Breakfast at the Waffle House

By Chris Reed (Numlfl, Nudcjul)

Published on Jul 24, 2006



This story is the property of the author. You may keep a copy on your computer for personal enjoyment, however if you wish to publish or distribute the story then you must get the permission of the author.

Breakfast at the Waffle House By Chris

Sharon woke up and looked at the clock and saw that it was a little after six in the morning. "Damn, why can't I sleep late on Saturday mornings?" she asked herself but she already knew the answer to that question. She had been asking that question for years now. At age forty- four, she had been getting up early for so long that her body had an internal clock that told her to get her ass out of bed. She was never one to keep hitting the snooze button so she rolled over and got out of bed. She put on a long tee shirt that she wore around the house as she slept in the nude. She then stretched and heard her bones crack and pop. It took her a few steps to get the kinks out but by the time she got to the kitchen she was doing fine again.

She turned on the coffee pot and headed toward the bathroom to relieve the intense pressure on her bladder. When she got back to the kitchen, she retrieved her favorite coffee cup from the sink and put some creamer and artificial sweetener in it. She then poured the hot coffee in and headed toward her spare bedroom where she had her computer set up. She lit a cigarette and took a sip of her coffee. She then started to check her emails. She had lots of lesbian friends on the net but unfortunately they all live far from the small East Tennessee town that she lived in. She answered her emails as she finished her coffee and cigarette. She then got up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. She opened the pantry and saw nothing but cereal and that didn't seem to hit the spot. She then went to the refrigerator and opened it up. The cool air hit her body and it felt good on the warm summer morning. She rummaged around the fridge and again she found nothing she wanted to eat. She slammed the door shut and thought about what she wanted to eat. She thought about going to a fast food place for a sausage and egg biscuit but then that didn't appeal to

her either. She was starting to get frustrated as she stomach was telling her that it wanted to be fed. Then an idea came to her, she had been thinking about going to the Waffle House for breakfast and this morning was as good a time as any to try it out.

She pulled her tee shirt off and she headed toward the bathroom. She combed her shoulder length brown hair and she noticed for the millionth time the gray hairs that seemed to be reproducing overnight. She plucked one that was refusing to lie down. She then put some deodorant on and she picked up a little body spray, not that she expected to meet anyone there and would be remotely interested. It had been four years since her last girlfriend left her and she just couldn't gather the courage to look again. It didn't help that she lived in a small conservative town and being lesbian wasn't the "in thing" to be. She sighed and put the spray on anyway. She then went to her bedroom and pulled out a thick tee shirt so she wouldn't have to

wear a bra and then she got out a pair of shorts. She forewent the panties as she never worn them on the weekends. She was a nudist at heart and the fewer clothes the better but she didn't expose her body either, she was too old to do that. She just dressed to be comfortable.

She pulled her billfold from her purse and got her book from her satchel that she carried to work. She then got her cigarette case and headed out the door. When she pulled into the Waffle House, she wondered if this was a good idea but she was hungry so she grabbed her book and billfold from the passenger seat and headed toward the restaurant. Once inside of the restaurant, she was surprised when all the waitresses turned to her and said, "Good Morning." She was a little self conscious as she returned the greeting. She looked around and saw that the smoking section was to her left but all the booths were filled. The non-smoking section was to the right and it had a couple of booths open but she wanted to be able to

smoke. She then saw that there were two places open at the counter, which faced grill where the cook stood cooking up what had already been ordered. Sharon kind of liked being able to watch her food being prepared as well as seeing how clean the food preparation area was. And in this case, it looked like they kept everything in order. She slid up to one end of the counter where the seat beside of was empty. A waitress came up to her and asked if she was ready to order and Sharon replied that she wanted coffee and cream as she looked over the plastic menu that also served as the place mat.

Her coffee came and she put some cream and sugar in it and took a sip. The waitress left for a moment and went to talk to some of the other customers that she seemed to know. Sharon knew that in a place like this, you had a few people that came in from time to time but you also had your regulars that only ate here. Sharon lit up a cigarette as she tried to decide what she wanted to eat. She thought about a waffle and then she saw the eggs. She knew that she didn't need them but if she was going to eat here then she should get what she wanted rather than what she needed. The waitress came back and Sharon ordered eggs, hash browns, and bacon. The waitress then walked over a few steps and called out her order using lingo only the cook would understand. Sharon opened her book and started to read but as she read she also listened in on the other conversations that were going on around her. All the waitresses were talking as they serviced their tables, pouring more coffee or cleaning off the plates. Just as she started to tune

the conversations out and concentrate on her book, her food arrived. This was the quickest she had ever gotten food at a restaurant. Sharon put her book down and seasoned her eggs and hash browns. She then started to eat as she picked her book up and she began to read. When she was about done with her food, she heard someone come in and all the waitresses called out to them. Sharon paid them no mind as she had gotten use to the waitresses greeting the customers as the came in. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a middle aged lady sit at the counter a few seats down from her. Sharon went back to her book as she finished her breakfast. She then pushed her plate aside and she lit up another cigarette. The waitress refilled her coffee cup and she put some creamer in the cup.

She then reached for the sugar and she noticed the lady that had sat

down a few seats up from her. She was slim with short black hair that had streaks of gray in it. The lady glanced her way and gave her a warm smile. This caught Sharon off guard but she was able to recover enough to return the smile. The lady went back to talking the waitress and the man and woman who sat to each side of her. From what Sharon could hear of the conversation, the lady seemed to know them well. Sharon then put her book down and was just smoking her cigarette and listening and watching all the activity going on around her. From time to time, the lady would look her way

and give her a smile. Sharon found herself beginning to like this lady whom she had never met. When she finished her cigarette, she found that her coffee cup was empty. Sharon wanted to stay but she knew that she had things to do and she must be on her way. She paid her bill and as she left all the waitresses called out to her to have a good day and she shyly acknowledge their parting. Sharon took one last look at the lady and found that she was smiling at her. Sharon gave the lady her best smile back and she walked out feeling better than she had in a long while.

She found that she was singing to herself as she ran her errands that day and when she came back to her small single wide trailer, it didn't seem as small as it once did. She did her house cleaning and then she sat down at her computer. She surfed the internet until some of her friends came online and then she talked to them until it was time to go to bed.

The next morning she got up at her usual time and she went through her normal morning routine with one exception, this morning she knew that she was heading to the Waffle House for breakfast. She made sure that she timed her arrival at the same time that she had gotten there the previous morning. This time there were fewer people at the restaurant and Sharon was fearful that the black haired woman wouldn't show up. She had the same waitress and she took Sharon's order. After Sharon had doctored her coffee and lit up a cigarette, the waitress came over and started to do some


"It looks a little slow this morning." Sharon said but more asked the waitress, whose nametag stated that her name was Christy.

"Yea, it doesn't pick up for another couple of hours when the church

crowd starts to come in before they go to church.

"I figured that some of your regulars would be coming in by now, like that blacked hair lady that you were talking to yesterday." Sharon stated, fishing for a little information.

Christy looked at her carefully and Sharon knew she was trying to decide whether to volunteer any information to Sharon who was new to the place and thus had not earned their trust or mistrust.

"Oh you mean Mia; she's in here a lot but I'm not sure if she comes in on Sundays. I know she comes in a lot during the week before she has her first class." Christy said and then she went and got Sharon her meal. Sharon

thanked her and she started to eat as Christy went to wait on another customer. Whenever Christy was close by she would talk to Sharon and she knew that Christy was after information and would be relayed to Mia so Sharon was honest with her. She was disappointed that she wouldn't see Mia again today but at least she knew that Mia was a teacher of some sort, probably at the community college just up the road. She definitely didn't look like a high school or grade school teacher. She looked more of the college professor type but one that was comfortable around common folk, who were lucky to have made it through high school. Sharon read her book and drank her coffee before she made her way out to do her shopping. She always did her grocery shopping on Sunday morning when the super discount store wasn't crowded.

When Sharon got home and had her groceries put up, she went to her computer. She went to the community college's website and checked out the professors. It took her a while until she came to the English department and

there under the literature subsection she found Dr. Mia Mathew's face staring back at her. She read her bio and found that she used to teach at the state university. Sharon wondered why after teaching for a number of years at the university, she would come to a small community college. Sharon

went through the rest of the day wondering if she would even see Mia again. But that was something to find out later but she knew that she may be getting worked up for nothing as Mia may be straight and not interested in her in any way. But she felt that the smile that Mia gave her meant more than just a friendly smile. Sharon wanted to stop by during the week to see

if Mia was at the Waffle House but she had to be at work by seven in the morning and she knew that Mia probably didn't stop in there unless she had a

later class.

So Sharon drudge through the week making sure that the factory that she worked at had their raw materials delivered on time. She had started out on the floor when she had gotten out of high school and had spent most of her career there before finally getting the job as a purchasing agent three years ago. She knew how important it was to have things bought and delivered on time. She had worked hard to get off the factory floor and she didn't plan on ever going back. The older she got, the

harder it was on her body but it also kept the weight off of her. So now she

had to watch her diet and she walked during her lunch break to keep herself in half way decent weight. She always had a few extra pounds that she could never get off and now she had to work to keep herself from gaining weight. She had a decent figure and she wanted to keep it.

When Saturday morning finally arrived, Sharon was up early as usual.

She put her coffee on and went to pee. When she returned, she went to her computer to answer any emails. But this morning she kept an eye on the computer clock trying to will the time to go by faster. The time seemed to go by ever so slowly but finally it was time to get ready. She brushed her teeth and then worked on her hair. She then put on a little body spray to make herself smell nice. As she went out the door, she told herself once again that she shouldn't get her hopes up. Mia may be straight or even if she was a lesbian, she probably wouldn't be interested in someone who only had a

high school education. But even with those doubts, she had a smile on her face as she went to her car.

Mia wasn't there when she arrived but there was a place at the counter so Sharon slid onto the seat and lit up a cigarette as Christy brought her a cup of coffee. Sharon spoke to her a moment as she ordered her food but it was busy and Christy couldn't stay long. Sharon started to read her book but she also kept an eye out for Mia. Sharon ate slowly but when she had finished her meal, Mia was still not there. Christy refilled her coffee cup and Sharon lit a cigarette. She was exhaling when she heard the voice she was waiting for. Mia had come in with a few people and they filled

up all the seats at the counter. Sharon knew she wouldn't get lucky and have

Mia sit beside her and she was right as an older man sat down beside of her and he had his own book. He had short gray hair and he was friendly but he wasn't who Sharon wanted sitting beside of her. Sharon watched as Mia went to the far end of the counter and sat down. Christy went over to Mia and Sharon saw her talking quietly to her. Sharon knew that Christy was talking about her and when she dared to look over at Mia, she found that Mia was looking back at her. Sharon was fearful of the response that Mia would give her and she was pleasantly surprised to find that Mia gave her a nice smile.

Sharon felt her face go flush and she hoped that Mia was far enough away that she would notice her red face. Sharon smoked her cigarette and lit up another hoping for a chance to talk to Mia but she seemed to be stuck where she was, as those around her kept her talking. Sharon killed as much time as

she could but then she began to feel like a school girl waiting for the most

popular boy to talk to her. So she paid her bill and then she got up to leave. But as everyone bade her a good day, she noticed that Mia was smiling at her

and that made her feel good again.

Sunday she stopped in again but Mia never showed up and she wanted to talk to Christy but she was assigned to a different section and wasn't her waitress that morning. Sharon went through another week waiting for Saturday to arrive and when it did, she was up early as always. She was determined to talk to Mia today, come hell or high water. She decided to arrive a little later hoping to time it right but when she got there Mia was no where to be seen. Again Sharon ate slowly and she tried to kill as much time

as possible but this morning Mia never showed. Sharon felt halfway depressed the rest of the day as nothing was going right for her. Everything

that she did didn't turn out quite as she had planned. The next morning she didn't expect to see Mia and she was correct as she never showed up.

When the following Saturday arrived, Sharon had stopped thinking that it was going to happen. She was sure that either Mia wouldn't show up or she would sit with the rest of the regulars. Sharon was fast becoming a regular and the gray hair man was nice and talked to her about the books that they were reading but she wasn't into men. Mia did show up this morning

but she was dressed in a pant suit and not the shorts and knit top that she usually wore. There were two women and a man with her and they sat in a booth. Sharon felt so disappointed even through she had about given up on ever getting to meet Mia. She tried to catch Mia's eye as Mia came in but Mia was engrossed in a conversation and didn't see her. Sharon knew that day wasn't going to be the day so she ate her breakfast and after she had finished her cigarette, she paid her bill. As she left, she tried hard not to look at Mia but she couldn't help herself. When her eyes found Mia, she saw that she was looking back at her. Mia seemed to shrug her shoulders as she smiled. Sharon smiled back and left feeling like Mia was telling her something, but Sharon was past getting her hopes up. She discounted the shrug but it was never far from her mind as she went through the day.

Sunday morning arrived and Sharon debated about even going to the Waffle House but she had begun to enjoy not having to worry about what she wanted to eat or having to fix it. So in the end she decided to go but this time she knew that Mia wasn't going to be there. When she got there only her fellow reader was there but he was leaving and they exchanged pleasantries as he left the restaurant and she entered it. She sat at her favorite place at the counter and Christy gave her a smile that seemed to say more as she brought her coffee and creamer. Sharon told Christy her order and Christy quickly took it and called it to the cook. She then disappeared into the back. Sharon paid it no mine as she opened her book and lit her cigarette. She food soon arrived and she began to eat as she became engrossed in her book. She heard a few people come in from time to time and she paid them no mind. Then a woman came in and sat beside her and Sharon wondered why they sat beside of her when there were other seats available to them. She kept reading and eating but then she smelled something nice. She realized that it was the perfume that the woman sitting beside of her was wearing.

"That must be a good book." The woman said to her.

"Yea, it is." Sharon said without looking up. She read a couple of more lines when she realized that she knew that voice. "Oh shit." Sharon let slip

out and she heard the woman give out a little laugh.

"I said that out loud, didn't I?" Sharon said as she finally looked up and saw Mia looking back at her and she had a grin that went from ear to ear.

"Yep, I'm Mia by the way." Mia said and she held out her hand.

"My name is Sharon but I'm thinking of changing it to "Mud"." Sharon

replied with a half smile. This caused Mia to laugh again and Sharon knew that she could grow to love that laugh.

