Breaking the Wrestling Coach

By Master Nate

Published on Mar 1, 2023


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First time submitting a story so may be some teething issues. I am British and will be writing in British English - story is based in New York State though. This is a story about a young man who finds his wrestling coach in a very compromising position and naturally takes advantage of this for his own enjoyment. It will start off a bit tame but I plan to have him turn Coach Jenson into a true muscle fag!

Chapter 11

Connor knocked on the door.

"It's open, come on in."

Nathan called through from Jamie's living room. He heard the door open and close, "through here, Connor."

Connor followed his voice, coming in to find Jamie sitting on the floor at Nathan's feet, while Nathan lounged happily in an armchair.

"You know Jamie. His parents are at work. So it is just the three of us."

"Look you fucking faggot, give me the video or I will fucking kill you." Connor snarled, fists clenched. He wanted to jump across the room and grab Nathan, to beat him up like he had so many times before. There were two of them but they all knew who would win a fight. He didn't. Somehow, the sight of Nathan sitting there so calm and confident twisted Connor up on the inside. He couldn't bring himself to go closer.

"Don't make stupid threats Connor, it insults my intelligence." Nathan's face was stern, Connor fought the urge to step back and hang his head like a naughty child. "You know full well that if I turn up at school with so much as a hair out of place all I have to do is explain you beat me up and Jenson will not only have to kick you off the team but you'll be reported to the principal this time. Or did you actually think that revealing you willingly sucked my cock would help your case?"

"You forced me!"

"Grow up. I gave you a choice, you chose to swallow a thick load of cum." Connor stood in silence, stumped.

"I guess you want me to delete that video then?"

"Yes! You fucking -" he stopped at the cold eyebrow Nathan raised at him.

"I will give you a choice again. Option 1 is your give up, admit you loved the feel of my cock using your throat and the taste of my cum on your tongue. Get on your knees right now and suck me to completion, in return I will have Jamie here suck you - trust me he is much more adept than you."

"Fuck off! I'm not a faggot, I'm never sucking you again, and you had better delete that video." He trailed off lamely as he realised he could not make any threats.

"Option 2," Nathan continued as if there had been no interruption. "You pay me $250 every week in cash for the next year, we never speak again other than those transactions and if necessary at school. At the end of the year I will hand you every copy of the video to do as you wish." Connor's eyes boggled at the price. He opened his mouth, fully intending to haggle.

"Or Option 3; we make a bet and if you win I delete the video right now, end of."

"What bet?"

Nathan smirked.

"You sit in that seat, in your underwear." He pointed to sofa, which faced the tv. Connor only now realised that there was a video paused on the tv was him, from last night. " you watch the video. If you really hated it and hate the feel of my cock so much, then you won't get hard. If you secretly enjoyed it, that will be obvious. Stay soft, you win and the video is gone. Get hard you lose and you swallow a load from both of us right now and I get to use your mouth every day for the next week. At the end of the week, I will still delete last night's video."

Connor looked at Nathan suspiciously. Part of him screamed not to fall for it, he remembered the body shaking orgasm he had last night when watching the video. But he was not a faggot! He would not get hard. Last night was a mistake, an aberration, a one off fluke of nature. And besides, the video would be deleted win or lose, he just would have to endure a couple more blowjobs if he somehow lost the bet, he could handle that.

"I'll take the bet." He dropped his trousers and sat proudly on the sofa. Without a word, Nathan nodded to Jamie who pressed play on the tv remote. On the screen Connor began stroking his thick cock.

While the three of them watched Connor slowly submitted, crawling over to suck Nathan's cock on the TV.

Nathan tapped Jamie on the shoulder, the signal to pause. The screen froze with Connor's cum covered face turned to face the camera in its hidden location.

"Stand up and let's see who won, big boy." Connor sat where he was, body rigid, refusing to stand. "Go on, let's see if you're hard the suspense is killing me." Nathan drawled in a tone that made it clear he already knew what they would see when Connor stood.

Connor refused to look at the other two. Slowly, he stood. Showing the prominent and obvious bulge in his tight blue briefs.

"Come closer." He took a step forward. Then another two, at Nathan's beckoning. Before he knew it he was standing directly in front of Nathan. "Hmmm inconclusive, take them off."

