Breeding Bitches

Published on Feb 14, 2022


Breeding Bitches Chapter 1

This story is a work by a previous Nifty author, Dave, who has agreed to allow me to rewrite and revise, and continue his original story "Taking Tops". I do NOT have his permission to share his email, but I am personally happy to hear from anyone that wants to comment or critique – just don't be an asshat about it. I loved the premise of his story so much, and it hit home on so many levels (I actually had to ask if he knew me personally) that I couldn't just let it sit unfinished and idle.

If you don't like or are offended by taboo and D/s subjects - move on. This story is MOSTLY fiction, although there are definite elements that have happened in my life, at least. Any resemblance by name or description to anyone else dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you are not of legal age or if this content is not legal in your area, please do not read this.

No condoms were hurt during the making of this story. Seriously tho, it is assumed all characters are on PrEP, and I although I do not judge whether the readers practice safe sex or not – no one else's place to judge but your own – but I do hope that you are sensible and take precautions regarding the spread of diseases. Please stay safe, and remember that your body is your own temple. Treat it as such. I hope you enjoy the story and I welcome constructive advice and criticism. I also love a good compliment too. Email me at

Thanks, P. *insert favorite heart emoji*

Main Character: Pete, 25, 6", black hair and green eyes. Swimmer's build, Gym-honed, lightly hairy body with a well-developed and toned chest and arms, much larger than average and naturally smooth bubble butt. Average (around 5", but insists it's 6" and average thickness) dick but knows how to use it.

Breeding Bitches, Chapter One

What I've come to realize is that most tops will bottom. I'm not talking about the real, genuine, tops out there, but that is certainly a minority from what I can tell. You have so many guys who either like everyone to think they are a top but they really know they are a bottom, then you have the ones that don't even realize they are a bottom until they are on all fours holding their bum apart for the taking, pleading with you to breed them.

And, when they do finally realize their proper place, they NEVER go back to being a top. Once they are broken, all they can think about is cock. Fucking their ass. Filling it, the way it needs to be filled. The sensations of the top's big pussy wrecker, as it grazes their bitch button.

Their entire thought process focusses on the panting, moaning, sweating, squealing, swearing, drooling, mindless pleasure, as they bend over for a real man.

So, this brings me to the guy I met the other night at my favorite boypussy hunting grounds, Mark. Mark, like a lot of so-called tops, clearly worked out, had a really good body, muscular without being over the top. Nice round muscles everywhere and most notably a squat trained bubble ass. Cocky, because he knows he's a hot fucker. Claims he's a top.

After a few drinks and chit chat Mark suggested we leave.

"Do you want to come to back to my place, bitch?" he slightly slurs.

Not a bad approach from a top. Yeah. We'll see how that goes. I gave an enthusiastic "Sure, let's go!"

He had a very nice place, all neat and tidy, just like a good bottom I thought. I do like to fuck guys in their own bed too, makes for even more of a defeat for them.

We get into the bedroom, shirts, pants, and shoes left in a wake as we're making out on the way. He's grabbing me all over, but of course he barely lets one of his hands off my cock. No genuine top cares about a bottom's dick...I know. I hadn't even touched his. Rather, I was rubbing his back and letting him get worked up. If you want to fuck a top you have to let them get worked up before you can put them in their real place.

Once I feel he is hot enough and ready, I slide my hands down and cup his bum, just with my fingers lightly in his crack and keeping outside his briefs. You can't rush them, but it's at this point you can start bringing them down.

"You have a really nice ass Mark, it's a shame you are such a hot top"

Mark mumbles a slight agreement, as they all do at this point, and it's now you can start getting them ready. I moved my hands back up his back and then into his underwear, rubbing his ass cheeks and crack.

Here's the trick now, I slide his underwear off and told him "Your ass is really firm, you ever think about bottoming?"

The question distracts him, so I continue my groping his bubble butt and slightly hairy crack to keep working his resolve away. Once you have him naked, while you keep your jocks and dignity, he becomes vastly more compliant. Just as he is about to answer, I finally just lightly touch his hole with my middle finger.

"Ohh, no man, I, oh..." He shudders with pleasure. "No, I always top.", he tries to assert, but nervously stutters the claim.

Now as my finger circles what will soon be his new pussy, he steps his legs unconsciously (and involuntarily) slightly apart...and it's over. With my finger on his hole, he can't even get himself together to take my boxer briefs off. I step back take them off and push him down to his knees, leaning over his body, keeping my fingers teasing and testing that sweet little pucker.

