Branthia Academy

By Bruce Jenkins

Published on Nov 11, 2006


Episode IV: Noel's secrets

Anne lay half-awake, still dreaming. She was in her old room, at her parents house, playing with her dolls. Part of her knew that this was a dream, it had been years since she had played with a doll...but...she was in that delicious, semi-real world of dreamland. She didn't want to open her eyes quite yet. One of her dolls came to life, walking towards her, growing larger until a young woman stood before her. The dream girl ran her hands over the sides of Anne's breasts and down to her waist. She untied the robe Anne was wearing and slipped it off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. Then, she got to her knees and rested her head against Anne's belly. Anne heard a stream of liquid hit the floor, and realized that she was urinating, spraying hot piss all over the floor of her room. Her eyes fluttered, and slowly opened.

She felt liquid heat between her legs, and for a moment, she was sure that she had wet the bed. Her eyes focused, and Maggie was there, sitting on her knees between Anne's legs, smiling at her. One of her hands was resting on Anne's tummy, and the other held a warm washcloth between her legs.

"Good mornin', beautiful. Do you still want kisses?" Anne smiled back, still fuzzy with sleep, and closed her eyes.

"Mmmm....yes, freaked me out...I was dreaming and....I thought I wet the bed..." Maggie giggled.

"Sorry, hon. I was gonna wake you up, just like we talked about...with little kisses all over your beautiful pussy lips...but you had crusties all over your's 'cause you were so wet last night, and we didn't clean you up then."

"It's o.k. That warm towel feels almost as nice. If I'm gross down there, you don't have to, Maggie."

"Sweetie, I've been up for an hour, just waiting to do this..."

Noel stood, staring at her reflection in the full length mirror, waiting on Dr. Boothe. For the last month, she had been seeing him twice a week in his professional capacity. Of course, she still stopped in at least once a day just to say hello and chat with him. He wasn't just the Academy's live-in physician, not to her. He was also her father.

Noel turned to the side, and thrust her chest out, pulling the hem of her shirt down. She was starting to see a difference, the small bumps on her chest were definitely getting bigger. It couldn't happen fast enough for her. Six months ago, she had turned 12 . Despite the fact that she had begun her menstrual cycle two years earlier, her body hadn't developed any womanly curves. She had looked like a kid, like a nine year-old. She had begged her father to help her, but he had wanted her to wait.

' It'll happen, just let nature take it's course,' he'd said. Well, nature was moving much too slow, and six weeks ago, he'd at last caved in to her demands. He still had reservations about this, and had told her in no uncertain terms that if she had any adverse effects to the treatment, he wouldn't hesitate to stop her hormone injections.

The door opened, and her dad walked in. She loved the way he looked in his white coat, with a serious expression on his kind face. He looked the way a doctor should look, she couldn't imagine trusting anyone else the way she trusted him.

She smiled at him and his eyes twinkled at her as he grinned back. Her daddy never stayed serious for long.

"Hi,'re late. By three minutes."

"Hi, sweetie, yes, I know. But I brought a surprise for you. I think you'll like it. But let's have a look at you first." Noel stripped down and stepped over to the scale. Her father began the routine check-up, taking her weight, height, pulse and other vital information.

"Any aches or soreness in your muscles?"

"A little, in my calves."

"What about your breasts? Are they still tender?"

"Sometimes, but not like they were last week."

"Good. But you may have to get used to that, it's normal when a girl is having her period, and it may be a little worse for you now than it would normally be...what about hot flashes? Have you had any more of those?"

"Umm..two. But I don't think one of them counts. One was first thing yesterday morning, in the shower, like the last time. The other...I walked in on Anne, the new girl, yesterday while she was with Maggie and Gretchen. She was naked, and the minute I saw her body, I just got...wet. It wasn't like the others, there was no warning, it happened so fast, and when I left, I felt" She searched for the words for a moment.

