Branthia Academy

By Bruce Jenkins

Published on Nov 15, 2006


Episode VII: The One

'Today is the day.'

It was Anne's first thought as her eyes opened that morning. She had been waiting a month for this day. It had been four weeks ago, on her third day here, that Dr. Boothe had put her on the pill. It was standard for all female students, unless otherwise requested. Of course, condoms were readily available, Anne didn't have to wait this long to lose her virginity. But...she wanted her first time to be special, for both her and her partner, she wanted to feel every inch of him inside of her, flesh on flesh. She'd had so many offers over the last thirty days, and choosing THE ONE had been hard. But, as she had fallen asleep the night before, she had pictured only one face, the one boy that could make this occasion everything she wanted it to be.

She slid her hand deliciously down her nude body and toyed with her thick labia, feeling how soft and smooth they were. She was going to do it today, this afternoon, after classes let out. She felt the warmth in her belly turning to heat as she thought about it. He would be kind and gentle, understanding her needs. She slipped a finger between her soft folds and felt the entrance to her tunnel. It was damp, getting wetter by the second. Her clit was responding to her touch, she could feel it pushing out of it's cleft, poking up, beginning to throb for attention. Anne pulled her slick finger out of her pussy and rubbed the tip of her clit. She gently pinched it, moaning as an electric jolt of pleasure ran through her, and she spread her legs wide. She thought of his huge penis, hard and thick, stretching her as it slowly entered, filling her with hot, urgent flesh. She reached down with her other hand pressed down on her mound, watching as her huge clit stood straight up, and took it between her thumb and forefinger, sliding them up and down, jacking off her girl-cock as she imagined him inside of her. Her body cried out to her, urging her to go faster, to make it feel so good, so hot, so wet....

A soft voice from her doorway interrupted her, Maggie's voice.

"Good morning, sweetie...getting all warmed up for your big day?" Maggie smiled, and came in, sitting on the bed beside Anne. Anne pulled her hand off her mound, but she continued to toy with her clit as she took Maggie's hand.

"Mmm...more like....I was thinking about my big day, and it warmed me up...." Anne reluctantly slid her hand off of her wet twat, and looked down at it. She had been so close to coming when Maggie walked in, she could feel her juices running out of her bald pussy, leaking between her buttocks. She sat up, and kissed Maggie, lightly at first, then a bit more urgently. Maggie returned the kiss for a moment, then pulled back.

"Honey, you are all worked up. Are you still planning on waiting 'till after class?" Anne nodded. "Sweetie, just go to him. Now. Right now. This minute. Who knows how you'll feel later...especially if you let me wear you out..." Maggie stood and pulled Anne off the bed. She pulled her close, hugging her young friend, speaking softly in her ear.

"Trust me, honey. Go." Maggie kissed her on the cheek and handed her a shirt. Anne nodded. She was on fire, her juices running down her inner thigh. She took the shirt, and fastened a single button in the middle. Maggie patted her butt, and she strode out of the room, down the hallway. She felt disconnected from the world, exhilarated and drunk with passion, the halls were a blur as she walked to his room. Her dream of tenderly making love to her first man had turned to lust, and her labia were slick and wet, sliding against each other with each step, cool air rushing between them. She turned the corner, through his doorway, expecting to see him sleeping. His bed was empty. The shower was running. Time stood still, her world was moving in slow motion, it didn't even seem like it was her hand on the bathroom door, turning the knob and stepping into the steam filled air.

His voice, from inside the shower, still muzzy with sleep. He must have just gotten up.

"Hey, who's there?"

It was probably Jason. He was a morning person, and often came over to...

A hand grabbed the shower curtain. Michael barely had time to notice that it was a female hand before the curtain slid aside. His sister stood there. Her eyes were bright, her face flushed, and Michael knew in an instant why she was here. He moved to make room for her, smiling as she silently entered the shower. The spraying water drenched her shirt, plastering it to her body, and he could see her breasts through the fabric, her perfect breasts with their huge red nipples turgid with desire, pointing proudly out towards him. The image danced in his mind as he took her in his arms and kissed her. Her tongue was soft at first, dancing into his mouth, exploring him, then more insistent, hard and probing. Her fingers curled on his back, the nails digging into his skin. Blood rushed to his penis, he felt it rising with every heartbeat, and she moved her legs apart so that it could rest between them, throbbing against her smooth labia. He pulled his lips away from hers so that he could look at her. Her smile was so wide, her face filled with joy and passion. She slid her hands to his face, cupping it, and nuzzled his nose with hers.

"Come on..." she said, and took his hand, pulling him out of the shower, leaving the water running. She stopped at the bed, looking down at it and then back up at him. Her hands went to her shirt, and she pulled it open, sending a button flying, then slung it to one side. Her hand found his penis, squeezing and kneading the meaty shaft, as she spoke, her voice seductive and low.

