Branthia Academy

By Bruce Jenkins

Published on Nov 12, 2006


Episode V: The Meat Seat *******************************************************************************

Anne looked at her reflection in the mirror, humming to the tune blaring on the clock radio in her room. She had been fussing with her appearance for about 15 minutes now, trying to decide what 'look' she wanted to go with. Cam would be here soon. Anne was excited and a little nervous. She had asked Maggie and Gretchen to stay, but they had told that she needed to get used to being alone with the boys at the academy, and assured her that Cam would be a perfect gentleman...unless Anne asked him not to be.

She heard a knock, and came out of her bathroom, expecting to see him standing there. Instead, an Asian girl that Anne had seen earlier in the hallway was peeking her head through Anne's open entryway, her body hidden from Anne's sight. She looked about 15 or 16.

"Hi, Anne. I'm Kimmie. I'm your next door neighbor. Are you busy?" Anne shook her head.

"No, not for a few minutes. I think. Someone else said he was going to drop by but he's not here yet...come on in."

Kimmie stepped around the corner. Anne wasn't shocked that Kimmie was nude, she didn't think that anything could shock her.. not after the things she had seen in her first 24 hours here. In fact, she was intrigued...Kimmie had a rather exotic look to her. Her skin was a rich brown color. Her pointy B-cup breasts had dark, almost black areola and large, black nipples. Like many of the girls here, she had chosen to shave her pubes, and Anne could see that her labia were also dark. Kimmie noticed Anne looking at her body. She turned to the side and flung her arms out, arching her back.

"You like? Have you ever seen an Indian girl naked?" Anne shook her head and blushed a little. She hadn't meant to stare, but this was indeed her first time ever to see a nude body that wasn't Caucasian.

Kimmie laughed.

"I got news for ya, sweetie, you still haven't....I was teasing' you. I'm Filipino. I just wanted to come by and break the ice."

Anne smiled at her.

"That is a one of a kind ice-breaker, I'll have to use it myself, someday. Do you think I could pass for Filipino?" Kimmie ran her gaze down Anne's body, taking in her pale skin.

"Honey, if you walked into my room naked, you could say you were from Mars and I wouldn't argue. As a matter of fact, if you want...OH!"

Cam stood behind her grinning.

"Sorry, Kimmie, I couldn't help myself."

" time you pinch me there, you better be ready to put those hands to good use, mister...if there is one thing I can't stand, it's a tease. That's supposed to be my job." She walked over to Anne and took her hands. "Give me a kiss good-bye, Anne. We'll talk later."

Anne leaned forward to kiss Kimmie's cheek. Kimmie intercepted Anne's lips with her own, and swirled her tongue in Anne's mouth. Then she winked at Anne and turned. She put her arms over her head, and began to dance on her way out the door, jiggling her tits and rotating her hips to beat of the music. Cam smiled as she passed him, and playfully swatted at her butt, stopping just short. She blew him a kiss and was gone. He looked over at Anne. She licked her lips. They tasted sweet from Kimmie's lip gloss.

"Kimmie is a trip. You'll love her." He grabbed the chair from her desk and turned the radio down a bit, motioning to for her to sit on her bed. "Come on, sit down, let's chat..."

Anne sat on the end of her bed, facing him. He was even cuter than she remembered. His sandy blonde hair was just a tad bit mussed, and he had deep green eyes.

"Sure, whatcha you want to talk about?" She couldn't tear her gaze away from his eyes, and he stared right back, grinning.

"Anything. Ask me a question. You must have a've only been here a day."

"O.K., I've got a good one. How come no one seems to care if I wear that?" She pointed to her bed, where her pussy protector was laying.

"That's an easy one. It's like, a back-up plan, in case you have trouble adjusting here. If no one has said anything to you, then you must be doing some... experimenting. And, judging from what I saw last night when I ran into you, you aren't having any problems fitting in. But...if you go see the Headmistress, wear it. She gets off on shit like that." Anne nodded, staring into those eyes, feeling totally at ease. She decided to change gears, and asked the question that had been on her mind all day.

