Breaking Down Barriers

By Tristan

Published on May 27, 2004


I have been married for 20 years now to a wonderful woman. Our sex life has always been fine, if not spectacular, and I certainly never considered myself anything but purely heterosexual. At the start of our marriage we made love almost every day. As the years passed, this dwindled to once or twice a week, which seemed fine and normal to both of us. I find that masturbating takes less effort and leaves me feeling just as satisfied, so jerking off once a day has become a steady part of my routine. It helps me shake off the stress of working two jobs, and lets me get a good night's sleep.

My good friend Tom and I certainly never talk much about out marriages or our sex lives. We concentrate on our kids, sports, and the stock market. He has two boys, I have two boys, all close in age. Our wives are on the PTA together. We all have dinner out at least twice a month, take the kids to the movies and to lacrosse practice, and host dinners and barbeques at our respective houses.

Last summer, our wives decided that the men should take the four boys camping at the lake for a week while they took a well-deserved brake from motherhood. We agreed, packed up the kids and Tom's minivan, and headed to the campsite. We never really planned on roughing it too much, since this particular site advertised small cabins that accommodate two, each with an outdoor shower in the back, and a small interior bathroom.

We arrived at the site at sunset and quickly sized up the three cabins we had reserved. We gave the cleanest and best two cabins to the kids, with two boys in each cabin. Our two eldest sons, Eric and Robert, ages 15 and 16, shared one, and the two youngest, Brian and Mark, ages 13 and 14, shared the other. It took awhile to get the boys settled, then we headed over to our cabin.

Tom and I were not particularly impressed with our accommodations, but we had to make it work since it was the only cabin available. The room was small, with bunk beds taking up most of one side of the room, a small dresser and lamp, and an old toilet and sink right there against the wall, with no door and no privacy. The outdoor shower was no more than an old shower head sticking out from the side of the cabin's gray wood siding, with gravel below, and its curtain was long gone. So we realized right away that quarters were pretty cramped and that there wasn't going to be a lot of privacy.

"Looks like we are going to be pretty tight in here," I said, and threw my duffle bag up onto the top bunk. "What's your preference? I'll take the top if you don't care."

"Yeah, that's fine" Tom remarked and tossed his bag onto the bottom bunk. "I don't care about the bunks, it's this crappy bathroom I'm more concerned about. How am I going to take a shit with you sitting here less than three feet across from me?"

We both laughed and started unpacking our bags.

"Look," I said after a minute, "about the bathroom thing..."

"Yeah? Any ideas?"

"When you need your privacy, I can take a walk, hang out with the kids while you do your thing, and vice versa."

Tom hesitated for a second. "Look, we're good buddies. I can handle it like an adult if you can. If our shit stinks, no problem. We've got the windows open. And as for privacy, we've got the next seven days to share together in here, so there's no use standing on ceremony. What happens in here stays in here. Agreed?

Tom reached out his hand and we shook on it. "Agreed."

"Good. It's getting late so there's no use wasting any time. Good-bye privacy!" He unbuttoned has kaki shorts, let them fall to his ankles and kicked them off. "I'm gonna... eh... do number two. Sorry, buddy."

Tom pulled a magazine from the side pocket of his duffle bag, kicked off his blue and white plaid boxers and sat down on the bowl.

"No problem, knock yourself out. I'm gonna unpack." I turned my back and started to sort out my things. It felt a little awkward, standing there just a couple of feet from where my friend was sitting on the bowl. I wondered if it was impolite to make conversation.

Just then Tom let out a loud fart, and started to get down to business. "Ah, sorry man."

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, no problem. I'll have plenty of chances to return the favor over the next week. Damn-- that stinks!"

I turned and started putting some things in the top drawer of the dresser. I could hardly help notice Tom sitting there on the bowl wearing nothing but an old white wife-beater and white sweat socks. He held a magazine in one hand-one of those cheesy "erotic letters to the editor" - and held down his dick with the other.

"You wouldn't believe some of the stuff in here," he said, and shook the magazine at me. "Feel free to give it a read when you're on the bowl. But be careful, it's not the greatest thing getting a hard-on while you're trying to take a shit."

"Will do. I'll remember that."

Tom leaned up to wipe his ass, and I could see that his dick was cut and semi-hard. Its head was just starting to turn pink, and the thick shaft rose out of tight black pubes.

