Bred Slave

By Matt W

Published on May 23, 2009


The following is a work of fiction. All characters are over 18 years of age. There are depictions of sexual acts and homoerotic themes. Please do not read any further if you are not legally eligible or would be offended by the material.


"I... I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I couldn't...I," she stammered breathlessly.

"Shhh," I placed my finger gently to her lips. "I know. It wasn't your fault. It doesn't matter."

Ali smiled with a mix of relief and seduction. I moved my finger away from her lips, traced it along her soft cheek, and then gently taking the back of her head, I pulled her lips toward mine. We both closed our eyes as our lips met. As my tongue snaked its way into her mouth, our moist lips gliding over each other, a sense of calm washed over me. I felt safe, and happy, and home.

Gently, she placed her hand to my chest, pushing me away just long enough to rip her blouse open. With a sly smile, I pulled my t-shirt up over my head and tossed it aside. I tingled as she ran her soft hands over my bare chest, and I reached behind her to expertly undo the strap of her bra. She lunged forward, and in moments we were tousling about in the bed, unbuttoning each other's jeans, slithering out of our pants and underwear as we desperately ran our hands over each other, straining to keep our lips connected at the same time. I rolled on top so that she was pressed beneath me, feeling her heat radiating against my bare skin.

Ali looked up at me innocently, "I'm sorry it had to come to this. We shouldn't have waited, I should have just..."

Again, I pressed my finger to her lips. "It was worth the wait," I whispered, leaning down for another kiss.

In a surprising move, she giggled, rolling us over until she was on top. I grinned, as she looked down at me triumphantly. Reaching between her legs, she licked her lips as she wrapped her soft fingers around my throbbing cock. Leaning down, she flicked her tongue against my lips. "Are you ready?" she whispered.

I nodded anxiously, swallowing with nervous excitement as she gave my cock several strokes.

"What the FUCK do you think you're doing?" Ali mouthed suddenly, her sweet voice replaced with a thunderous male bark, ripping me from my dream.

My eyes popped open to find Ryan glaring down at me through the bars of the cage in his closet. I sat up in a dazed panic, my body coated with a sheen of cold sweat. Ryan had gone out for a while and left me chained in the closet cell because I had finished all of my chores earlier that day. He was dressed casually in jeans and a t-shirt.

"I said, what the fuck do you think you are doing?" he repeated angrily.

Realizing quickly that I had drifted off to sleep curled on the floor of the closet, I looked down in horror to find my right hand clenched around my hard cock, a drizzle of precum leaking over my fingers. I swallowed. Over the past week, I had been told over and over that I wasn't supposed to touch my cock for anything other than washing. I hadn't cum since that night in Ali's room where I discovered the truth about my inherent slavery. For the most part, I'd been too distracted or too exhausted to even think about jerking off. However, after a week of training, things had started to slow a bit. I'd begun to adjust to this routine, however fucked up it was, and I was starting to feel horny again, like my old self.

"I...I'm sorry, Sir. I was asleep..." I stammered, letting go of my deflating cock.

"I don't want your fucking excuses," he snapped, flinging open the cage door. "Get your ass out here. That was a mistake."

Shamefully, I crawled through the doorway on my hands and knees, the chains rattling between my wrists and ankles, feeling a growing sense of dread in the pit of my stomach.

"Stop," he ordered, as I had just cleared the doorway. "Get up on your knees. Before you move another inch, you need to dispose of that nasty slave precum. Can't have you trailing it across my room."

"Yes, Sir," I said dejectedly, as I pushed up onto my knees. I didn't need to ask for clarification to know what he meant. Swallowing, I looked down at my nearly flaccid but still leaking cock, and using my left hand, I gingerly squeezed the remaining discharge of precum into my right hand, where the rest had leaked, and reluctantly brought the hand towards my mouth.


"Yes, Sir." I winced as I ran my tongue quickly over the small puddle of clear goo. Fortunately, I had already tasted it in the dungeon, and I knew that it wouldn't be as bad as it seemed. Still, my cheeks burned at the notion of being forced to digest my own precum simply because I had leaked it without permission. When it was gone, I rested my chained hands on my thighs and lowered my head in shame.


His hand connected with my face.

"Something you wanna say, cunt?"

"Yes, Sir," I trembled in shock from the surprise slap. "Thank you, Sir."

"Get your bitch ass downstairs, and wait by the front door with your leash," he commanded. "We're taking a field trip."

