Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on Jun 22, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag! -------------------------------------------------

Chapter 7

"Hey, get away from me faggot!"

"Connor! What the hell did you just say?"

"Coach Jenson this gay boy just grabbed my ass."

"Connor that is enough! I was standing right here and Nathan did no such thing. You'd better get it together and stop behaving like a little brat or I will have to listen to Coach Howe."

Nathan was quite impressed by Jenson's acting. He had been very clear that on what he expected from Jenson today and going forward with Connor, but he hadn't been sure he wouldn't fail at the last minute and just support Connor. Whoring him out had apparently worked wonders for breaking his attachment to Connor.

There were only a handful of them left at wrestling practice this afternoon and Jenson had split them into pairs. He kept a close eye on Nathan and Connor, ostensibly because Connor was the star of the team. They were going through moves together slightly apart from the other pairs, with Jenson standing close by. They squared up and slammed together again, Nathan managed to hold out for nearly 10 seconds before Connor got control. He didn't mind, he just wait for a chance then groped Connor's crotch, it was fun. Especially when Connor released his hold and leapt away, complaining to Jenson that Nathan had just groped him. Only for Jenson to declare he had been watching carefully and nothing happened. Nathan smirked at Connor's back. He couldn't wait until he had Connor under control like Jenson, these practice sessions would be even more fun when he could fully grab Connor's dick and Connor had to just accept it. For now this would have to do, besides he had something better to look forward to.

Connor was particularly aggressive in the changing room after practice, and probably would have beaten Nathan up if Jenson hadn't arrived. In the end he skipped showering and just stormed out glaring at Jenson almost as much as he refused to look at Nathan. He seemed to feel genuinely betrayed by Jenson.

Nathan took his time showering, then stopped off in Jenson's office.

"Be outside Linda's at 8, and make sure you feed and water poor little Jelly first. No reason for the dog to be neglected just because you are a degenerate bitch."

Jenson clearly wanted to argue, but he had been increasingly compliant since being locked.

"Ok, I'll be there." Nathan gave him a pointed look. "I mean, yes sir."

Nathan left with a smile and headed home. His dad had dinner ready for him; toad-in-the-hole with a vegetables on the side. He ate in the kitchen while revising for his classes tomorrow as his parents rushed around getting ready for their evening. They left at half 7, just as Nathan finished up his maths homework. A quick kiss from both of them and an admonishment not to stay up too late and Nathan was left alone. He took his time getting himself ready, he didn't want to rush and the more Jenson had to wait the better. He had given him strict instructions to have a thorough wash, telling him that he planned to spend even longer eating his pussy than he did at the weekend. He wanted this evening to be perfect...for him.

Once he was dressed and had everything he thought he might need he headed out. He kept up a quick pace all the way to Linda's flat, as instructed Jenson was sitting in his truck outside.

"Hey bitch, let's go," Jenson jumped when Nathan slammed his hands on the door and poked his head through the passenger window, leering at Jenson in his tight shorts and loose tank top.

"Fuck! You scared me...Sir." He waited, nervously. After a while he reach over and opened the passenger door for Nathan.

"Hurry up and get in then, I can't sit here all night...Sir."

"I'm not getting in, you're getting out."

"What? But I thought you wanted to...erm..." he looked around furtively in case anyone had snuck up close enough to hear. "To rim me."

"No! Yuk! I'm going to eat your pussy."

"Well, yeah, that."

"Say it, bitch." Nathan was already growing hard in his trousers.

"You're going to eat my pussy, Sir." He rushed through it, refusing to make eye contact as he said the emasculating phrase.

"Exactly! But not here obviously!" Nathan beamed

"Then get in and let's go before someone asks questions."

"We are going to do it in Linda's flat."

"No way. Not happening, unacceptable. Listen to me-"

A dark glare was all it took to silence Jenson. He tried to come up with an argument, to dredge up some vestige of his former authority, but he couldn't, not with Nathan.

"Get out, cunt."

"Yes Sir." Dejectedly Jenson led the way into the building and called the lift. They got in, joined by an old woman who smiled at the two of them in greeting. The woman pressed 7, Jenson hit number 19. The old lady stood on one side, Nathan the other, with Jenson in the middle. Jenson's bulk was more than enough cover for Nathan to reach round and slide a hand down the back of his joggers.