"What? No!" Without warning Nathan reached out and yanked down the tight briefs. Released, Connor's hard cock bounced out, precum glistening on the head. Connor stood stock still in horrified shock and shame.

Nathan eyed him appreciatively, it really was a nice cock. Not on Jenson's level obviously but very nice. He wrapped his hand gently around the hard shaft, slowly stroking it. Connor gasped at the unexpected touch, his hands twitched to shove the weaker man away. But he didn't.

For a few minutes they stayed like that, Nathan sitting forward, sensually stroking Connor's hard cock with one hand while his other caressed Connor's balls and roamed over his thighs and furry abs. Connor stood straight, at first he pinned his gaze to a point on the ceiling, but as it continued he couldn't help but look down and watch Nathan slowly bringing him closer and closer to the edge. His breath quickened.

He licked his suddenly dry lips as Nathan locked eyes with him. Nathan's lips parted, he leant forward.

Connor could feel the other boy's breath tickling across his shaft. He felt the familiar tightening down low, as Nathan's tongue flicked out, lapping up some of the precum dripping from the end.

"Mmmm, I think we can agree you lost the bet, faggot. So get on your knees and swallow Jamie's load first. Then you can take mine. Tomorrow, if you do a good job of sucking me, I might let you cum. And remember, keep your end of the deal and at the end of the week I still delete that video."

Reluctantly, but thinking he at least got the video deleted Connor knelt down in front of Jamie, the cheerleader eagerly pulled his hard cock out. Connor tentatively wrapped his lips around the head and began slowly sucking it deeper into his mouth.

Nathan had been edging Jamie for about 20 minutes before Connor arrived. For Jamie having the hottest meanest jock in school now kneeling down and sucking his cock after the edging and not being allowed to cum for the past week was too much. After a couple of seconds Jamie's balls tightened and he began shooting a thick load. The first few spurts smacked into the back of Connor's throat, between his shock and Jamie's cock shaking in orgasm the rest coated the handsome jock's face. They stayed in place when it had finished, both looking at the other in shock; Connor horrified and Jamie overjoyed.

"Stop dawdling, my turn next." Connor looked over to see Nathan's trousers around his ankles, his hard cock standing tall, demanding attention. He told himself he just needed to get that video deleted and crawled over. He tentatively licked Nathan's pendulous balls, working his way up to the tip of his cock. He absolutely wasn't savouring the taste of Nathan's precum, definitely not! He was just taking his time to make sure Nathan had no excuse to say he hadn't done his part of the deal.

When Nathan began slowly but firmly fucking his face Connor reminded himself that he had made a bet, and a man should honour his bets. Connor was a man so obviously he just had to do as he agreed, a bet is a bet.

He didn't argue when Nathan made him swallow his full load either. He said `thank you Sir,' then got up and left. It never occurred to him that saying thank you and swallowing was not part of the bet.

That afternoon at wrestling practice, Jenson was absent, Connor was happy to pair with Nathan. He showed him what a real man could do, tossing him around the mats with ease. He smiled with triumph at seeing Nathan limp out of the changing rooms. When Nathan smiled back and gave him a wink Connor's smile faltered.

On Tuesday Connor received a text at the end of the school day to meet Nathan in the woods behind the football pitch at 8. He walked out to the spot Nathan described and waited. By half 8, with 3 messages and 2 calls ignored Connor decided Nathan was not coming and started walking back to his car. He ran into Nathan on the way.

"Tut tut, can't even follow simple instructions."

"Fuck you faggot! I've been waiting here nearly an hour."

"Good. You should have kept waiting. If this happens again I'll have to add another day of blowjobs before I delete the video."

"What? You can't do that! We had a deal! If you -"

"Then honour your part of the deal, and we won't have to extend it. Come on."

Connor followed mutely, stewing over the fact that his anger no longer seemed to scare Nathan. The other boy stopped just off the path, where they were partially obscured by a thick bush. He just stood still and pointed to the ground.

"Fucking faggot." Connor murmured as he dropped to his knees. Nathan just stood still watching him.

Eventually Connor realised what was required. He undid Nathan's fly and pulled his jeans and boxers down just enough to release his hard cock. He didn't feel as angry anymore. He focused on the thick hard cock in his hands. He almost felt happy when he heard Nathan start moaning.

