Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 2, 2023


Jay and Brice found a cab almost right away. As it started up, Brice whispered "did you know anything about this?" Jay's answer was sincere: "absolutely not. I didn't have a clue." He took Brice's hand "Congratulations. This is a really big honor." Brice took the liberty of cuddling up to Jay's right side. He boldly took his arm, put it around his shoulder, and right on his nipple. "Can we celebrate tonight, Sir?" Jay began to slowly run his thumb over Brice's tit." "It's late. I don't think we could do anything. Why ? What did you have in mind?" Brice gave him a longing look. "You Sir. But... could I pick what we do tonight? " Jay's mind was ambivalent about the future, but it was not about how much he enjoyed dominating Brice. "What did you have in mind?"

"Well, Sir. My favorite thing: is when you rim me. Deep. And then fuck me right on that spot that you found. Could we do that? But could we do it without me wearing the cage, Sir?" Jay smiled. "I suppose that when you get promoted to Senior Partner, you can have a choice like that, briceman?" Brice leaned over and kissed him. "Thank you Sir."

There was silence as Brice held Jay's hand. "I didn't know any of that stuff about Sean and his partner." Jay responded "Oh yes. I was the one who presented the ring to Ahmed before he pierced Sean. It was a very hot ceremony. Sean tied to a cross, gagged, his shirt open, that beautiful chest . Ahmed shaved it before he did the piercing. Then the wedding, a couple of days later. Very simple." He paused. "Loretta looked beautiful.. We shopped for her dress. Mel actually applied to one of those ministries so he could preside." He seemed to choke up a little, as he thought "I'm so fucking jealous. " Brice squeezed his hand. "Is something wrong Sir?" Jay caught himself. "No, not at all, studmuffin. I'm thinking back to those two events. They were wonderful.

When they got to the apartment building, no one was in the elevator. Jay pinned Brice up against a wall and sneered "I hope the camera's on. I hope they see what I'm doing to you," as he moved in for Brice's mouth. When they got to their floor, he pinned Brice's hand behind his back, and put his hand on his ass. "I'm gonna take what's mine. RIGHT BITCH?" Brice's answer was firm. "YES SIR."

They got to the bedroom, and Brice got right into the position he knew was the right one. Jay secured his wrists, and climbed on top of him. He kissed his forehead, his eyes, his lips, and began moving down Brice's body. Along the way, he began unbuttoning that sexy lavender shirt. He found both nips with his mouth, and chewed both. He stopped to look up at Brice. "Don't ever shave that beautiful fur, you sexy man." Brice shivered a little at being called a sexy man. "The only person who's ever gonna shave me is you, Sir."

Jay winced a little at that. But his cock was too hard to let him linger.

A promise was a promise, and when he got to Brice's pants, he opened them, pulled them off with his briefs, and pulled out the key. He opened the lock, and out popped Brice's cock, absurdly hard from the three days it had been caged, and the events of the night.

"Now let's get some treasure, fucktoi." Jay pulled Brice's legs up, and his head disappeared. "OH FUCK, " thought Brice. "OH FUCK. This is the best it's ever been." Jay was thinking, at the same time "if it's the last time, let me make it good." He dug in deeper than he ever had . He had a general idea of where "the spot" was for Brice, and he put his tongue there. BINGO. Brice actually yelled "OH SHIT. OH MY GOD" Jay kinda laughed to himself. He lapped at the spot, driving Brice crazy. 'PLEASE SIR. PLEASE. YOUR COCK. PLEASE.Jay was happy to oblige. He had wanted to just rip Brice's ass apart since they got to dinner and they were separated. Controlling himself was going to be difficult, as was holding his cock right where Brice wanted it. He took a deep breath, thought through all the meditation techniques he knew, and moved in very, very slowly. He had slipped on a ribbed condom, because Brice really liked getting fucked with those.

The almost slow motion penetration, combined with the size of his engorged cock, was driving Brice crazy. He wanted, very badly, to wait until his Dom came before he did, but he couldn't help himself. He reached down, and began jerking. Jay saw and smiled. "Tonight it's ok baby," he said, using an endearment he had never used before. His cockhead found the spot, and he held it there, not moving. "Tighten your cheeks studbitch", Jay ordered. Brice did, and for the first time in their relationship, they came simultaneously.

Jay fell on top of Brice, absolutely overcome by his emotions, and the sex they had just had. "Please Sir. Can you take off the restraints? " Jay looked up. "OH, my bad. Too much wine at the dinner." He released Brice, who then grabbed Jay in the tightest embrace he could find and, for the first time, Brice shoved HIS tongue in Jay's mouth. When he was finished, Brice looked at Jay, his own eyes welling up.

"Marry me Sir. Please. Marry me."

Jay fought to keep his composure. "Let's talk tomorrow, studmuffin. " He smiled and kissed Brice back. "No decisions at 1 in the morning. Too risky." "Ok Sir. " They fell asleep, spooning, and Brice wondered why Jay hadn't put him back in the cage.


When Brice woke up the next morning, Jay wasn't in bed. That didn't surprise him, because Jay was a light sleeper. He smelled coffee, and figured Jay was at the table, reading with a cup. He walked out of the bedroom, naked, not looking around. "Morning, Sir. That was GREAT last night."

