Breaking Lance

Published on Oct 27, 2023


Breaking Lance Chapter 5

Breaking Lance


This story invovles sex between adult men with bondage and punishment. If you object to any of this then read no further. This story is a sexual fantasy fiction and any resemblance to persons past or present is purely accidental.

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Chapter 5 - Lance and Vince eat out.

Later that afternoon they watched a movie together with Lance sitting on the floor at Vince's feet, resting his head on his leg. Now and again Vince would get Lance to fetch refreshments for him and feed the boy tidbits like a pet dog.

"I'm starving," Vince announced when the film had finished. "Let's go out to eat," he suggested when he saw the time had gone 7pm.

Lance hoped to god that he didn't want him to go out naked but his fears abated after Vince left the room and returned with some clothes.

"These belonged to Anthony," Vince said, sounding somewhat subdued.

"Permission to speak Sir,"

"Go ahead."

"What's wrong with my clothes?" Lance asked.

"Seriously, I will not have a slave of mine looking like a chav," Vince barked. "Anthony was about your size so these should fit."

Lance got up and looked at the picture on the mantlepiece, "He's very handsome sir, where is he now?"

"He died five years ago," suddenly Lance felt uneasy at wearing a dead mans clothes but also sad for Vince's loss.

"Did you love him Sir?"

Vince stood behind Lance and put his hands on his shoulders, "Very much so."

They stood in silence for a short while, Vince thinking about how much Lance reminded him of Anthony and Lance thinking how he felt when his father died.

Snapping out of it Vince spoke, "Come on I'm hungry, lets get you dressed, but before you dress put his on." Vince handed him the electro cock ring.

Lance filled with dread, was he going to use it while they were out?"

"Bend over," Vince commanded and as Lance did so he inserted the electro butt plug. There was no question in Lance's mind that Vince intended to use it. He was filled with apprehension and excitement at the possibility of being made to cum while out in public.

Vince helped Lance get dressed making sure the wire came out from behind him. The clothes were very smart, a nice pair of jeans with loafers and a nice cut dress shirt. Vince put on a very nice leather jacket on him and placed the controller in the inside pocket making sure the wires were hidden. After he took a brush to Lance's messy hair he stood him in front of the mirror, for a moment he thought he was looking at Anthony.

"Oh my! You look so handsome," Vince said, Lance blushed, "I'm going to be so proud showing you off tonight."

What? Did he say proud? Lance suddenly felt warm inside, he didn't understand what it meant but he liked it.

As they walked out of the house together it occurred to lance he could easily make a break for it and run but he didn't want to, he was thoroughly enjoying being a slave, surrendering his will to this handsome hunk. He was also excited at what might happen tonight.

Vince threw a carrier bag into the back seat of his large 4x4 as they climbed in. Vince chose a restaurant that he knew well and as they drove he turned on the electro device.

"Oh! Sir! That feels so nice," Lance coo'd and immediately popped a boner, his erection clearly visible in the tight jeans.

"When you are you with me I want you to stand up straight and hands behind your back, no slouching."

Lance realised that his erection would be clearly visible to anyone who looked, he hoped that the jacket would hide some of it. When they arrived they were greeted at the door by the Matre'd, a handsome man in his forties, slim frame and immaculately dressed.

"Table for two sir?" he asked.

"Yes and can you make it one of the private booths?" Vince requested.

"Certainly Sir, right this way."

They were led to a booth at the back of the restaurant. It was fairly quiet with only a handful of customers at the tables, Lance breathed a sigh of relief that their table wasn't visible to anyone. The Matre'd snapped his fingers and young bright eye waiter joined them.

The booth was a half circle of fixed seating round a circular table, its table cloth reaching almost to the floor. "Here you go sir, Richard will take your order. Bon appetite," the Matre'd said then walked off.

"May I take your jacket Sir?" The young waiter asked Lance. He couldn't have been any older than 19 and seemed a little on the green side. He was very slender with black hair in a crew cut with large brown eyes and the cutest upturned nose Vince had ever seen.

"No fanks I is fine," Lance replied not wanting to reveal his erection. Vince noticed Lance slipping back into his bad boy voice.