" was like a hot flash combined with the horniest I've ever been...." Noel was looking up at her father as he nodded. She wasn't self-conscience in least sharing such intimate details with him. He took her arm and guided her off the scale. Exchanging his clipboard for a digital camera, he backed up a bit so that the frame showed her entire nude body, head to toe. He snapped several shots from different angles as she answered.

"Dad...there's more. I asked her if she would like to be with me. I'm going to her room after we are done here."

Dr. Booth was pleasantly surprised at the news. His daughter had never expressed any interest in females. Just the opposite, as a matter of fact. He tried to remain clinical, and turned away to note it on his chart before continuing to photograph his naked daughter.

"That could be due to the hormone injections, or it may just be a natural part of how your sexuality is evolving. Is there a particular trigger, say for instance, her breasts? Something that sticks out in your mind, a picture in your head as you think of what you will be doing with her later on this morning?"

"Yes. My exact words were 'Will you let me play with your pussy?' But what I really want to do is sit on it, feel it against mine. Her clit, I keep picturing her clit, all big and red, poking up into me."

"Hmm, it sounds like you might be comfortable with her because you plan on exploring her the way you would explore a man...I'm happy for you, honey, I hope everything works out. But remember, she's new sure to tell her exactly what you want, she won't be experienced at things like that. And don't be too disappointed if she doesn't want to. Her entrance exam indicated that she'd never had a lesbian encounter."

"Maybe, but she seemed to be hitting it off with Maggie and Gretchen. I'll bet she's more experienced than me, now, at least with girls. I'll be fine, Daddy, don't worry. If you get a copy of surveillance video from her room, I'll come by tonight and we can watch it." She smiled at him. "You'll have to start a whole new section in your just for my lezzie stuff."

"I would love to, hon. Now, let's get done so we can take a look at my surprise and get you on your way. I'd hate to make you late." He got a hypodermic needle out of a cabinet and a bottle from the small refrigerator. A moment later, the needle pricked her arm and she was done. He handed her an alcohol pad and wheeled a chair over to his computer.

The big flatscreen hanging on the wall by it came to life, with an image of Noel, naked. It was an older picture, taken at her annual exam a couple of years ago. Her blonde hair was shorter then, her chest flat, and her pubic hair hadn't even started to grow. Her father clicked again, and it started to change. Her hair slowly grew down past her shoulders, her pink nipples became more pronounced, thickening a little as the areolae grew into a wider circle. Fuzz appeared on her vagina, a few strays at first, then filling in to a small, light strip over her cleft. Her breasts suddenly pushed up, and became little cones, and the pink area of her areolea extended almost to their base as they sprouted. The image stopped changing and froze for a moment.

"That's your growth over the last two years and four months. You'll notice how fast your breasts grew near the end...the hormones are kicking in, hon. Now, the next part was tricky, but I used the charts from the girls who had undergone the this treatment in the past to extrapolate how your body might change over the next one to two years.

He clicked again, and her on-screen body began to fill out even more. Her breasts swelled outward into pale, thick bananas , then the underside filled in, growing fuller and heavier, large, pink nipples capping the ends, pointing upwards, surrounded by a huge circle of lighter pink areolae. Her bush filled in. Light blonde hair covered her pubic mound as her pink labia ballooned into full, pouting, womanly pussy lips. He stopped the image again. Noel squealed in delight, and hugged him.

"Oh, daddy, I'm so excited! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I want to watch this, tonight. I want to watch the video of me and Anne, then see this again! And no fair peeking at the one of me and Anne...I want to be there when you see it for the first time, o.k.?" She clung to his neck, squeezing him tight.

Dr. Booth put an arm around his daughter and hugged her back.

"I promise, pumpkin. You better hurry, though, I'd hate for you to be late."

Noel threw her clothes back on and, in a flash, she was gone.

Dr. Booth looked at the frozen image of Noel on screen in front of him and felt his penis stiffening. He picked up the phone and called the security office. He wanted to make sure that every camera in Anne's room captured his daughter's performance this morning.

