Breaking Brice

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Feb 23, 2023


In preparation for Bill and Al's arrival, Jay tied Brice's hands behind his back, gagged him with the gag Bill had gave them, and then laid him out on the sofa before he tied his ankles together. The evil look Brice was used to showed up on Jay's face, as he slipped off Brice's shoes "Because you never know when someone might need to have his feet tickled, studmuffin."

The doorbell rang, and Jay opened it to find Bill, grinning, with his hand on the back of Al's neck. Al was tied up too, with a ball gag in his mouth. "Sorry it's sloppy, but I did it all in the elevator. " Al, as usual, looked furious, but hot: Bill had dressed him in a very tight blue oxford shirt, and a loosened rep tie, and some snug khakis. He had a garment bag thrown over his shoulder. "I brought enough clothes for three days, but I'm gonna leave you my key so you can get more."

"Hey, thanks a lot man. You want a drink Bill?" Bill smiled and declined "I wanna get home and throw a fuck into Vince before we hit the road. I'm locking him up so we're gonna drive. No problem with the airline security that way." He pulled back Al's head and kissed his forehead. "Play nice with Jay and brice, ok, studmuffin?" Jay came over, took Al by the arm, as Bill left, and brought him into the living room, and pushed him in a chair. "Ok, Al, I think you know that I can be as rough as Bill, maybe moreso, right?" If looks could kill, JAy would have been a dead man, from two people. Al nodded in assent. "I'm gonna take your gag off, but you're gonna behave, right?" Hesitation, but another assent. "Good boy. Now, how did I teach you to sit in a chair?" A sigh came out of Al, as he spread his legs, and pushed out his nips. Brice, laying there watching, could only moan. He wanted in on this, badly. His own pants were light colored and, even though he was caged up too, you could see the wet stains at his groin.

"Five o'clock shadow. SO effective on a man with tender ears, Al." Jay began to rub his scruff up and down Al's ears. When he rubbed the left ear, his thumb worked on Al's right nipple, and then the reverse. Bill had put nipple clamps on him the night before, so his tits were very sensitized. The rougher fabric of the blue shirt accentuated that, and he began to breathe, very heavily. "OH GOD. OH GOD. " Jay laughed "Sir is fine, Al, no need for God." Al kept on waiting for what he would have gotten from Bill: a slap on his balls, or a choke, or something. It didn't happen. Jay just kept on rubbing scruff on his ears, and the nip play, for a good fifteen minutes. Al wanted to scream, and he was gritting his teeth to keep in the sounds. "Should I switch to tickling you, new boi?" Al heard it, but he couldn't react, he was so sensitized. "Right here... right where that belly meets your pants." Jay began running his finger along the length, and Al jumped as much as he could. The bonds were tight, and he made no progress. Brice closed his eyes, visualizing Jay doing that to him. He began to wonder why he wasn't relieved that someone else was getting tortured instead of him? In fact, he felt jealous. Thoughts of "MY MAN" began to work in his head. He began to wonder if Jay truly had conquered him, and made him his bitch.

"Know what I think Al? I think you need to get FUCKED. Am I right?" Brice watched Al's internal struggle. Al was at the place Brice had been, many months ago: wanting it, but hating wanting it. "Yes sir. Please. Please fuck me," slipped out of Al's mouth, shocking him. Jay stopped the scruffing and the nip work and moved around front. "Listen to you. Begging for dick. Mr. Macho Man wants cock. How do you like that Brice?" Brice didn't like it at all! Someone was gonna get the cock that HE should be getting. He got louder, and louder in his protestations. Jay went over, leaving a squirming Al in the seat, and began to play with Brice's nipples. "You have to learn to share Brice. Al shares Bill with Vince, and the two of you are gonna share me. For at least a week. " Jay laughed, as his own cock got harder. He could probably fuck both of them tonight, but he wanted to take his time with Al, and learn where his hotspots were.

