Branthia Academy

By Bruce Jenkins

Published on Nov 9, 2006


(Previously, at an elite prep school with a very unique way of educating its students....)

Michael looked over to see three girls entering. It took a moment for his brain to process that the one in the middle was his sister. His eyes widened as he realized that he was covered in sperm and had a cock in each hand. His face reddened, and his eyes dropped. Anne's white oxford was unbuttoned halfway to her waist. Her cleavage was showing. The shirt was thin, almost see-thru, he could make out the dark color of her areolae and the outline of her nipples. He tore his eyes away from his sister's rack, and forced himself to look at her face, trying to think of something to say and coming up empty.

Anne didn't look at all surprised, she was smiling and gave him a wink.

The busty gal on her right spoke up, looking at Michael.

"I love to see you boys making new friends...Hi, Michael, I'm Gretchen..."

Michael began to slide his hands off of Jason and Mark, trying not to be too obvious.

"... and don't you dare let go of those beautiful cocks. There is nothing sexier than watching guys play with each other. You don't even know how hot you look, all covered in jizz, with that big horse cock of yours..mmm...I can't wait till I have a little spare time to spend in here." Michael's hands froze, and he lay there, speechless. His cock was slowly deflating as blood rushed to his face.

"That's better. Michael, honey, I know it's been a freaky day for ya, but you gotta get used having people walk in's one of the funnest parts of going to school here. And normally, I wouldn't interrupt, but the Headmistress just paged me. I'm sorry, Jason, but I'm gonna have to break this up. She wants you, too. I'm bettin' she wants to hear all about how Michael and Anne are settling in."

The redhead on Anne's other side spoke up.

"Anne, sweetie, can you wet a few towels down with hot water? We need to clean these boys up a little." Anne went into the bathroom as Jason stood, easing off the bed, his thick cock softening a little. The cute redhead took his place, laying down next to Michael on the bed, propping herself up on one elbow and facing him. Her loose shirt fell open, and Micheal could see one of her pert little breasts clearly.

"Heya, handsome...I'm Maggie. I've got a question for ya, stud...Do you think it's fair to play with just boys? ....'cause I was kinda thinking that me and your sister might want to play, wouldn't want to leave us out, would ya?"

She lowered her voice to a husky whisper and leaned closer to him as she spoke. Michael smelled strawberries in her hair, and he stared down her shirt, able to see both perfect little breasts now, her small, brown nipples distended. Maggie leaned even closer he could feel her lips brush his earlobe as she spoke, her warm sweet breath blowing softly in his ear.

"your sister...has the have ever.....licked...i mean...that i...have ever...seen..."

Michael's libido kicked into overdrive. Anne walked out of the bathroom just as her brother's cock began to harden. It swayed at half-mast for a moment, then twitched as Maggie exhaled into Micheal's ear again, and came slapping down on his tummy. Megan whispered again, so low that only Michael could hear it.

"baby..i love that you're staring at my little titties...would you like to see me rub them all over your sister's big that what you want?" Micheal's penis flooded with heat as he glanced up at Anne. She was staring at his throbbing, meaty dick and blushed a little as she looked over at Jason and handed him a steaming towel.

"close your eyes, for me, michael, close your eyes and trust me...." Michael took one last look at her pale breasts, then slowly closed his eyes. He felt her shift off the bed.

"Keep 'em closed, lover. You, too, Mark. We are going to sponge all that boy jizz off of you...and then...if you're real nice...we'll cover you in girl jizz instead..."

And now...the Adventures of the Ward twins continue.....

Michael and Mark lay on the bed, side by side, eyes closed, legs hanging off the edge, waiting for the girls to swab them clean. Michael's heart was still pounding from the words Maggie had just whispered in his ear. He could hardly believe how hot his sister looked, how at ease she seemed. He tried to relax, but every nerve in his body was tingling. His cock was pointing straight up, he was covered in sperm...and Anne was here. He wondered how much stranger this wonderful day could get.

Maggie took off her shirt and motioned for Anne to do the same. She leaned over and whispered in her ear, ever so softly, making sure the boys couldn't hear.

"honey, i decided the minute we walked in here...i'm totally gonna fuck your brother...right here, right now...but only if you are o.k. with it..."

Anne smiled and nodded, wondering if her twin brother's huge penis was going to be able fit in Maggie's little red pussy.

"do you still want to touch it...your brother's penis, i mean?"

Anne kept nodding. She couldn't believe how big Michael was, but realized that it made sense, considering that they were twins, that Michael's boy-cock was growing just as quickly as her own girl-cock.