Noel stood inside the doorway of the room, watching the back of Maggie's head move around as she nuzzled Anne's crouch. Anne had her eyes closed, neither girl knew that she was there.

'Did she forget?' Noel thought. 'Or did Maggie do this on purpose, knowing that I would be here...?' The older red-head had asked Noel to share her bed on numerous occasions, always with the same result. Maggie was nice but, until yesterday, Noel had no desire for sexual contact with her or any other female.

Noel's eyes drifted to the floor, where the girls' skirts lay in a pile, and she realized that Maggie had slept here last night. Maybe it wasn't on purpose, after all. Noel rapped gently on the wall as she spoke.

"Hey, all. Hope I'm not interrupting..." Anne's eyes opened and she smiled warmly. Maggie raised her head a little and stared down at Anne's pussy as she spoke.

"Not at all...come here, quick, look at is so cool.."

Noel walked over and peered between Anne's legs. Maggie was holding Anne's labia open, staring at her red clit. It looked like a small penis-shaped slug, not the rigid finger of flesh that Noel had seen yesterday.

"It looks just like she has a soft, little penis in there, doesn't it?" Noel nodded, and looked up at Anne's face. She couldn't tell whether Anne was flushed or if she was blushing. Noel looked back down at Anne's pussy, and suddenly, she was sweating. Her body felt like it had raised twenty degrees in a matter of seconds. She nearly swooned, then caught herself on the edge of the bed. Her heart was racing, and an instant later, she felt a moist spot on her panties as her juices began to flow.

Anne was enjoying being the center of attention. Her sleepiness was gone, as well as the comfortable intimacy that she had felt when Maggie had cleaned and kissed her to full conscienceness. Little butterflies in her stomach were quickly turning into bigger ones as Noel gaped at her open pussy. The blonde girl was flushed, head to toe, and Anne could see a sheen of sweat over her pretty little face. Seeing a girl get this turned on from just looking at her was the ultimate compliment. Maggie had noticed, too, and decided to use Noel's apparent lust to her advantage.

"Honey, you're sweating...why don't you get out of your clothes? I have a wet towel up here...I'll wipe you down..." Maggie tried to keep her voice innocent and sweet, but she was on fire. By sheer chance, it would seem that she had finally caught Noel off guard. Noel was breathing a little hard, and she nodded. Anne looked at her with open interest and curiosity. She was wondering why Maggie was so infatuated with Noel.

Noel slipped out of her skirt first. Anne hardly noticed as the Noel began to unbutton her shirt. She stared instead at the pair of white panties that Noel was wearing. They were wet. Soaked, almost transparent with moisture, and the circle was still spreading. They clung to her mound, showing every detail of her young pussy, clinging to her skin. A small bra dropped to the ground, and Anne traced her eyes up Noel's flat little belly. She had to stop herself from gasping out loud as she saw Noel's breasts.

Anne had heard the term "puffies" before, but never appreciated what it meant until now. Noel's breasts were small, less than an A-cup, cones the size of a silver dollar at the base, and just slightly smaller at the top. Her pink aureole covered almost the entire breast. Small nipples capped them, hard bumps of more pink flesh.

Noel bent at the waist and reached to strip out of her panties when another wave of heat came over her. Her knees nearly buckled under her, and Maggie leaned over to steady her. Her hand brushed one of Noel's sensitive little breasts as she reached out to grab Noel's arm.

The touch of Maggie's soft hands on her skin sent a wave of passion through Noel's body. Maggie's face was inches from hers, and as the red-head opened her mouth to speak, Noel kissed her. She had no idea where the desire came from, but her body was on fire, she felt consumed by animal lust. She wanted pleasure, and for the first time she could ever remember, she wanted pussy. She pulled her lips from Maggie's soft mouth. The girls gazed at one another for a moment before Noel spoke.

