Breakfast for Danny

Published on Aug 4, 1998



It was going to be a hot day. Danny could tell as he stretched his naked body beneath the sheets. His muscles pulled and flexed as he wriggled so he could feel the cotton all over him. Outside the sun was already shinning brightly. He wanted to be out there, letting it heat up his entire body....absorbing the rays....turning his already tanning skin into a darker shade. He'd run across the grassy field and let the blades get caught between his bare toes. He 'd find some welcoming patch to lay down on and hidden among the tall grass around him, feel his own body until his boy dick was hard and standing tall. And slowly, he'd feel it from the hairy base to the mushroom tip..then using his own spit he'd massage it until the fire in his belly grew hot. His body would beg him for release and he'd deny it a quick one....choosing instead to slowly stroke his if he were another person....torturing and teasing himself. His butt would tighten, his stomach would rise and fall quickly, his pectorals would knot up into large mounds of muscles and he'd arch his back until all his muscles ached. He would feel the pain of the moment and then suddenly it would all change as the small slit on the tip of his cock would open and gushes of white sperm would shoot high into the air and then spill out over the smooth skin. Drops and puddles would find themselves all over his naked skin and the grass around him. And then his muscles would all relax, as if releasing their grip on him. It would seem like hours, albeit only minutes, until he could recover and rise up again to run back across the field towards the house. Danny wiped himself off with his discarded underwear from the night before. The door opened and he quickly got out of bed and knelt with his hands behind his head. It as time for morning inspection. The two men said nothing but their hands pet the smooth skinned boy. "Smells like cum...he's been doing it again" one said. There were no other words as Danny was pulled across the knees of one of the men. He took the spanking without complaint and knew he deserved it. He was told to take a shower and as the men watched he soaped and rinsed himself off, then pissed into the toilet. "He's ready" one of them said. Danny knelt and swallowed the man's cock, greedily eating the mans flesh, tightenint his lips to make the man groan. The other one lifted his bare hips and greased up the boys butthole. Danny flinched as the man entered him..but resumed his oral duties as the man began the slow paced buttfucking. It was Danny's breakfast, they called it. And Danny had looked forward to it daily since he arrived. The backpack was put away and he rarely wore anything but underwear as he went about his chores. Mostly cleaning, sometimes making lunch or dinner. Nights were calm as he sat on the floor at the feet of the two men who had first given him a ride then a home. His body was kept smooth... "We like a clean cut boy like you" they had told him. Occasionally when friends visited, he was given the chore to make food, bring beer and help clean up afterwards. "Take em off" he was told upon occasion and he knew he was to remain naked in front of the men's friends. Often fondled, sometimes finger fucked, butt slapped and occasionally performed oral sex, his duties weren't demanding..and often fun. There was the time that one of their friends brought over another kid. Someone they too had met on the highway. Danny and he seemed to like each other and for everyone's entertainment they were told to have sex in front of everyone. They did and Danny loved did the other kid. "Let's switch" the man who was face fucking Danny panted. And for a moment Danny's throat and ass were empty..but soon filled again. The cock in his mouth was fatter and the one in his butt longer...he quickly adapted and was riding the climb back to his own orgasm. "Shit did you see that, the kid shot his load while we were doing him..and he didn't even touch himself" they had discovered that first night he was with them. That's when all three knew what Danny liked and what he needed. Danny had his own room..but sometimes was told to sleep between the two men. He loved was warm between them..and he felt like a teddy bear.... "Here we go" the announcement came as usual and cum was all over Danny's bare buttocks and back. The huge hands spread it and rubbed it into his tanning skin. "Me too" and the other mans cum splattered against Danny's face, closed eyes and panting lips. The man smeared it into the boys skin. "Had a good breakfast boy?" Danny was sitting in one of the men's laps now..being held like a little baby, pet and played with by both men as they sat together. "We got ourselves one hell of a boy here" they'd say. Danny's gut felt warm....his body sparkled at the mens touch and attention. He sat on the floor under the kitchen table eating the eggs and bacon in his dish. he had gotten used to the house rules, no sitting on furniture, remain naked at all times, do what you're told, do chores and be available to his two owners and their friends. "We got some fella visiting from California today. They're brining their boys too. So you better be on your best behavior" Danny listened and nodded mumbling the learned phrase "yes sir". That was easy to learn since he had just left the Army. After being caught sucking a seargant's cock he was discharged. It was while hitchiking from the base that he met the two men to whom he now belonged. He washed the dishes. His cock rose and fell as he thought about what the weekend ahead would hold for him. Friends meant public spanking, waiting on them, being probbed, felt, fondled and probably fucked by strangers. He might have to wear the collar...which the men sometimes put on him in front of others. He'd be kneeling in the yard while the group doused him with urine, proclaiming him as property again. It was a ritual the two men repeated from time to time..and it did make Danny feel like he belonged to them. "When they arrive, you get your butt out there and help them bring in their things" he was told as one of the men slapped his bare buttock. Like a naked bellboy he'd run outside and lift baggage or whatever they wanted. Then he felt was smooth and wide. It felt like a huge hand surrounding his neck. The familiar "click" sounded as one of his owners put the lock into place..where it would stay until the weekend had ended. His cock arched up into it's near banana state. "Our boy still likes it, don't you kid?" the tongue dove into Danny's throat and he responded with the best answer he could. The other mans' hands lifted him by his butt and he knew he'd be fucked another time this morning.....a thrill for Danny. They were older and yet seemed ready to fuck him often..more then the men he had been with in his early years let alone the two years he survived in the Army. "Boy you got three breakfasts today" He remained on the cock that impaled him while his nipples were pulled and twisted. "He's gonna be a good boy this weekend arent' you son?" He liked it when they called him "son". "Yes Sir" he said....and they knew he was telling the truth. There would be many more breakfasts that weekend, Danny knew. And he loved them..each and everyone of them. "Yes Sir"

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