Breeding Bitches

Published on Feb 15, 2022


Breeding Bitches Chapter 2

This story is a work by a previous Nifty author, Dave, who has agreed to allow me to rewrite and revise, and continue his original story "Taking Tops". I do NOT have his permission to share his email, but I am personally happy to hear from anyone that wants to comment or critique – just don't be an asshat about it. I loved the premise of his story so much, and it hit home on so many levels (I actually had to ask if he knew me personally) that I couldn't just let it sit unfinished and idle.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo and D/s subjects - move on. This story is MOSTLY fiction, although there are definite elements that have happened in my life, at least. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone else dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

Please consider donating to Nifty! We need to keep this alive, and donations help. Thank you!

No condoms were hurt during the making of this story. Seriously though, it is assumed all characters are on PrEP, and I although I do not judge whether the readers practice safe sex or not – no one else's place to judge but your own – but I do hope that you are sensible and take precautions regarding the spread of diseases. Please stay safe, and remember that your body is your own temple. Treat it as such. I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. Email me at

Thanks, P. *insert favorite heart emoji*

Main Character: Pete, 25, 6", black hair and green eyes. Swimmer's build, Gym-honed, lightly hairy body with a well-developed and toned chest and arms, much larger than average and naturally smooth bubble butt. Average (around 5", but insists it's 6" and average thickness) dick but knows how to use it.

Breeding Bitches, Chapter Two

Mark and I had been fucking for a while, and he's been a pretty good bottom. He's become way more comfortable with his role, and (like most guys that bottom) he admits how good it feels to be fucked by a real man.

Friday night, six weeks into us hooking up, I decided it was time to start sharing his hole with another top. So, we went to OMG (my favorite night club) looking for a playmate. That's when we met Matt and Kevin. They were both pretty muscular, looked like they did a fair amount of CrossFit and definitely some time on the weights too. Kevin was more of a surfer type, lithe, muscular yet lean, strawberry blond hair and around my height, while Matt looked close to the same, with slightly more muscle and black hair. Both extremely handsome. Like model handsome. The type that makes you drool precum if they give you attention.

Both seemed like tops in their demeanor, but Matt appeared to be more dominant, and he of course took an instant liking to Mark. Kevin seemed more reserved but started loosening up with me. As the drinks and conversation moved on, I was chatting to Kev, and he was very keen on getting a little handsy with me. I started to feel him up in return, groping at that muscular little bum he has. He was having the effect of working me up quite a bit. Getting me hot, so to speak. His endless sexual innuendos and sex talk just got steam coming out of my collar. Not to mention how handsy he was being. The pheromones were really flying between us, if you know what I mean.

One thing that was getting exceedingly annoying however was his persistent grabbing my ass in return, and normally I put a dude in his place at that point. I'm not a huge fan of having my ass played with, but in this case (with as hot as the fucker was), I let it go for the time being. I had to play it cool...I could tell from our back and forth chatter and his stance that getting into that hole wasn't going to be as easy as the rest of my conquests.

After a while of this, we all agreed to get going back to my place and called for a ride share and waited at the doors to the club.

Turning to Matt, I said "Mark seems pretty excited. He's got a fantastic ass, you know.", to which he agreed. "And, actually, Kevin has a really hot ass, too."

I'm sure Matt knew I was really saying `I'm gonna fuck your boyfriend senseless.', but he didn't comment back. I just shrugged it off as him being somewhat possessive and didn't push further. Before our lift got there, I pulled Mark to the bathroom.

"Matt's going to fuck me." He stated.

"Yeah, you go for it bitchboy. I'm going to screw the snot out of Kevin while Matt's taking your hole. Just be good for him, don't embarrass me."

He looked at me quizzically and said "Matt said Kevin doesn't bottom. Like at all.".

"Yeah, that's what you told me. About half an hour before you were speared to the hilt with my cock." I said, watching his face turn crimson.

"Well, I guess we will find out. But Matt was pretty firm in what he said. He's a bit domineering."

To be honest, it was at that moment when I really started having doubts about the night's activities. Kevin had already managed to get me pretty hot with all the groping and kissing, and was slightly domineering when it came to shoving his tongue in my mouth (to which I responded in kind, naturally). But I didn't see it as a problem...I had fucked so many guys that said they were "exclusive tops", and they all ended up begging for a good, hard pounding.

