Breaking Lance

Published on Jul 1, 2017


Breaking Lance Chapter 3

Breaking Lance


This story invovles sex between adult men with bondage and punishment. If you object to any of this then read no further. This story is a sexual fantasy fiction and any resemblance to persons past or present is purely accidental.

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Chapter 3 - Lance takes a shower with a difference

"Wow Vince you were amazing!" Nathan said pulling his clothes back on.

"Thanks Nathan, you were pretty good yourself, I nearly blew my load when you sucked me off."

Nathan beamed, "Wish you had done."

"Gotta say Vince, I'm well impressed but he seems a proper spoilt brat, you sure you can handle him?" Rob asked.

"I've had worse than him in the army, he should be easy enough."

"Well we better get going, it's late, thanks for a great evening, let us know if you need us to help out with anymore training." Rob said as they headed for the door.

"I will do, see you next week," Vince waved them off then locked the door behind him.

Once upstairs he climbed into bed, exhausted, and thought about the young man in the cellar. He would much prefer to have the boy in bed next to him, he hated sleeping alone.

* * *

Lance had a restless night, his dreams were filled with visions of his father when he was young mixed with visions of Vince and his huge cock. In his dreams Vince's cock was much bigger and Lance was worshiping it, sucking it deep, getting fucked by it and at one point there were ten Vince's all prodding their huge cocks at Lance. They all erupted covering him in masses of spunk causing him to ejaculate too. It was at that point he woke up and realised he was ejaculating for real, his cock pumping out cum into the bedding. He had never had a wet dream before, what could it mean? The room was still pitch black and the cage cramped, he needed to stretch but he couldn't. Lying there he contemplated what had happened that night, the cock he actually enjoyed sucking, being fucked and loving it, and now his wet dream. Am I gay?

He thought about Vince, that big powerful man and the moment he held him in his arms. Although Vince was the source of the punishment he felt safe, warm, almost loved, he liked being held by him, even when he picked him up it was like he was a child again in his father arms. Lance closed his eyes and drifted back off to sleep.

He was abruptly woken by he light being switched on in the cellar.

"Good morning slave, time to get up and continue your training," Vince said.

Lance groaned still very tired, "I'll get up in a minute," he said forgetting where he was, thinking for a moment he was back home. He soon snapped out of it when he heard the cage door being unlocked.

Vince pulled the quilt off him and saw the cum stain on the bedding, "Well looks like someone had a wet dream." Lance blushed a bright crimson, "I wonder what dream could have caused that?"

Lance looked up at Vince, he was naked apart from a pair of boxers that do a good job of hiding that massive tool. Vince took hold of Lance's arm and helped him out of the cage, noticing that the boy was fully erect.

"Do you need to cum or pee?" Vince asked.

"Pee," Lance replied meekly.

Vince picked up a dog collar and fastened it around Lance's neck, then picked up a leash and fastened that to the dog collar. Lance was alarmed he was going to be treated like an animal.

"Look mate, yooz had ya fun wit dis master 'n' slave stuff, how's about lettin' me go now an' we'll call it quits. Give us me money and I'll forget about de whole fing." Lance hoped that Vince had a reasonable side to him but when he looked at his face he knew he'd made a big mistake.

"What did I say about asked for permission to speak?" he said in a thunderous tone.

"I-I-I just thought," Lance stammered.

"Well you thought wrong!" he grabbed Lance's hands that were still tied behind his back and lifted them up high causing Lance to bend right over.

"No please don't," he pleaded know what was coming, "Please, please, please, I'm sorry."

Vince picked up the paddle, "You get 10 for speaking without permission, I want you to count them as I hit you, do you understand?"

"Y-y-yes sir." Lance was already crying.


"OWWW! One."


"OWWWWW! (Sob) two."

On the tenth hit, tears were streaming down his face but he kept his sobbing under control. Vince replaced the paddle and lead Lance out of the cellar and upstairs into the bathroom.

