Breeding Benji

By Tom Dom

Published on Jun 25, 2018



Author's Note:

I'm Tom, and the following is a true story about a guy I met on Tumblr. You can message me there at or email me at to ask questions or provide constructive feedback. To preserve anonymity and increase readability, some details will be changed, but the story itself is true. You can read other stories I've written on Nifty at and You can also read some shorter stories on my tumblr blog at the address above.

This work is copyrighted, and commercial use is prohibited without written permission from me, the author. I encourage all of you to donate to Nifty so we can keep enjoying free access to stories like this one. I've donated. You should to. Do it at the following website:

Breeding Benji

I had an amazing time today with a new self-proclaimed fag I'll call "Benji." Because this is a true story and I believe in anonymity (my own included), Benji isn't his real name. Actually, I allowed Benji to pick his own name for this story since he begged me to write about him.

Benji is a 20-year-old college student in Dallas. He contacted me several days ago after he saw Master Darius ( reblog a couple of posts I wrote a long time ago. Apparently Benji read all my old stories on Nifty and the "Sub of the Day" posts on my old Tumblr blog (which I had to delete, but that's another story), but he didn't have the courage to contact me. Part of the reason he didn't contact me sooner is that he began reading my stories when he was only 17. Don't worry, he got a hard spanking for that today.

Sometimes when I meet a new fag, I will tell him to wear something specific for the meeting, like only a jock strap. Because Benji was very nervous about meeting me and is new to acting out his fag fantasies, I told him he could choose his own clothing for the meeting. I expected him to be dressed modestly when I opened the door to his apartment and saw him kneeling on the floor, but he surprised me. I walked through the door to find Benji on his knees, head bowed, and wearing nothing but a pair of tight green and blue briefs. Oh, and he also had in the butt plug he bought specially to loosen himself up for meeting me. I knew immediately I'd made the right choice by agreeing to meet this fag.

A lot of times, younger submissives lack discipline. Benji surely has the same problem in some respects, but he displayed amazing self-control as a man he'd never met walked into his apartment. Even though I hadn't ordered him to do so, Benji kept his head bowed and his hands clasped behind his back as I entered the room, closed the apartment door, and locked it. Curious to see whether he could keep controlling himself from giving into his desire to see me, I stopped to take my shoes off before approaching him. The whole time, Benji kept his eyes trained on the floor waiting for me to issue my first command.

"You are being a very good boy, Benji," I told him as I walked over and placed a hand on his head. After running my fingers through his hair, I grabbed a fistful and quickly tilted his head back so I could look into his eyes.

Benji let out his first of many moans when he felt me jerk his head back. I smiled as I looked into his pretty blue eyes.

"You're going to be a very good boy for me today, aren't you?"

"Yes, Sir."

I waited to see if he would say more, but Benji continued to limit his actions. Later he told me he wanted to prove that he could be the perfect fag for me, only speaking when spoken to, only moving when told, and immediately obeying every command. He needs a lot of training before he'll be the perfect fag, but he did wonderfully for his first session.

I smiled at Benji and told him it was time to inspect his pussy. I ordered him to get on all fours with his ass up and head down. He immediately complied and I could see the round end of his black silicone butt plug outlined in his briefs. Another pleasant surprise for me.

I pulled his briefs down to his knees and grabbed the plug. Tugging on the plug elicited more moans from Benji. I enjoyed hearing them as I took a couple of minutes to wiggle the plug around and pull it out and push it back in by fractions of an inch. Benji sucked in his breath several times in an apparent attempt to keep from crying out loudly. His hole was extremely tight, and I'm sure it hurt a bit as I stretched it with the plug. When I'd decided I'd had enough of that, I swiftly pulled the plug from his hole. As it popped out, Benji yelped loudly and then immediately apologized ("Sorry, Sir!").

"I don't mind you hollering, but you should probably keep it down if you don't want your neighbors to know what a slut you are. Here, let me help you with that," I said as I moved the plug toward his mouth. "Open up boy. Let's see if this fits as nicely in your mouth as it does in your tight pussy. Maybe it's the perfect thing to plug both your holes when I'm not using them."

I expected Benji to say something in response, but he simply opened his mouth and waited. I slid the plug past his lips and he closed his mouth around it. It was a pretty small plug. Not tiny, but small enough to fit in his mouth without being too uncomfortable. He briefly showed a sour expression on his face as he tasted it, but he quickly hid any disgust and resumed a neutral countenance. I knew Benji was new to this, and I was impressed again at how much he was working to obey me without complaint.

As I walked around Benji looking over his body, I said, "Put your head back down so I can really examine your pussy now, boy." When he complied, I slapped his ass twice, once on each cheek.

"I just remembered that you started reading my stories when you were only 17. I'm going to have to punish you for that." Benji moaned what might have been "Yes, Sir" in response. I'd talked with him about this before we met, and Benji had placed a paddle on the table next to his couch in preparation.

