Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 2, 2023


Brice had in fact, dozed on and off while Jay was out. His dreams were filled with all that had happened so quickly. He had called Jay for a drink, with an agenda, and now here he was, tied up, gagged, in a cock cage, and he had surrendered to Jay. He had been butt fucked, twice, mouth fucked, once, and he was calling Jay "Sir." Why wasn't he fighting it? His resistance had been minimal. He wondered what Jay was going to do when he got back, and those thoughts were arousing him. Again.

He heard the door slam, and Jay's footsteps down the staircase. He saw Jay stop, look at him , and smile.

"You know, Brice. If I could come home to this scene every day, I would be a very happy man."

"Mmmph Mmph" Brice tried to say he wouldn't be so happy, but nothing got through the tape. Jay came over and pulled it away.

"You're such a hairy beast that had to hurt. That's one I'm sorry about stud. It's a hurt that was unintentional. I figured you'd yell if I didn't gag you, but I didn't want to shave that studly hair either. " He reached in and kissed Brice, but didn't shove down his tongue.

"Oh my. Your lips are parched. You need water, don't you?

"Yes sir. Please. " Jay ran over to the sink and filled a glass, and put a straw in it. He brought the glass to Brice's mouth. "Not gonna let ya loose yet Brice, and I really can't overhydrate you. Neither of us wants you to wet yourself."

"Why would I wet myself Sir?" Brice asked, before he saw the leer on Jay's face, and remembered. Oh shit.

"Because, handsome, one of my favorite ways to train a sub, is with tickling." Jay went over to the electric switch, and ratcheted Brice's arms straight up. "Now there you are. A hairy canvas, waiting for a top man artist to get to work."

Jay put his fingers into Brice's armpits. The sensation made Brice jump, but the restraints kept him in place.

"Nowhere to go stud. Helpless." Jay dug into the pits, and Brice began to howl. "Oh, YEAH Briceman. That big booming laugh of yours. You have no idea what a turn on it is. " As Jay moved his fingers down Brice's sides, digging into his ribs, the booming laugh got more shrill, almost like a desperate cry.

"Please Sir, " Brice gasped out. "Please. I'm so ticklish. I can't breathe."

Jay stopped. "Ok, stud. I'm gonna break it off. But you better remember this, because that's gonna be your punishment if you piss me off. And I'm gonna get pissed off if, when we get upstairs in the bedroom, you don't tell me any of your hotspots I've missed."

Brice got worried. He was 45, and besides his cock, and his ears, he really didn't KNOW of any other hotspots, until Jay had found them. He didn't know about his nips, or how excited getting Frenched would make him. Or the edging. Or how once he got past the pain of the butt fucking, how good it would feel. No woman had ever tied him up, and while he had fantasized about it, he never knew how hard it would get him. Or how much he'd enjoy sleeping in Jay's arms. Or feeling Jay on top of him.

Jay released the restraints, and pulled Brice's wrists behind him, tying them. He pulled something from the table top, and locked it around Brice's neck. "This, Brice, is a slave collar. And this is the leash." He put it through a loop on the collar. "It's a little extreme, but you need to learn everything. Not up here, but in the city, I might wanna lead you around certain neighborhoods with this. Humiliation is good for a sub. For now, I'm just gonna lead you upstairs with it."

He moved fast, and Brice had to hustle. Whether it was the new contraption, the promise of the bedroom, or something else, Brice was getting even more aroused.

"Some people like to put t heir subs in hoods Brice. I'm not a fan. Especially not for you, with that beautiful set of eyes." He pulled Brice in by the leash, and now the frenching began. Jay pushed his knee against the locked cock, and slid it back and forth. "BASTARD" Brice was thinking, but he was also moaning. The moaning got louder when Jay rubbed his scruff on Brice's ear, nibbled it, and whispered "When a DOM has a hard on, what does the sub do?"

"Uh, suck his DOM Sir?" Jay smiled. "That's a good answer, and one option. Another one, is to ask to get fucked. Remember that for next time. " By now, they were in the bedroom, and Jay slid down Brice's tights. He could see how cramped Brice's cock was in the cage.

"Gee, you really ARE hard. Are you enjoying this more than me?"

"No Sir, " answered Brice, not really sure if this was the right answer.

"Well, we're gonna try to change that. " He untied Brice's wrists and signaled to the bed. "Face up. I wanna see you and I want you to see what I'm doing to you."

"FUCK." Brice thought back to the first time, and the rimming. That had felt so good. Was it gonna happen again?