"That's okay, I've known to open my mouth and insert my foot many times. I never know when to keep my mouth shut. So you like to read, I see."

Mia said and Sharon was grateful for the change of subject.

"I love to read, I always have a book with me. Do you like to read?"

Sharon asked.

"Yes I do, but I tend to stick to the classic's, I'm not much for just reading fluff." Mia said and the comment ran all over Sharon. Mia may as well have slapped her across the face.

"Well I like fluff." Sharon said as she felt her face go red. She then got her purse put and pulled a ten out to pay her bill. She was about halfway out of her seat when she felt a hand on her arm.

"I'm sorry, that didn't come out the way I meant it too. Please stay a minute more." Mia said and Sharon looked at her and she saw that Mia was sorry for what she had said. Sharon wanted to leave but something made her stay. She got back on her seat and she gave Mia a look that dared her to come up with a reason for her to stay.

"I really am sorry for the way I said what I said. What I should have said was that I teach English Lit over at the community college so I have to

keep reading the classics to make sure that I understand them so that I can explain them better to my students so I don't have time to read regular books." Mia said.

"Close but no cigar. See ya!" Sharon said and she slipped off the seat and walked out before Mia could say anything else.

Sharon tried to not to look back to see if Mia came after her and she felt a little better to see her at the door waving at her but not much. She didn't like to be put down and that is what she felt Mia did to her. She did

her grocery shopping angry and she took it out on everything that she threw into her grocery cart. When she got home, she got on the computer to let off steam with some of her internet friends. She expected them to feel for her and agree that Mia was now a non entity. But they told her the exact opposite. They all thought that she should give Mia another chance. They pointed out to her that Mia did take the first step and come in on a Sunday just to talk to her. Sharon argued that she was through with love and she was happy living by herself. None of her friends bought what she was selling

and by the end of the day they had Sharon rethinking her position. Sharon finally signed off later that evening feeling better but she wasn't sure where she stood with Mia, she figured that they had both blown their chance of being together, that is if they ever had any chance of that happening. When ever she had a few down moments during the week she thought about Mia but it wasn't with the excitement that she had before.

Sharon woke up with a feeling of dread on Saturday morning, she wanted not to go to the waffle House for breakfast but when she opened her emails that morning, she had ten messages all from her friends and they all said the same thing "Get off your ass and go to the Waffle House." Sharon had to laugh at her friends and before she got up to get ready, she replied to each one saying "Okay, you win!"

She arrived at her normal time and she found that Mia was already there and when she turned around she gave Sharon a smile. She did want to return it but Sharon found that she was smiling back. She looked and found that all the seats were taken at the counter but there was a booth open in the smoking section so she turned and sat down. She got her coffee and ordered her food and then lit a cigarette. She then saw Mia getting up from her seat and she thought that she was leaving but when she got to the door she went on past it and came to her booth.

"May I sit down?" Mia asked politely.

Sharon looked up and the first thing that went through her mind was saying something smart like "It's a free country." But instead she said, "If

you like." And she found that she was actually happy that Mia did sit down.

"I'd like to start over again. I screwed up last Sunday and I'm sorry about that. Will you accept my sincere apology?" Mia asked and she held out her hand.

Sharon smiled and she reached out and took Mia's hand. It felt soft and warm and Sharon felt her heart skip a beat. She released Mia's hand and she tried to refocus her thoughts, reminding herself that Mia wasn't out of her dog house yet.

Christy came over about this time with Sharon's food and refilled both of their coffees and then she took Mia's order.

"I see you like to read." Mia commented as Sharon took a bite of her

food. Sharon laughed and then she almost choked as she had to give Mia credit, she was heading right back to what got her in trouble in the first place. Sharon chewed her food and composed her thoughts before answering her.

"Why yes I do. I carry a book with me almost all the time. I love to

just get lost in a good book. Do you like to read?" Sharon asked putting the

ball back in Mia's court. This is where Mia got in trouble before and Sharon

was wondering how she was going to answer the question this time.

Mia reached over and picked up Sharon's cigarette case and raised her eyebrows to her. Sharon nodded her head letting Mia know that she was welcome to one. Sharon noticed that Mia was taking her time in answering her question but she wasn't going to rush her, this was too important to both of them. Mia lit the cigarette and in haled deeply and then she took a sip of her coffee.

"I do like to read but I teach English literature at the community college so I have to read a lot for that. I really don't get much time to just sit down and read a book just for the enjoyment of it. I wish I did but mostly I have to read the classics to keep ahead of my students." Mia said and for the first time since she had first laid eyes on her Sharon saw a little self doubt cross Mia's face.

Sharon wanted to make Mia squirm a bit but she let her off the hook quickly. "You answered that question a lot better this time. But then again you had a week to think about it." Sharon said.

"True and I did a lot of thinking. I really am sorry about what I said last week. I fucked up and I'm sorry. I do want us to be friends; you seem like a nice lady." Mia said.

"I would like that too." Sharon said and about this time Christy brought Mia's waffle and sausage. They both ate for a minute and thought about where to go next with the conversation.

"So what do you do for a living?" Mia asked.

"I'm a purchasing agent for Citizen's Tooling. It's that plant off of 11E. I've been there almost twenty years now." Sharon told her.

"That's a long time, have you always been in purchasing?" Mia asked as she took another bite of her food.

"No, I started on the floor, running one of the machines. I was one of the first women that they allowed to run any of the machinery. I think that they were desperate for machine operators and I just happened to be there and was willing to try. It was hot, hard work but the money was good. I did that for almost seventeen years then this purchasing position opened. It paid less but it also got me out of the hot warehouse. I was able to save a lot of my overtime money so the money wasn't as important as it once was." Sharon said and she wondered if Mia would be turned off by her being a factory worker, someone who worked with her hands and not so much with her mind.

"That sounds interesting and I don't blame you for wanting to get away from the machines, sometimes there are things more important than money." Mia said and Sharon noticed that she seemed to have a far off look on her face as if there was more to what she was saying.

"You got that right. Not that being a purchasing agent is easy, it isn't. I'm on the phone all day long making sure that everything arrives on time. But at this point in my life I would rather be doing that." Sharon said.

"So what else do you like to do?" Mia asked.

"No, enough about me for the moment, it's your turn now. Have you always been at the college?" Sharon asked knowing the answer already.

"No, I've been there about five years now. I was like you, I changed

jobs to something less stressful. It's sort of a long story and I'll tell you one day but not today okay?" Mia said.

"Sure, that's no problem. So tell me something else about you that I

don't know." Sharon said as she finished up her breakfast and lit a cigarette as Christy came over and refilled their coffee cups.

"Let's see, I tend to bum cigarettes as I'm too cheap to buy my own." Mia said with a little laugh as she pointed to Sharon's cigarette case.

Sharon laughed as she took a cigarette out and gave it to Mia. She then took her Zippo out and held the flame up to her cigarette. Sharon felt Mia's hand cup her own and that make she shiver from the feel of Mia's soft hands. As Mia took her hands away and inhaled on her cigarette, she gave Sharon a smile and Sharon had to smile back. Mia then changed the subject to something neutral and they talked for the next hour. Each gave small clues about themselves but never telling everything. They would have stayed there longer but Christy came back and gently hinted that they needed the booth. Sharon looked over and saw that there were people waiting fro a place to sit. Mia offered to pay both their bills but Sharon refused, paying her own ticket. They then walked out to their cars.

"Would you like to meet here tomorrow for breakfast?" Mia asked.

"That would be nice." Sharon replied.

"About eight?"

"Sounds good to me, I'll be here with bells on." Sharon replied and then she felt stupid for saying something so silly.

Mia laughed and then she took Sharon's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. She then walked over to her late model Ford Ranger and got in. Sharon went to her car cursing herself for saying something so silly. But she also felt giddy about getting to talk to Mia again.

When she got home, she got on the internet and started to tell her friends about her "Date" with Mia. Of course, she got a chorus of "I told you so." But Sharon didn't mind because it meant that she would see Mia at least

one more time. She got a lot of good advice as to how to play it the next day. She took it all in but she was too old now to play games, she was just going to be herself and if that wasn't good enough, then so be it. She talked for a while then she did her regular chores but Mia was never far from her mind.

As she was getting ready Sunday morning, she went to her jewelry box

to get a necklace out, she happened to see a pair of earrings that her youngest niece had given to her a few years back for Christmas. There was a little bell that attached to each hook. She only wore them at Christmas and then only when she knew that she would be seeing her niece. She started to reach for them then took her hand back. But then she thought about it again and she pulled them out. She had said something silly and she figured that she may as well play it out. It might be a good way to see if Mia had a sense of humor. She put the earrings on and she shook her head to make sure that they would still jingle. She had to smile as she walked away to get her purse and things.

When she arrived at the Waffle House, she saw that Mia's black Ranger was already there. That made her happy to know that Mia was waiting on her. She took a deep breath and headed toward the door. She found that Mia was sitting in the same booth that they were in yesterday. Sharon turned toward her and slide into the booth, making sure that she moved her head so that her bells would jingle.

"I see that you did come with bells on." Mia said with a laugh.

"I just had to do it. I felt so silly about saying that I would be here with bells on yesterday that when I saw these earrings that my niece gave to

me, I had to put them on." Sharon said as she accepted her cup of coffee from Judith, one of the other waitresses.

"Well, I think that they are cute and it's nice to know that someone

would want to meet me and be so happy about it that they wear bells." Mia said and she had a gleam in her eyes that Sharon knew meant more than anything she said.

About this time Judith came back and Sharon was saved from finding a reply as she placed her order and Mia placed hers. Sharon then pulled out a cigarette and she automatically gave one to Mia. She lit her own cigarette and then reached over to light Mia's. She was hoping that Mia would cover her hands with her own again and she wasn't disappointed. She watched as Mia pulled her hands in closer and she enjoyed the feel of Mia's hands on hers. They both started to smoke their cigarettes as they began to talk. The conversation started slowly but by the time their food got there, they were both talking up a storm. An hour passed by and then another hour passed and they were still talking and sipping their coffee. But soon the restaurant started filling up and they knew that they time there had ended.

"So what are you up to now?" Mia asked as they walked outside.

"Nothing exciting, just doing my grocery shopping," Sharon said. "I would ask you along but I know you don't want to tag along for that."

"You never know, all you have to do is ask." Mia said.

"You sure?" Sharon asked.

"I don't know, you haven't asked me yet." Mia replied with a smile.

"Would you like to go shopping with me?" Sharon asked and she held her breath waiting for Mia's reply.

"I would love to." Mia said as she walked to Sharon's car and waited by the passenger door.

"Cool," Sharon said as she hurried to catch up and unlock the door.

When she got in behind the driver's seat, she had to look over at Mia and smile. It felt so right to have Mia with her. She put the car into drive

and took off. At the store they both got a buggy and they started to walk around the store. They started with the clothes and worked their way around the store. They weren't really shopping but mainly talking. At one point, Sharon noticed that Mia had left her buggy somewhere and was just walking with her. This made her feel even better, as Mia dropped any pretext of doing her own shopping. Sharon was beginning to feel even more comfortable with Mia. She was more down to earth than you would figure a college professor would be. They worked their way around the store slowly. Sharon wasn't really a shopper and today wasn't any different as she was talking more to Mia than shopping. Sharon usually finished her Sunday shopping in an hour but today she was in the store for three hours.

"I hate to leave you but I have to get my notes together for tomorrow's classes." Mia said as they got back to the Waffle House where Mia's truck was waiting for her.

"That's okay; I need to get the groceries into the refrigerator." Sharon replied.

This was a brief moment of awkward silence between them then Mia cleared her throat and said, "Could I have your number?"

"Sure," Sharon said as she got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote down her number. She gave it to Mia and then gave her the pen and paper. Mia wrote down her number and handed it to Sharon. As she took the pen and paper, she held onto Mia's fingers for a long moment. She was afraid

that Mia would pull her hand back but she left it there until Sharon released her hand. Sharon stood there and watched Mia leave and she loved it when Mia turned and gave her a wave and a smile as she pulled into traffic.

When Sharon got home, she immediately loaded Mia's phone number into her cell phone. Then she went about putting up her groceries only to find that she had forgotten to pick up half of what she went to the store in

the first place. She ended up having to go back and get those things but she

didn't mind, it only reminded her of the time she had just spent with Mia. Sharon was feeling like a young girl with a mad crush and it felt good. She hadn't felt that way in a long time and it felt so good.

Monday she though about calling Mia but decided against it, she wanted to give her time to call her first. If Mia didn't call her by Thursday, then she would call. But she didn't have to wait that long. Tuesday evening her cell phone rang.

"Hello," Sharon answered the unfamiliar number.

"Hi, its Mia, I hope that you don't mind me calling." Mia answered.

"Of course not, that is why I gave you my number." Sharon said.

"I know but I was just making sure. So how are you doing tonight?"

"Pretty good, a little tired from work but good. How about yourself?"

"Real good, I only had one class to teach today and none of my students stopped by to discuss their grades. That will come at the end of the semester when they realize that that should have studied more at the beginning of the semester." Mia said with a laugh and Sharon laughed with her.

"I bet so; I'm not sure where I would have fit in if I had got to college. Probably the one who waits till the last minute to worry about their grade." Sharon said with a laugh.

"I would say that you are wrong there, I think you would be in my office the first day worrying about your grade." Mia replied.

"Yea, you're probably right. I have always been a worrier." Sharon said.

"I was calling to ask you something." Mia then said.

"Okay, what do you want to know." Sharon replied.

"I know this is short notice but the college is having a local poet coming to do a reading. I have been working on them to do something like this for a long time and they have finally done it. I have bribed all my students into coming and I was wondering if you would like to come?" Mia said.

"That sounds interesting, but are you asking if I just wanted to come or want to go to it with you?" Sharon inquired.

"Oh, I sorry, I meant for you to come with me as my friend." Mia said.

"In that case, I would love to go with you."

"Great, then it's a date." Mia replied and then she went on to tell Sharon about the poet and while he wasn't a Longfellow, he wasn't that bad. She would have preferred a more well known artist but she was starting small and hopefully would get better speakers as time went on. They talked for about an hour then they said their goodbyes.