I stepped over to the table, picked up the paddle, and walked back to stand over Benji's beautiful ass. I rubbed the paddle in circles around each ass cheek a few times and asked Benji if he was ready for his punishment. I was definitely ready to see his beautiful white ass turn red and was already pulling the paddle back for the first strike when Benji moaned in response. My safe word is three syllables, and Benji's moan was only two syllables (presumably "Yes, Sir"), so I swung the paddle and was immediately pleased with the solid "thwack" as it landed across Benji's butt.

When the paddle struck, Benji lost a bit of his composure for the first time. He cried out with his lips closed around the plug in his mouth and lurched forward slightly. He turned his head to look over his shoulder at me.

I looked into his eyes and said, "We discussed this, boy. You told me you need to be punished for disobeying my orders not to read my blog and stories before you were 18. I agreed with you because it's important for me to be able to trust that you will obey my orders. You also agreed that I shouldn't take it easy on you. That was only the first hit of the 18 I told you I'd give you, one for each year of age you needed. I'm giving you a moment to adjust, but I'm not going to take a long break between the rest of these unless you decide you need to quit early. Take a deep breath, and nod your head when you're ready for me to keep going."

Benji slowly breathed in, blinked a few times, and then slowly nodded his head once before laying his cheek back on the floor to wait for the rest of his spanking. I can be a softy sometimes, but Benji and I talked about this a lot before we met. He wanted to push his limits and see how much pain he could take with a spanking. He wanted me to make him cry. Not just a little. He wanted to cry hard and lose himself in the pain. As long as it was just the paddle he'd always fantasized about being spanked with, he was sure he could handle it. Now I was going to put him to the test.

I raised the hand holding the paddle up over my head and slammed it down hard. I didn't hit Benji's ass as hard as I could, not by a long shot. However, I did hit his ass hard enough to ensure it was already red after just the second spank.

The next several hits were similar. I took a second or two to slowly raise the paddle and focus my aim after each hit, then struck Benji's ass with a loud thwack of wood on skin. After each blow, I told Benji how amazing his ass looked as it got redder and redder. After the tenth strike, I took a moment to feel his ass cheeks with my hand. They were warm to the touch, and it made me smile.

"Damn boy. Your ass is going to be as warm on the outside as it is on the inside when I'm done with it. I love seeing how red and hot your ass is while I paddle it."

Around the 14th or 15th strike (I kept count at the time, but I can't remember which now), I shifted from complimenting Benji on his bright red and now slightly purple ass to reminding him why I was paddling him. Benji had been crying but staying pretty quiet since around the 5th swat across his ass.

"I hope the bruises on your ass will help you remember what happens when you disobey me, boy. I won't hesitate to put you over my knee or paddle you like this again if you don't follow my rules."

Benji nodded his head as I swung the paddle down again. He yelped and I saw the tears were now streaming down his cheeks. I considered asking if he wanted to stop, but he knew my safe word. He wanted this, needed it in fact. When I told him I'd hate to make a cute boy like him cry, he said he dreamed about a man spanking him until he sobbed uncontrollably.

By the next to last spank, Benji was crying so hard he could barely contain himself. The last few swings, I made sure to pause and look into his eyes before each strike to make sure he was still with me. He looked into my eyes and made no move to stop me. Even if he'd just shook his head or turned his eyes away so he wasn't looking into my own eyes, I would have stopped. But his look demonstrated the determination to live out his fantasy spanking no matter how much it hurt.

Before the final hit, I told him, "This is it, boy. The last one. It's important to finish strong, so this will be the hardest one. You might want to bite down on that pussy plug to keep from screaming too loud."

Benji slightly nodded his head, and I let him have it. He screamed around the plug as the paddle hit, and then he collapsed on the floor crying. I set the paddle down and walked over to Benji's couch.

"Can you crawl over to me?" I asked.

Benji continued sobbing, his body convulsing, but started to worm his way toward me on his elbows and knees.

"Crawl up here on the couch and lay your head in my lap," I told him. He was starting to calm down and followed my directions.

Once Benji was laying in my lap, I told him to open his mouth so I could take the plug out. I set it on the table next to the paddle and told him he'd done an amazing job.

"You did really great, boy. I know you thought you wanted that before, but sometimes it's hard to tell if you really want something you've never tried. We'll talk more about it later, but tell me now if you want to keep going today or stop."

Benji didn't look at me and took a moment to answer. He had to stifle a sob to speak, but when answered, he said, "I want to keep going, Sir. I didn't put myself through all that torment to quit on you." He paused and took another breath before continuing, "I haven't even gotten to see your dick yet." He let out a half sob, half laugh, and I laughed with him.

