Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on Jul 24, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag! -------------------------------------------------

Chapter 8

Nathan took his time showering, making use of Linda's extensive collection of sweet smelling body and face washes. Once he was washed and dried he walked, naked through to the bedroom. Jenson was still naked, he seemed to be in some shock at what had just happened, Nathan took the opportunity to idly grope his chest in passing as he picked up his clothes, dressed and packed up the cameras.

"Tidy up and clean those sheets before you go."

Jenson looked up at Nathan dressed and ready to leave.

"Wait! What about me? What about this?" He gestured to the cage still restraining his huge cock.

"What about it?"

" need to release me! I let you fuck me and I haven't cum in so fucked long!"

"And you won't, until I decide you deserve it. Remember you had the chance for release if you begged like the whore you are but you refused."

Jenson was standing now, some remnant of the authoritative coach he was known as at school showed through the sweat, cum and shame.

"Look, Nate, you've had your fun. You've got your release and your video that you can enjoy jerking to for a few years. Now that's enough. Give me the key, delete my number and leave. This doesn't need to go any further ok?"

Nathan was uncomfortably aware that he had uncuffed Jenson, perhaps prematurely. He was careful not to let any nerves show on his face, if Jenson thought he was intimidated he would keep pushing. So instead he slowly scanned his eyes up and down Jenson's sculpted body, leering at the naked older man. Slowly he took his bag off and unzipped the hidden pouch on the back, pulling out the key for Jenson's cage, he held it up.

"So are you going to take it by force?"

"If I have to yes, give it to me." Jenson's voice was forceful, much like it was during practice. "And from now on if I see you touch Connor inappropriately or even annoy him, you are going straight to the principal's office and I will see to it you are expelled."

Nathan smirked at the sudden rush of confidence Jenson was having.

"So you are going to assault one of your students while naked? You constantly remind me why you are just a high school coach. How do you think the police will respond to that?"

Jenson hesitated.

"I'll tell them I was getting the key..."

"Fuck you are dumb as shit aren't you? Think it through cunt. What will you say when they ask why I had a key to your chastity cage, bought by your card?"

Jenson opened his mouth to respond, he had deflated already, but straightened his back, desperately trying to maintain his newly rediscovered confidence. Nathan jumped in before he could say anything else.

"You'll have two options tell them that this was all a mutually consensual encounter in which case you had sex with a student and then assaulted him, not a great look. But maybe better than explaining how I got you to do what I wanted if you choose to tell them anything approaching the truth. Or do you think the police will let you off with filming underage girls just because you got fucked by me?"

"...just give me the key and nothing else needs to happen ok? We can go about our business and won't bother each other at all."

"But I like bothering you. And from those sounds you were making I think you like being bothered by me."

"What!? No! Definitely not, no way." Jenson took a step back, shaking his head in denial. Nathan knew he had him on the back foot now, time to push.

"Please, I saw the precum dripping from your cage, you can't deny you were straining against it all night long can you, bitch?"

"No that wasn't that isn'!" He took a deep breath. "That is not the point. This is over, give me the key."

Nathan stepped close, close enough to smell the sweat and cum on Jenson. The coach eyed the key, but didn't grab it.

"I don't want it to be over quite yet. So here is what I will do." He smiled brightly and stepped back, slowly and deliberately placing the key on a table in the hall then stepping away and standing next to Jenson.

The stud eyed him cautiously, sensing some trap. "There is the key. You can take it unlock yourself and go about you business. We are done." Jenson smiled and took a slow step towards the table.

"Just like that? We finished yeah?"

"Sure, if that is what you want. Of course I still have all the videos, including the first one. I may take it to the police, or maybe I will just post it online...I wonder who would get to you first; the police or the angry dads... . Oh well maybe we will find out, maybe we won't. Maybe I'll be satisfied with the videos to wank off to."

Jenson took another, hesitant step towards the key.

"Of course eventually I'll get myself a boyfriend and then I wont need the videos. So probably I'll send them to the police. Or maybe one day you'll annoy me or Connor will and I'll send them in." Nathan smiled pleasantly as Jenson thought it through. "I will miss being able to use your card though, but I can probably make that money back with the video from the other week. You remember right? The one where you got pumped out to all comers. I'm sure I can sell that online."

"'re done..."

Nathan stroked Jenson's back, consoling him.

"Absolutely, if that is what you want we are done. It's just, if we are done I have no reason at all to keep those videos to myself." Slowly his hand slid down Jenson's back to his firm ass.

"So either we keep going or I spend my life with the threat of those videos hanging over me?"

