Breaking Lance

Published on Oct 30, 2023


Breaking Lance Chapter 6

Breaking Lance


This story invovles sex between adult men with bondage and punishment. If you object to any of this then read no further. This story is a sexual fantasy fiction and any resemblance to persons past or present is purely accidental.

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Chapter 6 - Lance discovers the dark side.

The parking lot was deserted, "Ok strip," Vince ordered.

"What? Out he... OW!" Vince swiped him hard across his ass.

"Don't question my orders boy, just do it" Vince barked.

Reluctantly Lance stripped and handed his clothes to Vince who put them in the back of the car. Vince then removed the but plug and cock ring from Lance but put a much bigger cock ring on him that made his cock stick out even further. He then fastened leather cuffs to Lance's wrists and ankles and finally a dog collar and leash. To finish off he gave Lance a pair of leather boots and as Lance bent over to put them on Vince couldn't help but stroke the boy's hole. When he stood back up Vince admired him.

"God you look so fucking sexy," He said, "Ok get in,"

Lance climbed in the passenger seat hoping he might have been given some clothing to wear, he was glad it was a 4x4 so it was pretty high up and no one could see in.

As they drove off Lance started to feel a little funny, sort of warm headed and his sinuses were getting clogged up.

"Sir I feel strange," Lance said.

"That'll be the Viagra gel I slipped into your drink at the restaurant," he replied. As if to prove a point he fondled Lance's cock and he immediately sprang a boner.

Lance was mortified, he was hoping that not having the electro on would mean he would get a rest from having a hard on so much, no such luck.

"Permission to speak Sir."


"Where are we going?" he asked as the pulled up to some traffic lights.

"A little place I used to go a lot with Anthony, I think you'll like it." Vince replied.

Just at that moment a large eighteen wheel semi pulled along side and Lance realised there was no advantage being in a 4x4 when next to a truck. He looked up and saw the truck driver looking down at him, his mouth wide open. The lights changed and Vince pulled away, Lance looked back but the truck hadn't moved.

"Did that trucker get a good eyeful?" Vince asked.

"Yeah, you should have seen his face," Lance laughed.

They eventually arrived at their destination and Vince parked in a street where there was nobody around then grabbing something from the backseat he handed it to Lance, it was a large raincoat.

"Put this on," Vince ordered.

Lance was grateful for something to wear, he was dreading that Vince might make him walk naked in public, it was soon apparent though that the rain coat was too big. It came down past his knees and his boner was tenting it out, so he put his hands in the pockets and held his cock flat against his stomach. Vince took the leash and led him off down the street.

They reached a large black door that led into a very unassuming building, sort of like a small factory unit. He rang the bell and a face appeared at a slot, looked at Vince and Lance then disappeared again, soon the door was being opened. Lance could hear music coming from inside, he guessed it must be some kind of night club which only made his apprehension worse at how he was dressed.

"Vinny!" The man was tall and skinny and dressed in leather trousers and boots, he also had a leather harness fitting snugly around his chest. "It's been so long, how have you been?" He proceeded to kiss Vince on both cheeks as they walked into the foyer. "And who's this sexy little thing you have in tow?" Lance blushed.

"Hi Benny, this is my new slave, I only have him for the weekend so I'm having as much fun with him that I can," Vince explained. "Give me the coat," Vince ordered Lance.

Lance froze, he wanted him naked in a night club!

"But Sir! I-I-I..."

"Don't argue with me boy! Do it!" Vince bellowed.

"I see he still needs some training," Benny said, "I don't suppose we get to see him..." Vince pulled the coat from Lance's shoulders revealing his nakedness and erection. "...Naked, Oh my! What perfection! He really is lovely, " Benny continued grabbing his crotch. "Can I have a play later?"

"Of course you can, just come and find me when you have some time," Vince said handing the coat to Benny.

Lance was blushing heavily, he felt really exposed, his cock was at full mast and things were about to get worse. Vince tied his hands behind his back and led him through another door, the music got louder and Lance found himself standing in a bar filled with men. They all turned to look so Lance tried to hide behind Vince but he just pushed him in front. Lance went a bright crimson as he stood totally naked with a raging boner in a room full of strange men staring at him. He'd never felt so humiliated in all his life, yet it was totally turning him on.

