Breaking Down Barriers

By Tristan

Published on May 28, 2004


The story herein is copyrighted by the author. It contains descriptions of sexual activity between consenting adults and is intended for adult readers only.

I stared up at the dark wood ceiling for what seemed like an hour, but I just couldn't fall asleep. The air was hot and heavy, and smelled of sweat. Neither Tom nor I had taken a shower since well before our long 7 hour road trip, and in our close quarters you could cut the odor of perspiration with a knife. To make matters worse, I hadn't cum in 24 hours, and my dick was rock hard and demanded my attention-but I just couldn't bring myself to masturbate with Tom in the bunk right below me.

The fact that I had just seen him shoot his load all over is chest made me wonder if I was just afraid to respond to nature's call the way he had, without shame or embarrassment. Sure, he didn't expect me to jump down from the bunk to take a piss, and then turn around just in time to watch him climax. But then again, he could have stopped as soon as I slid down, and he didn't.

After awhile, Tom must have heard me tossing and turning.

"Yo, John, you awake up there?"

"Yeah, you too, obviously." I leaned down over the edge of the bunk and saw Tom getting out of bed.

"It's hot as fucking hell in here. I'm gonna go out back and take a quick shower, and try to at least cool off."

He grabbed a towel and headed for the cabin door. In the dim moonlight that streamed in from the windows, I could make out a bit of dark curly hair in his ass crack and in the small of his back, and beads of sweat on his neck.

"I'll only be a couple of minutes if you want to take one after me," he said, and the door closed behind him.

A few seconds later I could hear the squeak of the old rusty shower knob, and the water rushing. The cabin walls were so thin that it sounded like the water was flooding the entire cabin.

It was right then that I decided I would have to relieve the pressure in my dick before Tom came back from the shower. It usually didn't take me long to cum--- I always used some porn to get me going, and after that I only ever needed a minute or two. Being a very visual person, I had stashed a couple of girlie magazines in with my stuff, just in case. I jumped down from the bunk, and was about to open the top drawer of the dresser when something white caught my attention in the dark.

There, on the floor, right by the foot of Tom's bunk, were the crumpled tissues he had used to wipe up his cum.

Without even thinking, I bent down and picked up the tissues. They were still damp, and even a bit warm. At first I wondered what I was even thinking, but something that would have never even entered my mind the day before was happening by itself. I lifted the tissues to my nose and breathed in. The smell was heavy and strong, completely masculine, a mix of Tom's semen and sweat, and as soon as I inhaled I new that I needed to shoot my own load in hurry.

I dropped my sweat pants and tossed them up onto my bunk. Then I stood there in the dark, with my right hand stroking my dick, and the other pressing the tissues to my nose. As my pace quickened, I continued to inhale the potent and musky aroma of Tom's fluids.

In just a few seconds, I felt the cum rising up my shaft. I hadn't thought ahead as to where I was going to shoot, but at that particular moment I didn't care. I tensed up, and shot a powerful load straight out in front of me.

Right then I heard the squeak of the old shower faucet outside. Tom had finished up, and was on his way in, and there I was, with my dick dripping cum onto the cement floor, and his own cum-filled tissues crumpled in my hand.

I decided to make use of those tissues and kneeled down to quickly soak up what I could of my own load. It was then that I noticed my cum had shot farther than I thought-I had even managed to get some on Tom's sheets, and on the edge of his pillow.


I knew I had just seconds before Tom entered the cabin. Even in the dark, I wouldn't be able to hide my actions. I tried to wipe my cum from Tom's pillow, but the tissues were already saturated, and I only made matters worse.

"Something wrong?"

The door of the cabin creaked shut, and Tom was standing right behind me. He put his hand on my shoulder.

"John, you drop something? Oh... shit..."

His voice trailed off.

"I... I... was just..." I couldn't get the words out, and was trying to think fast, but no luck.

Tom reached for the switch and turned on the lamp. I stood there silently, blinking against the light while Tom took it all in. It seemed like a full minute before anyone said anything more.

Still pretty wet, Tom just stood there with his towel wrapped around his waist and didn't move. His damp hairy legs glistened below the white towel.

"Look," I said finally, "I just... got a little carried away."

Tom finally chuckled. "Missed the target, did you? I'll flip that pillow over, if you don't mind...!"

I was mortified, and didn't know what to say next. I only prayed that he hadn't noticed that the tissues in my hand were the same ones he had used on himself.

"I think you could definitely use a good shower, buddy" he said, and patted me on the back. There was clearly still a lot of cum in my pubes and along my thumb.

"Right... yeah..." I stammered again.

My dick was still semi-hard, and a droplet of cum was about to fall from its tip.

Tom reached into his duffle bag and pulled out a couple of fresh tissues. "Here, I think you could use these."

Rather than hand them to me, he moved towards me and placed the tissues against my chest. He began to wipe downwards towards my pubes, but stopped just shy of my dick. "Here, I think you should take over." I picked up where he left off and wiped up the rest.

"Right, thanks, I'll clean up out back. Sorry...for the mess." I grabbed a towel and headed out to the shower.

"Hey... John..." he called after me.


"We knew there wasn't going to be any privacy in this place. Remember, we said that what happens here..."

"Stays here," I concluded. "Right."

"And this is only the first night. Maybe it's for the best that this happened right away, so we can let loose a little. Man, we broke the ice. I mean... I...I jerk off at least twice a day. Lois is used to it... What can I say? I'm a horn dog. And from the look of things I'd say that you and I are pretty similar in that department."

I only nodded, and then went out to the shower.

Next: Chapter 3

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