Mark and I joined Matt and Kevin at the front of the club once more, and our lift showed up almost right away and we left. When we got back to my apartment, I poured everyone a healthy drink, and everything got moving pretty quick. Matt had Mark stripped down within a couple minutes and they were going at it like wild dogs, pawing at each other with their faces mashed together, Matt's tongue fucking Mark's mouth.

Kevin was trying to do the same to me, and while he was getting me pretty revved up, I was resisting most of it. He was pawing at my ass, to which I moved his hand to my cock each time pretty quick, while he was doing the same to me. I noticed, now that he was hard, he and a pretty massive lump in his jeans. I looked over at a now naked Mark, who was already kneeling in front of Matt and had his dick out, servicing his balls. Matt's cock was gigantic. I mean, to the point where I actually had a big knot form in my gut. No fucking way was that thing coming anywhere near me. It had to be at least 8", and as thick as a beer can. Curiosity got the best of me, and I tentatively prodded at Kevin's package thru his jeans, and it felt like it was pretty close in size as Matt. I quickly returned my hand to his ass, once again feeling his free hand steering my hand back to his package.

After about 15 minutes of this, I pulled away and told them I would be right back. I went into the bedroom and grabbed my lube and some poppers - Mark was a big fan, and I figured Kev might need them if he truly didn't bottom. While I was digging thru my nightstand, I saw the Holy Trainer V3 Nano I had bought for Mark last week (hot pink, and on the small side for him of course...I like to emasculate him as much as possible when it was on, which was increasingly frequent). I grabbed all of it and went back into the living room.

Matt, Kevin and Mark were standing around talking, but clammed up fast when I came back in.

"Did I miss anything? Don't tell me you already fucked that slut's cunt...I wasn't gone that long." I said, pointing at Mark.

"No man, no. Not yet. We haven't fucked our sluts' holeS...yet." Kevin said, eyeing me like I was a prime rib. The knot in my stomach returned, as he said it plural.

"Well, I got the lube, and I grabbed Mark's poppers and his chastity device. I'm sure he'll love it." Looking at Mark, who had a stricken, panicked look on his face immediately.

Kevin came to his rescue from my humiliating remarks, surprisingly. "Yeah, you guys might need the poppers. And Matt and I have used chastity devices on our bottoms before. Good way to make sure they know who has the cock..." He unzipped his pants and flopped a massive cock out, "...and who has the cunt." Eyes glancing down my body to my midsection, as he said the last part. Bigger knot, stomach flopping.

I put everything on the coffee table, collected my resolve, and sat on the couch. Matt asked me where the liquor was, as our drinks were dry, I told him, and he made us all another round, handing each of us one, after a few moments with his back turned at the kitchen bar (where I keep the booze).

Kevin came over and sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulders, as I sat there sipping my drink and nervously trying to regain my composure. Matt sat on my recliner, looked at Mark and patted his lap, and Mark eagerly jumped on him and proceeded to try to suck Matt's tongue out of his mouth. I watched, giggled, and shook my head, knocking back all of my drink to get some liquid courage.

Kevin kept rubbing my shoulder and put his drink down to grab my wrist and wrap my hand around his throbbing, massive cock.

"Damn. That's a nice piece. Good thing I'm a top." I slurred...funny, I hadn't had all that much to drink and I'm slurring my words.

"Oh? Yeah, we'll have to do something about that." Kev said cockily.

"Fuck dude, how big is it?" I asked, truly curious.

"9". Not as thick as Matt's, but damn close." He cooed in my ear.

"Fuck. That's a monster. Not going anywhere near my ass, though..." I weakly trailed off.

"Mhmm. Yeah. Sure it won't." He said cockily, latching onto my lips and forcing his tongue in my mouth.

My head was spinning, maybe from the booze and Kevin's forceful entry into my mouth, I don't know. Alcohol has never had this effect on me. I just sat there, melted into his powerful embrace. Barely fighting back. This went on for several minutes more, as his hand on my shoulder drifted down to my nipple and started squeezing it, twisting it, driving me insane and having the effect of me finally breaking down and sucking on his tongue as it invaded me.

After a few more minutes of this, I was a whimpering mess already. I felt like my inhibitions were at zero. I felt like I could, and wanted to, do anything with these guys. I glanced over at Mark, who had Matt's finger up his ass already, and he was huffing the poppers. I didn't even realize he had got up to get them...I was so lost in what Kev was doing to me right then. Matt pointed at the chastity device and whispered something in Mark's ear, and Mark's eyes went wide and he nodded, a giant, shit-eating grin forming on his face and a giggle escaping his mouth. He disappeared for a few minutes, as Matt got up and sauntered over to the couch, with Kevin and me.