Running my fingers through his hair, I told Benji I was proud of him for facing that and following through on something so difficult for a beginner. After letting him rest for a few minutes, I told him it was time for his reward.

Benji's whole demeanor changed from needy cuddling to fag anticipation in an instant. I told him to get on the floor where he belonged, and he quickly climbed off the couch to get on his knees in front of me.

I looked down at him and asked, "What would you like as a reward for doing such a good job accepting and learning from your punishment, boy?"

He was silent and turned his eyes downward.

"Now is not the time to be shy, Benji. I told you before, you have to ask for what you want."

He laid his head against my thigh and nuzzled slightly into my lap. I thought to myself he'd make a cute pup, but we'd have to talk about that another time. I wasn't going to let him get away with non-verbal cues.

"Look at me, boy. I'm not giving you what you want until you ask for it. The longer you make me wait, the more I'll make you beg. I know what you want. You know that I know what you want. Now be a brave faggot and ask for it."

Benji looked up at me and opened his mouth then shut it again. He took a breath and looked back into my eyes and said, "Sir, may I please suck your cock?"

I smiled. I can't imagine any words that would have sounded more beautiful in my ears at that moment than those.

"Yes, you may," I told him. "Unzip my shorts and open the button."

Benji did as he was told.

"Now scoot back so I can stand up."

Again he followed my instructions. Once I was standing, I told him to pull my shorts down.

"Do you like my underwear, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Smell them."

He pressed his nose into the fabric by my dick and balls and took a deep breath. He moaned as he exhaled and then took in another deep breath.

"Do you like the way I smell, faggot?"

"Yes, Sir. I've never smelled anything this good in my life."

A little exaggeration is expected in these games, but I still had to keep myself from laughing. I'm sure fags find my smell intoxicating, but that might be taking it a little too far. I responded, "I'm glad you like my scent. If you're going to be my fag, you're going to spend a lot of time with that smell. You should get used to it."

"I hope you let me smell it every day, Sir. I would be such a lucky fag."

"I can't deny that you'd be lucky to smell my sweaty balls every day. Pull the leg of my shorts out and stick your nose in there with my balls."

Benji smiled excitedly as he used both hands to pull the leg of my boxer briefs away from my body and then practically shoved his face inside the opening.

"Careful there, faggot. If you head-butt me in the nuts because you're too excited, I'm going to get the paddle back out, and I won't go as easy on you this time."

I heard a muffled, "Sorry, Sir" in response quickly followed by a audible intake of breath as Benji sniffed up my odor. Then I felt Benji's tongue on my balls. I grabbed his hair, took a quick step back and slapped him across the face.

"I didn't give you permission to lick my balls, faggot. I told you to smell, not taste."

"I'm sorry, Sir. I couldn't help myself."

"You better learn how to control yourself quickly if you want to serve me."

"Yes, Sir. I'll do better. I'm sorry."

"Let's move on. Take off my underwear then fold them with my shorts and put them on the chair."

Benji did as he was told and took care to avoid touching my cock as he obeyed my instructions. It made me happy to see him taking such care not to cross another line without permission. While he was putting away my shorts and boxer briefs, I sat down on the couch. As soon as he set my clothes down, I said, "I don't remember telling you to stand up. Get back on your knees and crawl over here."

Benji immediately dropped to his knees and crawled over to the couch.

"What am I going to do with you, boy? You lick my balls without permission. You stand up instead of staying on your knees where you belong."

"Sorry, Sir. I stood up because I was trying to work quickly."

"I know what happened. You don't need to explain. You forgot yourself because you were so eager to get a taste of my cock. We'll have to work on that, but for now I want to see how good a cocksucker you can be for me. Are you ready to show me?"

"Yes, Sir!" Benji replied and began leaning forward.

"Hands behind your back, faggot. I don't want you to be tempted to use them. I only want to feel your mouth. Those soft pink lips and that tongue are what will make me happy."

Benji immediately put his hands behind his back and started to lean forward. He gently kissed the head of my dick before opening his lips and sliding his mouth around it. As soon as the head was in his mouth, I felt his tongue start to lick the bottom.

"Good boy. Use that tongue for me. That's a good cocksucker."

Benji moaned in response and began working his way farther down my cock. With about 3/4 of an inch left, he gagged just a little and paused to focus his breathing.

"Don't worry faggot. I'll help train your throat. I know you aren't an experienced cocksucker, but I'll turn your mouth into a proper pussy for my enjoyment before I'm through with you."

Benji moaned louder and started bobbing up and down. Every time he tried to get my dick all the way inside his mouth, he coughed and had to pause or pull back. After a few minutes, I figured Benji had enough time to adjust, and I really wanted to feel my cock head sliding past his tonsils.