They walked towards the bar and Vince sat on a stool. Lance went to sit on one next to him. "No, slaves are always at their masters feet," he tells him. Lance felt a little better kneeling down, his boner not so obvious.

Vince ordered two buds and Lance looked up at him. Damn this boy is so god damn cute Vince thought. He lowered down a bud and put it to Lance's lips, he drank like a baby being fed its bottle. Lance spilt some over his chin so Vince wiped it up with his finger and let Lance suck it off.

"Good boy," Vince praised him.

Looking round the bar there wasn't much in the way of seating, most of the guys leaning against the walls or chatting in groups. They were all dressed differently, one guy walking round in leather chaps and a leather pouch, his ass fully exposed. Another guy was completely naked from the waist down, just wearing a leather jacket, his cock hanging a good five inches down. Most of the men were in just jeans but a lot were wearing leather. There were two other boys around his age in the bar and were obviously slaves too as they were kneeling at their masters feet. Neither of them were naked, one wearing leather hot pants and leather boots and the other Y fronts and sandals with leather cuffs on his wrists.

The one in the hot pants had some puppy fat around him and looked to be around the same height as Lance. The other boy is very skinny, almost scrawny but seemed to have a huge package in the Y fronts, Lance noticed he kept looking at him and smiling. Lance smiled back, he liked the look of the boy, quite a cute face although he was wearing glasses.

Lance felt the bottle at his lips again and looking up took another swig. Suddenly the boy in the Y fronts was standing next to him, the boy's groin right in his face, next to him was his master. He looked to be in his mid 40's with a bit of a gut, wearing leather pants and a leather jacket and holding a leash to his slave's collar.

"Vince! How long has it been dear fellow?" The master said.

"Don! My word you haven't changed a bit, I see you have a new slave though," Vince replied.

"Oh yes this is Tim, on your knees Tim," Don commanded. Tim dropped to his knees and looked Lance in the eyes.

"I see you have a new slave too," Don commented. "How long has it been since Anthony passed away?"

"Five years now."

"Really? My God how time flies."

Tim reached over and started to tickle Lance's tight ball sack, taken by surprise he gasped.

"Sir," Lance said looking up at Vince, not sure if this should be happening in front of all these people.

"Stop that Tim!" Don said to his slave.

"Oh it's ok Don, seems your slave likes my boy, what do you say we let them go and play together while we catch up on old times?" Vice suggested.

"Yeah ok, Tim go and show Master Vince's slave round the place," Don ordered.

"Yes Sir," Tim replied then helped Lance up, "Come with me."

Tim led him through the club and as they walked, all the men kept staring at Lance, he felt so exposed.

"You got a nice cock," Tim said grabbing Lance's boner and giving it a playful tug, "What's your name?"

"Lance. What is this place?" he asked.

"It's a fetish bar, all sorts of things go on here but mainly sex."

The first room they come to had a bath in the middle of it.

"A bath?"

"Yeah it's the piss room, someone lies in the bath and people piss on them, do you need to go?" Tim asked.

"As a matter of fact I do," Lance said.

"Will you piss over my Y fronts? They're new and I want to get them soiled," Tim asked.

Lance would normally have been appalled at the idea of pissing on someone but after the events of the last 24 hours it didn't seem that unusual.

"Yeah ok."

"Great, stand in the bath with me."

They stood facing each other and Tim took hold of Lance's cock and pointed it at his Y fronts, Lance was really impressed with his bulge, he was dying to know how big that cock was.

"Don't let it go all at once, do a bit at a time," Tim said.

"I'll try."

Lance had to force it but soon there was a stream of piss flowing over Tim's Y fronts. The material was becoming transparent from the piss and was showing Tim's cock quite clearly, Lance marvelled at its size then realised it was growing.

"Fuck I get so turned on by seeing someone with a boner piss, especially over me." Tim said.

