Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on Apr 17, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag! -------------------------------------------------

Chapter 4

Nathan was pleased to see Jenson's truck parked outside of school on Monday morning. And also a little disappointed at the fact he wouldn't need to punish Jenson again...but then he decided he would do punish him anyway.

At lunch Nathan slipped away from his friends and headed to the gym. He had lusted after Jenson ever since coming to the school and knew that he generally ate lunch in his office.

As he hoped Jenson sat at his desk, with a large Subway sandwich on a plate in front of him. He was making plans for the football teams practice from the look of it. He did not notice Nathan arrive until he was already in the room and half way to the desk.

"Nathan!" He completely failed to hide his panic, looking behind Nathan to check that nobody else was around. "Please, not here, you can't."

"Shut up. I'm here for a quick panty check. Stand up and drop your shorts or I'll make you spend the rest of the day in your underwear." Jenson hesitated, he looked behind Nathan, checking the corridor was still clear. Then saw the look in Nathan's eyes and dropped his shorts to reveal the pink, frilly panties straining to hold his manhood. Nathan immediately snapped a picture with his phone, making sure to get his face in.

He walked closer and casually stroked the bulge.

"I have cello after school tonight, I'll be finished at 6. If everyone else has gone you will wait in here for me. If anyone else is still around you will wait in your truck. Understood?"

"Yes, I understand." Nathan raised a warning eyebrow. "Sir."

"Good, see you then!" He gave Jenson's crotch an extra pat and then took the sub from his plate and walked out. Eating Jenson's lunch as he walked back through the corridor Nathan nearly walked into the sneering Connor.

"Watch it faggot."

"Sorry Connor, didn't see you there." Nathan brushed past him, uncaring. He knew that Connor could beat him up and that he had no qualms about doing so, but a part of Nathan almost welcomed it. It would, in his mind, be justification for doing to Connor what he was doing to Jenson. They were interrupted by Coach Howe who shooed them on their way as he bobbed along to his office. Nathan let the glares from Connor wash over him and headed into the main building to find his friends.

After his cello lesson Nathan headed over to the gym as he had on Thursday. He was glad to see Jenson's truck sitting empty in his parking space.

He headed into the gym building and down the corridor to Jenson's office, as he approached however he realised that Jenson was not alone. Coach Howe and Connor were in his office with him, Jenson was sitting behind his desk while Howe and Connor sat in two chairs facing the desk. Connor seemed to be the focus of the discussion.

"...I don't think it is that bad Garry. He is a bit rough with the other boys but there's no need to put his future at risk over it." Connor seemed to be holding back a smirk as Jenson defended him.

"Coach Jenson what we are discussing here goes beyond locker room antics and boys being boys. It's bullying plain and simple. You may be happy letting him get away with it but I am not, if I hear any more stories like these you are off the basketball team young man, and I will take it to the principal. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Coach. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Honestly Garry you are over reacting. But if that's what you think is best for your team so be it. I won't be considering removing him from the wrestling team until I see something that justifies such harsh treatment. Now I promised Connor's parents I would get him back safe and it is late, so if there is nothing I'll drive him home." Jenson had spotted Nathan in the office window, and Nathan thought he saw triumph in his eyes as he declared that he was giving Connor a lift home. He clearly believed this would protect him.

Nathan immediately started rethinking, re-planning. It was bad enough Jenson was defending the school bully but he also seemed to believe that he could just avoid Nathan.

Suddenly Nathan realised that Howe was turning for the door. He dashed back, realising that he couldn't get out of sight in time he turned and pretended he was just arriving.

Howe stopped and gave him a stern look.

"What are you doing here Nathan?"

"Sorry Coach Howe, I just finished my cello lesson and think I left one of my books in the locker room."

"Hmm well come on then, I need to do a final walk through before lock up anyway. I'lol see you two tomorrow. Connor, think about what we discussed."

As Howe escorted him to the locker room, from the corner of his eye Nathan saw Jenson hurrying Connor out of his office, and Connor throwing baleful glares at their back.

Ten minutes later Nathan was leaving the gym, with Howe's stern warning about loitering and eavesdropping still ringing in his ears. Jenson's truck was gone, of course.

He believed he had escaped. He had no idea what Nathan had planned for him now!

Another twenty minutes later Nathan sent Jenson a selfie, taken in front of the police station, there were officers visible in the background.

He waited a couple of minutes until the ticks showed that Jenson had seen it. Then he let him stew.

Why are you sending me that?

Is that meant to be a threat?

Answer me!

Don't be stupid Nathan!

What are you doing?

Answer me!!



Sir, please answer me.

Nathan called him, and he picked up immediately of course.

"Excuse me guys, I just need to take this." Nathan heard chatter in the background, what sounded like Connor's voice.

"Shut up and listen to me, you dumb fuck." He let Jenson hear the anger he felt in his voice. "You have 30 minutes to meet me on Elm Street by the park in your truck, with the handcuffs that were delivered to your flat today and something to cover your face." He hung up.

A couple minutes later a message came through.

Please, I can't tonight, I'm with Connor and his parents.

Nathan sighed in frustration.