"I'm fine, better than fine. I've just never been this hot and bothered. Feel how wet I am, Maggie." She took Maggie's hand and put it between her legs, over the soaked surface of her panties. Maggie cupped the mound in her hand and began to rub it. Anne heard soft squishing sounds as liquid coated Maggie's hand.

"You like my pussy... don't you, Maggie? All juicy and hot... You have waited so long to feel it when it's all wet...would you like to wear them? Would you like me to give you these panties so you can put them on while you watch me and Anne? Come down here and get them off of me, let's see how they look on you...." Noel pulled on Maggie's arm, and the red-head climbed off the bed.

Maggie had seen a great many things in her years at the academy, but this the transformation of Noel from mild-mannered straight into animal lesbian was nothing short of a miracle. She loved playing the passive role, and was going to feed this fire as much as possible. She knelt by Noel, and looked meekly up at the blond girl, suppressing an urge to pick her up, throw her little body on the bed and ravish her until she screamed in pleasure. Instead, she demurely spoke in a soft voice.

"Would you like me to help you out of your panties, Mistress?"

"Yes, help your Mistress undress." Anne looked on, her clit now hard and throbbing, as Noel imperiously 'allowed' Maggie to remove her wet panties. Maggie held them in both hands for a moment and then looked up at Noel again.

"Mistress, can I smell them before I put them on?"

"You may..."

Maggie pulled them close sniffed in Noel's musky scent. Noel's high pitched voice rang out.

"You are insulting your Mistress. Now...smell them."

Noel reached her hand out and pushed them closer, slowly grinding the wet cotton into Maggie's face.

"Do you like the way my pussy juice smells?"

Maggie nodded.

"Put them on now, let me see you wearing your Mistress's panties."

Maggie got to her feet and stepped into the panties. They were much too small. As she hiked them over her waist, the legs holes stretched. The material rolled up and bunched in her crotch, a thick white rope riding up between her labia and pressing on her clit. Anne thought it made Maggie look incredibly sexy, with her pouty red pussy lips set off by the white cloth snugged tightly between them. Anne's clit was throbbing, and she began to toy with it as she looked at Maggie, flicking it back forth with a finger.

"Do you like the way my pussy looks in your panties, Mistress?" Maggie thrust her hips forward as she spoke, and the rope of cloth tightened, straining against her mound as it cinched even deeper between her labia.

"If I were a lezzie. But I'm not." Noel grinned and her look softened. She saw how Anne was flicking her big clit, and pictured the way it would feel inside of her. "Now, please help me on the bed so that Anne can fuck me." The three girls burst into giggles.

Maggie took Noel's arm and steadied her while she straddled Anne. She smiled sweetly at the Anne.

"Don't worry, honey, I'll be sweet. Maggie just brings out the devil in me." She scooted up a little and arched her butt forward so that Anne's clit was brushing her outer labia. Anne made a 'V' with two fingers and popped her throbbing clit up further, and it poked into the folds of Noel's wet pussy.

"Mmmmm....oh, Noel, you are so hot down there, hon....sit on it, sit on my big clittie..." Noel eased herself further down, feeling Anne's big girl-cock slide into her tight pink pussy. It felt just like a miniature penis, and she gripped her muscles tight around it, squeezing it with the walls of her tight hole. She began grinding her little hips, working them in little circles, and Anne's clit began to slide around inside of Noel's hot, wet cunt.

"Oh, Noel honey, that feels wonderful...I have never had my clit in a girl's pussy are so wet down there, so hot..."

"Rub my clit, Anne, rub my clittie while I fuck yours..."

All three girls began to moan, and the musky smell of sex began to get stronger in the room.

Anne began frigging Noel's little button, a pink nub in the cleft at the base of her white pubes. Noel began to come seconds after Anne touched her, and used her tantric training to prolong the feeling. A non-stop tidal wave of electric pleasure washed over her as hot pussy juice flowed over Anne's clit.

Maggie had laid down beside Anne and was tugging on the bunched panties in her crouch, working them up and down, pulling them tighter into her soaked twat as she did so. She started to come, shaking and twitching as she watched Noel and Anne fuck.