Lance stopped his flow to admire the growing bulge in Tim's underwear, by now it was straining the fabric so Tim lowered the waistband and his cock swung free. Lance gasped, it had to be at least ten inches and still growing, after a few more strokes from Tim it stood at full mast, a whopping eleven uncut inches.

"Fuck man that's huge!" Lance gasped, "Can I hold it?"

"Sure," Tim replied and reached behind Lance to unfasten his restraints.

Lance quickly wrapped his hands round the massive cock and slowly wanked it, his fingers didn't quite touch, this was the first uncut cock he'd seen and he was mesmerised as the foreskin slipped back revealing the large bulbous head. Suddenly Tim began to piss too but instead of directing it away from him Lance let it splash over his cock and balls. The sensation of Tim's piss splashing over his cock and running down his balls and legs was really sexy so Lance began to piss again, both boy's covering their groins with urine. Lance was so turned on seeing this massive cock piss over him, he never once imagined that something like this could be so erotic.

A couple of guys had entered the room and were watching the youths urinating on each other.

"Oh man that is so hot!" Once said getting his cock out to wank.

Soon the boy's bladders were empty so they got out the bath. "Wow man that was so horny, I wish I was allowed to cum, I really could do with spunking up right now," Tim said.

"Oh, you too? Damn yeahI feel the same, feels like me cock is ready to explode." Lance replied.

"Come on there's more to see."

"Aren't you going to pull your undies back up?" Lance asked seeing Tim's cock swinging around.

"No, my cock's too big , besides it kinda cool us two walking round with our boners sticking out," Tim giggled and took Lance's hand leading him out of the piss room.

This was another first for Lance, walking stark naked round a fetish club hand in hand with another boy, he began to think he may just like this lifestyle. They came to a large room with lots of cubicles, it was very dark and all the walls were painted black, Tim found an empty one and they both entered.

"What's this place?" Lance asked.

"It's the glory hole room," Tim explained.

"Glory hole?"

"Yeah look," Tim pointed to two holes, each one on opposing walls and they appeared to be about waist height. "Stick your cock trough," Tim suggested.

"What, through that hole?"

"Yeah, it's what people do in here."

Lance walked up to a hole and put his cock through, he almost jumped out of his skin when someone on the other side grabbed it and started stroking.

"Oh my God, someone's playing with my cock!"

"Yeah, feels good don't it," Tim said.

Lance could now feel someone's lips slip over his rod causing him to groan.

"He's sucking me now," Lance informed Tim.

Suddenly his orgasm began to race up way too quick for his liking so he quickly pulled out panting and crossing his legs.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he shouted.

"Did you nearly cum?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, god that was close," Lance panted.

"Look," Tim said pointing to the hole.

The guy on the other side had put his cock through the hole, an impressive eight inches.

"Come on let's suck him off," Tim suggested.

Lance's heart skipped a beat, the idea of sucking off a stranger he couldn't see suddenly excited the hell out of him. Tim was already down on the cock and licking at the balls so Lance knelt down to join him and started licking the cock head. The guy on the other side was obviously enjoying the attention as he was groaning loudly. The boy's took it in turns sucking down the rock hard tool. Tim took note as Lance swallowed the whole cock down his throat. The man on the other side was getting more and more vocal and the boy's guessed he was about to shoot so they both turned their attention to his cock head. They licked and sucked it knowing it was soon going to be giving them a nice tasty treat, it expanded more then suddenly erupted, the boys lapped at the cum spewing out. Once finished the boy's kissed each other sharing and savouring the spunk.

"Damn you give good head," Tim complimented him.

"I only learned to do it last night, in fact I was still a virgin till then."

"Do you reckon you could blow me like that? No one has ever been able to deep throat me before, my master says I'm just too big."

"I could try," Lance replied.

Tim stood up and lance took the head of his cock in his mouth, damn this is really big, he thought. He slid his mouth down until it touched the back of this throat, looking down he could see he was only halfway. Lance took a deep breath and swallowed as he pushed deeper, the huge cock slipped down his throat, he kept pushing and it almost felt like it was going into his stomach unit his nose finally touched Tim's pubes.

