not to stop. A few minutes of this, and I heard a bottle click and a dollop of lube being dropped onto my cunt, his fingers immediately slathering it on and in my hole. Groaning and begging louder, I started whining for him to fuck me. To make me his bitch tonight. I don't know where the words were coming from, but they just flew forth out of my mouth in a torrid verbal stew.

"Jesus Etienne, please, fuck me already. I need you, little man..."

"I'm the big..." slapping the monster dildo against my pussy "man tonight, and you're my little bitch. Time to get fucked." And he dove in, slowly pushing that monster into me. He didn't stop, wait for me to adjust. He knew that was my responsibility now, and I worked hard to accommodate it. "Yeah. You should see your cunt around this monster, baby. It's gonna fucking wreck you. You want me to wreck you? Huh? Is that what you want, slut?"

"Oh fuck yes please, fucking wreck me stud. Just fucking wreck my pussy, PLEASE!" I shouted the last part.

"You asked for it, slut."

And with that, he was off. Ramming in and out. Occasionally I heard the click of the camera app on his phone, he was taking pix of me getting assaulted by the monster. It felt so good. I almost came 3 times. He was fucking me hard, for about half an hour, trying to angle it so it wouldn't hit my prostate much (I shuddered, thinking what Matt, Kevin and Brandon would do if I actually did cum against strict orders not to). Moaning, groaning, whimpering mess that I was, I made sure to tell him each time before it was too late. I started begging him to stop, it was getting too hard to hold off. He just kept pumping in and out, that dildo driving me fucking insane, babbling words that made very little, to no sense. In my head, it was Etienne's actual cock fucking the snot out of me.

"Don't stop don't stop don't stop...ooohhhh!" was repeating out of my mouth, over and over.

"Yeah, bitch! Take it! Take it! Take that fucking big cock!" He was cursing at me, over and over in return slapping my bruised and red ass repetitively, causing me to cry out in pain and shock. But a pain that I welcomed, because it was coming from Etienne, a pain that I started craving because it was all him.

"Call me son, my slutty daddy!" Wow, that's...unusual.

"Oh yeah, yeah son, fuck your daddy's pussy! Fuck it hard, son!" I played along...I REALLY liked that.

"Mmm, yeah, my daddy... my naughty daddy! Takin' your son's COCK! Just like the whore you really are!" *spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank spank*

I was screaming and squealing, god the spanking, the pain of my already brutalized ass, getting smacked over and my `son'. I was on a hair trigger from cumming. I was fighting back with everything I had not to. I knew the rules. I just mindlessly hung on for dear life, riding the massive tsunami waves of pleasure and pain.

Finally, he started to slow down. I was full on pleading with him to stop or I wouldn't be able to hold the dam inside any longer. Then it was down to a lazy cool down fuck, barely moving in or out at all, me just feeling the fullness of that long, thick dong. We stayed locked together like that for a few minutes, while his sweat was dripping onto my back, he was kissing my neck and whispering sweet nothings into my ear, my heart rate returning to normal and the pouring sweat dissipating a bit. He slowly pulled out, then gave my actual pussy itself (not the cheeks) several good slaps. It felt so intense. Painful, yes, but it was a pain I was glad to endure for him. It was a sensual pain, helped me close up a little bit, made my cunt even more sensitive.

I stayed on my knees, but let my chest drop to the bed, for a while. I felt him get off the bed and some running water in the bathroom, and he returned, pushed my hips to the bed with my legs splayed out at the foot of the bed, presenting my ass in a lewd, lazy fashion. He got back up, grabbed his phone, and told me to stay still but turn my head and smile at the camera, and as I did, he took another picture of me. He shut his phone off, laid it on the nightstand on the side of the bed he just claimed (normally my side, but if he wants it, he can have it...I just want him to be comfortable), and laid down close to me, putting his arm behind his head, and looked at me.

"Well?" He asked tentatively.

"It was...incredible. And I mean it." I lazily said. "You can do that anytime."

He smiled, sort of sadly, then countered "Yeah, I always wanted to do that. I just wish..." He stopped.

"What? It wasn't ok for you? I mean if you didn't enjoy it, we don't have to do it!" Damage control. Get this situation under control now, I panicked.

"No, no. That's not it. I enjoyed it thoroughly. I just..." His eyes searched mine. "I just wish I could have actually been inside you. I thought this would quench my thirst. But, Pete, I've wanted to make love to you the instant I saw you. You just seem so perfect to me."

I was astounded. I was scrambling in my head for something to say in return. I guess I took too long to find the words. "Great. Now I've fucked this up too. I'll just sleep on the couch if that's ok?" He was getting up.

I pretty much tackled him, my face right next to his. "No. No, please don't. I want you in this bed. It can be our bed. I just didn't know what to say. But nothing's wrong, I swear." I finally blurted out, moving off him, laying on my side – then wincing and returning to my stomach prone position, with my hand on his wrist, eyes pleading into his. "Just don't go, stay here. With me." I begged.


"Really. I still don't understand everything that's going thru my head. But..." I searched again, his face inquisitively searching mine. "...I was imagining it was actually you inside me. I felt like it was your cock fucking my pussy, for reals. And it was magnificent. I almost came so many times, thinking that. And then...the rest?" I gave him a kiss.

His eyes lit up. "I really wish I could right now, you know. There's just something about you. I have this need to put it in you, never felt this before." He ended, and cuddled up next to me, beginning a kiss that would last almost all night. Or, at least it felt that way.

And inspiration struck: "Good night, son" I said, with all the sincerity I could muster. I had to at least give it a whirl, for his sake. Strange wasn't strange.

Etienne latched onto me, kissed me passionately, more than before, then pulled back. "Good night, daddy." Massive smile, little tear out the corner of his eye. BIG WIN.

The last thing I remember that night was my head snuggling into his armpit, my hand draped across his chest, our legs intertwined, listening to his faint snoring, soothing me into a deep and oh so restful sleep.


Next: Chapter 6

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