"ok, babe, we're what i do..." Then, louder...

"Hmmm...I think we need to start by milking all that extra boy juice out of their shafts, Annie. We can't have them dribbling all over the place while we're trying to clean them up, now can we? Keep your eyes closed, boys, just let us take care of you."

Maggie knelt by the bed, between Mark's open legs and grasped his long, thin shaft at the base. Then she winked at Anne. Anne got on her knees, staring at Michael's thick meat. She looked over at Maggie, watching how her new friend was holding Mark's penis.

"That's right, Anne, now just move your hand up and get all the jizz out of Mark's shaft. Be sure to squeeze tight. I'm gonna clean your brother." Maggie began milking the leftover sperm out of Mark's cock. He groaned a little as clear jizz began leaking out of his peehole.

"Ungh, oh, thank you so much, Anne, that feels great..." Anne and Maggie grinned at each other. It was working... Mark thought that it was Anne's hand stroking him. Maggie nodded, and motioned to Michael's erection with her free hand.

Anne gripped her brother's penis at the base, gently at first, then harder. He moaned softly in pleasure. His shaft was covered in goo. Warm sperm oozed between her fingers as she applied more pressure. She pulled up slowly, and a bead of white liquid appeared at his pee-hole, getting larger as she worked her way up the shaft, her fingers effortlessly gliding up his meat, lubricated by left-over boy-come. It was surreal, like a dream, a private erotic dream, and she felt moisture building between her legs, quickly turning to wetness, as her thoughts raced.

'it's so hot..and hard...and big...i can't believe he is this huge...i wish i could rub it all over my tits and get them all gooey and sticky, and then he could lick them and suck them...'

Maggie tugged on Anne's arm. Anne looked over and saw a trail of freshly milked clear jizz running down Mark's long shaft. Maggie leaned forward, stuck out her wet tongue, and intercepted it before it could dribble down over her hand, swabbing the warm sperm into her mouth. She milked some more out, fluttering her tongue over the slit in his pink cockhead as it leaked out, smearing Mark's cream around his pee-hole before licking it up.

Anne looked back at the throbbing meat in her hand as a large bead of white goo dripped from Micheal's thick, red cock-head, and began to ooze past the wide, mushroom rim. Anne bobbed her head down, engulfing the top of her brother's big penis, tasting sperm for the first time. He moaned in pleasure, and Anne could see his penis thickening a little more, veins popping out along the side.

She milked his shaft again, sucking and licking at the big slit that his jizz was coming out of. The volume was less each time, and she sucked him dry with a few more strokes of her hand. She felt a pat on her butt, and looked over to see Maggie pick up a towel and gently swab Mark's shaft and balls clean. Maggie finished, and climbed up on the bed next to Mark, sitting beside him and wiping his chest clean.

Anne reached over to get a towel, then climbed on the bed and began to do wipe Michael down, inspecting the little puddles of goo on him as she scrubbed him clean. She could see three distinct colors and textures as she moved to the bed, kneeling over him to clean his chest. Some of the jizz was thick and white, some was almost yellow, and the rest was nearly clear. She wished she could have seen the boys playing together, covering each other in come.

'Wow,' she thought. 'Yesterday, it would have been wild just to catch a glimpse of Michael's cock, and here I am today, playing with it and cleaning sperm off of him.'

Her thoughts were interrupted by Micheal's soft voice, and he reached out, touching her calf as he spoke.

"That feels so good...Mark and Jason told me to that you should always ask before touching someone...but I don't mind this time..." His voice lowered almost to a whisper. "as long as ya don't stop...shorty..."

Shorty! It was a nickname, something that Michael had called her when they were younger...he knew! But...his eyes were still shut...he wanted to play along, and Anne resumed wiping him clean, wondering what to do next...

Michael wanted so badly to open his eyes when he felt Maggie's hand grip his shaft. He had felt bare skin against his thigh a moment ago, a smooth, soft shoulder brushing up against him, and he knew that she had taken her shirt off. The thought of the skinny redhead naked from the waist up, holding his cock in her hand was almost enough for Michael to break his promise and open his eyes. But....she had said to trust her. In spite of the fact that Jason had brought him to orgasm twice within the last hour, he felt the lust building again as her soft, warm mouth sucked and milked him clean. He was in heaven as he felt the warm towel on his shaft, cleaning sticky goo off his skin. Then....

