
By Peanut Shields

Published on Dec 21, 2009



As i started walking into the swim room to make up a class i realized it was full off seniors. Huh great nobody i know oh well its one class. Well my name is Bryan. I'm 5 feet 5 inches exact and i weigh roughly over 125lbs. I have green eyes and my hair is a dark brown. Well anyway as i was walking into the room all eyes were on me literally. How would you feel if a stranger walked in your classroom unexpected.

As i was talking to Tim's dad Coach Fred i heard Jared scream "Oh look the faggots hear to swim with us" i turned and gave him a dirty look thats when i noticed Tim was in the class as well how ironic. "Jared shut up and just swim, why do you bother the kid so much?"

"Whatever" Tim actually stood up for me.

I put my towel on the bench when Jared stepped over and shoved me knocking over my glasses. I reached to grab them and when i got up i hit my head of the metal ladder and i felt like everything was fading. Everything was black and i couldnt feel anything.

"Breathe come on Breathe......Come on Bryan......Come on.....Breathe"

I finally felt another pair of lips touch mine. I opened my eyes and a blurry we figure was kneeling before me.

"Ha ha i told you he was a faggot" i heard laughing.

My vision came back and i saw Tim. i looked down and i noticed i was hard. I jumped up and ran out crying.

"Jared, why are you such an asshole?"

"Because i hate that fucking faggot"

Tim walked into the locker room chasing after me. I was hiding in the shower room but anyone could find me due to my hysterical crying.

"Bryan do you want to talk"

"I'm sorry Tim"

"For what"

"For embarrassing you"

"How did you do that"

"By getting turned on when you kissed me"

"Well one i didnt kiss you exactly i was saving your life and two it wasnt that bad"


"I said it wasnt that bad, Bryan"

"But what about Jared"

"Screw him, he only makes fun of you because he wants to well get in your pants"

"What? He does? Well that's a little relief and more stress added in one"

"Sorry but i do have a question for you"


"Are you gay?"


"If you dont mind me asking"

"Im not sure"

"Oh ok well have you thought about it?"


"Like what did you think about?"

"Why do you want to know so bad?"

"Cause i want to experiment and there is something about you that i like"

"Really cause there isnt much to like"

"Well you have a cute tight ass ha ha i cant believe i said that"

"Thanks Tim"


"Huh? I just dont know anymore"

"Its ok but here" he wrote down his address on my hand

"if you do want to experiment i have a tree house in the yard we can have a little sleepover"

"But its winter."

"Dont worry there is a heater well two actually and the floor is carpeted and i have a queen size bed and a mini fridge too"

"Tim i want to but i have no way of getting there"

"Want a ride?"


"Bryan im really attracted to you and i want to see if this is real so yeah"


"I'll pick you up at 7"

The rest of the day flew by fast since it was already 6th period. I got a few belongings ready and i waited for Tim. While im waiting let me describe him. Tim is about 6feet 3 inches, im sure he ways 180lbs he has a swimmers body. He plays base ball. He has brown eyes and a really cute face. He has a really sweet personality and from what i heard and sorta experienced he is a really good kisser.

It wasnt that long of a drive from my house to his, both of us were really quiet. Tim helped me get my bags and stuff up into the tree house. I must say for a tree house it was stunning.

"So what do you want to do?"

"Bryan you know what i want to do the question is do you want to do it too"


"Ok to what"

"I'll do whatever you want after all you saved my life"


"Yeah what do you want to do first?"

"I dont know"

"Well do you want to kiss or skip to other things"

"Well umm ha ha im getting nervous"

"Let me guess you want to skip"


"ok, what do you want me to do?"


"Fine I'll start"... I moved closer to Tim and started kissing him. He pulled off his shirt i moved closer too him. I could feel his heart beating faster and faster. "Calm down Tim"

"Ok this might seem weird but can you move down further"

"Sure" i worked my way down to his pants. He unzipped them, he wasnt wearing any underwear. "Bryan i want you to make me hard i want to feel you."

"I started licking his head and it started to get harder. I felt it hit the back of my throat. A good 8 inches i think. "Wow that feels sooo good" As Tim was speaking his words slurred He was sitting at the edge of his bed with both hands wrapped around the back of my head. "Bryan im getting close"

I pulled off

"Its ok i want you to feel good" he smiled and moved toward me. He was now pumping and moaning at the same time. "Here it comes" he blew his load in my mouth and i pulled his dick out till only the head was in my mouth. Eight spurts of warm cum on my tongue "You dont have to swallow it"

"I want to for you"

"Thanks ooooh pull it out im sensitive" ....i Got up and headed for the door "Wait"

"Why isn that what you wanted"

"Yeah but i want you to stay here with me"



"Are you sure"

"Yes now strip and get in the bed"

"Ok master Tim" He winked at me "Master Tim I like that"

"Ha Ha"

He pulled me close to him in a spooning position and we fell asleep

Author notes: I hope you like this it was a random story that came to mind. But i will continue the other one and This story will get more in depth with the characters more this was just a introduction as you might call it =) hope you like it

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