Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on Oct 2, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag! ------------------------------------------------- Apologies for the long delay all! Thank you for your support and encouragement. Between work, travel and other commitments I struggled to find time for this chapter and then when I did it was rubbish so I had to rewrite. I would normally continue further but I decided to end the chapter early to give you all something new to touch those horny cocks of yours. So next chapter will probably pick up where we left off here. Also a note - one problem for writing this was writers block...feel free to help inspire me with pics and videos of yourselves...;)

Chapter 9

Saturday morning Nathan woke to the drumming of heavy rain on his windows.

He spent the morning laying in bed, playing on his laptop and occasionally doing the odd line of homework. At 10 his mum called him downstairs.

"Dad and I are going to the cinema and then we will go to the garden centre to get some bits and bobs for the back garden. Are you sure you don't want to come? We will not be back until 5 at least."

"And if you don't come I expect the house tidy when we get back." His dad chipped in from the stove where he was making scotch eggs. "Also these will need to be taken out of the oven after about 30 minutes, don't eat them all."

"No it's fine, I'll stay home. What's for dinner?"

"We have those good Lincolnshire sausages still so I was thinking we could have toad-in-the-hole." He could just hear his dad over the clatter of the oven shelves.

After a couple of half hearted attempts to persuade him to come with them Nathan's parents left, reminding him they wanted the house tidy by the time they got home. He waved absently as they left, fingers tapping constantly on his phone. Half an hour later the doorbell rang as Nathan was juggling a scotch egg straight from the oven on his fingertips, unwilling to wait the couple of minutes need for it to cool down enough to eat. With a growl of frustration that he was being interrupted he put the egg on a plate and headed for the door, despite being interrupted it was a struggle to keep the grin from his face. He took a second at the door to compose himself, making sure he kept a straight face as he opened to greet Jamie.

The submissive young man was standing nervously on the doorstep, shuffling his feet like he needed to pee. We was wearing red chinos which hugged his ample ass lasciviously and a green shirt, unbuttoned down to his chest with the sleeves rolled up his toned arms.

He looked hot. Nathan stood in the door looking the smaller boy up and down. He was happy that he had turned up and that he looked so good. He was even more happy that Jamie's outfit screamed that he was trying very hard to look good while wanting to look like he had just thrown whatever on. It was endearing, more importantly it demonstrated the hood Nathan had on him.

Jamie fidgeted more and more as the seconds dragged on.

"Erm, you said to come. Should I come in or are we...erm... going out?" He hesitated when he noticed that Nathan was wearing tatty pyjama bottoms and a vest, with fluffy Bulbasaur slippers on his feet - not the look of someone who planned to go anywhere anytime soon.

"Are you asking to come in?"

"Err yes...please?"

Nathan arched an eyebrow, or tried to, despite his best efforts he could never compare to his Dad's arched eyebrows, they could write essays. But it was good enough.

"Is that how you ask to come in?" A slight growl entered his voice as he added, "after last night..."

Jamie gulped.

"Please...Daddy, can I come in, Sir, please."

Nathan waited a beat as Jamie peeked around to see if anyone was looking. He stepped aside with a satisfied smirk and the cheerleader rushed in. Nathan closed the door behind him and then smacked him, not all that lightly, on the ass as he walked into the hall.

The only thing Nathan had done other than take the scotch eggs out of the oven since his parents left was close all the blinds and curtains in the house. Now he could enjoy himself as much as he wanted without fear of the neighbours peaking in.

Jamie followed obediently through to the front room. Nathan flopped down onto the sofa and turned the TV on, flicking through the channels as Jamie hovered uncertainly, after a moment he moved to to sit down.

"Come here, boy." Jamie froze halfway as he was sitting in the seat opposite Nathan. "Get on your knees." Jamie obeyed automatically. Nathan gestured for him to come closer and he crawled forward until he was right up against Nathan's legs. Nathan stroked his cheeks lightly, traced his lips with his thumb.

"We need to talk before we go any further. You understand you can say no and leave at any point yes?"

"Yes Daddy," Jamie's voice was steady, but betrayed his nerves. "But I don't want to go, I want to stay and service you."

"Good, and I am not keen on the idea of you leaving, especially not halfway through serving me. So I think before we go any further we should go over what I am after and you can decide if you will be staying or not, ok?" Jamie nodded eagerly, eyeing the bulge in Nathan's pyjamas out of the corner of his eye.