...she moved past his leg to get on the bed, and Michael felt a heavy breast brush his leg, a large nub of hard flesh in the middle. The mental picture he had created of Maggie suddenly transformed, and he knew, he was sure, that it was sweet Annie, his own sister, that had just drained his cock of it's leftover juice. He wanted so badly to open his eyes, to get a look at her naked body....

But he didn't want to startle her, she was gently swabbing his chest with that warm towel, and he could feel her knees next to his ribs. He moved his hand down, and gently lay it on top of her calf, thinking through his next words carefully. He didn't want her to stop, or to embarrass her...

"That feels so good...Mark and Jason told me to that you should always ask before touching someone...but I don't mind this time..." His voice lowered almost to a whisper. "as long as ya don't stop...shorty..."

He felt her stiffen for a moment, then shift, pulling her calf out of his grasp, and, for an instant, he thought she was going to leave....then her bare, womanly breasts pressed against his ribs, warm and heavy, as she snuggled up next to him.

Anne figured as long as the jig was up, she would get more comfortable. She swung her legs out from under her body and lay on her side, pressing her body against Micheal's, propping up on one elbow. Maggie looked over at her, and her lips mouthed silent words.

'what are you doing'

Anne mouthed back.

'he knew'

Maggie nodded and went back to cleaning Mark.

Anne began to wipe Michael's face clean as she whispered in his ear, breathing the words slowly and softly so that only her brother could hear them.

'..just touch you..want stop...'

Michael shook his head. He could feel his one of sister's nipples on his skin, poking between his ribs, big and rubbery. Her other breast was resting on his chest, he moved his hand towards it. He hesitated, and lay the hand on his belly instead, inches away from the warm scoop of flesh that he so badly wanted to feel.

Anne smiled as she saw her brother fidget with his tummy, knowing that he wanted to touch her. She wiped the last bit of semen from his chin, and put the towel aside. Taking his hand in hers, she ran it up his chest and over her breast. He felt her soft breast, then a turgid nub, his sister's nipple, and he wanted to see it, to suck and lick it.

"...please, can I open my eyes now?" He was almost begging, and Anne looked over at Maggie questioningly.

She wasn't at all surprised to see Mark's eyes open, looking at her with open interest, watching Michael rub her hard, red nipple. Maggie was whispering something in his ear. She winked at Anne and licked her lips, then addressed Michael in a teasing, sultry voice.

"Not quite yet, lover...tell me a secret first...tell me if you ever peeped in on your sister while she was naked..tell me if you have ever seen... how big and sexy her red nipples are...."

"" Micheal was almost panting now, and Anne could feel his chest thumping against her firm, sensitive tits, his heart beating faster and faster as Maggie toyed with him.

Maggie nudged Mark, and he slid over, making room for her to squeeze up beside Michael. She propped herself up on her elbow. Michael had never lain naked with even one girl, and now he had two soft, female bodies rubbing up against him, one on each side. Maggie took Michael's hand from Anne's breast, and put it on her firm, pale, little A-cup.

"Come on, Michael, it's ok, you can tell me about it. I know you've tried to sneak a peek. God, if she was my sister, I would follow her around all day long, just staring at those wonderful boobies...are you sure you've never seen them, honey?" She was pressing his hand into her little tit, mashing it against the soft flesh.

"I..I saw her once...a few months ago, she was changing...her door was open a little..I just wanted to talk to her, it wasn't like I was peeping..."

Maggie shushed him, putting a finger on his lips, leaving his hand on her breast. Mark moved up behind her, spooning her. Her skirt bunched around her hips as the underside of his long shaft pressed into her ass-crack, his cockhead mashing into her tailbone.

" us what you saw....was she naked? Did you see her boobies, sugar?"

"uh-huh...she was looking at herself in the mirror, kinda pushing them out..."

"What about her pretty pussy and her big red clit? Could you see everything?"

"no..she had on shorts..."

"Mmm...that's too bad, Anne has such a beautiful slit, baby. Did you go in? Did you ask her if you could touch her titties, or maybe just get a better look?"

" just kinda...stood there for a minute..."

"Did you have a boner, sweetie? Did looking at your sister's tits make that big dick of yours hard?"


"And I'll bet you went right back to your room and touched yourself, thinking about her, wishing you could touch and lick and suck on those big, red nipples...did you, Michael? Did you jerk off thinking about Anne's tits? I'll bet you jizzed so quick, in, like, two seconds and then kept playing with yourself 'till you came again, didn't ya?"

"yah...i came...three times, i couldn't stop..."