I'd been running my fingers through Benji's hair and talking to him, telling him how good his lips and tongue felt and encouraging him to work hard for my pleasure. When I decided it was time to get more aggressive, I moved my hand from the top of his head to the back, and when Benji's mouth started descending again, I increased the pressure from my grip. Benji reached the point where he kept gagging and tried to stop, but I pulled hard on the back of his head and thrust my hips up off the couch. I didn't quite bury my cock completely, but it got me close.

Benji started gagging more fiercely and trying to pull his head away, but he kept his hands behind his back. After a couple seconds, I sat back fully on the couch again and pulled my hand away. Benji pulled his head back so that only the head of my dick was in his mouth. He looked up at me, and I saw his pretty blue eyes were starting to water. I'd been ready to give him a break to recover before that, but those eyes made me want to bury my dick inside his throat even more.

"Fuck baby. Those eyes are so pretty when they water up from getting your throat fucked. I'll give you 3 more seconds to catch your breath, and then I'm going to be rough with you for a little while."

Benji didn't respond, and I couldn't tell if his eyes were showing fear, excitement, or both.


Benji kept looking at me.


A slight moan around the head of my dick.


I usually say "zero" before making a move when I count down, but as soon as I said "one," Benji quickly pushed his mouth down on my cock as far as he could. He didn't get any farther than he'd been getting on his own, but I knew he was ready for me to either work on his gag reflex or simply enjoy his throat massaging my dick head as he gagged around it. Either way, I was going to take advantage of his eagerness.

"Oh, so you're eager for me to use your mouth like a pussy?" I asked as I tightened my grip on the back of his head again. I'd been using my right hand on the back of his head, but while I was counting down I added the left hand to make sure he knew I was serious.

I didn't expect an answer to my question. It was purely rhetorical. In fact, Benji was in no position to answer. I just wanted to show him that I appreciated his eagerness to learn.

As I thrust my hips up and pulled his head down with both hands, I told Benji, "I'd hate to disappoint my new little faggot by not giving his throat the training it needs."

My dick didn't slide into his throat immediately, but I kept his head in place with a firm grip and continued pushing my cock up into his mouth. As Benji gagged, his throat opened up and I was finally able to slide all the way home. God damn it felt good to have that little cocksucker's lips wrapped around the base of my dick with his throat and tonsils massaging my cock deep in his mouth. I only kept my dick fully buried for a second before pulling it back and starting the process over again.

Benji didn't gain any more control over his gag reflex as I fucked his mouth. I wasn't giving him enough time to adjust. Plus, the struggle makes it more fun for me. With every thrust, I had to fight to push my dick in deep. There would be a brief pause as I reached Benji's natural stopping point, and then a sense of victory as I shoved past it to bury my cock. Fuck it felt good as his tongue wildly spasmed against the bottom of my cock trying to eject it from his throat.

After planting my dick fully inside Benji's mouth around half a dozen times, I felt his teeth. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head totally off my cock.

"Listen faggot. I know I was pushing you and intentionally causing you to gag, but that's no excuse for me to feel your teeth scrape my dick," I told him as I slapped him across the face. "You might be new to getting used like this, but I'm not going to let you learn bad habits. When you fuck up, I'm going to let you know it," I said as I slapped him again. "Now lick my balls for a minute while you catch your breath."

Benji started to apologize, and I slapped him again.

"I don't need an apology or an explanation, faggot. I need to you follow directions and lick my fucking balls."

Benji went back to work doing his job as an obedient cocksucker. He licked up my balls from my taint to the base of my cock while looking up at me. Fuck I was in love with those eyes and that cute face. The bit of red in his left cheek from my slaps only made him more adorable.

"You are such a cute faggot. I usually like to spend a long time enjoying a fag's mouth before I consider fucking him, but you've got me so hard I can barely control myself."

These weren't questions, so Benji didn't respond. But he smiled as he continued licking my balls. He was pleased with himself but also embarrassed and turned his eyes away from my gaze as he absorbed the compliments.

"Look at me, boy. I'm trying to make an important decision here, and I want to look into your eyes while I decide."

Benji looked up at me again.

"You begged me to breed you before we met and even went to get tested for me. Now it's time to decide whether I'll honor your request. I usually wouldn't fuck a fag raw when I've only been talking to him for a few days. It isn't a question of whether you're clean since I know you are. It's whether I want my seed swimming around in a fag I hardly know. We've talked a lot over the last week, but that isn't a long time to get to know a boy."

I leaned back on the couch and closed my eyes then said, "Get your mouth back on my cock and prove to me you're worthy of being bred by a man like me."

Benji moved quickly to obey and my dick was encircled by his warm velvety mouth before I even finished the sentence. I looked down and saw Benji raise his ass. He'd been resting his butt on his heels, and now he got on all fours and leaned forward to position his mouth more directly over my cock. He was getting in position to be the best cocksucker he could be.