"You didn't look at me. At my body, I mean. When I was in the hall last night...I even tried to get you to look. How come you didn't?"

Cam laughed softly.

" 'Cause I didn't want you to think I was just interested in coming over here and looking at your tits."

"Hmmm...I think that's sweet. It's not that big of a deal, though. You could have looked. I still would have been happy to have you here."

"Well, if you want, we can do the whole thing all over, and this time...I promise...I'll look.." Anne giggled. Her nipples were beginning to get stiff as her breasts became the center of their conversation.

"It's a deal. But, I don't think I'll be running through the hall without a shirt on tonight." Cam nodded somberly, and rubbed his chin with a look of thoughtful concentration. He looked serious, but when he spoke his voice was light and playful.

"Well, maybe we should go to Plan B."

"What's Plan B?" Anne's heart was beating with anticipation. Cam leaned forward, and his voice was lower and throaty as he spoke.

"Plan B is that I pull my chair a little closer and unbutton your shirt. Then I take off your bra. I'm can't quite remember what comes next, but if I recall, it's lots of fun...." Anne could feel her labia getting slippery with moisture as she listened to Cam.

"Plan B sounds like a blast..."

She put her arms behind her, locking her elbows and resting her weight on them. She arched her back, and her shirt pulled tight against her breasts. Cam could see the outline of her large nipples, and felt blood rushing to his penis. He moved his chair closer to her and rested his hand on her chest, right below her neck. He could feel Anne's heart pounding. She rolled her head back, staring at the ceiling, and thrust her chest out a little more. She felt his hand move and begin loosening the buttons on her shirt. One by one, he opened them, and pulled her oxford off of her shoulders. The clasp in the front of her bra was next. Her bra hung loosely over her breasts and she closed her eyes as she felt him put his hands under the lace, cupping her tits for a moment before peeling it back.

Cam had gotten a glimpse of Anne's breasts last night, and the image had stayed with him all day. It paled in comparison to the sight before him now. He drank in her large, red nipples and full, firm, white breasts for a moment. He leaned over and cupped one of her breasts in both hands, kissing it softly all over, moving his lips over her soft skin and turgid nipple, then gave her other one the same treatment. He spoke to her between kisses, his voice low and throaty.

"...You have...the sexiest....tits...I have...ever...seen....I...dreamed about them...all night..." Anne cooed in delight. She wanted to hear more, she hoped that Cam had touched himself thinking about her. The thought of him playing with his hard penis made her pussy get wetter and warmer.

"Hmmm.....tell me everything, Cam...tell me what you dreamed about..."

"You were.. rubbing them ...all over my cock..."

"Would it make your dream come true if I did that? If I rubbed my boobs all over you?" Cam began rolling her nipples between his fingertips, freeing his mouth so that he could tell her every detail of his fantasy.

"Almost, honey. I want to come on them...can I come all over your beautiful tits?"

"You can do whatever you want..."

Cam released her breasts and stood, undoing his pants. Anne sat up on the bed, waiting for the first glimpse of his penis. He dropped his pants, and there is was, bobbing in front of her. She felt a secret joy, looking at it. Cam was...normal. She was afraid that all the boys here would have monstrous equipment, huge cocks that might hurt the first time she had sex. His was perfect, and she smiled even wider.

Cam had noticed a bottle of lotion on the desk earlier, and he squirted a healthy portion in his hands. He moved closer to Anne and began to rub it all over her breasts. His cock was inches from her mouth, and she couldn't resist. She put her mouth over it and began to lick and suck on it's head as he smeared lotion over her tits.

Cam throbbing now, his veins pulsed liquid fire. Anne's tits were shiny with the lotion he had rubbed into them, making the huge, red nipples look an even deeper red, the white skin of her breasts look even whiter. Her mouth was wet and warm on his penis, but he wanted to squish in between those huge, firm tits and buck his hips until he spewed all over them.

He pulled his cock away from her mouth.

"Sit up for me, baby, put your tits on my cock...I want to feel how soft they are...."

