Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 15, 2023


Chapter 9: Two alternative reactions to Conor's excited jabbering


Steven immediately turns around and gives the slave a sharp slap right across the face and then again from the other side. "Have you forgotten what the fuck you are?" he yells. "and get those fucking clothes off, then get your ass into the playroom. Gonna have to remind you of a few things."

Conor is crestfallen, and also very pissed off at himself for being so foolish. Being around ordinary people has apparently caused him to forget what he is and how he is to act at home. He's sure the Master is going to deliver a very strong reminder, and to be honest, he has no one to blame but himself.

He enters the room and grovels, hoping that might assuage Master's anger at him. Steven walks in and immediately starts to lecture the slave. "You're going to have to learn that the minute you walk in the door of this house, every semblance of normalcy that you experienced at work must cease and you must remember what you are and how you're expected to behave, or am I wasting all my time trying to train you, goddammit!"

He throws a collar and manacles on the ground and orders the slave to hurry up and put them on, then kneel up.

The slave does so as hurriedly as possible, and when he kneels up, Steven clips its wrists to the collar and starts kicking it in the balls, one time after another while holding on to the slave's hair so it can't double over from the pain. "Maybe I have to make sure that you're so goddam sore when you leave this house in the morning that you have a constant reminder throughout the day of what you are and who you belong to."

Steven tires of this tirade and just orders the slave up over the spanking bench, clipping its collar to the bench so it cannot move its head and hands very far, and then wraps straps around its thighs to hold it in place. He goes into the closet and comes out swishing a reasonably thin cane. "I know you've never tasted the bite of a cane before. You couldn't do that over the screen for your former Master. This will be quite a good punishment for you, considering. 12 strokes and I want you to count them and say "I'm sorry, Master, for being such a naughty slave."

The first stroke cause it to cry out before it can count and say the required words. Each one after that cause a similar reaction, and as is his custom, Steven takes his sweet time between each stroke so that all of the pain has a chance to make a good impression.

"Every stroke is an entirely new surprise," says the Master. "Every stroke makes you believe you've never felt anything so painful in your life."

The punishment continues, and by stroke 7, the slave is screaming out the number and crying profusely. When 8 lands it gasps so hard that it can't manage to get the number out for quite a while. Steven is patient, well aware of how much he is making the slave suffer. He is determined that this slave will never do anything as stupid as what it did tonight again. And this caning is not the end of its punishment, he decides. Might as well really impress on this slave what it is and what it has fallen into.

After Stroke 9 the slave is screaming and crying so desperately that Steven take pity on him and decides to postpone the last three. After the slave finally gives the count and states its apology, the Master says, "you still have three more lashes coming to you, but I'm going to take pity on you and postpone them for another time. You will receive them, however. I said you were getting 12 and you'll be getting the full 12 eventually.

The slave offers profuse and humble thanks to the Master. "That's not all. I'm going to fuck the shit out of you now." He grabs a tube of lube and lubes himself and without any other preparation, steps up to the bench, pulls the slave's tattered butt cheeks apart and dives right in and the slave screams again from the experience of almost being raped. Steven fucks the boy hard and fast and heavily and quickly discharges himself up into the slave's gut, then pulls out, and without wiping anything, comes around to the other side of the bench and orders the slave to open its mouth. Conor dares not disobey, and then experiences the horrid taste of the Master's cock after fucking it and then swallows all the piss the Master unloads into its mouth and belly. Conor doesn't even want to think what was on the Master's cock after fucking it without cleaning it out.

But this is not the end. Steven unbinds the slave from the bench and it falls down onto the ground. Fine. "Follow me as best you can. I don't care if you crawl or just drag yourself along, just follow me. We're going downstairs." He leads the slave over to a doorway it had never noticed before, turns on a light and they descend into a basically unfinished basement lit by that dull light. Over to one side, the slave sees a steel door and the Master unlocks it, pulls back the bar keeping it in place and opens it. "Crawl in there," he orders. There's a small room very dimly light by the outside lightbulb. Nothing is in the room. The floor is the bare concrete. There is a bucket in the corner. Steven points to it. That's for your piss and shit. This is the solitary confinement cell. You'll be in here for 24 hours. That will give you ample time to reflect on what you have become and how you are belng trained and hopefully tonight's behavior will not be repeated. Now I'm going to have to reconsider whether or not I want you out there working in the regular world. Just two days out there have undone so much of the progress I've been making trying to help you understand what a real slave's life is like. 24 hours. If it seems like a long time to you, remember that last night I mentioned locking you up here for an entire week."