Focusing all his efforts, Benji started slowly engulfing my dick while running his tongue along the bottom. It felt so good. His suction was perfect, neither too light nor too heavy. It's as if he could sense exactly what would feel best for my cock at that moment, and he was doing all he could to provide it.

Benji's lips continued moving down my dick until he reached the point that caused him to gag. There he stopped to collect himself before trying again to completely bury my dick in his mouth.

"Come on, boy. I know you can do it. Show me how bad you want my load inside you. I'm not going to help you this time. You've got to earn it."

Benji nodded his head slightly and went for it. He made a little progress and then started gagging. He pulled back until about half my dick was in his mouth and slowed his breathing. He sat there for 10 or 15 seconds slowly massaging my dick with his tongue. Then he went for it again.

Benji shuffled his knees forward and moved his mouth further above my cock, trying to open up more space in the back of his mouth to achieve his goal. I could feel my cock head wedged against the roof of his mouth as he tried to relax the back of his tongue and throat so it could slide in farther, but he couldn't quite get the job done.

Benji pulled off my dick and asked, "Sir, may I get on the couch with you?"

I was wondering if he'd ask to try it from a different angle, and I decided to let him go for it. He crawled up on the couch with his knees next to my right leg. Leaning forward, he placed his hands on either side of my legs and gave me a quick kiss on the stomach before opening his mouth and sliding it back down my cock.

This time, Benji didn't hesitate. He stretched his neck forward and I could practically see the tunnel opening for my dick to slide in deep. Benji gagged a little as my dick got deeper into his mouth, but then he held his breath and slid his lips all the way down.

When I felt his nose planted in my balls, I said, "Oooh, fuck. Such a good fag. I love it when you work for my dick like that."

Benji started slowly working his mouth up and down on my dick. He didn't take it all the way every time, but he was able to work it past his tonsils about half the time.

After a few minutes of letting Benji work at his own pace, I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed my arms underneath his, locked my hands around the back of his head, and started fucking his mouth. Benji immediately went from calm and controlled to gagging and sputtering. I didn't care. I had an easy angle to bury my dick, and I was taking full advantage of the cocksucker's mouth pussy.

With Benji's tongue on top of my dick, I wasn't worried about him making me cum too soon. I can almost never get off at this angle. I need the cocksucker's tongue underneath my cock to reach climax.

With no fear of ending things prematurely, I let myself go. I probably fucked Benji's mouth for a good two minutes as he gagged around my cock. I was in heaven, riding the pleasure of using a good mouth pussy. By the time I started to slow, I think Benji was finally starting to catch onto my rhythm. But by then, I was ready to sit back and relax while he did the work.

"God damn, boy. I'm going to enjoy training this mouth. It feels so good on my cock. It's like this is where you were meant to be."

Benji moaned in response. I grabbed his hair with my left hand, pulled his mouth off my cock, and immediately thrust the first and middle fingers of my right hand into his mouth.

"Get my fingers wet, faggot. I'm going to test whether your pussy feels as good as it looks."

Benji sucked and licked my fingers like the perfect slut. When I thought they were ready, I pulled them out and moved my hand around to his ass. As I used my thumb and ring finger to spread him open, I noticed that his left ass cheek was still warm against the underside of my forearm. I smiled as I thought to myself that it probably isn't as warm as the inside anymore, but I still admired the handiwork of my spanking.

Even though the plug had only been out of Benji's hole for about half an hour, it was already tightening up again. Benji wasn't a virgin, but he also didn't have a lot of experience with sex. He'd only had one boyfriend, and they broke up a few months ago. Benji hadn't been fucked since then.

When Benji begged me to breed him in text messages before we met, he told me that his boyfriend had trouble fucking him sometimes because he was too tight. As I know from experience, it's especially difficult to fuck a tight hole while wearing a condom (which his boyfriend always did). I told Benji I wouldn't be able to breed him if his hole was too tight and he couldn't relax it enough to let me in. Benji immediately suggested he buy a butt plug to make sure that wasn't the case. He was right on the line between desperate (which is a turn off) and eager (which is a turn on). It's a very fine line, but I'd known from his pictures that Benji was cute enough to get all the cock he wanted if all he wanted was to get fucked. But that isn't what Benji wanted. Benji wanted me to fuck him, not just any man.

I was thinking about how much this kid wanted me as I stuck my finger inside his pussy for the first time. His hole was still slick with the lube he'd used for the plug, but it was a little sticky. Because the plug was silicone, Benji had to use shitty water-based lube with it. Fortunately, he got enough spit on my fingers to get it moist again so that I could finger him.

After a minute, Benji's hole started to get sticky from the shitty lube. I pulled my finger out and starting playing with the outside of his hole. That made Benji work even harder to throat my cock. I'm not sure if he was worried I wasn't going to fuck him since I'd pulled my finger out or if teasing the outside of his pussy was driving him even more crazy than fingering him. I didn't really care about the reason. I was just enjoying his effort to take care of my cock.