"Firstly, I am in control, I want a submissive fuck toy to bend to my will, not an equal partner. Understood?" Another nod. "I will not always be gentle, I will spank you, gag you, fuck you hard and rough, and expect you to take it and thank me and beg for more. Can you manage that?" The bulge was growing as Nathan got increasingly excited by his own words, Jamie licked his lips as he nodded.

Nathan slapped him across the face, then grabbed his face, his big hand covering Jamie's mouth and squishing his cheeks.

"I expect an answer when I ask a question."

Jamie spoke into his hand, something close to "Yes, Daddy,".

"As well as servicing my cock and providing your pussy for me on demand you will have other duties - foot worship, rimming, massage..."

Another nod and enthusiastic mumble of agreement. Nathan pushed him away,

"Get down there and start worshipping my feet now, but pay attention to what I am saying still."Jamie happily positioned himself at Nathan's feet on his knees, reverently he removed Nathan's slippers, placing them neatly out of the way. Then he lifted the left foot, pressed his face to it and sniffed deeply. Smiling with ecstasy Jamie began licking Nathan's foot, sloppily kissing the dole as he worked his way from the heel up to the toe. There he began greedily licking and sucking on Nathan's toes.

"Good boy. Now where was I? Yeah basically I'm going to use you as my personal sex toy for my pleasure, if you enjoy it that's fine, but I expect you to put my pleasure ahead of your own. Agreed so far?"

Tongue still curling around Nathan's big toe Jamie looked up, "Yes, Daddy."

"You understand I won't be gentle?"

"Yes Daddy."

"Good. I will also be expecting you to obey me in everything else, for instance you will spend much of today cleaning the house," as he was speaking Nathan swapped feet, but instead of leaving Jamie to work at his own pace he hooked his now free left foot around Jamie's neck and pushed his right foot into his mouth. "the only break you have will be when I decide to use you for my enjoyment. Understood?" Unable to speak with the foot in his mouth Jamie nodded and made groans of agreement. "I will also use you either for chores, homework or sex anywhere I feel like it - if we pass in the mall while you are out with friends, or even family, and I decide I want to unload you'll go where I tell you and serve how I want." Jamie was already nodding as he tried to keep licking Nathan's foot even while if stretched his jaw painfully. "And lastly you need to know that you are not my only sub. You will meet the other today if you stay - if you behave I will let you order him about a bit too. Understand he serves me because he has no choice, I own him fully, at times it may seem I am too harsh with him, that is not your business though understood?"

"Yes daddy," Jamie gasped as Nathan finally pulled out.

"Go to the kitchen and get me a glass of orange juice from the fridge. And bring the scotch egg on the plate. Take the time to think it through and decide now if you want to stay or not."

Jamie got up, his pleasure evident from the prominent bulge in his chinos. As he went through to the kitchen and began searching for the glasses Nathan checked his phone, he had received a short reply from Jenson, a mere acknowledgment of his instructions but it was enough to confirm he would be coming.

Jamie came through with the orange juice and scotch egg. Nathan took them and looked him in the eye.


"I accept, I'll do it, whatever you want, Sir."

"Strip, faggot." Jamie quickly unbuttoned his shirt, showing off the body toned by cheerleading and gymnastics. Once the shirt was off he pulled down his chinos and pants in one move, his hard cock bouncing up, a drop of precum glistening on the head. Clothes placed in a rough pile at the side he stood naked in front of Nathan. He gestured for Jamie to spin on the spot, showing off his large bubble butt, two perfect bouncy orbs that Nathan could resist smacking. Jamie jumped at the sudden impact, a small groan escaping as Nathan began squeezing and kneading his cheeks.

Reluctantly Nathan let go of Jamie's ass, he pointed to two opened delivery boxes on the floor by the door.

"Crawl over there and put on the clothes in the smaller box, then put the bigger box by the front door and crawl back." Jamie dropped to the floor and crawled to the boxes, he pulled out the outfit - a skimpy French maid ensemble complete with stockings and garter. His eyes widened and he looked at Nathan, who gave him a sternly impatient look in return. Uncertainly Jamie put on the outfit, the top ended around his belly button, the skimpy skirt hugged his ass, showing the lower curvy of his cheeks and the stockings and garter accentuated his athletic legs.

Nathan snapped a picture as Jamie headed into the hall with the second box.

"Stop. What is missing?" Jamie froze in the door on his way back. Jamie hesitated. "Where are thé shoes?" Jamie opened the box he had taken the outfit from and pulled out a pair of black high heels.