"Oh my God! You did it! Fuck that feels amazing!" Tim said.

Lance took up a rhythm pulling out then sliding the huge tool back down his throat.

"Oh wow, you're amazing, I never knew a blowjob could feel so good," Tim panted as he ran his fingers through Lance's hair.

Lance was loving it, he got so turned on listening to Tim's groans of ecstasy he just got carried away and sucked like no tomorrow.

"Argh Fuck! Stop! Stop! I'm gonna cum!" Tim shouted pulling away but it was too late.

"Urgh! I'm cumming!" Tim yelled as his cock blasted all over Lance's face. Quickly Lance took the cock back in his mouth and swallowed Tim's cum. He kept sucking as Tim's body convulsed with each spasm.

Tim looked really concerned when Lance finally pulled off.

"Aw crap!" Tim groaned, "don't tell my master I cum, he'll punish me for sure if he finds out."

"Too late I saw everything," a voice from the hole said. Both the boy's turned to look. Don was at the hole and had been watching the whole thing. "Get your ass out here now!" Don bellowed.

Both the boy's exited the cubicle and saw Don and Vince waiting for them.

"I'm sorry Sir, I couldn't help it," Tim whimpered like a naughty school boy that was about to get a caning.

"I thought I could trust you, you know the consequences of cumming without permission," Don said as he grabbed Tim by the hair and dragged him away.

"Please sir, I'm really sorry, you can trust me, pleeeaaase, I never had a blow job like that before, I just couldn't help it." Tim begged.

Vince put Lance's leash back on him and they followed entering a room with chains hanging from the ceiling and various whips and paddles on the wall. Don lifted up Tim's arms and hooked his cuffs to one of the chains.

"Are you ready for your punishment?" Don asked him.

"Y-y-yes Sir," Tim whimpered.

"Assume the position then," Don commanded.

Tim leant forward and pushed his slim ass back, Vince and Lance could see his little hole. Lance felt bad that Tim was about to get a thrashing.

"Stop!" He shouted, "It wasn't his fault, I got carried away, I ignored him when he said he was going to cum." Not only did Lance surprise Vince by his confession but himself too, he would never have owned up to anything before but he really liked Tim and couldn't stand the thought of him getting hurt.

"Really?" Vince said, "Well in that case I think you need to be punished too, you knew full well he wasn't allowed to cum yet you made him."

Lance had a feeling he would say that and sure enough Vince grabbed his arms and hooked his cuffs on the same chain as Tim so they were facing each other.

"What did you say that for?" Tim whispered.

"Because it is my fault, I got carried away, I'm really sorry," Lance apologised.

"That's really nice of you but I like getting the paddle, I enjoy being spanked."

"But you looked really scared."

"Its all a show, my Master loves it if he thinks I'm genuinely scared, you silly sod, now you're gonna get a paddling."

"Aw fuck!"

Just then Tim received a whack and his face screwed up with the pain, he screamed out then looked Lance in the eyes, "God I love it," he whispered.

Then Lance felt the paddle strike his ass, "Argh fuck!"

The paddles hit hard and after six strokes Lance's tears were flowing.

"You ok?" Tim asked.

"No," Lance sobbed.

Tim took pity and kissed him deep. As the paddles hit both boy's kissed hard, yelping and screaming in each others mouths.

The commotion had bought in a gathering who were watching the beating, some beating their own cocks. Lance felt completely ashamed with his punishment being so public. Although Tim was screaming as the paddle hit he wasn't crying unlike Lance, he wondered if he would ever get to enjoy the beatings. Soon it stopped and Vince hugged Lance from behind stroking his naked body, Lance threw his head back, it felt so good to him.

"This is the best part, my master always fucks me after a beating," Tim whispered to Lance.

Lance's eyes grew wide, "Your Master is going to fuck you with all these people watching?" Tim nodded.

Lance could see Don pull out a packet of lube then drop his trousers displaying a very respectable eight inch cock. The expression on Tim's face changed as Don entered his boy. Vince pulled away and Lance thought he was about to be let down until he felt something wet and cold on his anus. He realised with horror that Vince was lubing him up, he was going to fuck him too.