Anne nestled his penis between her tits, right between her nipples.

"Squeeze them tight, honey, as tight as you can without hurting yourself..." Anne had never done this before, but she had thought about it, many times over the past few months, as her breasts grew. She made a "C" with two fingers and a thumb and inverted her hand, putting her fingers under her nipples. She pushed her breasts together with her palms, sandwiching his shaft it warm, soft tit-flesh. Then, she used her thumbs to press her huge nipples against his penis. He pushed forward, and his slick cock slid along her nipples, and through her cleavage, sending waves of pleasure through both Anne's tits and Cam's penis.

"Oh, Anne, that feels so good....I'm gonna go faster now, hon, I want to feel my cock on your titties, I love how your big nipples are sliding on it, oh, they feel so hard, push them harder, honey, oh, yeah...."

"Come for me, Cam....I want you to come for me, baby...shoot it all over my tits and face, just like you dreamed about, I want to taste your hot jizz, baby...tell me how to make you feel good...tell me how to make you come...." Anne had learned a thing or two about dirty talk from hanging out with Maggie, she felt like a slut saying the words out loud, and her pussy was even wetter thinking about what a whore she had turned into, how she loved the feel of Cam's throbbing meat stroking between her tits.

"Ungh...oh...oh...jerk me off, Annie, jerk me off with your tits...please..." Anne pulled her hands toward her chest, dragging her heavy tit-meat over his shaft, and he groaned.

"Faster, honey...faster...fuck my dick with those big titties..."

Anne pushed her tits back down and pulled them up, and again, faster and faster. His cock-head was poking up through her tits, it's top rim brushing her areolae with every thrust, and she opened her mouth, laying her tongue out so that she could lick it every time it appeared. Her breasts ached from the abuse they were getting, but in a delicious way, an erotic way.


Anne squeezed his cock between her breasts as she felt him tense, and she could feel it twitching and throbbing as he pumped hot sperm onto her tits. She rubbed them around, coating herself with his jizz, feeling it run down the hollow of her chest. He grunted with pleasure and his cock twitched again. She let go of her tits and his cock bounced upwards just as he shot, coating her neck and chin with warm, white goo. His hands were on her shoulders, his knees trembling, and she lay back in bed, pulling him beside her. He was still gasping as he spoke.

"Oh, honey, that was so good, so much better than my fantasy, you are better than a dream girl..." White goo was still dripping out of his penis, drooling down his shaft.

"You just being sweet...but I love it, don't stop..."

"I didn't really expect all this, you know...I figured we would just talk, and maybe, if I was lucky, we might kiss...." Anne giggled.

"You got the bonus plan, Cam. We talked...and you got lucky."

"I know, I wish I could spend all night here..."

"Why don't you, then?"

"Because I'm a tutor. And tonight, my services are required..."

"Oh...shit...that sucks." Anne smiled over at him. " I guess I should have scheduled more time in advance."

"Sweetie, if I had known that tonight was going to turn out like this, I would have canceled everything."

"I believe you. But you still owe me."

"Hmmm...I'll tell you what. I aim to please. I feel bad, 'cause I just got off and you didn't....would you like me hold you in my arms and we can kiss and talk about anything you want? Or, would you like me to strip off the rest of your clothes and pleasure you...or, we can do whatever else you I said, I've only got ten minutes, but they are all for you..."

Anne started giggling.

"Oh, I just had an evil idea..."

"I don't believe that at could never be evil...tell me..."

"'s too dirty to even say out loud..."

"Whisper it to me then.."

"No, I'll say it out loud...but if you think it's gross, you don't have to....I think you should clean me up. I've got your spunk all over me..."

"That's not so evil, at all, I'll clean you..." Anne interrupted him.

"Oh, I wasn't finished. You can't use a towel. Or your shirt. Or anything except your mouth."