Vince had a huge shower, big enough to hold four people comfortably, it had multiple shower heads and two hand held shower attachments. One looked like a small shower head but the other looked like a small penis. Set into the floor, ceiling and walls were rings, Lance wondered what on earth they were there for. Vince stood Lance up inside and removed the collar, then removing his boxers he joined him. Lance looked at the huge tool swinging between his legs, it looked so intimidating. Lance had gone soft by now so Vince stroked him bringing his cock back to full glory, Lance groaned.

"Permission to speak sir?"

"Go ahead boy."

"I really need to pee sir."

"Ok, go ahead."

Lance went to walk out of the shower to the toilet but Vince grabbed him and pulled him back.

"You do it in here," Vince said sternly.

Lance was no newcomer to peeing in the shower but to do it with someone else there? He also never peed through a hardon before.

"Pease sir, I can't pee through a boner," he complained.

"Yes you can, you just have to force it," Vince explained while sill stroking Lance's cock, by now Vince's own cock was almost at full mast.

Lance looked at the huge tool pointing up at him and wondered if Vince would let him suck it. He got Lance to kneel and for a moment he though that he was but Vince then attached the ankle cuffs to the rings on the floor and the wrist cuffs to the rings on the wall above causing Lance to be arched backwards and his arms to be out-stretched above him. He knew that if he peed in this position through a boner it would spray all over himself, surely Vince didn't want him to do that? Suddenly to Lance's horror as stream of piss erupted from Vince's cock and showered him.

"Arrghh! Fuck no!" he shouted and tried to escape.

"If you need to go you better do it now otherwise I won't let you go for the rest of the day," Vince said sternly.

Lance was mortified, he had never felt so degraded in all his life, he almost felt like crying yet somehow it was a major turn on. It was like Vince was marking his territory as animals do, claiming Lance as his property. The pressure in Lance's bladder was quite painful now so he conceded and forced out his piss. Being drenched by two streams of piss he felt utterly humiliated. His own piss was hitting him full on in the face, he tried to turn his head but his arms restricted the movement. For some reason though he found this to be erotic and to his and Vince's astonishment he opened his mouth and tasted the piss.

Before long they had emptied their bladders, "Damn that was so hot seeing you piss yourself boy!" Vince said. Lance looked at him with a look of bewilderment at what just happened.

Vince released his restraints and helping him to stand turned him round and bent him over. Then taking the shower head that looked like a small penis he eased it into Lance's hole causing him to yelp with it's coldness as he turned on the water. Lance could feel his insides filling up, it felt quite pleasurable, then uncomfortable, then painful.

"Arrrghh stop! Please!" He shouted. Vince turned off the water.

"Hold it in boy, don't you let any spill," Vince commanded as he removed the shower head.

The pressure was immense but Lance managed to hold it in. Surprisingly his cock was fully erect again, I really do get turned on when my ass is played with, he thought.

"Go to the toilet and let it out." Vince ordered.

Gingerly Lance waddled over to the toilet clenching his ass cheeks as tight as possible. As he sat he let go, the water came flooding out, he felt a large turd fly out too. That has got to be the easiest shit I have ever done, he thought. After flushing and wiping his ass he rejoined Vince in the shower and again Vince filled his ass with water. He was ordered to empty his bowels once more but this time only water comes out.

Once Lance returned Vince turned on the main shower, the warm water cascaded over Lance making him feel good, rinsing the piss away. Vince then soaped him up and proceeded to wash him.

Lance hadn't been washed like this since he was a little boy, he was enjoying Vince's had slipping over his skin, he would never imagined that being washed in a shower could feel so erotic. Vince payed particular attention to his cock and ass, inserting a soapy finger to make sure it was clean, Lance moaned when he did so.

Soon Vince had finished, "Wash me," Vince said handing Lance the shower gel.

Lance had never washed anyone else, ever, let alone a man but he started with Vince's back. Vince gasped as Lance touched him for the first time, he was startled at how much it reminded him of Anthony. The boys touch was incredibly erotic, his hands seemingly tiny against Vince's broad shoulders. Lance reached his ass and tentatively washed in the crack, he wondered if he should soap inside Vince's hole but decided against it.

Vince then turned round and Lance continued soaping up his chest running his hands over Vince's chiseled pecks and large biceps, down to the flat six pack stomach. Lance was aware of Vince's massive erection touching his own stomach, he was also aware that his own cock was rock solid, he couldn't believe how much this was turning him on.