"Put them on and walk over here." It was fun to watch him struggle with the clasps, but Nathan was surprised by how much he enjoyed seeing Jamie tottering about in the heels once they were finally on. He grabbed Jamie by the wrist and pulled him forward, lying the smaller sub across his knees. He started by just groping and kneading Jamie's ample cheeks, then smacked them hard, taking great pleasure in the way they bounced. Jamie moaned and flinched.

Another smack.

"Thank you Sir."

"Good girl. You are getting twenty snacks starting from now, count them and make sure you are grateful."

"Yes Sir." He smacked him, harder than the previous two.

"One! Thank you sir." Again, on the other cheek. "Two! Thank you sir."

By the time they reached ten Jamie was wriggling and trying to pull away, Nathan pulled his arms behind his back and held his wrists in his spare hand. He wouldn't have been able to keep them in place if Jamie really tried to pull free, but it was enough to restrain his wriggling. Even as they moved through the teens the pressure on Nathan's leg from Jamie's rock hard cock never stopped. Wriggle and moan as he did he still loved every second of it.

"Urgh...ah ah...twenty. Mmmm thank you sir."

"Stand." Nathan ran his hands over Jamie's body, lightly stroking his hard cock, straining against the panties. "Such a desperate faggot l, aren't you?"

"Yes sir, I'm your desperate faggot."

"Good, now go clean the kitchen." Jamie blinked in confusion for a moment then nodded.

"Yes sir."

He walked out, still unstable in the heels. Nathan heard him searching through the cupboards for cleaning products. He waited a few minutes, eating the still warm scotch egg and drinking his orange juice. Then he got up and went through to find Jamie just finished with wiping down the counters and moving on to the cupboard doors. Nathan placed his glass and plate next to the sink, lying the glass on its side so that the last few drips trickled onto the top.

"You missed a spot. And make sure the sink is done too."

"Yes sir, sorry sir." Nathan gave Jamie's ass a squeeze and walked over to sit at the breakfast island. He sat there chatting with friends on his phone and playing games while giving instructions to Jamie and admiring the view as he cleaned the kitchen in the maids outfit and high heels.

After a while Nathan judged it was time to change things up a bit. He called Jamie over and bent him over a chair, kneeling down behind him he pulled the frilly fabric off the panties to the side and licked Jamie's tight hole. A shudder ran through the gymnast's body and a moan of pleasure escaped him as Nathan traced his tongue over the puckered ring. Encouraged by the sound Nathan dove in, tongue fucking Jamie's ass while gripping his fat cheeks hard, Jamie pushed back and moaned louder, eagerly rubbing his hole against Nathan's tongue.

Nathan ate the pussy vigorously, loudly slapping his ass from time to time, drawing squeals of shocked pain/pleasure. After about 10 minutes Jamie was struggling to stay upright, knees buckling as he moaned in ecstasy, and Nathan was struggling to restrain himself. He checked his watch then stood up, pulling his rock hard cock out of his pyjamas.

He spat on it and rubbed the head against Jamie's hole.


"Please daddy, please fuck me with your big beautiful cock daddy, I need to feel it in my pussy Daddy."

Spitting on the hole once more Nathan drove forward with his hips, slowly, relentlessly entering Jamie. Jamie moaned and winced, instinctively pulling away as the thick cock forced through his hole. But there was nowhere for him to go, Nathan held his hips in a vicegripe.

Finally Nathan's pelvis pressed up against Jamie's ass cheeks and he paused for a moment, letting Jamie catch his breath.

"What are you?"

"I'm your fuck toy, daddy." Jamie answered, already breathless.

"That's right, and how should I use you?"

"However you want to daddy, I'm yours."

Nathan didn't start slowly this time, he just got straight down to pounding Jamie's tight hole. Moans and yelps echoed through the house as Jamie cried out.

"Oh god yes! Daddy! Use me daddy! Thank you thank you. I'm yours, always, all yours Daddy, thank you."

A few minutes in Nathan heard the front door open and close.

"Huh? What was that?" He pushed Jamie back down as he tried to stand up.

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He placed a hand over Jamie's mouth and continued pounding him. A few minutes later a reluctant Jenson walked into the kitchen and froze in shock at the sight of another student bent over for his tormentor, muffled sounds of surprise, fear and confusion came from Jamie's covered mouth.