Sharon was giddy the day and all of her coworkers were after her to know what was going on. She also had a bunch of emails from her friends telling her "Good Luck" on her date. And ,of course, they wanted all the details upon her return. Sharon took a shower and then fixed her hair making sure that everything was in place. She then put on her best dress that wasn't to fancy but still looked nice. She even put a little eye shadow

and liner on her eyes. She then put on a little perfume on and she was ready. She checked her face and dress one more time before heading out the door. She was to meet Mia at the college as she had to be there early to make sure that everything was set up.

When she got there, a young lady met her at the entrance to the small auditorium and showed her to her seat up front where there were two seats reserved. Sharon was more than a little fidgety and was dieing for a cigarette but she tried to hide it the best that she could. About five minutes before the start, she finally saw Mia looking out from behind the corner of the curtain. She gave Sharon a little wave and disappeared back behind the curtain. The auditorium was filling up with mostly students and also a few of the professors and finally a few of the local citizens. At exactly eight, Mia came out and addressed the guests and introduced the poet. She then went down the steps and came over to her seat beside of Sharon.

"I'm glad that you came." Mia said as she took Sharon's hand and gave it a quick squeeze.

"I wouldn't have missed it." Sharon said as she gave Mia's hand a squeezed back.

They then both sat back and listened to the poet read his poets. Sharon had never been much for poetry but there were a couple about love that she liked, but the rest she just tried to look interested for Mia's sake. The poet read for about an hour and half and then Mia got back up and thanked the poet and also the people who had come out to hear him. Mia then had to see the poet off and Sharon took the time to sneak out for a much needed cigarette.

"I thought I'd find you out here." Mia said as she came out the door.

"You caught me; I had to have one of these." Sharon said as she held

up her cigarette.

"Well don't be stingy with those things, let me have one. I need one

bad." Mia said.

"I'm sure that you do." Sharon said as she got a cigarette from her case and handed it to her.

Mia took it and leaned forward to let Sharon lit it for her. "Damn, this tastes good."

Sharon laughed and said, "I bet you were a little stressed out there."

"More than you can imagine, but I'm glad that you came. That made me

feel a lot better, you have become a good friend." Mia said as she turned to


"You become a good friend to me too. But I need to tell you something." Sharon said and suddenly she felt butterflies in her stomach.

"What's that dear?" Mia asked.

Sharon started to answer when a bunch of students came out the door laughing.

"Come on dear and lets go to my office and we can talk, you sound very serious." Mia said as she took Sharon by the hand and started to lead her across the lawn and into the building that was across from the auditorium. Sharon felt her hand begin to sweat and she hoped that Mia didn't notice but she couldn't see how she couldn't since she was holding on to it. Luckily, Mia's office was located on the ground floor and Mia turned on the lights as

she opened the door.

"So what is on your mind?" Mia asked as she turned back to Sharon.

Sharon took in a deep breath and then she let it out slowly, she wanted to word this right but it was something that she had to let Mia know now before they went any further.

"You mentioned me being a good friend to you already and I feel the same way about you but there is something else there for me. I'm attracted to you and I want to be more than a friend to you. Do you understand what I'm saying?" Sharon said and then asked. She held her breath waiting for Mia's response.

"I think that you are saying that you are a lesbian and want us to have a deeper relationship than just being friends, correct?" Mia said and she moved just a little closer to where Sharon was nervously standing.

"Yes, it is. But if you don't that is okay, I would still like to be your friend." Sharon said and now she was really nervous. The butterflies that were just flying around in her stomach were now going haywire.

Mia took another step forward and she took Sharon by the shoulders and pulled her in close. Sharon was surprised by this but even more surprised when Mia moved her head in and was closing her eyes. Sharon closed her eyes just as she felt Mia's lips touch hers. The kiss was soft and sweet and while it didn't last very long, it was very satisfying to Sharon.

"Does that answer your question?" Mia asked as she pulled Sharon to her and wrapped her arms around her body.

"Yes it does." Sharon whispered as she laid her head on Mia's shoulder and hugged her back.

Sharon felt more of her heart going out to Mia and she knew she was quickly falling in love with her. She wanted to go slow, but the way Mia was

holding her and not trying to press made her feel like she had finally found

the right woman. She just wanted to stand there and have Mia hold her all night. Mia began to rock her gently as they stood there and she felt Mia's hand moving tenderly along her spine. Soon she felt Mia pulled away and she tried to hide the tears that had begun to stream down her face. Mia didn't say anything; she only moved her head and kissed the tears that flowed from Sharon's eyes. This act made her cry harder for a few moments but then the tears slowly stopped.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to cry like that." Sharon said to her in a soft voice.

"I think it was sweet. It tells me more about you than any words could." Mia said as she leaned forward and she kissed Sharon again. This kiss was a little more passionate but still it was more of a loving kiss than a sexual one. Sharon felt Mia part her lips slightly and she did the same. Their lips moved against each other as their hands caressed each other's backs. This kiss went on and on and Sharon felt the loss of Mia's lips when they parted.

"I really don't want to break this up but I bet everyone has left by

now and the security guards will be coming around soon to check the doors." Mia said.

"That is okay, it has been a beautiful night. One I will remember for a long time." Sharon said.

"I hope that there will be more nights like this to come?" Mia said and also asked.

"Friday at my place for dinner?" Sharon asked.

"It's a date." Mia said as she took Sharon's hand and began to lead her out of her office.

"What do you like to eat?"

"Whatever you like to cook."

"Now that's a lot of help, tell me something so I'll have an idea of what you like to eat. I could cook peas, lima beans, and salmon." Sharon said.

"I take it those are things that you hate to eat." Mia said.

"Yep so tell me something so I'll have some sore of an idea of what to fix."

"I like Italian or Mexican food as well as good old steak and potatoes. So you see about anything will be fine."

"Okay but you better eat what I cook!" Sharon said as she squeezed Mia's hand.

"Oh I will and maybe something else." Mia said and she gave Sharon a

wink that made her blush.

"We'll see." Sharon finally said.

"I guess this is where we part for the night." Mia said as they got to Sharon's car which was park a few spaces from hers.

"I believe it is." Sharon said as she got her keys out and then before she opened her door she leaned in and gave Mia a quick kiss.

"Bye, for now." Mia said and she gave Sharon a wave and then she went to her car. Sharon followed her out of the parking lot and then turned the opposite direction when they got to the light.

Sharon felt like she was on top of the world as she drove home. All she could think about was Mia's lips on hers and how she felt as they kissed. It was the most sensual kiss that she had ever received and she had received more than a few kisses in her life but that kiss was the best. When

she got home, she washed her face and took off her clothes and slid into bed. She knew that she wasn't going to sleep much that night and she would pay for it in the morning but she didn't care. She didn't want to sleep; she

just wanted to think about Mia so that is what she did.

But sleep did come and the next day wasn't as bad as she thought but

by the time she got home the day was catching up with her. She knew that she needed to plan on what to cook the next night but she really didn't feel

like going to the grocery store. So she shed her clothes on the way back to her bathroom and she took a shower. When she got out, she put on a long tee shirt and padded back to the kitchen. She fixed a salad and as she ate she thought about what to cook for her date with Mia. She thought for a while and finally decided that maybe a steak and potato with a salad wasn't a bad idea. She could stop on her way home and pick up the steaks and some charcoal to cook them on the grill. That way they could sit out on her porch

and talk as the steaks cooked. She finished the salad and straightened up the house a bit. She got lucky in that she had cleaned up the house the previous weekend so for once it wasn't in bad shape. She then went in and answered her emails but didn't turn on her messengers as she was too tired to talk to anyone. She then went to her bedroom and took off her tee shirt and turned on the TV. In no time she was fast asleep.

"This is Sharon" Sharon said into her phone when it rang about two Friday afternoon.

"Sharon, this is Mia, I hated to call you at work but I have a problem about coming over tonight."

Sharon felt her heart sink when she heard those words. "What is wrong?"

"I don't have a clue as to where you live." Mia said.

"Sit, you had me scared to death, I thought that you weren't coming or something." Sharon said and then she heard Mia laugh.

"I know I wanted to scare you a bit. Sorry but I couldn't resist." Mia said.

"I see, well I do have a tendency to get people back you know." Sharon said now that she was breathing again.

"So anyway are you still going to give me your address?' Mia asked sweetly.

"Yea, but only so that I can give you food poisoning tonight." Sharon threatened but then she gave Mia her address. They talked a minute more but then Sharon got another call and she had to go.

She hit the shower as soon as she got home and then went to her small closet to find something to wear. It was still warm outside so she didn't want to put on jeans and a dress didn't seem appropriate for grilling

steaks. In the end, she decided to go comfortable and she put on a pair of sweat shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt. She figured if Mia showed up dressed to the hilt then she could say that she was just getting dressed and

then go change quickly but she had seen Mia on weekends and she seemed to be comfortable in short and tee shirts.

She then went back to the kitchen and put the potatoes on to bake. If she had more time she would have let the potatoes cook on the grill but today the oven would have to do. After getting the potatoes started, she started to cut up the salad. She liked everything cut up just right and she also put a little seasoning on the salad and then she placed it in the refrigerator. Next on the list of things to do was to start the charcoal. She had an old grill as she liked the taste of a steak cooked with charcoal and not on one of those fancy gas grills. Plus the gas grills were way out of her budget for the few times that she would use it. She grabbed the bag of charcoal and the lighter fluid and headed toward the door. About the time she got to the doo, she heard a knock. She looked at her watch and saw that it was only six-thirty; Mia was a half hour early.

"You're just in time to start the charcoal." Sharon said as she opened the door and saw Mia standing there in cut off jean shorts and a tee shirt that said, "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

"Any I love the shirt by the way." She continued saying as she handed Mia the bag of charcoal.

Mia took the bag as she put the bottle of wine that she was carrying

in the crook of her arm and then she said, "Good evening to you too and by the way, I have never started a charcoal grill before."

"Well, I guess you will learn something tonight after all. But first, I need to do something, come in the house." Sharon said as she stepped to the side and let Mia enter after she had put the bag down.

"What do you want to show me?" Mia asked and before she could move, Sharon pulled her from the door and kissed her.

"Good evening," Sharon said after the long soft kiss ended.

"Now that greeting I liked much better than the first one." Mia said

out of breath and then she started to lean in for another kiss.

"Oh no. No more of that until after we get the charcoal going." Sharon told her as she took the bottle of wine that Mia was still holding and put it into the fridge.

"The first thing you do is to open the bag." Sharon said as she sat in a chair on the porch.

"You're really going to make me start this aren't you?" Mia said.

"You should never have said that you hadn't done it before. And it's my way of getting you back for scaring me this afternoon."

"Okay, I'll show you that I can do this. Now what do I do first?" Mia said.

"Pour the charcoals into the grill until it is about this deep." Sharon said as she showed her with her hands. "Then spread them out with your fingers so that you have a nice spread of bricks."

Sharon had to smile as Mia gave her a funny look as if she didn't like to touch the black bricks. But she did and she spread them properly. Then she looked for a place to wipe her hands and not seeing any rags around she wiped them on her shorts.

"Now open the lighter fluid and coat the charcoal bricks well." Sharon told her and she did. "Now take my lighter and put it at on side and light one of the charcoal bricks. Don't worry, they won't flame up, it's slow starting


Mia took the lighter and she hesitated for only a second before putting the flame to the brick. They both watched as it slowly caught fire and Mia moved the lighter away. The fire slowly spread until the whole top was burning.

"See I told you that I could do it." Mia said very proud of herself.

"I always knew that you could." Sharon said smiling.

"Now that I've done all the hard work, how about you pouring us a glass of that wine that I brought." Mia said smiling.

"Now that I can do." Sharon said as she got up and Mia started to follow.

"Where are you going?" Sharon said as she stopped at the doorway.

"To help with the wine and maybe get another kiss." Mia replied and she winked at Sharon.

"I bet it's the kiss and not the wine that you really want." Sharon said as she took Mia's hand and pulled her through the door.

"Maybe..." Mia said as she let Sharon lead her through the living room and into the small kitchen.

"This is a pretty trailer; you have done well with it." Mia told her as she let go of Sharon's hand and she looked around.

"It's nicer than you thought a trailer would be isn't it?" Sharon asked.

"Yes it is I'll have to admit, I was figuring that it would be something more..." Mia was saying when Sharon finished the sentence for her, "trashy."

"Well yes, I'm sorry but that was going through my mind when you said that you lived in a trailer." Mia said and Sharon could see that she really felt bad about thinking that.

"That's okay, I figured that you would be a stuck up bitch when I found out that you were a college professor and a professor that had been published before. So we're even." Sharon said.

Mia laughed aloud at the bitch comments but Sharon could see that she took it in stride.

"How about that glass of wine?" Mia suggested after they both had their laugh.

"Sounds good but first I think we came in here for something other than the wine." Sharon said as she came to Mia and she put her hands on her waist. She pulled Mia to her and she closed her eyes as their lips touched. Sharon let a soft moan out as they kissed and she felt Mia pulling her in closer. Sharon melted in Mia's arms letting her hold her tight as they kissed. Mia opened her lips slightly and Sharon followed suite with her lips. The kiss became a little more passionate as their mouths opened further and Sharon felt Mia's tongue enter her mouth. Sharon touched it tentatively with her own tongue and then she pushed against it harder. Sharon heard Mia moan and this caused her to moan. The kiss kept on going until they were

both out of breath and their lips parted.

"You're a nice kisser." Mia said in a husky voice.

"Your not so bad yourself, I think I'll want lots more of those." Sharon said in a voice that was just as throaty as Mia's was.

"But first let's get that glass of wine and then cook those steaks."

Sharon said as she let go of Mia and went to the cabinet and got two glasses

down. Mia opened the wine and she poured them both a glass.

"To what I hope is long and deep relationship." Mia said and she tapped her glass against Sharon's glass.

"To a long and deep relationship," Sharon echoed and they both took a sip of the wine.

"Now let's go sit on the porch and wait for the coals to get hot." Sharon said as she put the wine bottle into the fridge and then she headed back out to the porch with Mia following closely behind.

They sat out talking and enjoying the early evening. The coals finally got hot and Sharon went in and got the steaks. She splurged and got the best cut that she could. She put the steaks on the grill and began to season

them with the bottles of spices that she brought with her. As the fat dripped on of them there was a little fires popping up and this fascinated Mia as she had never cooked steaks on a grill before. It took a bit to cook them this way but the aroma coming from the grill made them both so hungry. When Sharon declared them done, they both were more than ready to eat.

