Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on May 25, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag! -------------------------------------------------

Chapter 6

Early Sunday morning Nathan skipped his normal shower and went for another `run'. His parents had made a last minute decision to spend Saturday together, preventing him from visiting Jenson as intended. It had been a struggle but he had managed to put Jenson out of his mind and enjoy the day out with his family.

Now it was time to make up for lost time. He took a long route round to Jenson's, keeping up as fast a pace as he could until he arrived.

He let himself in, unlocking the door as quietly as he could and slipping inside on tip toes. The faint sound of snoring greeted him, which was a bit annoying as he had told Jenson yesterday morning that he would be postponing his plans not cancelling, Jenson should have realised he needed to be awake. However it was also a thrill to know he was there while Jenson slept.

Slowly he made his way through to the bedroom, when there he realised he had been far too lenient with Jenson. Linda was lying naked in bed, arms and legs wrapped around Jenson's smooth sculpted body.

Nathan felt a strange mix of emotions, he was annoyed at being disobeyed again, and felt the jealousy of a child seeing their favourite toy played with by someone else, possessive and petty. But he also felt strangely happy that Jenson was not fully broken in yet, he had plenty of plans for the coach still to come and they would be more fun if he was still reluctant for a while at least. He also had a thrill of anticipation for the punishments he would come up with for this.

As Nathan stood there, half ogling his coach's perfect body and half jumping ahead to all his plans, Jenson's eyes flickered open. His arm, wrapped around Linda, squeezed her in tighter. He blinked, and shifted his head slightly. Then his eyes shot wide open, fixed on Nathan standing in the doorway, his entire body tensed up.

Nathan kept his face a stern mask, shook his head slightly, as though in disappointment, then beckoned as he stepped back to the hall.

A few seconds later Jenson crept after him, eyes still wide in terror as he kept glancing back into his bedroom. He was naked, his cock greeting the morning semi-hard.

Nathan felt his own cock twitch at the sight, he doubted he would ever get bored of seeing Jenson naked, and he would have plenty of opportunity to test that!

He smiled and reached out gently for Jenson's chest. Jenson tried to simultaneously apologise, deny all blame and tell Nathan he had to leave. Nathan didn't bother paying any attention to him. When Jenson pushed Nathan's hands away from his chest he just took a half step forward, forcing Jenson to step back against the wall.

Nathan calmly stepped on Jenson's toes, the coach hissed in pain and pulled his foot away, leaving him distracted enough that Nathan got both hands on his pecs.

For a while he just groped Jenson's considerable chest, squeezing the man tits together and rubbing his thumbs over Jenson's sensitive nipples. He watched with pleasure as the stimulation brought Jenson's cock to full attention.

He leaned in close, listening to Jenson's increasingly breathless whispering.

"You can't do this. Please...ah need to go. Mmmm god damn it stop please."

"I want you to listen very very carefully bitch, are you listening?"

"Mmm yes..."

"Good, you have an hour," suddenly he gripped Jenson's nipples between thumb and forefinger and twisted, hard. Jenson gritted his teeth as he tried desperately to not wake his girlfriend in the next room. "Get her out and then shower and stand at the door naked until I come back. I am coming back in an hour, if she is still here she will get a front row seat to me using that pretty pretty mouth. Understood?"

Jenson nodded vehemently. His cock was still hard.

Nathan released Jenson's nipples, and when the older man's hands leapt to his chest Nathan dropped his own hands to Jenson's cock and balls. He stroked the hard cock while gently fondling the heavy balls. Jenson looked at him, eyes pleading. They both knew what was coming, but not when.

"You have obviously forgotten that I own you. I am going to remind you, as many times as I need to or until I get fed up, and you will learn...or some butch convict will end up owning you." Jenson couldn't help but enjoy the firm but gently stroking of his cock, and the playful fondling of his balls. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." Nathan smiled at him, and after a few more seconds of tender stroking he reluctantly released Jenson's giant manhood. Jenson sighed in relief that he was not going to receive abuse to his balls today. As soon as Jenson relaxed a bit, Nathan slapped his low hanging nuts.

Jenson groaned as quietly as he could, curling up around his crotch. "You have 1 hour bitch."

Nathan let himself out, making no effort to close the door quietly.

He ran back home, changed out of his sweaty shorts and T-shirt but did not shower before heading out. Telling his parents he was going to see friends. This time he took a bag with him.