"Why don't you ask her if she will sit on your tummy? That way, when I let you open your eyes, you will be looking right at those big titties....ask her, Michael..."

"anne, will you...will you sit on i can see them......please..." Anne sat up, slowly untangling herself from her brother. Her pussy was soaked from listening to her brother's confession. She could feel liquid on her inner thighs and her clit throbbed, begging for attention. Maggie made room for Anne's leg, and she swung it over Micheal's midriff, straddling him. The hem of her skirt caught on Michael's erection, and he gasped, almost shooting a load as the fabric ran across his sensitive cock-head. Mark spoke up for the first time.

"Anne, honey, why don't you lean over...put your hands on the bed, up by his head and dangle those lovely, big tits in his face...I know that's what he wants, he wants to open his eyes and see them...close-up...that's it, sugar, close to his lips so that he can suck them into that hot little mouth of his..." Anne giggled a little, and bent forward, supporting her weight with her arms, her tits inches away from Michael's face.

"Like this?" she asked. Mark eyed her.

"Hmmm...almost, it's almost perfect. Are you wearing any underwear, Anne?"

" the skirt..." She looked at his strong features, his blue eyes, waiting for him to continue.

"Perfect. I'll bet you're wet right now, aren't ya, darlin'? Tell me about it, hon, are you only a tiny bit moist? Is just a little bit of warmth in your belly, a few butterflies here and there? Or is it on fire, is your pussy starting to leak and get all mushy and wet?"

"It..its wet...and hot, not just a little..." Anne took a breath, and went on. "I...I'm soaked...down...there..."

"Put your butt down, hon. Sit on your brother's tummy and let him feel how sloppy and leaky your pussy is, honey, he wants to feel how excited you are..."

Michael felt Anne's hips adjust, bearing down, and then wet, soft flesh squished into his belly, his sister's pussy, soaked in juice. Anne moaned softly as she exhaled, and arched her lower back a little so that her throbbing clit could rub on Micheal's tense, flat stomach. Maggie breathed into Michael's ear, soft words, but loud enough for Mark and Anne to overhear.

"...I'll bet that wet twat feels so good on your belly, doesn't it, baby?...your sister's clit is so's bigger than those huge, red nipples of hers...can you feel it, is she rubbing her clittie all over your tummy, honey?...It's not fair, is it...she's getting all hot and wet, oozing girl juice all over've been so good, baby...why don't you open your eyes for us now..."

Micheal opened his eyes, and drank in the sight of his sister's breasts, big scoops of pale, soft flesh capped by huge, red nipples. Her areolae were even deeper red, and he could see a few little bumps on them. He sat for a moment, staring and then looked up at Anne's face. She was smiling, and held his gaze for a moment before looking down at her own gently swaying tits, and then back into his eyes. She remembered what Gretchen had said... about boys not adjusting as fast as girls... and pushed her breasts closer to Michael, until her turgid nipple was almost touching his lips.

"Go can do whatever you want, Michael..."

Michael held his gaze, looking into Anne's eyes as he put his lips over her nipple, playing his tongue around it, flicking it, then greedily sucked more of her soft flesh in. He was on fire, he wanted to devour her, to suck her huge tit entirely in his mouth, and feel that big, red nipple tickle the back of his throat. He felt fingers toying with his nipple, and looked over, his mouth full of soft tit-flesh, to see Maggie smiling at him. She pinched on his nipple, hard. Pain and pleasure shot through him, and he grunted.

"Oh, honey...I'm sorry...did that hurt? Are your nipples...sensitive...?"

Michael nodded, still sucking furiously at his sister's breast.

"Hmm...I'll bet your sister's nipples are sensitive, too, gentle, she's a girl, honey..." Michael tried to reign in his animal passion, and began kissing and licking Anne's nipple, exploring it with lips, feeling the texture of her hard flesh.

"That's it, your hands on the sides of them, slowly, and push them together...not too hard..." Michael cupped the sides of his sister's breasts and smushed them together. "hmmm...that's give both of her nipples some love, isn't that nice, couldn't you just play with her boobs all day long?..."

Michael nodded, fascinated and enthralled, sucking and licking on Anne's tits, moving from one to the other, then back again. He loved the way they looked, shiny and covered in his saliva. Anne's thighs gripped his ribs and she began grinding harder into his belly, her clit sliding up and down, a hard, little finger of flesh surrounded by wet softness.

"The two of you look so hot....mmmm....I don't think I can stand it anymore. I think.. it's time for Mark and I to get in on the fun. Michael, how would you like it if I got up there behind your sister and tried to fit that monster penis of yours in my tight, little girl-hole? I'll do it...if you want me to..." Michael's cock twitched as he pictured sinking it into Maggie.