The potatoes were ready by this time and Sharon got them out as Sharon set the table. They then sat down to eat. Sharon waited as Mia cut a bite off of her steak and she put it into her mouth. Sharon could see a look

of pure bliss as Mia began to chew.

"Damn, that is the best steak I have ever tasted. I'm not just saying that either." Mia said after she had swallowed.

"I knew that you would like it. It is so much better cooked with charcoal than gas." Sharon said and then she took her first bite and she tasted the steak and she smiled as the juices coated her mouth.

They ate and talked until they both were full. Then they sat for a while sipping their wine before getting up and putting the food away and saving the left over steak that they both left. Sharon didn't eat until she was stuffed and she figured that Mia didn't either. Once everything was put away, they retired to the living room. Sharon put some soft music from the seventies. That was the music that they both had grown up with. They both talked a little about their childhoods as they got to know each other better. They both came from completely different households. Sharon was from the lower class where getting through high school was considered an accomplishment. Mia meanwhile came from a family where education was very important and completing college was the least you were expected to do and Mia went beyond that by getting her doctorates degree in English Literature. But Mia had the ability to relate to other people and she was interested in them so she listened to Sharon describe herself and Sharon felt like Mia was impressed that she had done as well as she did considering

where she started from. Plus the fact that Sharon loved to read made her more knowledgeable than most people who she grew up with. Mia told of her family and of her education. She said that she liked to teach but didn't like the politics of education nowadays.

Soon the talking was done and they settled into a comfortable silence. Sharon put her empty wine glass down and she slid over on the couch lying up

against Mia who raised her arm so that Sharon could snuggle up against her. The wine and soft music relaxed her and she sighed as Mia put her arm around her and she felt Mia's fingertip running up and down her arm. Sharon shivered and snuggled closer to Mia and she put her left arm across Mia stomach and laid her hand against her shoulder. They sat there with neither saying a word, just listening to the music that brought back memories of past loves and hopes that this would be the final time they would ever fall in love again. Sharon eventually got around to thinking about what the next step would be and who would make it and she was relieved when she felt Mia's hand under her chin, lifting it up. Sharon did so and she looked into Mia's eyes for a brief moment before Mia lowered her head and kissed her. Sharon let out a moan as Mia kissed her first with her mouth closed and then opened. Sharon allowed Mia's tongue to enter her mouth and she sucked gently on it. As they kissed, Sharon moved her hand that was on Mia's side to her breast. It was soft and yielding as she caressed it. This time it was Mia who moaned. Sharon moved her fingers around the breast and she teased the nipple through Mia's tee shirt and bra. This caused Mia to moan harder and Sharon pinched the nipple lightly. She could feel the nipple harden beneath the clothing. Sharon wanted to feel Mia's breast for real so she slowly pulled back and broke the kiss off.

Without a word spoken, Sharon put her hands to the bottom of Mia's shirt and she began to pull it up. Mia leaned forward and she lifted her arms. Sharon pulled her tee shirt up and off and she looked down at Mia small A cup breasts. She could see the nipple straining against the cloth of her bra. Sharon circled her hands around to Mia's back and she unhooked her bra. She brought the straps forward and she pulled the bra off. Mia's areoles were about the size of a quarter. But the nipples were sticking out more than a half inch. Sharon's mouth began to water as she bent forward and took the left breast into her mouth. She sucked hard and she felt Mia's hand to the back of her head holding it in place.

"Sharon... Sharon..." Mia said over and over again as Sharon moved her hand to the right breast and she began to tease the hard nipple with her finger tips.

"Oh fuck girl, you are good." Mia cried as she lay back against the couch and she let Sharon feast upon her breasts. Sharon loved the taste of Mia's slightly salty skin and the she could just taste the clean flesh below. Sharon moved her mouth to the other breast and she let her hand slid down Mia flat stomach. Sharon sucked hard on Mia's enlarged nipple as her fingers

went on down. They came to the top of Mia's shorts and she unsnapped them. She used her fingers to move the zipper down. She gently bit on the hard nipple as her fingers slipped under Mia's panties and over her mons. She felt no hair; it was as smooth as a baby's butt. Her fingers felt the beginning of the cleft of Mia's pussy. Her middle finger touched the hooded clit of Mia's

pussy and she heard Mia groan and she felt Mia lifting her hips upwards. Sharon let her fingers go on down and she felt how wet Mia was. Sharon caressed the outer lips letting her fingers get wet before she let her middle finger go between Mia's lips and into her pussy. It was wet and warm and Sharon pushed her finger in as deep as she could. She moved her finger in and out of Mia's pussy as she went back and forth between her breasts, biting and teasing them with her tongue. She could hear Mia groaning and moaning as she fucked her pussy with her finger. She kept going in and out of Mia's pussy with her finger until Mia was moaning constantly; she then moved her slippery fingers to her clit and started to rub it hard. Mia raised her hips off the couch and she cried out, "Oh fuck, I'm cummingggg..." Sharon worked her clit harder until she felt Mia spasm from her orgasm.

Sharon then gave a last kiss to each of Mia's nipples and she dropped to the floor. She got between Mia's legs and she tugged the shorts and panties off a half conscious Mia. Sharon opened Mia's legs wider and she lowered her mouth to Mia's enlarged pussy lips. She stuck out her tongue and

she started at the bottom and she took a long slow lick up Mia's pussy.

"Oh Sharon, that feels so fucking good." Sharon heard Mia say as she

went for another swipe of her tongue up Mia's pussy lips. Mia had a unique

taste. It was neither sweet nor salty, it was something completely different

from anything pussy she had ever tasted. She wasn't sure what it tasted like

but she did like it. She licked her way around Mia's lips and then to her thighs. She kissed and nibbled on them before going back to Mia's pussy. She

made another long slow lick that ended at Mia's clit. She sucked the clit into her mouth and Mia closed her thighs on her head. She sucked on the clit for only a moment then she went back to the pussy, this time she parted the lips

with her tongue and she licked deeper. She moved her tongue in and around Mia's pussy as her thighs squeezed her head tighter keeping her in place. As

if there was any other place that she wanted to be. She only wanted to make Mia feel good and she was doing that. She licked and sucked on Mia's pussy getting all the juices that Mia could give her. Finally when she knew Mia was ready, she moved her mouth back to her clit and started to lick the sensitive nub. She licked slowly at first but quickly quicken the pace of her tongue.

"I'm close Sharon, oh fuck, just a little more..." Mia cried before Sharon felt her girl cum hit her chin and she lowered her mouth to suck it in as Mia enjoyed her orgasm.

Sharon felt Mia's thighs squeeze her tighter before they relaxed releasing her head but she stayed in place licking up the girlcum. A few minutes later she felt Mia's hands on her shoulders gently pushing her away.

"Sharon, you made me feel so good but now it is your turn. Please stand up for me." Mia told her as she pushed herself off the couch onto wobbly legs.

"I'm going to make you feel so fucking good." Mia told her just before kissing her.

Mia's lips covered her lips sucking the girlcum that was still there. She then kissed Sharon's face all over cleaning up the rest of the girlcum there. Sharon loved the kisses but she also liked how Mia's hands were caressing her body. They moved all around, briefly touching her breasts, butt, back and for a millisecond her pussy. Then Mia began to undress her and as she did so, she kissed the part of her skin that was being exposed. It was her belly first as she shirt went up and then her shoulders as the shirt came off. The next piece of her clothing was her bra and as she felt the cool air touch her nipples she felt Mia's mouth covering them, warming them back up and making them grow harder.

Sharon felt a moan come from deep within her and she held onto Mia's

shoulders as she let it out. This caused Mia to suck harder on her nipples and then to bite them.

"Oh yes Mia, bite them good." Sharon pleaded to her and Sharon felt Mia's teeth come down harder on her nipples and she cried out in pain and pleasure. Sharon then felt Mia's hands on her shorts and she felt them being

pulled down.

"What, no panties, you naughty girl." Sharon heard Mia say and she almost blushed but then she felt Mia's mouth kiss her clit and then she almost came. Her knees went weak on her and she almost fell.

"I think I need to get you to bed before you fall on me." Mia said and Sharon felt herself being pulled / dragged into the bedroom. She used to have a water bed that had drawers underneath. But she had taken the water mattress out and put in a box spring and mattress. This caused the bed to be very high. Mia helped her up in the bed and Sharon crawled to the center and she lay on her back. Mia went directly to her pussy and she lay between her legs. Sharon opened them wider and she felt Mia's hands on her thighs. Then next thing she felt was Mia's warm breath on her pussy. This made her moan and as she moaned, she felt Mia beginning to lick her pussy. The tongue

went up and down she slit. The tongue just teased her slit and Sharon wanted Mia to go much deeper and Mia was taking her own damn time getting there. Sharon moaned and begged Mia to go deeper and to stop teasing her but Mia kept her light licking until Sharon couldn't stand it anymore. Then and only then did Sharon feel Mia's tongue go much deeper. Sharon came right then and she felt her pussy flooding with her girlcum. She felt Mia sucking hard on her lips as she lost it for a moment from the intense pleasure. When she came back around she felt Mia pulling her lips open with her fingers and her tongue was going in deep into her pussy. Sharon lifted her butt off the mattress and pressed her pussy into Mia's mouth. Mia fucked her pussy with her tongue for a few minutes and Sharon could feel the tongue moving around inside of her. Sharon could feel another orgasm gathering speed inside of her pussy and then she felt one of Mia's fingers slip into her pussy. The finger went in deep and then back out only to be pushed back in faster and deeper. Soon Mia was fucking her pussy well with her finger. Sharon could still feel Mia's tongue moving around her pussy lips and onto her thighs. Sharon started to push back against Mia's fingers and she was being very vocal with her moans. After a few minutes of this, Sharon felt Mia's mouth move to her large clit and she felt Mia sucking hard

on it. Her clit was larger than most women's and she loved for it to be sucked and teased. Mia seemed to know this as she was doing just that. Sharon could feel Mia's tongue caressing the tip of her clit as she sucked hard. The tongue would go around her clit and then tease the end, and then it would go back to circling the tip of her clit all the while Mia was sucking on it. Sharon lifted her ass off the mattress trying to get more of her clit into Mia's mouth. Sharon felt the waves begin to course through her body as her orgasm built up momentum.

"Suck my clit hard girl, I'm cumminggg..." Sharon cried as her body was racked hard with waves of pleasure.

When she came to, Mia was hugging her tight and kissing her face. Sharon began to kiss her back and soon they were locked in a long passionate


"You were right; you did make me feel so fucking good." Sharon said as the kiss ended.

"You didn't do so bad yourself." Mia said as she kissed her again. This time is was a lighter softer kiss.

"I think I'm about ready for some sleep." Sharon said as she looked out the window and saw that it was already dark.

"Me too, but I need to make a pit stop first." Mia said as she started to get up.

As she went to the bathroom, Sharon went into the kitchen and turned off the lights. She opened the door a crack and saw that the charcoal was out so she locked the door and headed into the bathroom as Mia exited it. Sharon looked at herself in the mirror and saw that her face was flush. She put her fingers to her cheek and she could still feel the heat radiating from her skin from the orgasm that Mia had given to her. She also saw that she was smiling from ear to ear and no matter how hard she tried not to smile, she ended up smiling anyway. She had been in love enough times

before to know that she had fallen for Mia and that realization made her smile even bigger. She finally realized that she had spent enough time looking at herself and she quickly peed and then she wet a washrag and cleaned up the left over girlcum on her pussy and thighs. She then got up and washed her face clean and thought about putting on a little lipstick but

decided that she would just lose it when she kissed Mia goodnight, instead she put a dab of perfume on and opened the bathroom door. As she turned off the lights, she found that the trailer was dark so she felt her way back

to the bedroom and on to the bed.

"Welcome back lover." Sharon heard Mia say from the bed.

"I'm happy to see that you are going to stay the night, I was hoping

that you would." Sharon said as she slipped into the bed and she felt Mia's naked body rub against her own bare skin.

"I'm not going anywhere tonight, except maybe getting closer to you." Mia said with a soft giggle as she pulled Sharon in close.

"I wouldn't mind that too bad. I like having you here to hold and to

hold on to me." Sharon said.

"Well I have a funny feeling that there won't be too many nights that we aren't together, whether it be my apartment or your trailer." Mia said as

Sharon felt her kiss her cheek.

"I love the sound of that." Sharon said as she snuggled in close to Mia who wrapped her arms around her and held her close.

They kissed for a minute or two then they fell silent as sleep took over their minds. Sharon slept peacefully that night and when she awoke early the next morning she felt one of Mia's legs spayed across her legs. She could hear Mia's slow but steady breathing and that made her feel so good. She looked at the clock and found that it was six-thirty and she thought to herself, "Well at least she helped me to sleep a little later on a Saturday morning." She then slipped out of the bed and went to turn on the coffee before heading to the bathroom. When she got back to the kitchen, she found that the coffee was about done so she put some cream and sugar into her cup and she poured her first cup of coffee. She then got a robe from the closet in the front bedroom where her study was and she grabbed her cigarette case. She slipped out the front door and onto the porch. She lit her first cigarette of the morning. She inhaled deeply and let the smoke relax her. The sun was just coming up and she wanted to go get Mia so that she could watch it come up with her but decided to let her sleep. Sharon was

on her second cup of coffee when she heard the front door opening. She turned around to see Mia coming out with her own cup of coffee.

"Good morning." Sharon said cheerfully.

"Shhhh... let me have my cup of coffee and a cigarette and then you can talk to me." Mia said and it was then that Sharon noticed the frown on Mia's face and she knew that she had fallen for someone that wasn't a morning person. So she lit Mia a cigarette and let her sit down. The silence

was killing Sharon as she so wanted to talk but she waited for Mia to come back to life. It actually took her a cup and a half of coffee to start talking.

"Don't tell me that I'm in love with a morning person." Mia finally said.

"Afraid so," Sharon replied with a smile.

"You know I'm wanted in four states for killing morning people who dared to talk to me before I've had my coffee." Mia said with a slight smile.

"I'll try to remember that." Sharon said with a laugh and then Mia came to life and she laughed too.

"You know I can be a pain in the ass to live with." Mia said turning the morning conversation serious.

