Breaking Down Barriers

By Tristan

Published on Jul 9, 2004


The story now takes an interesting turn... you might want to add it to another category... :-)

The story herein is copyrighted by the author. It contains descriptions of sexual activity between consenting adults and is intended for adult readers only.

Tom and I headed back over to my house where we joined our wives and the four boys for dinner.

I was amazed out how quickly Tom's demeanor returned to normal. It was as if everything that had just happened between us hadn't really happened at all.

All through dinner I found it difficult to concentrate on conversation. I was feeling some discomfort after having been fucked for the very first time, first by a dildo and then by Tom's big dick. I was both intrigued and repulsed by what had happened between us. I had never imagined having sex with a man, let alone giving up my ass. It all seemed very bizarre and I tried to push it out of my mind.

That night I took a long shower and just meditated under the hot water. Margaret opened the door and stepped into the bathroom.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Me...?" I hesitated.

"You didn't seem yourself during dinner. I thought maybe you and Tom had had an argument or something."

I turned off the water and reached for my towel over the shower glass. "Me and Tom? No... definitely not. He and I... we get along fine."

"Good. Remember, your brother is coming over next weekend. You, Tom, and Eric are going to work on fixing the deck, and Lois and I will take the kids to the beach for the day."

I stepped out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist. "I'm glad you reminded me... I had totally forgotten about that."

My younger brother Eric and I are five years apart. He had been married twice to much younger women, and suffered through two painful divorces that left him financially strapped. Eric said he always felt fortunate that there were no kids involved.

Eric had worked for years as a paralegal and lived about and hour from us in a small bungalow that needed a lot of work. He had pretty much come to terms with the fact that he and marriage just didn't mix successfully, and he spent all of his spare time either at the gym or at home working on fixing up his handyman's special. I had spent more than a few Saturdays there myself, helping with the new roof and windows, and he was coming over to return the favor. Our deck was in pretty bad shape, and Tom and Eric had agreed to lend me a hand.

Tom and I didn't talk that entire week, and I tried to push what had happened between us out of my mind altogether. I spent a lot of time alone, but even refrained from masturbating because I wasn't ready to confront any sexual thoughts at all. I tried to keep very busy, working late in the garage getting ready for Saturday's repairs on the deck, and Margaret didn't seem to notice that I was unavailable for sex--- at least, if she did, she didn't say anything about it.

Saturday morning Margaret and I got the kids up early. Tom, Lois and the boys arrived at 8:30 sharp, and our wives had everything packed for the beach. The six of them piled into Lois and Tom's SUV and headed out for a full day of sand, surf and sun.

Just as they pulled away, my brother Eric zoomed up in his new silver Mazda 6.

"Just in time!" he called out, and stepped out of the car. He was wearing an old t-shirt, equally old denim shorts, and sneakers that had seen better days.

"I hope you're paying me for today," he said as he gave me hug. "I've got car payments to make!"

"Yeah right," I said. "Sorry, you're doing this one for free. Remember, I nearly fell off your roof last month."


"So Eric, how's it hanging?" Tom extended his hand and he and Eric shook heartily. "Good to see you again."

"Good to see you. Yeah, it's hanging. I haven't gotten laid in three months, but it's still hanging'..."

Tom laughed. "Three months? You must need some sorting out."

"Yeah, my right hand has been hard at work." Eric grabbed his own crotch.

"Okay, okay," I interjected. "I don't want to hear about my brother's sex life, if you don't mind."

"Hey, relax, bro" Eric replied with a smile. "You always were the shy one. Tom, you know that John and I shared the same room for seven years and we've never even seen each other naked."

Eric was right. My brother and I had never even discussed sex while growing up. We lead pretty separate existences through high school. He had his girlfriends, I had mine, and we kept out business to ourselves.

Tom seemed genuinely surprised. "You guys gotta be kiddin' me! You shared a room all those years and never even shared a good wank?"

"No, not a chance, Tom" I replied quickly. "This guy's the last person I'd wanna share that with."

"Wow, thanks bro, I appreciate the honesty!" Eric slapped me on the back. "But seriously..."

"Seriously what?" I asked.

This time Tom interrupted. "Seriously all this talk has gotten me hornier than ever and I'm gonna go have myself a quick wank before we get going on fixing up this deck of yours. Anyone interested?"

To my surprise, Eric responded in the affirmative. "Yeah, what the fuck. I'm in."

Tom added, "how about big brother?"

I hesitated for a moment.

Eric looked at me and winked. "Come on big brother, we're old enough that you can drop that shy routine. The sooner I shoot a good load the sooner I can get to work."

"That goes for me too,' Tom added, and headed off into the house. "Let's get goin'."

I followed Tom and Eric into the den. Tom drew the blinds closed and started to undress. Eric and I followed suit. We tossed our clothes into a big pile and just stood there awkwardly for a few moments, completely naked, without speaking.

I had never seen Eric like that before, and I was amazed at what great shape he was in.

"Hey man," I said, "you trim your pubes."

"Yeah, like everybody at the gym!" Eric said with a laugh. I could see that he was looking at my crotch. "Hey, after all these years, I see we're pretty much the same size."

"I'd say you two are indeed," Tom added, and started stroking his own dick. "But I'll have you both beat by an inch in no time."

"Yeah how do you know until we're all hard?" Eric questioned.

I shot Tom a stern look, but he didn't catch it.

"Cause' your brother and I have jerked off together before," he said plainly. "I've handled his equipment personally."

"No shit!" Eric shouted. "That IS a surprise."

"Gee, thanks Tom," I said in embarrassment. "I'm not particularly proud of that, you know."

Eric interjected. "It's no big deal, bro. My roommate in college and I always jerked off together. It's no shit. When there are no chicks around, it's the next best thing. It beats your own hand, anyway."

"Now I like the way this man thinks," Tom commented. At this point both Tom and Eric's dicks were standing at attention, but mine was just starting on its way up. We were all standing in a circle pretty close to one another.

"Yo, Eric, what do you way we help your brother along?"

Eric's eyes widened. "What do you have in mind?"

Tom suddenly turned towards me and pushed me to the couch. "Hey, what's up!" I said laughing.

I sat back on the couch and Tom kneeled on the rug in front of me. He grasped my semi-hard dick in his left hand and motioned Eric over with his right.

"What's this all about?" I asked.

Tom suddenly turned serious. "Eric, get down here and suck your brother's dick."

Eric didn't move. "I... hey that's beyond me, man. I never sucked dick before. I mean..."

Tom's tone grew even more stern. "I mean stop shitting and get on your knees and suck his dick."

I leaned forward but Tom grasped my dick tightly and pushed me back down with his free hand. "Relax, John. Eric, get down here."

Eric slowly got down and kneeled next to Tom in front of me. "I... shit, I can't suck another guy's dick, least of all my own brother's!"

Tom smirked. "Yeah, yeah you can." He put his hand on the back of Eric's neck and pushed him down towards my dick...

Next: Chapter 6

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