"I..yes, please..I would...I can..." He could hardly speak. Maggie smiled, and got off the bed. She wriggled out of her skirt and stood naked for a moment. Michael stared at her, drinking in the sight of her shaved mound and the slick, red, protruding pussy lips under it.

"O.K....let's rearrange a little then...Anne, hop down and get out of your skirt, then go back exactly where you were." Anne stripped down and straddled Michael again. He gaped at her fuzzy pussy and her huge, throbbing clit and reached out to touch it. Maggie saw his hand move towards it.

"Oh, no, Michael, please....don't. Please let me play with her clittie first...I promise, you will have plenty to do. Mark, sweetie, scoot up there beside Michael. Let's keep his hand busy... I bet Anne would love to see her brother playing with a cock...would you like that, Annie?"

Anne looked over her shoulder at Maggie.

"That would be awesome...but what should I do?"

"Oh, honey, you are gonna have fun...we are going to play with your pussy...and if you feel like it... if I am as good a lezzie as I think I am... and you help me a little...maybe we can show Michael and Mark what you showed Headmistress Welch...." Maggie winked, and Anne turned back to face Michael, smiling down at him. She knew what Maggie had in mind, and the thought of squirting on her brother made her even wetter.

She saw that Mark had settled down next to her brother, and he took Michael's hand , placing it around on his long, thin cock. Micheal began to jack the older boy off. Anne felt a wave of wet heat inside of her as she watched her brother playing with a penis...she wanted to see him licking it and sucking it, and hot juice leaked from her open pussy lips as she rubbed them on Michael's stomach and imagined him with Mark's cock in his mouth.

"I think we are all guys look positively I come Michael...try not to jizz until I get you all the way inside me, o.k., lover?" He nodded, and she stepped onto the bed, standing on the mattress behind Anne and put her hands on the younger girl's shoulders.

"O.K., brace yourself a little, Anne, I'm gonna steady myself on you. I want to lower myself right on top of that big cock...."

Maggie began her descent, and a moment later, Michael felt her hot, wet pussy against the huge head of his cock as her knees touched the bed. Michael's hand froze on Mark's shaft, gripping it tight as Maggie pushed more of her weight down, relaxing her muscles, opening her hole as far as she could, trying to accommodate his wide, meaty cock-head. Her hole stretched, and suddenly it was inside, and she slid down, inch by inch, erotically impaling herself on his thick meat. She felt her insides stretching as she settled down on him, and finally, felt his soft pubes brushing her puffy, hairless, labia.

"Mmmmm...Michael, you're cock is sooo huge, baby, gimme a minute, honey, let me catch my breath..." Maggie put her hands on Anne's hips, pulling her back, pressing her small breasts into Anne's back. She let one hand stray down Anne's stomach, past her pubes and cupped her mound, separating her fingers so that Anne's clit popped up between them, red and throbbing.

"Put your hand over mine, sweetie...let's play with your big clittie while Michael watches..."

Anne put her hand between her legs and pressed her palm on the tip of her sensitive girl-cock, gently mashing down a little. She began rotating her hand in a circle, feeling her clit slip and slide between Maggie's fingers, and moaned as electric pleasure racked her body in delicious waves.

"OH..Oh...oh, Maggie, that feels incredible...can squeeze your fingers together tighter...Ungh...oh...."

"... sugar, I want to make you come all over your just keep at me how to make you come, honey..." Maggie moved her free hand up to cup the underside of Anne's breast. "Would you like me to pinch your big, rubbery nipple, baby...would that make you feel even better?"

"...yes...please....pinch it...pinch harder, oh, yeah, just like that, squeeze it hard...oh..oh...yes...mmm...ungh...."

Anne looked over at Mark as she moaned, then dropped her eyes to his long member, wishing it was her hand on it instead of Michael's. Mark smiled and licked his lips. He covered Micheal's hand with his own, and began to jack himself off, pleasuring himself with Michael's hand while Anne watched.

Maggie flexed her tummy, gripping Michael's cock with her pussy muscles, then relaxed, then squeezed it hard, as hard as she could. His huge cock was throbbing inside of her, and she began to orgasm. She breathed deep, and used her tantric training to heighten and prolong the feeling. Wave after wave of pleasure racked her body, and she squeezed Anne's clit between her fingers with all her might. Hot pussy juice began seeping between her tightly stretched labia and Michael's huge cock.

