Branthia Academy

By Bruce Jenkins

Published on Nov 14, 2006


Episode VI: Duty Calls

The Headmistress looked at the file on her desk and sighed. This was the hardest part of her job, she hated the thought of putting her students into harm's way. The risk factor was low, but there was always a chance something might go wrong. Noel was the perfect body-type for the senator's tastes, and she had shown a natural aptitude for this kind of work, but the young girl's behavior was...erratic lately. It couldn't be helped, though. An older girl simply wouldn't appeal to the corrupt congressman's pedophilia tendencies. To make things worse, she was going to have to send a couple of the little ones in as well. If things got messy, they would all be like lambs to the slaughter. Best to get this out of the way, tonight. She reached for the phone and rang Dr. Boothe's office. He had a right to know what his daughter was about to be asked to do.

The last three weeks had been difficult for Noel. Her sudden, insatiable sex drive had raised more than one eyebrow. Her peers knew her as a somewhat conservative girl, sexually speaking, and she had shattered that image by sharing the bed of nearly every boy and girl in the dorm over the last twenty days. It had reached it's peak a week ago, just before her period started, and she had ended up in a three hour marathon session with six boys. Only in the past few days had she finally begun to feel her libido lessen. She 'limited' herself to sex twice a day, and tried to keep from masturbating unless she was in the shower. When the Headmistress sent for her, she was sure that the conversation was going to be about her behavior of late.

Noel entered the Headmistress's office, and her father was there. Now she was sure that trouble was coming.

"Sit down, young lady." Headmistress Welsh motioned to the a chair in front of her desk, next to her dad. Her face was serious, and a bit drawn. She put her elbows on her desk, lacing her fingers together.

"Noel, you are aware of the Academy's dual purpose. Educating and freeing young minds are only part what we do here. Our charter also stipulates that we are to use any means possible to protect sexual expression in this country. Much of what we do is behind the scenes, under the table, through donations and such. But, sometimes, more direct action is required. Our older students, as well as some graduates, are sometimes asked to help in this regard." The Headmistress leaned forward.

"I have a special case, one that you are well suited for, and I believe you are ready." She turned her computer monitor to face Noel, and clicked an icon. A picture appeared, a middle aged man in a suit. He was fit and blonde, wearing a big, toothy grin and waving.

"This is Senator Rick Santos. He is a clever man, and he has found an old, outdated law on the books in his state, one that outlaws any homosexual contact. His agenda, among other things, is to pass an amendment to that law. He wants harsh penalties. Prison time and chemical castration for offenders will become a reality." She clicked the screen off.

"Things like this happen in politics, every year. Most of the time, they just fade away. Normally, we would not get involved, but this man has power, enough to pass this bill. He plays dirty. He's not some misled, conservative individual looking to do what he thinks is right. He has lied, blackmailed and threatened to get his promised votes. My sources tell me that in one week, he will present this bill, and it will pass." Noel nodded. Her father turned towards her, and took her hand.

"Honey, you can say no if you want to. were chosen because you look young, and this man...he takes advantage of young boys and girls. Sometimes, they are willing, but most times...not. If you don't go, then..." Noel interrupted.

"Are you kidding? Of course I want to go! What's the plan, what do I do, when do I leave?"

The Headmistress and Dr. Boothe looked at each other and slowly nodded. Time was short, and Noel would need to know every detail to ensure that things went smoothly.

The car dropped them at Senator Santos' private campaign offices in Washington. The driver would wait for them, they wouldn't be too long. The Headmistress had arranged for a 30 minute private interview. The Senator had been told that the children were interviewing him for their school paper, and that the article would also appear in a national news magazine.

Noel had groomed her white-blond pubes, waxing the edges and plucking them until she was left with a barely visible strip of peach fuzz. Her hair was tied back in barrettes, and she wore a snug training bra that flattened her puffy little breasts against her chest. The twelve year old girl could easily pass for nine or ten. Danny and Timmy looked up at her, expectantly as she stood in front of the door and took a deep breath.