At that moment, I knew where this was headed in my fogged-out brain. I shook my head to clear it up a bit and started talking.

"You guys are going to love Mark's hole."

"And you and Mark are going to love our cocks..." Kevin bluntly stated.

"Oh...naw, man, I don't bottom..." I tried to protest, as Matt's mouth latched onto my free nipple. "Ah, oh, aw fuck..." Who knew nipples were this sensitive? "No, really...I..." I tried to protest more.

"Give into it, Pete. Doesn't what we're doing feel good?" Matt came up for a breath off my nipple, then dove right back down biting it harder and harder this time.

"OH, ouch! Aw, FUCK! Oh, man..." I started trembling.

In a daze, I noticed Matt walking back into the living room holding a couple small and shiny things, laying them next to the Holy Trainer. Matt got back up, moved behind Mark, placed his hands-on Mark's shoulders, and forced him down, then went around in front of Mark and barked at him to slick up his cock. Mark followed Matt's orders, with his mouth. Kevin reached over to the coffee table and retrieved the poppers, and brought them to my nose, telling me to get a good huff. I did a tiny bit, and he said forcefully "MORE". I huffed more, holding it in, to which Kevin patted my head and said, "Good boy."

My head was reeling, my mind was swimming in a soup of lust, and I felt like my body was betraying me. This situation was very quickly spiraling out of control. My inhibitions were gone, and I couldn't help myself. Upon hearing "Good boy", I got goose bumps everywhere (to which Kev smiled at), and my 6" dick throbbed and expelled a copious amount of precum, which slid down my shaft. Kev was quick to notice that too, scooping it up and feeding it to me. I dutifully lapped at his finger; a weak moan escaped before I could catch myself.

"C'mon, Kevin, I don't do this..." I said hungrily "...I don't bottom, man..."

"You're going to tonight. Because you know we want that smooth, pretty ass of yours. Only natural bottoms have an ass this naturally smooth, and I can stubble. Just baby smooth." He petted my ass cheeks affectionately. "You're going to be mine tonight Petey boy. Because you know you want to please us. Because you know, at your heart, you're a bottom bitch." Kevin exclaimed forcefully but quietly.

"" Was all I was able to counter with.

I realized, now, trying to fight back against the overwhelming desire to submit, that Kevin's free hand was grazing across my puckered hole. Prodding at it. I felt an electric jolt when it forced it's way in, somehow already slicked up. It was the same finger he was using to feed me my own precum just moments earlier. He was finger fucking me with my own juice. That thought made even more pre spew out of my cock, and he chuckled.

"Why don't you kneel in front of your boyfriend, kiddo, and we will really get started."

I did as he asked. I felt Kev coming up behind me, my eyes half lidded, watching Matt playing with Marks hole, as Mark was watching me with barely concealed glee. Was it that, thought? Was it `glee'? I couldn't tell.

"How big is this thing, boy?" Kevin asked loudly, shaking my hard cock.

"Six inches."

Matt laughed, Mark giggled, and Kevin chuckled.

"No. Mark has a six-incher, isn't that right, fag?" Addressing Mark.

"Yes. I mean, Yes Sir, it's a full six." Mark submissively responded.

`Sir?' What the fuck? I didn't even make Mark call me that. Wait...WHAT THE FUCK? `Fag'?!?!? Did he really just call Mark that? And Mark ANSWERED TO IT?!?!? My mind was struggling to get this situation back under control, but my body wasn't letting it act. My cock was painfully hard and drooling more precum all over the carpet than I think I've ever produced in my life. I was screaming inside my head...'get back'...then, all of a sudden, Kevin scooped up more pre and started finger fucking me again. `get...back...bend over...let...'

Matt withdrew used his finger to steer Mark toward me. "Kiss your bitchfriend, slut." Well, that's a new one. `Bitchfriend'.

I felt the fingers of Kevin's other hand pinching hard at a spot right beneath my balls and cock. My cock went down within seconds, shriveling up to nothing.

"Yeah, see, that's definitely not a 6" dick. That's, at best, a five-incher. Ok on thickness, but dude, come on, that's not an average sized dick. Well below, if you ask me..." Kevin firmly stated. "And, you know what Matt and I do with dicks like that?"

I shuddered. Almost violently. "No..."