Jenson was wearing the identical maids outfit that Nathan had Jamie leave by the door. Nathan had ordered one size larger for Jenson and was happy to see it was still far too small, the top taut across his large chest, the skirt barely containing even his locked dick and failing completely on his ass.

"Come here, faggot."

"W-what is this? I..." Jenson didn't move.

"Shut the fuck up and come kneel down here, you dumb fuck." Nathan didn't shout, but Jenson jumped to obey and Jamie tensed at the harshness of his voice. Keeping his mouth covered Nathan gently stroked Jamie's cheek, his voice soft. "You stay there, my fuck toy. I'm not done with this sweet pussy." He increased the vigour of his thrusts driving Jamie into the table top each time and drove balls deep.

Jenson obediently walked over to stand next to them. Nathan pushed him to his knees to he had no choice but to watch as Nathan's cock slid in and out of Jamie's soft hole. The pleasure of being inside Jamie mixed with the thrill of controlling these two incredibly sexy men dressed in such slutty feminine outfits pushed Nathan over the edge, he felt his orgasm building.

"You want my cum deep in your pussy, fuck toy?" He moved his hand to let Jamie respond, keeping it gripping his neck, pulling him back.

"Mmmm oh god yes daddy I want it so bad, fill me with your cum please daddy."

Nathan leant in and whispered in his ear. "Watch Jenson." Jamie turned his head, not needing to be told twice to watch the Adonis he had lusted after for years. The muscle coach was on his knees, about eye level with Nathan's cock, he was clearly embarrassed and unhappy about his position but his eyes were also glued to the sight in front of him.

With powerful thrust that pushed Jamie face down onto the table Nathan shot his thick load of cum deep inside Jamie. The two of them rested for a moment before Nathan pulled his still hard cock from Jamie, leaving him feeling empty with the warm trickle of cum leaking from his hole.

"Don't waste that." Nathan instructed with a slap to Jamie's ass, causing him to clench tight. "And keep watching. Time for you to clean me up faggot." Nathan had to stop Jamie from happily dropping to his knees to obey before he realised that this instruction was for Jenson. Jenson however realised at once and horror spread across his face.

"No no, you cannot make me do that, I won't I don't care what you say." Nathan just smirked at him, he had known that there would be more resistance once he introduced a third party, he was glad he was doing this with Jamie rather than having to break through resistance from Jenson while taming Connor. Jenson refused to look Nathan in the eye, telling himself it was because he could do so without staring at the young man's cock. But deep down he knew that he was scared to do so, scared that a moment of eye contact would be all it took to break down his resistance.

"Jamie, you did a very good job, you will clearly make an excellent fuck toy. Now go to the basket of shoes in the hall and bring me a flip fl-" Nathan did not finish talking before Jenson was diving forward, taking Nathan's cock to the back of his throat. Nathan grabbed his head as he gagged, holding him so he could not pull out completely, Jenson was more than strong enough to pull free; he knew better. Nathan slowly pulled out of Jenson's mouth and then released him to work at his own pace. He licked from the sweaty balls up to the tip, flicking his tongue round under the foreskin and the wrapping his lips around and slowly working his way down to the base, pubes tickling his nose.

Nathan slapped Jamie's hand away as he unconsciously started stroking himself.

Eventually Nathan pulled Jenson off, taking hold of a handful of hair and pushing his face into Jamie's ass. He held him there as Jamie squealed in excited pleasure, moaning as he ground he ass on the handsome face of their coach.

"Get a mouthful of cum out of there, but don't swallow yet you fucking faggot." Jenson groaned in protest but Nathan knew he would obey. He pulled him back, leaving Jamie gasping and mewing in protest himself.

"Open." Blinking in the light Jenson obeyed before realising that Nathan was now holding his phone, filming the entire thing. "Good boy. Now stand up. You are going to kiss Jamie," both their eyes widened at that, though there was significantly more joy in Jamie's. "And transfer half that precious load to his mouth then you will both show me and then swallow together. Understood?" They both nodded, with varying levels of enthusiasm, and Nathan gently pushed them together.

It started slow, both hesitant. But Jamie quickly got into it, arms wrapping round the bigger man, hands roaming.

"Enough," said Nathan, not wanting them to have too much fun without him. "Show me your mouths." They both turned and opened their mouths to show a dollop of Nathan's cum on both their tongues.

"Good, now swallow." Nathan filmed as they closed and swallowed then both opened their mouths again without needing to be told. "What do you say?"

"Thank you Daddy."

"Thank you Sir,"

" let's get started."

Next: Chapter 10

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