Anne's clit had never been in such a place. It was buried in wet heat, and she could feel the sides of Noel's velvet tunnel squeezing her, sliding on her, releasing and then repeating. Using her free hand, she began to pinch and squeeze her own big, rubbery nipples... she pinched harder... mixing pain and pleasure, wanting so badly to orgasm with the blond angel that sat astride her. She looked at Noel's puffy, pink titties and imagined sucking on them as she pinched her nipple even harder, digging her nails into it, and she was so wet, so hot, as she fucked Noel like a man, using her girl-cock to please a woman and finally, she was shaking all over, coming, wetness flooded her pussy, not squirting, just leaking juices Hot girl jizz ran out her pussy, mixed with Noel's juices and ran into her asscrack. Noel was still grinding on Anne's clit, and it was too much. Anne began to buck her hips as the nerves in her throbbing, red finger of sensitive girl-flesh began to overload.


Anne sat up and gripped Noel's little butt in her hands, sliding the girl up until she felt Noel's hot, slick labia on her belly. Noel wrapped her legs around Anne's waist, grinding her pussy in, pressing her soft, puffy, little tits into Anne's full breasts. Her lips mashed onto Anne's, her hot tongue swirling in Anne's mouth. Anne kissed her for a moment, then pulled back.

"Oh, easy honey, I need to catch my are a firecracker...."

Noel had never felt such insatiable lust. She looked down at Maggie. The red-head was running her hand up and down over her exposed labia, Noel's white panties still bunched between her pouty, red pussy lips. Noel had an urge to kiss those lips, to bury her nose in Maggie's soft, female flesh and suck every bit of juice out her leaking pussy.

"Your Mistress needs you, Maggie..." Maggie smiled.

"Anything you want, Mistress Noel."

Noel untangled herself from Anne, and put a pillow over Maggie's chest, covering her small breasts, and another on her belly.

"I want you to pleasure me now, with your mouth."

"Yes, Mistress, I would love to service your beautiful pussy." Maggie was expecting Noel to sit on the pillows. She felt a thrill of excitement when Noel laid face-down on top of her, her little blond head between Maggie's legs. Noel's pink folds were inches from Maggie's mouth, and she craned her neck, licking and sucking them into her mouth. She felt Noel's little fingers working the tight panties jammed in her pussy lips to one side, and then a hot mouth on her wet twat, sucking and licking.

Anne watched, wanting to learn as much about pleasing another woman as she could. She had a perfect view of Maggie's mouth slurping and licking on Noel's pink pussy. She began to finger herself as she watched, and hoped that Noel wouldn't run out of steam. Anne's orgasm had been wonderful, and she was ready for another. She fantasized that it was her pussy being licked and sucked, patiently waiting for her turn.

Noel sat in class, unable to concentrate. Normally, she was a math whiz, but the trig equations on the board seemed like gibberish today. Maggie had to literally pull her away from Anne's room this morning so that they could get ready for class. Noel left reluctantly, and as soon as she got into her room, began to masturbate. She came twice, then got into the shower, soaping with one hand and frigging her pussy with the other. She dressed for class, but by the time her shirt was buttoned, her panties were already wet. She ended up putting in a tampon, a pad and two pair of undies, went to class, and hoped that she wouldn't leave a puddle in her seat.

Fortunately for her, sitting through advanced math theory was not the most stimulating thing, sexually speaking. Her animal lust slowly mellowed into a warm glow and she made it through the class. She sidled up to Cam as the students filed out, and took his hand in hers. Cam had been the first boy to have sex with her, years ago. They had always shared a special bond.

"Hey, Cam. Got a minute?" Cam nodded.

"Always got a minute for you, cutie. What's up?"

"It's private. Can we talk in your room? It won't take long." Cam nodded again, and they made their toward the stairs leading to the dorms.

"So, have you met the new kids? I hear they are twins."

