Breaking Ethan

By Bus Pender

Published on Sep 4, 2018


Breaking Ethan 7 : Snip snip by Bus Pender


This is a work of gay fiction. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is entirely unintentional. This text deals with sexual relations between two men. If you find this offensive, if you are underage or if possession of this text is illegal in your area, please leave now. This story is not intended to promote any action on the part of the reader. It is merely a fantasy and I hope you appreciate it as such.

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I'd avoided Ethan since our meeting at the library. I don't know, I just didn't feel good about what had happened, what I'd done. I couldn't get the image of him out of my mind. Ethan, in his cum-smeared turtleneck, the neck turned down to showcase the freshly bruised patch of flesh along the side of his neck. On display, for his friends to see, speculate on, wonder.

I thought of him constantly. Everything I did, everywhere I went, I saw him in my mind's eye. I wasn't sure how he was feeling towards me now, and I was afraid to make a move to find out. I mean, it didn't really matter, because I was the one calling the shots, but for some reason I felt vulnerable.

I'd had my last exam and I aced it, but that meant nothing to me. I had more important things on my mind. Finally, after four days, I broke down.

The phone rang five times before Ethan picked up. His voice sounded soft, tentative, flat.

"Ethe, Mark," I said.

"Hi," he said.

"Ethan, I'm coming over, I'll be there in half an hour."


That was it? Okay? No ums' or uhs', no `yes, but' protests.

"Oh, and Ethan, you need to be naked when I get there."

"Okay. Sir"

What the fuck was going on? Where was Ethan? And who was this automaton on the other end of the line?

I arrived and rang the bell. Mrs Dremel answered the door. Her face dropped when she saw me and, without so much as a greeting, she turned and shouted "Eeeetan!", and strode into her flat.

Ethan opened his door slightly and poked his head through the opening. He blinked and regarded me. I marched up to his door, pushed it open and brushed past him. He was indeed naked. I closed the door and looked him up and down. He looked lovely. His body was smooth and trim, lean and toned, firm. The cage which held his cock dangled heavily, like a low-hanging fruit. His cock looked swollen and his balls were tight little orbs.

The mark on the side of his neck had started to heal once again. I touched it with my finger, and then traced my hand down, past his shoulder, along his side, allowing it to glide slowly, grazing a nipple with my thumb along the way. Downward, further, outlining the curve of his butt with my ready palm.

He didn't smile or frown, nor did he flinch. His face remained placid, like he was, what, waiting for instructions on what to feel?

"How ya' doin' Ethe?," I asked.

"I'm fine sir."

"It's good to see you, Ethan."

"Yes sir."

"Ethan, would you like me to remove the cage for a bit?", I asked.

"If that's what you want, sir."

"That goes without saying, Ethan, but I'm not talking about what I want. I'm asking YOU if YOU want me to remove the cage," I snapped.

"Yes sir, that would be good."

"Then ask me, Ethan, ask me properly."

"Please sir, could you remove the cage," he said, unenthusiastically.

"Go get the restraints," I ordered.

Ethan sauntered off into his bedroom, came back with the cuffs and handed them to me. I ushered him towards the back of the kitchen, where there was an exposed pipe that emerged from the floor and rose up into the ceiling. I had him bring his arms in front of him and I cuffed his wrists around the pipe.

I took the cage in my hand and held it for a moment, feeling its weight against my fingers. It was warm, smooth. The steel surface hard, impenetrable. His dick filled the cage entirely and was beginning to swell more as I wrapped my fist around it. The skin started to puff out through the rungs, like I'd seen not long after I put him in chastity. I moved my hand down and caressed his nuts, then brought both hands up to his nipples, which stood firm and ready. I played with them aimlessly. He sucked in his breath and started to squirm.

"Relax, Ethan. Here, have a seat," I said pushing a stool towards him. He sat.

I brought out the key and held it in front of Ethan's face.

"You know what to do, Ethan," I said.

He leaned forward and kissed the key.

"Good boy, Ethan," I whispered. "Now, let's get you free."

I inserted the key into the lock and gave a slow twist. The shackle popped open and I withdrew the lock from the hole in the ring pin. As before, the cage didn't move; it was being held in place by Ethan's engorged member.

I held the ring and tugged gently on the cage. It started to dislodge, but his pubic hairs had once again become entwined along the surface of the ring and the cage. I gingerly separated the clumps of hair, taking my time, as he waited patiently, wincing slightly now and then. Finally, I was able to pull the cage free. Now for the ring. More teasing out the hairs, more wincing, but eventually I was able to fold his dick out through the ring, followed by his reluctant testicles. He sighed loudly when the cage was off.

