Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 1, 2023


Brice had never slept with a man before, not even as a kid. Now, wrapped up in Jay's arms, Jay's big strong leg thrown over him, he wondered why he hadn't. Yes, his growing erection, trapped in the cock cage, was painful, but feeling Jay's hand on his nip, his breath against his neck, and his hard on against his ass, it all felt so good.

He tried to convince himself that it was because Jay's bed was so comfortable. But he had slept in beds in five star hotels when he worked on cases. A bed had never given him a hard on, or made him feel wanted, or safe. At one point, he had tried to get up to use the bathroom. "Where you going, stud sub?" Jay had murmured, half asleep, and began to play with Brice's nip. The excitement that went through Brice's body, was real.

They had slept the night. Jay had kept his promise not to fuck Brice during their sleep. Brice was glad of that. He was very sore from the brutal fuck he had gotten when he tried to punch Jay. Remembering that gave him even more of a hard on, and the cage restricted him. DAMN. Brice knew there was a key to that cage, but where was it? Probably with his car keys, his wallet, and everything else. Including Jay's phone, with those photos....

Jay began to stir. His mouth landed on Brice's ear, and he nibbled as he whispered "morning handsome. I hope you slept well."

"I slept some.... Sir. This cage. It hurts sometimes."

"You'll get used to that, stud. And if you behave, it'll come off every now and then. We'll talk about that later. But for now, roll on your back."

Jay began to pull Brice in position, but it wasn't necessary. Brice moved onto his back, like a beaten man. He put up no resistance when Jay climbed on top of him. Jay laughed. "No worries Brice. I did a number on your ass. I'm not fucking you again for a while. " He arched his back and locked eyes with Brice. "You have no idea how long I've wanted you in just this position. Now, you can't give me any more trouble, or fight me. You're all mine." He brought his lips down to Brice's eyes. He kissed both of them. "You've got killer eyes too, Brice. " Then he found Brice's mouth, and the deep kissing began. Brice knew that this would make him even harder, but he couldn't get away. Jay's tongue found its mark, and soon, Brice was moaning. Jay stopped and went for Brice's ear. "You know how hot that moaning makes me? REALLY hot. " His morning scruff rubbed against the ear, and Brice was going wild. He had done this to women before, but no one had ever done it to him. The way Jay made love, just drove him crazy. But..., but...

"I think it's time you learned to suck cock Brice." Jay smiled as he saw the look of horror on Brice's face. "Now, now. It won't hurt. It's not like getting butt fucked. And yeah, I know, but I do promise, I won't cum in your mouth. "

Brice said nothing. He just went limp. "Don't want to do it Brice?" "No Sir, I don't. "

Jay sighed. "Well, here's the thing. I have a morning hard on that needs to be taken care of, and that's your job from now on. Now, if you don't want to do your job, well, maybe I can persuade you." He sat up, straddling Brice's chest. "Tell you what. I'm gonna set the timer for 15 minutes, and if you don't ask me to suck my cock by then, I'll find alternate ways to have it taken care of." He smiled.

"What're you gonna do to me for those 15 minutes, Sir". Brice knew there were penalties for forgetting that last word. He didn't want to get slapped while he was wearing the cage.

"Oh, I don't know. Again, tickling is too easy, and you hate it. But I know something you like. A lot... " Jay's hands moved up Brice's torso, to his nipples. "Here we go."

All the tit torture seemed to have made Brice's nips more sensitive. Jay just brushed his fingers over them, and Brice was aroused. When he closed his fingers on them, the moaning began. And as Jay's fingers tightened, the sensation just grew. So did his cock, until the cage blocked it.

"Please Sir. Can you take the cage off." Jay's answer was short. "No. Sub slaves wear them . You're my sub slave. And you'll suck cock. " He moved his chin down to the nips, and began rubbing his morning scruff over them. SHIT thought Brice. This is worse than being tickled. And better. It feels SO good, but..."

After the scruffing, Jay moved his mouth over each nip, and began chewing . Brice bucked so hard, he almost knocked Jay off his chest. Almost, but not quite.