"Nonsense," Vince said, "it's much too warm to be wearing your jacket in here, give it to the waiter," Lance detected sternness in his voice that suggested he had no choice in this, Lance glared at him.

Reluctantly he removed the jacket and quickly pulled the controller out and hid it behind his back hoping the waiter didn't see it and the wires leading down the back of his trousers. What the waiter did notice though was Lance's very prominent boner through his jeans, he tried not to stare but Vince noticed and smirked.

"Er um w-w-would you like a drink before you decide on your meal?" The waiter asked still taking glances at Lance's bulge. Vince looked at the waiter's crotch and noticed he seemed to be tenting too.

"I'll have a beer mate," Lance said, suddenly he yelped as Vince cranked the remote up full for a second.

"No he won't, get him a coke and I'll have a chardonnay," Vince said sharply. The waiter nodded and walked away quickly, adjusting himself as he did so.

"Don't ever talk like that again when you're out with me, do you understand?" Vince said sternly.

"Yes Sir, Sorry Sir," Lace apologised hanging his head.

"As punishment I want you to take of your jeans and underwear."

"What? In here?" Vince zapped him with the electro again.

"What have I told you about talking without permission?"

"Arrghh sorry Sir," Lance grimaced doubling up.

"Now do it, take off your jeans and underwear," he ordered again.

Lance's heart was racing, this was totally outrageous, yet unbelievably horny, this was the sort of thing that happened in dreams not in real life. He reluctantly removed his jeans and underwear thankful that the tablecloth hid his lower half. His erect cock was level with the top the table though so he lifted the cloth and put it over his lap. This was so daring, Lance really couldn't believe he was doing it.

Vince was fiddling with this mobile phone when the waiter returned with the drinks. Lance was watching him intently to see if he noticed but the waiter saw that the table cloth was over Lance's lap, he found it odd but he was more disappointed at not seeing Lance's bulge again. As the waiter placed the drinks on the table Vince fumbled and dropped his phone and it bounced under the table.

"Bugger, I can't reach it," he said looking under the table.

"I'll get it sir," the waiter volunteered and before anyone could say anything he dove under the table.

Lance froze, suddenly the table jumped as the young waiter banged his head at seeing Lance naked with a very stiff erection. Slowly the young man emerged, his face bright red and when he made eye contact with Lance he coloured up too. Vince had a wicked grin on his face.

"H-h-h-here's your ph-ph-phone Sir," the young waiter croaked, his voice breaking from his nervousness and excitement. "Er a-a-are you ready to order?"

"Yes," Vince said calmly, "I'll have the cock au vin," Vince winked as he said this, "and my boy will have the bangers and mash, you like sausage don't you boy?" Vince said turning to Lance, both boys blushed. Vince could see an impressive bugle in the young waiter's trousers, he decided they were going to have some fun with this young man before the night was through.

"Y-y-y-yes Sir," the young waiter stammered and headed off to place the order.

Vince put his arms under the table and started stroking the inside of Lance's thighs and tight ball sack causing him to groan. Vince saw the waiter returning and took his opportunity.

"Quick get under the table," Vince ordered Lance, "and when he sits down suck him off."

Lance looked at Vince in shock then felt Vince pushing him down. Reluctantly he slipped beneath the table. This is crazy! He thought but he was so excited he almost cum.

"Is there anything else you need sir?" The waiter asked looking a little disappointed at not seeing Lance.

Vince was well aware that the waiter had no reason to come back to the table so he put his plan in action.

"Not right now, but why don't you sit down a minute take the weight off your feet," Vince suggested.

"I don't know if I can sir," he replied looking round to see if the Matre'd could see, he couldn't.

"Look you're not very busy tonight and I'm sure my boy would like to get to know you a little when he returns." The waiter blushed a little.

"Well yes, we're not that busy, I suppose I could spare a couple of minutes," he sat down and asked, "where is your friend?"

"Bathroom," Vince replied, "So I haven't seen you here before are you new?"

Lance saw the feet under the tablecloth and his heart started racing, he couldn't believe what Vince wanted him to do, he hesitated.

"Yes sir, I started two weeks ago."