"I tell you, Ethe, those hairs of yours are a real problem. Lucky for you I'm going to take care of that today."


"Your pubes, I'm going to shave them for you so it won't be so difficult or painful to get the cage off."

"Um, sir, I don't mind them. I actually like my hairs and I don't think I want you to .. "

"Ethan, I SAID I'm going to shave your pubes. It wasn't a question, or a suggestion, or a possibility. It's a fact. So get comfortable, this may take a while."

"Sir, please, I don't need to be shaved down there, I really .. ", he stammered.

"Be quiet, Ethan."

"Yessir," he said dimly.

I opened my bag and pulled out a pair of barber's scissors. Electric trimmer. Shaving cream. Aloe gel. Facecloth. Safety razor.

"Sir, you can't do this, I .. "

"Of course I can Ethan, I've brought everything I need, see?"

"I mean, sir, you have no right to shave me, it's my body and I don't want .. "

"While you're in chastity, Ethan, what you want is of no importance. The sooner you get used to that fact, the better off you'll be. Now Ethe, this is extremely detailed work so you need to sit still and try not to move. Capeesh?"

A sigh.

"I SAID, `capeesh', Ethan?"

Another sigh. "Yessir," he added quietly.


I regarded his brown bush, vague and cloud-like, wispily framing his shrinking dick. It reminded me of a nebula in deep space, a misty cluster of stars, dust and debris, a considerable carbon mass at its core. I smiled down on the microcosmic image that presented itself before me, and slowly reached in to that astral body. I cupped his nuts in my hand, as though I were holding in my palm a pair of twin planets. I moved them around gingerly with my fingers, and they shrank and tightened in response. Simultaneously I witnessed the rising of another celestial body, a ruddy shaft pressing out urgently through the billowy mound, defying the gravitational force that longed to restrain it. I stroked its underside lovingly, compelling it ever skyward in an effort to coax it from its earthbound inclinations.

Ethan had started to moan, rousing me from my dreamy interlude. I returned my focus to the project before me and took a moment to gather my thoughts before picking up the scissors and readying myself to begin. I gently pulled a tuft of hair and trimmed it close to the skin. There was a scrunching noise which I could actually feel as I snipped the hair; it was like cutting fine wire. The hair fell away and I took another tuft. And another, as the skin of Ethan's crotch began to appear before my eyes. A cream-tone landscape, pocked with dark stubble .

Ethan's dick had started to shrink again, possibly an indication of the distress he was experiencing in seeing his beloved pubes sheared off.

"Ethan, you'll need to stand up so I can get at your nether regions," I said.

He stood. I lifted his balls and pull them tautly as I trimmed beside, underneath and along the surface. As I was working beneath his right testicle, I cut a little too close to the skin. He yelped and a drop of blood formed at the point of contact.

"Oops, sorry Ethe, entirely accidental."

I leaned in and licked up the drop, savoring the saltiness of his life-giving fluid. I looked up at him, he was eyeing me, probably wondering why the fuck I'd done that. I returned my attention to the task at hand.

In order to ensure a complete and even shave, I needed to move his dick up, down and to the side at different angles. It seemed to enjoy the attention because it started to swell once again. As his dick became fully erect, I realized it would be optimal to sustain its state of arousal throughout the trimming process. For one thing, it would be easier to work around his dick if it were fully hard. And, more importantly, it would augment Ethan's training if he were to associate having his body shaved with a state of sexual excitement.

I continued with the scissors and, after each tuft that I cut, I'd stroke the underside of his cock head just a little bit. Then I'd stop and do another patch. I repeated this process many times until I'd gone as far as I could go. He was looking pretty bare down there and his dick stood firmly at attention, pulsing and twitching sporadically.

I grabbed the bottle of aloe gel, squirted a blob into my hand and massaged his crotch, balls, dick and every corner and crevice in the vicinity. Ethan started to sigh and breathe heavily as I worked the gel into his skin. I made sure to stroke up and down his shaft briefly. He moaned softly, I stopped.

I plugged in the electric trimmer and returned my attention to Ethan's crotch. I pressed the `on' button and the trimmer buzzed to life, vibrating loudly. I stretched a patch of skin tautly and ran the trimmer over the region. It sheared smooth and clean, picking up much of the stubble that I hadn't been able to get with the scissors. I continued clear-cutting the area, including his balls.

