Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 12, 2023


Chapter 7. A meeting of minds, hearts and spirits

Gary turned his phone on again around 7 Monday night since Barry said he was going to call. He got through at 9 pm. "Gary, please don't worry about any of this. You have a lawyer now. His name is Arthur Helfgott. If you get calls from anyone, including your parents, say nothing at all. Simply refer them to your lawyer. His number is xxx-xxx-xxxx. Tomorrow, Arthur will see to it that you get no more phone calls about this matter. That's why we have lawyers."

"Barry, I can't thank you enough for doing this for me. I've been so upset about it."

"Try to calm down now, Gary. And as far as thanking me goes, you can thank me by taking very good care of Brandon. That's all any of us want for either one of you. And Michael as well. We're all family now."

"I love hearing that. Oh, Brandon wants to tell you something. I'll say goodnight now."

Brandon takes the phone and walks off with it. Gary hears him laughing on the phone with his father and for a moment, he feels sorry for himself because he can't remember ever laughing at anything with his father. Ever. But the good part of it was that they cared so little for him that they were just as happy to let him crash with Brandon sometimes every night of the week.

And now, too, he has Brandon for his own, every night of the week. When Brandon comes back with Gary`s phone, he's watching a video on his laptop, which he closes as soon as Brandon walks into the room.

"Hiding your porn from me now, Gary? Aren't I enough porn for you?"

"More than enough. I was watching an educational video, if you must know."

"Educational? About what? How to fuck? If , let me watch too."

Gary laughs. "Close enough. It was about how to prepare someone to be fucked."

"Dude, don't have to worry much about that. My slave ass has been well broken in. Doesn't need much attention any longer."

"Even after not getting it for weeks now?"

"Master, if you wish to fuck your slave, your slave would be most happy to help you prepare its hole for you. Or do you want to call it a pussy?"

"Shit. Never thought of that. Yeah, baby. Pussy. You have a pussy, bitch, and it belongs to me. And I'm planning on tapping into it tonight."

"I can take care of it if you want me to, Sir."

"go clean yourself out and then I want to watch you getting your pussy ready for me. Nice idea. The slave does all the work to give its Master a nice place to land." Unfortunately, it's getting late. Maybe he should wait another day. No. He's fucking his boy tonight. He's been thinking about it all day.

Brandon comes back to the room with two wet clothes and a couple towels. Gary has already turned the lights down and put nice music on. They stand there and kiss for a while and then Brandon slides down the front of Gary`s body and lands on his knees and rolls his face along his Master's crotch, feeling him getting hard already. Gary strips off and Brandon starts to lick and suck what he sees.

"Get on the bed. Let's get this show on the road," Gary says to the slave. And so with the towels and the lube, Brandon gets down in his back and raises his legs. He gently takes one lubed finger and lets it ride the ring of his hole, spreading it a bit as he does. "Let me do that," says Gary, so Brandon takes his hand away and concentrates on making it easy for Gary to get to him. Gary copies what Brandon did but then gets inventive on his own and starts to gently fuck the slave with his finger. Brandon moans loudly. "Yes, Sir, take that pussy. Open it up for yourself, Master. More lube. Another finger." And from that point on, no more direction is needed. Garys been doing his research. Besides, he knows that Brandon is no blushing virgin when it comes to getting fucked by a Master. Only this Master REALLY loves him. So the first time is going to be more gentle than urgent. Or so Gary thinks. He loves being able to look at Brandons face while he's inside and pulsing and Brandon`s eyes roll back up into his head. "Oh, baby, fuck your slave. Fuck that pussy. It's all for you , Gary. No one else. You can have it whenever you want it, Master. It's yours. Holy shit!"

It must be said that Gary turns out to be a natural when it comes to this, and he takes Brandon in as many positions as he can make up and sure enough, by the time he spills himself into his lover, the slave has been well-fucked. They rest and try to catch their breaths, and then Gary says, "Clean me up and do a good job because you're sucking my cock after you're done, slave. I fucking own that body. I want every part of your body working to make me feel good, faggot. Brandon swallows Gary`s softening cock and suckles it like a baby calf on its mother's teat. "Hold still, slave. I want to piss. Right like this. Don't fucking spill any."