"Hmmm, that is evil. But...I happen to like the way I taste..." With that, he leaned over her and began to swab his sperm from her neck with his warm, wet tongue. He worked his way to her chin and cleaned the gobbets that had landed near her lips, then kissed her softly on the lips. She opened her mouth, and his tongue danced around hers, slick with his own jizz. He pulled away, licked a little more from between her breasts, and kissed her again.

A few minutes later he had cleaned her up. He was such a gentleman that he got a towel to swab the leftovers off of her. Anne gave him one last kiss and he left, promising to that he would be back to see her soon. She sighed, laying on her bed, toying with her hard nipples as she reflected on the time they had spent together. Her panties were soaked with dampness. She was beginning to have a teeny, tiny regret. She wished she had taken him up on his offer to pleasure her. She sighed, and rolled off the bed. She reluctantly put her shirt back on, leaving the bra on the bed, and went her desk. She had homework to do. She sat down at the desk, and looked down at her breasts. Her nipples were pushing up on the semi-transparent material, and she ran her finger over one, pushing it around in a circle. Sighing again, she took her shirt off, put her bra on, then put the shirt back on. She badly wanted to strip nude and play with herself, but first things first. She promised herself that playtime would come later, just as soon as her homework was done.

Homework was the furthest thing from Michael's mind. And, even though Maggie, Gretchen and this hottie from his history class named Beth were seated in chairs at the foot of his bed , stark naked, he didn't spare them a glace. He was laying on the bed, his cock in his hand, whipping it furiously. Four boys had come to see him, wanting to "initiate" him to the dorm. They had pulled the bed away from the wall and were standing around him, also jacking their meat, pointing their penises at him. One of the boys, a kid about Michael's age by the name of Tom, began to spurt, and aimed his cock at Michael's. It was curved, almost a half-circle, with a wide, squat, brownish cock-head. Tom was standing by Michael's hips, and Michael rolled his direction, pressing the head of his big penis against Tom's as it began to unload for a second time. Michael's cock was covered in fresh, hot sperm, and he jacked it harder, squeezed it tighter, his thick member now lubricated with Tom's jizz. Tom began to slap his penis against Michael's, and spurted more come. Another boy standing by Michael's head was grunting, and thrust his penis towards Michael's mouth. Michael took the head in his mouth just as it began to spray, and he felt it pulsing as it pumped its load into the back of his throat.

Tom had left, and another boy came in, naked, his penis already hard and took Tom's place. Michael barely had time to register that it was Mark before he felt a hand on his chin, cradling it and pulling to the left. The red-headed kid on this side was gasping, Michael greedily popped his mouth over another cock-head, eating and slurping come. He felt someone climb on the bed, between his legs. Another boy was taking Michael's legs, lifting them, sliding his legs under them, so that he could sit on the bed with his penis resting against Michael's, his ballsack hot and loose against Michael's testes. He grabbed Michael's wrist, pulling his hand away from his thick meat. The boy wrapped his hands around both of their cocks, and began jerking both Michael and himself off at the same time, their cocks sliding against each other. Michael put both his hands around their meat, and helped stroke, squeezing his cock into the boy's smaller one. In no time, Michael was spurting his thick sperm in the air, coating both penises with hot goo, and, a moment later, he felt the boy's cock pulse and begin to pump warm semen.

The boys had told Michael that he could get off the "meat-seat" whenever he wanted to. But, if he succeeded in pleasuring everyone that walked in, the three girls watching would stay to clean him up and do whatever else he wanted. Michael would have gladly sucked off every guy in the dorm for nothing, but whenever he needed a little extra motivation, he just looked over at the girls. It would be a late night. He wasn't about to pass up a chance to spend some more time with Maggie, and this time, he would make sure that he got to see her eat some pussy.

Anne finished her homework, and headed down to the cafeteria to get something to eat. A group of girls that were chatting invited her over, and she made some new friends over dinner. They all ate together every night, they said, and she was welcome join them anytime. Anne said her good-byes and headed back upstairs. She stopped by Maggie's room, but the older girl was gone. She headed back to her room. She was almost there, passing the last room before hers, and heard Kimmie's voice, belting out the lyrics to an old Whitney Houston tune. She knocked on the door. No answer. She knocked again, harder.