"That is one very unpleasant, I would say, way of looking at it." his hand was now on the small of Jenson's back part pushing him forward and part poised to grope his ass again. "I prefer I prefer to think of it as either you take the key and end all this fun, which would make us both very sad. Or you go into the living room, bend over the arm of the sofa and moan like a good whore while I teach that muscle pussy who is in charge here." He smacked Jenson's ass lightly, almost encouragingly. "On you go then."

Jenson stood there undecided.

"I don't want the key."


"I don't want the key, Sir." He said louder.

"Then go bend over."

"Please don't make me, it is still sore, and I am not gay. Please I'll do anything else you want whenever you want, just not that."

"Go and bend over before I start to get angry and decide you need a more thorough punishment." Nathan almost snarled, not having to fake the anger caused by have been afraid moments earlier.

Jenson reluctantly walked to the sofa, pleading all the way.

"I'll suck your cock..."

"Yes you will."

"I'll eat your ass..."

"Daily if possible."

"Please don't make me bottom."

"Bend over."

He stood there staring at the arm of the chair with dread.

"I'll count to 3 if you haven't bent over by then I am posting some of the videos from Tom's house. And I'll still fuck you."

He bent over.

Nathan unzipped and pulled out his already stiff cock. He smacked Jenson's muscle slabs, hard enough to leave his hand stinging. Then spread his ass and spat on the puckered hole. Without any further lube and not caring about being gentle he slowly forced his cock into Jenson's still raw hole.

Jenson yelled and screamed pulling away but never using his full strength or fighting back properly. Slowly, so slowly Nathan pushed balls deep, feeling the resistance of Jenson's abused hole giving way. He leant against Jenson, wrapping one hand around his neck and pulling him back while the other groped his chest, teasing his nipples.

"I fucking own you, understood?" He growled as he began pumping back and forth.

"Uh uh uh god...yes yes sir." Jenson whimpered and moaned as Nathan increased his pace.

"Say it."

"You own me sir. Argh fuck."

"For how long?"

"Uh ahh fuck please slow down..." Nathan twisted the coach's nipple.

"For how long?"

"Arrrgh! Forever! You own me forever."

"That's right bitch. Don't ever forget that and don't ever think you can just call it all off again, understood?"

"Yes sir I understand I'm sorry."

Nathan had built up a brutal pace by now, pounding Jenson's recently virgin hole hard and fast.

"Fuck I love your pussy!" He slapped Jenson's ass hard. "You love having your pussy fucked don't you whore?"

"Mmmmh mmmh uh uh argh GOD! No no." He whimpered, trying to deny that most of the noises he was making were now moans of pleasure.

"Say it bitch."

"Argh yes sir, I lo- ugh ugh - I love mmmmph - having my pussy fucked Sir argh!"

Nathan felt his balls tightening for yet another orgasm. He pulled out completely and Jenson groaned in shock at the sudden void. Nathan dragged him off the sofa and onto his knees on the floor, grabbing a handful of hair he shoved his hard cock into Jenson's mouth and fucked his face with the same force he had just used on his pussy.

Jenson was in a daze, he didn't resist or object, simply went along with it, gagging and choking on the young cock with no chance of a break. Soon Nathan was ready and he rammed his cock into Jenson's mouth and pumped another load into his coach.

"That's it swallow my load, bitch." Jenson had no choice but to comply, swallowing the shockingly large load of cum that Nathan dump directly down his throat. Exhausted Jenson leant against the sofa, coughing and gasping for breath. Nathan walked through to the bedroom and came back a moment later to crouch down in from of Jenson. He slapped him across the face.

"Remember you are mine unless I decide otherwise. We will deal with your proper punishment later." He opened the sparkly pink nail varnish he had brought through from Linda's bedroom and dabbed it on the padlock of Jenson's cage. He blew on it to dry it off then pocketed the bottle and handed Jenson the key to the padlock.

"You hold onto that, but do not open it. I will be checking." Jenson nodded, dejected.

With that Nathan stood up and left.

"What are you smirking at Nathan?" Claire asked across the canteen table. He closed the message, hiding the picture of Jenson's cage, with nail varnish unbroken, taken in his office.

"Nothing, just a silly message from a friend from home. So, what are we doing this weekend?" He successfully diverted attention towards their weekend plans to go to the fairground. He tried to stay focused, but his eyes wandered when Jamie walked past with his lunch. His perfectly bubble butt bouncing in tight sweatpants. Nathan tore his eyes away, he needed to make sure his budding sex life didn't cause issues for the rest of his he had an idea of meeting Jamie at the fair if all went well tonight.

Nathan managed to lose himself in chatting with his friends, and classes after lunch left no room for him to think of lust after anyone. So when the final bell rang he felt almost scared and unprepared. He said good bye and slipped away from his friends as they headed home. Then he headed to the spare practice room where he had left his cello; he needed to kill an hour or so while the cheerleaders had their after school practice and practicing the cello always calmed him down.