Strange position for it to be happening, both somewhat on their sides, and Brandon feels like he really has to suck it out of Gary`s cock this time, and there's a lot of it and suddenly Brandon squeezes it to make it stop, and he takes a big gulp. "Need a rest, please, there's so much."

"That's because I didn't use you earlier. Saved it all up for now. Get down on your knees again, faggot. Take it the usual way. All of it." (he emphasizes each word slowly now: Every. drop. of. your. Master's. piss, you fucking urinal!" Finally, it's done. Brandon bows down to the ground and licks Garys feet in a gesture of total submission. "Good boy, that's my good boy, showing me how much you like being my slave, showing me how low you are. Yeah, baby might as well get the toes while you're at it. Total pleasure for me tonight, baby. Oh man, how I love the sight of you sucking me anywhere. Come up here, baby. Let me wash my piss down your throat with my spit." Brandon is a little surprised that Gary didn't make him brush his teeth, but Gary commanded and Brandon is going to obey. And then after a while, Gary backs off and just looks at Brandon with that wise guy look that Brandon loves so well, and he takes his hand and encircles Brandons neck and says, "I can't wait to have black leather around this throat, boy, so everyone knows you are owned. So everyone knows you are a slave. So everyone knows you suck your Master's cock and drink your Master's piss. And tomorrow night, faggot, you're gonna get whipped. I'm borrowing something from Steven that will mark you up real nicely. I want marks on your flesh when we go to TWINKNIGHT this weekend."

"It's this weekend, Master? I didn't hear anything about it."

"That's because your mind was so much on my dick that you weren't paying attention. Yes, it's even Saturday night. After hours too if any twinks are still alive by then. But you'll be the loveliest twink there, slaveboy. And all mine. My faggot eating my ass in front of the whole town."

"You're wanting that now too?" asks Brandon.

"You bet it, cocksucker. Full service from my slave. That's what you're here for, bitch."

"I guess I'm here for whatever you want, Master."

"You sure, boy? You don't sound too convinced to my ear. Do I need to take a strap to you to get some enthusiasm out of you, slave?"


"What's wrong, bran?"

"We're doing all the right things and I'm saying all the right things, and yes, you can do whatever you want to me, and yes, I will always let you make the decisions and give the orders, and yes, you can punish me any way you want to when you're not completely happy with me."

"Well, actually, I can punish you any way I want to no matter what. It could just be for maintenance. I think that's what they call it. A maintenance punishment, just to keep a slave in the right state of mind."

"Maybe that's what I need. Maintenance. Something to break me."

"Do you know what I think?"

"No, Master, I don't. I wish I did."

"I think you're having a hard time seeing this as real."

"What do you mean by `this'?"

"Our new identities as Master and slave."

"Do you feel it, Gary?"

"A lot more than you, but the metamorphosis isn't complete yet. We need time."

"I'm relieved to hear you say that, Sir."

"So tell me: do you have trouble calling me Sir?"