Lance groaned as Vince's cock sought entrance in his ass, he wanted to be fucked but was unsure about doing it in front of all these men. He had no choice though and as Vince pushed he relaxed and the huge cock slipped in. Even now pain hit but he knew it would subside and Vince waited until Lance had relaxed before plowing his nine inch cock deep inside. Lance felt totally humiliated being fucked with all these people watching until he realised that they were actually turned on by watching him having his ass fucked. Most of them were jacking and Lance found he was getting turned on from their obvious enjoyment.

Vince was getting a sense of nostalgia as he fucked Lance, he and Anthony would often come to this bar and have fun which usually ended up with him fucking Anthony, the punters loved to watch. As he plowed his big cock up his boy's ass he watched him kiss Tim. He was really starting to get attached to Lance, he didn't know what to do about it, one side of him said get out before you get hurt, The other side saying go for it what do you have to lose.

The two boy's were grunting and groaning through their kiss as their masters fucked them.

"I love being fucked." Tim panted.

"Oh god me too!" Lance replied.

All too soon Lance could feel his orgasm build, "Permission to cum sir!" Lance shouts.

"Permission denied," Vince replied sternly.

Lance begins to panic, "Please sir I can't hold it, please stop!"

"You need to control it!" Vince boomed.

"I can't Sir! Argh fuck! I'm cumming!" Vince quickly grabbed the base of Lance's cock and squeezed hard stifling his orgasm. "Arrrghh Christ all fucking mighty!" Lance screamed as his orgasm hit but was denied exit.

"Oh wow! Being fucked makes you cum?" Tim gasped, "you lucky bastard."

Lance wasn't listening, he was still in the throws of an orgasm that wasn't stopping. Vince's cock kept slamming into his prostate, keeping it stimulated and his body still trying to ejaculate his spunk. Lance felt like he was floating above everyone, almost like he'd entered another plane of existence. Eventually Vince tensed up and pulling out blew his load up Lance's back, he always like to put on a show for everyone. With his prostate no longer stimulated Lance's orgasm subsided and Vince let go of his cock. Feeling completely drained Lance bumped his head on Tim's and hung limply. Don was close behind Vince and soon delivered his load up Tim's ass.

Finally spent the boys were let down and Tim threw his arms round Don. Lance could just hear him say, "I love you," as they kissed. He'd never seen this show of affection between two men before and it was something that Lance had never considered until now, he always thought he would fall in love with a girl but now as he looked at Vince he wondered if that was happening to him. Lance certainly was developing a liking for Vince but could he be falling in love? He was not even sure if he was gay yet, although this lifestyle was very appealing to him.

Vince noticed the confused look in Lance's eyes, "Are you ok?" He asked.

"Er yeah, I'm good," Lance lied.

They headed back to the bar and had a few more beers, the slaves at their masters feet. Lance and Tim chatted away as though they'd been friends for years often touching and fondling each other. A few more beers later and Lance was losing his inhibitions, they were given permission to dance in the disco area. I was such a laugh dancing around causing their boners to bounce and sway as they moved. Several others joined them, two stripped off completely and joined the naked dancing, they only stopped when a couple of guys kept groping them. Back at the bar Tim asked if he could show Lance the rest of the club.

"Yes but don't go getting yourself in trouble again." Don said.

The boys headed off hand in hand giggling like a couple of school girls. They came across a room that had guys wandering in and out.

"What's in there?" Lance asked.

"That's the dark room." Tim said.

"Dark room?"

"Come on I'll show you," Tim took Lance by the hand and led him inside.

The room was pitch black and smelled of sweat and cum. Lance could hear slurping noises, groans and grunts. He bumped into someone so he put out his free hand and felt a naked chest, his heart skipped but the beers gave him courage to be bolder. He moved his hand lower until he touched the man's cock, he was naked. Lance felt along the shaft, it seemed quite big, then something touched his finger, he was getting a blow job!

It was then that Lance realised he was no longer holding Tim's hand.

"Tim, where are you?" he whispered but Tim didn't answer.