Fifteen minutes later, we were back in the dungeon deep in the basement of the main house. I had been freed from my house shackles, but now my arms were spread wide above my head, each wrist attached to a chain and leather cuff dangling from the ceiling. Ryan was between my legs, attaching a cuff to each of my ankles that were joined by a rigid bar that forced my legs wide apart. When he was done, I was standing completely spread-eagle, balancing my weight between the balls of my spread feet, and the wrist chains from above.

Ryan stepped back to admire his work. He gave me a satisfied snicker, and retreated into a dark corner of the room behind me. As before, there was a single lit bulb above me, with the rest of the room shrouded in shadows. I tested the chains lightly, as if there was any doubt that they were secure. My muscles were tensing involuntarily, in nervous anticipation of what was to come.

I jumped at the sudden snapping of latex behind me. A glove. He stepped slowly back around in front of me, adjusting the glove on his right hand.

"Bet you were expecting a finger up your ass? You'd like that, wouldn't you, slave?"

", Sir," I responded.

"Oh that's right. A finger is nothing in a slave cunt like yours anymore. Need a good sized plug to really fill it up these days," he mused as he pulled a white and blue tube out of his back pocket. My face burned a bit at the reference to my stretched ass. I had graduated quickly from the small plug to a larger size, and was now sleeping regularly with my ass stuffed.

Flipping open the plastic cap with his left thumb, he held it up and squeezed a generous amount of blue gel onto his latex covered hand. He massaged the gel quickly between his fingers, and stepped forward. I swallowed as a strong whiff of menthol filled my nostrils. His hand was coated with a sheen of some sort of heating gel typically reserved for sore muscles.

"No, please Sir," I begged, squirming in my bonds as best I could as he reached for my exposed cock.

"Shut up," he snapped as he grabbed hold of my flaccid dick and stroked it quickly before sliding the slick glove down to my balls and massaging a coating of gel roughly into my scrotum. "You knew better than to try to pleasure yourself without permission, and you did anyway. Now, you suffer the consequences. Sucks to be a slave," he gave me an innocent shrug followed by a wicked smile before disappearing behind me. "And, just for good measure..."

"Gah!" my eyes widened as two gel coated fingers suddenly pushed into my exposed ass. I could already feel the heat building in my crotch, and soon there would be fire in my ass as well.

I heard the snap of latex again as Ryan pulled the glove off and threw it onto the dungeon floor. He retreated further back behind me, leaving me dangling uncomfortably in the spread-eagle position as the gel really began to take effect. The sensitive skin on my genitals began to burn as if he had lit it on fire. Grunting uncomfortably, I began to twist and turn from the discomfort. And moments later, an entirely different type of fire broke out across my ass. I yelped loudly, lurching forward from the force of whatever it was that Ryan had whipped across my ass.

"That's for breaking a major law for slaves," he barked. "What is it? What law did you break?"

"I touched my cock, Sir," I mumbled, nervously anticipated the next flog.

WHACK! The leather strap snapped across my right abdomen.

"Whose cock?" Ryan demanded.

"Mine? I...I mean, yours...Sir!" I stammered, absorbing the sting. "It belongs to you, Sir."

"Oh, really?" he mused, sliding the leather flogger over my skin that was now crawling with goosebumps. "And, what do slaves need in order to touch things that don't belong to them?"

I swallowed. "Permission? Sir?"

WHACK! "Then, why..." WHACK! "Did you..." WHACK! "Do it?!" WHACK! WHACK!

"Gah! Ughn!" I cried out as he emphasized his words with a flog to various parts of my chest and stomach. "I...I'm sorry, Sir! I was asleep...I"

WHACK! I lurched forward as he cracked the flog against my burning ass.

"Shut up!" he snapped. "I told you, I don't want excuses. I want respect."

"Yes, Sir," I sniffed back a sob, the burning sensation from the heating gel on my genitals mixing with the sting of the floggings. I hung my head shamefully.

Ryan stepped around in front of me, lifting my chin lightly with the strap of the flogger so that he could look me in the eye. "And, I don't think you respect me, slave," he sneered, emphasizing the word. "Is that true? Have I failed to earn your respect?"

"Yes, Sir...I mean, no Sir. You have it Sir..."

He smirked. "Yeah? Then time for you to prove it." He let the strap drop from under my chin, and stepped back. "Pop quiz cunt: which way does cum flow for a Master?"

I swallowed, raising an eyebrow. "Uh...out, Sir?"