"I'm no angel either; I have been told that I have a stubborn streak

that is a mile long." Sharon countered.

"But we both have been around the bend a few times and we can make this work if we want to." Mia said.

"I have looked and looked for someone to spend the rest of my days with and I always failed. I'm tired of looking and I think with you, I won't

have to look again. I think that at times we will be like fire and ice but there will be more days like last night." Sharon said and she felt scared of Mia response.

"Honey, we have both been there and don't want to go back. I think we will do just fine with each other but it will be work. But I'm not afraid to

work, are you?" Mia asked.

"Nope but I do have one important question." Sharon said seriously.

"What's that?" Mia asked as she sat up in her chair.

"Where are you taking me to eat breakfast?" Sharon said with a serious look then she broke into a smile.

"Well, since I'm obviously treating, I think the Waffle House is the

place." Mia said as she started to get up.

"I was just kidding about treating me but I was serious about getting something to eat. I'm starving." Sharon said as she got up.

"No, you cooked last night, the least I can do is to treat you to breakfast." Mia said and she took Sharon by the hand and pulled her into the


As soon as she was pulled into the house, Sharon found herself pinned to the door with her hands above her head. Then without saying a word, she leaned in and kissed her. When Mia released her hands, Sharon wrapped them around Mia's body and pulled her in tight. They kissed fiercely and passionately for more than a few minutes.

"By the way, good morning," Mia said as the kiss ended.

"Morning," Sharon said a little hoarsely. Then she added, "If I wasn't so hungry, I'd be dragging you back to the bed right now."

"That sounds nice too!" Mia said as she headed toward the bedroom.

"Yes it does." Sharon said more to herself than Mia.

"You know, I don't have anything clean to wear. You wouldn't mind making a stop by my place before we go eat, would you?" Mia asked.

"No, that will be fine, besides it will give me a chance to scope out your digs." Sharon said with a laugh.

"Just remember, you knew I was coming over last night and I haven't had a chance to clean my place up for you." Mia said.

"I'll try to keep that in mind, oh where did I put my white glove?" Sharon said laughing.

"If you take a white glove, then you aren't getting out of the car." Mia said laughing with Sharon.

When they got to Mia's apartment, Sharon found it to be exactly like

she expected. It was spotless, that is until Mia showed her the spare bedroom that she, like Sharon, had made into a study. The desk was covered with papers and there were books opened everywhere.

"I told you that my place wasn't very neat." Mia said.

"Hey, your study doesn't count. I don't think I showed you my study but it isn't much neater than this. This is where you do your work and it should be the way you want it. If someone doesn't like it then fuck them." Sharon said seriously.

"I like your thinking. Your right, this is where I do most of my work and research so it is how I need for it to be." Mia said and then she went to her bedroom to change into fresh clothes. Sharon followed along and Mia talked as she changed and Sharon ogled Mia's well kept body.

"This is where we met." Sharon said as Mia pulled into the Waffle House.

"I always liked coming here and now I have a better reason for doing

so." Mia said as she leaned over and Sharon closed her eyes as Mia kissed her.

"It was the best decision that ever made, coming here to eat that morning when I couldn't decide what I wanted to eat for breakfast." Sharon said as the kiss ended.

"It's weird how a simple decision can lead to much deeper things. If

you had gone somewhere else or stayed at home then I wouldn't be sitting here today with you by my side. Weird..." Mia said and then she seemed to be

lost in thought for a second.

Sharon sat there for a moment not knowing if she should say anything

or just keep her mouth shut but then she saw Mia shaking her head.

"Sorry about that, I kind of got lost in space there. You will have to watch me for that. Just pinch me when I do that. So let's go eat. We'll starve to death sitting out here." Mia said as she squeezed Sharon's hand and then she started to get out of the car.

All the booths were taken but the counter was mostly empty which was unusual. So they went up to the counter and slipped into the seats. They

each had an empty stool to each side of them so they could talk at least somewhat privately.

"I see you two came in together... are you together?" Christy asked them as she put their silverware down in front of them.

Sharon looked at Mia who was looking back at her smiling. Sharon wasn't sure who should answer the question or how to answer it. They were at the beginning of their relationship and even through both had committed themselves to trying to make it work, that didn't mean that it would.

"I think I can answer that question for both of us. I believe that you can say that we are together." Mia said.

"Good, then I done a good thing in helping to bring you two together. Now what are you having today?" Christy asked with a bright smile.

"I have my usual." Mia said and Sharon repeated the same thing.

Christy called out both of their orders and then brought Sharon and Mia a cup of coffee. Sharon doctored her coffee as Mia watched her.

"You know you are ruining a perfectly good cup of coffee." Mia said with a smile.

"Hey, you drink your coffee your way and I will drink mine, my way."

Sharon countered.

"So what are we going to do today?" Mia asked decided she wasn't going to change the way Sharon drank her coffee not that she really wanted to.

"I don't know, today is when I usually run my errands but I don't have any to run today and even if I did, I would put them off. So what do you want to do?" Sharon asked.

"I don't know, I hadn't planned on staying over last night. I really

wasn't sure how things would go but it ended up going better than I could have dreamed and so here I'm here. I tell you what; let's just play it by ear. Once we finish here, we'll decide what to do." Mia said.

"That sounds good, and this smells good." Sharon said to Mia and then to Christy as she placed their food in front of them. They ate and talked and when the food was done, Sharon lit them both a cigarette and they enjoyed a last cup of coffee. When they got back to Mia's truck, Sharon got in as Mia slipped behind the drivers seat.

"Do you trust me?" Mia asked as she looked over at her.

"Sure, I'm in your hands to do as you please." Sharon said with a smile.

"I think that comes tonight, when I have my way with you." Mia replied and she gave Sharon a wink before she pulled out into traffic.

"I can't wait."

"Me either."

Sharon then sat back and enjoyed the ride. She noticed that they were heading west toward Knoxville, which was the largest city in that part of the state. They talked about a little of everything as Mia drove. It took

them about an hour to get to Knoxville and then Sharon noticed that Mia took the exit that led to the state university. Mia made her way through the

university until she got to the main library. She pulled into a parking place on the street and then she turned to Sharon.

"I use to teach here but I didn't leave on the best of terms. There were a lot of factors that played a part in my leaving and I think me being an open lesbian did not help my cause. But the main thing that did me in was when I questioned some parts of a paper that the head of my department had published in a journal. He made some assumptions that I think were wrong and I spoke out about them. The administration didn't like that as the

head of the department brought a lot of money into the university. I was later proved right but by then the university had made me an offer that I took. I could have stayed and fought it but to tell you the truth I didn't have the heart. I just wanted to teach so I took their money and ran. I hope that

you don't think less of me but I wanted you to know the truth as to why I ended up at a two year college." Mia said and Sharon could see the sadness in her face. So she took her hand and put it to the back of Mia's neck and she pulled her in close and she kissed her.

"First, no I don't think less of you. I would have done the same thing or maybe even less. So that is cool what you did. And now I have a couple of

confessions of my own. Before we really met, I looked you up at the college directory so I knew that you use to teach here. I wasn't spying on you, well... yes I guess I was but anyway that part of your story I knew. I didn't know the rest. The second part of my own confession is that I have never really come out as being a lesbian. There are only a few, and I mean a very few people where I work that know I'm a lesbian. I think that maybe it is finally time that I came more open about that but that will take me time. I have been hading it for so long that it is a hard habit to break. So with you I want to be more open with the way I feel and not hide it. So you see you have done much more than me." Sharon said feeling a little sad herself.

Sharon watched as Mia leaned in a kissed her and when the kiss ended, she said "Now that we have confessed our sins, let's do what I came here to do."

She then got out and Sharon walked over to where she was waiting for

her in front of the truck. She then reached out with her right hand and took

Mia's hand. This was the first time that Sharon had even held hands with a woman in public and it felt like she was free at least. Mia seemed to appreciate the step that Sharon had taken as Sharon felt Mia give her hand a squeeze and she saw the sweet smile that she gave her. Mia led her into the library and then took her up to the top floor where she put in a key card to open the doors.

"This is where some of the oldest and finest books are kept. Not everyone is allowed here but I made sure that as part of my severance from the university was that I can come here anytime I want. I haven't taken advantage of that privilege much but I had to show you this place. Just breathe in the air of this room; you can almost hear the great authors of the world creating their wonders." Mia said as she took in a deep breath.

Sharon did the same and while she didn't hear the authors but she did see Mia's passion and she understood her just a little bit better. Great works of literature was what Mia was about and what she lived for. Sharon smiled as Mia finally opened her eyes.

"I know I'm being a little dramatic but that is just me." Mia said.

"No, I understand what you are talking about. I may not have read the books that you have but I can understand getting lost into what an author has to say. The authors that I read say things more simply than the ones that you read but they do have something to say." Sharon said.

"Actually you are wrong there." Mia said and she started toward one of the racks of books. Sharon was about to get her back up when Mia continued with what she was saying. "A lot of these authors say what they want to say in very simple terms too. They knew that if you got to complicated then you would lose the reader before you got to say what you want to say. I know that you probably read, "The Old Man and the Sea" in high school, and it is a book that has complex ideas but Steinbeck says those things in a tale about catching a fish, a big fish mind you, but a fish all the same. So the books that you read and the ones that I read are really the same. And don't bring up what I said that first day at the Waffle House, I was trying to impress you and I fucked up." Mia said as she pulled out a very old copy of Steinbeck's book and handed it to her.

"I wasn't going to bring that comment up." Sharon said innocently.

"Yea, but you were thinking about it." Mia said.

"Guilty," Sharon said with a laugh. She then began to carefully go through the book afraid to do anything that would damage the book. When Sharon handed that book back, Mia pulled another book from the rack and started to talk about it. Sharon knew that Mia was in her professor mold and

she allowed Mia to continue. They spend all afternoon there talking about books and Sharon found that she was getting interested in all the books that

she avoided in high school and all the years thereafter. When they finally left there, Mia had a list of books to loan Sharon.

They stopped at a restaurant on the way home and had dinner. They talked some about the books that they had looked through earlier in the afternoon but Mia also made Sharon talk about he books that she had read that meant to most to her. Sharon was hesitant at first but Mia encouraged her so she did. At first Sharon tried to think of books that she thought Mia

would like but Mia maneuvered her away from those and finally Sharon began to talk about book that she just plain old liked to read. Ones that really did mean something to her and Mia made her promise to loan her some of those books.

When they got back on the interstate, Mia reached over and took Sharon's hand. Sharon then felt her lift her hand up and she kissed the back

of it. She then squeezed it tenderly and held on to it with a firm grip. This put Sharon in a very romantic mood that she found that she was trying to will Mia to drive faster. She wanted to get back to her home and get Mia out

of her clothes. Even though it was a short drive home, it seemed to take forever.

As soon as Sharon had her door unlocked, she grabbed Mia's hand and literally dragged her back to the bedroom. She pulled Mia in close and kissed her. Sharon felt Mia's lips pressing back and they were soon in a passionate

lip lock. As they kissed, their hands were pulling on each other's clothes. Their kissing only stopped long enough for their tee shirts to be pulled off

and then their lips would find each other again and they would be back to kissing. Bras were unsnapped and pulled off and their breasts rubbed against

each other. Next came their shorts as they were unsnapped and pushed down. The panties were next as they were pushed down to their thighs. It was at this point that they had to let go of each other to finish the undressing. Sharon went to the edge of the bed and leaned her butt up against is as she pushed her shorts and panties the rest of the way down and

off. Mia pushed hers the rest of the way down and she kicked them off. They were both naked now and they looked at each other. They previous night, they had been in such a rush that they didn't really take the time to

admire the other person's body. Sharon looked at Mia's dark nipples and how her small breasts had no sag at all. The nipples were small and tight and Sharon remembered how nice they had felt in her mouth as she sucked on them last night. Her eyes went on down to Mia's firm belly and then down to her shaven pussy. Her inner lips protruded out from her inner lips and Sharon could see the moisture already gathered there. Sharon wanted to eat Mia up right then and there. She looked up and saw that Mia was looking at her just as closely. She looked down at her own breasts that had begun to

sag but not too bad but still she felt a little insecure. She kept her pussy

hair trimmed but still left a lot of brown hair to cover her pussy.

"I wish I was still as firm as I use to be but gravity had begun to take its toil." Sharon told her.

"You look just fine to me." Mia said as she came to Sharon and kissed her lips lightly. Then she went down to Sharon's breasts and cupped them in her hands. She caressed them as she looked up at Sharon. Then she bent down and kissed each nipple. Sharon let out a long sigh and Mia pushed her backwards. She ended up half lying on her back with her toes barely touching the floor. She started to slip down when Mia caught her and helped her up so that her butt was on the bed and her legs still hanging off. Mia kissed her belly causing Sharon to giggle as she started to climb up onto the bed. When Mia had her hands and knees on the bed, her breasts were right over Sharon's head. She raised her head and kissed each hard nipple and then she sucked the left one into her mouth.

"Ohh...that feels good honey." Mia moaned.

Sharon sucked a little harder as she moved one hand down Mia's back and she began to caress Mia's ass. The other hand she let roam down Mia's stomach until it found the wet cleft between Mia's legs. This caused Mia to let out a real loud moan. Sharon switched over to the other nipple and bit it gently before she started to suckle on it. Her fingers played lightly on Mia's outer pussy lips. She ran them up and down the slit and she pulled on the inner lips. She then she started to stroke her pussy. Her fingers were getting coated with Mia's juices. Sharon dipped her middle finger into Mia's

pussy and she felt Mia's pussy close down on her finger. Sharon moved her finger in and out of Mia's pussy slowly feeling the warmth and the juices coating her finger. Mia was moaning louder and louder and Sharon could feel Mia's pussy walls closing on her finger. Sharon worked her finger in and out

as her other hand squeezed Mia's ass cheeks. Sharon moved her finger out of Mia's pussy and brought it up to her clit. It was hard and waiting to be touched. Sharon circled her fingers around the clit causing Mia to shutter and Sharon felt fresh juices coat her fingers. She knew that Mia had just had a small orgasm and Sharon was determined to give her a much bigger one.

"Move on up sugar, I got to eat that pussy of yours now!" Sharon told Mia and she was quick to comply.