He started moving through the room trying to find the door but he was completely lost now, he had no idea how big this room was, it seemed like a labyrinth. He kept touching bodies, some large, some small, some clothed and some naked. As he groped around hands were touching him, it was really quite a turn on not knowing where the next hand was going to come from . Someone grabbed his cock and began to wank him, it felt good but he was concerned about cumming again so he pushed the man's hand away. He walked a bit further and another hand grabbed his cock this time whoever it was must had been on their knees as they immediately started sucking him. Lance went to back away but someone was behind him now and was feeling up his ass, fingers probed his anus and one slipped inside. He gasped at the sudden intrusion as another pair of hands fondled his nipples, teasing them, there were hands all over him! Lance began to panic, he could blow his load here if he wanted to, but he had a feeling that Vince would somehow know, he didn't want to risk it. He managed to squirm free and kept walking and soon he saw a shaft of light appear, the door! He made a b-line for it and found Tim on the other side laughing.

"You bastard, you did that on purpose!" Lance said.

"Sorry I couldn't resist it, hope you had some fun," Tim laughed.

"Why you," Lance pounced and mercilessly tickled him.


Lance pinned him agains the wall both boy's laughing.

"You're really cool," Tim said, "I really like you, I hope we can become good friends."

"Yeah I'd like that," Lance replied and began tickling him again.

Tim cried with laughter but managed to break free and ran off, Lance giving chase. They ended up back at the bar.

"You boy's having fun?" he asked.

"Yes sir," Lance replied.

Tim stood behind Lance and wrapping his arms around him put his head on his shoulder. Tim was really quite affectionate and Lance was enjoying it. Tim then stroked Lance's body softly, Lance groaned and lent back into him, his touch was tickling but in a really sensual way.

"How is my boy's cock doing?" Vince asked tickling his balls, "You haven't cum yet have you?"

"No Sir, I've been good," Lance replied proudly.

"Looks like our boy's really like each other," Don commented.

Vince looked at how Lance was really into the way Tim was stroking him, Vince's own cock swelled just seeing his sexy boy moan as Tim's slender fingers gently slid over his skin.

"Please Sir, when can I cum? My cock has been hard for so long now it really is aching," Lance begged.

"Soon boy, but we have to be going now, it's late." Vince replied.

"Aw no," Tim protested, "I don't want him to go," he wrapped is arms tight around Lance's waist.

"You two aren't saying goodbye just yet, Vince is giving us a lift home," Don explained.

"Oh Cool! Can I ride in the back with Lance?" Tim asked excitedly.

"Yes on one condition," Vince replied with a wicked grin on his face, "you do so naked, and you have to walk to the car naked too."

Both boy's had a look of shock on the faces, being naked in the club was one thing but naked out in public, that was really horny.

"I'm up for it if you are," Tim said to Lance.

Lance thought for a bit and noticed that Tim was no longer erect. "I'll do it but if I'm going to have a boner then you should too." So he played with Tim's cock. It didn't take him long before it got fully hard.

At the exit they met Benny, "Are you going?" he asked, Vince nodded, "Aw and I never got to play with your boy," he said sounding disappointed.

"Maybe next time," Vince said.

Lance looked at Vince, next time? He never considered there could be a next time, he thought about it and decided he definitely wanted there to be a next time.

The night air was cool and caused Lance's testicles to retract tight up to his body. Tim took his hand as they walked to the car, both of them giggling at their boldness walking stark naked in the street. As they walked a young man came round the corner eating a burger, he stopped in his tracks when he saw Lance and Tim, his mouth wide open in shock. Lance blushed badly but Tim didn't seem all that phased by it, in fact he walked up to the young man.

"Hi, can I have a bite of your burger?" he asked cheekily.

The young man blushed but offered out his burger, Tim took a bit keeping eye contact with the young man.

"Mmmmm," Tim groaned as he chewed.

Lance looked down and saw the boy was getting hard in his jeans, the beer buzz gave him the boldness to say, "Would you like us to do something about this?" Then he rubbed the boy's crotch.