Make an excuse, idiot. Be there!

After that he ignored the messages Jenson sent and focused on his preparations.

Forty minutes later he was pacing on Elm Street, trying to decide how long he should wait and how to regain control of Jenson without actually having gone to the Police. He obviously didn't want to lose his muscle slave, but it wouldn't be difficult to control him if he had obviously not followed through on his threat. He was just thinking through how to spread the compromising pictures of Jenson without them coming back to him, thereby keeping the main leverage that would land him in prison, when he saw the coach's truck speed round the corner. Luckily at the time his pacing meant he was walking in the direct of the police station. Which probably went some way to explaining the panic on Jenson's face when he pulled up next to him.

Before Jenson could say a thing Nathan fixed him with an angry glare.

"Get out. Give me the keys, handcuffs and face cover. Then strip to your panties and lie face down in the bed of the truck." Jenson's eyes widened at the orders but whether it was the direction Nathan had been walking or the look in his eye at the moment he did not argue. He jumped down from the truck, handed Nathan the keys, handcuffs and a black balaclava. Then he looked around shiftily, the street was empty and nobody was in any of the windows he could see. Climbing into the back of the truck he quickly whipped off his pants and top, Nathan barely had a second to admire the sight of him standing in the night air in nothing but the pink panties before he dove to the bed of the truck. Nathan chucked the balaclava in and told him to put it on, then climbed in himself, he ordered Jenson to put his hands behind his back. At this point Jenson clearly knew what was coming, he hesitated, moved his hands back then stopped and returned them to his sides. He was about to speak, Nathan knew what he wanted to say, whining and bitching, trying to assert authority he had already lost.

"Do it, now" he growled.

Jenson obeyed, and Nathan placed the handcuffs on his wrists then shoved him over onto his back. He took a picture of his wrestling coach lying on his back in nothing but pink panties which left little to the imagination. The light from the street lamps glistened in the crevices of his muscles. He admired the picture for a moment, then posted it on the Grindr profile he had created for this. He knelt down and showed the profile to Jenson. The picture he had just taken was the profile pic, the name of the profile was "oral cum dump for $$".

Nathan smirked as Jenson's eyes widened.

"You are going to make me some fucking money tonight bitch. And you know what? Before you defended Connor and then tried to run away from me all we were going to get up to was some photos and a quick suck. Now, any guy who pays me is going to use your whore mouth and dump a load down your throat."

With that he stood up, closed the bed of the truck and got into the drivers seat. He set off for the outskirts of town, turning off down a dirt track he arrived at a house where a fat 50 something man was waiting. Nathan got out and opened the back of the truck up again.

"Fuck boy, you weren't joking about him being a stunner!" The old man said, eyes roving over the gorgeous body displayed before him.

Nathan got up and pulled Jenson to his feet, leading him off the truck.

"I've got cameras set up in my porch, I'll show you. And I have a hobble and some other gear if you want to restrain him some more."

"Thanks, why don't you go ahead and get that out and I'll have a look. I just need to talk to him alone for a minute." The smile dropped from Nathan's face as soon as he turned from the old man. Once the were alone Nathan caressed Jenson's chest, circling his nipples sensually. "Like I said, it didn't have to be like this. Your actions got you here, nobody else.

Here's the rules you'll be on your knees with the mask on at all times. The guys will pay me and they'll get 20 minutes to use you. They can touch you however they want, but they can only use your mouth. I made it clear on the profile and will reiterate to them when they arrive that your pussy is mine and mine alone." Jenson seemed to be in shock, he was staring ahead, mouth open, trying to process what was about to happen. "Obviously I'll be screening as much as I can to ensure you don't catch anything, but you'll be paying for some extra tests after tonight. Got to make sure you are clean for when I eventually pop your cherry." He reached round and grabbed a handful of Jenson's plump muscled ass to reinforce the point.

That seemed to wake Jenson somewhat.

"Nathan, you've made your point ok, I won't try to avoid you from now on, I promise. Now just uncuff me and give me my keys then -" he was cut of by the strong open palmed slap to the face Nathan delivered.

"I really suggest you don't annoy me any more." Jenson nodded, accepting that he had no say in the matter. Nathan smiled and showed him his phone. Dozens of messages were racking up, with men of all shapes, sizes and ages making offers for Jenson's mouth. "Now one more rule, I don't want you blurting anything out so try and put on a voice and only say simple things like yes sir, no sir etc. oh and at the end of every session or when they dump their load, say thank you. Come on then"

He took Jenson's arm and led him to the house. He had been lucky to find and so quickly gain the support of old Tom tonight while planning all this. They had agreed that tom would provide accommodation in return for filming the whole thing, a copy of which he would share with Nathan.

Nathan had already decided he would let him have a freebie as well by the time they finished preparing Jenson. They positioned him on his knees with his arms hooked over a bar and another bar strapped between his legs. The result was that Jenson was obviously uncomfortable after only a couple of minutes, while also having his body displayed perfectly, with his large chest sticking out.

The first customer was five minutes out, so Nathan decided to take advantage of the opportunity. Kneeling down in front of Jenson he cupped his cock and balls in one hand and grabbed his ass in the other, squeezing and fondling both while he leant forward and began sucking and licking Jenson's pert nipples.