Jenson stiffened, looking at Nathan with wild eyes, Nathan just smirked at him and squeezed his firm cheeks.

The lift stopped on the 5th floor, and opened for an old couple. On realising that the lift was going all the way to the 19th floor they and not to the ground floor as they wanted they backed off. As they waited for the doors to close the three elderly residents exchanged brief pleasantries.

Meanwhile, Nathan slid two fingers between Jenson's ass cheeks and began poking and tickling his hole. Jenson jumped and squeaked, trying to cover it with a feeble cough, earning strange looks from the residents.

The doors closed and the lift moved again, the juddering movement bumping Nathan's fingers against Jenson's hole again, he hummed in the back of his throat. With the hand closest to Nathan he reached to push him away. Nathan caught his wrist, holding it in a firm grip. Jenson could easily have overpowered him, probably without the old lady noticing. But they both remembered the last time he tried to physically resist...he dropped his arm back to his side. The lift doors closed on the old lady's cheerful `good night' on the 7th floor.

"Damn her, interrupting us!" Nathan shoved Jenson against the wall of the lift and began forcefully kissing him, smothering his mumbled protests. His hands roamed over Jenson's firm muscles, he was extremely grateful that the lift was so slow. He began sucking and lightly nibbling on Jenson's neck, the coach moaned in pleasure. Nathan reached one hand down Jenson's pants finding the metal chastity cage firmly in place. A part of him regretted that he couldn't wrap his hand around Jenson's monstrous cock, but he also felt a thrill of power knowing that he and he alone controlled if and when Jenson got hard or came.

He used his grip on Jenson's cage to yank him forward away from the wall then jumped up and wrapped his legs around Jenson's waist. Instinctively Jenson steadied his, hands gripping Nathan's ass firmly. Nathan watched his face, he could swear there was a moment when Jenson actually enjoyed groping his 18 year old ass. Nathan smirked in satisfaction then leant his head down and began kissing and sucking on Jenson's neck, occasionally pulling away enough to force a kiss.

As the doors opened on the the 19th floor the two of them were kissing deeply, both lost in lust, Nathan's rock hard cock squashed against Jenson's chest.

Jenson realised they had stopped first and pulled back, dropping his hands from Nathan's young ass. Nathan kept his legs wrapped firmly around Jenson's body and began to suck on his neck again. He paused briefly.

"Carry me into Linda's flat, I'm busy, bitch."

Jenson carried him out of the lift and began walking down the corridor. "Hands back on my ass."

He obeyed, of course. Gripping the large mounds firmly. He walked them down to theist door in the corridor, pulled his keys from his pocket and let them in, carrying Nathan through.

Jelly began barking immediately, rushing over to see who had arrived.

Reluctantly Nathan hopped down, instructing Jenson to take the dog through to another room.

While Jenson did that Nathan took the opportunity to take a few deep calming breathes. He had intended to just feel Jenson up in the lift, but he was already excited about what was coming, so when Jenson started to kiss him back he had lost control of himself.

Calm down Nathan. You have to stay in control.

Jenson returned looking sheepish, he too had got carried away in the lift, kissing a Nathan back with almost as much passion. He adjusted his crotch, mumbling about needing a release, Nathan ignored him, he was just trying to rationalise his actions away.

"Strip." Jenson tossed off his joggers and top, standing naked except for his cage. "On your knees. Now crawl through to the bedroom." Nathan followed, watching the coach's muscle ass with an eager twist in his stomach. "Get on the bed, on your knees, hands behind your back."

Jenson obeyed, but there was a reluctance in his actions, more than usual?

Quickly, Nathan clicked the handcuffs onto Jenson's wrists, he took a deep breath once he had him restrained.

"What? Why are you putting cuffs on again, I did what you wanted!"

"Yes you did, well done, no I want you to be cuffed." Nathan ignored Jenson's continued arguments and attempts to reason with him. He set up two camera on tripods facing the bed at slightly different angles, making sure that one of them also covered the full length mirror on the wall which he had been so happy to see when he entered the bedroom. He started them both recording.