"Kimmie, it's Anne, ya want some company?" Kimmie's voice echoed from the bathroom.

"In here. The door's open, come on in."

Anne walked in the room. The bathroom door was standing half open and she pushed it aside. Kimmie was sitting on the edge of the tub, naked, shaving her legs.

"Hey, babe. Glad you came to see me. How'd things go with Cam?"

"Oh, it went great! We had...a lot of fun. But he had to jet early, and I finished my homework, and...well, I hope I'm not buggin' ya, I'm just bored, and you made my day when you came to say hi earlier. I figured I'd see what you were up to."

"I'm glad ya did, sugar. This is a lot more fun with someone to talk to." Kimmie was done with her leg and began smearing shaving cream over her pubic mound. She spread her legs wide and swiped some on the outside of her labia. Anne was staring, looking at Kimmie's black pussy lips. Kimmie noticed her gaze.

"We can trim you up too, if you want. How 'bout it? Wanna try being bald for awhile?"

"Are you a mind-reader? Or did Maggie tell you that I was thinking about it?" Kimmie smiled.

"Neither. I came over from a private school in Hong-Kong about two years ago. Over there, we didn't even shave our armpits. Hair was the thing. I came here, and all the girls at the school were so smooth. I wanted to look like that, too. I tried to shave myself the second night I was here, but I had one single blade razor, and by the time I got to my pussy, it was dull as hell. I ended up with a rash on my cootchie that you wouldn't believe. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Long story short, if you want to , I have all the good stuff now. Clippers, wax, good razors...I just figure from the way you are looking at me, you might be thinking about it...."

"I'm doing more than thinkin' just convinced me. Let's do it...I want to be smooth down there."

"Strip down, girl, lemme see what you're workin' with." Anne got out of her clothes while Kimmie expertly finished shaving herself. She turned to inspect Anne's pubes.

"Put a leg up on the tub, babe, let me see how fuzzy you are." Anne rested a foot on the edge of the tub, and Kimmie peered up at her.

"Oh, this will be super quick, darlin'. You are totally smooth from here..." Kimmie ran her a finger from Anne puckered sphincter to her pink pussy. " here. All we need to do is get rid of that bush, and....voila! No wax needed...hand me those clippers, let's get this worked down a little so I can shave it."

Anne sat on the tub, spreading her legs, and Kimmie climbed in the tub and sat between Anne's legs. She took the clippers and began to shave off Anne's soft pubes.

"So...give me the dirt...did you and Cam have sex?" Anne shook her head.

"No, as a matter of fact, he took off, like, half-an-hour after he came over. Said he had to go tutor someone." Kimmie snorted.

"Yeah, right. Tutor someone." Kimmie switched off the clippers and began to smear shaving cream over Anne's mound. Anne felt her clit growing, poking through her labia. "Honey, your brother is on the meat seat tonite. Cam is going up there, to see how long Michael lasts, and probably nut in his mouth a couple of times." Anne's jaw dropped.

"W-w-what? What do you mean? What's a "meat seat"?"

"Oh, it's how the boys initiate a new guy into the dorm. An older guy, someone like your brother. They bring in a bunch of girls and tell him if he satisfies every guy in the dorm, he can have his choice of any three of the girls...that they will do whatever he wants. He told them that he wanted Maggie, Gretchen and Beth to do him. They are up there right now, watching him suck dicks. I'm sorry to be the one to tell ya, what can I say, boys are....boys." Anne started laughing.

"Oh, wow. I wish Cam would have told me, I would have peeked in..."

"Oh, no. They kick all the girls out once it starts. The only reason that they let those three stay in is to tease your brother. It is neat to see, though. When Tom came here, a few months ago, I decided that I wanted to see it, and I volunteered. I mean, what the hell. It wasn't like I had to worry about him finishing. But I don't do it anymore, it's just cruel. I mean, guys are so dumb. They never stop to do the math. Most any guy here doesn't have a problem jizzing three times in an hour. Multiply that by 75 guys, and that's 225 loads of cum dumped on you. Even at an orgasm a minute, he'll be at it for 4 hours before he even starts to wear them out. By that time, they will all be ready to drop three more loads...anyway. Enough about that. Did you and Cam do anything? Or did you just talk?"

