Breast Friends

By Barney

Published on Mar 7, 2001



Sci-fi, tv Breast Friends by Barney

Sam and Paul were sat in the living room of their flat watching a soft porn movie. The action was decidedly soft and all you really saw was two women fondling each other's breasts and kissing lewdly. It was a bit of a disappointment for the two boys as Paul had stolen the video from his father's collection when he had been home last weekend. "I thought that you had a porn film to watch not a crappy soft thing like this," said Sam.

The two were college students and, like all college students thought about sex when they weren't having it. "Hey I just took the first thing I found if you can do better then do it."

Just then the tape ended but neither one got up to stop it. If they had they wouldn't have seen what came on next.

There was a short flicker on the screen as the tape reverted to what had been on it before it had been wiped. This was hard stuff and had obviously been seized and supposedly fully wiped but it appeared that someone hadn't been doing their job properly. The scene that greeted them was of two women, one naked and the other dressed in a leather corset, stockings and heels. What made you know that it was something special was that the leather-clad girl was humping away at the nude girl's ass like there was no tomorrow.

The strap on she was using looked incredibly lifelike and as the camera focused in and out you couldn't see the strap. Also it was kind of weird that she had a rubber on it.

The two boys were even more amazed by what they saw when the camera angle switched to the naked girl. Between her legs there was a cock! Her tits bobbed up and down obscuring and then revealing her or his massive member to the two boys and they realised then that the leather clad girls cock must also be real.

"Oh wow that is too weird," said Sam.

"Yeah but think of it this way that girl has a cock and tits to play with. It's almost like heaven. You could still jack off any time you felt like it and you could suck on your tits to get you in the mood."

"But you would have to be fucked as well. That other girl doesn't seem to be going easy on her ass."

"Have you ever wondered about being fucked that way though? If a woman can feel good when you fuck her what must it feel like to get fucked?"

"You are too fucking weird man," said Sam again.

"No really. We learnt in the psyche class that all men are part women and that all women are part men. That is just a logical extension of things. The teacher thinks that the future for mankind is androgyny."

"Oh yeah and we are all going to grow tits are we?"

"We already have them they just didn't develop in men but they are still there."

"Okay if that's true, are you up for a game?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"A bet. If we have tits already how do we make them into real hooters? The person with the biggest tits after, oh lets say one month, wins."

"YOU are fucking weird my friend."

"No really I have been doing hypnosis since my grandpa taught me when I was a kid. If the potential is there for hooters then we should be able to unlock it. I will hypnotise us both with a tape that I'll make and we see who has the biggest hooters in one month. The winner has the loser as a slave for the next month."

"You are on buddy. It will be nice to have a slave waiting on me hand and foot for a month. When do we start?"

"I'll make the tape tomorrow in college and then I'll borrow some mind relaxing substances from the lab. We will take the stuff tomorrow night and then we start the bet properly."

The two boys rewound the tape to where the hard stuff began and watched it again each making lewd comments about if they won they would make the other suck them before they fucked them and things like that.


The following evening they went over all the details again and checked that they were really going to go through with this but neither one wanted to be the one that backed down. They took the pills and started the cassette playing. Sam had left a suggestion on the tape to turn it over when it had finished playing side one and they came out of their trance one and a half- hours later.

"So where are my tits then you clever bastard?"

"The body cant do shit like that immediately dumb ass," Sam replied, "it'll take the whole month to see if there are any results at all."

And with that they went about their usual night's homework.

Two nights later Paul put his hand on Sam's shoulder to ask him if he wanted a coffee. "Are you wearing a bra?" he asked.

"Yes. In my studies I have found that anything you can do to enforce the image that you want to achieve through hypnosis is always beneficial. If you want tits then you must do things to persuade your mind that that is what you want of your body. Wearing a bra is reassuring my psyche that I want to have breasts."

"Oh I see so when were you going to share that little piece of advice with me then?"

"I just did didn't I?"

And that was that.

The two barely spoke for the rest of the week but at the weekend they decided to call a truce and see if there was any sign of development in either of them. They took off their shirts and paraded in front of each other both full on and in profile. Paul was amazed to see that Sam had a small pair of definite breasts forming on his chest. Not that he wasn't developing as well but he had to beat his friend if he didn't want to wait on him hand and foot for a month.