"Gentle and hard at the same time....Can you do that for me? Can you make it passionate and dirty and frantic and warm and loving all at the same time, Michael? Can you make it perfect?" He nodded, and leaned forward to kiss her softly on the lips, then gently took her bottom lip between his teeth and pulled on it ever so gently. He released it, and kissed her chin, her eyes, her neck, her ears. He turned her around, cupping her breasts from behind. She put her hands over his, feeling him explore her tits. She could feel his soft pubes against her ass, the base of his huge cock between her ass-cheeks, the top of his shaft brushing her swollen, wet pussy lips. She looked down, watching him play with her engorged nipples, rolling them between his fingers, then further down, where his wide cock-head was poking out from between her legs. It felt so good to be in his arms, it had to be now, she wanted him inside of her NOW....

Micheal felt Anne shift, widening her stance and leaning forward a bit. Her hands moved off of his, and then her palm was against his cockhead, she was pressing it into her folds, between them, coating it warm wetness. She pushed harder, and he released his grasp on her heavy breasts, sliding his hands to her hips. Anne bent, resting her free hand on the bed, arching her back, lifting her butt, angling her pussy hole to align with his penis. Her palm was pushing harder now, mashing his cock-head against the opening in her pussy, and he could feel it relax, opening a little. His cock-head squished, compressing , and he felt her open a little more. Then, like a flower that suddenly blooms, her hole opened and he was inside of her, his big, mushroom cock-head was sitting inside the tight entrance to her heavenly, wet, tight velvet hole.

Anne gasped and steadied herself with both hands on the bed. Michael's member was huge, hard and soft at the same time, so much bigger the fingers and tongues that had been inside her before, so much hotter, so much...more...real. She felt herself stretching, and she couldn't wait, she wanted it to hurt, just a little, she wanted to know that she had lost her virginity, that she wasn't just having sex, that she was fucking, fucking hard, fucking her brother's huge fucking cock. She leaned her hips back, towards him, and felt his huge meat sliding up a few inches further into her tight hole, and it was too much, she gasped and took another inch of cock anyway, and he was groaning with her.

"Ungh..oh...Annie, does it hurt, honey? I don't want it to hurt, talk to me, Annie, I feel so good, being inside you, I want you to feel that way..."

"Oh...Mmm...., feels wonderful, just like I imagined...God, it's huge...your dick feels like it's a mile wide...I love it, give me a little more, real slow...give some more cock, just a little more meat in my pussy, Michael, and tell me how good it feels...UNGH...OH...!" She groaned as he pushed a little deeper into her.

"Annie..OH, God...Annie, it feels so good...I'm not even all the way in and I'm so close to coming..."

"You can many times as you want...there's no hurry, we have all morning if you want...come in me, Michael, it'll help make me all wet and slippery...." He pushed a little more. She flexed a little, squeezing her hot tunnel of flesh as tight as she could, wanting him to come, and felt him buck a little. She untensed and he groaned. She felt a wave of new, hot wetness rushing into her from his pulsating cock, her brother was spurting his jizz into her, her brother was shooting a load in her hot, tight pussy, and she clamped down as hard as she could so that he would feel so good, she loved that he came so fast, she knew that he would be ready to spurt again in just a few minutes.

"Leave it inside me, Michael, don't pull it out..." She waited for him to catch his breath, and felt his cock softening, just a little.

"I want to lay down, Michael, I want to lay on the bed and look at you, but stay inside me..." They moved as one person, forward for her to rest on the bed, then to the side as she rolled over, then further back on the bed and he was on top of her, still inside her, his chest pressing down on her breasts, his elbows by her shoulders, her beautiful face inches from his.

"Put it all the way, now, honey, while it's still a little bit soft, it'll be easier that way and I want to feel you get hard again..." Michael nodded and kissed her as he slowly, gently and let the weight of his hips fall forward, his semi-hard member squeezing into her tight hole until he could feel her clit, a throbbing finger against the base of his cock. As their lips and tongues intertwined, he could feel his blood heating up again, flowing back down to his penis, slowly filling it again. He straightened his elbows, and lifted himself off his sister's body, looking down at her. She smiled back up at him , her lower lip caught in her teeth as she felt his passion rising.

"Can you put those pillows behind me, honey?" He nodded, and she leaned forward as he slipped them behind her.

"I want to feel you going in and out of me..." She reached a hand between her legs, and he felt the tip of her long clit touch his meat and then his cock was scissored between two of her fingers. "God, I feel so...full...I can feel you getting you know how good this will make me feel, Michael? Having your huge cock sliding in and out of me, rubbing on my clit every time you stroke? Is it almost ready for me, baby, is it all hot and hard and ready for my pussy?" He nodded, and pulled his cock almost all the way out of her, sending a thrill through her as it slid over her clit, but leaving her tunnel empty and aching, eager to have his hot, meaty penis deep inside again. He pushed it back in, slowly filling her back up, sliding back over her clit and she gasped at the dual sensations of pleasure that racked her body. He nestled his hips against hers, and pushed, deep, deeper than she thought her tunnel went, he filled every bit of her with manly hardness, then slid back down, coming out faster this time, and she felt wetness leaking out of her, her juices and his sperm, warmth flowing over her puckered sphincter, running between her butt-cheeks and dripping on the bed. A moment later, he was on his way back inside of her, and she wasn't stretching anymore, she was hot and wet and slippery, her clit sliding over his throbbing cock and it was time....