"And which way does cum flow for a slave?"

My eyes widened slightly, and I could feel my cheeks flushing a bit. "In, Sir?"

He bopped me lightly on top of my forehead with the flogger. "Ding ding. Ladies and gentleman, it has a brain. Maybe my father's prep school dollars didn't go to waste after all."

Tossing the flogger to the ground, he stepped forward and began to unfasten my right wrist from the chain above, and when it fell free, he moved to the left. I wanted nothing more than to comfort my burning cock and balls from the gel, but I clenched my fists and restrained myself from touching them.

"Time to learn a new position. On your knees," he snapped. Taking hold of my right arm, he helped guide me down to the cold floor, as the spreader bar between my ankles made it nearly impossible without falling. "Hands behind your back. Chest out, shoulders back, lift your chin. Now, your mouth, I want it open as wide as you can."

"Yes, Sir." Nervously, I complied, the hard floor cutting into my kneecaps. I swallowed quickly before opening my mouth until I could feel a strain on my jaw. Already, I could feel saliva pooling on the back of tongue.

Ryan began to pace slowly around me. He pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it to the side. I had noticed that the neckline was damp with sweat. It was warmer in the basement that day than I had remembered it a week ago, and my punishment had apparently gotten him hot.

"As you have been made well aware, a slave has many uses," he began to explain, pushing my head back a little further. Placing both of his thumbs against my top and bottom teeth, he gingerly ratcheted my mouth a bit wider. "One of the more important uses we have yet to explore is that of receptacle for its Master's seed. Cum dump, for short."

I could feel my face flushing, and sweat forming at my brow as he paused to let the concept sink in.

"And that's what you are, isn't it? Look at yourself," he chided. "Nothing but a naked, collared, waste of jock meat on his knees begging for it. Practically drooling."

I felt his finger wipe some of the saliva that was escaping out of the side of my gaping mouth and wipe it across my chin. Wincing my eyes tightly for a moment, I tried to displace myself from the situation.

"From now on, when I say that I need a cum dump, this is how I want you." Ryan stepped in front of me squarely. With little effort, he unfastened his jeans and pushed them, along with his boxers, down past his knees. He gave his cock a quick pump so that it swung freely away from his sweaty balls and thighs. "It isn't all bad news today, slave. Your destiny is about to be fulfilled. No true slave is worth shit without a gut full of cum."

I coughed slightly as I swallowed some of the pooling saliva in the back of my throat to avoid choking. My breathing increased, and I could feel more sweat breaking out over my body. I'd nearly forgotten the burning sensation in my groin and ass, worried more about what was expected of me next. I'd gotten used to seeing Ryan casually naked, not to mention when he first ground his cock and balls into my face the week before. I guess I always knew what would happen next, but I didn't know if I was prepared for it.

He shuffled a little closer to me, swinging his dick in my face. Giving it a few pumps, he smiled as he sprang quickly to a full erection. "See boy, nothing gets me harder than using a bitch. Now," he said as he wrapped his right hand around the back of my head and guided his hard cock toward my gaping mouth with the other hand. "Take it in...all the way...there."

I gagged as the warm, veiny member slid into my mouth, resting on my tongue and filling the airway. My eyes popped open and I thought I was gagging.

Ryan placed his other hand behind my head. "Relax your jaw. Hold it in, right there. Taste it. Feel it on your tongue...breathe through your nose," he instructed, his voice a little softer. "And for fuck's sake, keep your teeth out of the way."

I followed his advice and calmed down a bit, shifting uncomfortably on my knees as I held his cock reluctantly in my mouth. After a few long moments, he began to buck his hips a bit, sliding it slowly in and out between my lips.

"Begin to lap at it with your tongue. Suck gently," he ordered, the pace of his breath increasing slightly. "I'm going to fuck your face for a few minutes. Try to keep up."

I complied, doing as best I could to suck at the throbbing cock and avoid gagging and scraping it with my teeth. My cheeks were beet red and I had begun to sweat profusely. My grunts were stifled by the cock plugging my airway as he fucked my face.

After a few minutes he stopped, and abruptly pulled his cock out along with a long string of saliva and precum. He wiped it on my cheek, "Catch your breath."

I gratefully gasped for air, choking a bit, and swallowing the mix of saliva and precum left pooled in my throat.

"You're doing well for a new cunt, but so far I'm doing all the work. Open," he ordered, and I complied. He inserted his still rigid dick back into my mouth. "Your turn. Get me off. Stay on your knees, keep your hands behind your back, and make love to my cock like your life depends on it because you're not moving from that spot until your stomach is full of your Master's hot cum."