The next day was Saturday and he went out to the shops without Sam to buy some stuff to help him along. It was embarrassing buying the things he needed form the lingerie store but he remembered Sam's opinion of outside stimuli helping in this bet and went the whole way. He returned to the flat to find that Sam had gone out on his own too. This suited him perfectly and he made his way to the bathroom. Once inside he drew a hot bath and scented the water with the oils he had bought. Whilst in the bath he had a moments reflection before he started to shave his legs but he continued and after about half an hour he had shaved his legs, chest and underarms.

In his bedroom he talced himself down and began to get dressed. The bed was laden with all of the lingerie that he had bought that day and he picked out a complete set before storing the other stuff away. He unpacked the stockings and doing the best he could he drew them one at a time up his legs before attaching them to the garter belt that he had selected. The lingerie was having a noticeable effect on his manhood as he attached them but what was more satisfying was that his nipples seemed to get aroused by this as well. He knew he was doing the right thing. The outfit was finished off with a Basque that had room for a c cup and was underwired.

He looked slightly ridiculous stood there in that outfit but it did feel right to him. He finally got dressed the rest of the way by donning his jeans and a sweatshirt to cover the red lingerie. After he had put some socks on over the stockings he stepped onto his trainers and went through to the living room to wait for Sam.

Sam had been busy that day also and had narrowly missed bumping into Paul at the lingerie store. He was almost as spooked by the development in his friend's chest as Paul had been by his. Neither of them had given any thought to their own personal development as wrong, simply as losing.

He had spent the whole day looking for things to make him feel more feminine in an attempt to boost his own development and had bought himself some sexy lingerie and some make up. It was a spur of the moment thing that made him get his ears pierced. Even though men had their ears pierced he had always felt it to be very definitely feminine to wear large hoops or the type that drop so he had bought a few pairs to help him. On the way out of the shops he had almost passed a shoe store when it hit him that one thing no man did, one thing that was purely feminine was to wear high heels. He just knew it would be a clincher for the bet.

It was embarrassing for him to go in and buy some shoes but he felt that it was necessary. He told the shopkeeper that he needed a pair of stilettos for the end of term review that was on next week and she said that she would be glad to help. They both selected a pair of black patent three-inch pumps and he was asked to go into the back room to try them on. She even produced a pair of knee-highs so that he could be sure that they would fit. He walked back and forth in them to ensure that they were comfortable and when he felt his nipples harden he knew he had to have them. The saleslady had him try on a pair of the knee length fashion boots that were all the rage at the moment and he knew that he had to have them also.

His nipples were now itching madly.

She sold the shoes and boots to him at a knock down price saying that they really looked good on him and that she looked forward to seeing him wearing them on the street. Sam knew that that was a loaded comment and wondered what the saleslady thought she knew but let the matter drop as he left the shop to go home.

As soon as he was through the door and he had spotted an empty carrier bag with the lingerie stores logo on it the knew what Paul had been up to and wondered how far he had gone with this. Paul made no comment other than to welcome him home.

So it was covert secrets was it well he wasn't going to be secretive about this. He made his way to the bathroom and, as Paul had done less than an hour before him, he bathed and shaved his body.


After his bath he went into his bedroom and began to get dressed. He changed his earrings for the large hoops he had bought, as he was almost annoyed that Paul had not noticed his ears before. It was understandable though as his hair was worn long as fashion dictated. Next he got the corset out of the bag and fastened it around his waist before drawing it as tightly as he could. He almost asked Paul for help but he wanted to surprise him. The stockings came next and he felt so good as he drew them up his legs before attaching them to his corset. These stockings were black with a seam up the back unlike Paul's nude sheer hose. He got one of his new bras from the bag and placed it on his chest before pulling his small breasts into the cups. It was a wonder bra in size 36a and it pushed and pulled along with the padding to produce a very realistic cleavage. Finally like Paul he put on a pair of jeans and a tee shirt both tight and revealing before putting on his shoes. He chose the black pumps as he felt that the boots needed a skirt and he didn't have one yet.

The first thing that Paul noticed when his friend came into the living room were his tits then he noticed that he was taller and saw the shoes. He was stunned. First that his friend seemed to have grown in the chest department since last night and secondly that he was wearing what essentially amounted to a complete woman's outfit.

"What the fuck are you wearing mate," he said.

"Nothing that you aren't except for maybe the shoes. I would be careful if you think of going out tonight because I can see your suspenders through your jeans."