"Oh...Ungh...Oh.... fuck me now, Michael....fuck me fast and hard and make me come..."

"I will, Annie, your pussy is so tight and hot and wet, ungh...oh....I love you so much..." He thrust again, strong and straight, sliding into her, then out. Waves of pleasure racked her body as his cock moved in and out, sliding over her clit, and she couldn't take it anymore, she pulled her clit off of his shaft and began to frig it, rubbing it hard and fast, her little girl-cock felt so hot, so urgent and she wanted the huge cock to pound into her, to pleasure her and punish her at the same time...


Michael was pounding her, his hips slamming into her inner thighs, somehow driving his huge penis even deeper into her as she screamed for more. He felt her bucking, twitching, her breasts were fluid and firm at the same time, bouncing with every thrust and her free hand latched onto his chest, her fingers twisting and pulling at his nipple.


Her pussy released it's girl-jizz, drenched him in hot fluid, and he kept pounding, ready to come again, she was so tight and slippery and hot. Her eyes were shut now, and her legs came up, locking around his waist, helping him pound into her. Her hands were on her nipples, those big, red nipples, pinching and squeezing them as she moaned. He wanted to last forever, sliding in and out of her, but it was too much, her hips were bucking again, her mouth opened in an endless, silent cry of pleasure, he felt her velvet walls close tighter on his shaft and knew that she was about to come again, he had made her feel so good, so hot and wet, and he thrust one last time, deep and hard, driving his meat into her and releasing the pressure on his balls, pumping liquid passion through his shaft into her....

"Ungh...oh, Annie...GOD...YOU'RE SO WET...AND TIGHT.... AND HOT..I'M COMING.... UNGHHH...OH.... GOD...FUCK...YEAH.... OHHHHH....."

Anne was beyond words. As her brother thrust deep into her, he touched a magic spot within her, wiring her entire body with pleasure. Her mouth was open in a silent scream, her body writhed and twisted under him. She was senseless with pleasure, in a different world, and didn't even feel him as he lowered his belly to rest top of hers and kissed her forehead, patiently waiting for her to open her eyes. Reality seeped back in around the edges of her lustful haze, she felt her hips twitch again, then relax. She moved a little, and spasmed again as her nipple dragged against her brother's chest and her clit rubbed against his pubes. Her arms weighed a thousand pounds each, but somehow she wrapped them around his neck and pulled him down tight next to her so that she could whisper in his ear. She was panting, almost hyperventilating, having trouble finding breath to speak...

"don't...move....oh...don't...move...." He nuzzled her neck anyway, and her whole body twitched this time, not just her hips.

"'t...." She gulped in a breath, then another, and finally, she was descending back through the clouds, returning to earth. She opened her eyes, and he was looking into them, the only boy she had ever loved, now the only man she had ever loved. She found his lips with hers and kissed him, hard and long. When they broke, he smiled tentatively, and brushed her hair out of her eyes.

"I need to know...for real...was I..." She put a finger over his lips.

"Better than anything in the world. Better than sex, even. Like an out of body experience....I can't even describe it...." He searched her face for a moment with a serious look, and she bit her lip in that special, sexy way she had, looking innocent and impish all at the same time. She put a hand on his cheek, stroking his face.



"I know you've been with a bunch of the girls here..." He cut her off.

"No comparison. None. Are you kidding? You made me come in like, thirty seconds the first time, it was..." She was shaking her head and giggled.

"No, not that. I meant, what's the most you've ever come? How many times?"

"Oh. was the day after the meat seat. With Maggie and Gretchen and Beth. I think six or seven times....why?"

"Oh, no reason. Just wondering how long I would be here this morning..... want to go to class?" He shook his head.

She grinned at him. "Are ya sure, it's no problem. Just let me up and we can go study some history and some algebra..." He shook his head again, smiling at her, and kissed her for a little while. Michael slowly pulled away from her lips after a few minutes.



"Let's do that again."

"I thought we just decided on that..."

"No, I was like a dream come true...having you walk into the shower like that. Let's do that again, right now. We can clean up a little, recharge the batteries, and then...ya it all again..."

"It was the way I ripped my shirt off, wasn't it? I knew you'd like that, all wet and sticking to my tits...and then popping the button off instead undoing it first..." She could feel him getting hard again. She clenched her pussy around his cock. "You sure you want to do that? Now?"

"Hmm.......if we have all day....I guess maybe not....maybe just one more time before we go shower..."

Thanks Josh, Jack and Daryl for all the input and encouragement! Keep the e-mails comin'!

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