The sudden gasp that escaped the coach's mouth as Nathan's lips wrapped round his nipple betrayed how sensitive they were. After a few seconds of hard sucking it was obviously that Jenson's nipples were hardwired to his cock, which had gone from flaccid to near full hardness already.

"Stop, please." Jenson moaned quietly obviously not wanting their host to hear. Nathan responded by giving an extra hard squeeze to his balls, turning the moan of reluctant pleasure into a groan of pain.

Tom interrupted when he saw a car pulling in and Nathan went outside to meet the first client; a 35 year old slightly overweight man in a cheap business suit. He handed over the agreed $80 and Nathan showed him through, reiterating the rules.

As the man stepped into the room with Jenson Nathan pressed the button in his pocket to start the camera's Tom had set up to record.

The businessman nervously felt up Jenson's body, pawing at his chest and abs before unzipping and pulling out a thin 7 inch cock. Nathan had already explained to Jenson that if he didn't make an effort in sucking he would have to wear a ring gag and the men would just fuck his throat. Even with that Jenson was still half hearted at best in sucking the thin dick in front of him, not that it mattered, in minutes the man let out a feeble groan and spurted cum straight into Jenson's mouth, a small glob of it dripping down his chin.

The timing, unfortunate for the business man, was lucky for Nathan as the next customer was just arriving; a 54 year old thin man with a bushy beard and no hair. He handed over his $50 and went straight to groping Jenson's cock while telling him what a dirty whore he was.

After a good 10 minutes of that he dropped his shorts to his ankles and shoved his extremely thick 5" cock into the wrestler's mouth. For the next 5 minutes he frantically fucked Jenson's mouth while maintaining a steady stream of verbal abuse. He grew bright red and sweat dripped from his forehead to the point that Nathan worried he might have a heart attack. Fortunately before he could keel over he wrapped his hands and body round Jenson's head and shouted "Take that cum whore!". After his body stopped convulsing he dropped to the floor panting heavily, a big grin across his face, while Jenson succumbed to a coughing fit.

The next customer was a good 10 minutes away so Nathan turned off the cameras, gave Jenson a quick drink of water and then went right back to sucking his nipples, loving the sounds he was getting out of the school stud. Again Tom warned him as the next customers arrived. Two twenty somethings who paid $130. They laid Jenson flat on his back, removing the bars on agreement that they would return them when finished, but leaving him handcuffed. The two of them spent twenty minutes licking, kissing and sucking from Jenson's toes up to his ears, keeping up a constant commentary of how gorgeous he was and how much they were enjoying themselves. Then they knelt either side of his head and took turns fucking his face. Rather than cumming down his throat they both pulled out and blew their loads across his chest. They then set about licking each others cum off Jenson's broad masculine chest and taking turns kissing him to deposit it in his mouth. Their time ran out while they were doing this, but Nathan was enjoying the show and let them continue. Once they left he adjusted Jenson's panties, making sure they covered his huge cock as much as possible.

Over the next 90 minutes Jenson took 6 more loads, earning Nathan over $500. He was covered in sweat, drool and cum. Nathan and Tom got him back into the truck and then Tom said good night, after giving Nathan a copy of the videos from his cameras.

Nathan drove down the road until he was out of sight, then stopped and got into the back. He looked down at the man he had listed after for nearly 2 years. His personal sex toy.

Crouching down he gripped Jenson's balls tight, making sure he had the coach's attention.

"If you try and avoid me again like you did tonight I will find the most popular cruising site, strap you naked and gagged to a tree and put a sign on your back telling everyone who finds you that your pussy is free to use. Then, I won't have much interest is a village bike so I'll hand in the evidence to the police and you can rot in prison, satisfied with the knowledge you stood up to me. Understood?"

"Yes sir, I won't do it again sir."

"Good, I'll take you home. You can skip school tomorrow if you want, but I expect you back in on Wednesday." satisfied he had got his message across Nathan stood up on the bed of the truck and unzipped his fly. Jenson's eyes widened as he realised what was coming.

"No! Don't please!"

"Shut up bitch and take it." Nathan had had plenty to drink at Tom's so now he had been bursting for a while. With a sigh of satisfaction at the release and the power he let loose a stream of warm piss.

He made sure to cover Jenson, and to catch it all on his phone. First it landed directly on his broad chest, then up onto his face, making his sputter and wriggle away. Then he guided the stream down across Jensons sculpted body to soak the panties, showing off even more his big cock and balls. When he was finished Jenson was soaked and lying in a pool of piss.

"Fucking dirty bitch! But don't worry, by the time I am done with you I'll have you trained up to drink all that and thank me for it like a good faggot."

Nathan drove the truck to Jenson's home. Parked up round the corner and got out. Leaning over the back of the truck he dropped the keys for the handcuffs.

"Give those and the cuffs back tomorrow or Wednesday. Your clothes are in the front. See ya bitch."

With that he walked away, smiling at the sounds of Jenson struggling to get the keys into his hands and the cuffs off, and headed home.

Next: Chapter 5

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