Tom didn't seem to care. "Let's wash up and hit the sack. The boys are gonna be like wild animals at the crack of dawn. It'll be all we can do to keep up with them, you can bet on it." He flushed and went over to the sink to brush his teeth. "You mind if I go first?"

"No problem. I'll get undressed."

Instinctively, I turned my back to Tom as I dropped my shorts and underwear, and tossed my shirt onto the dresser. I realized that it was almost ridiculous to attempt even a bit of modesty, since the chances of maintaining any privacy seemed to already have gone out the window. I turned around and tried to imagine that we were just changing at the gym and that this wasn't anything out of the ordinary. But strangely enough, Tom and I had never had occasion to see each other naked before. I wasn't ashamed of my body, since I was really in good shape for a guy of 40, but it seemed odd to see him almost sporting a hard-on, with me standing naked right behind him.

I turned around and stuck my toothbrush under the running water while Tom was busy brushing.

"Looks like that magazine got you a little excited." I don't know what made me say it, but I did.

Tom took the brush out of his mouth and spit in the sink. "Sorry, I didn't think you'd notice. Damn." He grabbed the towel from his bag and wrapped it around his waist. As he continued brushing, it was obvious that his dick was getting harder rather than softer.

"Look," I said, "it's---eh--- no problem, really. I can deal with it. Like you said, we are both adults. I'm sure our kids will be sporting wood all weekend, and they'll have to deal with it. We're all men."

Tom laughed. "Yeah, they're probably all jerking off to some magazines right now. Ah, to be fifteen again!"

"Don't worry, you're doing okay for 42," I laughed. "Judging from that tent in your towel, I'd say that Lois is a lucky woman."

"You think so? I never really gave it much thought." To my surprise, Tom let his towel drop to one side as he turned to face me. His exposed dick had grown to a full 7 inches. "What about Margaret?"

"Well, she's never complained! I'd say that you and I are pretty comparable... well if I were hard, that is."

There was a slight stirring in the tip of my penis, but I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I could not help but stare down at Tom's dick, even though I had never felt any attraction to a man before and did not know what to make of my sudden curiosity. I quickly turned, grabbed my sweat pants, and slid them up. "Bedtime."

Tom splashed some water on his face and ran his hands through his short, spiked black hair. "Man, this isn't going to go down so easily." He grabbed his dick and gave it a slap. I saw it bounce to one side and back again.

I climbed up to the top bunk and started to get under the sheets. "Look, no problem, do what you need to do. I won't see what you're up to down there anyway."

Tom shut the water, turned off the light on the dresser, and climbed into his bunk beneath mine. "You sure..." he hesitated. "I mean, I really appreciate it. This is really breaking down those barriers, I know..."

I hadn't considered it before, but I guessed that there always had been a sort of boundary between Tom and me. Sure, our wives would hug and kiss each other, our kids would wrestle all over the place, but Tom and I never really shared more than a hearty handshake. All at once he was telling me that he needed to masturbate with me there in the room. I wasn't sure if I needed to object or not, but something inside of me said that it was foolish for me to act like a prude.

"Look, Tom, go for it. Trust me-- I won't be paying any attention."

The cabin was hot and muggy. I kept shifting from one side of the narrow bunk to the other, but couldn't get comfortable. After a few minutes, I could hear noises coming from below. Tom was apparently stroking his dick, slowly, and his breathing was getting heavy.

Suddenly I realized that I hadn't taken a piss before getting into bed, and I had to go in the worst way. I decided to try to wait until Tom finished jerking off, but it was getting impossible for me to hold it. I slid down off the bunk and headed to the toilet.

Tom didn't stop stroking his dick. While I stood there taking a leak, I could hear him beating it faster, and his breathing was getting louder. I couldn't see him, but I could hear him.

I shook the last few drops of piss from my dick, tied up the strings of my sweat pants and turned around. Just at the moment I could see that Tom was nearing his climax. I was fascinated by what I saw. I had never seen another man playing with his dick before, except maybe in straight porno flicks. But this was right in front of my eyes.

Tom's eyes glanced quickly to the side. He looked at me, then looked quickly back at his dick. He closed his eyes, slowed and tightened his grip, and tensed his hips. A long stream of cum shot out onto his chest, followed by a few short squirts. As he came, he moaned softly. Then he reached for a couple of tissues that he had stuck under his pillow, and quietly wiped up.

Without either of us saying a word, I climbed up into my bunk and tried my best to fall asleep.

Next: Chapter 2

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