"Well, until five minutes ago, I thought I had made his fantasies come true. Now, I'm not so sure. But, I asked for it...I'm the one that begged him to do it... I just still can't believe he jetted out on me to go get a blow-job from my brother. I thought that I was taking pretty good care of him..."

"Spit it out, hon...tell me what you did with him."

"I jerked him off...with my tits..." Kimmie whistled.

"Lucky boy! That is hot. You have to know, every girl in here would die to have tits like yours. Gretchen is the only one that comes close, but you've got her beat. Me, on the other hand... I've tried to the whole titty-fuck thing, but if I mash 'em together, there's nothing to fuck but my nipples. " Kimmie demonstrated, pushing her breasts together. She had more cleavage than she claimed, but nothing compared to Anne's. Anne eyed her breasts, then looked at Kimmie's.

"Maybe, but size isn't everything. I love your boobs, Kimmie. They are perfect. I can remember when mine were that size, it was only like, a year ago. I loved having smaller tits, gravity defying tits, tits that didn't knock things over when I turned my chest. Besides, it's all about the nipples, and you have great nipples."

"Honey, if I could trade ya, I would. But you can come over and see mine anytime you want. Now, let's wash you off and see how you look." Kimmie turned on the water and cupped her hands under it, filling them up. She splashed warm water over Anne's pussy a couple of times, and cooed at it.

"Oh, honey! Come on, you gotta see.." Kimmie grabbed Anne's arm and took her out to look at the full length mirror in the bedroom.

Anne admired her new look. Her pink inner labia peeked out from her smooth, thick, lighter pink outer lips. Her clit was poking it's little red tip out as well, and she reached down to feel her smooth pussy. It was slick from the water, and she felt some of her own moisture down there as well. She sat on the floor and spread her legs wide, opening her pussy up with two fingers, and her clit popped out, growing larger every second. She could see everything so perfectly without any pubes in the way. She closed her legs and admired the way her pussy lips pouted out.

Kimmie sat next to her and they both looked in the mirror, each admiring the other. Anne loved the way Kimmie's dark coffee-with-cream complextion looked next to her own pale skin. Her dark nipples and labia seemed so mysterious and exciting. It occurred to Anne that, coming from Asia, Kimmie might have a different idea of exotic.

"Can I ask you something, Kimmie?" Kimmie nodded and put her hand on Anne's thigh, still staring at the mirror. "Well, I just imagined... if I were to go to school in Hong Kong, I would look so different from most of the girls there. I think that would be so cool, to be at a school where everyone...looked like you. You know...brown skin, black nipples...." Kimmie interrupted.

"You want to know if being here with all you white kids is a total turn on for me...the answer is...sometimes. Depends on the situation. When I see a huge pimple on a pale, white ass, no." Anne giggled. "But, when I see two big, red nipples and a beautiful bald pink pussy..." Kimmie ran her hand further up Anne's thigh, until it rested by her thick, outer lips. "Honey, they don't make 'em like you where I come from. I don't think they make 'em like you anywhere."

Kimmie began to rub her pinky finger on the underside of Anne's clit. Anne reached down and moved Kimmie's hand over her pussy. Kimmie rubbed it for a moment as they both stared at in the mirror, watching. Anne slipped her hand between Kimmie's legs, and slowly ran a finger over her dark labia. They were puffy and slick with wetness, and Anne's finger slipped effortlessly between them. Anne searched for the hard nub of Kimmie's clit, and pressed on lightly, tracing her finger around it's top.