He eventually got to Vince's cock soaping up around his tight large hairy balls first as the massive cock swayed in front of him, he couldn't believe that thing was up his ass last night. As he soaped up the shaft he noticed his fingers didn't reach all the way round and he could easily wrap both hands round with room for a third. To Vince, Lance's hands around his cock felt absolutely exquisite, he watched as Lance's slender hands slid up and down his massive shaft.

Suddenly Vince span Lance round and pushed him against the shower wall, he soaped up his huge tool with one hand and Lance's hole with the other. Lance gasped as he realised he was about to have that huge cock up his ass again. He groaned in anticipation.

"You want this don't you boy?"

"Yes Sir, please Sir, please fuck me," Lance begged not quite believing what he's saying, he even pushed his ass back to give Vince better access.

Vince placed the head of his cock at Lance's opening and pushed, it slipped in and Lance cried out in pain again, this time however he knew it would pass. Soon Vince was pushing deeper, Lance feeling the cock slide deep inside him.

"Oh god that feels so good!" Lance shouted.

Vince pounded his ass making Lance grunt and groan as the huge cock slipped all the way in and out to its tip again. The water was cascading over lance as he was ceremoniously fucked in the shower. Vince looked down at his cock slipping into the boy's ass, it was such as turn on, he hasn't felt ass this good since... well since Anthony. His orgasm was building and so was Lance's, the boy's cock leaking lots of precum, he knew he was close to blowing his load. He loved the fact he could cum while being fucked and without touching it. As his orgasm started to build Vince suddenly pulled out and Lance groaned pushing back for Vince to enter him again. Vince span him round.

"Get on your knees boy," he commanded.

Lance did so eagerly, even though he hadn't cum he thought at least he was going to suck on the huge cock, he really did want this, he really needed to feel it in his mouth. He opened his mouth and went to swallow it when Vince stopped him.

"No, you still haven't earned the right to suck my cock yet," Vince said. It took all of his will power to stop Lance, right now he would have loved for the young man to devour his meat.

Lance looked up at him with genuine disappointment.

"I want you to bring me off and take my cum on your face, keep your mouth closed as you haven't earned the right to swallow my cum yet either."

Lance obeyed and wanked Vince vigorously.

"No, slow down, keep it nice and slow," Vince instructed.

Vince added some more soap to his cock so Lance's fingers could slip over his tool more easily, he groaned as Lance's delicate fingers slithered bringing his orgasm closer. Lance was mesmerised by Vince's cock, it's huge purple head looking straight at him, the large veins running down it's length.

"Here I cum boy!" Vince announced and he let out a low pitched groan as his cock exploded.

Lance quickly closed his eyes as a torrent of cum plastered his face, it was going in his hair, over his eyes and some up his nose. Lance kept wanking Vince and milking the last few drops. Without thinking Lance grabbed his own cock and started to wank now desperate to cum.

"Get your hand off your cock!" Vince shouted. Startled Lance let go and opened his eyes, some cum got in and started stinging. "That cock belongs to me, I will decide when and where you will cum, you will never cum by your own hand again, do you understand?"

Lance was alarmed by this, he was used to jerking off at least four times a day and he'd certainly never come close to orgasm before without actually shooting, "Yes Sir, sorry Sir," he replied meekly.

Vince lifted him up to his feet and refastened his arms behind his back, "Lick your lips boy," he did so, "that is what my cum tastes like, you will get to swallow it soon enough but not until you have earned it." Then Vince moved Lance under the shower and washed off the cum.

When Vince produced a safety razor he though he was going to shave his chin until he knelt down in front of Lance and soaped up his sparse bush.

"Sir?" Lance asked alarmed.

"I need you nice and smooth," he replied turning Lance round and getting him to bend over.

There wasn't much in the way of hair round Lance's anus but regardless he applied some soap and proceeded to remove any hair that may be there. Spinning him back round he then continued to shave Lance's balls and pubic hairs, because of Lance's raging hard on he had to move it around a lot to get access which was bringing him closer to an orgasm. He decided no to tell Vince about his impending orgasm, he really wanted this release but Vince wasn't stupid he could tell he was about to cum.