His dick had started to shrink as soon as I started with the trimmer, so between forays, I pressed the shaft of the trimmer against his softening dick, allowing the vibrations to snap it back to attention. It worked, and in this way I was able to keep Ethan hard.

When I'd finished with the trimmer, I took a look at my handiwork. Not bad for someone who'd never done it before. I then soaked the facecloth in warm water and applied it to Ethan's crotch, allowing the skin to soften and the pores to open.

"Bet that feels good, aye Ethe?", I said.


I removed the facecloth and squeezed out a mound of shaving cream into my palm. I applied it to Ethan's dick, balls and everywhere else in the region. He sighed again as I covered the entire area in foam. As I was lathering him up, Ethan started trying to hump my hand. Fuck, he was like a randy puppy, unable to control his urges. But I wasn't going to let him get off so easy. Whenever he humped, I backed off and waited for him to settle down before continuing my efforts to smooth the foam. Each time I pulled back, Ethan sighed with frustration. Beautiful. Exactly where I wanted him.

I picked up the safety razor and tenderly began removing the last remnants of hair from Ethan's crotch. I carefully held the tip of his erect cock to keep it out of the way. I worked slowly so I wouldn't cut him again. I shaved small swaths at a time, rinsing the razor after each pass.

When it came time to do his balls, I had to take them in my fist and squeeze so that the surface was smooth and tight. Ethan grimaced as I gripped and shaved. The lather began to disappear with each pass of the razor and I had a better view of his balls close up. When I squeezed them, they were red, silky, bumpy, and I could make out the intricate roadwork of blood vessels that ran just below the surface. I truly had the impression that I was holding a living organ in my hand, once again feeling rather god-like in what was accorded me.

Lastly I had to shave his shaft. There were hairs that seemed to grow randomly along the surface and I needed to remove them, but I had to be extremely careful. His dick was hard as wood, engorged with blood; one misstep and I'd have a serious bleeding incident on my hands. I held his dick head with three fingers and took slow, careful swipes upward with the razor. I heard Ethan suck in his breath as I gently ran the blade across the taut surface. He wasn't trying to hump now. He was horny as fuck, but he wasn't stupid.

I'd been working very close to crotch level for some time, and the proximity to his hard dick was too powerful a temptation for me. I needed to taste him. I'd never had Ethan's dick in my mouth, and it was something I'd fantasized about for some time. A part of me was reluctant to take that submissive position with him, and the other part said `fuck it', knowing that I could maintain my control over him no matter what I did.

I leaned in slowly and took his cock in my mouth. Just the tip at first, allowing my tongue to capture the droplets of pre-cum that were oozing from his pee hole. I reveled in the sweet salty taste, cut by the soapy tang of shaving foam. I brought my lips further down the smoothness of his shaft, running my tongue along the underside. .

The experience was exquisite. Feeling the burning warmth of his need between my lips, on my tongue. The pulsing of his manhood. The involuntary twitches. I looked up at him, still with his cock buried in my mouth; he had a look of serenity, wonderment on his handsome face. I moved up and down his silky stiffness; when he began gasping, I pulled away.

I was impressed at how Ethan had remained compliant during the shaving process. After his initial protests, he seemed to lapse into a state of acquiescence, which I rather liked and appreciated.

"You're being a good little boy, Ethan, I'm very proud of you."

"Thank you sir."

When I'd finished, I applied more aloe gel to the entire area. My hand slid and glided across satiny skin, around his balls, along his shaft, across his abdomen. Everything was sheer, smooth.

"Ethan, you look and feel great."

"Thank you, sir."

"There's just one little problem," I said.


"Well, you look so clean and bare down below, but that patch that goes up to your navel looks, erm, out of place."

"I think it looks okay sir."

"Of course you do, Ethan. But it's what I think that counts, and I think it's got to go."

"Sir, please, no, I like that patch."

"Sorry Ethe, it's all in the name of uniformity."

"Sir, I don't want you to shave me there, you've done enough already, please."

I ignored his appeals and applied a small mountain of shaving cream to the target area, smoothing it evenly across the region. I started to work with the safety razor, ploughing short tracks.

Ethan had gone silent. He had a look of angry resignation on his face, his mouth a straight, obstinate line. He knew there was nothing he could do. When I finished, I cleaned the area with the wet facecloth.

