Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on Mar 29, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag!

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Enjoy the story, sluts ;) -------------------------------------------------

Chapter 2

First thing the next morning Nathan went round to Claire's house. Her mum answered the door with a bright smile and took Claire's bag, thanking him for collecting it. Nathan took the long way into school, past the gym. He was excited for his first day at school owning Coach Jenson, and had been thinking of tormenting him some more before his first class. The first frustration of the day came when his friends Barney and Anton caught up to him, although normally he would be happy to walk with them, today they were in the way of his plan to speak to Jenson. As it was it did not matter, when he walked past the car park Jenson's truck was not there. He quickly glanced into the gym building and couldn't see any light or movement from Jenson's office.

Throughout the rest of the day Nathan grew increasingly annoyed and a bit scared. He knew that he could get in trouble if anyone found out what he had done to Jenson last night. His classes were only partial distractions as his mind went over how Jenson may be reacting. It was worrying to think he might have ran away or gone to the police, on the other hand if he was simply hiding Nathan would have to provide suitable punishment to ensure he learnt his lesson. He stopped by and checked the gym through the day, Jenson did not turn up, but on the other hand there were no police searching his office or anything similar either.

Wrestling practice over lunch was handled by Coach Howe; a middle aged barrel of a man, not nearly as fun to look at but perfectly pleasant. Nathan put Jenson out of his mind as he focused on practice. Participants were broken into two groups; the team members who received most of Howe's attention, and those who were there purely for fun and exercise. For the most part Nathan was part of the latter, although he was one of the better ones and trying to work his way into the team. As such he often got to practice with members of the team, such as today when he was paired with Connor.

Connor was essentially a mini Jenson: broad shoulders, a muscular toned body and a big beefy ass that cried out to be grabbed. He was also, unfortunately, a homophobic prick. As always when paired with Nathan he kept up a stream of abuse and put downs, although it was at least a distraction that helped keep Nathan becoming hard as he felt Connor's cock grind against him. Nathan also noticed Connor had to be much quieter than usual, Howe was far more diligent at keeping an eye on his students than Jenson who, now that Nathan thought about it, spent a great deal of his time watching the girls.

Connor decided to make up for having to be careful during practice by harassing Nathan the rest of the day too.

Between Connor's bullying and Jenson's absence by the end of the day Nathan was definitely in a mood. Fortunately his parents never got home until after 7pm on a Friday so he made excuses to Barney and Anton then headed straight over to Jenson's flat.

By the time he got there he had decided he wanted his visit to be a surprise. He buzzed every flat other than Jenson's, flat 9. Fortunately someone let him in quickly. He made his way up and knocked loudly on the door of flat 9.

Jenson looked stunning in grey sweatpants and a tank top, only slightly ruined by the way he jumped on seeing Nathan. Something about the way his arm tensed made Nathan suspect he had very nearly got the door slammed in his face.

Jenson looked around hurriedly.

"You can't be here! What if someone sees?"

"Then let me in, moron, before I start shouting out why I am here." Jenson hesitated a second before stepping out of the way to let Nathan in. He closed the door immediately behind him, and turned, clearly intending to say something more about this not being a good idea. Nathan cut him off by shoving him, hard, against the door and grabbing his balls through the get sweatpants. "Who is in charge here, bitch?"

Jenson winced and groaned at the renewed punishment of his balls.

"You are, Sir," he whispered through gritted teeth.

Nathan loosened his grip on the heavy balls, started fondling them instead. He stayed there for a while, marvelling at the control he had over this big muscular stud. If Jenson wanted to he could easily overpower Nathan anytime, but all the power was in Nathan's hands and it was intoxicating.

"Strip and get on your knees bitch." He watched as Jenson complied, enjoying the sight of the bigger man's muscles rippling as he stripped. "Now give me a tour of the flat, crawl." As Jenson began to crawl from the door Nathan swung his leg over and straddled his back. Reaching back he smacked Jenson's muscle ass and told him to keep going. Nathan rode his coach around a flat, smacking his ass hard to keep him moving and making sure he did a full lap of each room before moving on to the next.

As they crawled through the bedroom Nathan wrapped his legs around Jenson's body and squeezed, "Woah bitch." He pointed to a picture on top of the chest of drawers, it showed Jenson with a very pretty woman who looked a few years younger than him. "Who is that?" It took Jenson a second to look up and realise what Nathan was talking about, when he did he mumbled reluctantly.

"That is my girlfriend...sir."

"What is her name?"

At first Jenson did not answer, obviously unwilling to let Nathan into this aspect of his life. So Nathan smacked his ass again, extra hard.

"What, don't you know her name? Trying to refuse will only make things worse for you, bitch."


"Hmmph, keep going, to the living room." Nathan decided to leave it for now but frankly he was not happy with the idea of sharing his new property with this woman, something would have to be done.

When they got to the living room Nathan stood up and the sat on the sofa, turning on the TV. He ordered Jenson to crawl through to the kitchen and bring back a coke, watching his big shapely ass as he went.

Once Jenson had returned Nathan had his sit on his knees waiting for a good 5 minutes before finally speaking to him again.

"Take my shoes and socks off, gently."

Jenson crawled forward, and began untying Nathan's shoes, tugging them off he placed them on the floor and then pulled off his socks and tucked them into the shoes.

"Good. Now lick my feet bitch."

Jenson looked at him in horror and disgust,

"What? No way!"

Nathan leant forward and Jenson cowered away from him.

"Do you think...Linda wasn't it? Do you think Linda will visit you in prison? Will she wait for you or just go find herself a real man rather than a pathetic criminal pervert who films school girls in the shower."