"You don't have my permission to cum boy, if you do you will be punished," Vince boomed at him.

Suddenly panic struck Lance, "Sir please I can't stop it, pleeeaaaaase!"

Vince quickly grabbed the base of his cock just below his balls and squeezed tightly, stifling his release.

"Ugh! Fuck!" Lance shouted as his body convulsed but his orgasm didn't happen.

"Damn boy, I'm going to have to teach you some self control," Vince said smirking. Lance groaned in frustration.

Vince finished off shaving Lance's groin then standing released Lance's arms from behind him.

"Lift your arms up," he commanded.

Lance obeyed and Vince applied soap to his armpits, Vince's touch was too much for Lance as it really tickled and he immediately pulled his arms back down. Vince grabbed his arms and clasped them to a ring in the ceiling then continued to apply soap. Lance writhed and wriggled at his touch.

"Sir that tickles," he cried.

Lance laughed too, he enjoyed seeing Lance squirm as he shaved his armpits.

Once finished Vince rinsed off all the remaining soap, wrapped Lance in a huge fluffy towel, dried him all over then stood back to admire his work. Looking down Lance saw his bald cock, it made him look like a young boy and it felt very sexy. Vince moved in closer and stroked Lance's chest with the lightest of feather touches causing Lance to burst out laughing. Vince caressed his sides making him buck and writhe then moved to his totally smooth armpits.

"Arghahahaha! Stop! Hahahaha! Fuck! Please! Stop! Arghahahaha!" Lance cried as Vince gently tickled his very sensitive skin. He was now crying with laughter, tears running down his face.

"Pllleeeaaaasssseeee Hahahaha! Arrrghhhhahahaha!" Lance begged him to stop. Vince was giggling too at how his touch was making Lance laugh so much, he was going to have so much fun with this boy.

Lance was panting from laughing so hard asVince moved to his now totally smooth cock and balls, he groaned, it felt wonderful, this big man made him feel so sexy.

"You have a beautiful body," Vince said.

Lance looked at Vince surprised by the remark, he had always thought of himself as too thin and scrawny, yet here was someone that liked his body. He suddenly felt even more sexy. He looked in Vince's eyes and saw them full of lust and he realised that Vince was really turned on by him and that this was not just about power play. Lance developed an urge to kiss him but he didn't act on it, he wasn't sure how Vince would react.

"Permission to speak sir," Lance requested in a whisper.

"Go ahead."

"May I cum please sir?" Lance was desperate to cum now and really wanted some release.

"No you may not," Vince replied.

"Please Sir! I'm so horny my balls are aching," Lance begged.

Vince squeezed Lance's ball sack hard causing him to shout with the pain, "There, your balls are aching even more now, so stop your whining."

That hurt Lance in more ways than one, how could he be so loving and so cruel at the same time. Tears were in his eyes as he was let down, the extra aching in his balls doing nothing to reduce his horniness, in fact it made it worse.

Vince reattached the collar and led Lance back downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Permission to speak sir," Lance requested.

"Permission granted."

"May I wear some clothes please?"

"No you may not, I told you last night my slave is to be naked at all times," Vince replied.

Leading Lance to the sink he said, "Your first task today is to wash up, these are all the things from last night, I want to see them spotless and sparkling, no smears or streaks on them, if there are you will be punished and made to do them again. Once you do them well you will get some breakfast." With that Vince disappeared upstairs.

Lance had never washed the dishes before, he hadn't got a clue how to, his mother had always done all the housework. He had a vague idea of what to do, he'd seen his mother doing it on many occasions.

Looking round he realised he was alone in the kitchen. He wondered how long Vince would be, maybe he could knock a quick one out, it wouldn't take him long as he was still extremely horny and hard as a rock. He took hold of his cock and started to wank deciding to spunk in the sink and wash away any evidence, Vince wouldn't suspect a thing. He felt his orgasm building when.


"Argh Fuck!" Lance screamed feeling a sharp stinging pain across his backside.