"Ditto dude," then he did a double take, "are your ears pierced?"

"Do you like them? Aren't they just so feminine?"

"Too feminine mate, are you becoming a woman or just trying to win a bet? I think you've lost sight of the big picture."

"Says you sat there in a red Basque wearing stockings and you shaved your legs I bet because you left all the hair in the plug hole."

"Your point is?"

"I am going to make you clean that bath everyday you are my slave and I will make you pick up your rubbish too he said pointing to the empty carrier by the bin."

Pats only reply was a dismissive grunt and so Sam went back into his room to play with the make up he had bought. They didn't speak for the rest of that day.


Sunday came and went with no more than the minimum of pleasantries and neither made any comment when Sam started to walk around the flat in his make up. Sam felt no need to announce that Paul had forgotten to wear his socks over his stockings either. Sunday night the pair left their stockings drying over the towel rail and the weekend ended with neither having said more than a dozen sentences to each other.

The week that followed was spent in study and exams and even though they still didn't speak that much it was more due to work than animosity. By the time that the weekend arrived most of the campus had left for the holidays and the two were friends again. They inspected each other again and Sam was still leading though Paul wasn't too far behind. They had reached halfway and now Sam had an A or B cup while Paul was trailing only slightly with an A cup. During the week Sam had bought a tight black knee length skirt and was spending every evening wearing it with his boots and a tee shirt. He had loaned Paul the shoes and the two were quite able to walk in heels.

Far from the events of the previous weekend the two were actually very friendly now, as they seemed to have much more in common. Paul would lend Sam some things and vice versa. They would discuss the current styles and both used make up. Paul had had his ears done during the week and the two would trade earrings. Things had definitely made a change for the better.


On Saturday the two hit the shops together both in man drag and shopped all morning returning with mostly outer wear in the season's hottest teen fashions. They hadn't returned to the shoe shop that morning to get Paul any shoes but, as Sam had virtually promised to return wearing the boots so the saleslady could fully appreciate them, at about 2pm the two of them left the flat for the first time en femme.

Paul was wearing black leggings under a baggy sweat top that was embroidered with a beautiful corsage over his left breast. The pink flowers stood out against the black material. He had a light cream jacket over the top and Sam had done his make up to match. He felt surprisingly comfortable walking along in the three-inch heels and not at all self-conscious as most of his friends had left campus for the holidays. His auburn hair was tied up high on his head in a very flattering ponytail and he was wearing a pair of pendant earrings.

Sam was dressed to impress. He wore stockings instead of the tights that Paul had favoured and he wore his boots with a new electric blue leatherette mini skirt that they had bought that morning. He teamed this with a red scooped neck tee shirt and a matching blue puffa jacket. His blonde hair was held in place with a couple of barrettes and he wore his favourite hooped earrings. He had done his own make up using blues to accentuate his eyes and pink on his lips and they were ready. They had loaded all their necessary items into purses and headed back into town to the shoe shop.

The saleslady didn't recognise Sam at first but she was polite and helpful to both the young ladies. They chose a pair of matching shoes for Paul and a pair of lower heeled sandals. Sam though went for height. At only 5 foot 4 he could afford to and chose a pair of four inch heeled sandals in white and a pair of what the saleslady conspiratorially referred to as fuck me shoes in black with a six-inch heel.

She was just beginning to ring in their purchases when Sam asked, "do I get the same discount I got with these boots?"

The saleslady was shocked to say the least but after she had searched for and recognized, although barely, the young man who had purchased the boots she did indeed discount their purchases.

They left promising to always shop there and headed for the beauty salon.

The salon was crowded as girls were getting make overs for a Saturday night on the town but the two had booked and had only a short wait before they were called as Paula and Sammy. The two of them had the works eyebrow shapes and facials and new hair dos' and when they left they were as feminine as anyone could make them. They took the bus back home and decided to settle in for the evening after what had been an immensely tiring day.

It was half past seven and they had both eaten. The clock seemed to be taking forever to tic on to the next minute and there was nothing on television.

"Let's go out Paul," said Sam.

"Are you nuts Sam we look like two girls in all this get up."

"We went out already today didn't we and I for one feel wonderful after that make over. It would be a pity to waste it and you do look beautiful."