It was closer to an hour and a half by the time he got back to Jenson's but that didn't matter, he preferred if Linda wasn't there anyway. He let himself in again and was not entirely surprised to find Jenson not waiting for him. He heard the tv in the living room and crept through, noting the mirror in the bathroom was still a little steamed up from the shower, so he had at least obeyed that much. Jenson was sitting on the sofa watching a football (American football) game while working on his laptop. He had on a vest and sweatpants, and looked stunning as always.

"You really are a dumb bitch aren't you?"

Jenson jumped.

"What?! You can't keep letting yourself in without telling me..." Nathan had walked across the room and interrupted Jenson with a slap to the face.

"Yes I can, because I own you. Don't I?"

It was not a hard slap but Jenson put his hand to his cheek, looking shocked as though the past two weeks had never happened.

"Yes," he mumbled.

"Yes what?"

"Yes sir,"

"Say it."

"You own me, sir." Nathan ran his thumb across Jenson's lips

"That's right, and I told you to wait by the door naked."

"But, you said an hour and I have work to do and the game is on."

"The hour was the time limit for you not me. If I tell you to be ready by a certain time you should be ready before that and if you have to wait all day for me, you do it, understood?"

"That's ridicul-" Jenson was cut off by another slap to the face this one harder.

"Strip." There was only a moment of resistance before Jenson dropped his sweatpants and top on the floor. "Kneel." Again, a brief hesitation then the muscle stud dropped to his knees.

"You need to be punished for Linda being here and for failing to obey me. Crawl through to the hall and bring back one of your flip flops."

"No! Please..!" Jenson froze at the stern look his student fixed him with. "You can't do this to me." He mumbled, almost too softly for Nathan to hear, more in disbelief that it was happening than as a genuine attempt to refuse. Slowly he crawled to the door.

"Mmm I love watching that muscle pussy crawl." Nathan made sure to say it loud enough Jenson heard, the coach froze for a moment then continued, head hanging in humiliation. A minute later, he crawled back, flip flop in one hand.

Nathan sat and spread his legs out, Jenson reluctantly handed the flip flop over and then set to removing Nathan's shoes. As he pulled the first one off he paused, Nathan could actually see the realisation dawning that he was doing this without being told to, and that his cock was semi-hard already.

"I didn't wash or change my socks after my run, take a good long whiff of them." His voice left no argument, Jenson brought the younger man's foot to his face and inhaled deeply through his nose. "Next." Once both shoes were off Nathan held his feet, still damp with sweat, up to Jenson's face.

Jenson held Nathan's ankles and continues to inhale the stench.

"Take the socks off and worship them with your mouth." Jenson slowly peeled off the sweaty socks, after placing them with Nathan's shoes he looked up, hoping for a way out. There was no relenting in Nathan's eyes.

Jenson opened his mouth and began sucking his owner's toes, he licked the soles of his feet, cleaning the sweat from every inch of them.

Nathan sat back and enjoyed the service, taking a few pictures and a quick video as he did. When Jenson was working on one foot Nathan ran the other over his chest and down to rub his hard cock. Suddenly he flicked Jenson's balls with his spare foot.

"Stand," he admired the muscle bound hunk for a moment. "Time for your punishment for not waiting for me at the door as instructed. Lie across my lap." He picked up the flip flop as he gestured for Jenson to hurry.

The coach hesitated again.

"Please, can we do something else. When you beat my ass the last time -"

Nathan pointed the flip flop towards Jenson's balls and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Shall I spank your ass or...?" Jenson flinched back, physically he was far superior and there was no question that he could take the flip flop off Nathan. But somehow he knew instinctively that if he tried Nathan would get the better of him, obedience and submission to the teenager were slowly becoming ingrained. "Let me hear you choose."

"Ass...spank my ass."


"Please sir, spank my ass, please." Jenson hated himself even more for the fact his cock was still semi-hard. He lay across Nathan's lap, following directions so his cock lay against Nathan's thigh and placing his hands behind his back. There was a pause as Nathan moved around above him, he obediently kept his head down. Then he felt the handcuffs click closed on his wrists.

"Open," he had a second to realise Nathan meant him to open his mouth before the balled up sweaty socks were rammed in.

Nathan stroked and admired the large muscular ass before him. Running his hand up the firm hamstrings and across the bubbly ass cheeks, he followed up the coach's broad muscular back and squeezed his bulging biceps.

