
Published on Mar 9, 1997



from Studs BBS

(415) 495 - 2929

BRAZIL Uploaded to Pink Triangle by Dave Parkinson

I never met another man who enjoyed being fucked as much as the Brazilian Bombshell. At the time I first met him, I was twenty two, and he was a bit younger.

It's hard for me to describe how beautiful he was. Photographs I have show a tall, lean, lightly muscled young man, with high cheekbones, bright clear almond eyes, and a mane of tangled black hair which he absolutely refused to comb. His skin tone was extraordinary, being rather light - he was of mixed European descent - and a kind of golden colour. In the right light, it was hard to resist the impression that he was glowing.

But the photographs don't do him justice, as the real secret of his sexual attractiveness was dynamic. Stationary, he was very attractive; in motion he was devastating. He moved with a kind of easy grace, almost a lope, which was deeply sexual; I remember being turned on terribly once, just watching him cross a road.

We used to make love by candle-light - not because it was terribly romantic (though it was), but because we were usually very stoned and bright light hurt our eyes. After a bit of fooling about and foreplay, he'd always want to be fucked. His favorite position for this was with me on my back, and him kneeling with his legs either side of my groin, slowly lowering himself onto my cock.

He always used to have a very serious look while doing this, a sort of intense concentration, as if trying to remember an equation, or solve some complex logical puzzle. At he did this, a small globe of semen would form at the end of his own erect penis, glistening like a small pearl.

Eventually, he'd be comfortable, and his look would change, as an extraordinary grin spread across his face. At the same time, he'd break into a light sweat, which on his golden skin would catch the candle light; combined with the stunning smile, it was hard to avoid the impression that he was catching fire, or somehow lighting up.

I once facetiously described fucking him as like plugging a power cable into a Christmas tree - the effect was electric. He'd be still for a while, just smiling, then he'd place a surprisingly cool palm on my chest and start to move (or ask me to), slowly at first, just flexing his bum, but building slowly to a vigorous sexual crescendo.

After I'd cum, and we'd hugged each other for a while with my cock still inside him, he'd slowly disengage, and we'd rest, possibly having a smoke. He'd then usually fuck me, which was fun, though I don't think either of us enjoyed it as much as the other way round; perhaps he felt obliged to, as the remnants of some form of South American macho.

We'd often finish the evening on our sides, with me behind him fucking him again, but very slowly and gently this time and for as long as possible, while running a hand though the layer of sweat on his smooth chest, or playing with his hard nipples.

Completely relaxed, and rather sleepy, though still sexually aroused, he'd sometimes make a curious noise in the back of his throat as I moved in him, a kind of growl. It's the only time, before or since, I've ever heard a man purring.

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