Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 29, 2023


"Mmph." Brice tried to scream, and he began to struggle against the ropes.

"Hey sleeping beauty. You were out for a while stud. We're almost home."

Brice continued to try to scream. The ropes were tight, and struggling wasn't doing him any good. The only thing it seemed to do, was give him a hard on.

"We're heading to your place for the night, Brice. After that, mine. A four day weekend. " Jay laughed. "Four whole days together. I can't wait. You wanted to spend more time together. I bet this isn't what you had in mind, though."

"MMMPH. MMMPH. MMPH." Four days with Jay. What's this about, Brice thought. What does he want?

"It was easier to get here than I thought it would be, Brice. " Jay had stopped the car in front of the house. He got out, and opened the back door, looked down at his captive and smiled.

"You look even better tied up than when you're not." Jay pulled out his phone and took some photos. "Are you sweating sweetpea?" He reached down to Brice's forehead. "Yeah, that jacket must be warm. Sorry I didn't take it off before I tied ya, but I didn't want you to get too cold."

"Mmmph, mmmph" was Brice's response. There was nothing he could do.

"Now, it might be hot to carry you in over my shoulder, but not this time. I'm gonna untie your ankles so you can walk. And I warn you, Brice. Try to kick me, and I'll break a few toes. We clear?"

Brice was helpless. He looked at Jay, and nodded yes.

"Good. Behave, and things will be fine. " Jay pulled a small army knife from his pocket. "I found it in your glove compartment. Use it for roadkill, Brice?" Jay laughed as he yanked Brice up by the forearm. "Let's go. We have a busy night ahead."

Brice struggled as Jay led him into the house. He had no idea Jay was so strong, just like he had no idea that Jay would do this. It WAS true that he had his own fantasies about Jay, but they always involved his cock in Jay's mouth. And yes, he had his share of domination fantasies, but always with a woman doing the dominating.

"You know, this is a nicer place than I expected Brice. Bachelor pad, but much neater. " Jay pulled a chair away from the living room table, and led Brice to it. "SIT." We're gonna chat a little. I'll take off the gag, but again, you make too much noise, it goes back on. Deal?"

Helplessly, Brice nodded again.

"Let me just get a few more shots," Jay pulled out his phone again, and took more pictures, before pulling the gag out of Brices mouth.


Jay grinned, just before he smacked Brice in the balls, hard. "Now THAT is exactly what I told you not to do, handsome. And when you don't follow instructions, there are consequences." Jay smacked him again. Then a third time.

"OK OK. I'll keep quiet. "

Jay smiled. "it's a very simple process, Brice. Disobedience will bring pain and punishment, as long as I've got you under control. So, Brice, if you'd like to test the ropes to avoid being under control, be my guest."

Brice did struggle, pushing against the ropes as hard as he could. It didn't do any good. He began to tire, and he thought "if I get loose, what happens? Jay's got that knife. I was drugged. Could I take him? No?" He stopped struggling and looked at Jay "What are you gonna do with me?"

Jay walked behind the chair where Brice was tied, and pressed his hands on his shoulders, massaging them. "You probably think I plan to hurt you Brice, maybe even kill you. Couldn't be further from the truth, stud." Jay slipped his hand inside Brice's shirt, and found a nipple. He twisted it gently, as he rested his chin on Brice's neck and whispered "I'm gonna FUCK you Brice. That's tonight. And then, I'm going to train you. Train you to be my sex bottom. My submissive half."

Brice had never felt the sensations that the nipple play was causing. He was aware of his rapidly growing hard on, and how good those fingers felt. But fucking? Submission? He began screaming for help. He got two screams out before Jay covered his mouth with his hand, grabbed the necktie, and gagged him again.

"Now THAT was a dumb move Brice. You promised you wouldn't. Now, you'll learn what breaking your promise gets you." Jay moved around to the front , and shoved Brice's legs apart. He kept them separated with his own knees, and began smacking Brice's cock again. Hard. Once. Then five times. Then ten. In contrast to the nipple play, this HURT. Tears were welling up in Brice's eyes.