"YES. We lock that shit down. It's almost offensive, honestly..." He started degrading me, while pushing his finger into my prostate, making me spew even more precum. "...So, Matt and I have to thank you for providing us with that Holy Trainer. It's necessary." Kevin proclaimed.

"Oh, oh, god, my prostate...jesus..." I started moaning and babbling.

Finished deflating my cock, Kevin spoke to Mark.

"Pick up the device and put it on your little bitchfriend. Do it now." He commanded, while fingering me.

"Yes Sir."

My mind reeling, my body shivering and my ass starting to open up good for Kevin, I just kneeled there, on all fours. Letting this happen to me. How the fuck can I be letting this shit happen, and do nothing? I'm a strong guy, not massive, but strong. A TOP MAN. And here I am, starting to bitch out for these guys, staring dumbly as Mark takes the device apart, and reassembles it on my junk, locking it in place and putting the keys back on the coffee table. I glance down, unable to watch as Mark was putting it on, take a look at my shriveled and now locked up junk, and a slight sob escapes my lips.

"Aw, don't cry, baby boy. Kev and I. We'll take REAL good care of you..." Matt announced soothingly.

"No..." One last weak protest on my part, I had to try.

"Now, how about you two bitchfriends start making out? Matt and I love to see it, and we'll work on your pussies in the meantime. Go on, now, play kissy-face." Mark and I immediately latch our mouths together. My senses are in overdrive, my mind is numb.

"Yeah, that's it. Fuck each other with your tongues, since your dicks are worthless." Kevin said.

Mark and I made out for a while like that. Every so often, Kevin or Matt would place the bottle of poppers under our noses and we would take a massive huff at the same time. Our heads going crazy with lust, it just made us make out that much harder as Matt and Kevin prepped our asses, shoving one, then two, then three fingers in and lazily fucking us with their digits for several minutes.

Finally, Kevin spoke. "Petey, I want you to tell me what you want me to do."

Pulling back from Mark's mouth, I stammered ""

"Yes." Kevin goaded.

"Uh...Please..." I started to beg...but for what?

"YES." He almost screamed. "Tell me you want it, bitch. Tell me you want my cock inside. You want to know what it feels like, don't you? What a real man feels like? What Mark has been missing out on all this time. You want it, don't you?"

"OH, oh no, oh god...please, please don't make me say this..."

"SAY IT!" This time Kevin did yell his order while roughly jabbing my prostate over and over, driving me wild with lust.

"Yes, yes please, take me, fuck my hole, please, PLEASE FUCK ME! TAKE MY CHERRY!!!" I finally screamed out. I immediately hung my head in shame. It happened, and as the feeling of shame was coursing through me, I felt Kevin's massive cock start pressing at my hole.

"Going to fuck your bitchfriend real good with this..." Matt wagged his massive cock in my direction, me looking up and starting to groan as Kevin's cock started working its way in my ass. I watched Mark's mouth gape open, and he started gasping in pain.

"You liking that, boy?" Kevin cooed in my ear.

"Oh, g-god, it's so b-b-big..." I stuttered out between gasps of pain. It fucking hurt, not going to lie.

But as much as my ass was on fire as Kevin was brutally jamming his fuck stick up my newly cored out pussy, my body didn't want to move. My mind was blank, except for the pain. Slowly, what felt like it took hours, Kevin kept sliding up inside me, ever so slowly, and the searing pain gave way to a burning sensation, not as bad.

"Push out, you dumb fuck! It won't hurt so damned bad..." Kevin cuffed me on the back of my head. "...jesus, I swear, sometimes you bottoms are stupid fucks. Push out and bear down, you fucking HIMBO, unless you want nothing but pain the whole fuck."

I did as Kevin ordered. The burning sensation then turned to a warmth, and an incredible feeling of fullness. Shortly after, I felt Kevin's pubes mashing up against my ass cheeks. "Ah...much better, bitch. Just keep it up." He stated.

"Look at your bitchfriend, Mark. Look at that, used to be your boyfriend. Now he's a bitch. Your bitchfriend. And look how much he's enjoying Kevin's cock making a pussy out of his ass. Is that how he made you feel when he took your pussy cherry? Is it?" Matt asked Mark.

"Oh...Oh yeah. Your cock feels fucking great. Yeah, that's how I felt. He's loving it. Born bottom, Sir. Yeah..." Mark ended, and planted his lips on my already open and moaning lips.