"The last time was rough, and nasty. The first time, was tentative. This time, it's gonna be nice and slow. " He gently pushed Brice's legs in the air. He ran his finger all around Brice's hole and balls.

"Still looks nice and tight and fresh Brice. Looks tasty." Then Brice felt the tongue. He began to moan, loud, as Jay's tongue opened him more and more.

At some point, Brice realized he wasn't tied up. Should he fight? He couldn't. The sensation from the rimming had him paralyzed. Until Jay found a spot he hadn't found before, and Brice nearly went through the ceiling.

"I know I didn't tie you up, Brice. I wanted your FULL attention on what I was doing. So, should I stop, or fuck you?"

Brice answered without thinking "Fuck me Sir. Please fuck me." He realized at that moment: Jay had him. His surrender was complete.

Jay looked at Brice intently. "Seems we're gonna have to have a serious discussion at dinner tonight, handsome. For now though" Jay pulled out his hard cock, and a condom. He wrapped himself, and gently began sliding into Brice.

This time was different from the first two. It was easy. Jay just slid in, all the way. As Brice moaned, Jay stretched out on top of Brice, and kissed him. He moved his mouth over Brice's face, getting his neck and ears, as he methodically fucked him, whispering things into Brice's ear like "you're the perfect sub bitch, stud. You can take it all." Brice wanted it all. He didn't want this to end. What was happening? This man owned him now, that was clear. Was it worth fighting? For now, he didn't think so. Jay felt so good in him. The rhythm of this love making was different. Slow. Jay was smiling as he slid back slowly, and then thrust, fast. At one point, Brice tried to sit up. Maybe he wasn't tied , but Jay took care of that with a simple push, and a pin at Brice's wrists. "Not happening studpup. I control things here. The way I control YOU." Jay laughed because Brice was pushing against his hands, and getting frustrated. It only made Jay harder, and his cock was driving Brice crazy.

"PLEASE SIR. Can you let me cum when you're finished." "Not today, studmuffin. You gotta learn." Brice gritted his teeth. "I'm not gonna put out for you if I can't," and Jay just laughed. "You're not putting out, handsome. You're being taken. " Those words hit Brice. It was true. Jay had captured him, and he wasn't man enough to escape. And he was enjoying it.

Jay began to accelerate the thrusts. He was close to climax. "I never thought I'd enjoy fucking you so much Brice. NEVER" , and he shot. Brice could feel the pressure building. Would the condom hold? He was sure that Jay was careful, but still. " Breathing hard, Jay pulled out of him.

"DAMN. Your ass is literally hot Brice. I feel like my weenie cooked in there." Brice gave some attitude back "Well, at least it had enough room to grow. Sir." Jay laid down next to him. "Brice, you're going to have to accept this. If for nothing else, for what you did to me at that firm. I haven't forgiven you for that. But I DO want you. I always did. Now I have you. And if that's not enough, just think of this as payback. If you don't want to think of yourself as my boyfriend, think of yourself as my prisoner."

"So am I going into one of those cages when you're done with me." "We'll talk about that. You're gonna be part of a bigger plan. Now, though, I wanna take a trip into town."

"TOGETHER? But people are gonna see us. " "Yeah, Brice, they are. What are you worried about?" "Well..., they're going to think I'm gay." Jay started to laugh. "Just because you're with a gay man? They all know I am. You're worried about their guesses? Tell you what? I'll tell people we talk to that you're not gay, you're just a straight guy who begs me to fuck him." "Please sir. Please don't do that. "

"Brice, you're gonna have to realize something. First of all, nobody cares. For real. Second, you're gonna be spending a LOT less time up here. You're gonna be at my place in the city."

"WHAT? I'm not giving up my house." "No, you're not. But during the week, you're gonna be making sure I'm sexually satisfied. And that means MY place. You got a problem with that?" Before Brice could answer, Jay shoved his tongue in Brice's mouth. Brice tried to push it out, but only for about ten seconds. Then he took it. It felt so good.

"Am I gonna have to wear this cage all the time, Sir?" "Most of the time. It'll keep you in line, keep you away from the ladies, and you'll have to come home, because to get it off, you'll need me to use the key."

Brice began thinking "I'm fucked even when he's not fucking me. " Still, the thought of being controlled, and dominated, was again, getting him aroused.

"Let's get ourselves dressed. I wanna take a walk in town, like I said. "

They got up, and Jay pulled out clothes for Brice. "This is one of my things, stud. I like to dress my man. And I have never seen you in anything but business clothes." He pulled out a denim, snap button shirt for Brice, and white jeans. "Where did you get these, stud? I don't imagine you wearing things like this." Brice blushed "An old girlfriend got them for me. She thought I'd look good in them."