"I'm gonna fucking scramble your eggs Brice. You gonna scream anymore, BITCH?" Brice tried to yell NO through the gag.

"Can't hear you, stud," and the beating continued. Brice began to shake his head NO, and screamed I PROMISE I PROMISE over and over again." The beating stopped. "That's better," Jay spat out. Now, we'll try again, handsome. " Jay took the gag out. Through tears, Brice gasped "Please. No more. I'll do whatever you say. Just don't hurt me. Please."

Jay sneered. "Trust me Brice. The LAST thing I want to do is hurt you. I want to fill you with pleasure." He began running his thumbs over both of Brice's nipples, until Brice started moaning. "Now, we're gonna have a little more fun out here. Then, we're going to your bedroom. You're gonna undress for me, and we're gonna have some naked fun. "

Brice woke up, tied face up, spread eagled, and naked on his bed. Jay had raided Brice's closet for neckties to tie him down. He didn't remember falling asleep, but he began to remember what had happened while Jay had him tied in the chair.

Jay had played with Brice's nipples, first gently, then roughly. No one had ever done that to him before, and it felt so good. He remembered Jay laughing softly, as he moaned, and calling him a nip slut. "I could make you surrender just by doing this for an hour, couldn't I?" Jay had asked. Brice didn't answer, but he knew Jay was right.

Jay hadn't stopped with nipple play. He stepped behind Brice and whispered "the ladies used to talk about ho nibbling your ears turned you into putty. I'm better at it than they are." Again, Jay, was right. Brice began to moan even louder. He didn't realize he was pushing his ear further into Jay's mouth. Nor did he notice the growing wet spot at his groin.

"I shaved today Brice, but I won't tomorrow. So don't treat this as a mark of how much you'll suffer. " With that, Jay began to rub his stubble over Brice's neck. That's when Brice began to beg him to stop, that he needed to cum.

"You want me to stop Brice? Then kiss me. Kiss me like you let that guy kiss you."

"NO. Not you. NO." "Ok Brice, how about nips AND ears, together?" Jay's fingers flicked over Brice's left nip while his teeth went back to Brice's right ear. Brice rocked in the chair, pushing his hips forward, trying to get relief. He was not successful.

"OK. OK. Let's kiss. Please. Let's kiss."

Jay kissed differently than the other guy. He was gentler. First he ran his finger over Brice's lips, whispering how they were so soft, and so pink. He whispered how he had wanted to kiss Brice for years, before he moved in and pecked a few times. Then he ran the tip of his tongue over Brice's lips, driving Brice absolutely crazy. He opened his mouth wide, after begging "PLEASE JAY. KISS ME." And Jay did. In the little D/s community, Jay was known as a great kisser. It had been said he could get anything he wanted with his tongue, and he wanted Brice. Jay was even harder than Brice. He couldn't believe he had this man so helpless. He went back to nipple play while he was kissing Brice. Brice's moaning became more urgent, and higher pitched.

The stimulation was too much, and for the first time since he was a teenager, Brice exploded in an orgasm, without touching his penis. His emotions took over and he began to cry.

"Oh, my sweet studmuffin. You needed that release, didn't you?" Jay kissed Brice gently on his lips, and his ear. "Please untie me Jay. PLEASE." Jay smirked and shook his head "Now Briceman, that's not happening. You're not gonna be untied for a while. Especially not now." He lowered his pants and showed Brice his hard 8.5. "Eventually, you'll take care of this by giving head. For now though, just a facial."

Brice didn't know what a facial was, until Jay began shooting cum all over his face. Some of the jizz landed on Brice's lips.

"Lick it stud. Lick it off your lips." Brice hesitated, and Jay pushed his knee into Brice's sensitive crotch. "You have to learn to take orders Brice. You're not in charge anymore."

"Brice remembered the smacks to his balls, took a deep breath, and licked the jizz off his lip. He tried to take it all in: tied up, brought to climax by a man he always considered a fairy. What else could happen?