He sent a quick reminder to Jenson of what he needed to do and then focused on his playing. He practiced some of the new pieces he had been working on lately for the first 45 minutes then settled in to playing his favourites. Auld langsine, Bach, Tchaikovsky. He was in the middle of auld langs Ain when his phone, sitting on the table next to him so he could see it, buzzed with a message from Jenson, he read without stopping playing.

"Everyone else has left, he has just headed to the changing room. I'm the last staff."

Nathan forced himself to be take his time, finishing the pieces before carefully putting away his bow and cello. Then picked up his things and walked, admittedly a bit faster than normal, to the gym. He dropped off his bag and coat in Jenson's office with a brief instruction to stay nearby and then he headed to the boys changing room. His stomach did flips as he entered to the sound of a shower running.

Despite all he had done with and to Jenson this was new and frightening. He was not going to force Jamie, though he may be forceful, this was the first time he was going to try to have sex with someone without the safety net of the leverage he held over Jenson.

He quietly undressed, carrying a towel and nothing else to the showers. Despite his nerves his cock was showing his eagerness; not yet fully hard it showed the promise of his youthful size. He was not so modest to deny it was an impressive and hot sight.

He took a deep breath and pushed his worries down then walked confidently into the showers, his fit body and semi-hard cock uncovered.

Jamie was standing under a shower in the middle of the semi-circle. He had his back to Nathan, giving him a perfect view of soapy water running down his ass. He turned as Nathan was halfway across the room, jumping with fright at the unexpected arrival.

"Hey J, how you doing?" Nathan smiled disarmingly and hung his towel on a hook before turning on one of the showers. There was only one shower space between the two of them, which Jamie obviously noticed. His eyes kept darting to the doorway to the changing rooms, obviously expecting Jenson to arrive at any minute. After checking the door Jamie's gaze sprang back to Nathan's naked body and large cock. Nathan let the moment stretch, pretending not to be paying attention to Jamie as he rinsed off in the shower. Jamie turned away, soaping his body with his back to Nathan.

Nathan quietly walked closer, leaving his shower running.

"Hey, J, I forgot to bring my soap, share some of yours with me, ok?" Jamie spun at the sudden closeness of Nathan's voice, taking an involuntary step back towards the wall. His eyes darted down to Nathan's cock, then back up. He gulped.

Nathan looked at him, blankly, waiting.

"W - what?"

"Let me borrow your soap, I forgot mine."

Jamie looked at the dozen soap dispensers lining the wall.

"Why? What about -"

"What's the problem Jamie? I won't use much." He took a small step forward. There was less than half an inch difference in their heights but somehow Nathan loomed over Jamie. The cheerleader's eyes darted once more over Nathan's body. Confused, turned on, and a bit scared Jamie reached for his shower gel, without fully turning his back on Jamie. He dropped it.

The bottle tumbled loudly to the floor between them. They both looked at it.

"So can are you going to give it to me?"

Jamie slowly knelt down to pick it up. He glanced up at just the wrong moment though and froze at the sight of Nathan's hard cock now at eye level less than a foot away.

"I feel bad about using your soap J. I don't want to use to much."

"Oh erm, no that's...that's alright Nate."

"It's Nathan." Jamie blinked, confused at the sudden steel in Nathan's voice. "Say it, Nathan."

"Err Nathan, sorry. That's alright Nathan."

He smiled at the kneeling boy happily."

"Good, boy. But I still don't feel good using too much of your soap." Nathan looked down sternly. "How much do you think I need for my legs?" Jamie blinked in confusion, looking helplessly at Nathan thick thighs. "Show me how much I need for my legs J."

Jamie squirted out a generous dollop of soap in his hand, looking confused but transfixed by the dominant attitude of this hot naked man.

"Hmmm that should do. Why don't you soap up my legs for me J." Jamie blinked. "Go on." Nathan's voice left no room for argument and he was telling Jamie to do something he wanted to. He glanced at the doorway again.

"Stop looking for Jenson, he is not coming." Nathan snapped. "Now get to work soaping up my legs."

"What? I uh I wasn't looking for..." Jamie withered under Nathan's stern gaze then, with nothing to say and no idea how this happened he began rubbing the soap from his hands onto Nathan's legs. He started at the feet gently lifting them one by one to massage the soap around. Then slowly moving up to knead Nathan's calves. His own cock was rock hard now, it was a respectable size at just under 7", but compared to Nathan's it seemed very small.

He slowly rubbed Nathan's thick thighs seeming almost hypnotised by the action. Nathan kept quiet, watching the cute boy with a hot gymnast's body on his knees massaging his legs. When Jamie reached for Nathan's cock he grabbed his wrist, not hard but firmly. Jamie looked up at him, his face a mixture of confusion and pleading. Nathan didn't say anything, just pulled him to his feet so they were now standing facing each other.