He nudged Jenson's ass cheeks, watching them bounce pleasingly. Then with his left hand he reached between Jenson's legs and started gently stroking his thick cock and balls. With his right hand he brought the flip flop down with a loud SMACK on Jenson's ass. The coach yelled into the socks at the sudden pain. Nathan continued stroking his cock with one hand while beating his ass with the other.

By the time they reach the tenth spank Jenson was screaming into the socks and rocking around on Nathan's lap. He bucked his hips and strained his arms but couldn't get any purchase to escape.

Nathan paused, resting the flip flop on the sofa and gently caressed his coach's painful ass cheeks.

"You need to understand this is your life now, you belong to me and I will use and abuse you however I want. You should accept it and try to enjoy." He gave him two hard smacks with his open hand. "If you are not going to enjoy it then you should at least learn to obey me so that you don't have to be punished. Understood?" Jenson nodded furiously eyes red and puffy as he looked back at his young tormentor.

"Hmmm i think you nearly have learnt your lesson. Just to be sure I am going to give you another 10." Jenson moaned and begged through his stinky gag. "When I am done you are to get on your knees and begging servicing my cock and balls. Don't dawdle and make me feel good and maybe I won't need to punish you even further."

Nathan picked up the flip flop, and raised it above his head. He held it there, enjoying the pleasing look of terror Jenson's was giving him, and the feel of his still hard cock in Nathan's hand. After a few seconds he brought his hand down thrashing Jenson's ass with ten hard smacks in quick succession. Jenson flailed his feet and screamed into the socks.

By the time the 10, probably a few more, spanks were done both of them were out of breath. Nathan paused to catch his breath, then shoved Jenson to the floor before quickly undoing his belt to free his own straining cock. Jenson struggled to his knees, earning a smug grin from Nathan when he flinched at the belt being pulled free.

Once Nathan's jeans had been dropped Jenson shuffled forward on his knees, hands still cuffed behind him.

Although dwarfed by Jenson's, Nathan's thick uncut 8" cock was still impressive. Rock hard and dripping with precum it pulsed slightly with Nathan's heartbeat. Nathan removed the socks from Jenson's mouth and the older man only took a few moments to stretch his jaw and wet his lips before diving to his master's crotch. He started by licking Nathan's balls, tasting the salt of sweat from his run. He ran his tongue over the balls and up the shaft of Nathan's cock, when he reached the head he wrapped his lips around and sucked, slipping his tongue under for foreskin and swirling around. Nathan moaned in pleasure as his coach slid his lips down taking his young cock into his mouth until it hit the back of his throat. Jenson tried to pull back, but Nathan's hands on the back of his head gently but firmly held him.

"Swallow bitch." Jenson obeyed, opening his throat as well as he could as Nathan forced his cock deeper. Jenson coughed and gagged on the invading member but held still, he started to worry he would pass out or be sick, or both. Then Nathan released him and he dropped back, coughing and retching. Fortunately nothing came out, he knew without being told that if he had been sick it would have been his fault. Nathan tangled his fingers in Jenson's hair and pulled him back in, Jenson went to work licking and sucking his cock and balls as Nathan kept up a stream of encouragement and abuse.

"That's it worship my cock like a good slut. Take it deep bitch, that's all you are good for." Without warning Nathan shoved Jenson away. "Lie on your back."

Jenson obeyed apprehensively, unsure what was coming next. Nathan knelt down by his head and then swung one knee over so he was kneeling directly over Jenson's face.

"What are you doing? No! Mmmph mmm -" Jenson's protests were muffled by Nathan lowering his own impressive ass onto the coach's film star face.

"Kiss my ass, faggot, go on." Jenson tried to resist, keeping his mouth closed he tried to shake his head and somehow free himself. All he achieved was rubbing his face in Nathan's sweaty crack until he had to his mouth for air. "Do as you are told unless you want the flip flop again." Nathan growled.

Jenson stuck his tongue out a little, and began hesitantly licking Nathan's ass. The new sensation was a thrill and if anyone other than Jenson had been there Nathan would have been embarrassed by the almost girly moan that escaped him. But Jenson belonged to him, it didn't matter how he saw him.