That's when he noticed that there was no one there. Just a note on the table, with his wallet, his keys, and everything else Jay had confiscated at the start of the relationship. Suddenly cold, Brice got a robe, and then sat down to read the note:

"Briceman. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is more happy than I am that you got this promotion. I am SO proud of you, it isn't funny. And I am moved, beyond words, that you proposed to me.

It's not to be, stud. Lawyers work with facts, and here they are: you're in a relationship with a Dom, who fucks you regularly (and loves it), but who's nothing more than a paralegal. I've seen how bitchy lawyers can be, how classist they are. You don't need that. You deserve something/someone better.

I've left your stuff where it's easy to find, and of course, you know where everything is in the bedroom. I'll go and stay with friends for a few days, so that you can get back to your house upstate. You can let the receptionist at my firm know when you've left.

I won't forget you Brice. I really thought it was going to be a slam/bam weekend, and then I'd move on. I was wrong. I fell for you in a BIG way, and I hope you felt the same way. Take care. Be well. Don't forget me.

All my love,Jay"

Brice read the note three or four times, not comprehending. WHAT? WHAT? He tried calling Jay, but he didn't even get to the voice mail. Jay had blocked his number on his phone. He didn't know what to do, but he thought Mel would know.

Loretta answered the phone. "Brice? Brice? You sound frantic. What's wrong? Did something happen? Please, please calm down. I'll bring Mel to the phone." Mel's voice was somewhat frantic. "Good Lord, Brice, Loretta is so scared. WHAT IN THE NAME OF GOD HAPPENED?" He paused as Brice spoke. "OK, sure. Come over. I'm not the only one who should be talking to you about this. Loretta will join us."

Jay had left the apartment, and went to the office. It was Sunday, but of course, people were working. He sat there for a while, a mixture of emptiness and sadness. He was angry at himself for thinking that things could ever work out with a partner at a law firm. WHY OH WHY did he fall so head over heels? "Ok... Now we have to regroup," he told himself. He gave Bill a call, and in a few hours, he was sitting in Bill's apartment. Vince was on the floor, between Bill's legs. Bill had told Al to be ready for Jay to visit, and Al was more than delighted. He was sitting next to Jay on the sofa, cuddling up to the man whom he preferred.

"It's ok, Jay, it's ok. If that's how you feel about it, then you did the right thing. Yes, you can stay here as long as possible. ." He smiled "As long as you let us take pictures, you can have Al for your bed for as long as you're here." Jay turned to Al. "Do you want that?" Al had finally been broken. He said "What I want doesn't matter Sir," while he thought, internallly, that Jay was so much better in bed than Bill, he REALLY wanted Jay to say yes." Jay looked at Al, and kissed him. "Bitch, I am gonna fuck you so hard your eyes are gonna pop out."

THAT'S THE SPIRIT laughed Bill. "By the way, the walls on that bedroom are soundproof. Just sayin....

While Jay was talking to Bill, Brice was at Mel and Loretta's apartment, totally overwrought. "I JUST DON"T UNDERSTAND. " He looked at Mel. "I asked him to marry me last night." Mel looked at Loretta and sighed. "Oh dear. I'm afraid I've probably wrecked things by not thinking them through." Jay looked at him. "YOU? How did YOU wreck things?"

Mel took a big breath. "you know Brice, everything Jay said to you is true. Ahmed is not a lawyer - he works in television - but the GARBAGE he took when people found out about his relationship. And it probably WILL be worse at the law firm. People are jealous of you, Brice - hell, they're jealous of JAY - still - a year after he left. Think about it. "Oh, there's the para we fired . He snagged the chairman and he's fucking him. Snake." Jay looked puzzled. Loretta answered. "Don't look surprised. That's what you'll get. It's what Jay will get. " She paused. "it's what I got when I married Mel."

Brice looked down, totally lost. Loretta spoke again. "Brice,what do you want to do? Do you still want to marry Jay? Do you want to spend your life with him?" He looked at her as if she were speaking a foreign language. "HELL YEAH. I didn't realize it until I saw your son and Ahmed together, but I LOVE THAT MAN." She smiled and asked another question. "Do you want the relationship you have? I know ore about it than you think, including the part about Al." Brice had to hesitate a minute. "We may need to negotiate a few things there, but if you mean being his sub, yes, I want that. I like that he sleeps with Al occasionally. I just would, well, like an occasional chance to be the man in bed. Not with Jay - I know it's not going to happen, and I want him in charge - but just every now and then, I'd like to "recall my glory years," if you will." Loretta laughed. She looked at Mel. "I think we need to fix this, Mel." He shook his head "I agree. I'm not sure we CAN, but.... well, I haven't succeeded in this field for so long, without having a few surprise skills." He looked at Brice. "Stay here tonight. You can sleep in junior's room. Or one of the other bedrooms if you want. Don't call Jay anymore. Tomorrow, I'll call him at work. Brice started to speak, but Mel cut him off. "OF COURSE he'll be at work tomorrow. He's Jay. Where is he gonna go, but work.." Brice began to weep a little "Ok sir. If that's what you say." Mel laughed. "Brice, do NOT get in the habit of calling anyone Sir other than Jay. " Brice smiled "OK Mel."

Loretta smiled too. "Ok. Tomorrow the old folks get to work on saving this marriage."

As she was saying it, Jay was tying Al down into the bed in the spare bedroom at BIll's house, to edge him before fucking him.

Next: Chapter 18

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