I let Benji suck my dick for a couple more minutes before I slapped his ass and told him to get back on the floor.

As Benji crawled off the couch, I stood up. When he was kneeling in front of me again, I said, "I know you had to use that shitty lube to go with a silicone plug, but I can't fuck you with that shit in your hole. We need to clean you up. Crawl to the bathroom."

Benji turned around and began making his way across the living room floor. As I followed him, I realized I needed to take a piss. Benji and I had talked about piss play before. He tried drinking some of his own piss a couple days ago to see if he could do it. He thought he could swallow some, but he was completely new to it and was worried he'd gag and vomit and wouldn't be able to keep up if he tried drinking straight from the tap.

Once Benji was in the bathroom, I told him to get in the tub on his knees. When he was in position, I told him I needed to take a piss.

"I put you in the tub so you won't make a mess if you spill. Put your lips around my dick and get ready to swallow as much as you can. It will really please me if you can swallow my piss like a good fag."

Benji looked scared that he would fail, but he complied. I was happy he wanted to push himself to try this. A surprisingly small number of fags actually want to drink piss, and I've gotten more into it the older I get.

I talked to Benji while I waited for my erection to subside enough for the piss to flow. I don't remember exactly what I said, but I told him he'd been a very good boy so far and I couldn't wait to reward him by letting him taste my piss. I told him I'd decided to fuck him without a condom since he'd worked so hard to take my dick into his throat and prove his worth. He really was being an exceptional fag.

When I felt my bladder releasing, I tried to control the flow to avoid overwhelming Benji. I felt him start to swallow, but after a couple of swallows, he gagged and spit out everything in his mouth. He looked down and started coughing, and I told him, "That's okay, faggot. I'll just piss in your hair while you recover."

After a couple moments, Benji raised his face and tried to get his mouth back on my dick. His eyes were closed to keep the urine out, so he had trouble lining up his mouth with the stream of piss. He finally got his mouth back around my dick, but he couldn't swallow more at that moment.

Benji kneeled there and allowed his mouth drop open, letting the piss flow across his tongue and then fall to the bathtub floor. After a few seconds, he closed his lips around my dick and tried to swallow, but he gagged again.

"Don't close your lips," I told him. "Treat it like a water fountain. Suck in what you can, swallow that, and let the rest go down the drain. It's a special water fountain for fags like you."

Benji followed my instructions, and I heard him slurping in my piss. That might have been even hotter than having him drink it directly from the head of my cock. The slurping noises made him sound eager, like he couldn't get enough.

It was a long piss, but after a minute or so, I was done. I told Benji to get the last drops with his mouth so my dick would be clean.

When Benji was finished with his task, I told him to turn on the water. He pulled out the faucet handle on the tub and a gush of cold water rushed out. I grabbed the removable shower head, and pulled up the switch to divert the water from the tub to the shower head.

Benji gasped as the cold water sprayed across his head to rinse the piss out of his hair and off his face. He ducked his head as I continued to spray him with the water. After 15 or 20 seconds, I redirected the shower head away from him and told him to turn around so I could clean out his pussy. When Benji was facing the other direction, I started spraying the water right onto his hole. I shifted the shower head from my right hand to my left and then plunged the middle finger of my right hand into Benji's hole. I wiggled it around and moved it in and out to clean off the gloopy water-based lube. I really hate that shit.

It didn't take long before his hole felt clean. I turned the water off and grabbed the towel from the bar next to the shower. I told Benji to stand up, and I threw the towel over his head to start drying his hair. I considered telling Benji to dry himself while I watched, but I prefer to keep an active role when I'm using a fag, so I dried him myself.

When Benji was mostly dry, I told him to put his hands on the wall of the tub and show me his ass. He turned away from me and assumed the position. I reached out with both hands and spread his ass cheeks apart to get a good look at the pussy I was about to fuck for the first time. It was a beautiful tight round pucker. I very gently ran my finger across it barely making contact, and Benji flinched like it tickled. I swatted his balls lightly and told him to hold still while I finished inspecting him.

Every bit of this boy was better than the last part I checked out. I've talked about his blue eyes and soft lips and described his tight pussy for you, but the line of his back and ass was also perfect, and his skin was amazingly soft.

I asked him, "Is your skin naturally this soft, or do you use something to keep it moisturized?" I know it's not the sexiest question to ask when you're getting ready to fuck someone, but I was curious.

"I use coconut oil, Sir."

"Really? I used to use that to jack off sometimes. It makes great lube."

And just like that, I had an idea.

"Go get the coconut oil and get on your bed. All fours with your knees and ass at the edge."

Benji practically jumped out of the shower to run to the kitchen.