It was showtime.

Senator Rick Santos sat at his desk, rubbing his hard cock through his pants, looking at picture after picture of nubile, smooth bodies on his computer. Three children were scheduled for an interview today, and he had been fantasizing for the past two nights about the possibilities. He knew the actual chances of anything happening were slim. It took multiple attempts, one had to chip at a child's defenses before they trusted you. He could, of course, just force himself on them, but then they might talk about it, tell their parents. He hadn't had time gather any intelligence, to find out if their parents were the type to accept money in return for silence. He would simply meet them, and if all went well, he would invite them back.

His intercom buzzed, and his secretary's voice squawked at him.

"Your eleven o'clock is here. Shall I send them in?" He clicked his computer off.

"Yes, please, Lucy. Did you make them something to drink, like I asked?"

"Yes, sir. I'll bring it in. Hot chocolate, just as requested." Santos smiled. It was a trick he had learned. A hot beverage, heating their little bodies from the inside, got them talking....made it easier to seduce them.

The door opened and Lucy walked in, carrying a tray with 3 mugs and a pitcher. She set it down on the coffee table in front of a couch where the Senator did his 'face to face' interviews. A large leather chair sat to the right of the couch. Three beautiful children entered, one girl and two boys. The boys looked to be about eight years old, two brown haired youths. The girl had his attention, though, she was a bit older, her hair so light blonde that it was almost white, a cute little upturned nose with just a few freckles on it and pale, alabaster skin. The children sat on the couch, the boys flanking the girl. He could see the outline of her white bra through her shirt, hiding tiny mounds of flesh. As she leaned over and sat her purse down on the table, she smiled at him. He sat up in his chair and smiled back with his best "ah..shucks" grin.

"Well, howdy! How are you all doin' today? Have a seat, get comfortable. Lucy, would you mind pouring them something to drink before you leave? Tell, me, what are we going to talk about in the interview today, kids?" The blond girl spoke up, her high pitched voice melodic and sweet.

"We want to ask you... how you can possibly justify tax incentives for corrupt mega-corporations that enslave the lower class and destroy the environment." She perched on the edge of her chair, pencil and paper in hand and looked up at him with a dead serious face. His jaw dropped. Lucy looked over at him, an expression of amazement of her face. The little angel began giggling.

"I'm just kidding, Mr. Santos. My teacher made me memorize that. She said that it would get your attention."

Santos burst into laughter, a hearty guffaw that echoed in the room.

"Well, you're just a little firecracker, aren't you, sweetie? You tell your teacher that Reganomics are still alive and well, and that they work." He smiled at his secretary. "I think that will be all, Lucy. Why don't you go ahead and take your lunch? And pick me up something to eat while you're out, if ya don't mind." Lucy nodded and left.

'Perfect,' he thought, 'I've got the whole office to myself...'

Sometimes, children would agree, then change their minds, wanting him to stop. Santos believed in finishing what he started, though, there was no stopping. Now, if they wouldn't matter.

Santos adjusted his penis so that it rested against his leg, and stepped around the desk, taking a seat in the chair by the couch. The girl reached for a cup of hot chocolate. As she was bringing it up to her lips, one of the boys reached over for a mug. His hand bumped her elbow, jarring her arm, and, in the blink of an eye, her shirt and skirt were soaked in steaming liquid.

"OHHHH! OWWWIE!! HOT! HOT!" She jumped up and yanked her shirt away from her body, untucking it as she pulled on the wet fabric. "OW! IT'S IN MY ELASTIC, OWWWW, I GOTTA GET IT OFF!" She pulled the bottom off her shirt up and held it away from her body with one hand as she reached around her back with the other and unzipped her skirt. It fell to the floor. She quickly unbuttoned her shirt and shrugged out of it, too.

Santos stared at the sight before him. The girl noticed him staring, and put an arm across her chest. Her face was a bit flushed.