"What's the matter Brice? Too much stimulation? " " Yes Sir." "Well, I could use some stimulation too. From your soft mouth. My tongue has been in there a fair piece. Now my dick needs to be in there."

Brice knew it was hopeless. Jay had won every battle. He seemed to be able to pick up and every single one of his weaknesses. If he decided to tie Brice down while he did this, it would be all over.

"Sir, I'm afraid I won't do a good job" Brice moaned. Jay stopped, smiled and played with Brice's hair. "you'll do a fine job. And you'll get better. " He pulled out his cock. "Now suck it."

Hesitantly, Brice moved his lips around Jay's cock head. "Briceman...., you can do better than that. I've seen you eat pizza. Get your mouth on that sausage." Brice felt Jay put his hand behind his head. The pressure let him know, that Jay was not letting him off the hook. He moved forward, taking the whole of Jay's cock in his mouth.

"Oh yeah. That's a good boy. " Jay pushed Brice's head forward. He felt Brice begin to gag, and he backed up. "It's ok, studmuffin. It's ok. I'm not gonna suffocate you. But you ARE gonna get me off." He pushed his cock back in. "if you use your tongue, it'll excite me more, handsome. Just sayin...."

Brice took the hint. He began to work his tongue around Jay's shaft. He tried to think back to the best blow job a woman had ever given him. What had she done? He remembered... the sliding back and forth. Taking the whole shaft, and then releasing part of it. Varying how much she put in his mouth. He could do that. Just like a.... woman. That's when it dawned on him: Jay was treating him exactly the way Brice had always treated the women he dated. They never came back. But..., why was he enjoying this so much?

Jay began to slide his cock back and forth, faster and faster. "OH YEAH. Beginner's luck stud, you're gonna bring off your Dom... Yes you are. TAKE IT." He shoved Brice's face forward and then, at the last minute, released it, pulled out his cock, and shot all over Brice's chest.

Heaving, Jay smiled. "Told ya I wouldn't cum in your mouth. That beautiful, beautiful sexy mouth. " When he whispered "you know, you're a natural cock sucker," Brice took it as a compliment. What was happening to him?

Jay jumped out of bed. "So, Brice, you broke much faster than I thought you would, so I have to change up my plans a bit. We're still spending the weekend here, so don't worry about travel. How about you go get cleaned up, and then we'll plan out the day. ?"

"Can you take the cage off, sir, and let me shoot now?" Jay shook his head. "That's one of the things we'll talk about when we're both cleaned up. Shower's over there, stud." Jay pointed to the room. Brice found a shower about the size of his, but Jay had spared no expense on anything associated with it. There was even an extra robe , and the plushest towels Brice had ever seen in a home. He knew the shampoo and soap. Both top of the line. Normally, he'd be playing with himself during a shower,but the cage.... DAMN THAT CAGE. WHY DID HE SUBMIT?" Brice knew why he had surrendered: he wanted to, and Jay had made it impossible not to. But the consequences....

When he got out of the shower, he found a pair of tight white long underwear on the bed, and a t shirt from his own house. He remembered the t shirt: it was too tight, and it showed part of his belly. How did Jay find it? Rather than piss Jay off, he got dressed. He smelled food cooking in the kitchen, and he was hungry.

As Brice entered the kitchen, Jay turned around from the stove. He smiled. "Well, well. Look at my handsome boyfriend." He came over, and pulled Brice into an embrace, kissing him. Instinctively, Brice opened his mouth, and Jay's tongue slid right in. He stared at Brice. "Good. You're learning. You like the shower?" "Yes sir," came the response. "So, how about sitting down and having some food? I make a mean waffle. And there's coffee. Brice smelled the rich brew, and was stunned when Jay poured him the cup and brought it over. His hand rested on Brice's shoulder "Sit handsome. You've already been working hard. " After the coffee, he brought over a plate of the waffles. They had pecans in them, and there was bacon too. " I figured you could use some protein other than mine," Jay laughed. Brice tried to find it funny. Instead, he dove into the food.