"Mmm yeah, that's right, suck it, mmmm feels so good, you're getting good at this. Won't be long before you're as good as the other two." Connor wouldn't start wondering bout that comment until he remembered it hours later. For now, his only thought was another thick warm load of cum out of Nathan's cock.

He only swallowed a couple of spurts, the rest went all over his face. Nathan gripped his chin and turned his face slowly from side to side.

"Beautiful." He murmured. Connor only smiled because the job was done for the day, that was all. Then Nathan leant down so his mouth was brushing against Connor's ear, suddenly he grabbed Connor's cock through his jeans. "Little boys who get so wet from sucking a man's cock should probably be careful who they call a faggot, don't you think."

Connor couldn't think. His mind was rocked by having attention drawn to his body's latest betrayal. How could he be so hard from his! And why did he only get harder when Nathan painfully squeezed his cock and balls.

Wednesday morning Connor had a message during his free period. Nathan's message curtly instructed him to come to the 3rd floor boys toilets by the geography department. Looking around guiltily as if everyone knew what he was doing, he made his way out of the library and walked to the geography department. The corridor echoed with the voices of the teachers in their classrooms.

He entered the toilet, a boy from the year below stood at the urinals, he turned to look over as Connor walked in, then quickly turned back. Connor looked at his phone, the second text told him to come to the far cubicle.

He tried not to look at the other boy as he went straight to the cubicle. As he opened the door Nathan was sat on the toilet, trousers round his ankles, his cock fully hard. Connor froze for a moment until Nathan beckoned him in. It was cramped, getting the door closed with both of them in. Once it was locked Connor turned round, fully intending to have a whispered shout at Nathan. He froze again when he turned to find Nathan now standing up, he felt the other boy's hard cock rub against his hip.

Without a word Nathan began pulling off Connor's shirt, there was a quiet struggle as Connor tried to stop him, but his resistance ended with a glare from Nathan. Nathan pulled Connor's shirt off and dropped in on the floor carelessly, then without warning dove on Connor's chest. His mouth engulfed Connor's nipples, sucking them hard while his tongue lapped over them. A gasp escaped Connor before he could control himself. Nathan leant against Connor, pushing him against the flimsy cubicle door while his hands and mouth roamed over Connor's broad chest and defined abs. Connor feebly tried to push him away but he couldn't risk making noise. Then he froze - without Connor noticing Nathan had unzipped his trousers and wrapped a hand around his hardening cock. His mouth fixed on Connor's increasingly sensitive nipple Nathan began stroking his cock with one hand while the other cupped and fondled his balls.

Connor bit his lip, clenching his fists against his sides. Behind him the boy outside was washing his hands. Slowly, Nathan kissed and licked down Connor's body until he was crouched down in front of him. As the hand dryer began roaring behind them Nathan wrapped his lips around the head of Connor's cock. Slowly sucking him deeper and deeper into his mouth. Connor moaned, unable to hold it in as he felt Nathan's tongue flicking across the underside of his cock.

The door opened and closed with a full thump.

Connor yelped as he felt a finger trace the cleavage of his plump ass cheeks. Nathan smirked around his cock,sucking hard as he slowly pulled back. He was still smirking as Connor's cock popped out of his mouth and he stood up.

"One day I may let you have more than that but not yet. Now get on your fucking knees and swallow my load, faggot."

Connor flinched at being called that. He wanted to punch Nathan, shove him to the ground and beat him up. But he couldn't. And part of him didn't want to.

He sank to his knees and wrapped his lips around his tormentor's cock. Three people came and went and the bell rang before Nathan's balls tightened, giving the only warning Connor got before his throat was flooded with cum. He tried to pull back but Nathan's hand held him firmly in place.

They both dressed awkwardly before opening the cubicle door to an empty room. Nathan leant in close.

"You're becoming a truly great cock sucker, faggot." He murmured into Connor's ear, making him shiver. Before planting a kiss on his lips and turning to go with a last slap on the ass.

Later that afternoon Connor only won 6 out of the 10 fights he fought against Nathan in practice. Jenson took him aside and told him he needed to focus.

Connor made it all the way through the school day on Thursday without any contact from Nathan. He thought he had gotten away without a daily blowjob. A part of him was unhappy about that...but definitely only because he didn't want Nathan claiming he had not honoured their bet. Regardless he rushed out of school and jumped in his car ahead of his friends.