That's when Jay pressed the sweet smelling cloth over his nose and mouth. "Hate to do this Brice, but I'm still not sure I can trust you."


And now, lying there, spread eagled and naked, Brice could see his penis getting erect again, from thinking about the chair scene. Geez. He hadn't had two erections in one night, in years.

Jay walked into the room, naked. "Hey Briceman. You look really good tied up like that." Out came the phone cam again. "For my scrapbook. Or, for your law firm. Who knows?"

"Oh SHIT," Brice thought. Those photo? Around the firm? He pulled at his necktie ropes. They stretched, but they didn't give. Jay started walking toward the bed. When he reached it, he began to stroke Brice's torso.

"I never knew you had so much glorious fur, Brice. A fucking turn on for me. " He continued to play with Brice's chest hair. Brice's cock jumped, as Jay lay down next to him, putting his arm around Brice's shoulders.

"Normally, I shave my bottoms. But, studmuffin," he kissed Brice's ear. "I'm gonna keep you `au naturel'. Sort of like my tamed beast", and Jay began to laugh.

Brice pulled at the bonds again. "I am NOT your bottom, bastard. And I'm not your tame beast. " Jay laughed. "Not yet. But very, very soon." He rolled on top of Brice. It was the first time Brice had ever been underneath another man. Jay nibbled on Brice's chin, before gently kissing him. "I can't believe no one has claimed you yet, you sexy man." He kissed him again. "You're all mine. "

"Are you gonna fuck me, Jay," Brice asked, sounding scared.

Jay sat up, and toyed with one of Brice's nips. "Tell you what, Briceman. I want to, and I could, but I won't unless you ask me to fuck you. How's that, you stud?"

Brice gritted his teeth. "Then it's not gonna happen." Jay just purred. "We'll see stud. We'll see." He cupped Brice's balls in his hand. "you've got a beautiful cock, Brice. Not as pretty as your ass, but still pretty." Jay ran his finger around Brice's cockhead, eliciting a moan from Brice.

"OH. You like when a man plays with your cock? How about this?" Jay nibbled Brice's left nipple. "FUCK" shot out of Brices mouth.

"Know what, Brice? I always wondered if you were ticklish. Let's find out."


A big smile crossed Jay's face. "Well, well. Now I know how to keep the Briceman in line. But that would be too easy." He stared down at Brice. You gotta want it babe. You gotta WANT my dick in your ass." He went back to teasing Brice's nipples. He saw, from the corner of his eye, that Brice's cock was rock hard. He laughed. "you know, Brice, I've got you just where I always wanted you. Underneath me. And horny. From what I did to you." He ran his finger up the back of Brice's penis. "You wanna shoot again. I know that. But you don't, until I get your ass." He saw a look of resignation pass over Brice's face that was almost one of submission.

"Please Jay. Kiss me the way you did before. Then I'll be ready for you to fuck me."

"Just have to kiss you? Well, that's a delight Briceman. " Jay bent over and shoved his tongue down Brice's throat. He kept a hand on Brice's balls, and when he felt the captive's body relaxed, he pulled out his tongue."

"Fuck me Jay. Please, fuck me. Teach me to bottom. Please."

Jay looked down at the defeated man. He began to gently run his finger around Brice's navel, making him quiver.

"What an honor. I'm about to take the cherry of a hotshot partner." He bent down and kissed Brice's lips. "You're gonna make a great bottom Brice, and I'm gonna make you glad you gave up your ass. I'll always be your first."

"Yes, yes, ok. Just do it. PLEASE."

Jay got up, and moved down to the bottom of the bed. He pulled a condom out of his pants pocket and slipped it on his own hard cock. "Now Brice, I can't hurry up your first time." He began to untie Brice's ankles. "Just the ankles stud. Get used to being tied down. And me getting at that beautiful hole." Jay began to rub his thumb around Brice's cherry, eliciting more moans. "So sweet looking. Probably tight as a clam. Try to relax." Jay wet his thumb and began to probe.

