Breaking My Crush

By Derek Cole

Published on Mar 27, 2015


Since I started my new job at a larger hardware store, I've always noticed the ridiculous amount of attractive guys that either work there or shop there. A few months after I had started a new guy started, and I noticed him instantly.

I'm about 6 foot tall, dirty blonde hair, athletic build. The new kid was just shorter than me, but had almost the same features. At first I did my quick glances of him. And that seemed to go on forever. Then it moved on to trying to be in the same group of people so I could get to know little things about him. Then one day he was working side by side with me. Nothing exciting ever happened then. But I did find out his name, Connor.

It seemed like months went by after he had worked with me for a day and I never saw him. And then one day, while walking around he stopped me.

"Hey, Derek!"

"Hey, Connor. What's up?"

"I heard something today and wanted to see if it was true..."

My heart raced and I didn't know what was coming next.

"I heard that you need someone to buy you some drinks tonight and to unwind."

I laughed because I thought he was going somewhere else with that. But I looked at him and replied, "Yeah, I could use a couple hard ones."

"I'm good at hard. I'll see you after work"

I couldn't tell if he winked at me or not when he walked away. But I didn't know what to expect. The rest of the night seemed to drag on and I just wanted to leave. All I could think about was what would happen if I got drunk and I was around him. And just thinking about that I had to run to the bathroom.

I got in the door and walked up to the urinal and broke my throbbing cock out of my jeans. Just the thought of something made me hard. I started to play with it a little and then I heard a door open. I tried to make it look like I was just going to the bathroom and then I looked at who walked up next to me. It was him. I tried so hard to make sure my cock was covered. I didn't need any questions on why I had a raging boner at work.

"Trying to hide something there?" He asked.

I looked at him and laughed.

"Ya know, it's surprising that just letting him out of underwear can get him going a little. It's like he thinks I'm not at work."

He surprisingly laughed about it with me.

"Dude, I know what you mean. It's got a mind of it's own. Don't feel bad, I just get semi and don't know why."

I fought the urge to look and just chuckled a little. I pushed mine back in my pants and looked at him.

"I'll see you in a couple hours, man."

"For sure. Couple hard ones."

The night finally ended and I went to the bar that I had heard he always hung out at. He was already there.

"Hey there, mister. Got one ready for you."

I sat down and took the shot. Not sure what it was, but it wasn't bad.

"Damn. That's a good start. Just don't get me too drunk. Never know what happens with me and alcohol.

"I'll try to keep that in mind," he said.

He put his hand on my thigh as he said that and I could feel my cock jump a little. I knew it was going to be hard to control urges.

We took a few more shots and got into some conversations about work and random other things. And then it seemed like my chances died.

"Sorry to ruin the moment, but I gotta get home, Derek."

"That's cool. I'll walk you out."

We both got up and went to his car.

"I'll give you my number," I said "give me a shout next time you wanna hang out."

He pulled out his phone and I gave him my number.

"I had fun tonight." he said.

"So did I, it was nice to get a little lose. And get to know you a little. I've always wanted to talk to you more."

And then I hoped he didn't hear what I just said.

"What do you mean? Am I not approachable?"

"You's just that..."

I didn't get to finish and he was pulling me in for a hug.

"Dude, you never have to be scared to talk to me. I'm here."

And he squeezed me a little tighter. And I could feel my cock move. And I knew he could feel it.

"I'm so sorry."I muttered.

"Derek, it's fine man. Dicks get hard." he said.

And then he grabbed my hand and moved it by his crotch.

"Mine is soft either."

He wasn't hard, but it was definitely not soft. And that made me harder than I think I have ever been.

"I'm sorry, man. I gotta go. I've got a hug..."

And then he leaned in and kissed me.

"I'm sorry." he said.

I just looked at him. I could tell by his look that I must have looked in shock. He looked down and he could tell I was hard.

"I see I 've created a problem for you. And now I seem to have one of my own. So do you wanna see how this could go?" he asked.

"Connor...I want it. I wanna try everything." I whispered to him.

"Derek, I'm not sure what you mean, like you want to make out or?"

I kissed his neck a couple times and then went back to his ear.

"Connor, I've had a crush on you for months. I'm definitely not straight"

He looked at me and smirked, then leaned in and kissed me. This time much harder and I felt his tongue. My cock throbbed so hard I thought it would pop through my jeans. I needed to release.

"Let's take this to my place." he said. We both got in his car and headed off to his place. The entire time he had his hand on my bulge and gently squeezed it. I nearly thought I was going to blow my load just from that. I wanted nothing more than to pull it out and let him watch me jerk off. Cum all over myself and then let him blow his load on top of me.

We finally got to his place and he took me to his room. He shut the door behind us and by the time I turned around his shirt was off.

"Fuck me..."

"What did you say, Derek"

"Sorry...that body, it's fucking hot. I could just lick those lines in those abs."

He walked up to me and put my hands on his body.

"Feel me. Let your hands roam. Feel every last inch." he whispered in my ear.

And then I heard more clothes hit the ground. I knew that meant he was naked. I didn't want to look yet, but I wanted to know how big his cock was. I felt all over his body. All the definition is his abs, his muscles. I could smell him. The little sweat starting to glisten on him. I wanted him.

"Kiss me. Strip me. Get on top of me. Please"

He pushed me down on the bed and started to kiss me again. Slipping my shirt off without missing a beat. I could feel my cock throb as he went to un do my pants. Somehow he got them off without looking or touching.

"You didn't look or touch yet .I'll keep yours a surprise too. But I need to grind against you."

"Con, just have fun. Grind against me. Feel me. Feed me your cock. Just make me moan and cum. I'll cum. Please"

He leaned back in and kissed me and I felt his cock touch mine. It felt like electricity running through me. And I knew he felt it too. I could feel his pre cum dripping on my cock. And I needed it.

I pulled him up to my mouth and grabbed it for the first time. He had a beautiful 7" cock. Uncut. Pre cum glistening on the head. I pulled it in my mouth and listened to him moan. He started to thrust, sending it to the back of my throat. And then he pulled it out.

I had shut my eyes for two seconds and I thought I was gonna cum instantly. I looked down and my own 7" was gone. Deep in his throat. I needed to cum so bad. He sucked me for what seemed like forever and I felt my orgasm on the brink.

"Connor, please. I need you in me, please."

He came up to me and kissed me again.

"I won't take long."

"Put it in."

He wasted no time and pushed it all the way in slowly. I nearly came again. He started to thrust and I didn't even have to touch myself. Pre cum dripped from my cock and I just waited for him to hit my spot.

"Derek, I'm not gonna last. I'm gonna cum."

"Few more thrusts. Cum all over me. I need to see you cum."

He trusted several more times and he hit my spot the last two strokes and I new it was over.

"I'm gonna fucking cum" I yelled.

He pulled out and started to stroke his cock. Just watching him jerk off was all I needed. A few strokes of my own cock and I was done. I just saw the cum starting to fly.

"Fuck me, that's hot. I can't hold it!" is all I heard.

Then I felt shot after shot hitting me in the face. I opened my eyes to him jerking the last few ropes of cum out of his cock. I was covered with cum. It looked like it had been 3 or 4 guys cumming.

"Derek, that was the best I think I've ever cum. I might need to hang out with you more often."

I looked at him and laughed.

"I might run out of cum in a couple hours with you"

He laughed and kissed me. Then he started to lick the cum off me. And my cock was hard again....

Let me know what you think :) Thanks for reading

Next: Chapter 2

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