"There, now that looks so much better Ethan, don't you think?"


"But there's still a little problem, Ethe. Now it's your stomach and chest that stand out. I know it's just fine down, but it's really noticeable against the area below."

"Sir, please, not my chest hair. Please sir, I really like it and I don't want you to .. "

I glared at him and he stopped short. I applied more shaving cream to his stomach and chest, working around his nipples, and began to remove the remnant hair. I held a nipple between my thumb and ring finger as I cleared the expanse around it, and did the same on the other side.

Ethan had gone beyond resignation now, he was silently fuming. I ignored him and continued on with my work. I found myself humming a tune as I shaved, somehow it helped me maintain a good rhythm.

When his stomach and chest were free of hair, I wiped them down with the facecloth and stood back. I started to shake my head.

"I don't know what I was thinking Ethan."

"Sir, please, enough."

"Ethan, for fuck's sakes, I'm sure even you can see what the problem is. You look like a fucking sasquatch with those hairy armpits.

"Nooooo .."

"Ethan, you'd never forgive me if I left you like this."

"Sir, I'm fine, can we stop now, I really think .. "

"Don't think, Ethan, it's not your strong suit. You need to concentrate on being an obedient little boy. And right now I'm telling you that I'm going to shave your armpits, so stay still.

"Sir, you can't do this, I won't .. "

"Ethan, be quiet or I'll add more time to your confinement."

He settled down, but not for long. He was brooding.

"Sir, please, you've shaved enough, it looks nice, but I really don't want .. "

"One extra day, Ethan," I said, staring him in the face and stroking the underside of his dick again, fingering him into arousal. I figured that simultaneously administering punishment and pleasure would make for a memorable mind-fuck moment.

"Sir, unh, you can't .. "

"Two extra days, Ethan." More stroking.

"Please, no more, sir, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?, UNH!"

"And another," I added. This time I cupped his balls as I stroked.

Ethan sighed, his body slumped forward, he went silent. He was fully hard and thoroughly beaten.

"There now, that's better. Ethan, be a good little boy and raise your arms up, you can hold onto the pipe so you don't get too tired. That's it. Now hold still, this won't take long."

I used the trimmer to cut the longest hairs, then swathed the region with shaving cream. I used short, precise strokes with the razor to follow the contours of his armpits and rid them of that unsightly hair until the area was bare, clean, fresh.

I stood back and put on a disappointed look on my face.

"Ethan, I feel really badly, honestly I do, but how can we have your crotch and torso and armpits bare, but have all that hair on your arms and legs?"

"NO, you can't do that!"

"Of course I can Ethan. And I brought something that will do it really quickly so we don't have to fuss with the razor. I pulled a bottle of hair removal cream from my bag."

"Sir, NO .."

He was squirming now, trying to avoid me. I started with his arms, applying an even layer of cream across one, then the other. He was trying to keep his arms away from me, but his range was limited and he knew he was helpless. When I'd coated his arms, I went for his legs. That was trickier because he was trying to push me away with his feet. He started screaming.

"NO, STOP, YOU CAN'T DO THIS, STOP!" he cried and kicked over the stool.

Suddenly there was a loud knocking at his door. We both stopped short and simultaneously looked towards the entranceway. More loud knocking.

"Eeetan, vat is going on? Vat is all that noise, is everyting okay?"

"Well Ethe, here's your chance. Mrs Dremel wants to know if you're okay. Do you want to use your safe word? If you do, I'll stop right now. Right now, Ethe."

Ethan was silent. He stared at me, a desperate, serious look on his face. It seemed as though he were trying to appraise the ludicrous situation he found himself in, and somehow make a rational decision as to what to do. It was comical, actually. Seeing him naked, cuffed to a pipe in his kitchen, his body half shaved, his arms covered in cream. His dick deflated and drooping while he struggled through humiliation to resolve the dilemma. But he had to choose. Behind door number one was Mrs Dremel: safe, predictable, comfortable, secure. And behind door number two, well, entirely uncharted territory for Ethan: sexual subservience, framed by abasement and indignity. Ah, decisions, decisions ..

More banging at the door. "Eeetan, open the door, I'm afraid. Vat is that man doing to you?"

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me for what seemed like an eternity. And then slowly, robotically, he turned his head towards the door and called out, his voice flat and unaffected.

"It's okay Mrs D, I'm fine. Sorry for the noise." He'd taken to calling her Mrs D ever since we agreed that `Mrs Dremel' was his safe word. She didn't seem to mind.

