Breaking Lance

Published on Nov 18, 2023


Breaking Lance Chapter 7

Breaking Lance


This story invovles sex between adult men with bondage and punishment. If you object to any of this then read no further. This story is a sexual fantasy fiction and any resemblance to persons past or present is purely accidental.

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Chapter 7 - Lance and Vince become lovers

Vince carefully lifted Lance out of the car trying not to wake him. He woke a little but only enough to put his arms round Vince's shoulders as he was carried into the house. Vince took him downstairs into the cellar and put him in the cage, removed his boots and then covered him up and kissed him on the forehead before locking the cage. He was too tired to do anything with Lance now, he'd have some fun in the morning. As he hit the light switch Lance stirred.

"I love you Daddy," Lance said half asleep. Vince had to catch his breath, hearing that took him by surprise, is he dreaming? Was it meant for me?

Upstairs Vince slipped into bed but he couldn't get what Lance just said out of his mind. He turned out the light and tried to sleep but it was haunting him, he was really tired but he just couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned thinking about that beautiful sexy boy downstairs in the cellar and quickly decided that tonight he was not going to sleep alone. He quickly made his way back down to the cellar and after unlocking the cage he carefully lifted Lance out.

"Where are we going?" Lance asked sleepily.

"Shh, go back to sleep," Vince whispered as he carried Lance upstairs. He placed him in the bed and climbed in next to him.

Lance was wide awake now, his heart beating hard as he realised he was now sharing Vince's bed. They embraced and kissed passionately.

Vince rolled onto his back pulling Lance on top of him, Lance broke the kiss and sat up, there was pure lust in his eyes as he ran his hands over the big man's hairy chest and played with his very erect nipples. He could feel the massive tool prodding him in the groin so he started gyrating his hips on it causing Vince to groan. Bending forward he took one of the nipples in his teeth and bit it gently. Vince placed his hand on the back of Lance's head and stroked his hair. This time the roles were reversed as for the first time in his life Lance was seducing someone, Vince wasn't protesting either, he fully surrendered to the boy's advances.

Slithering down between Vince's legs he began to lick and suck on his balls. Vince arched his back as Lance sucked one of his orbs in his mouth and rolled it round. For someone who was a virgin just a couple of days ago he certainly seemed to know what to do. Lance then licked up the huge shaft, stopping at the head and licking all around and lapping up the precum.

Opening his mouth he slid down the big tool quickly reaching Vince's pubes and Vince groaned in ecstasy as his cock slid down Lance's throat. Picking up a rhythm he sucked in deep then pulled off completely admiring the cock and licking the head before sending it back down his throat. It seemed like he was sucking for ages while Vince was constantly fighting off the urge to cum, he wanted to savour this feeling for as long as he could.

Lance got up and squatted over the monster cock, standing it up he lined it up with his hole, he wanted this dick inside him badly.

"No wait," Vince stopped him. "Here use this," and handed him a tube of lubricant.

Lance quickly applied it all over Vince's cock and up his anus and resumed his squat over Vince. Slowly he lowered himself down his face contorted at the discomfort until it was completely buried inside him. Then he lifted himself up until the tip was just inside his ring piece then lowered himself back down. It felt so good as Vince's massive dick slid into his bowels and rubbed his prostate. Vince was in heaven, amazed at how tight Lance still was.

Lance's cock was rock hard and dripping precum, he knew he wasn't far off shooting his load.

"Urgh Sir, your cock feels so good in me," he whimpered, "may I cum please Sir? I'm so close, please I really need to cum."

"No not yet boy," Vince teased him.

"Oh please Sir, please, I can't hold it, urgh fuck! Please let me cum!" his voice raised in pitch as his orgasm closed in.

"I'll tell you when you can cum boy," Vince replied.

"Urgh! please sir! Urgh fuck! Please!" He was almost crying now as his orgasm raced up and there was nothing he could do to stop it.

"Ok you can cum," Vince said just as Lance slammed himself down hard on Vince's rod and his cock erupted a torrent of cum.

"Urgh fucking hell!" he shouted as his seven inches blasted spunk over Vince's face and chest, it seemed like it was never going to end. Vince was getting drenched and Lance continued to fuck himself as he continued to spew causing his cock to bounce sending spunk flying, Vince was in awe of the spectacle and Lance loved that he could cum from just being fucked, it was way better than any wank, he wanted to cum this way all the time from then on.

Suddenly Vince grabbed his waist and in one quick movement flipped him on his back while staying inside him. He lifted Lance's legs against his chest and pressed down on them to raise his ass up a little. From there he plowed deep in to Lance causing him to cry out.

"Oh God! Oh yeah! Fuck me Sir, fuck me hard!"