Michael gasped as her wet hole constricted around his meat. It was suddenly hotter, wetter, tighter.... He was trying not to come, to hold out as long as he could, to please Maggie as much as he could before he came, but he knew he was so close...another wave of liquid heat engulfed his penis and it was more that he could take. His balls tightened, sperm surged through his shaft, and a second later, he was pumping his hot jizz deep into Maggie's tight hole.

Anne was rubbing her hand furiously on her pussy, up and down, curling two fingers around into her hole, frigging her clit as Maggie's fingers held it place. She felt a jolt as her orgasm took hold, and began to moan.....

"yes..yes..Yes...oh...tighter...Maggie...please...squeeze it tighter.. OH..PINCH MY NIPPLE, TOO... HARD..OH...HARDER...OH... YES.... UNGGHH, GOD, YES! YES! OH!"

Hot liquid jetted against Maggie's finger's, and ran down Michael's chest and belly, coating him in musky girl-jizz as Anne's pussy squirted. Anne was heaving and twitching, her heavy breasts bouncing up and down, side to side. She looked down at Mark's penis, and he angled toward her thigh, working Micheal's hand up and down his shaft as it began to spit jizz from it's pink head. She twitched again in pleasure as it landed on her, and another wave of electric heat cause her to spray again. She couldn't take any more, her clit was so tender and super-sensitive, and she gripped tight, just holding it , feeling the hot, slick finger of throbbing flesh against her hand.

Mark milked his long shaft with Michael's hand, and she watched as more jizz drooled out, coating the boys' hands. He was still staring at Anne. Smiling, he slowly moved his hand to Michael's wrist and lifted her brother's goo covered fingers toward her mouth. She leaned her head down and sucked one into her mouth, tasting Mark's warm sperm as her tongue swirled around Micheal's digit.

Maggie was pressing her little boobs into Anne's back, resting her chin on Anne's shoulder. Michael was softening a little, but her pussy was still over-full with his big meat. She slid her hand from Anne's soaked twat and cupped her friend's breasts, her hand wiping girl-jizz over one of Anne's swollen, red nipples.

"mmmmmm.....that was the best, Michael...I could sit with you inside of me...forever....can you do something for me now, lover?" Michael nodded.

"...can you clean Mark's jizz off his penis...with your mouth, baby, can you suck him clean while we watch? I love to see boys playing with each other..." Micheal nodded again, and Mark sat up, getting to his knees.

"Lift your head up for me, Michael, I put another pillow under it...there ya go, now give the girls a good show, my man, nice and slow, that's it, oh, yeah, that feels good..."

The girls watched as Michael slowly sucked and licked on Mark's penis, and Maggie whispered in Anne's ear.

"isn't that hot? oh, honey, when i get you back to your room, i want to clean your pussy squirted twice today, and i didn't even get a taste..." Anne nodded and giggled.

Michael looked up at her questioningly.

"Are you laughing at me, Anne?" He was sure that she wasn't, but he wanted in on the joke. He rubbed Mark's cockhead over his lips with a mock expression of seriousness on his face. "I think your just jealous 'cause Mark asked me to clean him up instead of you..."

Anne giggled again. "Nope, Maggie's the jealous one...she keeps trying to get me alone...and I think she just convinced me that it's a good idea..."

"What are you gonna do?" Michael had a pretty good idea, but he wanted to hear the words. Maggie's answer did not disappoint him....too much.

"Sweetie, I am finally gonna get my chance to eat your sister's pretty pussy, and I can't wait to taste it. And then, if she wants to, she can play with mine. And before you ask.... no, we won't do it here. Not this time. Don't worry, though. You will get a chance to see it....just not now, sugar. Remember how you boys were playing when we walked in tonite? Well, I need some of that... I need some girlie time...O.K.?"

Michael nodded. Resistance was useless against the charming red-head. Besides, Mark was still here...if he wanted to, he was sure that he and Mark could share some more "boy-time".

Anne was walking fast, her bare breasts bouncing, looking straight ahead. She clung onto Maggie's hand as they made their way back through the halls to Anne's room.

Somehow, Maggie had convinced her that putting her shirt back on was a waste of time, that she should just slip into her plaid skirt and get moving. In the intimate surroundings of her brother's room, her body still glowing with lust, it had seemed like a good idea. It had seemed like a great idea, in fact, but when she had stepped out into the hall, she started having second thoughts.

'I want to show you off, honey. Don't worry, I'll go topless, too. We do it all the time around here, especially this late at night. And hardly anyone will be out.' Maggie's words echoed in her head.