"Stand up and turn around." Jenson slowly shuffled his legs off the bed and stood up, turning to face Nathan.

When he saw the cameras he instinctively flinched, trying to cover himself but unable with his hands handcuffed behind his back.

"Good boy. Now tell me your full name and why you are here."

"I don't know why I'm here, are those recording? Turn them off and let me go." "Say your name and why you are here, now bitch."

"Nathan, that's enough you cannot do this, I won't." Nathan reached down to the bag at his feet and pulled out a flip flop. "No, please don't, I'll do it I'll say it please." The bigger man struggled and squirmed. But with his hands cuffed behind him he couldn't stop Nathan from giving him a quick thrust to the stomach, winding him. After that he bent him over the bed, ass facing the cameras. Then he began beating his ass with the flip flop. Jenson yelled and screamed in pain, trying to twist away, but all he managed was to end up lying face down on the bed, feet kicking and flailing more with each smack. Eventually Nathan stopped, and moved back out of view of the cameras.

"Stand up and face me." He was slightly out of breath but he managed to keep his voice steady. "Now bitch, unless you want more." Jenson struggled to his feet, his sculpted body was covered in a sheen of sweat and there were tears in his eyes.

"Now, state your name and why you are here." When Jenson didn't reply Nathan hefted the flip flop threateningly.

"I'm Brian Jenson and I'm here because you told me to."

"What are we going to do here tonight? And why are you doing what I tell you?"

"I...I don't know."

"I'm going to eat your pussy and you are going to suck my cock, correct?" Jenson nodded. "Say it."

"You are going to eat my pussy and then I will suck your cock, Sir."

"Now tell the camera why you do what I say, how you became my bitch."

" caught me with videos of female students showering."

"Because you are a dirty degenerate pervert, right?"

"Yes, I'm a dirty degenerate pervert, Sir."

Nathan dropped the flip flop, and stood in front of Jenson. He placed a hand on his shoulder and applied slight pressure. Jenson folded to his knees and looked at Nathan's crotch, expectantly. Nathan checked their positioning for the cameras and the slowly pulled his rock hard cock out.

"Service me whore," Jenson did not hesitate, he flicked his tongue over the head of the penis, lapping up precum. Then he leant forward, turning his head slightly to lick Nathan's large balls. He drew them both into his mouth, careful to keep his teeth off them and began licking and lightly sucking them. Nathan moaned in pleasure, leaning down slightly to run his hands over Jenson's broad shoulders and chest. Jenson pulled back, and licked from the bottom of Nathan's balls up to his shaft and along to the head of his cock. He repeated this several times, then kissed the head, running his tongue under the foreskin before slowly sliding his lips further down.

Nathan felt his cock hit the back of Jenson's throat, over half way down.

"Fuuuck! You are such a good cock sucker Coach Jenson! Keep going, worship Sir's thick cock, good whore. Show the camera what a degenerate cock sucker you are. You have a teen student's cock in your mouth whore. Yeah that's it." Nathan kept up a stream of abusive and degrading encouragement, hands roaming over his upper body.

After a while of this Nathan began fucking Jenson's face. He started slow, just thrusting to match Jenson's own movements, then picked up the pace. When Jenson started trying to pull back Nathan grabbed his head with both hands holding him in place.

"Stay there bitch, Sir has a load for you." He started roughly fucking Jenson's mouth, slamming down his throat with his thick 8 inch cock. Jenson gagged loudly, struggled to pull away. But he couldn't get any leverage to resist with his hand cuffed behind him. Nathan kept up a viscous pace, skull fucking his coach, he had forgotten everything else now and was just pounding his way to completion. After what felt like a few seconds for Nathan and hours for Jenson the younger man's balls tightened. He grabbed a handful of Jenson's hair with one hand, as he started spraying thick cum down his throat. After three massive loads he pulled out and stroked his cock, wet with spit, spraying five more spurts of cum across Jenson's gorgeous face. Nathan caught his breath while Jenson cough and gasped for breath himself.

"Fuck! You are a good sucker, you loved that load didnt you, whore?"

Nathan pulled Jenson's head up, and whispered in his ear.

"Look in the camera and tell it you loved swallowing Sir's load, or I'll go get the flip flop and spend the rest of the night beating your ass and balls and dumping loads just like that inside you."