Then Matt and Kevin really started banging us. We were fucked so hard that our mouths were relentlessly mashed together, over and over. I was moaning and squealing like a girl into Mark's mouth after a few minutes. The fuck felt like it was going on forever. The pain that had wracked my body to begin with started to turn to pleasure, then to absolute, sheer ecstasy. A small part of my brain was hoping that the neighbors weren't woken up and calling the police on us, because it sounded like Matt and Kevin were trying to kill us with their cocks.

After a while more, Matt pulled Mark upright. Kevin started pile-driving me toward Marks rigid, dripping dick, forcefully moving me with each slam of his hips battering my ass.

"Get your mouth on your bitchfriend's dick and suck him off, cunt boy. He deserves a blow job. You don't."

I started sucking Mark's cock like I was starving to death, Matt's relentless pounding on Mark's ass shoving it further into my throat, gagging me. But I didn't care at that point. I was gone. Something else had replaced me, what, I don't know. I was a fiend. Kevin's cock kept fucking into my hole, making me moan around Mark's cock lodged in my throat. At one point, I almost puked, resulting in a loud round of laughs from everyone...except me.

I was being spit roasted by the guy I planned on bitching out...and my bottom boyfriend. No, my bitchfriend. How fucking humiliating is that. I felt my body turn red and hot with embarrassment. I couldn't believe, an exclusive top...being spit roasted that way. With a chastity device on to boot. No, not just any chastity device. My bitchfriend's chastity device. The one I bought for him for our one month anniversary. The one I had been using on HIM. Now, locked on me. And here I was, like this, moaning and groaning, squealing like a girl, while getting my throat stuffed with cock and my ass thoroughly reamed out by a massive hole wrecker.

Matt had Mark in a full nelson, and I hear Mark scream " ass...oh, fuck, gonna nut down his throat!" And that, he did. I was swallowing for dear life. There were only two pipes it could go down. Several shots went into my stomach, and I heard Mark grunt as the final one seeded my belly.

Kevin then pulled me up, and put me in a full nelson, ravaging my hole from behind, savagely assaulting my prostate with each pile-drive. It was relentless. And mind boggling. My head was lolling around, my neck nothing more than a wet noodle, moaning and groaning, whimpering and whining like a hooker on payday with each brutal thrust. My eyes turned up in their sockets, my tits felt like they were on fire. EVERY SINGLE NERVE felt like it had its own mind.

And then...

Oh fuck, fuck no please no...this can't be happening. I've heard of it, but it cannot possibly be happening to me now, not like this, please fuck NO.

I felt the tingle in my balls. My body was pouring sweat. My heart was racing and my head was pounding. My abs turned to steel and my whole body went rigid. My flaccid, chastity locked dick started to pulse. My balls started to sear, and I started to groan like a whore.

"Holy shit! No fucking way!" I heard Matt say.

"Is he...?" Mark asked incredulously, eyes wide and glued to me.

"Oh shit, he's gonna...fucking bloody hell his pussy is trying to rip my cock off!" Kevin bellowed.

And BAM. Cum started spraying out my locked-up dick.

"Oh shit, oh fuck...Aw..." I babbled mindlessly. "Oh! Ah! OH FUCKING HELL STOP PLEASE! DON'T FUCK ME PLEASE!..."

"BITCH, FOCUS!" Matt said and reached across, roughly slapping my face. As emasculating as that was, it did knock a little sense back into my fucked-out mind. "Beg for my cock to pummel you, you whore!" Kevin growled in my ear.

"AW FUCK, NO NO NO, KEEP FUCKING ME PLEASE DON'T STOP OOOHHH! I'M BEGGIN YOU!!!" I screeched in a high pitch, as cum was flying all over the place, my chastity locked dick exploding while Kevin was fucking the sense out of me.

"I have never, EVER, seen a guy bitch out so hard..." Matt exclaimed, amazed.

I blacked out.

No idea how long I was out (must have only been momentarily), but when I came to, Kevin was rutting away faster in my pussy. What? No, I mean in my ass. Yeah, that's it, right?

Matt was still fucking the snot out of Mark. Both of us were still in a full nelson hold, my arms dancing around like a marionettes', my body control completely gone. I was excruciatingly aware of a burning, searing pleasure in my ass.

It was like having the worst itch you could possibly imagine, and it finally being scratched after years of torment.

"Let's take these two together." Matt said.

"Fuck yeah. Breed them together, bro." Kevin hissed.

