Breeder Programme

By yoric horatio

Published on Nov 30, 2023


Six weeks to the day after our deflowering we discovered Nina was pregnant. It was a time of great joy and enormous tension, would all of this be in vain, would we also be subject to the same horrible illness that genetic women contracted which led to their demise? It was out of sheer terror that I took a pregnancy test myself, the doctors confirmed I was 3 weeks into my first trimester. From now our health was scrutinised like someone seeks life in a drop of water. Any colds, sniffles coughs, sore throats or rashes were thoroughly analysed. We both however were in the peak of health, there was no sign of our impending doom.

Regular ultrasound scans showed our foetuses growing daily, tests on the amniotic fluids came back negative. Doctors had to research again and again because ours was the first natural pregnancies for decades.

Nina gave birth 18 days ago to a beautiful baby boy named Joey (she wanted to call him Joy but was persuaded otherwise) and is currently sitting across the room nursing him, feeding him the milk I had been suckling from her for the past few months.

And here I sit, my belly huge, skin tight as a drum and feeling my own baby, a baby called Hope who I know will be entering this world very shortly ... she will be the hope of the rest of humanity, the first genetic female born on the planet since the terrible war all those years ago.

Will she be the salvation of the human race? I don't know. All I know is I love her with all my heart.

Good night sweet hope, sleep safe and we'll see what comes tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 2

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