He returned to Al, moaning furiously behind his gag. He pushed against the wrist restraints, desperate to get free. The ropes didn't move. Neither did the gag. Jay stood in front of him, arms folded. "When you're ready, calm down, and I'll take off the gag." From behind Jay, Brice was trying to signal Al to do what he was told. Being hogtied made this impossible. Finally, exhausted from his struggles, Al calmed down. He was still. "I'll take this off. You'll behave?" Al hesitated, then shook his head yes. Jay smiled "good boy. " He untied the gag from behind.

"Please Jay, please. Why are you doing this? Let us go" Al was begging. Jay just laughed. "Short answer stud? NO. Long answer:

Brice actually kinda likes it. He won't admit it, but he does. " He turned to his main sub, and ran his hand through his hair. "He's so sweet looking tied up too. And even sweeter under me." He looked at Al. "understand something Albitch. If Brice hadn't pulled the stunt he did, in getting me fired, you might be in his position, cause I was planning on snatching you anyway. An ass as hot as yours was made to be FUCKED by another man." Al began to squirm again, but tired as he was, it was less than half hearted. "And that squirming just makes me wanna do it more. So, handsome..." Jay went behind Al and began to massage his shoulders. "You and I are gonna have some fun in the bedroom while Briceman keeps guard." Jay's hands felt good on Al's shoulders after all the squirming. He felt Jay beginning to loosen his tie, then open a second button on his shirt. Jay's fingers slipped inside and found his nip. "OH GEEZ" burst out of Al's mouth. Bill always used clamps, and they hurt. Jay's fingers, though, felt good - REALLY good. He could feel his cock growing in his cage. Jay dropped his mouth to Al's ear "When was the last time you got to cum, bottom boi?" "It was when we were at your place" Jay laughed. "OH. Then you're ready. You might be willing to do anything to get some relief." Al snorted. He knew Jay was right, but he didn't want to admit it. "It's ok, studbitch. Everyone at the office knew how stubborn you were. " He squeezed the back of Al's neck. We're gonna move inside. You remember how it felt when I tongued your ass?"

How could Al forget that? He wasn't caged at the time, and his jizz had begun flying in seconds. Was that gonna happen tonight? "Well, I know how Bill feels about lube. I'm somewhat different." He began marching Al toward the bedroom. His hand dropped to Al's ass. "Why the fuck you're not in tighter pants all the time baffles me. And why you don't already belong to a top baffles me more. But you do now. " Al began thinking "I don't belong to ANYONE," but he knew that wasn't true. He didn't like it, but it wasn't true.

Jay untied Al's wrists, but held them tight as he manipulated him onto the bed, and slipped them back into the restraints. "Briceman designed these. They help keep his legs on my shoulders when he gets fucked. You're shorter, but it still should work. " Jay lay down next to Al, and stroked his torso through the shirt. "I don't know why you fight it, Al. It isn't doing you any good. And I already know how to break you..." He leaned down and kissed Al's ear, then he ran his tongue around the perimeter. "Isn't that it?" Al gritted his teeth, trying not to moan. He lasted about a minute before he couldn't control it. Jay was relentless, whispering "THERE we go. Give into it, Al. Enjoy how it feels. He went on attacking Al's ears for a few minutes , then he straddled him. "You know, one of the surprises for me, was finding out how ticklish you are. I'm gonna tickle you every single day you're here." He began opening Al's shirt. When it was open, his fingers moved toward Al's pits. The retraints kept Al's arms in place, and just like with licking Al's ears, Jay's attack on Al's pits, was relentless.

Al squirmed all he could, but it just seemed to get Jay more excited. He begged Jay to stop, but it just went on "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. I can't breathe. I feel like I'm gonna die." Jay laughed. "Now, we can't let you die, can we? I want you nice and alive when I slide into you, manbitch." He moved down, and began taking off Al's slacks. He yelled out to the living room. "Know what Brice? I think it'd be fun to have you suck Al's toes sometime." Brice's moaning of "NO, PLEASE, was loud . Jay just laughed. "This is gonna be SO MUCH FUN. Ok, time to eat some manpussy."