"Don't slip and fall in your excitement, faggot."

He hollered back, "I won't, Sir!"

I couldn't help but smile. He was a damn cute little fag.

As I walked into the bedroom, I heard a cabinet door smack as it was enthusiastically closed. Then Benji was turning the corner and headed toward me in the bedroom. He handed me the jar of coconut oil and leapt onto the bed, quickly scooting back so his knees and ass were in the position I ordered.

I had to chuckle. The young boys like Benji are always fun because they get so excited and playful. Still, I had to keep him under control. I slapped his ass and told him to calm down.

Benji turned his head toward me and said, "Yes, Sir!" He said it with such exuberance that I considered giving him another smack across the ass to show him I was serious about him calming down, but I knew it wasn't necessary. As excited and energetic as Benji was, I knew he would hold himself still as long as it took to earn my cock inside of him.

I unscrewed the lid of the coconut oil and scooped some with my fingers. I held it in my hand for a moment allowing my body heat to begin melting it and then started to slather it onto my half-hard dick. I reached back in for a glob to stick in Benji's hole, and then I let it melt naturally inside him while I stroked my dick a few times.

With one hand stroking my dick I used the other to play with Benji's tight boy pussy, spreading around the oil and getting it ready to fuck. When I was ready, I grabbed Benji by the hips and pulled his ass down so my cock was lined up with its new home.

"Put your head down, faggot. I want your face on the bed so that any sound you make is muffled."

As soon as Benji complied, I started running my dick up and down between his cheeks. I felt his body tense with anticipation, but I wasn't in a hurry. If he was telling the truth, he'd been dreaming about his moment for years. Another minute of teasing would only heighten his anticipation.

I could hear Benji moaning into the comforter and decided I couldn't wait any longer to feel his hole grip my cock. However, I only had one chance to enter him for the first time, and I couldn't decide which method I preferred. Fortunately, I have a tried and true way to resolve such problems.

I asked Benji, "Should I go slow and enjoy the sensation as every inch of my dick slides into your pussy? Or should I slam it in all at once and then hold it there to enjoy the warmth of your hole engulfing me?"

"Whatever you want, Sir."

I hit him across the ass. Slap

"I'm asking you, faggot. Your answer will influence my decision."

"I don't know, Sir. I really just want you to enjoy my ass however pleases you."

"I know that, faggot. It goes without saying. But you still need to decide. If you don't make a choice, I'm not going to fuck you. I'll have you turn around and lick the coconut oil off my dick, and then I'll leave."

"Please don't go! Slam it into me, Sir! Give it to me hard! Please, Sir!"

I knew he'd say that. Fags almost always give that answer. So I did what I almost always do. The opposite.

As I started pressing against his hole and felt it opening for me. As I started to inch inside, I said, "Nah. I think I'll take my time and really savor sliding my cock into its new home for the first time. Like you said, it's about me and whatever I want, not what you want. I prefer to take this slow and savor the moment."

Benji whimpered. He obviously hadn't been expecting that. He'd been holding his breath waiting for me to pound into him. This was an extra mind fuck for him. I'd made him choose by threatening to leave and then ignored his decision. There's no better way to make a fag feel like a fag than forcing them to make a choice and then doing the opposite.

When my dick bottomed out in Benji's hole, I wiggled it around to stretch him out a little, and Benji said, "Thank you, Sir. Thank you so much for not leaving. I've wanted this for so long."

"I know you have, faggot. Now bury your mouth back in the bed where I told you to put it."

With that, I pulled out and slammed my dick into Benji hard, eliciting a sharp yelp from him. I didn't stop. He said he wanted me to slam it in, and now I was ready to do just that.

I kept up the hard pace for a couple of minutes before changing my rhythm. I was already on the edge of cumming, and I didn't want this to end too soon. No matter what though, I knew this wasn't going to be a long fuck. I'd already been at Benji's apartment more than an hour, and I couldn't wait much longer to cum. The only problem is that the bed was a little too high for me to fuck him comfortably.

I told Benji to get off the bed, move around to the end of it, and bend over to grab the foot board. Benji is about an inch shorter than me, which is the perfect height to fuck while standing up.

I followed him around to the end of the bed, put my hand on his shoulder to push him forward, and lined up my cock to plunge it back inside Benji's tight pussy. I spent about 10 minutes alternating between fucking Benji hard and slowing down my tempo to make it last. As always, I talked to Benji while I fucked him.

I asked all the standard questions. "Does my dick feel good inside you? Do you like it when I fuck you hard? Do you like being a good slut for me?" And I made all my standard statements. "Damn, your hole feels so good. It's so warm and tight. I wish I could fuck you all day. I love it when you squeeze my dick, yeah tighten that pussy for me faggot."