"My body needs washed too, you can start with my back." He took a step forward, further under Jamie's shower. The cheerleader stared at him in confusion for a moment, until Nathan looked back with an arched eyebrow and he sprang into action washing his broad back. Not really knowing what he was doing but desperately hoping to please Nathan Jamie tried to give him a massage at the same time. For his part Nathan wasn't really sure what a massage was supposed to feel like, but enjoyed the feeling of Jamie's hands pressing into the muscles of his back.

Jamie kept going, while his mind spun. He had been sure that he knew where the leg washing was going, had been so keen to get Nathan's large cock in his mouth, but then just as he reached for it Nathan stopped him. Was this all that would happen? He had almost forgotten that Jenson had been supposed to come here, there was only room in his mind for this shower and Nathan's body.

After a few minutes of caressing and massaging Nathan turned round, he took hold of Jamie's arms, turned him to stand against the wall then slowly pushed him to his knees. He stood over him, hard cock pointing directly at his face. Jamie was transfixed, again. They stayed like that for a minute, neither saying a word. As the moment stretched Jamie decided to try his luck. He reached out a hesitant hand.

"What are you doing?"

Jamie froze "erm I ...I don't ..."

"What do you want?"

"To...suck your dick...please."

"Beg for it J."

"Please please can I suck your big hard cock..." Jamie looked Nathan in the eye as he spoke and he could see that more was needed. "...sir." Nathan smiled slightly at the small, softly spoken word.

"Speak up, sissy boy." Jamie blinked at the casual slur but didn't object.

"Please Sir can I suck your cock!"

"If you do it won't be a one off, I'll expect more..."

"I understand sir."

Nathan put his hand on the back of Jamie's head and gently pulled him in, guiding his welcoming mouth to Nathan's throbbing cock. Jamie's thick, soft lips wrapped around the head of his cock and slid happily down. Nathan groaned in pleasure.

He wasn't about to stop using Jenson's mouth - ever if he could help it - but this felt amazing. Although there was some hesitance, born of inexperience, there was none of the reluctance and a surplus of eagerness. Soon Jamie was greedily slurping on Nathan's cock, working his way up and down the thick shaft.

"Mmmm fuck! That feels great. You love that don't you, faggot?" Jamie nodded, without releasing the cock from his mouth. "Yeah thats a good girl, suck that cock. From now on you're going to be mine, understood? My hot sissy cumdump." Another nod, even more enthusiastic. "Worship that cock, faggot. This is where you belong, isn't it? On your knees servicing my cock."

Nathan kept up the commentary, reinforcing the idea of his dominance and superiority while encouraging Jamie to continue.

All too soon he felt his balls tightening. He pulled away quickly, roughly dragging Jamie to his feet and spinning him round, he pushed him up against the wall and grabbed his pert bouncy ass with a loud, two handed slap. "Push your pussy back, faggot." He commanded, and Jamie happily obeyed. He spread Jamie's cheeks, admiring the tight puckered hole. He ran a rough thumb over it and Jamie moaned. He spat on it and rubbed the spit in quickly with his fingers before lining up the head of his cock. Slowly, with constant form pressure that would not stop he penetrated Jamie's tight hole. Jamie gasped and moaned but he didn't argue or resist. In fact he pushed back, welcoming thick cock. Excruciatingly slowly Nathan entered until his thick pubes were crushed against Jamie's bubble butt. He waited. Letting Jamie get used to the feeling. Jamie moaned at the new sensation and began grinding his ass on Nathan. Nathan smack his ass, hard. Then took a firm grip and began slowly pulling back, he pulled almost fully out then began the return journey. Long deep strokes, slowly, slowly picking up speed. Jamie's sounds increased, growing louder. He moaned and gasped, turning into high pitched grunts as Nathan gathered speed.

"I own this pussy from now on."

"Yes yeeeesss."

"When I want it, you will give it to me."

"Wh - uhn uh uh - whenever you want Sir."

"Whenever I want, wherever I want, however I want. I won't always be so gentle."

"Yes please use me daddy." Jamie's face was pressed against the wall. Nathan could see him squirm in embarrassment as he realised what he had just called him.

"That's right faggot, you want daddy's cock?"

"Oh god yes daddy."

Nathan reached a fever pitch, pounding Jamie's pussy hard and fast, leaving no time for either speak, as the room echoed with the sounds of flesh smacking together and Jamie's feminine squeals and moans.

Finally, with an animalistic roar Nathan hurried his cock deep in Jamie's guts and flooded him with his cum. They stood there, silently getting their breath. Nathan leant against Jamie who was still squashed against the wall.

"I mean it, you are mine to use from now on."

"I understand sir, I will try to be a good cum dump."

Next: Chapter 9

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