"Oh, I'm so embarrassed! I'm so sorry! I spilled hot chocolate all over your floor, and my clothes are making a puddle." She bent down and gingerly scooped up her skirt and shirt. "Oh, no, what am I gonna do now?"

Santos recovered. This was a dream come true. The hardest part of seducing a child was finding a good reason to get them out of their clothes, and that problem had just solved itself. He walked around the table and knelt by her. He took the clothes out of her hands and set them back on the floor.

"Don't you worry, honey. I'll take care of everything. I've got spare shirts in my desk, you can have one. But...we should get all that hot chocolate cleaned off of you. It will get all sticky if we don't." He looked at one of the boys, the thinner one. "Son, go over there, to that door by my desk. It's a bathroom. Get the hand towel and wet it down with nice, warm water. Not too hot, our girl here has had enough hot stuff for one day." The girl giggled a little, and her arm dropped away from her chest. She rummaged in her purse, pulling things out.

"I think I have a Kleenex in here somewhere..." Cosmetics spilled out on the table.

"What's your name, sweetheart?" She looked up at him.

"Umm...Noel. I'm Noel."

"Well, Noel, I don't think a Kleenex is going to help."

"Oh, not to wipe me off. I got some on my bra, and it's all wet and sticky, right here, see?" She thrust her little chest out. Santos could clearly see that she had outgrown the tiny cups of her bra, her small breasts were straining at it. There was a brown spot on one of the cups. He reached over and touched it with two fingers, rubbing on it as if to test the wetness. Her small breast was firm to the touch, and his penis was, blood-filled flesh pulsating against his thigh.

"Honey, if you wipe it off, it will still be sticky. We need to wash that hot chocolate out of your bra." She stared at him silently with wide eyes. The boy he had sent to the bathroom came out, holding a towel. "It's up to you, sweetie, but you will feel so much better if you clean it off now. It's o.k., it won't take but a minute. Give me your bra, we'll go wash it off for you." She nodded slowly.

"Can you help me, Mr. Santos? My hands are all sticky and wet. I don't want to get more stuff on it..." She turned her back. Her white panties were riding up between her pale little butt-cheeks. Santos wished he could pull out his throbbing penis and rub it all over that tiny white ass. Instead, he unhooked the clasp on her bra. She turned around and held out her arms towards him. He pulled her bra off, and a fresh wave of hot lust rolled over his body as he stared at the young girl's breasts.

Santos was well familiar with the term "silver-dollar sized areolea". That is what this girl had, and nothing else. Her conical breasts were covered in the sensitive, pink flesh, almost to the base. Noel had grown over the past three weeks, her puffy areolae swelling like little balloons until they were much larger around than the white flesh beneath. Santos felt his breath quicken at the sight. Here was half-a-mouthful of young girl tit, almost all nipple and sweet pink areola. He resisted an urge to suck one of her small tits into his mouth and took the damp towel from the boy.

Noel arched her back, and Santos headed straight for those beautiful little titties, washing them down, leaving them shiny and wet, then worked his way down to her belly. He straightened, putting the towel aside, and the girl looked at his bulging crotch, inches from her face.

"My daddy gets that way, too. He likes me to touch it when mommy's not home." She glanced up at Santos. "He says that whenever it gets hard, it hurts him and it's my job to help him get it soft again." Santos nearly orgasmed at the words. One of the boys spoke up.

"Mine gets hard too, Noel. How do you get your daddy's soft again?" She turned her pretty head to him.

"Oh, lots of different ways. Sometimes we touch it together, and sometimes he puts it inside me. It used to hurt me, but feels kinda good." Santos stepped in, wanting to guide the conversation before one of the children lost interest and changed the subject.

"Where does he put it, Noel? You said he puts it inside you? Do you mean, in your mouth?" Noel giggled.