Vince kicked Lance egging him on. Lance swallowed hard and lifting the tablecloth put his hands on the waiters thighs. The waiter eyes widened, his jaw dropped and he froze on the spot. Quickly Lance fumbled with the waiters belt and zipper and was soon fishing out a very erect eight inch cock. The waiter clenched his fists, crumpling the table cloth as Lance slipped his lips over the young man's tool. Vince smiled at the wonderful expression on the young waiter's face, he could tell when someone was getting their first blow job.

"Are you a virgin?" Vince asked quietly.

The waiter couldn't speak, he just nodded,

"Is this your first blow job?"

The waiter nodded again. It didn't take long, Lance sucked him deep into his throat only 5 times before his mouth was being filled with cum, he swallowed greedily. Vince could see from the expression on the waiter's face that he was shooting his load. Lance kept sucking, milking the young man dry causing the waiter to flinch at the sensation on his now hyper sensitive cock. Pulling off Lance savoured the taste of the young waiters cum, it wasn't as salty as Vince's but still very nice.

The waiter zipped back up and stood, his still erect cock visible in this tight trousers.

"I'd better check on your order sir," he croaked and headed off again holding his notebook over his crotch.

"Ok you can come back up," Vince whispered to Lance.

"Permission to speak sir," Lance requested as he resumed his seat.


"I can't believe you got me to do that!"

Vince laughed, "Yeah but how horny was it?"

"Fucking unbelievable, I nearly shot my load," Lance replied smiling.

"Oh we don't want that yet," Vince replied and turned down the electro device.

Moments later the waiter returned with the meals, "Here are your orders sir, I hope you enjoy," he said smiling at Lance.

After he place down the meals he hovered as though something was on his mind. He looked around the room then to Vince's and Lance's surprise he dove under the table. Lance looked at Vince in shock, Vince was grinning widely. Lance gasped as the waiters hands grabbed his cock and began wanking him, then warmth as he slipped his lips over Lance's seven inches. The waiter wasn't as experienced as Vince and was a little sloppy being his first time at ever giving head but even so Lance knew that it would make him cum.

"Eat up boy," Vince said smirking.

Lance started to eat his meal, he couldn't believe he was naked from he waist down, getting a blow job from a waiter while eating a meal. He got a few mouthfuls when he felt his orgasm building.

"Urrghh permission to cum sir!" Lance whispered urgently.

"Permission granted, fill his mouth boy," Vince said.

Lance had a mouthful of food when his orgasm hit, the food ended up falling out of his mouth and back on the plate as his cock erupted cum into the waiters mouth, they could hear him groan as he attempted to swallow Lance's massive load of spunk, some spilling out of his mouth. The waiter cleaned off Lance's cock with his tongue and mouth then slowly emerged from under the table grinning like a kid that had just had candy. Lance was panting and couldn't continue his meal for a while.

"You've got some... er ... just by your..." Vince tried to explain and pointed to the waiters face where he'd still got some cum by his mouth. The waiter scooped it off with his finger then blushed, even so he licked it off. Vince could see that the waiter still had quite and erection in his pants.

"Well that was a surprise," Vince said as the waiter headed off, Lance giggled.

All this boy action had made Vince extremely horny, his cock was straining hard to break free from his jeans.

Shortly they finished their meals, "Are you ready for some dessert?"

Lance looked at Vince knowing full well he wasn't on about anything off the sweets trolly, "Er yes?"

"Get under the table, I have a lolly for you that needs sucking as a special treat for being such a good slave," Vince said.

Lance's eyes widened, Vince wanted him to suck him off here in the restaurant! Considering he not long ago sucked off the waiter he didn't hesitate and slithered under the table.

Once there he saw that Vince had already got his cock out and he wasted no time in sucking that monster as deep as he could go, gagging as soon as it touched the back of his throat. As Vince was only the fourth cock he'd sucked it was much bigger and thicker than any of the others so it took him a while to get his throat open enough to swallow the whole thing. Lance couldn't believe how much he loved sucking cock, he hoped he could make Vince cum.

The waiter returned to clear the plates and saw that Lance was missing again, he looked down at the tablecloth. Vince winked at him and the waiter stooped and lifted up the cloth to see Lance sucking on Vince's huge cock. The waiter quickly dropped the cloth and looked at Vince.