Spinning round and rubbing his ass he saw Vince in a dressing gown holding a riding crop, "I knew you couldn't be trusted." He grabbed Lance by the hair and pushed him over the kitchen table.

"No please, I'm sorry, I won't do it again, I promise," Lance begged.


"Argh! Stop! Please!" The riding crop hurt way more that the paddle, his ass was really stinging.


Tears flowed freely and after ten strokes he was a blubbering wreck. Vince lifted him up and hugged him.

"Why do you keep on disobeying me?" He asked softly while stroking Lance's hair.

"I'm s-s-s-s-sorry," Lance sobbed.

"Saying sorry doesn't cut it, I need my slave to be obedient," Vince lifted his head off his shoulder and wiped the tears from his eyes, "come on you've got washing up to do, the sooner you do it the sooner we have breakfast."

Lance didn't know whether or not to tell Vince he'd never washed up before, he was reluctant to incase he makes fun of him so instead he just got stuck in.

After filling the sink with hot water he was stuck, now what? What did mom do? She would have suds, how did she get suds? He wondered. On the window sill he spied a bottle that had washing liquid on it, that's when he saw the garden. It was beautiful, like something out of a stately home, he'd never seen a garden as pretty as that before. There was a path leading to a gazebo and next to that a fountain, decking lined the back of the house with a hot tub and patio furniture. At the far end was a huge Willow tree with a swing on one of it's branches.

"Oh wow!" he gasped.

"Something wrong?" Vince asked sitting at the kitchen table reading a newspaper.

"Er, no it's just your garden, it's so..." Vince walked up behind Lance and put his hands on his waist.

"It's so what?"

"So beautiful, I've never seen one like it before," he replied.

"Well it's a nice day, perhaps we can spend sometime outdoors later," Vince said and patted Lance on the ass causing him to wince as it still stung. "Now come on, washing up to do."

Vince sat down and continued to read his paper while Lance poured in some of the liquid, how much? He read the bottle, just two squirts huh, he actually put about ten in. Putting his hand in the water to stir in the liquid he almost scalded himself.

"Ow Fuck!" he shouted then felt a crack across his ass, "Ow!"

"Quiet while I'm trying to read the paper," Vince said waving the riding crop at him.

"Sorry Sir."

Vince was trying his best not to laugh, he was well aware that a spoilt brat like lance would probably have never done any washing up before but this was a good test to see if he had the right intentions.

Lance added a little cold water, that's better, he put the dishes in the sink along with the wine glasses. He gave them a good clean with the sponge and put them on the drainer to dry, this was a lot easier than he expected it to be. In no time he had finished washing them all.

"Permission to speak Sir,"

"Permission granted."

"I've finished the washing up Sir," Lance replied proudly.

"Are they dry?"

"Oh, er, no Sir, sorry Sir," Lance felt stupid, of course they needed to be dried.

Picking up a dish cloth he dried each of the items then placing them back on the counter, "All done Sir."

Vince got up and inspected them, they were covered in smears and streaks as he guessed they would be, "These aren't clean, look at all the smears and streaks, I told you if they weren't clean you would be punished."

Lance lost it, "Aw for fucks sake!" he threw down the dish cloth and stormed out of the kitchen and headed for the front door only to find it locked with no key. "It's just washing up for fucks sake! You're trying to find any excuse to beat me!" he shouted entering back in the kitchen. He tried the back door, the same, locked and no key. "I've had enough, I want to go home!"

Vince just stood there laughing so hard he was holding his stomach.

"What's so fuckin' funny?" Vince couldn't answer. "Fuck you!" and he stormed off down into the cellar and climbing into the cage shut himself in.

He was so angry but oddly enough not with Vince but with himself, he couldn't do a simple task like washing up right. It wasn't just the washing up though, it was lots of things, the big one holding down a steady job, he hadn't had a job that lasted more than a couple of weeks. He felt utterly worthless, he wished his father was still alive.

Tears flowed and he sobbed as his self esteem hit rock bottom. He waited for Vince to drag him out and give him a beating for being so disrespectful but he didn't come.

Vince heard the door to the cage slam shut so he sat in the lounge, put on the TV and waited.

Next: Chapter 4

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