"Oh fuck, fuck, fuck. I can't take it, wailed Brice."

"Sure you can, Briceman. " Jay wet and inserted a second finger, and moved them around. Brice made some unintelligible sounds. If he could have gotten harder, he would have.

"Now, at my place, we'll use toys. Here , you're gonna have to settle for my tongue. I think you'll be ok with being the one who gets his pussy eaten."

Jay pushed Brice's legs in the air. His head disappeared. Then, he felt Jay's tongue, sliding in and around his hole. OH GEEZ. Now he understood why his dates always wanted him to do this. The feeling was more intense than anything yet. He buckled wildly, held down by the restraints. He was close to a second orgasm, but Jay grabbed his balls, and squeezed.

"Nope, nope, nope, Brice. Bottoms cum after their tops. I haven't yet. But I did get you nice and wet. " He grabbed a big hanky, and shoved it in Brice's mouth. "Bite down. It'll make this easier."

Brice felt the tip of Jay's cock at his ass. "Relax Brice, relax. Deep breaths. I'm gonna take all the time we need. " His cockhead pierced Brice's ass, and Brice began to thrash around again, like a hooked fish. Pain, pleasure, and so much more. He was getting fucked.

Jay's fingers moved up to Brice's nipples. "Equal stimulation will help, handsome. Trust me." By focusing on the sensations in his nipples, Brice relaxed, and Jay slid all the way in.

"Good boy Briceman. Good boy. You're a natural. I knew you would be, you sexy stud."

"Sexy stud? He called me sexy stud?" thought Brice. He began to realize that even if Jay had started doing this out of vengeance, he really wanted Brice. He felt almost proud.

"Oh, what a stud. What a big, handsome studman. You like my cock, Briceman? A sexy guy like you likes my cock?"

"I do. OH I do. It feels SO good." Brice enjoyed the back and forth of Jay's cock, the changing tempos. Then, Jay began to move faster. "Who's my manbitch?" he yelled. "Is that you stud? Is the Briceman my CUNT?"

"YES. YES. YES. " Brice yelled through the cloth. There was one more push from Jay, and then, Brice felt the pressure from Jay's jizz. The condom kept the liquids from flooding into him, but he felt it anyway.

Jay pulled out of Brice's ass, and then kissed him on the forehead. "Hard to find cherries these days Brice. I wanted to be the one to take yours." He kissed Brice again. Brice gave a cocky little smile. "I'm glad it was you. Kiss me some more, please." Jay was almost touched, and did. Then he put his hand on Brice's cock. "Looks like you need relief again."

Jay's hand on his cock was confusing Brice. He loved it, but he hated it. Did they have sex, or did Jay rape him? He didn't know. His mind was nearly exploding. And then, Jay put his mouth over Brice's cock.

In a few seconds, Brice knew this was the best blow job he had ever had. Jay stopped for a minute. "Remember when you told someone at a bar that you thought I'd make a great cocksucker? Well, I AM a great cocksucker. And soon, you will be too." Then Jay returned to work, running his tongue around Brice's head, the shaft, everywhere.

"Please Jay. Don't stop. Don't stop doing that. " Jay turned back to look at Brice. "Sure sweetheart. Just this once. I normally don't give blowjobs, but this is a special night. " He changed positions, so that his fingers could get back at Brice's nips. Brice didn't think he could feel anything anymore, but he did. He began to reach climax. His hips could move in the ropes, and he bucked, faster and faster. Jay moved his mouth away, and Brice exploded, in a huge orgasm. The moaning, and the struggling all stopped, as Brice tried to catch his breath. Jay laid down along side him, playing with his sweaty hair. "You're so cute Brice. This big macho attitude, but such a great fuck. " He kissed Brice again. I'm gonna untie you so we can get cleaned up and go get something to eat. I'm just giving you notice: I'm having more of that ass of yours later.

Next: Chapter 4

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