Jay pulled up a chair with his own plate, at Brice's right side. He ran one hand down Brice's thigh. "Those pants are sexy on you. Look at that bulge. "

"Speaking of bulges Sir, can we take the cage off?" Jay took a mouthful of waffle and coffee, and looked at Brice. "Well, we're gonna talk about that. It's Thursday, and we don't really have to leave until Sunday night. So, here's what I was thinking. Normally, I'd make a sub wear that for a week before taking it off." Brice's eyes widened. "Relax, stud, relax. You're such a newbie to this, that I think, IF you behave, I'll let you cum on Friday night, and then again on Sunday. But only if you behave."

"But Sir, I need to cum now." "No, Brice, you WANT to cum now. You don't need to. No one EVER needs to cum. You're gonna learn what sub life is about. It's Friday night." He squeezed Brice's hand. "Ok, sweetpea?" Brice frowned "Ok, sir." Jay smiled. "Good. You're learning so fast, I don't know why I didn't do this sooner." He paused. "So, this is what I thought. I need to run some errands this morning, get some groceries, crap like that. If you want to come into town with me, that's great. But if you want to stay here, we'll just have to make sure you're not gonna get away.

"Does that mean the cage, sir?" Brice asked. Jay smiled. "You might think so, but I'm having so much fun tying you up, that I think we'll do something with restraints. There are plenty in the basement. Jay's smile got bigger. "Last chance."

Brice thought about being tied up again, and his cock grew. "I'll stay, sir. I'm not sure I want people to see me this way." Jay frowned. "Well, they're going to later, because you ARE coming to town with me for some fun tonight, but that's fine. If you're finished, let's get downstairs."

Jay made Brice walk in front of him "so I can see that ass of yours and think about what to do to it." Brice reddened as he heard Jay saying things like "why did I wait so long to fuck that butt?" or "I just wanna drag you back upstairs and fuck you all morning." When they got downstairs, Brice showed him to a set of overhead restraints. "These are really neat Brice. They restrain your arms OVER your head, and with this switch, you can control how far. " He locked them on Brice's wrists. "So, I can leave them like that, or...." Jay flipped a switch and Brice's arms were forced up above his head. "And if I do it far enough." He stretched Brice out so his feet were barely on the ground "It makes it easier to do things like tickle you, or spank you, or anything else. " He pauses. "I find it makes fucking harder though, so I'll take you down eventually. " Brice was pulling at the restraints. The struggling made him turn a little and Jay put his hands on his sides, to steady him. Even that touch made Brice jump. He was THAT ticklish. He saw the leer on Jay's face. "Oh, I'll remember that. Now, I'll be gone for a few hours, and I still have to make myself beautiful, so I'm gonna lower your arms a bit so you're less uncomfortable." He flipped the switch and Brice's arms came down. "Think of yourself as a medieval prince, kept prisoner by an evil warlord. Kinda true." Jay laughed. "We're far enough off the beaten track that no one will hear you when you start screaming, because you will. But...." Jay grabbed a role of tape, and slapped a few pieces on Brice's mouth. "Tape is safer for longer time periods. " He saw the look of utter frustration and anger on Brice's face. He came up behind Brice and put his arms around him, moving fingers up to his nips. "Now Brice, tell the truth. If I left you hear, untied, would you run away." Brice hesitated, but he feared Jay would start tickling him if he lied, so he shook his head yes. "That's why we gotta do this. You're not broken yet, sweetie. You still think you can do that." So...." Jay kissed him on the neck. "Don't worry. You'll be fine. You're not the first person who wore those. It'll be about two hours. " He started up the stairs. "Oh, yeah, just so you know. When I come back, what's on the menu: there IS some tickling, and I think you're ready to get fucked again. And I made a reservation for dinner. Yeah, we're going out. You and me. " Brice began struggling "Mmmph. Mmph." "Oh, don't worry, it's not a formal place. Your clothes will be fine." And Jay headed upstairs to clean up and get dressed.

Next: Chapter 6

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