When Mia's pussy was over her head, Sharon put her hands on Mia's ass and pulled her down to her waiting mouth. Sharon opened her mouth wide and she sucked the fresh girlcum from Mia's pussy lips. She loved the taste of Mia's pussy juice and she started to lick up and down Mia's slit. She parted Mia's pussy lips with her tongue and licked deeply within. She scoped

out the girlcum and the fresh juices that Mia was producing. Her hands caressed Mia's ass cheeks squeezing them gently. She pushed her tongue in deep and fucked Mia's pussy with her tongue. She twisted her head around and she felt Mia pushing her pussy down harder against her mouth. Sharon's nose was rubbing against Mia's clit and at every breath that she took in, she could smell Mia's womanly aroma. She licked and sucked for a few minutes as she brought Mia close to a climax and then she left her pussy and she kissed

Mia's inner thighs letting her cool down again. She had brought her close and Mia was dying to get off again. The first orgasm was good but now she needed a much deeper and harder one.

"Please baby..." Mia finally cried and then Sharon knew she was ready. She moved her mouth back to Mia's pussy, licking her lips a few seconds before going to her clit and sucking it into her mouth. She teased the tip of the clit with her tongue as she sucked. Then she began to lick as she pushed

a finger deep into Mia's pussy. She started to fuck her hard and fast as she

tongue moved across Mia's clit, teasing and caressing it. Mia was rocking up

and down rubbing her pussy across Sharon's mouth. Sharon pushed her finger in deep and hard as she licked Mia's clit with short fast strokes. Within seconds of doing this, Mia cried out that she was cumming and Sharon drank in the girlcum that was produced during her orgasm. Mia collapsed onto the bed leaving her pussy firmly attached to Sharon's mouth. So she licked and sucked Mia until Mia finally rolled over to give her sensitive clit a rest.

"I meant to do that to you first." Mia said as she pulled Sharon up to her.

"Well your body was right there over me and I couldn't help myself, you know you are so pretty." Sharon said as she felt Mia's arms around her holding her tightly.

"You are the pretty one." Mia said and before Sharon could protest, she found that her lips were covered by Mia. So she gave into the kiss and she let Mia ease her onto her back. Mia worked her legs between hers and she felt her wet pussy press against her own pussy. Mia began to move her hips as she kissed her. Sharon opened her legs and she put them around Mia's body so that her heels were pressing against Mia's upper thighs. Sharon could feel her clit becoming engorged with blood and growing. She could feet Mia's clit rubbing against it and she began to moan. She pushed up with her hips getting more pressure as she wrapped her arms around Mia's neck and held her in place so that she could keep kissing her. Their tongues

circled around inside of Mia's mouth and Sharon was finding it harder and harder to breath as her body heated up. Mia pressed down harder with her hips and she started to move them faster. Sharon finally had to stop the kissing so that she could breath. She kissed Mia's neck and then she bit her

shoulder as she felt her pussy contract and she had an orgasm. She moaned out loud and she felt Mia arch her back as she came too.

"God that felt good." Sharon said as she relaxed her legs and let them fall to the bed.

"I'm not done with you yet sweetie." Mia said as she kissed her lips and then she scooted down until her head was at her breasts.

Sharon knew that she should tell Mia that she had done enough already but her body wanted more and it overruled her mind. She pushed her chest up as she felt Mia's lips lock onto her right nipple. Mia sucked hard and Sharon let out a loud moan. Sharon moved her hips against Mia's stomach getting it wet with her juices. Mia moved her mouth to the other nipple and she started to suck on it as her hands came up and cupped both breasts. She pushed them together so that she could easily go from one nipple sucking and biting on them. Sharon moaned and groaned as Mia used her tongue to tease her nipples. This felt so good but then she felt her pussy twitch and she gently pushed Mia on down her body. Her legs were splayed out wide when Mia got to her pussy. Sharon felt Mia blow gently on her hot pussy and she cried out from the sensation on her excited pussy lips and clit. Sharon then lowered her mouth and she began to lick at her outer lips. She licked up the cum that was there and then she went in deeper parting the lips. Sharon could feel Mia's tongue going in deep and she moved her legs out a little wider to open her pussy up even more. She felt Mia use her fingers to open her lips and the tongue swirled around inside of her. Sharon's head was swimming in the pleasure that Mia was giving her and she could feel her clit

get bumped every once in a while by Mia's nose. This felt good but the contact was never long enough to satisfy her. But for the moment was content to let Mia lick and suck on her pussy lips but there came a time when the need to cum was at its peak. She reached down and she grasped Mia's head in her hands. She pulled up slightly so that Mia would hopefully take the hint.

Mia gave another few licks to Sharon's pussy and then she moved her mouth up. She circled Sharon's large clit with her tongue and Sharon cried out to her, "Lick it good girl." And Mia started to do just that. She licked

around it and then she started to use an up and down stroke on the clit and Sharon moaned loudly. Sharon arched her back and she began to pull up on her own nipples. Mia licked for a few moments then she sucked the clit into her mouth. Sharon could feel Mia's lips close around her clit and she could feel the strong sucking action. Sharon gripped her nipples hard and pulled up as she arched her back. She wanted to tell Mia to suck harder but she was having enough trouble breathing and thus talking was out of the question. Sharon then felt Mia's tongue tease the tip of her clit as she sucked and this sent Sharon crashing to a hard orgasm. She bucked and cried as she flooded Mia's mouth with her juices.

"God you are good." Sharon said after she had recovered and Mia was back lying next to her.

"Well, I have to admit that I love to suck on that clit of yours." Mia confessed.

"You don't think that it's too big do you?" Sharon asked.

"Oh hell no, it's perfect for sucking and teasing. I only wish mine was that size." Mia said.

"Well, I like yours just the way it is." Sharon said and they settled down in the bed and soon fell asleep.

When she woke up Sunday morning, she looked at the clock and found that it was actually six-thirty. "Mia is definitely having an affect on me."

Sharon said to herself. She leaned over and gave Mia a kiss and she got up out of bed. Her joints popped and cracked until she got to the kitchen and she put the coffee on to brew. She went to the bathroom and then she came back to the kitchen and poured herself a cup. She then heard the toilet flush so she poured a second cup of coffee and she leaned back against the cabinet. In a minute or so, Mia ambled in with her short black hair sticking

up everywhere. Sharon handed her the cup of coffee that she had made for her and then lit them both a cigarette. Sharon, mindful of what Mia had told

her yesterday morning, didn't say a word to her but only gave her a welcoming smile. She then went out on the porch and saw that Mia followed her out. They sat in silence as the first cup of coffee was drunk and then Sharon went in to make them both a second cup. When she came back out, she handed Mia her cup as she put hers down on the table between their chairs.

"Thank you." Mia said.

"Oh I see that you have come back to the land of the living." Sharon

said with a smile.

"Funny!" Mia said and then as Sharon turned away from Mia, she felt Mia pulling up her robe and then she felt a sharp pinch on her bare right buttock.

"Ouch!" Sharon cried as she pushed her robe back down and she turned to give Mia a look to kill. This only caused Mia to laugh.

"I'll get you for that lady!" Sharon said as she rubbed her ass a minute before sitting down.

"Promises, Promises." Mia said mocking her a bit.

"Just you wait and see." Sharon said, "So anyway now that you are back to the living, light me a cigarette and the drive me to the Waffle House. I'm hungry."

"Yes madam," Mia said, and then she continued with, "Yesterday we explored my past, today it's your turn. You take me somewhere that means something to you."

"Oh great, put me on the spot, why don't you." Sharon said but then her mind started to think of just where to take Mia to.

After breakfast, Sharon directed Mia out of town heading east. She knew where she had to take Mia and it did mean a lot to her. It took about a

half hour to get where she was going.

"Is this where you went to high school?" Mia asked her as she pulled

into a small high school.

"Actually no, there is another reason I brought you here. Pull on around to the back." Sharon told Mia as she felt an old familiar pain go through her chest. Sharon had Mia park in the back where the football field was and then she got out and walked toward the field with Mia close behind. There was a locked gate at the entrance to the field but it opened enough to

slip inside. It was just a small field and there really wasn't a reason to lock it up tight. Sharon then took Mia's hand and led her over to home side of the field. She walked up to the center of the side lines and she stopped at a small two foot by two foot bronze plaque that was placed in the ground. Sharon knelt down and ran her fingers across the name, Harold Wilkerson. Then her fingers went across the words written below that "Our beloved Coach, all who played on this field was touched by his kind heart and comforting words." Then were the final words, 1925-2005. Sharon picked and pulled the grass that was growing around the plaque as the tears ran down her face. It was only when she felt Mia's fingers on her shoulder minutes later that she ever remembered that Mia was there.

"You want to tell me about him?" Mia said softly as she sat down on the grass across from her. Sharon looked down as Mia took her hands and held them tightly.

Sharon looked up at Mia and saw the compassion on her face and she knew that she finally had a shoulder to cry on and she did. The tears came flowing out and she felt Mia pulling her in tight and she finally mourned for the only man she had ever loved. The emotion that had been inside of her for

over a year came pouring out in great big sobs. She cried and moaned until there was nothing left inside of her. It was only then that the words could come out.

"My mother died when I was born and he raised me by himself. There was never anyone else in his life but me and his football players. I grew up

with football, watching the films with him and watching the games on the sideline with him. He did make sure that I was well taken care of. And he didn't want me to have to go to the same school that he coached at so we always lived in Morristown but he coached here. That way I wasn't known as the coaches daughter. I didn't like to be that far from him when I was little but later I understood why he did it. During football season when he had to stay over for practice, I stayed with my aunt, my mother's sister. But on game night, I was right there by his side. And even during the season, he made sure he made it home before it was bedtime. He was always a father first, coach second. And by his own admission, he wasn't a great coach, just a good one. His teams won more than they lost but not by much. But the school didn't care about that because he watched over his players and he never let them get out of line. The parents loved and trusted their sons with him. And

if a player got hurt, he couldn't play again until he was cleared by a doctor. The player was always more important than the game. Once there was a running back that twisted his knee and after sitting out a few plays, he wanted to get back into the game but my father wouldn't let him. He was pissed at my father because we ended up losing the game because he was sat out. This guy was the only player that my father ever had go to the pros. and a few years back, he came to my father when he was dying of cancer and told my father that he was the only coach that thought more about him as a person than a player. It was things like that that meant more to my father than anything. At his funeral, I think about every player that he had ever coach, showed up to pay his respect; they all loved him for one reason or another. I saw men weeping at his coffin. But that was my father as a coach.

As a father, he was much more. I never doubted for a second that he love me. He was truly interested in my life and he would make sure than when I needed him, he was there for me. He would listen to my petty problems and he saw them as I did at the time. He never made much money teaching at a small school but we always went somewhere during the summer and he made if feel like a real adventure. He is also the only one that I ever came out to. I had been out on my own for a couple of years and I had never had kept anything from him and this was something I knew I had to tell him. So one Saturday I gathered up my courage and sat him down. I told him how I felt and I wanted to see his reaction, but he never batted an eye. He just hugged

me and told me if that was what made me happy then that was what I needed to do. I knew it hurt him but he never showed it. Then a couple of years ago he got sick. I took time off from work and took care of him. And one of his former players had a home nursing business and he donated some of his nurses at no cost to help me. Then one night, he told me that he loved me before he went to sleep. I sat there through the night as his breathing slowed and about one in the morning it stopped completely and then I was alone." Sharon said and then she cried another minute before her felt Mia kiss her forehead and she felt Mia tears as she cried with her.

"You're not alone anymore baby." Sharon heard Mia say and she knew that it was true.

Sharon was content to stay there all day but soon the summer sun began to roast her and she knew from the sweat pouring off Mia that she was getting roasted too. So she let her hand run across her father's plaque one more time then she got up. She helped Mia up and Mia put her hand around her waist and she walked her back to her truck. They stopped at a store on the way back and Mia went inside and got them a cold drink. Sharon felt very melancholy and she just wanted to get home and sleep. But when they arrived home, Mia decided that they both needed a long bath. Sharon wasn't in the mood for a bath but she went along with Mia. The one thing that sold her on this trailer was the big bathtub that took up a major portion of the bathroom. Sharon let Mia run the bath and then she undressed her. Mia then quickly undressed and she got into the tub and she held out her hand to her. Sharon took it and after Mia had sat down, she sat

down between her legs. Mia pulled her back and Sharon felt Mia's breasts press into her back. Mia circled her arms around her and clasped them below her breasts. Mia nuzzled her neck and kissed her neck, not in a sexual way but in a more loving way. Sharon felt her body relaxing and she slowly fell asleep as Mia held her. She felt Mia drain the water and run more hot water into the tub but she never woke completely from her sleep.

"Baby, it's time to wake up." Mia whispered to her and kissed her neck.

"I sorry," Sharon said as she slowly sat up in the water.

"That's okay; you had a very emotional day, which will zap your energy in a flash." Mia said, then she continued with, "Now let me wash you clean before we both turn into old prunes that we a rapidly becoming."

"Hey, speak for yourself!" Sharon said and then she laughed and it felt good to do that.

She then felt Mia soaping up her back and that felt even better. When she finished with her back, Mia made her turn around and get on her knees. Mia then soaped up her arms and then her chest. She was gentle and it did arouse Sharon a little but Mia didn't press it. She just made the bath sensual without making it erotic. When she washed her pussy, her fingers caressed her but again stopped before Sharon could really get excited. Mia then made her stand up and she washed her legs and feet. Sharon wanted to return the favor but Mia made quick work of washing herself and then she let the water start to drain. She turned on the shower and they both took turns washing their hair and then rinsing off. When they got out of the shower, they both dried off and Sharon went to her bedroom and got her long tee shirt and put it on, leaving her panties and bra off.

"I like that outfit." Mia said as she entered the bedroom.

"I bet you do." Sharon said with a smile and then she followed up with a slight confession. "I'm sort of a closet nudist, I never wear clothes around the house."

"I knew there was a reason I liked you." Mia said with a laugh as she went through Sharon closet for something to wear.

"Looking for something?" Sharon asked as she came over to Mia.

"I'm just trying to find something to wear to go out and get us some

food, unless you want me to go out in my birthday suit." Mia told her.

"Well that is an idea..." Sharon said as she put her fingers to her chin acting like she was mulling over the idea. "Here let me find you something."

She finally said.