Half-way back, they turned a corner and nearly ran down a blond-haired boy. He pulled himself to a stop just before colliding with Anne, and she felt her nipples brush against his shirt briefly. He looked her in the eye and smiled. He looked to be about 14 or 15 years old, and cute. Very cute.

"Sorry...I almost ran ya down. You must be the new girl....I'm Cameron, but you can call me Cam." He reached out with both hands and clasped her palm gently. "It's nice to meet you, ...?" He was waiting for Anne to offer her name, but...

Anne was thinking about how Maggie had promised her that they would go straight to the she wouldn't have to talk to anyone...but...Cam had a nice smile... he hadn't even glanced at her breasts, he was still looking into her eyes....Maggie elbowed her, and she remembered to speak.

"Oh, hi, I'm Anne." He didn't let go of her hand as he replied.

"I know the first day here is kinda overwhelming...but if it's o.k. with you, I'd like to drop by your room sometime and chat..." Anne smiled. Cam seemed like a perfect gentleman, and suddenly she wasn't self-conscience at all. She found herself wanting him to look at her...wanting him to want her. She breathed deep, filling her chest with air, and her breasts thrust out toward him. He still didn't look down. Anne decided that he deserved an invitation.

" about tomorrow...after class?" He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

"It's a date. I'll see ya..." He lowered her hand and released it, stepping aside to let her pass. She waited until he was out of earshot, and then began firing questions off at Maggie.

"Oh, he was cute. Is he really that nice? Have you ever done anything with him? Do you think he likes me?.."

"Easy, honey, easy. One question at a time. Let's see, yes, he is very cute...yes, he likes you, that's why he's coming to see you tomorrow...and as for what I have done with him...well, sweetie, do you think there are any guys here that could resist me?"

They were at Anne's doorway, and Maggie pulled Anne to the middle of the room and put her hands on Anne's hips.

"Now. No more talk about boys. No more freaky hardcore sex or dirty talk. Let's have girl time." Maggie stepped closer, her hands moving around to the back of Anne's skirt, and she unzipped it. "Let's get naked, and make out. Let's be soft and giggly and kiss each other all over and forget that God ever invented a penis." She let go of Anne's skirt, and it fell to the floor. "Unzip me, hon, I don't want to be wearing anything when I kiss you."

Anne pulled Maggie close, and their soft breasts mashed together as Anne unzipped her friend's skirt. Maggie wiggled her hips, and it fell to the floor. Their eyes met, and they just looked at each other for a moment. The tip of Maggie's pink tongue slid out between her lips, wetting them in anticipation.

Anne kissed her, and Maggie's soft lips ran over hers. Neither girl hurried, they explored each others lips for what seemed like an eternity...little kisses, at first, then longer... deeper...tongues dancing slowly over each other. Finally, Maggie pulled back, just a tad, and spoke, her lips still touching Anne's as she breathed soft words.

" make me feel so good...come lay down on the bed with me...let's just nuzzle and kiss and do whatever you want..."

Maggie led Anne to the bed. Anne stretched out on it, and Maggie straddled her.

"i just want to look at you for a minute, are so beautiful..."

Anne reached for Maggie's hands, and they interlocked their fingers, holding hands as they looked at one another. Anne trailed her eyes down Maggie's body,drinking in every detail, the way her small breasts were perfect little half-spheres, the curve of her ribs meeting her flat tummy, and the way her clean shaven mound accentuated the

thick, red labia hanging down beneath, still shiny with moisture.

"i love the way your pussy you think i should shave mine?"

"if you want to,'ll grow back,if you decide that you don't wanna be bald,'s just a little itchy at first when it know what i love about you?...i love your.."

Just then, a gobbet of white goo dripped from between Maggie's legs, hanging between thick labia for a moment before it plopped onto Anne's stomach. The girls stared at each other for an instant, wide eyed. Then they both burst into a fit of giggles.

"Oh, sweetie, I'm sorry, I'll get a towel and clean myself up." Maggie shifted her weight to roll off the bed, and Anne pulled her back, shaking her head.

"no...don't you dare leave...tell me what you love about me..."

"hmmm...everything...i love your eyes, they way are looking at me now, i love your mouth, so soft and sweet, your skin, your butt, your hands, your little feet...and i especially love that you didn't make me go towel off that jizm that i just dripped on you...but there's gonna be more, baby, your brother is a sperm factory....are ya sure you don't want me to clean up a little?"