"I may have to meet this lady. She seems to have good taste. She picked these clothes, but more than that.. she picked you, sexy." Brice didn't answer, and Jay teased him "Did she wear a strap on when you were having sex?"

NO. No one ever shoved anything in me.... Before you.... Sir." Jay continued to tease. "Hmmm. Maybe I'll invite her to do it. And watch." Brice was finished dressing, and Jay looked him over. "Fuck me with a rolling pin. I gotta talk to Miller about letting you guys go at least business casual."

"We are. In 3 months," Brice answered. That got a smile out of Jay. "Terrific. It's gonna make dressing you even more fun.


They drove into town. Of course, Jay made Brice leave two buttons of his shirt opened, and this time, he added making Brice walk with his hands behind his back. "I don't know why people will stare if I walk you around tied up, but no one thinks anything of that. Still, it will remind you of your role."

As they passed the jeweler, Jay stopped. "Let's go in. I have something on order." He opened the door, letting Brice in. The proprietor looked up. "JAY! So nice to see you." Jay shook his hand. "Hey Mike. You been busy?" Mike answered "Not too right now. Wedding season is over, Valentine's day won't be for a while. Mostly commission pieces like yours." He looked up "Is that Brice ? he asked. Brice looked at Jay , who shook his head. Brice pulled his hand from behind him to shake Mike's. "Glad to meet you. " "Yeah, Brice, we used to be in the same hiking club. You probably don't remember me. You were always one for the ladies."

Jay smiled "well, not anymore, Mike. That's who my special order is for." Mike smiled. "I see. You know, I always had my doubts. Brice, you're with a good man."

Brice's head almost exploded "I had my doubts." People thought he was gay? This guy wasn't surprised. "Yeah, Mike, I guess you could say that Brice is mine now," said Jay. Mike's smile made Brice blush big time. "you know, Brice, Jay could have any man he wants. You're a lucky one." Brice muttered "I guess."

Jay smiled "he's new to this Mike. I'm his first." Mike made a big OOOO with his lips. "Well, he couldn't be with a better guy. Let me get you that piece." As he walked to the back , Jay turned to Brice. "hands go behind you again," Brice was nearly apoplectic. "Yes sir. But we're gonna talk about that too." Jay smiled "Maybe."

Mike came back with a neck chain, with a lock at the end. He turned it over to show it to Jay. Inscribed were the words "Owned by Jay." "Here's a present for you Brice. Go ahead, take it. I wanna see how it looks on you."

If Brice's head had nearly exploded before, it did now. He was so conflicted. If he put it on, well..., that was surrender, again. He didn't want to. But he DID want to. What did he want? Well, he wanted the cage off his cock, and if he didn't put it on, who knows when it would come off? And he could always slip it off when Jay wasn't around. He took it, slipped it over his neck.

"Mike, it's PERFECT" Jay crowed. "You got the PERFECT fit. Brice, look in the mirror. Silver looks good on you." When he did, Brice put his hand on the small of Brice's back. Brice had done that when leading his women around. Again, Jay was treating him like he treated his women. But it felt... right.. And good.

"Thank you Sir. It's beautiful. Can I say thank you with a kiss?" Jay smiled. Another sign he had won. "Later. Not now. We gotta get to dinner." He shook Mike's hand. "Again, Mike, thank you. You're an artist . I'm gonna make sure I send more business your way."

As they left the shop, Brice asked, in a low voice "Do I have to wear this all the time?" Jay smiled. "Well, no. You DO have to wear it when I'm around, and for the rest.... you'll have to decide, stud. "

Brice was silent, then asked "can we talk about what you expect from me at dinner, Sir?" Jay answered "you're reading my mind, Brice. That's what I plan to talk about. Now if you're reading my mind, you know how much I like that shirt on you, especially since the pockets lead me right to your nipples."

Someone walked by as Jay said "nipples" and turned around and smirked. Brice blushed, again. "Could you not be so explicit in public, Sir?" Jay kind of laughed "Well, I COULD, but why should I be? And I DO like the way the shirt looks on you."

Brice fumed, but again, he was conflicted. The compliments were sincere. He knew that because, any time he saw Jay naked, he was hard. His kisses put Brice on fire, and that third time making love, had been so hot, Brice didn't want it to end. But he didn't want people seeing this in public. The pendant? It embarrassed him. Even if no one saw the inscription, they could see the lock. He knew enough about Jay's world to know that signaled "owned." His life as a playboy was over. Instead of a playboy, he was a bottom boy. Jay had called him that, and it still stung.