I knew this was driving Benji crazy. On top of his moans, I knew he was extra horny. Benji told me before that he jacks off up to 6 or 7 times per day. So when I was texting with him on Friday, I told him I didn't want him to cum until we met. I wanted him to learn a little self-control and I wanted him to be extra horny for my fuck.

Yesterday, when I texted Benji, he was desperate. It seemed like he was practically vibrating with pent up energy from staying horny and not being allowed to jack off. I was also chatting with the Lord of the Fags ( while texting Benji. I told him how cute Benji is and that he was begging me to let him cum. As cute as Benji is, he might have been able to convince me if he'd ruined the orgasm and made a video of himself licking his cum off the floor, but the Lord of the Fags thought I should keep his fag brother in denial. Since I thought that was probably for the best, I told Benji to plug his pussy and go naked for a while so his fag dick wouldn't receive any stimulation. If he needed to take a piss, I suggested he stand in the shower so it didn't spray all over the toilet and floor because he was not allowed to touch his dick for any reason.

As I fucked Benji, I asked if he'd followed my orders, "Did you sit around naked yesterday afternoon focusing on the plug in this tight pussy instead of worrying about your fag clit?"

"Yes, Sir. I did exactly as you ordered."

"Good little faggot. I'll bet you really want to cum."

"Yes, Sir. Please let me cum with you inside me!"

I'd already been thinking about doing that. I've had fags cum while I fucked them before, and feeling the walls of their pussies spasm around my cock and milk it feels amazing. It's not the same the voluntary squeezing a fag can practice by tightening and loosening his hole. When a fag cums, his entire hole starts clenching and massaging your dick, not just the outer hole.

Knowing how often Benji usually jacks off and how excited he'd been about this experience, I knew it wouldn't take much to send him over the edge. I grabbed my left hand around his throat and pulled him back toward me. Then I reached my right hand around to feel the fag's hard dick. As soon as I grasped it and felt it throb, I let it go. One good stroke, and he'd probably blow, but I wasn't quite ready for him to cum. Since the tiniest thing might set Benji off, I had to be careful.

I slid my finger to the tip of his dick and scooped up the precum drooling from it. Then I raised my finger to his lips and whispered in his ear, "Taste your sweet boy juice. Look how excited you get with me fucking your tight little hole."

I felt Benji's tongue eagerly licking my finger and his lips sucking on it. Before long, I felt the inevitable. I was slowly sliding my dick into Benji keeping a steady pace when I felt myself reaching the point of no return. I grabbed Benji's dick and quickly shoved my own cock the rest of the way into him. As I pulled my dick out and slammed it back into him a few more times, I felt myself going over the edge. At the same time I was stroking Benji's dick and he was moaning loudly. Suddenly his body was shuddering and his pussy was gripping my dick from all sides. The waves of pleasure began to crash over me, and I started to cum half a second after Benji started shooting his own load.

"Fuck yeah, faggot. I love the way your pussy feels when you cum. I'm filling you up now. You're going to have millions of my little swimmers shooting around in that pussy trying to turn you into a real man."

Benji moaned and said thank you over and over as I continued thrusting into him and enjoying my orgasm. I spent another 30 seconds slowly moving in and out of his hole while softly biting into his shoulder. As I slid up inside of him the last time, I leaned in and said, "You were such a good fag. Your pussy felt perfect, and I'm going to be fucking you a lot more. Are you ready to finish your job and suck my dick clean?"

Benji nodded his head and turned to get on his knees. I pushed his head down as he kneeled and told him to open up. My dick was still hard and I shoved it all the way into his mouth, making him gag again.

"There you go, faggot. I figured the extra throat slime would help you get the taste of ass off my cock. You're welcome."

Benji mumbled something around my dick that sounded like "Thank you, Sir" as he licked and sucked off the coconut oil, cum, and anything else his ass had left on my cock. After I was satisfied, I told Benji to lick his own cum off the foot board. When he was done with that, I ordered him to get me a hot wash cloth and gently wipe my dick and balls with it.

While I waited for the water to heat up and Benji to return, I laid down on his bed to relax. After Benji finished cleaning me up and put the wash cloth away, I told him to lay down with me. I knew he'd been through a lot for his first true fag experience, and I wanted to check in with him.

With Benji's head on my chest, I played with his hair and kissed him on top of the head. I asked him several questions about the experience, and he said he can't wait to do it again, but maybe with a lighter more playful spanking next time instead of a truly punishing one. I told him that depended on whether he was a good fag or if he needed to be punished. He nodded and said, "I know, Sir. I'll always try to be good for you."

After a bit, I checked the clock and realized I'd spent more time at Benji's apartment than I'd planned. Before I left, Benji asked me to get the plug and put it back inside him so he could hold onto my cum as long as possible.

As I walked out to my car, I thought to myself, "Yeah, Benji will definitely always try to be a good fag for me." I can't wait to find time to use him again.

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