Nathan leant forward, taking hold of Jenson's monster cock he held it up and began licking the the head, for the first time he tasted his coach's precum. As Nathan began inexpertly sucking Jenson's cock and fondling his balls Jenson became more active in rimming. In a few minutes Nathan was sucking Jenson's cock while Jenson rimmed his ass, and Jenson was almost as enthusiastic as Nathan. He was alternating between licking and pushing his tongue into Nathan's hole, sucking on the sphincter to draw louder and louder moans from Nathan. Nathan sat up straight, placing his hands on Jenson's body he began grinding his ass on Jenson's face while squeezing his tits. Jenson moaned into Nathan's ass, as he teased the coach's nipples Nathan saw his balls begin to tighten. He kept one hand on a big perky man-tit with the other he began slowly stroking Jenson's rock hard cock.

"Keep worshipping that ass bitch," he said as he began grinding his ass on Jenson's face. Jenson's balls continued to tighten and his moans grew louder. Just as his cock started to twitch Nathan stopped everything, then slapped Jenson's cock a few times, catching his balls too.

Jenson whimpered and moaned, bucking his hips, though whether it was an attempt to avoid the abuse or desperation to cum was unclear.

"You cum when I say you can and never before. Understood?" A sullen silence answered, Nathan twisted Jenson's nipples again, "Understood?"

A muffled "yes sir" vibrated Nathan's ass.

Nathan dismounted from his face and forcefully rolled Jenson onto his front, he scrambled over to kneel between his legs and grabbed his tender ass. Without pausing to consider he buried his face between the muscular globes of Jenson's pussy.

"Fuuuuck... what are you doing? Damn it that feels good." Jenson pushed his ass up to meet Nathan's tongue. Nathan's hands roamed over his ass and legs, sliding down to cup Jenson's balls, kneading them in his hand. Jenson groaned as Nathan devoured his ass like a starving man.

"You like having me go down on your pussy don't you, bitch?"

"What? No! I...mmmph Ah...I like have you...ahhhhh rim my ass...oh god!"

Nathan tightened his grip on Jenson's balls.

"You love having me go down on your pussy, don't you?"

"Argh fuck, stop! Yes yes I love it."

"Say it. Tell tell me what you love."

"I love having you go down on my pussy Sir,"

"Good bitch." Nathan said before continuing to eat him out enthusiastically. After a couple of minutes he had Jenson lie on the sofa with his ass propped up on the arm of the chair, legs spread in the air. Nathan set to rimming his coach in this new position, one hand teasing his nipples the other stroking his cock.

Very quickly Jenson was worked up to new heights, moaning and gasping.

"Ahhh ahhh oh god yes mmmm feels so good..."

"What feels so good, bitch, tell me."

" pussy, it feels so good when you eat my pussy."


"Please sir, can I cum?"

"No." He slap Jenson's balls then went back to his pussy.

"Argh! Please sir please!"

He started sucking Jenson's cock again, tickling his hole with a fingernail. Soon Jenson was again on the brink of cumming. Nathan stopped and pulled back, slapping his balls lightly. He leant forward and sucked on Jenson's nipples, flicking his tongue over and around them while stroking his cock. Soon Jenson's balls were tightening again, Nathan kept going a couple of seconds and then gripped the base hard, slapping the head with his other hand.

"The only way I will consider letting you cum is if you beg me to fuck your pussy. Beg for my cock and maybe you can cum."

"What? No never, I'm not doing that, you're not fucking me!" Nathan smiled sadistically.

"I may not fuck you today, but I will fuck you, Coach Jenson."

Nathan continued edging and tormenting Jenson for over two hours. Sucking him, rimming him, playing with his nipples, stroking his cock. Whenever Jenson got close to cumming he would stop and wait or just beat his ball until he had calmed down. Every now and then he asked if he was ready to beg to be fucked, but Jenson remained adamant.

Finally Nathan had had enough, he couldn't restrain himself any longer. After pausing and leaving Jenson alone for nearly ten minutes Nathan came back in to the sweaty, almost delirious coach, cock still firmly at attention. He walked over to him with a large kitchen bowl in his hand, placed the bowl carefully on the table and the shoved his own hard cock in Jenson's mouth. He had planned to give him a long throat fuck but after so long he couldn't hold out himself, he came after 5 strokes, flooding Jenson's mouth with teenage cum, pulling out and coating his face too.

He stood there admiring the sight of his coach again naked and covered in his cum. Then, after he had caught his breath, he picked up the bowl and poured ice water on Jenson's crotch.

Nathan slapped a hand over Jenson's mouth to muffle the scream then took the bowl through to the kitchen.