I went to work as best I could, rocking back and forth on my knees, straining my neck to work my mouth around his dick. After the initial humiliation subsided, it just became another chore, another task I had to complete as part of this crazy fucked up job I had signed up for. Each day I had lost more of myself, and now faced the ultimate in degradation as I desperately lapped at my former friend and Master's cock awaiting the impending eruption of cum with a mixture of dread and anticipation.

"Ooh yeah, boy. Here we go," Ryan grunted, as his breaths became shorter and he took hold of my head once more to brace himself. "UHHHHhhhnnnnn!"

He groaned loudly just about the time a hot jet of gooey liquid rocketed against the back of my throat. I nearly choked, but he held tight to my head, keeping his spasming cock lodged deep within the confines of my mouth.

"Don't...fucking...spill...a...drop..." he ordered, gasping between shortened breaths as he continued to unload his seed into me. "Just let it slide...all the way down. Good cunt."

I struggled to swallow as fast as I could, my eyes starting to water as I felt as though my air supply was running low, and a mixture of emotions overwhelmed me as his sticky cum coated my throat. Shuddering, I could feel it sliding down into the pit of my stomach. But, I wasn't fast enough, I gagged, and I could feel a trickle of cum oozing out the side of my mouth and running down my chin.

"I said, not a drop!" he snapped, his voice returning to normal as he began to pump his dick, squeezing out the remaining deposits of cum. "I'm pulling out now. Keep slurping like the slut that you are."

My face flushed as I continued to suck at his slippery dick, feeling it deflate as he pulled it from my mouth. I gasped for breath, my tongue coated with the taste of his cum, still feeling the escaped trickle running down my chin.


Before I even had a chance to recover, he backhanded me across my right cheek.

"Stupid bitch! Rejecting a Master's cum is one of the worst offenses a slave can make!"

"I...I'm sorry, Sir, I..."

"Shut up and fucking get it down your fucking throat!"

I jumped and immediately brought my hands to my chin, scraped the escaped cum onto my fingers and shoveled it into my mouth.

"That's more like it," he smirked with approval. "Now, what do you say?"

"Thank you, Sir," I said, dejectedly. The weight of what I had just accomplished rested heavily on my shoulders. Instinctively, I lowered my head in shame.

"You're welcome, slave. Plenty more where that came from, but you'll have to earn it. "In one swoop, Ryan pulled his jeans and boxers back up, fastening the button. "Get up. Present your cock." He reached down and grabbed both of my biceps, pulling me up to my feet.

I was shaky, and with my ankles still locked on either side of the spreader bar, I was unable to get up on my own. When I was balanced, with my legs already spread, I repositioned my hands in the small of my back, arched my back and thrust my hips forward as I had done repeatedly over the course of the week, allowing full access of my genitals.

Typically, I'd receive a quick inspection to ensure that I'd shaved properly, or just generally to reinforce my inferiority to him. Even though I had been horny enough earlier to jerk off in my sleep, I was now as flaccid as ever due to my nerves. As Ryan disappeared behind me into the shadows again, I could sense this would be more than a typical inspection, and I was right.

He stepped back in front of me. "Well slave, since you've demonstrated to me that you can't be trusted to keep your hands off your dick like you are supposed to, I have no choice but to lock it up to make sure nothing like this happens again."

I took a sharp, nervous breath, keeping my chin up and eyes forward as ordered. "Yes, Sir."

His warm fingers took hold of my flaccid cock, and I felt it stir in his hands. "Don't go getting excited now," he warned. "I'll just have to hurt these balls till you go soft." I strained to keep from getting hard as I felt something hard, like plastic, encircle the base of my balls and cock. There was a metallic snap of a small padlock holding the ring into place. Then, I felt him take hold of my cock and feed it into what felt like a tube, and then another snap, and he released my cock. "There."

I felt my junk drop between my legs. There was a noticeable heft to the plastic encasement, but it wasn't entirely uncomfortable.

"A chastity device," he explained. "Lightweight, simple and effective. You can piss normally, well sitting down, but that's normal for you now. Getting hard, however, is out of the question."

"Yes, Sir," I acknowledged, nervously.

"Your dick will remain locked up until you prove that you can be trusted not to touch it," he warned. "And I will be the one to decide when that is. Full display!"