She looked for a few minutes then found an old pair of jeans that she knew she could never get into again and gave them to Mia. She then found an old blouse that would work but her panties and bras would never fit Mia so she went without those.

"I kind of like going scans panties. The jeans on my pussy feel good." Mia said and then she quickly changed the subject with. "So what do you want to eat?"

"Surprise me." Sharon said.

"Dangerous words there." Sharon said as she got her purse and headed out the door.

The silence of the house bothered her a bit after Mia had left. It was like she was alone again. She was feeling the loneliness she felt after her father had died. She thought it was behind her now but going back to the school where he coached brought it all back to her. So she did what she did back then, she got up and started to clean and do her laundry. Mia was only gone an hour but by then she had most of the house picked up and the laundry well started.

"You have been a busy beaver." Mia said as she entered the trailer.

"You're back!" Sharon said with more enthusiasm than she wanted to show.

"You must really be hungry." Mia said but Sharon knew that Mia knew why she was glad that she had returned with the food.

"Yes, I am." Sharon said covering up what she had really meant. "What did you bring us to eat."

"Well I was in the mood for a chicken strip salad and Henry's on the

west end of town makes the best one." Mia said as she came in and put the food on the table.

"That sounds good to me." Sharon said as she got busy getting the silverware out and then something for them to drink.

They ate quietly, talking but not about anything really. Until Mia finally asked the question she was dieing to ask.

"Since you grew up with football, one of two things could have happened, you either now hate football or you're an avid fan, which pray tell is it?"

"Which do you think it is?" Sharon asked back.

"I'm afraid to say so just tell me." Mia said resigned to her fate.

"I'm an avid fan and a very avid fan of your former employer's football team." Sharon said with a smile.

"That is what I figured; here I'm a lesbian and still destined to become a football widow." Mia said with a laugh. Sharon laughed at the turn of events for Mia but then a thought came to her, a thought that had come from the emotion of the day.

"I won't make you watch all the games but I would like to ask a favor." Sharon said seriously.

"What's that?" Mia asked.

"I use to go to the football games with my father at his old school,

even after he retired. When he got sick, we stopped going but I feel I need to go back at least to the first one this year. Would you go with me?" Sharon asked as she bit her lower lip.

"Of course I will." Mia said as she took Sharon's hand in hers. "But you will have to teach me the game first. If I'm going to be watching football, I should at least have a basic understanding of what I'm watching."

"Thank you." Sharon replied as she let out a big sigh. She was worrying about attending the game by herself and now she wouldn't have to.

"Don't thank me yet, you don't know it but I will be dragging you to

every school function that the school has so we will be even. And for a small two year college, they have a bunch of functions that I have to go to and I won't even talk about the cocktail parties that the professors have." Mia said with a little laugh and Sharon quickly joined in.

After dinner, they went out on the porch to smoke a cigarette and talk. The heat of the day had passed and there was a cool breeze that promised rain sometime that night. They clouds were moving in and to Sharon it felt good to sit and just be with someone that you cared about. But too soon, the sun had set and it started to rain so they moved inside.

"I would like to ask another favor of you." Sharon said as she turned to Mia.

"You can ask anything of me." Mia said and Sharon could see the caring on her face.

"Would you stay tonight, I know that I have to get up much earlier than you but I would love to have you holding me tonight." Sharon said again

biting her lower lip.

"I had planned on staying. I wasn't going to let you be alone tonight." Mia said as she pulled Sharon to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. Sharon then felt herself being pulled back to the bedroom where Mia undressed her. Then as she was getting into bed, Mia undressed and slipped in beside of her. Mia pulled her in close and kissed her on the lips. Sharon

then snuggled in close to her new lover and friend. Her mind went through the day and the one thing that kept coming back to her was that she was glad that Mia was the one who was there for her when she fell apart.

Sharon woke before the alarm went off the next morning and she laid there for a moment just watching Mia sleep. She didn't want to leave the bed but she knew that she had to go to work so she gave a light kiss to Mia's lips and she saw Mia stir a second then go back to sleep. But Sharon did notice that there was a barely discernable smile on her lips.

She went on into the kitchen and put the coffee on then it was on to

the bathroom to get ready. She tried to be as quite as she could as she bustled around the trailer. When she was ready, she went back into the bedroom to give Mia a kiss goodbye. She was lying on her back, so Sharon bent down and gave her a very light kiss.

"You call that a goodbye kiss?" Sharon heard Mia mumble as she started out the door.

"I didn't want to wake you; I know how you are before coffee." Sharon said as she came back in and hopped up on the bed.

"Well I'm only half awake so hurry up and kiss me, and then get your

butt on to work. Why anyone would want to go to work at this ungodly hour, I'll never know." Mia said as she held out her arms like a child waiting for her goodnight hug.

Sharon leaned down and let Mia hug her as she gave her a real kiss goodbye. She hugged her back and then she slipped off the bed and she was humming her favorite song as she heard Mia mumble something about the god awful sound and that made Sharon hum louder for a brief second.

They talked on Monday and Tuesday nights but they stayed apart. It was nice to have a moment to sit back and take the weekend in. A lot had happened between her and Mia and she liked every part of it. But when Mia called her Wednesday afternoon and offered to take her to dinner, Sharon gladly accepted. She was more than ready to see Mia again. When she got off work, she rushed home and took a quick shower. She then put on a sundress that she liked and was easy to get off if the moment should call for that and she dearly hoped that it did.

"You look nice." Mia told Sharon as she opened the door.

"You don't look so bad yourself." Sharon said as she locked the door.

"I had to get dressed up today, there was a meeting of the English department and this is one of my 'meeting' pant suits. Mia said as she ran her hands down her light blue pant suits.

"Well it looks nice, so where we going to eat?" Sharon asked as they

went to Mia's truck.

"Are you really hungry?" Mia asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Not really, how about you?" Sharon said hoping that Mia was hinting

at what she hoped she was.

"No, how about we head on to my place and let me get into something more comfortable, as they say." Mia said with a wink and she reached for Sharon's hand and Sharon gladly gave it to her. They talked about work as Mia drove to her apartment. Sharon's day was about normal but when Mia started in on her meeting; Sharon knew that Mia had a rough day. The meeting had started bad and it never changed its course. Sharon listened patiently as she saw Mia begin to relax as she got her frustrations out of her system. It made Sharon feel good to know that she was doing Mia some good by just listening to her.

"Pour us a glass of wine, I'm going to take a quick shower and I will be right back." Mia said as they entered her apartment.

Sharon went to the kitchen and searched for Mia's wine glasses and once they were found, she went to the refrigerator and found the bottle of wine that Mia was obviously talking about. It had been previously opened and

while Sharon wasn't a connoisseur of wine but she figured that it would still be good. She started to pour them both a glass then she decided to wait until she heard the shower stop. She went into the living room and looked out the picture window at the mountains that Mia's apartment faced. A few minutes later, she heard the water stop so she went to the kitchen and poured the wine into both of the glasses, and then she took them into the living room. She put the glasses onto the coasters that were on the coffee table that was in front of the couch. She then sat down and tried to find the right position to be in when Mia came back in. She finally settled on sitting slightly sideways with her feet tucked under butt. She sat there a minute then she decided that she needed a sip of her wine so she picked her glass up when the heard the bathroom door open. She was just bringing the glass to her lips when Mia walked in drying her short black hair with a towel and wearing nothing else.

"That shower was just what I needed." Mia said as she walked toward Sharon who was trying her best not to drop the glass of wine she was holding.

I like your "something more comfortable"" Sharon said once she got her voice back.

"I thought that you would." Mia said as she threw the towel she was holding at Sharon as she went to the kitchen and brought back a ashtray and Sharon's cigarette case.

"I think a cigarette and that wine you are holding for me would just

hit the spot." Mia said as she sat facing Sharon with one leg off the couch and the other turned and lying on the couch so that her pussy was effectively opened.

Sharon couldn't help but to stare at Mia's pussy as she handed over her glass of wine to Mia. She had to force herself to look away from Mia pussy so that she could get her cigarette case and light them both up a cigarette. She handed Mia her lighted cigarette and then she picked up the other glass of wine. Her eyes finally made their way to Mia's smiling face. Sharon was inhaling deeply on her cigarette and Sharon knew that Mia knew that her outfit was having the desired effect. Sharon could feel her pussy getting moist and she hoped that she didn't stain her dress. Mia started to talk as they smoked and drank their glasses of wine. The conversation began to taper off as the wine in their glasses slowly disappeared.

When Sharon took her last sip of wine, she placed her glass on the coffee table. She then got up on her knees and she slowly began to pull her dress up. More and more of her thighs were revealed and she saw that she had Mia's attention. She raised her dress a little more so that it was now at her upper thighs. Sharon stopped for a second or two then she continued to pull it up. It went higher and higher until she felt the hem of the dress at

her butt cheeks and she could feel her pussy being exposed.

"What, no panties, you're so naughty!" Mia squealed.

This made Sharon smile as she knew that she had gotten to Mia. She pulled the dress on up and her pussy was completely exposed. She went on up until she had it just under her breasts. She then had to stop for a second as she crossed her arms so that she could pull the dress on off. She slowly pulled the dress over her breasts and Mia squealed again at seeing that Sharon wasn't wearing a bra either. Sharon knew that the show was about over and she was ready to get on to better things. She pulled the dress on off and she folded it over the back of the couch. She then leaned forward and kissed Mia and as she did this she kept going forward forcing Mia onto her back on the couch. Sharon lay on top of her and she felt Sharon putting her arms around her and pulling her in close.

Sharon began to move her body against Mia's and she could feel Mia moving under her. Sharon felt her body temperature rising and she opened her mouth and she felt Mia's tongue enter her mouth. She sucked on it as her tongue moved around Mia's tongue. Sharon felt Mia's hands go to her ass and she felt the fingers tenderly caressing her ass cheeks. Sharon drove her

hips down into Mia and their pussies began to grind together. Mia parted her

legs and Sharon pushed down deeper. She felt her clit rubbing against Mia's pussy and she heard Mia grunting as they kissed. Sharon had meant to bring Mia off the first time with her mouth but she was too far gone now to stop. She needed to cum and she needed for Mia to cum with her. It wouldn't be good unless Mia came too. Sharon pushed harder and faster, the kissing slowly stopped as their hands moved and caressed they caressed each other. Sharon loved how they seemed to move in unison, their bodies fit together like gloves. Sharon moved her hips around a bit and she started to move faster. They were both breathing hard and fast as their orgasms approached.

"I'm close honey, cum with me." Sharon heard Mia say in her ear. Sharon wanted to cry hearing Mia say that but she concentrated on her hips and her pussy. She felt her clit rub against Mia's clit and she exploded. She heard Mia cry out and she knew that Mia was having her orgasm too.

"That was nice." Mia whispered into Sharon's head as they recovered from their orgasms.

"Yes it was who knew two old women could be this horny for each other." Sharon said with a giggle.

"Old, speak for yourself you old cow." Mia said as she popped Sharon

on the ass with her hand.

"Ouch! Just for that I'm only going to make you cum three more times

tonight instead of four as I had planned." Sharon said as she put her hands across Mia's chest, joining her fingers together so that she could prop herself up on Mia's chest.

"I'm not sure I could make it through four orgasms, that just might kill me but what a way to die." Mia said as she kissed Sharon on the lips.

The kissing was gentle and soft at the beginning but as they regained their energy, the kissing became more passionate. Their fingers search and found places to caress, their nipples, their asses and finally their pussies. Mia moved Sharon to her side and she turned to face her. This made it easier for both of them to caress the other one. As Mia caressed her clit, Sharon felt herself moving toward another orgasm but she wanted to taste Mia first so she moved her hand to Mia's and pulled Mia's fingers away from her clit. Sharon then sat up and moved around on the couch so that her head was now at Mia's pussy. She could see how the dark lips were swollen with passion but before she could lick them, she felt Mia's mouth on her pussy and she felt her begin to suck the girlcum that was on them. Sharon moved her head in and she started to lick her pussy. She tasted her sweet juices and she let out a moan, both from the taste of Mia's pussy juice but also from Mia's licking her pussy. Sharon used her fingers to open her pussy and she licked deeper. She felt Mia moan sending delicious vibrations through her pussy. Sharon licked and sucked not wanting to bring Mia off too quickly

but Mia had obviously decided otherwise as Sharon felt Mia's mouth latch onto her clit and she sucked it deep into her mouth. Sharon could feel Mia's

tongue go around her large clit as she sucked. Sharon tried to move her mouth to Mia's clit but then Mia started to sucked harder and she found herself laying back and she let Mia suck her. She felt her fingers playing with her pussy lips as she sucked. Sharon was getting close and she reached down and held Mia's head to her clit. Mia sucked and licked until Sharon felt the first waves of her orgasm overcome her and she held Mia head in place until her orgasm was at its crest. She then felt only pleasure and nothing else.

When she woke, she felt Mia gently licking her pussy and she dived back into Mia's pussy determined to bring her off this time. She parted the lips with her fingers and she drove her tongue in deep. She swirled it around as her fingers pulled at Mia's pussy lips. She slipped a finger into Mia's pussy as her tongue went to Mia's clit. She used her free hand to pull back the hood a bit and she began to lick. She used slow then quick strokes of her tongue as her finger went in deep to Mia's warm wet pussy. She would get Mia close to an orgasm, she ease off with her tongue but her finger kept the

fucking going. When she felt Mia's hand at her head she knew that she had teased enough so she started to lick Mia's clit with short fast strokes. This was what Mia obviously needed and Sharon felt Mia's body begin to quake and she felt her pussy tighten down on her finger. She licked with more pressure and she fucked Mia harder with her finger. This was what Mia needed as she cried out and she came. Sharon licked up the girlcum that flowed out of Mia until there was none left. She then moved back around and hugged Mia to her as she recovered. She kissed her face and lips until she felt Mia start to kiss her back.

"Oh god you are a great lover." Mia said as they kissed and held each other.

"You are too, the best I've ever had." Sharon said as she returned the heartfelt compliment.

They lay there for a while just holding and kissing and then they settled down. Sharon didn't want to move but then she felt her stomach start to rumble and she hoped that Mia didn't notice.

"I think someone is a little hungry." Mia whispered.

"I was hoping that for once my stomach would growl quietly but I guess it's not in its nature to do that." Sharon said somewhat embarrassed.