He yanked Al's legs up, and before his tongue went in, his finger did some probing. Al screamed "FUUUUUUUCK" when that happened. How was he gonna react when the tongue went into him? Then it did. Again, he fought hard not to scream, and he wasn't sure if he did or not. His mind floated somewhere where all he felt, was pleasure. Jay's tongue was warm. Soft. It caressed Al, in a way Bill never did. Involuntarily, he began to try to push down, as if to get Jay's tongue deeper into him. That's when Jay stopped.

"Easy does it fella. Let's remember, this is about pleasing ME." He slid his own pants down. "I'm not as long as Bill, but I'm much thicker. " Al could see that. "And I'm much, MUCH better at technique. " He slid on one of the ribbed condoms, even though he wasn't sure if Al was ready for that, and began to slide in, very, VERY slowly.

Jay knew that Bill thought that "brutal" was the only way to fuck a sub. He, however, was a bit more thoughtful. Jay knew that every man had a pleasure point along his canal, and he was gonna find it. He saw Al gritting his teeth. Clearly, he was used to the fast banging Bill did, but not a slow, leisurely fuck like this. The first two inches or so almost seemed painful. Then, Al's moans turned from painful sounds , to pleasure. Jay smiled and stopped. "Oh. Is THIS the spot?" Jay clinched his own ass cheeks, so that his cock filled in a little more. Yup, based on the sounds, there was one. "So, now we know what Al likes don't we sub boi?" Al looked at him, gasping "Yes Sir. I like that. I like it a lot. Please, please fuck me." A chuckle came out of Jay. He moved his penis from side to side at that point, and found out that , like Brice, Al's right side was much more sensitve. He slid in further. Now Al was prepped, but again, at about 7 inches, moans of pleasure came out. "So we've got two spots? Ok...." Al had stopped pushing at the restraints. It wasn't going to do any good, and he wanted to try to enjoy this. He WAS enjoying it. If he had to get fucked regularly, why couldn't it be Jay, and not Bill?

Jay slid out, then slid back again. His slow pace was driving Al wild. Again, his mind went to a separate place, and he could hear himself begging PLEASE PLEASE SIR. FUCK ME AS YOUR BITCH. PLEASE." Jay did just that. He was in Al for about 20 minutes before he pulled out, one last time, then RAMMED home, yelling himself. For Al, the difference between Bill and Jay was evident. Bill's orgasms were small, and he was always smiling, like he took more joy in causing pain, than in cumming. There was no smile on Jay's face. It was more one of complete and total release. He had surrendered to the orgasm the way Al had surrendered to him.

Jay pulled out, catching his breath. "I'm gonna have Brice get in here, and watch. I'm gonna make you cum. "PLEASE SIR PLEASE PLEASE I NEED IT." Jay got up and dragged his other sub into the bedroom. He laid him alongside Al. "Watch what happens when someone is locked up for a full week, muffin. Then be glad I don't do that to you. " He kept Al tied down as he unlocked his cage. Then he began stroking Al. Slowly, like he fucked him. He ran his hand over Al's cockhead, and Al nearly screamed. The pre cum flowed freely. Then, Jay put his finger on Al's prostate. That was all it took as Al began to squirt, just like the emoji whale. Somewhere between 12 and 14 lashes of jizz poured out of him, and he began to cry.

"It's ok big man. It's ok. " Jay leaned down and kissed him. He looked leeringly at Brice. "I know what that did to you. "Yes Sir. It did. Please. Can I cum too." Jay smiled. "Look at this. Should be the title of some work of art in a bondage museum. Two subs cumming. He untied Brice. Yeah, sure. Let's jizz you. " Brice reached down for his cock after Jay undressed him and unlocked the cage, and Jay pushed his hands away.

"Nah, nah nah. What's good for the goose..." He pushed Brice back and began to jerk him too. He knew Brice's pattern very well by now, and when it got close, he turned him, so that he'd jizz all over Al. Brice's booming voice came out as he screamed and his own cum covered Al's crotch. Jay smiled, as he began untying Al's ropes. "You boys are gonna take your together shower now. No one's gonna mind if you French each other while you're in there. Then, you're gonna lock each other up. " He looked at the bed. "I think if I tie you both at the wrists, there's gonna be enough room in this big old bed for three. GET MOVING. CLEAN UP. NOW.

Next: Chapter 15

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