They got to the restaurant. Brice knew about it, but he had never gone. He never wanted to pay that much for food. Jay opened the door for him, like he would for a woman. The host looked right past Brice, saw Jay, and started laughing and smiling, and running at the mouth in Italian. Brice was even more stunned than he had been that whole trip, when Jay answered in Italian. Jay turned to him. "C'mon Briceman, our table is set. It's in the back. It's private. When they got there, Brice saw it was also one of those tables where two people sat next to each other, rather than across from each other. "Yeah, Brice. I'm gonna feel you up while I'm eating my pasta. STOP LOOKING LIKE A FUCKING SCARED RABBIT. "

They sat down, and Jay ordered drinks. When they came , Brice's was his favorite scotch. How did Jay know that, while he didn't even know Jay spoke Italian?

"So, what does my studmuffin wanna eat? Italian sausage?" Jay laughed as Brice reddened. "You can have that later, I promise. "

After they ordered, Jay did put his hand on Brice's thigh. "So, I'm gonna tell you how things are gonna be from now on Brice, but you look very angry, and very frustrated. So, why don't you get it out. You don't even have to use Sir for a while."

"I AM angry Jay. And I AM frustrated. Why are you doing this to me? "

Jay raised his eyebrows. "You really have to ask that? The man who complained I was sexually harassing him and got me fired? You know, when I told my friends about it, they had a suggestion: drug him, tie him up, and cut off his balls. I considered it. I was THAT angry. "

Brice's voice was very soft. "I'm truly sorry about that. I don't know how to fix it. You just scared me at the office. You had no problem with checking out guys, or making jokes, or just being yourself. " He paused. "I guess I don't know what I wanted, or anything else. You just freaked me out by making me think a man could want me."

Jay took his hand. "How bad has it been? Yeah, I know I whipped your ass with the belt, and I fucked you hard, once. But if you can honestly say you haven't enjoyed this, and you haven't been hard for most of these two days, I'll give you your keys, you can head out, and I'll take the railroad home. I'll give you the cage keys too."

Jay stared right into Brice's eyes, and asked "well, is that what you want." Brice could feel his body getting warmer. He didn't want it, but he felt like he should. He thought about being in bed with Jay again, feeling wrapped up in his arms, being desired, being taken. His answer took a long time.

"No sir. I deserved that whipping. I deserved the punishment. " He began to cry "What I don't deserve, is you".

There weren't many people in the restaurant, and their section was private. Jay signaled the waiter to give them some privacy, and he pulled Brice in and hugged him. "Now Briceman. This isn't a question of what someone deserves, or doesn't deserve. I want you . Of all the guys at that office, I always wanted you the most. I was told, you were a cold, hard, obnoxious bastard. And you are. " Brice laughed to hear himself described that way. "But you're also one of the hottest men I've ever met. I don't think I've ever wanted someone as badly, and for as long as I wanted you. And if you don't want to go away, and you're happy with being my sub, then I want you to just stay with me. " He reached in and kissed Brice, without tongue. "You good with that?"

Brice kissed back, and opened his mouth "I'm good with that Sir. I'll learn. Just be patient."

Their dinner plates came. "Let's eat. We'll talk about your new role. And maybe later tonight, MAYBE, if you can convince me I should, I'll unlock you early. "

After dinner, and a brief chat between Jay and the manager, they began heading back to Jay's house. Brice remembered to put his hands behind his back and Jay rested his hand on his shoulder: "Good boy. Maybe you'll get a reward for that." Brice snarled. "Yeah, like a dog." Jay laughed. "You want it doggie style? We can do that."Brice sighed "Is sex the only thing that's on your mind?" Jay smiled "when I'm with you stud, yeah. And you're gonna get fucked in really grand style when we get back. I got a surprise for you."

"You already gave me this slave necklace. What's next? A nipple ring?"

"Hmmm. Hadn't thought about that, but I will now. You know they make your nips more sensitive, don't you stud?"

"I think you made mine sensitive enough." Jay laughed. "Always room for improvement. It's time to go back to using Sir again, bottom"

Brice thought Jay had forgotten.

Back at the house, Jay pushed Brice up against the wall, pinning his wrists. He moved in with his tongue. "Every time I looked at you tonight, I kept on thinking about those nipples. And other things. " He grabbed Brice's nipples through the shirt, and then popped open the snaps. "Let me make them more sensitive." He began squeezing until Brice began to moan.