"I dropped my phone again why don't you help him find it?" Vince suggested.

The waiter didn't need telling twice, he was immediately on his knees and under the table. Lance was a little surprised at first but tonight had been full of surprises. The waiter watched in awe as Lance devoured Vince's cock completely.

"How do you do that?" he whispered.

"You open your throat and just swallow when you start to gag," Lance explained pulling off.

Lance sucked in Vince's cock again and the waiter went down on Lance's still very erect cock causing him to groan as it slipped down the waiters throat.

"Oh yes! That's it, you got it," he praised. Lance saw that the waiter now had his trousers round his knees and was wanking himself, that's a nice cock he thought.

Vince was enjoying Lance's mouth sliding over his cock when the Matre'd walked up.

"Excuse me sir but have you seen our waiter Richard? He keeps disappearing." But before Vince could answer the Matre'd saw the toe of a shoe sticking out from under the table cloth. He bent over and lifted the cloth to see Lance with Vince's cock down his throat and the waiter with Lance's cock in one hand and his own in the other and a look of horror at being caught by his boss.

"Richard I want to see you immediately," the Matre'd ordered and walked off.

The waiter quickly pulled up his trousers and crawled from under the table, his face a deep crimson from the embarrassment. He collected the dirty plates and departed.

The moment had been lost on Vince now and thought he maybe pushed things too far.

"Put your jeans on and get back up here, I think we may be asked to leave," Vince said.

Lance redressed then sat back at the table while they waited for the Matre'd to return.

"Please sir I need the bathroom."

"Ok but be quick," Vince replied obviously worried, "poor boy, I bet he'll get the sack," he added.

Lance hurried to the toilet and had to sit and bend his cock down to pee because of his boner, as he urinated he could hear noises coming from the next cubicle, it sounded like heavy breathing. Bending forward he looked underneath and saw someones feet facing the wrong way with his trousers and underwear round his ankles. As soon as Lance finished peeing he climbed on the toilet and looked over the dividing wall, what he saw shocked him.

The waiter was on the toilet stark naked with his legs up against his chest and the Matre'd fucking him hard with a nice seven inch long thick cock, the waiter wanking his own cock as the Matre'd took his virginity. The waiter saw Lance looking over just as he cum, his spunk flew clean over his head, it just kept cumming, spurt after spurt flying up the wall behind him.

"Of fuck yeah!" the Matre'd groaned then grunted as he plowed deep into the waiter filling the boy with his cum.

The last few spurts from the waiter hit him in the face as the Matre'd collapsed on him and gave him a deep kiss.

Nice! Lance thought, he was tempted to knock one out there and then as he was so turned on by that scene but he knew Vince would have been able to tell. Quickly he headed back to the table and informed Vince of what he saw.

"Well I guess the young man will probably keep his job after all," Vince smiled.

"Not to mention the tips," Lance replied, they both laughed.

The waiter returned to their table, his hair a bit more messy and a little out of breath, "Can I interest you in any dessert of coffee?" He asked.

"From what I hear you're the one that just had his dessert," Vince winked.

The waiter blushed, "Yeah, I'm going home with him tonight, say's he's going to fuck me silly," he replied proud that he was no longer a virgin. "I had no idea he was gay, I've fancied him ever since I started, I can't believe he just fucked me in the toilets." He grabbed his crotch in anticipation of tonight.

"I'm glad we could help," Vince said smiling. "Here's my card if you fancy trying something a bit more wild." Vince handed him a business card.

"Wild?" The waiter asked confused.

"Use your imagination, it's all safe," Vince reassured.

The waiter trotted off and Vince looked back at Lance who seemed to be staring daggers at him. He was, when Vince handed that card over Lance became jealous, he hated the way Vince was flirting with the waiter.

"Come on let's go, the night's still young and I've got lots planned for you," Vince said standing.

Vince payed the bill at the door while the Matre'd fetched Lance's jacket. He helped Lance put it on then said, "Please do cum again," as he grabbed Lance's crotch causing him to jump with fright.

Vince smiled, "Oh we definitely will."

Next: Chapter 6

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