They both slammed fully inside us, roared, Mark gasping at the deep penetration, me just flopping around uselessly (would have been laying on the floor if not for the wrestling hold), trying but failing to hold on for dear life, as our top men seeded our boy pussies to overflowing. I mean asses. Yeah, that.

Holding us for a few minutes, then finally letting us go, I slumped down in a fetal position, still moaning like a whore from the most mind-blowing sex I had ever had. My ass felt like it was completely gone, there was almost no sensation besides emptiness now.

After a couple minutes of cool-down, Matt and Kevin went into the bathroom to clean up. I laid there for a minute longer, eyes closed the whole time, not wanting to meet anyone else's gaze. Then I finally dragged myself up, still sitting sprawled on one hip (NO WAY was I putting any weight on my butt) on the floor, leaning against the couch. I glanced down at my pink cage and started to worry. A tear came to my eye and crept out of the corner. I had just cum, handsfree, while locked in my bitchfriend's chastity cage, all the while being fucked by a cock, whose size put mine to shame. Quite literally TWICE my dick size. And I begged him not to stop at the end. This couldn't possibly have been me, right? RIGHT?!? Wait a minute...did I just think of Mark as my `bitchfriend'? I mean boyfriend. What the fuck is wrong with me?

Matt and Kevin came back in the living room, looking refreshed and very smug. Satisfied. I just stared at the floor next to my pink cage and blocked everything from my peripheral vision. I couldn't look at those faces right at the moment.

"Thanks for the fine piece of ass, guys." Matt said to a fucked-out Mark and I.

" worries." I barely squeaked out, not even sure they heard me, and only half aware of what I was saying myself.

"You make a hot fucking bottom, Petey boy. Maybe we'll do it again." Kevin smirked down at me, lifting my chin with his hand, and I finally tore my eyes away from the cage/floor and looked up at him.

I just nodded slightly. His sneer of superiority alone made me want to crawl under the couch and stay there. Mark spoke up. "Oh fuck yes. Anytime you want, studs." Jesus. Fucking. Christ. The asshole just quasi-raped me, and this stupid shit is asking for more, as the asshole in question was putting his clothing back on.

A light came on in my head. I panicked, looking at the coffee table where I had seen them last. "Hey! Wait...the keys..." I stated.

"To what?" Matt deadpanned.

"To this fucking chastity device." I stated, trying but epically failing to sound authoritative.

"Oh, that..." Chuckle. "...hmm. Well, I'm sure they're around here somewhere..." Kevin offered.

"I'm sure you'll find them, dude. Thanks for the fun, and good luck!" Matt said to me, reaching over and ruffling my hair like I was some kind of little fucking kid.

I just nodded and slumped even further into the side of the couch as they walked out the door, Mark whispering to them, then giggling and closing the door behind them.

"Well, I need some sleep. I have never been that thoroughly and satisfactorily fucked." Mark exclaimed.

"Dude..." I started, hearing that last part. Oh, to hell with that for now.

"Come on, I need to find these keys!" I whined.

"Oh for fuck's sake Peter. You will survive. Shit, you had me in that fucking thing for five days straight this week! You can't handle one night? We will find them in the morning you fucking pansy." He was truly pissed.

I flinched back from his words, dragging myself to my feet. "Yeah...I suppose. Ok, let's get some sleep." I grumbled.

We crawled into my bed together after taking a quick shower, rinsing the night off us. My ass was full-on drizzling cum. Kevin must have left 5 gallons in me, for fuck's sake. A large spot on my side of the bed was warm and sticky almost immediately. Mark snuggled up to me, put his hand over my chest. I rolled over on my side, facing away from him and scooted my body away a bit.

"Fine. Be a fucking child. So, you got fucked. Deal with it. I'm you're boyfr..." He stopped mid-sentence. "BITCHfriend? Isn't that what they were calling us? Our relationship now? Yeah. That's it. BITCHFRIENDS. I'm your bitchfriend..." He said, a cold edge to his voice. Continuing, " you really want to act like this toward me now? Get some sleep and cool off." He halfway commanded. "Besides..." He fake-sniffed the air (or maybe not so fake) " smell like cum, and you're leaking all over the fucking bed."

I just scooted a bit further away from him and mentally flipped him off. Anything to get this night over with.

Mark sighed, reached over and flipped off the lamp. I fell almost immediately into a fitful sleep. With a LOT of dreams.


Next: Chapter 3

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