Vince did, he rammed his cock deep, picking up speed while Lance grabbed his still hard cock and wanked it hoping he would deliver another load. As Vince's pounded the boy's ass they kissed passionately.

Yesterday Lance would have been appalled at the idea of sex with a man especially getting fucked by one yet now he couldn't get enough, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to be doing, it just felt right. Vince broke the kiss and they looked deep into each others eye's, there was something there, they both knew it.

Lance felt another orgasm boiling in his groin, he wanked his cock hard, "Urgh! Sir I'm gonna cum again!" he announced.

"Ugh! Yeah shoot it boy," Vince panted.

Vince had been holding off his orgasm for ages now and he couldn't hold off for much longer, the sight of Lance wanking his rock hard cock, his balls so tight that the only thing stopping them from retracting was the cock ring.

"Urgh! Fuck! Sir! Here I cum! Argh fuck!" Lance's cock blasted his spunk directly into his face, "Oh my god!" he shouted as he showered himself with his cum. Lance's sphincter was pulsating round Vince's cock and it sent him over the edge.

Vince grunted loudly as his whole body shuddered and his cock erupted deep inside Lance, the orgasm was earth shattering. As his cock pulsated Lance could feel his cum filling his insides.

Finally spent Vince collapsed on Lance pinning him to the bed. They were both out of breath with sweat rolling off their bodies.

"Sir that was fucking awesome!" Lance said proudly.

Vince rolled off him and onto his side and propped his head up on his hand. He stroked Lance's naked body with the other admiring this beautiful boy lying next to him scooping the cum off his face and licking it up.

"You know I don't get it, why do you use that phoney bad boy accent when you don't normally speak like that?" Vince asked.

Lance looked at Vince, "I dunno, I guess I just did it to fit in with my mates."

"What, they weren't interested in being mates with the real you? Only the fake one?"

"I don't like the real me," he said turning away from Vince.

Vince knew where this was going, "Why not?"

"I was always picked on at school for being me, I was always being beaten up in the playground by the bullies, I hated the things they used to call me. I had no friends at all. I only made friends when I acted the clown and put on that accent, I made quite a few friends then, that is until we moved here."

"And then there's the fact I can't do anything right, I wanted to prove that I wasn't a complete dork by doing the washing good for you, but I even fucked that up," tears began to swell in his eyes and his voice cracked.

Vince wrapped his big arm round him and hugged tight, Lance began to cry, "Why the tears?"

"Because I'm a complete embarrassment to everyone, I stole from my mother, I tried to steal from you, I can't keep a job for more than a week and I don't have any friends." He sobbed.

Vince realised this boy didn't have an attitude problem, he needed love and guidance.

Lance turned to Vince, eyes streaming, "I'm really sorry I was horrible to you yesterday."

Vince pushed Lance onto his back then straddling him grabbed his arms and attached the cuffs to hooks either end of the headboard.

"What are you doing?" Lance sniffed.

"You know what I see before me now?" Vince asked, Lance shook his head. "I see a really handsome young man with the most beautiful body I have ever seen." Vince stroked Lance's side causing him to giggle and squirm. "And something else too, since you dropped that silly offensive accent and attitude I have gotten to know one of the nicest boys I have ever met, the real you." Vince then tickled his armpits causing him to burst out laughing. "So I don't want to hear anything else about you thinking you're worthless, otherwise I'll keep doing this to you." Vince then continued tickling his armpits.

"Arghahahahaha! Stop! Arghahahaha!"

"Say it!" Vince commanded.

"Arghahahaha! Say What? Arghahahaha!"

"Say that you're not worthless."

"Arghahahaha! Ok! Ok! Arghahahaha! I'm Not Worthless!"

Vince stopped and kissed a very breathless Lance, "And don't you forget it. Oh yes and you do have friends, what about Tim and Don.. And me come to think of it."

"Yeah I guess you're right," Lance replied smiling.

Vince released his arms and Lance immediately went to tickle Vince under his armpits for revenge but Vince didn't flinch.

"Sorry babe, not ticklish," he said rolling off Lance and onto his back.

"Not fair," Lance said then rolled over wrapping his arm round Vince and resting his head on his shoulder. Lance felt wonderfully warm, somehow he felt safe and wanted, "Sir."

"Yes boy?"

"After tomorrow is that it? We don't do this again?" Lance asked running his fingers through the soft hair on Vince's chest.

"God I hope not, you're the most fun I've had in five years," Vince replied, "why? Don't you want to come back?"

"No I do, I really do, but when?"

"Well how about next Friday?" Vince suggested.

"I have to wait that long?" Lance said pouting.

"It'll soon come around, and we've still got all of tomorrow yet," He replied.

Vince heard a snore and realised that Lance had fallen asleep, he closed his eyes too and drifted off into one of the best nights sleep he'd had in years.

Next: Chapter 8

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