"No, silly. Well, I mean, he does that too, but I meant here. In my cootchie. See, right here.." She hopped up on the couch, pulled her panties aside and spread her legs. She had very light covering of white peachfuzz with just a few thicker hairs spread among them in a strip over her smooth, pink pussy. She was wet, her little pussy lips shiny with juice. He felt a warm confidence. He was sure now that she would do whatever he asked. The boys craned their necks to see. Noel pulled her panties back into place, shaking her head.

"No free peeks. You guys will tell everyone at school that you saw my cootchie. It's bad enough that you get to see my boobies." The boys shook their heads, and one spoke up.

"We will not. Promise. Come on, Noel, I never saw one before, a girl I mean. Lemme see...please?" Noel look up at Santos.

"Well, boys, I don't think you're being very thoughtful. Noel doesn't want to be the only one naked here, do you, sweetie?" She shook her head. "Would it make you feel better if we took off our clothes, too?" She nodded. The boys hopped off the couch, and dropped their pants and underwear. Their hard little cocks looked like mirror images of one another, about 3 inches long, topped by a pink head. Noel cooed her pleasure.

"Oh, they look so neat! My daddy is all big and hairy, but they look so cute with no hair on them! Come back up here on the couch, let me see." The boys sat down on either side of her, and she took a little boy-cock in each hand, stroking and rubbing. Santos felt dizzy from lust as he knelt down again, watching her little hands jacking off the boys' hairless cocks. He slid his hands up her thighs and hooked his thumbs in the elastic band of her white panties.

"Come on now, sugar, you promised us boys that we could see everything. Raise your butt up, I'll get these off for you." A moment later, she was naked. Her stared at her body and rubbed at his throbbing cock, trying to decide what to do next. One of the boys was staring at Santo's hand as it played with the bulge in his pants.

"Can I see yours, Mr. Santos? I wanna see how big it is. I never saw a big one before, I don't even have a daddy..."

"Well, sure, son, I'll show it to you... but do you remember what Noel just said about how a man's penis can hurt when it gets all hard and long? Mine hurts like that right now..." Noel interrupted him.

"If your penis hurts, Mr. Santos, you can put it inside of me. Daddy says that's the best way to make it feel better."

Unbelievable, Santos thought. This girl was a born slut, she loved cock! He dropped his pants, and his throbbing penis bounced free. He loved the way his five inch penis looked compared to the boys little peckers, so big and thick, compared to their little boy-cocks. Noel had scooted her butt up to the edge of the couch, and spread her legs open wide. Her little pussy was open for him, beckoning him, shiny and wet, young pink flesh.

"Are you, Mr. Santos? Are you going to put it inside of me, now?" She was staring at his erect meat, and he nodded.

"Yes, honey, but don't worry. I won't hurt you, I'll go real slow at first." She smiled and nodded back at him.

He bent down over her. Scooping her little buttocks up in his hands, he lifted her up and turned around, sitting on the couch with Noel in his lap. He pulled her closer to him, her legs wrapping around his hips, until his cock-head touched her belly. He could feel her wet, little pussy sliding around the underside of his shaft, coming to rest at it's base, leaking warm wetness onto his balls.

He moved his hands from her buttocks, placing one on the small of her back and using the other to stroke and rub one of her puffy, pink breasts. He found her nipple and began pinching it softly with his thumb and forefinger. His voice was low and throaty as he looked her in the eye, filled with animal lust.

"Tell, me, sweatheart, do you know what a whore is?" She shook her head. "How about a slut, do you know what that is?"

"No, Mr. Santos...what are they?"

"Well, honey, that's what a man calls a girl when she makes his boner feel good, when she makes it not hurt anymore. That's what you are, baby, a little slut-whore. Do you like that name?"

"Sure, I like to make boys feel better." Santos smiled and gave her a little kiss on the lips.

"Mmm...good girl. Now, I want you to reach down very gently and put my penis in your pussy." He leaned back, spreading his legs so that she could reach between them. He watched her wrap one tiny little hand around his cock, making it look huge. She lifted up a little, and he nearly came as soon as she pressed his sensitive cock-head against her slick, pink folds. He eased forward, and felt his penis mashing into the entrance to her little fuck-hole.