The boy went bright red but nodded his head so they pushed him into a doorway and soon had his jeans and pants round his ankles. His cock was a good slim seven inches and was hard as a rock as Tim and Lance started sucking on him. Vince and Don watched in amusement at the boy's face, the second time in one night he was seeing the look of someone getting their first blow job. Lance licked and sucked on the young man's balls as Tim deep throated him and it didn't take long before the boy groaned as his cock exploded into Tim's mouth. Tim swallowed hungrily as the boy delivered a sizeable load. Tim then kissed Lance swapping the cum with him, the boy watching in amazement.

Tim and Lance gave the boy a peck on each cheek, "Your cum tastes nice," Tim said and they turned to leave.

"Er can I s-s-s-see you ag-g-g-gain?" The boy stuttered his voice breaking with nervousness.

Tim smiled, "Give me your phone," he said.

The boy handed Tim his phone and Tim punched in his number, "Call me tomorrow and we'll talk," he said. Tim gave the boy's cock a quick fondle then he and Lance walked away. They left the boy standing there with a huge grin on his face and his jeans and pants still round his ankles.

"I can't believe we just did that!" Lance said as the reached the car.

"His face was a picture when you were blowing him, we reckon you just gave him his first ever blowjob," Vince laughed. They boy's climbed in the back still giggling.

As they drove Lance couldn't stop playing with Tim's cock, "I can't believe how big your cock is," he said, "have you fucked anyone with it?"

"Only a couple of guys," Tim replied, "most won't let me near their ass," he laughed, "but I prefer getting fucked anyway."

Lance slowly wanked Tim causing him to groan, "Stop! You're gonna make me cum!" he panted.

"Please master Dom, may I make Tim cum?" Lance asked.

"No sorry Lance, I want that for myself when we get in, you can keep bringing him close though, keeps him horny for me." Don replied.

Lance sucked Tim's cock and deep throated him. Tim gasped at the sensation of his cock slipping down Lance's throat. Don looked back in amazement.

"Jesus Vince, your boy has swallowed the whole of Tim's cock!" he gasped. Vince adjusted his rear view mirror to see.

"ARRRRGGGH FUCK! STOP! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Lance quickly pulled off and grabbed Tim's cock at the base squeezing hard having learned the trick from Vince. Tim squirmed and groaned.

Tim lay back on the seat panting, "Oh Jesus you give such good fucking head," he panted. "But you've got to stop, I don't think I can hold it if you do that again."

Lance then stroked Tim's hole so Tim lifted his legs up to his chest to give Lance better access. He stroked his finger over the little sphincter muscle and Tim groaned with pleasure, then remembering how it felt to him he bent down and began licking, Tim gasped and moaned louder.

"Oh God your tongue feels so good," he panted.

Don had his cock out and was wanking as he watched Lance rim his boy. The car stopped at some traffic lights and a truck pulled along side. Looking up Lance saw the face of the trucker, his mouth was wide open. Lance didn't care now, he smiled and continued to lick out Tim. The lights seemed to be taking a long time to change and when he looked back up he could see the driver had his door open, his trousers round his ankles and was stroking his very erect cock, Lance winked at him.

"Looks like the boy's have got that truck driver all worked up," Don said.

Soon the lights changed and Vince pulled away, leaving the truck driver in mid wank.

Eventually the car pulled to a halt, "We're here," Vince announced.

The boy's sat up and Tim groaned, "Aw do we have to say goodbye?" he pouted.

"It's late Tim, me and Lance have to get back but how about you two come round to mine next Friday, I have a poker night then, the more the merrier," Vince said.

"Sounds good to me," Don said.

"Brilliant," Tim said excitedly, "We'll have so much fun," he said to Lance hugging him close. Tim gave Lance a long passionate kiss then exits the car.

Lance waved at them as they drove off.

"Do you like Tim?" Vince asked.

"Yeah he's fun," Lance replied, his eyes drooping as tiredness quickly take him over.

"Did you enjoy yourself?" Vince asked but there was no reply.

He looked back and saw Lance fast asleep, he smiled.

Next: Chapter 7

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