" could say that I've met one. I spent the morning in Anne's room before I came to class. She is an absolute dear..." Cam wondered briefly just what Noel and Anne had done all morning. But...everyone knew that Noel didn't play that way with girls. She must have been helping with orientation.

"Yeah, I ran into her, last night, in the hallway with Maggie. Maggie already has her hooks in that girl. They weren't wearing a stitch, except for their skirts, and I could smell sex all over them. I don't think Maggie has made her into a total lesbian, though, she invited me over. I guess we'll see...I dunno, maybe she just wants to talk."

They were at Cam's room now, and he opened the door and let her step in. He shut the door and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Now, what did you want to talk about?"

"Actually, I don't really need to talk. I need a quickie." She lifted her skirt. He could see a wet patch on her panties. "I was so wet before class that I had to stick a tampon up there to soak up all the wetness, and I'm still not dry."

"Well, this a pleasant surprise. I thought you were gonna ask me about our trig homework. You looked a little spaced in class.... I guess I know why." Cam was undressing as he spoke, and Noel began to strip, tossing her shirt and bra to the side. Cam was already naked, and rubbed his hard, six inch cock as he looked at her puffy little tits. She took both pairs of panties down and put them next to her shirt, peeled off her soaked pad, and removed her tampon. Cam looked with amazement at the sopping wet hygiene products.

"Wow, you've got it bad! Give them to me, I'll toss 'em out for ya..." She handed them to him, and he walked to the trashcan. Squeezing them tightly, he watched her girl-juices drain out of them before dropping them in the trash. His hand was now coated in her wetness, and he began rubbing his cock again, lubricating it.

Seeing Cam jacking himself off with her leftover juice was more than Noel could handle. She hopped off the bed and launched herself at him. He let go of his penis just in time to catch her as she leapt into his arms and locked her legs around his waist. He moved his hands down to her butt, one of her little cheeks in each hand, supporting her featherweight body with his strong arms. She reached down, grabbed his penis, angled it to her pussy and felt him enter as he lowered her slowly on his meat. She thrust her hips down, wriggling, trying to cram it in faster.

"I need it all, baby, pound it in, fast and hard...fuck me like a jack-hammer, Cam..."

Cam gripped her ass firmly and pulled down, ramming his cock into her tight hole. She was tight, but very slippery...her hot, velvet tunnel sucked at his penis as he lifted her up and pounded her back down, again..and again, faster and harder.

"Oh, god yes, fuck me, OH..OH....YES...FUCK ME, FUCK ME, FUCK ME!! SHOOT YOUR FUCKING LOAD IN MY PUSSY, BABY, I WANT HOT SPERM, UNGH, OH, GOD, YES..." She leaned back in his arms as far as she could, and arched her back. Her puffy little boobies pointed at the ceiling, and Cam leaned his head down, sucking one into his mouth.


Cam had never seen little Noel so urgent. Holding her while she screamed like an animal in rut had him ready to nut in her tight hole, and he put his teeth against her breast, gently biting down. Her hips began to spasm, and it was too much. He felt his balls explode, hot jizm pumping up his shaft and emptying into her. He pulled her hips down, burying his throbbing cock deep in her hole, and shot again, spraying hot sperm in her little, pink pussy. He shot a third time, with less force, and raised his mouth off of her breast, pulling her towards him. She kissed him, and he felt her hand snake between their tummies, coming to rest on her mound. She began to play with her clit.

"Just hold me, like this, just like this, leave that hard cock in my pussy, I just want one more, I just need to come...." She was bucking her hips again, frigging her little clit, and Cam held her while she brought herself to another orgasm. When she was done, she begged for another. Cam took her to the bed and wondered what it would take to satisfy her new, animal lust. He planned on finding out the answer, first hand. Class could wait.