"That feels so good, darlin'. Now, you take that cock and jam it in your little whore-hole, ok?" She nodded up at him, and began to work his throbbing cock-head into her little, wet hole. He grunted, she was so tight and hot, he was about to come. He couldn't stand the thought of ejaculating before he had a chance to pound his hard member deep inside of her. He had to have her now.

He grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, thrusting upward with his hips, ramming deep into her young pussy.

"AHHHHH...UNGHHH..." Her squealing, high pitched voice fueled his lust. He ground his hips between her thighs, exploring her fuck-hole with his throbbing meat as he spoke.

"Is my big cock hurting you? Be a good little slut, Noel...tell me how good it feels when my cock hurts you...."

"Ungh...yes, it hurts, your cock is huge, and...OH...AHH...oh, it feels good, a good way...UNGH...OH..."

He bucked his hips, driving his meat as deep as he could into her tight, velvet hole, her wet tunnel sucking at his throbbing cock.

"UNGH...I'm gonna fuckin' unload my balls in you, you little are such a dirty whore, my dirty...UH...little...UNGH...SLUT....FUCKING'....WHORE!" He punctuated each word with a thrust of his turgid, blood-filled penis, and he couldn't take it anymore, she was so tight and hot and wet, such a cock-hungry little bitch-slut...his balls tightened, and a spasm rocked his body as hot sperm pumped up his cock, he could feel it, a tidal wave of come, jetting out of his meat and into her.


Noel opened her mouth, and he spit in it as he came again, then opened it further with his thumb and forefinger, spitting in it again. His cock twitched , injecting another load of sperm deep into her slut-hole, and he leaned back on the couch, letting her sit there with his cock in her.

"You just stay there, baby, keep my big cock in your pussy, be a good little whore and use that twat the way you know you should, didn't that feel good, tell me how much you love having my big cock inside you."

"Oh, Mr. feels good in there, it's so big and warm...I do love it! Are you all better now? Am I really a good slut-whore, like you said?"

"Mmmm, yes, you are my new, favorite you like that, hmmm?" Noel giggled.

"Yes. I'm glad I made your thing feel all better." She looked at the two younger boys, still seating on either side of them, playing with their hard, little boy-cocks.

"Should I make them feel better, too?" He shook his head.

"No, I think I will show the boys how they can feel all better without a girl...hop down, but slowly..." Noel slid off of him and he saw a little line of his goo leaking from between her pussy lips. He reached between her legs and swiped it up with two fingers.

"Move out of the way, slut, us boys are gonna use the floor." Santos got onto the floor, on his knees, and began rubbing his sperm covered fingers on his ass, poking them inside as he spoke.

"Do you know, boys, that you have a pussy, too?" They shook their heads. "It's true, you both have tight little boy-pussies, and I have a man-pussy. Would you like to see how to have fun when there are no girls around?" They nodded, smiling, rubbing their smooth little peckers. "Good, one of you come down here, behind me."

One of the boys came down, standing behind him, between his legs. Santos pulled his butt-cheek to the side, showing the boy his sperm-slicked sphincter.

"That's my man-pussy. It's all hot and tight, it makes your penis feel real good when you put it in. Go ahead, try it....just rub that little pink cock-head on it, and push it in."

The boy came closer, his rigid boy-meat pressing on Santos's ass. Santos felt him thrusting, trying to get it in the tight orifice.

"Grab it, son, grab it and push hard....ungh..yeah, that's it..." Santos felt a hard finger of flesh push past his asshole, sliding inside of him. "Now, push as hard as you can, get as deep as you want, and move it, that's it...oh, yeah, that feels nice, I love a little boy-cock in my ass...." He glanced up at the couch, at the other boy. "Come down here, son, put your little pecker in my mouth, let me suck on your tiny meat....come on, now, I want to taste some boy-jizz..."