I snapped to attention as he barked the order. "Yes, Sir!" I straightened my posture, and placed my hands behind my head, holding my elbows out wide, trembling slightly.

Ryan began to pace around me slowly. "Big day for you. You're learning much more about what it means to be a slave. Am I right?"

"Yes, Sir..."

"What did you learn how to be today?"

" to be a slave, Sir?"

SLAP! He backhanded me across the left cheek.

"Dumbass. You ARE a slave. What did you learn how to BE?"

I took a nervous breath through my nose, racking my brain. I could still taste Ryan's cum on my lips. "A cum dump, Sir?"

"Good. And what do cum dumps do?"

"Receive their Master's cum, Sir..."


"Down their throats, Sir?"

"Right. But, how many holes do male slaves have?"

"Uh...two, Sir?" I asked timidly.

"Oh, really?" he asked, playing dumb. "Where else can I dump my cum besides your throat?"

I swallowed, my face flushing as I spoke. "My ass, Sir..."

"Oh? Should I deposit my cum there next time?"

I hesitated. "If...if you want, Sir."

He snickered. "What a slut. Too bad you're not ready for it. I'd rip that pussy of yours open and then you'd be good to no one."

I flushed with humiliation. He basically forced me into asking him to fuck my ass, only to leave me rejected.

"Aww, disappointed?" Ryan taunted, giving me a playful pat on the cheek. "Tell ya what, since you were such a good cocksucker today, I'm going to bump up the size of your butt plug tonight. You can imagine it's your Master's cock inside you, only knowing that it's not as big. And, best of all, you won't have to worry about accidentally jerking off while you dream about it. Sound good?"

"Yes, Sir," I agreed without really having a choice in the matter. In fact, the idea was all together degrading, but I had crossed the point of no return. Degrading had become the norm.

He squatted down in front of me and began to unlock the cuffs around my ankles, releasing the spreader bar with a clang on the cement floor. "Get on your knees."

I dropped to my knees, keeping my hands behind my head, as I hadn't really been instructed any differently. He disappeared behind me again for several long moments. I took advantage of the opportunity to really catch my breath and compose myself. Absorbing the shock and humiliation of sucking a man's dick, swallowing his cum, and now having my own manhood locked up literally as well as figuratively.

I was completely spent. Exhausted. As usual, I was not privy to what time it was, but before Ryan had gone out and I had drifted to sleep in my closet cage, I had assumed it was fairly late. I could only pray it was close to bed time.

Moments later a metal bucket dropped to the ground in front of me, soapy water sloshing over the side. No such luck.

"The dungeon floor is filthy, slave," Ryan noted. Whether it was true or not was irrelevant. It was a cement floor. "You have work to do." He dropped an old toothbrush on the floor in front of the bucket.

I looked down at the toothbrush, and then up at him in confusion.


"Is there a problem, bitch?!" Ryan asked, raising his voice in warning.

I shook the sting out of my cheek. "No, Sir."

"Then what are you waiting for? You're not going to sleep until you go over every square inch of this dungeon with that toothbrush, and I don't give a shit if it takes all night. That alarm is still going off at 4:00am," he warned. "Not to mention, I know how much you are looking forward to that larger plug filling up your ass later. Think of it as a reward for a job well done."

"Yes, Sir," I acknowledged, defeated, and picked up the handle of the toothbrush, dunking the head into the soapy water. I ran the wet bristles over the dry cement in a circular motion, barely wetting two square inches before I needed to re-dip the brush. It was going to be a long night.

Ryan watched me for several minutes, eventually picking up his discarded t-shirt and tossing it over his bare shoulder. "I've got better shit to do," he remarked, walking towards the dungeon door. Flipping a light switch on the wall, the dungeon was suddenly flooded with light as all of the overhead bulbs were illuminated. I winced, looking around at the expanse of the room and the seemingly acres of cement I still had to brush clean. "But don't even think of cutting corners or you'll start all over. I'll be checking in on the security cams."

"Yes, Sir."

Ryan left the dungeon, slamming the door behind him. He would come back eventually, probably long before I finished scrubbing, but that was his prerogative, not mine. I continued to run the brush over the dry cement in small circular motions. My knees were already throbbing from the unforgiving cement, and the muscles in my forearm were already cramping. The work was pointless, that much was clear. But, it was punishment. Tedious, unimportant, and pointless, just like the way I felt at that moment.

To be continued. Comments and Feedback are encouraged:

Next: Chapter 8

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