And with that, he closes the heavy door which, in essence, blocks out all light from entering the room and the slave is locked in total darkness lying naked on the dusty concrete floor, and the only sound it hears is it's teary breathing and its sobs from the constant fiery condition of its caned and welted ass. It realizes now more than ever just what it has become and how it is at the complete mercy of the man he calls Master. At least he could get away from the other one, the one who scammed him. Now there is no escaping. And now there is only terrible pain and humiliating and self-recrimination. Interestingly enough, there is no trace of anger in the slave, anger and what Steven has done to it. Steven proposes to break and train this slave. The slave has no rights in this matter.

Steven goes back up to his office, orders a pizza by phone and then sends a text to Mike letting him know that the slave will not be returning to work this week and that further consideration needs to be given as to the feasibility of this type of a slave working among the general population. Better, perhaps, to simply put it to work in the homes of other men and women in the lifestyle. Less chance for corruption that way.

Meanwhile, Conor will be released from "the hole" at 6 pm Thursday.

It must be said that the sounds in that room are picked up by a microphone, so Steven is always aware of what is taking place there, just in case something untoward happens or if the slave panics and must be released immediately. Not only that, but since Conor will be locked up until Thursday night, that also means that Steven will not leave the house until then as well, just to insure the safety of the slave in case something happened.

As the hours drag painfully on the slave manages to get some short periods of sleep before being awakened again by the pain and the absolute misery of its condition. Only after several hours (or what seems like several hours), the slave actually starts to think that perhaps it should run away when given the chance. Perhaps it would be better to be homeless on the streets than to have to live with this severe training and discipline. It would be better off just selling its body to men who would use it and then let it move on.


Stevens first reaction is shock and anger at the slave's misbehavior, yet he looks at Conors boyish face and remembers that after all, he is still just barely out of childhood and has probably never ever known any kindness or caring from his addict mother and her predatory boyfriends. He realizes that despite the break in protocol, the slave is clearly excited about something and has run to him to tell him about it. He realizes that this slave trusts him and, more importantly, feels safe with him. Sure it's forgotten to behave the way it is supposed to behave, but it might not be a bad idea to hear what it is the slave has to tell him about after being away at work all day.

"What kind of a Master do I want to be?" Steven asks himself. "What do I have to lose if I put the rules on hold for a little while and find out what has this boy so excited?" "What do I have to gain if I show some kindness?" For once in his time as a strict Master, Steven decides to take a softer approach. He reaches up to the slave who is still standing and puts one hand on each of its arms and gently helps it down to its knees, puts his fingers to the slave's lips and says "SSShhhh, boy. Take a couple breaths and then begin all again. Tell me what has you so cheerful and excited, and why you're telling me your story, I'll help you undress."

"Oh my God, Master, I'm so sorry that I forgot to strip. I was just excited to tell you about the conversation I had this afternoon with that guy Clark who I work with."

Steven helps the slave take its shirt off and tosses it aside and begins to open its pants. "Master Mike called me into his office over the intercom and announced that I was needed for "a special project." When I got there, his boyfriend was with him. They took me downstairs to a storage room and had me strip and then made me give them both blow jobs." When Clark saw me later he said something about Mike taking a special interest in me and I answered, "that's because I suck his cock every day," and right away Clark thought I was just being a wise-ass and dismissed what I said as just a lousy joke. Then he went on to tell me that he could pick out a fag from only a few feet away, so I asked him what a fag looks like and he said something about how he has a good sense about it. I said gee, I hope none of them trap me in a corner and fuck me or something, and he told me not to worry because there are absolutely no faggots working here with us at all and promised he'd keep an eye out for me." Steven laughs his head off once he hears the whole story and says, "Amazing. You actually told him the truth and of course he wouldn't believe you! What a freaking idiot! Here, baby, step out of your pants and pull your sneakers off." Conor obeys him.

"Oh crap! I'm so sorry, Master, that I forgot to strip when I got home. I was just so excited about telling you what happened! Please don't get angry at me."

"I'm not angry, boy, and it was one hell of a story, but it seems that in your excitement you seem to have forgotten that you are a faggot slave and that you have rules which have to be obeyed. I think that even though Mike and Jake used you like a slave today, being around all those ordinary men has gotten you a bit confused and has caused you to forget that you aren't like ordinary men. Isn't that true, boy?"

"yes, Master, I guess it is."

"so what do you think I should do about this?"

"um . . . I guess I should be punished for forgetting myself, Master. I'm so sorry. It won't happen again, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep, boy. But you are correct. You did forget yourself and I agree that you need to be punished. Never forget that the purpose of punishment is to modify behavior, and when a slave like forgets itself, punishment is a good way to help it remember how to behave and to avoid acting as if it is just an ordinary man."