By the end Jenson was hunched over unable to look his tormentor in the eye. Nathan reached out and gripped his chin hard, pulling his face up to look at him. Slowly Nathan spat in Jenson's face, smiling as the bitch flinched away, but holding right to his face.

"Remind me, who is in charge here?"

"You are."

Nathan waited a second to ensure the required Sir was not coming then suddenly slapped Jenson in the face.

"You are what?"

"You are in charge Sir."

"Good bitch. Now do as you are told and start licking my feet." Nathan sat back and started filming on his phone as Jenson slowly lifted his foot and tentatively licked the sole. The warm tickle sent a jolt through his body, he could feel his hard cock leaking precum in his pants. "All over bitch." He moved his other foot forward and started rubbing Jenson's soft cock and balls, or that was his intent. But when his toes reached Jenson's cock they found a definite firmness, he wasn't hard but he certainly had a semi. Jenson flinched and stopped on feeling Nathan's foot on his cock, shame written plainly across his face.

Casually Nathan leant forward and slapped him in the face,

"You stop when I tell you to. Now suck my toes."

Nathan settled into enjoying himself, directing Jenson as he licked and sucked every inch of Nathan's large sweaty foot, while his free foot caressed and toyed with Jenson's cock. Within minutes Jenson was fully hard, sucking on the three biggest toes on Nathan's foot, tongue lapping all over them in his mouth. Nathan was pushing Jenson's cock against his abs with the sole of his foot, rubbing it up and down and teasing the head with his big toe. He ordered Jenson to moan as he sucked, he started with halfhearted low moaning, but as his cock grew harder the moans seemed to become more and more genuine.

Suddenly Nathan pulled his foot away and for a second Jenson followed, trying to keep his master's toes in his mouth, before he caught himself and pulled back.

"Now the other foot."

"Yes sir." This time Nathan did not have to give any direction, the slut knew what to do. With the other foot he went straight to work rubbing the wet sole against Jenson's hard cock, reaching further under and teasing his hole with the big toe and pulling his leg up to rub his foot over Jenson's body, tweaking his nipples between his toes.

He stopped filmed and started shopping for sex toys and equipment. He had built up a considerable basket when the buzzer began ringing. Jenson looked up in horror and jumped to his feet.

"Shit! Fuck! Where are my clothes?" He looked around the room, clearly forgetting they were in a pile at the front door. "Shit, that's Linda, you can't be here. You'll have to go!"

Nathan reached out and cupped Jenson's balls, wrapping his thumb and forefinger tight around the base of his sack. Slowly he started pulling down, tightening his grip until Jenson finally shut up hands flailing at Nathan's while his words devolved into groans of pain.

"First of all, bitch," he gave and extra squeeze and a twist, eliciting a shocked squeak. "I did not give you permission to stop, or stand up." He slapped Jenson's, still mostly hard, cock with his free hand, causing a satisfying thwack sound.

"Second of all, you do not fucking talk to me that way!" He growled while continuing to twist and squeeze Jenson's balls and slapping his cock.

"I'm sorry sir, but please the neighbours will let her in."

"Does she have a key?"

"No, but we arranged for her to come over tonight before you got here."

"I don't give a damn, you are mine! Now go lock the door so she cannot walk in and you can think of an excuse later. And when you come back bring your wallet."

"Sir!" He exclaimed in such a way that it lost a great deal of the deference and submissiveness Nathan so loved to hear. "I can't just ghost her and then make up an excuse."

Nathan squeezed and pulled again, standing up now and running his free hand over Jenson's big chest.

"I will give you two choices, the decision is entirely up to you, ok?" He spoke softly, dangerously. "Option 1 - you do as I told you; lock the door, bring me your wallet and phone, and then swallow my load and take some punishment for your behaviour. Option 2 - I put my shoes on and leave, I wait for dear sweet Linda in the hall and show her the video of you worshiping my feet with a raging hard-on and the video from last night of your taking my load, then I go home and unless you come to my door naked begging for me to rape you I take the first video of you straight to the police on Monday."

By the end he had stopped squeezing Jenson's balls and was instead stroking his confused cock while playing with his nipples.

Jenson slumped and nodded, "I'll go lock the door, Sir."

While he was gone Nathan took off his trousers and sat back down in just his underwear, a large tent and growing wet patch showing how much he was enjoying the evening. He took the wallet and phone from a dejected Jenson when he returned and indicated for him to get back on his knees. Jenson's eyes were fixated on the tent of Nathan's cock, filled with dread and...was that hunger?

"Sniff it."

Jenson leant forward and stuck his nose in Nathan's crotch sniffing loudly.

"Take it out" Nathan placed a hand on the back of his head, not with any force, just indicating when Jenson should not move away as the younger man's cock sprung eagerly free.

There was a loud knock on the door, Jenson froze and looked towards the sound.

Nathan leant back and stretched his arms across the back of the sofa, he wanted Jenson to do the next part himself.

"Go ahead, bitch,"

Jenson looked back to him, sighed and then wrapped his hand around the 8" young cock and licked the precum from the tip.

As his new cum dump went to work servicing his cock for the second time in 24hrs Nathan sighed with satisfaction. He opened the cum dump's wallet, moving $50 into his own pocket, and then took out the bank cards.

In the hallway Linda knocked with growing frustration, Nathan ignored the sound as he checked out using Jenson's card, ordering a wide range of items to be delivered here.

Linda called out for Jenson outside, while inside the room filled with the sounds of slurping as the naked muscle bound wrestling coach sucked his young master's cock.

Next: Chapter 3

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