"No no! Please not another one!" Nathan could hear Jenson continue to beg as he refilled the bowl.

"I told you there was only one way I would consider letting you cum, you didn't do it and time is up. So now you don't get to cum."

He poured the second bowl over Jenson's much reduced cock. Then he dropped the bowl off in the kitchen and began rooting through Jenson's bedroom.

He had found a bin bag already and he filled it with every pair of underwear that was not a jockstrap or a couple of particularly sexy and tight looking briefs. He checked the bedroom and bathroom and chucked all the condoms he could find in the bag as well, he found a couple of bottles of lube which he placed to the side to take with him. Continuing his search he chucked a box of old dirty magazines into the bag. In the living room with Jenson watching anxiously he searched for anything else he disapproved of. Then he took the cash from Jenson's wallet and chucked Jenson's tank top over his face. He sat and chatted to friends on his phone for another 20 minutes or so. Then he went to his bag, first he took out the key for the handcuffs and placed it on the coffee table. Then he crouched between Jenson's legs again.

For his part Jenson was extremely worried about what the little monster was doing. He felt something cold on his dick, then a sort of constriction. There was an ominous click and something felt decidedly wrong.

"What did you do?!" He shook his head vigorously to dislodge the vest. Then looked down. A metal cage, not small but certainly not big enough, covered his flaccid cock. A metal band encircled his balls too. It was all held in place by two small metal padlocks. Nathan happily to a picture as Jenson sat up.

"In case you get any ideas I didn't bring the keys for those with me." He said, pointing at the padlocks. "I told you I own you. You cum if and when I let you. I thought I would be kind and trust you, but your antics with Linda last night proved otherwise."

"This! You can't do this! This is illegal!"

Nathan slapped him, hard.

"Like filming my friends in the locker room? You're a fucking degenerate pervert, you should be locked away for the rest of your life. But lucky, or unlucky, for you you also happen to be fucking hot, so this is what you get instead. Stand"

Jenson stood, head hanging in despair. Nathan grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in to a long deep kiss. At first he resisted, then he simply let it happen, by the time Nathan pulled away Jenson was actively kissing him back. Nathan smirked at him.

"Such a degenerate faggot." He spat in his face. Then got dressed. "The handcuff key is on the table there. See you at school tomorrow, wear some nice frilly panties."

He walked out, leaving Jenson dejected standing in his living room, naked and handcuffed with face covered in cum and spit, and his cock caged.

Monday lunchtime Nathan was sitting in Jenson's office admiring the obvious gulf of the cage through the frilly black panties he was wearing. Jenson was standing behind his desk with his shorts round his knees. The last crumbs of Jenson's lunch were on the desk in front of Nathan, it was a strange thrill to steal the Coach's lunch, and Jenson actually made damn good sandwiches. He was reading the latest love letter from J. Much the same gushing and fawning, part of him wanted to be scornful but then he looked at Jenson and couldn't help but understand.

The important part of the letter was when he said;

"I got your letter Daddy, thank you so much for replying after so long. I will be there on Friday ready to serve."

Then it just continued with lustful fawning.

Jenson's phone buzzed and lit up on the desk, he automatically moved it away. Nathan didn't even bother saying anything. Just held out his hand and waited. Jenson handed the phone over and Nathan read the text from Linda "Hey babes, I'm off. See you next week. Thanks so much for looking after Jelly. Xxx"

"Who is Jelly?"

"Nobody, it's none of your business."

Nathan sprang to his feet and rounded the desk, Jenson tried to dodge away but could move fast enough with his shorts around his knees. Nathan caught him and grabbed his balls through the lace panties. He squeezed enough to stop any further resistance.

"Who is Jelly?"

"Ah ah! He's Linda's dog, I'm looking after him while she is away until next Tuesday."

"Really? I guess she lives alone? And you have a key to let yourself in?"

"Yes yes! She lives alone, she left the key yesterday."

Nathan grinned. He had been pretty sure that Jamie would give little if any resistance, but he had not been happy with the idea of fucking Jamie before he fucked Jenson. But Nathan's parents were out Thursday night at an office function for his mum's work, now he knew what he would spend Thursday evening doing...fucking Jenson in his girlfriends bed. Then Friday he could do what he wanted with Jamie.

He chuckled to himself as he walked out of Jenson's office.

Next: Chapter 7

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