Jenson heaved in lungfuls of air for another minute then straightened himself, looked at the camera and declared, voice croaky and eyes red rimmed, "I loved taking Sir's thick delicious load."

"Good whore, have the rest then." Nathan started scooped the cum off Jenson's face and feeding it to him with his fingers. " be good and lick them clean." He revelled in the sensation of Jenson doing just that, running his tongue vigorously over his fingers.

Satisfied that the stud's face was clean Nathan ordered him up on the bed on his knees. Adjusting his position until satisfied Nathan knelt behind Jenson on the floor.

He grabbed and squeezed Jenson's muscle ass, then spread it wide and buried his face between the gorgeous cheeks.

He had never realised before Jenson how fun it was to eat ass. Or understood the porn when men described their partner's ass as delicious. But Jenson's hole was truly delicious, and within seconds of flicking his tongue over the sphincter he was rock hard again. After a few minutes of Nathan's enthusiastic running, Jenson was moaning in pleasure and pushing back on his face.

"You like that don't you whore?"

"Mmmm fuck, yes sir, I love it."

"Your pussy tastes delicious. You want me to keep eating your pussy?"

"Yes sir please don't stop eating my pussy. Mmm God it feels so gooood."

Nathan kept eating pushing his tongue into Jenson's tight hole. He paused, and pressed his finger against Jenson's hole, teasing it with his nail, while licking his balls and taint.

"Your cock is dripping precum from its cage, whore."

"No, no, it's not no." Jenson sounded almost delirious as he tried to deny the truth despite Nathan's renewed rimming strengthening the stream of precum.

"Remember, any time you want, you can be released from your cage and allowed to cum, all you have to do is beg me to fuck you."

"Mmmm so I won't...mmmmph...I won't beg to be fucked...oh GOD!"

"Fine, I'll keep eating, and you won't get to cum."

He kept going, loving every second of it, and feeling Jenson's hole loosen with his tongue.

Without warning Nathan flipped the coach onto his back, then dove on top of him and began sucking and licking his muscle tits. Jenson moaned loudly again. His body was covered in sweat, and his abs bounced as he breathed heavily.

Nathan lifted his legs, adjusted himself so that his cock was pressing against Jenson's ass. As he worked his nipples he slowly moved his cock forward until the head of his cock was resting against Jenson's soaking wet hole, squeezed tight between his ass cheeks.

"Oh god it feels so good, please stop, please, they're so sensitive! Fuuuck Sir please let me out I need to cum Sir."

"Do you want me to fuck you?" Nathan looked up from Jenson's busty chest to speak, then went back to sucking his sensitive nipples.

", no you can't! I won't." A note of desperation was entering Jenson's refusals now.

Nathan licked down Jenson's body to his caged cock, admiring the sight of him straining against the metal cage. He wrapped his lips around the cage and sucked the precum out, then moved down to lick his balls. After a while he started sucking hard, Jenson groaned in pained pleasure.

Nathan jumped to his feet and flipped Jenson back to his knees. He rubbed the head of his cock against the loosened hole.

"Do you want me to fuck you, so you can cum?"

"No! Never!" There was a pause as neither of them moved or spoke. "Please keep eating my pussy though Sir."

Nathan laughed

"You fucking degenerate whore! You're actually begging for your teen student to eat your pussy."

"Yes sir, please it feels so good."

Nathan continued rubbing his cock against the coach's hole for a few seconds, getting him used to it. Then he got back to his knees and continued rimming. He added a finger, teasing his hole with the nail, occasionally pushing the tip in, but never fully passing the sphincter. He licked Jenson's hole, swirling his tongue around, sucking on the edge of his hole and ramming it with his tongue. Jenson continued to moan and beg for more, pushing back against his face.

Jenson was kneeling on the bed, facing the mirror on the wall. Nathan was kneeling behind him. One camera was behind them to the side, showing their back but with their faces visible in the mirror. The other camera was at the side facing them side on.

Nathan was happy with the set up, the mirror was a blessing.

Feeling that Jenson's hole would get no looser from rimming he stood up again, and pressed his cock against it. Rubbing and pushing his cock against Jenson's hole he said,

"Last chance, slut. Do you want to beg to be fucked and earn yourself release?"