He let out a humiliatingly shrill shriek when the passenger side door opened and Nathan hopped in. The other boy burst out laughing as he closed the door.

"Hahaha that was pathetic Connie! Absolutely, pathetic! Haha. Drive to the woods by the old factory."

He buckled himself in without waiting for a response from Connor. Heart still pounding at the surprise he turned the ignition and sped out of the car park.

As they drove Nathan rested his hand on Connor's thigh, gently stroking as squeezing it as he worked higher to his engorging crotch.

"Pull in here." Connor complied, turning into a long driveway that led to an isolated house. A truck was parked outside. "Stop. Get in the back and lie down."

"What? Why? You're not fucking me! I don't care what you say it's not happening fagg-" he was cut off by a casual slap to the face. Unable to process what just happened he stared at Nathan in shock, holding his hand to his stinging cheek.

"Open the door, strip off and lie on your back, with your head hanging over the side. I'm going to fuck your pretty, dumb mouth. Idiot. And hurry up before someone comes."

Nathan got out and stood by the car waiting. Shaking himself out of the shock Connor jumped out and rounded the car.

"You think you can just hit me? I'll fucking beat the shit out of you, faggot! I don'" he faltered at the cold glare Nathan fixed him with. Nathan closed the distance with a quick step forward.

"What were you saying?"

" can't hit me...argh!!!" Connor's feeble attempt to stand up to the weaker boy devolved into screams of pain when Nathan suddenly grabbed his balls, squeezing firmly. His other hand grabbed Connor's mouth.

"I thought you understood the situation. But I guess I need to explain in small words." He relaxed his grip on Connor's balls briefly, before suddenly twisting them. His hand muffled Connor's scream of pain. "You do not get to beat me up, call me names, or in any way bully me, or anyone else ever again. Do you understand that, faggot." Connor nodded desperately, vision blurry with tears. "Good." Nathan released him stepping back out of the way as he collapsed to the ground holding his pained balls.

"Now I think it is time to teach you a lesson about keeping a civil tongue." Suddenly Connor felt the weight of the other boy sitting on his back. Pinning to the ground. He had spent last period in the gym, so was only wearing loose sweat pants which Nathan had no trouble pushing down. Unsure what was happening Connor began wriggling desperately to try and get Nathan off him. All his skill as a wrestler was forgotten in his pain and panic.

With a loud smack Nathan spanked his bare, hairy ass.

"Argh! The fuck! What are you doing!"

Another smack, echoeing in the trees. Followed by another and another in quick succession. He screamed and wriggled but Nathan was thinking clearly the whole time, he knew exactly where and how to sit to keep him pinned. The slaps kept raining down, pummelling Connor's muscular mounds. He drummed his feet and screamed but nothing worked.

Finally Nathan stopped, resting both hands on Connor's burning cheeks.

"Now are you going to behave?"

"Yes...yes I will."


"I don't believe you."

"I'll behave, I'll behave I promise!"

"You need to learn to be civil, say `I'm sorry, Sir'"

"What? No w-"


There was a sullen pause.

"I'm ...sorry Sir."

"What? Don't whisper! Say it loudly and promise you'll behave."

"I'm sorry Sir. I promise I'll behave Sir."

"Much better." Nathan sat there for several minutes stroking and kneading Connor's ass cheeks. "The next time you step out of line I will not be so gentle. Understood?"

"Y-yes sir."

"Good boy. Now strip off and lie in the back I still have a load for you to swallow." But he didn't get up immediately. Instead he slowly, almost tenderly pulled his cheeks apart. Connor felt intensely vulnerable.

Then Nathan was up and Connor was standing trying to hide his erection as he stripped and lay on his back across the back seats of his car. Head hanging over the edge of the seat out the open door Connor watched apprehensively as Nathan approached, unzipping and pulling his throbbing dick out.

He was not gently as he fucked Connor's open mouth, hands tweeting his nipples. He shot his load across Connor's face and body before tucking himself away and telling Connor to leave as he headed down the path to the house and the truck.

Practice on Friday was a disaster. Of twelve matches he lost eleven to Nathan. He nearly won the last of them but was thrown off when Nathan whispered in his ear to meet in the girls changing rooms after practice.