"Oh..oh, Anne, OH....yes.." Anne's heart was pounding. She had been imagining what it would be like to kiss and lick Kimmie's dark pussy lips ever since she had seen them earlier in the evening, and her lust was kicking into overdrive, fueled by Kimmie's groans. She turned to Kimmie and kissed her on the mouth, hard, her tongue hot and probing as Kimmie returned the kiss just as passionately. Anne broke the kiss, and moved to Kimmie's neck, licking and sucking her way downward. She slurped a hard, black nipple into her mouth and began to frig Kimmie's clit harder. Her own twat was soaked. Kimmie had inserted two fingers in Anne's tight hole and her palm ground against Anne's huge, throbbing clit, sliding it around in her bald, sopping pussy. She felt Anne's hot mouth working its way to her pussy, and couldn't wait any longer.

"OH...oh, Annie, honey, sit on my face, let me eat your pussy...let's suck on each others pussies, baby, put it on my face, please..." Kimmie laid down, and Anne straddled her face, lowering her puffy, wet labia to Kimmie's lips. She was faced backwards, and stared hungrily at Kimmie's dark, shiny pussy lips. Kimmie was making slurping sounds, sucking and licking Anne's clit, and waves of wetness were flooding down Anne's tunnel.

Anne leaned down, laying on top of Kimmie's belly and buried her face in that dark, exotic female flower. She found Kimmie's clit, and sucked it into her mouth, furiously tounging it.


Kimmie's mouth closed over Anne's clit as she began to orgasm. She sucked as hard as she could, wrapping her tongue around it, her teeth digging into the base. It was like being plugged into a light socket, and Anne's whole body twitched and bucked. Kimmie's teeth slid up Anne's clit, and Anne nearly fainted from pleasure as she felt liquid heat jetting up from deep inside of her. Kimmie was bathed in hot, musky, girl-jizz as Anne squirted. She sucked harder on Anne's clit, wanting to her the girl's wails of pleasure, wanting Anne to beg her to stop. Anne's hips were lifting, jerking upwards, and Kimmie wrapped her arms around Anne's hips, putting her hands on Anne's buttcheeks, forcing Anne's pussy back down.


Anne planted her hands on the ground, straightened her knees and lifted her hips, pulling Kimmy into the air, trying to shake her off. Her clit was ultra-sensitive, and Kimmy had latched onto it. Anne's hips shook and gyrated, and suddenly, she was squirting again, her body twitching so badly that she couldn't hold Kimmie's weight, and she slid back down on top of the girl, spasming in pleasure as more hot fluid jetted from her pussy. Kimmie released the vacuum pressure on Anne's clit, and began to nuzzle her thighs. Anne was gasping for breath, nearly passed out. She rolled off of Kimmie and motioned for the girl to lay next to her.

"please...don't" Anne paused and looked over at her. " first..." Kimmie smiled, and snuggled up to Anne, kissing her neck. She was sure that Anne would want a shower, and by the time that was done, Kimmie hoped that Anne would be ready to suck on her pussy again. After all, Cam had left her hanging. It was up to her to make sure that Anne's evening had a happy ending.

It was well past midnight. The girls had left about an hour ago. They had promised Michael that no matter what happened, they would be back the following day to give him his reward. He had earned it. But, for Michael, it was no longer just about getting the three women into his bed. The boys here thought that they would initiate him, give him an impossible task, and he was determined to be the first boy to ever pass it. He was fairly sure that his fellow dorm-mates could have kept this up forever, but more and more guys had dropped out, rooting for him, wanting to see him win. He was down to two, he had a cock in one hand, another in his mouth.

Five long minutes later, Mark declaring him the first and only victor in the "meat seat challenge." He helped Michael to the shower, and Jason changed his cum-soaked sheets while Mark washed the the thick layer of boy goo from his body. Michael had a feeling that he was done with boys for a little while. At least for a day, for sure. After all, tomorrow Gretchen, Maggie and Beth would be paying him a visit. He wondered if Anne had known about the contest. He had hoped with all his heart that she would be one of the girls to show up, that his own sister would offer herself to him. But then, maybe he just needed to give it some time. After all, tomorrow would only be his second full day here. Sometimes girls just took longer than boys, he thought. They just weren't as mature. ;)

Next: Chapter 6

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