"Are you shooor, Eeetan, open the door and let me see."

"Mrs D, I'm fine, please, goodnight. We'll be quiet now."

Silence in the vestibule for about 10 seconds. And then a low shuffling followed by the quiet closing of a door.

He turned towards me, a defeated look on his face. There was a tear at the corner of his left eye. I kissed him softly on the lips as I reached down and fidgeted him back into hardness. Then I spread the cream over his legs.

"Okay, we have to leave it on for five minutes so just be patient."

"Sir, it's burning."

"It's okay, Ethan, it's temporary, and when we're finished you'll have a clean new look."

I rinsed my hands and moved in back of him. I spread my hands across his torso, savoring the breadth of his smooth soft body. I inched my way up to his nipples and played with them randomly. I leaned down and began kissing the back of his neck, the side, the corner of his mouth, his ear.

I'd been sporting a raging bone for most of the time I was shaving him, and it noticeably tented the front of my trousers. I eased myself against Ethan's bare ass and pressed my bulge gently over his crack, working his nipples as I did.

"Ethan, you're being such a good little boy, and you're going to look so beautiful. You're gonna love the way you look, believe me," I cooed. I brought my left hand down and played with his dick some more, while my right hand cupped his butt cheek. My middle finger accidentally grazed his pucker; I felt his body tense.

"Ya know, Ethe, I've never told you this before, but you have a fine little pussy ass," I whispered.

"Um, sir, I don't know what that means," he stammered.

"The fuck you don't Ethan, but no worries, we can get into it another time," I grinned. "Oh look, the five minutes are up."

I reached into my bag and pulled out a packet of baby wipes. I mopped down his arms, freeing them of the lotion, then his legs. His skin was creamy smooth. No hair, no stubble.

I stood back to marvel at my creation. The new Ethan, fashioned after my own whim and desire. Smooth. Clean. Boyish. Emasculated. I felt as though this was a moment of rebirth which I'd engineered, one which saw my little Ethan shed an excess layer to reveal his essential self. I ran my hands along his torso, across his stomach, down to his baby smooth crotch. He was still hard, and I glided my hand along his sleek dick.

"Ethan, you look and feel amazing."

"Yessir." He was utterly humiliated. His face was red, he didn't know what to do with his body, he kept his gaze to the floor.

I went and grabbed the mirror from beside the front door and held it for Ethan to see himself. He had his head down, he didn't want to look. Finally he took a cursory glance, it was quick and furtive. Then he looked again, and held his gaze in the mirror. He was eyeing his body with a look on his face of, what, wonder? Fascination? A slight grin, barely discernible, formed on his lips. He tried to hide his reaction, he didn't want me to know that he was pleased with what he saw. I noticed his dick twitch as he was taking in the sight of his hairless body.

"Tell me, Ethan. Tell me how you like your new look."

"It's fine, sir."

"Wrong answer, Ethan. I said, `how do you like your new look?'"

"Um, it's ok sir, really, I don't mind, it'll grow back."

"Ethan, do you not fucking understand? I want you to tell me how much you like your new look."

A pause. A sigh.

"I like it, sir."

"Now say it like you mean it, Ethe."

Another pause.

"Sir, I really like my new look. I'm happy you shaved me."

"So what do you say then, Ethan?"

"Thank you, sir."

"`Thank you' for WHAT, Ethan?" Fuck, it was like pulling teeth.

"Sir, thank you for shaving me and giving me a new clean look."

"That's better. Ethan, you've been a good little boy, don't you think."


"Then say it, Ethan."

"I'm a good boy, sir."

"LITTLE boy, Ethan. You're a good LITTLE boy. Say it."

"I'm a good little boy, sir."

"And an obedient little boy, isn't that right, Ethan?"

"Yes sir, I'm an obedient little boy."

I smiled at Ethan and moved in, held his hips and kissed him long and slow. I was surprised when he parted his lips in response, allowing me deeper into his mouth. As I was tonguing him, he did something entirely unexpected. He bit me on the lip. Hard. I cried out in pain but before I could pull back he leaned in and sucked the wound. When he pulled away, I could see a smear of my blood on his lips. He stared at me and licked it off.

"We're blood brothers now, sir," he said through a crooked defiant smile.

"I hope that little stunt was worth it for you, Ethan, `cause you just earned yourself another week in confinement."

His face went stony, with just a hint of a trickster grin.

Next: Chapter 8

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