"That's okay; I got just what you need." She said as she got up and went to find her cell phone. Sharon then heard Mia talking to someone and she heard her say, "You such a doll."

"Who's a doll?" Sharon asked as she sat up as Mia came back into the


"Oh, the kid that lives in the apartment below us. He works at a deli and I asked him to bring home two roast beef sandwiches on the way home. We just barely caught him as he gets off at eight. He said that he will bring them. You will love his sandwiches; they are the best in town." Mia said as she came and sat beside of Sharon and picked up Sharon's cigarette case and lit them both a cigarette. As Sharon took her cigarette from Mia, she laid against her. Mia pulled her in close and they talked for a few minutes.

When the cigarettes were smoked, Sharon got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up. She washed her face and got a washcloth and washed the pussy juice from her thighs and pussy. She then went to the bedroom and found an old tee shirt of Mia's and put it on as Mia went to the bathroom. As she came out of the bedroom, she heard the doorbell ring.

"Would you get that? Get a twenty from my purse and give to him." Mia said from the bathroom.

Sharon got a twenty from Mia's purse and went to the door but checked first to make sure that she had everything covered. Convinced that she did, she opened the door but she was standing too close to the door and the latch caught her tee shirt. The boy looked about sixteen and he was carrying a bag.

"Miss Mathews asked me to drop this by." The kid said.

"I know and we do appreciate it." Sharon said as she moved forward a

step and handed the kid the twenty and took the bag. She noticed that his eyes lit up and it looked like he had turned to stone.

"Thanks Theodore, you're a lifesaver." Mia said as she came up beside of Sharon.

"No problem Miss Mathews," Theodore stuttered out but he just stood there and Sharon felt like he was seeing right through her and his eyes kept going down to her legs which she didn't think was the best part of

her body.

"Well, we appreciate it." Mia said as she pulled Sharon back and shut the door.

"You gave him a big tip, I know the sandwiches didn't cost that much." Sharon said.

"I know but he always comes up when I need something moved or I have a bunch of books to carry up or down the stairs. Plus he is saving up for college and I will do anything I can do to help that good cause." Mia said.

"Well, in that case, I guess it wasn't too much." Sharon said.

"But given that, it still wasn't as much a tip as you gave him." Mia said with a wink.

"What do you mean, I got the twenty from your purse, so it was your money." Sharon replied as they entered the kitchen.

"That wasn't the tip I was talking about." Mia said as she turned around and Sharon could see the shit eating grin on her face.

"Well what tip are you talking about?" Sharon asked getting a little

irritated with Mia's little game.

"Your tee shirt was hooked on the latch on the door and it pulled it up. Poor Theodore got an eye full of your pussy." Mia said and then she started to giggle.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Sharon said as she felt her face blushing and she sub-consciously reached down and pulled her tee shirt down. She knew that she had felt the cool night air on her pussy but she had thought that it was from not wearing panties under the tee shirt, not that it had gotten pulled up.

"Why did you think I came to the door and got you back inside? I tried to help you out. But now the boy is ruined for me, he is in love with you now." Mia said with a laugh.

Sharon was still embarrassed but then she had to laugh as she thought of the poor young boy getting a real good look at her pussy. When her laughter ended she finally came up with a reply, "Well from now on your answering your own door."

"You know I will never let you live this down." Mia said as she pulled a bottle of wine from the fridge and poured them both a glass.

"I figured as much." Sharon said with a laugh as she sat down at the

table and opened up both sandwiches and she had to admit that the aroma from the sandwich smelled good.

"Damn, that is a good sandwich." Sharon said after she had taken the

first bite.

"I told you so." Mia said

Sharon then went after her sandwich as she was hungrier than she thought. It had been a while since lunch and then making love to Mia had worked up a real appetite. She noticed that Mia was busy eating too as she wasn't talking much. After they had eaten, they retired to the living room to finish their wine and have their after dinner smoke. As the sun set behind the mountains, Sharon found that she was yawning more and more. The day was catching up with her and Mia suggested that they retire to the bedroom. Once there, Sharon pulled off her tee shirt and Mia untied her robe and she let it fall to the floor. Sharon slid into bed and Mia slid in beside of her. They kissed and talked for a few minutes then Sharon turned to her other side and she felt Mia spoon up against her. She felt like she was safe in Mia's arms and she quickly fell asleep.

Sharon woke up and she realized that something was different. She lay there a second and she felt Mia stir and she realized where she was and that this was a workday. She turned and her eyes found the clock and she saw that she hadn't overslept by too much. She gave Mia a soft kiss and she slipped out of the bed. She went to the bathroom and she turned on the shower. As she stepped into the shower, a thought came to her, "I'm across town from work and I have nothing to wear." She was already wet so she quickly took her shower and she ran to the kitchen. She figured up her time and she knew she could never get to her apartment and change and still make it to work. She went back to the living room and got her sundress. It wasn't

too wrinkled but now she didn't have any panties or a bra to wear. She knew that she would never fit into Mia's things. She hated the thought of going to work without either but she didn't have a choice at this point. She slipped the dress on and checked herself out in the mirror and found that her nipples didn't show so she would be cool as far as that went. She went back and gave Mia a kiss and she went to get her purse. She pulled out her keys and then another thought came to her, "I don't have my car! Shit, this is getting worse and worse." She knew she didn't have any choice but to wake Mia up. She went back to the bedroom and she hated doing it but she came over to the bed.

"Mia, wake up. You have to take me to work. I don't have my car here." Sharon said as she gently shook Mia's shoulder.

"What? What's the matter?" Mia said in her dreamlike state.

"My car is at my trailer, you picked me up last night, remember?" Sharon said as she felt the time slipping away and she needed to get to work.

"Oh yea, well take my truck, I'll get someone to pick me up, the keys on the bookshelf by the door." Mia said as she turned back over and Sharon heard a soft snore come from her.

"Shit!" Sharon said as she gave her lover a kiss and went to find Mia's keys.

She left and went to Mia's truck and got in. She looked down and remembered that it was a straight shift. "What middle aged woman would own a straight shift truck?" Sharon said aloud but she knew the answer to that one, only Mia. Sharon hoped that she remembered how to drive a straight. She had a straight shift twenty years ago and she knew that was a long time between then and now. She hoped that they were right about once you learn to drive a straight, you never forget. She pushed in the clutch and started the truck. She put it in what she hoped was reverse and slowly let the clutch out. She felt he truck shake and then die. "Fuck!" she said as she started it again. She let the clutch out again and this time got her timing between it and the gas petal better as the truck shook again but this time she got it back out without it dieing again. She put it in first and started

forward only to kill it again. "Fuck a duck!" Sharon cursed. Now she was getting mad at herself and she was determined not to kill it again. She started the truck again and this time she started forward with the truck only threatening to die. She moved forward and got it to second and third gears and she was on her way. She didn't kill the engine again as she made it to work just on time. As she sat down, she thought about being at work without panties and a bra on. It felt kind of sexy in a way and it made her think of Mia and the fun they had the previous night. She even thought about flashing the poor kid and she found herself smiling. She got her a few

stares from her coworkers but the day went on okay until she got a call from

Mia at about ten that morning.

"I see that you made it into work. So how's my truck?" she asked.

"It's okay but you will have to drop by First Street and pick up your transmission." Sharon said with a laugh.

"You do know how to drive a straight shift don't you?" Mia asked and

Sharon could tell that there was a little concern in her voice but for whom or what. So she decided to find out.

"I do now." Sharon said and she was glad that Mia couldn't see her smiling.

"Oh god, I'm sorry. Did you do okay, you should have woken me up and

I would have driven you to work. I didn't mean to make it hard on you." Mia said and Sharon could hear the concern in her voice.

"I was kidding, I know how to drive a straight, it had been twenty years but it didn't take me long to remember and I only killed the engine a couple of times. So it's cool." Sharon said feeling slightly bad about teasing Mia but then she didn't feel too bad.

"Well how about picking me up at about five and we'll go to your place tonight. Maybe order out for pizza and you can flash the pizza delivery guy tonight." Mia said laughing.

"Funny, I let you answer the door this time. Hey I got to go, another call but I'll be there at five that will give me time to have the transmission picked up and put back into your truck." Sharon said with a laugh and she heard Mia laughing as they said their goodbyes.

When she pulled up to the school's main building, she saw Mia standing out front with a couple of books in her hands. She pulled up and before Mia could start for the driver's seat, Sharon leaned over and opened the passenger door. Mia hopped in and leaned over and gave Sharon a kiss.

"How was your day dear?" Sharon asked as she put the gearshift into first. She noticed that Mia didn't answer until she slowly let out the clutch and got the truck rolling without killing the engine.

"It was pretty good but I do have a little homework I need to do tonight for class tomorrow." Mia said as she put her seatbelt on and adjusted the big books in her lap.

"Do you need me to take you home then?" Sharon asked slightly disappointed that Mia wouldn't be able to stay the night.

"No I need for you to drive us to your home and order some pizza. Then I will study for an hour or two and then we will have the rest of the night to ourselves. Mia said and Sharon smiled.

And that is what they ended up doing that night and they continued to do that, spending their nights and weekends together at one or the other's place. Slowly they both ended up having clothes stored at each other's places. Sharon found that she had to buy a few dresses for when she had to attend one of Mia's functions at the college. At first this wasn't one of her favorite things to do but she gladly did them because Mia asked her to. But she did find that she got to meet a lot of nice people there. She also found

out that while there were some stuffed shirts that taught at the school there were also a lot of more liberal and open minded professors. These were the people that she enjoyed talking to.

Then came the day that Sharon had been looking forward to, but she was also dreading. It was the first home game at the school that her father had coached at. She had been nervous all week and more than a little short with Mia but she seemed to take it all in stride. The more Sharon took out her emotions on Mia the more loving Mia became and that made Sharon feel worse after each outburst but she couldn't stop herself. But finally the time came and Mia drove them to the school. The parking lot was already feeling up and Sharon could feel her emotions rising up in her body.

"It's going to be okay." Mia said to her just before they got out of her truck.

"I know." Sharon said as she turned to Mia in the truck. "And I'm sorry for being such a bitch all week."

"I understand this is very important to you but also very emotional so it's cool." Mia said and then she added, "Beside I plan on taking my revenge

out on your ass starting tomorrow."

Sharon looked at Mia and then she saw her smiling and she had to smile herself. "I bet you will!"

"So let's get out of this truck and see a real football game. You have been teaching me all about it for two weeks now; let's see how much I have learned." Mia told her as she took her hand and squeezed it.

They got out of the truck and started toward the field. Along the way they began to meet people that Sharon knew from her father. At first it hurt to talk about him but then after the first couple of conversations, she

began to feel better about it. It started to feel good to talk about him and

she started to seek out people that she knew and talked to them, dragging Mia with her. They finally made their way to the stands and they started to move up to the top where there were some empty seats but then the Principle of the school found her and brought her and Mia down to some better seats at the fifty yard line. After the national anthem was played, Sharon and Mia started to sit back down when the PA system came on.

"We have a special guest with us tonight. I want everyone to give a warm welcome to Sharon Wilkerson. We all know how much her father meant to this community and I want everyone to let Sharon know that."

Sharon felt embarrassed at being pointed out in front of everyone and then Mia had to start clapping which started everyone else in the stands

to clap. Sharon wanted to kill Mia for doing that but she felt good at how everyone had made her feel welcomed. She felt the tears start to flow and she felt Mia take her hand and squeeze it. Sharon then had the courage to turn around and wave to the crowd. Only then did the clapping slow down and finally it ended. Sharon got to sit down and she leaned over and gave Mia a big hug.

The game then began with the home team kicking off. They stopped the other team after only giving up a couple of first downs. They then got the ball but couldn't do anything with it either and they had to punt. The game went aback and for like this for the first quarter. Sharon kept an eye on Mia and only had to explain a few things to her.

The second quarter started with the home team having the ball and they started to move it. The crowd was getting excited and Sharon could see that Mia was actually getting into the action. Then the quarterback went

back and he let loose with a long throw downfield.

Mia jumped up and she cried out, 'Catch it! Catch the ball!"

Sharon wanted to laugh at Mia's reaction but she too was watching the receiver run under the ball, catching it and running it in for a touchdown.

"Did you see that? He caught it and ran it in for a touchdown!" Mia hollered into Sharon's ear.

"Yes he did, didn't he?" Sharon said laughing with Mia but also a little at her. For someone who had hated football and everything that went with it for all her life, Mia was really getting into the game.

"I want to see that again, tell them to do it again." Mia said to Sharon who had to laugh out loud this time.

"Honey, there isn't instant replay, this is a live game. They can't run it again." Sharon told her and she saw Mia look at her funny and then she saw Mia slowly realizing what she had said.

"I know, but that was a great play." Mia said as Sharon pulled her back down in her seat.

The other team scored late in the second quarter and Mia was yelling

at their team to stop them. So halftime came with the teams tied.

"So are you enjoying your first live football game so far?" Sharon asked Mia as they went towards the bathrooms.

"Oh hell yes!" Mia said and then she realized that there were kids running around everywhere. "I'm sorry." She said to the people around them. "But yes I love it" she continued.

"I'm glad, I was afraid that you wouldn't want to go with me again."

Sharon said.

"Honey, I would always come with you when you wanted me to. You do things for the people that you love, just like you go to my school functions. But I'm enjoying this just fine and I will gladly come back with you." Mia told her and then she put her arm around her waist and pulled her in tight.

They got back to the game just as the second half started. The teams

traded touchdowns and then it was a defensive battle for the rest of the game. That is until the home team had the ball on the last possession of the

game. They slowly moved the ball down the field until they got to the one yard line. Then on the last play of the game, they pushed the ball across the goal line.

"Did we win?" Mia asked as everyone was cheering.

"Yes we won." Sharon answered.

"That is great; we won on the first game that I went to." Mia said happily.

"Looks like your will have to come back to the next home game to make sure that we win again." Sharon told her.

"Oh we'll be here, with bells on!" Mia told her and Sharon had to laugh.

It wasn't long after that that they started to look for a house. It took a while to find what each wanted in the house but they did it. The first night in their new home, Sharon was lying in bed with Mia's arms holding her

tight. She thought about everything that had lead up to this point and it was then that she knew that she had finally found her soul mate.

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at

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