"Tonight we're going downstairs, Brice. We're gonna play on the big table down there. "

"Yes sir," was all Brice could get out. What did Jay have in mind? He had fucked him that afternoon. It had been great, but..., twice in less than 8 hours. ?

Jay signaled for Brice to lay on the table, spread out like a star. He cinched his wrists. Then his ankles. Brice's chest and torso were exposed, and Jay began stroking them, like he had the first time, stopping to pinch nipples. He gave a look to Brice.

"What if I told you not to cum, and didn't use the cage. Would you have obeyed?"

The question threw Brice for a loop. He thought of saying "of course not," but he wasn't sure. Yeah, the trapped hard on was torture at every minute. But being dominated by Jay had been almost total pleasure. He didn't know.

"I think I know the answer to that Brice," Jay smiled, opened Brice's jeans, and slipped them down. Now, watch me." He took Brice's caged cock in his hand, and pressed gently. Brice heard a snap, the cage came off, and his cock jumped up.

'WHAT THE FUCK JAY? I mean SIR" Jay was nearly laughing. "The cage was a test. It was never locked. You coulda taken it off any time you wanted to. "

"But you would've beat me good, Sir." Jay answered "Think about that for a minute. No, I wouldn't have, because you never would have tried it. Brice, you are a true sub. You always have been, and you always will be."

Brice tried to fight the thought in his head, but Jay was right. Yes, he had wanted to cum, and he had wanted to cum, badly. But Jay had told him not to. And that had been the end of it. He had tried to do everything Jay told him to do. When he hadn't succeeded, Jay let him know. And he had apologized. He had to cum, badly, but he had fought the frustration.

"You a sub Brice." "No Sir. I'm not just any sub. I'm YOUR sub."

Jay grinned. "Well, that's a perfect answer. You'll get to cum tonight, after we finish a few things. By the way, how'd you like being mind fucked?" Jay continued. "I fucked both your holes, and now.... "

Brice realized at that moment, how totally dominated he had been. He WAS Jay's property.

You know, I told you how much I love your fur, and I do. But, stud... a part of you needs to be clean. Your man pussy" . Jay stepped away, and came back with creme, a bowl, and a straight edge razor. "OH SHIT. He's gonna use that on my pubes. :

"NO SIR. PLEASE. " "Lay still Brice. If you wanna watch you can. It won't take long. Oh, by the way, having the cock cage off isn't always a good thing cause I'm going to be holding your peter for leverage.

"OH FUCK. This was gonna be the worst" thought Brice. Jay wasn't stroking him, but the pressure of his fist.... As he slowly, methodically, took off Brice's pube hair.

"How you doing stud? " "I'm uncomfortable Sir. I need to shoot. Bad."

"Well, you're gonna have to wait until I'm finished cleaning you off stud. Then, you gotta take care of your Dom" Jay took his time cleaning Brice off, telling him every now and then "you're so fuckable. My sub stud."

He finally moved all the shaving stuff back to the sink. Brice began to writhe, trying desperately to shoot by bucking up and down. His moans were frustrated.

"Oh, my poor, blue balled stud. " Jay laughed and came over, running his thumbs over Brice's nips. "I was gonna use clamps on you tonight, muffin, but we'll wait on those. Instead...." He started releasing the restraints. "You're gonna get on your knees, and blow me. See if you've improved."

"Can I cum after that Sir?" Jay gave him a look. "Yes. But don't ask that again. "

"Sorry Sir. I'm just so desperate." Jay dropped his pants. "Suck your Master's cock. NOW" Brice fell on it. The sausage he was promised at dinner. Jay had to admit that Brice WAS getting better at this. Breaking him over and over again, had brought out the true sub in the man. Thoughts of what else he was gonna do to his prize flooded his mind. Clamps, yeah. And so many other toys. And walking around the city with this handsome man.... He exploded, and this time, Brice swallowed. He didn't even gag once.

Jay pulled Brice in, and embraced him. "WHAT a good sub. MY sub. " He kissed Brice and looked him right in the eye. "Shall I jerk you, or do you want to do yourself?"

"Whatever you think is better Sir." Jay smiled. Yes, he WAS getting it. "Then lay back on the table. I'll do it. " Brice smiled as he got in position. Jay had to work very slowly, because Brice was SO hard. Precum started coming out in seconds. His moaning began and got louder. Unprompted he moaned "I love my DOM's hand. I love what you do to me SIR. "Then "OH GOD OH GOD." Jizz started spilling all over.

Jay smiled. Of course Brice was gonna have to clean this up. After a little cuddling.

Next: Chapter 7

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