Somehow, Noel made it through her afternoon classes. A full, hearty meal at lunch-time helped. Her pussy stopped flowing with wetness, settling down to a soft glow that stayed with her until 4:00 p.m. finally arrived. She headed out of the main dorm over to her father's apartment, located in one of the Academy's smaller outbuildings. He wasn't home, and she let herself in. He had a bigscreen t.v. in the living room, and she picked out a D.V.D. and popped it in.

It was filmed five years ago, when she was seven. She had wanted to know more about how a penis worked. Her father had patiently answered a few of her questions and then stopped her. He had taken her in the bedroom, set up his camera, and sat down next to her.

Noel settled back on the couch and stripped off her clothes. She began to rub her clit as she watched the screen. A younger version of her appeared on the screen in front of her, and her father came into the picture, sitting on the bed next to her. She was naked, her little body smooth. She rarely wore clothes in her dad's house.

"Now, tell me again, honey, what did you want to know?"

"I wanna know how to make a boy shoot stuff out of his penis. I play with boys all the time, and nothin' happens...then they grab it, and pull on it, like twice, and start shootin'. Teach me how to do that, daddy."

"It's not stuff, honey, it's sperm."

"Right. Sperm. I want to know how to make a boy sperm." Her dad chuckled.

"Not quite. You want to know how to make a boy orgasm. So that he will shoot sperm." Her father was always particular that she used the proper terms, and she sighed.

"O.K. I want to learn how to make a boy orgasm and shoot sperm." She stuck her tongue out at him.

"First of all, it's not always easy. Boys can do it so fast to themselves because they know what feels good. It's like finding a tickle spot." He stuck a finger under her arm, and she began giggling. "See? Now, the only reason I know about your tickle spot is because I spent my time trying to find it. It's the same with boys. Once you know a boy's tickle spot, you can make him orgasm. But, it's different for everyone. A good way to find out is to have him put his hand on top of yours and show you how to do it."

"Oh. O.K. Thanks, Daddy." She looked up at him. "Will you show me? How to make it feel good?"

"Like I said, sugar, it's different for all boys. There is no one way."

"No, daddy. On you. Show me how to make you feel good." He looked down at her.

"I would like that very much, sweetie." Her father stood up and took his pants off. His penis was was growing larger by the second.

"Wait, daddy, I wanna see it get big. I like to watch it grow." He stood, letting his penis harden as she watched. It had seemed so big back then, but it was only about 5 inches long. Still, with it's red head and vieny shaft, she thought it was beautiful, the perfect cock. He sat back down next to her, and took her hand.

"Wrap it around me, honey, here near the top. That's where the sensitive skin is, yes, right there." Her little hand snaked around her father's penis.

"Now, slowly move it up and down, like this..." He showed her with his hand over hers, then let go as she began to get the rhythm.

"A little faster, baby, yes, now hold it tighter, are making your daddy feel so good, honey...spread your legs a little... I want to see my little girl's pussy..."

Her dad's voice sounded from behind her.

"Taking a trip down memory lane?"

Noel picked up the remote and paused it.

"Daddy! You ruined the best part! You know I love the expression on your face the first time I ever made you come! You did that on long have you been standing there?"

"Not long. And I look goofy in that movie, my face gets all squished up here in a minute. Besides, I have something else for us to watch. you want me to take these videos back to the store?" He held up two discs. "As promised, your first lesbian affair, and I can't wait to see it. I had the Headmistress look it over and she highly recomends it. Although, she did say that she had trouble recognizing you in some parts of it...something about your head being buried between Maggie's legs...." He smiled and came around to the D.V.D. player, popping the old disc out and inserting the new one. He moved to sit next to his daughter, and she shook her head.

"No clothes, Daddy, I want to sit on your lap and feel you inside me while we watch." A moment later, his stiff penis was inside of her. She pressed play, and saw herself standing in Anne's doorway, watching Maggie's head move between Anne's legs. Her father held her small breasts in his hands and she began to rock back and forth on his lap. That animal lust was coming on again. She knew just how to please Daddy. And she had all night to do it.

My thanks to Josh for a great idea...keep 'em coming!

Next: Chapter 5

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