The boy hopped down and thrust his pretty, bald little penis in Santos's face. Santos slurped it into his mouth, the tiny cock head was tickling the back of his throat, and he sucked on the hard, throbbing finger of boy-meat as another slid in and out of his ass. He put a hand between the boy's legs, searching for his little asshole, and found it, a wrinkly, puckered circle of hot flesh. He pressed a finger into it as he sucked the boy's penis further into his mouth, engulfing his little ballsack and tonguing it as he probed his finger deeper into the boy's ass.

He looked up to see Noel sitting on the couch, rubbing her pretty, pink pussy,holding an open compact so that she could watch herself in it's mirror. He felt the little boy-balls in his mouth pull upwards, tensing, and a moment later his mouth was filled with hot boy-come, spraying from the little penis buried in his throat. The boy pulled it out, and it twitched in front him as sperm jetted from it again, a warm splatter on his lips and chin.

The other boy was grunting and groaning, his tiny ballsack slapping against Santos's ass. He tensed, gripping his hands tight on Santos's hips, and warm, wetness filled Santos's man-pussy, hot come flowing into him as the boy-cock in his ass released a load of sperm.

"Oh, that feels good, do you boys like this? Do you like learning how to have fun when you can't find a little slut like Noel to play with your boy-cocks?" The one he had just blown nodded.

"Yes, Mr. Santos, thank you. That was the best my pee-pee has ever felt, I loved it when you sucked on it." He smiled, and turned his head to look at the boy behind him.

"And how about you, young man. Are you going to let your friend put his little penis in your boy-pussy when it gets hard?" He nodded at Santos, his eyes wide.

"Yes, sir. I promise, I will. It felt real good in there, I liked putting it in your man-pussy..."

"Good. Now, who are we going to tell about this? don't want anyone to know, do you? Because if anyone found out, you all would be in big, big trouble. And your parents, too. Why, we just passed a law. Little whore kids like all of you could go to jail for stuff like this. But don't worry, I won't tell anyone, not if you don't. Now, let's all promise not to tell, and get our clothes back on...o.k.?"

The kids nodded. Santos smiled. This was too easy. Next month, he would be campaigning, and he would make a nice, long stop in their town. Thirty minutes had gone by too quickly....

Noel, Danny and Timmy collapsed into a fit of giggles the moment the car door shut.

"Oh, that was sooo funny! He was like 'Oh, baby, my cock is huge, tell me how bad it hurts..' Oh, my god...hello, tootsie roll...." She was laughing so hard that tears began to leak from her eyes. The boys nodded.

"I had to squeeze with every muscle in body to keep it tight in my pussy.... the only thing that hurts is my tummy from laughing so guys were great, too. Danny, the way you bumped my arm, just like we planned. And Timmy, pulling out to come all over his face...that's gonna look great on film!" The boys nodded. They couldn't wait to get back to the Academy. The Headmistress would be pleased.

The Headmistress was more than pleased. The hidden camera in Noel's compact had captured everything. The microphone in her lipstick had performed equally as well. She only wished that she had a month or so to toy with this man, to send him a few veiled threats, to make him sweat. There was little time, though. It wasn't enough at this late date for him to pull sponsership of the bill. Santos would have a busy day tomorrow. He would call a press conference, and admit that he had been misguided, that forcing his out-dated views on the people of his state was wrong. She smiled. It never hurt to have another politician in her pocket.

She pressed her intercom, and sent a student to get Noel. The girl seemed to have developed a taste for pussy lately, and the Headmistress's was damp from watching the erotic tape of her student's performance. She got up from the desk, and had another thought. The two young boys might enjoy a little reward as well. It had been almost a year since she had pleasured a little boy, she preferred a nice, big cock. But...they had done an outstanding job. She pressed the intercom again. Her little men deserved the best the Academy had to offer. And...she was the best...

Dedicated to real life Congressman Rick S. I love a big cock, and Rick is..a big cock!

Next: Chapter 7

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