After an uncomfortable talk with Jenson about how badly he was doing Connor had a rushed shower, dressed, ignored his friends attempts to talk and left. Slipping off to the girls changing rooms as soon as the coast was clear. He waited an hour before Nathan arrived.

"Strip and get on the bench faggot. Last night tonight. Quietly obeying instructions Connor found himself on his hands and knees on the bench between lockers. His eyes were covered with blindfold and his jaws ached as he once again serviced Nathan's thick cock. However, Nathan didn't cum in his mouth as he expected, instead, at the last moment he pulled out and hopped round to shoot his cum directly onto Connor's exposed asshole. Connor shuddered in disgust, and tried to ignore his own urgent erection. Then he moaned as he never had before when Nathan suddenly licked his own cum off Connor's hole. He came round again and gave Connor a passionate kiss, depositing the cum into his mouth.

Then he left.

Connor got a text that night with a video showing Nathan deleting the incriminating video from his memory stick. He was free.

On Sunday Connor and the other competitors had extra practice with Jenson. Without Nathan there to disturb him it went well. Jenson congratulated him on getting over his slump.

As they were finishing up in the changing room Connor's phone buzzed. He looked at it.

Five messages from Nathan - pictures of Connor from Monday through Friday sucking Nathan's cock.

He didn't remember going to Jenson's office, only that in a panic he had confessed everything to him, and begged him to fix it.

"Don't worry Connor, that brat has gone too far. Leave this with me." There was a stern look of determination on the coach's handsome face, Connor felt relieved.

Monday passed uneventfully, he passed Nathan in the corridors a couple of times, the other boy barely looked at him, eyes down, looking distracted. He was not at wrestling practice at the end of the day. Connor started to breathe easier as he left the changing rooms after. Jenson was handling it, he was safe and free.

He was standing by his car talking to his friends when Jamie found him.

He sneered at the weakling.

"What do you want?"

"Sorry, Connor, Coach Jenson wants to see you in his office."

"I'll see you guys later." He said as he shoved past Jamie.

He strode down the corridor confidently, looking forward to hearing from Jenson what would happen to Nathan. His stomach tightened a bit at the sudden thought that Nathan might be there, but that was stupid, why should he be scared of the faggot's apology. He turned at a sound, Jamie was scurrying along behind him.

"The fuck are you doing little bitch?"

"Sorry I was told to come back and wait outside."

Connor grunted and walked on. He was about to knock when Jamie piped up behind him,

"He said to go straight in."

He opened the door and walked in, then froze in shock. He didn't notice Jamie pulling the door closed behind him, or the click of being locked in.

His mind was still trying to understand the scene in front of him.

Jenson was bent over his desk, naked except for pink women's panties. Drool was dripping onto the desk from his mouth, held open with a ball-gag. His hands were behind his back, held there with tight handcuffs. His chest was red from abuse, with clamps fastened to his swollen nipples.

Nathan was standing behind him, also naked, hips thrusting aggressively as he pounded the coach's muscle hole. Strange sounds came from Jenson, some combination of moans and grunts, higher pitched than expected from a large stud like Jenson.

"Oh good, Connie has joined us." Nathan smirked. He pulled back and stepped to the side, shoving Jenson roughly to the ground behind him. The coach lay in a sweaty heap, watching Nathan warily. In this new position Connor could see how red the older man's ass was as well as how large the tent in the feminine panties was. "I hear you and Jenny have been chatting?"

"Wh...what..." Connors eyes fixed on Nathan's rock hard, glistening cock swinging back and forth as he walked closer.

"I guess you haven't realised either yet, as I am in the middle of demonstrating, again, to Jenny, I own him." He stopped in front of Connor. "Sit down." There was no argument in his voice, as he pointed at a chair against the wall. Connor obeyed.

"Good, now watch, you will have to share these duties soon." And he turned back to Jenson pulling him up by the strap of the ball gag, "you want more don't you Jenny?"

Maybe Nathan was nodding his head with his grip on the strap, but Connor didn't think so. He watched as Nathan went back to pounding Jenson's ass, mind still reeling, cock straining against his own underwear. Wondering to himself what Nathan would do to him when he was finished with Jenson, and trying to work out how he felt about it.

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