Jenson shook his head vigorously, while moaning for more rimming. "Your choice, I guess you don't get to cum." Nathan said, as he leant forward and shoved his balled up socks in Jenson's mouth.

Once they were in he tied Jenson's T-shirt across his mouth and gripped the knot behind his head.

"You don't get to cum, but I still do." He gripped Jenson's cuffed hands with his spare hand and pushed forward. The head of his cock slowly slid through Jenson's hole. Jenson realised what was happening and started shouting into the gag and trying to pull away. Nathan held him firmly in place.

"You knew this was coming eventually bitch, turns out it is now. Time for me to pop your cherry and finally fuck this hot muscle pussy." He kept driving forward, deeper and deeper. The pitch of Jenson's muffled shouts heightened, he bucked and pulled away, only succeeding in fucking himself slightly on Nathan's cock. Nathan had never been so hard, he felt his gorgeous coach's pussy opening, engulfing his cock. Jenson's ass pressed against Nathan crotch. He revelled in the feeling of being balls deep in the most stunning muscle stud he had ever seen. He pulled Jenson's head up so he was facing himself in the mirror.

"Look at yourself, you are being fucked by a teen student half your size on your girlfriend's bed. I own you. You are my cum dump, this is my pussy. I will use you how I want and when I want. You should learn to love it, because it is not going to stop." As he spoke Nathan slowly fucked his coach, long deep slow strokes.

Jenson looked at himself in the mirror. At the naked youth standing behind him, toned body glistening with sweat. He couldn't make it make sense. He couldn't get his head around the fact that this was happening.

He shouted and screamed into the gag as Nathan picked up the pace, pounding his virgin hole. All the while he couldn't tear his eyes from the mirror, from the sight of this brat turning him into nothing more than a hole to be used.

Nathan pounded him harder and harder. Jenson pulled away as much as he could, eventually managing to collapse to the bed, there was a pause as Nathan mounted him. Straddling his beefy ass on the bed and pile driving his hole. The sounds from below him changed, getting quieter, rapider, more urgent.

Jenson couldn't understand or accept what was happening or how. But most of all he could not understand and refused to accept how good it felt as Nathan pounded him into the bed. Without meaning to be realised he was pushing his ass up to meet Nathan's cock, his screams of pain, denial and refusal had stopped, transforming into moans and yells of pleasure.

"Oh fuck your pussy feels amazing, I love this! Mmmm yeah, take that cock bitch. Yes! You're pushing back you fucking degenerate whore. You're loving this aren't you?" He slapped Jenson ass hard. "Aren't you bitch? You fucking love being fucked, you cock hungry slut." Jenson nodded uncontrollably. Nathan untied the T-shirt and let it fall down. Then grabbed Jenson's hips with both hands and pounded his hole with renewed vigour. Jenson kept moaning, the socks fell out of his mouth, and all he could do was moan like a dumb bitch.

"Urgh urgh, mmm fuuuuuck fuck fuuuuuuck." The slap of meat hitting meat quickened as Nathan got into a rhythm. Jenson moaned. Nathan's fucking became frantic as he neared orgasm again. Jenson began making short high pitched gasps in time with the smack of Nathan's crotch against his ass. Nathan was grunting as everything else faded from his attention, all that mattered was the hole he was fucking.

His balls tightened and he roared as his orgasm exploded into Jenson's guts.

He collapsed on top of Jenson and lay there for a few minutes gasping for air in the after glow.

Slowly he stood up, Jenson moaned as Nathan's still hard cock withdrew from him. Nathan pulled him up,

"On your knees bitch." Jenson obeyed, in a daze after what had just happened, still trying and failing to process it. "Say thank you."

"Thank you Sir."

"Now be a good bitch and clean me up."

Jenson blinked. It took a few moments for him to realise what Nathan meant. He looked up at him, and something in Nathan's eyes made him decide against questioning or arguing. He leant forward mouth open and began sucking his Master's cock clean.

Nathan basked in the moment while part of him was already looking forward to tomorrow and the willing submissive faggot whose pussy he would claim, just as he had Jenson's.

Next: Chapter 8

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