"we can just wipe it off with my sheet...besides, i kinda like the way it feels..."

"hmmm....maybe i should use your sheet...'cause i've been trying to hold it in, but it's gonna start to leak..."

"i meant, you can wipe it off of's ok, really...i like feels all warm and gooey...go ahead, i want to see it come out..." Anne was staring at Maggie's swollen, red labia in anticipation.

Maggie smiled and looked down at herself.

"...i've never done this before, not on another girl...but..."

Anne saw Maggie tense her stomach, then relax it. An instant later, a runnel of sperm began to ooze from Maggie's twat, dripping onto Anne's belly and rolling down her side. Anne freed one of her hands, unlacing her fingers from Maggie's loose grasp, and cupped it between Maggie's legs, letting the warm, gooey liquid drip into her hand.

Maggie flexed her inner muscles again, and the stream of thick liquid flowed out faster, making a puddle in Anne's hand before slowing to a drip.

"just wipe it on the blanket, hon, we can wash it in the morning..." Anne nodded, wiping her hand clean. Maggie's red lips were still coated in goo, and Anne reached back between her legs, smearing the leftover jizz onto her hand, wiping Maggie's pussy clean.

"mmmm...thank you, annie...i feel so much better now..."

"i'm glad...come down here, you're too far away..."

Maggie snuggled up next to Anne, laying on her side, looking at the way Anne's breasts moved up and down with the rhythm of her breath. She played her fingertips across the pale skin of Anne's tummy, and traced little patterns with the drops of goo that had filled her belly button. Anne closed her eyes and her thoughts roamed.

'she is so sweet...can't believe i like her so much already...if she was a guy...i would be head over heels in love...maybe i am a lezzie...not all the way...still interested in guys...but not as much as girls...'

Maggie's voice whispered in her ear.

'whatcha thinkin' about, lover?'

Anne smiled.

'oh... about how well we hit it off...about how much i like you...about how you like girls so much...i totally get it now...'

'mmm...i like to hear that...i would love to keep you all to myself...but don't get caught up in all that, honey...just do what feels right...'

'so you don't want to turn me into a dyke after all, huh?'

'annie, sweetie, if you keep teasing me, i'm gonna think that you are serious...and then i'll cry when you run off with some guy and leave me all alone...'


'yeah, baby..'

'remember when Michael just about swallowed my boob? ...and you pinched his nipple to get him to stop?'

Maggie giggled. She traced her fingertips up to one of Anne's breasts and began to gently brush the areola, feeling the small bumps on the surface.

'i sure do, honey. i almost smacked him for treating your pretty boobies so rough. it's not his fault though, baby... he's just inexperienced.'

Maggie pushed her fingertip against Anne's nipple, marveling at it's size, watching the skin under it crinkle as she moved it around.

'i know that...umm...what i mean saved me...and then, how we walked through the halls topless...just letting it all hang out and bounce just..make me feel so safe and comfortable...' Maggie kissed Anne's shoulder, then her neck.

'lover, if you're trying to tell me how wonderful i am...i'm not gonna stop ya...' She kissed the side of Anne's breast, and then ran her lips back and forth across the smooth skin.

'mmm....i love the feel of your lips rubbing on me...can i ask you something...kinda wierd...?'

'anytime, hon'

'can you rub them like that...down...on my pussy...not, like, to get me off...just so i can feel them down there...feel how soft they are...but not right now...when we wake up....right when i wake up...'

'are you inviting me to spend the night, baby?'

'mmmm...yes...i want you to hold me and make me feel safe and warm...'

'and then wake you up with kisses....sweety, i couldn't think of anything i'd rather do...'

Maggie snuggled up against Anne, holding her. Anne began to drift off, then had another thought.

'noel...remember...noel said she was coming to see me in the morning...'

'i remember, you want me to leave you alone with her when she comes?'

''m gonna convince her that she should let you do whatever you want with her...if you want me to....'

'if it makes you happy, baby, i would love it...'

'i just want to do something for make you feel good, like you make me i feel right now in your arms...'

Anne drifted off to sleep with Maggie holding her tight. Maggie knew that this was a fleeting moment. Logic told her that Anne would soon find other distractions at the Academy, that she would forget about the tender words they had shared here as she made new friends. Logic told her to enjoy the moment and let the chips fall where they may. But her heart...her heart told her that Anne was the most perfect girl she had ever met and to hold on tight. Maggie snuggled closer to the warm body next to her and pulled a blanket over both of them. Morning would come soon, and she planned on making use of every second of it.

Next: Chapter 4

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