"Yes, Master, your slave understands and it is sorry. Please punish your slave as you see fit." And the now naked slave bows to the ground and starts to kiss its Master's feet. The slave does a particularly good job kissing and sucking the Master's feet and toes to show how grateful it is to the Master for being so kind and so understanding even while it was misbehaving and forgetting itself.

"Crawl into the playroom and wait for me there. Grovel while you are waiting while I decide the best way to punish you."

"Yes, Master," says Conor, and goes as ordered.

Steven stays in his seat, smiling gently and very proud of himself for the way he is handling this little episode. And then he laughs again, thinking how Conor actually told Clark he's been giving Mike blow jobs every day and Clark didn't believe it at all. But then he puts on a sterner face more suitable for a Master who is about to punish its naughty slave.

He walks into the playroom and looks through his things and selects a large wooden hairbrush. "Your punishment is going to have two parts. First of all I'm going to spank you now over my knees and get your ass bright red and your eyes flowing with tears. And then tomorrow morning before you leave for Clark to pick you up, I'm going to give you the three strokes of the cane I owe you---that will sting an awful lot and will hurt all day. That should help you remember all day that you are not like the other men you are working with and that you are a slave owned by a Master. That is what I have decided."

Steven goes to sit on a chair. "come up here, boy, and get over my knees and then ask me to give you a good thrashing." Conor gets up and positions himself and says, "Master, please give me a real hard spanking. I've been naughty and I deserve to be spanked because I forgot myself and rushed into the house without getting naked as soon as I came in. Please punish me so I can learn to behave better, Master."

"You spoke very well, slave. And now you will get the thrashing I think you deserve." Steven starts with the hairbrush, a little easy at first but quickly building up the pressure and severity of the spanking he delivers with the brush, which quickly turns the slave's ass pink and then even red as the blows land down again and again and the slave writhes around trying to escape the punishing brush. It doesn't take long until the tears are flowing and the slave is openly crying out, "I'm sorry, Master, I'm so sorry."

Finally, Steven decides the slave has had enough and puts down the hairbrush and starts to caress the slave's ass, smoothing out the pain and helping the slave understand that its ass belongs to its Master. Its wonderfully patient Master. Eventually, Steven lets the slave slide off his knees and once it is back down on the ground it quickly goes to worship its Master's feet again, showing its devotion and its gratitude for the Master's guidance.

Steven stands up. "And now, just to drive home the reality that you are not an ordinary man, I want you to take my cock out of my pants and put it in your mouth. I am going to use you as my urinal, slave."

Conor does as told, trying to dry its eyes as it kneels up. It holds the Master's cock in its mouth and soon the Master's piss begins to flow and every mouthful the slave swallows down reminds it again that it is not even worthy of the piss it is drinking, not worthy to be given attention by this awesome and wise Master, and how much it needs the humiliation the Master is pressing into its spirit. (And yet still, the boy feels something it has hardly ever felt before—something better than devotion. Something more like love.)

Steven sends the slave to go and take a shower and he begins fixing supper for the two of them. Tonight the slave will eat its supper from the Master's fingers while it kneels at the side of the Master's seat at the table.

Later that evening, Steven calls Mike to tell him about the exchange that took place between the slave and Clark. It was important for Mike to know this. He didn't realize he had such a homophobic employee on his staff and he, too, had a good laugh over how the slave had handled the situation. "Good idea: hit him with the truth and he won't be able to believe it!" Steven also tells Mike that he will drop off the slave in the morning and that the slave is going to be caned before leaving for work and suggests that Mike take that into consideration when assigning its tasks the next day. All this time, the slave is curled up at Steven`s feet.

Just to drive the message home about the lowly status of the slave, Steven has it eat his ass for the first time after watching a couple of film clips about how to do it, and then after that, to lick its way around the front of Steven`s body so he can give the Master a grateful blow job before he locks the slave in its cage for the night. Before Steven turns off the lights, the slave begs permission to ask a question, which Steven allows.

"Master, how much will it hurt to be caned?"

"It will hurt more than anything you've received so far, slave, and it will hurt all day, even though I'm only going to give you three lashes. That will be enough to help you remember how much you are different than the other men you work with, boy."

"Yes, Master, I understand."

"Now don't worry about it so much that you won't be able to sleep. It would be awful to have to work all day tomorrow with your ass on fire while having trouble keeping your eyes open because you didn't get enough sleep."

"Yes, Master. Good night, Master. Thank you for being my Master and for helping me become a better slave."

"you're very welcome, Conor. You are a good boy and I am very pleased with you. No more talk now. Close your eyes and go to sleep, child."

There is something about being called "child" by its Master that makes the slave actually feel just how young it is and also just how much the Master cares for it.

And so, the author hopes that the reader can realize which of these two reactions turns out to be the one that happened.


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Next: Chapter 10

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