"That's my point. You look gorgeous. If we went out tonight some guy is sure to try and hit on us. Going out shopping is not the same as being the goods on display to be shopped."

"Don't worry we can be lesbians," said Sam and placed his hand on Paul's knee.

Paul didn't know what to make of his friend's familiarity and brushed it off with a nervous laugh as if it had been done in jest but he wasn't so sure. "Well if we are going out tonight, where to?" he asked. "I don't fancy the union bar because I know we will get hit on there and I can't think of anywhere that is safe." "Pussies," Sam replied.

If there was a bar in town that you were sure to be able to pick up then that was it. "Are you nuts? I am not going to that place I hear that it's the biggest pick up joint in town and I've told you I am not on anyone's menu for this evening." "We can try that dyke bar downtown then if you are worried about being picked up. We can be two lesbians if that makes you feel better?"

In the end Paul could not be swayed and Sam decided to let his room mate stay in and sulk if he wanted to but he would be damned if he was going to waste the effort that he had put into looking good and set off for Pussies.

Paul was fast asleep when Sam got back and didn't see the way his expertly applied make up had been smeared when he returned. The look on Sam's face would have had him worried as well as it was the look a woman has when she is in love.

The next day things were once again, strained between them. They avoided each other to the point that Paul, in all his feminine glory, went out for a walk to get away from the atmosphere. He walked around campus and distracted himself with the feelings of the wind blowing up his skirt. It wasn't such a new feeling though that he could ignore the reason for his walking out that morning and, as he sought a cafe where he could sit and rest his aching feet, he started to think of the night's events. He had sat in and watched the TV brooding over Sam's personality change and wondered why he felt so resentful. It was obvious that he was jealous but what worried him more was that he felt jealous toward the imagined third party. He found himself imagining Sam with some hunk on his arm and it was driving him nuts. If only they had agreed to go out as two lesbians he would have been assured of his/her attentions all night. The worrying thing was where this might have lead. Once more an image of Sam in some ones embrace entered his mind but this time it was him or perhaps her?

While Paul was trying to sort out his feelings for Sam, he/she was back in the apartment doing the same. Last night he had been full of resentment and to be truthful he felt a little upset. What was wrong with Paul? He had virtually flung himself on him last night and he had been rebuffed. Just like any woman who has received that kind of treatment at the hands of her lover she had sought solace in the arms of another man. It had been weird to be escorted around the club by this guy he had never met and he had had his drinks bought for him all night so when the time came to leave he had to find a way to let him down gently and he had kissed him. One thing led to another and he had finished the evening on his knees giving him a blowjob. The experience was not at all unpleasant and he found that his beau for the evening was more than happy for him to do this. He had taken care not to swallow as he felt that he should save something so personal for the person that he wanted to be his lover. That person had walked out of the door as soon as he had risen that morning and once more he was feeling hurt and confused.

Paul sensed as soon as he arrived home that Sam had been crying and he felt disgusted with himself because he knew he must be the cause. He had done a lot of soul searching during his walk and instead of saying anything to Sam, he just stopped him from running from the living room and planted a kiss on his lips before hugging him closely.

Sam was amazed at this approach and they just held each other until Paul once more kissed him. This time they had their tongues in each other's mouths and soon they were undressing each other. They played with each other's breasts and caressed their whole bodies before Sam, for only the second time in his life, was kneeling in front of a hard cock. This time he made sure that he swallowed every drop of the hot salty come that he had only had a taste of and Paul simply groaned with delight as he came in to his best friend's mouth.

The rest of the day was spent with the two of them experiencing each other in ways that they had previously only imagined. Paul got his first taste of come as they sixty nined together and as the day wore on he got his first taste of what is like to fuck someone in the ass.

The bet was seen through to its conclusion and Sam was announced the winner by almost a cup size, a C cup as opposed to Paul's B cup. The two of them became lovers from that day forward and to this day they live together as a pair of lesbians. Paul caught up with Sam's development with the aid of breast implants and not to be outdone Sam had his extended to a double D. They both do a strip routine in the city and are very well off with all of the tips that they have received. Neither wants to go all of the way and have a sex change as they enjoy the taste of come in their mouths, not from each other exclusively either but then that's okay if you are breast friends.

This is my first attempt at any story and I hope that you like it. I do but I can see that I need a little more practice. Perhaps I will try again in the near future. Thanks for taking the time out to read this.

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