"You like that cock Mark?" I know the answer since he hasn't stopped holding it, lustfully drooling and staring at it like it's the wellspring of his existence.

"Yeah, yeah its..." he trailed off as he started to suck my half flaccid cock.

I let him go a few minutes, then let him know what's coming.

"You are going to love that in your ass, Mark." I stand up as I say. He looked up at me a little shocked which is standard.

Then comes the obligatory protest "Look man I don't mind oral, but I'm the top."

I laugh for a second "Mark you're willingly on your knees sucking cock, you can't be a top." I use my finger to scoop up a bit of drool off his chin...which he wasn't aware of. "You've been drooling, nursing and staring at my cock. Tops don't do that, boy."

He stopped and stood up, they all stop about now, as they realize they are not in control anymore. I pull Mark in by the ass, this time my finger goes hard for his hole and he doesn't stop me (they never do).

I push my dry finger up his hole, which elicits a strained gasp, and ask him "Doesn't it feel good in your ass, bitch?"

"Uuuhh..." he moans out breathlessly.

Before he can say anything else, I turn him around and lean him against his full-length mirror. slightly bent over I start talking in his ear

"Mark, I bet you have fucked a lot of guys against this mirror", he moans a yeah, his head is down though, he isn't looking at himself, I move right behind him and just tell him "Mark I'm going to take your tight little hole, you want that tonight don't you?" he moans out a soft yeah again, he has now spread his legs on his own and is trying to push his ass back onto my fingers. I pull out and rest my cock in his deep crack, it's now you can really savor a top giving up his ass, it's now when they beg.

I spot his lube on his nightstand, walk over and pop some on my dick and a little glob on my finger. I quickly lube my cock up, smear the lube in his crack, and line up Marks hole, "You ready bitch?", I don't think he saw the irony in my question "You want this cock in your ass, you better ask me for it!"

No top wants to ask for cock, its worse than actually taking it for them.

After a couple minutes of this kind of talk and running my cock around and over his hole, breaking down his will, he finally answers "...please...",

He is broken now, bent over his ass spread and his hole twitching, so as I put the tip of my cock in his hole I ask once more "Please what? And look at yourself in the mirror as you answer my question, bitch."

He breaks fully, staring into his own reflection in the mirror. "Please fuck me, take my hole", I put him out of his misery and slide my 6" cock up another trophy ass. Mark gives out a defeated moan of pain and humiliation, as my pubes finally grind against that muscular little ass. I take a few strokes in and out, slowly heating up Mark's newly formed mancunt, slowly at first, then building with speed. He starts moaning in pleasure.

Once I hear that, I don't let up on him, I fuck him hard and let him know he is now only a bottom. A bitch. A simple cumdump for real men. Mark can't hide it anymore anyway; he looks in the mirror at me fucking away at him his mouth wide open and whimpering and mewling like a bitch. Like a slut. Like a whore.

Just like the whore he really is.

I reach a finger around and he sucks away at it like a good bottom. You can generally get them to do and say anything at this point, "You ready to take it like the whore you are Mark?"

"Yeah take my ass, it's yours!" He thrusts his ass back onto my dick and as I bury into him, he tightens and yells "Ohhh my ass, ohhh!"

"No, slut. That's not an ass. Men have asses. You have a pussy!" I inform him as I'm piledriving his fuck chute.

Hearing him moaning, carrying on, begging me, is too much for me and I spray my load up his ass, his load is on the mirror and I can see just as I'm still shooting, that second of realization that he just shot his load, barely touching his own cock. A real man's dick was what got him off mostly. He realizes now...he is a complete bitch.

I pull out of him and start to get dressed. I look at the clock. The whole affair took maybe half an hour...sometimes I cum quick in my defense, when I've got a particularly hot bottom swinging on my meat. Mark, realizing what's happened after his fucklust starts wearing off, gingerly slumps down on his bed. I giggle a bit as he winces when his pussy scrapes the comforter. He is defeated, hanging his head, and I can tell he is at that regret stage. But that's not really my problem.

"Well I'm off. Might see you around."

"You're going already?" (I always find it funny that they don't realize I'm doing exactly what they would do) I just chuckle.

"Yeah you're only a bottom. If I see you again, I might fuck understand how it goes." He knew what I meant and he kind of resigned himself to the fact that he had given up his rights when he gave up his hole.

"Yeah. I s'pose...Ok. Well...lock the door on the way out?"

"Sure, bitch. Catch ya later!" Walking out, I hear a strangled sob. I smile as I close the front door, making sure it's locked.

Hey, what? I'm a considerate top, after all...


Next: Chapter 2

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