Brandon smirks "No. Not at all. Because I've called you `Sir' in my mind since middle school because you were always so bossy. I didn't care but Mom did and she would tell me not to let you get everything you wanted while all I could think about was that I wanted you to have everything you wanted and even more than that. I wanted you to have ME. I wanted you to own me completely. And, gee, Sir, I wasn't even 12 years old by then and still I knew what I wanted. And I wanted to be completely controlled by you, to have no rights at all that you didn't give me, to have to ask you for permission even to go to the bathroom. I used to even strip naked in my room alone at night and imagine you were there watching me and enjoying the sight of my body and my shame. I wanted all the guys in school see you slap me around for no reason. I remember in 9th grade sometimes I wanted you to spank me so bad that I'd start acting up hoping it would provoke you, but it never did. Instead, if I was being a brat, you'd just back off for a while and that was your way of punishing me. I wanted it so bad, baby. I still do. And I wanted to be able to cry for you, but other than when my Daddy died, I didn't really have any reason to. And then I read "The Alex Chronicles" and realized that I want to have a Master like Billy. I know it's probably too much to ask, and I probably shouldn't even let you know this, but I wish you could be my Master the way Billy was to alex. Damn it, Gary, Master Gary, when I look into your face even know it looks like you know you have complete control of me, that you know that you own me, that you know you can do anything you ever want to me and I want you to use me hard, to make me cry out and even scream sometimes and to have my face covered with tears and snot and me be sobbing at your feet, afraid to look up because I worship you so much that some times I don't think I deserve to be able to see your face, and if you whipped me until I couldn't stand it any more, if you looked at me the way you're looking at me now, I would beg you to continue, to make me bleed even so I would understand just how much you are like a god for me. Not the real God, just a god. All of that, Gary. I don't want to play. I don't want to pretend. I'm too far gone on you to be able to settle on that. I wish you could just take me and absorb me into you and we could be one. I want your cock inside of me all of the time. When Justin turned me into his urinal I hated it so much, but then I started thinking that it was good what he did to me because whenever he made me take his cock into my mouth and wait for his piss to flow, I'd close my eyes and imagine your face looking at me just the way you are now, and I'd imagine that it was your piss I was gulping down and that I was your pig and no one else's ever. Even back when I thought it would be impossible for you ever to really want a faggot like me, even back then I wished with all my heart and soul that it wasn't Justin's cock I had in my mouth but yours and I wanted that to happen so badly but never allowed myself to hope for it because you weren't really into me and you would probably be turned off and disgusted if I ever let you know what was on my mind, but I'm doing it now, Gary, stripping my brain naked for you so you know how much I love you and you much I need you and how devoted I am to you and how there isn't anything I think that I wouldn't do for you or let you do to me as long as you were with me and could help me deal with it. I want this, Gary. Maybe I should never call you by your name again. Maybe that just gets me confused. Sir is easy. But I want to, I need to call you Master and maybe that should be the only name I have for you. Master, Master, Master Gary, only that way can I use your name because I am a lowlife cocksucking faggot slaveboy so hopelessly in love and in lust for you that I wish I could spend an entire week simply lying UNDERNEATH your feet because that is where I belong. Please, Master, please understand what I'm trying to say to you. Please, accept my offering of myself to you. Please don't laugh at me or scorn me or make empty promises, Master. Please own me, Master. Please don't let this be just a game. Please tell me this is real, Master. Please really be my Master, even if everything we've ever known has to change somehow. All those other Masters, they were just stand-ins for you, Master. You are the Master of my life. Please, Master, please.

There is a contemplative silence as the two of them look into each other's eyes.

Brandon opens his mouth to say something else but Gary holds up his hand in the air to silence him.

"You have no permission to speak for the rest of the night. I have heard you and I will never forget a single word of what you have just confessed to me. I know everything there is to know about you now and it gives me so an awesome sense of power that I feel like I am twice the size as I was before you started talking. And, just so I don't keep you in doubt, your answer is YES. YES, slave, you can have everything you've ever wanted, everything you just begged me for. All of it. When you spoke to me the way you did, you completed making me into what it is that you have always wanted and, to tell the truth, that I have wanted myself but could never admit it to myself. Only two words from here on in for a while: Master and slave. No other names. Just that. I know that you were made to be my slave, that is the entire purpose of your existence. Everything else is just play money. You, there now, so close to crying, looking so beautiful, so helpless, so much like a slaveboy on the market but I have claimed you for myself and no one else will have you because you are mine, you always have been mine, and you always will be mine and now it is time for you to find out what that will mean. Come here with me and hold your arms out"

He goes to the dresser where they keep their toys, the few they have, and Gary opens the drawers. He takes out a thick slave collar and tosses it into the slave's hands. He takes out two sets of manacles, he takes out a penis gag and a whole bag of d-clips, a riding crop and a long strip of leather that looks like a strap but isn't. He takes the gag from the slave's hands and gags it with it, fastening it behind its head. Then the collar, which forces the slave to raise its head a little and the Master has to remind the slave to keep its eyes down. The manacles go on hands and feet. He positions the slave on its knees and then with the d-clips, he binds the slaves wrists to its feet and it is curled over with its ass raised in the air. Then he takes the crop. "Every inch of you belongs to me," he says as he uses the crop to lash the slave in places it wouldn't have expected. Across its face, then on any part of its neck not covered by the collar. He gestures for the slave to put its head back and he strikes it under the chin and a sharp stroke. He puts the slave onto its side and then he lashes everything he can reach with the crop, turns the slave to the other side and does the same thing on that side. The slave cries and howls and keens. He unclips the slave's wrists from its ankles and the slave just lies there, panting and crying and not sure what to do. The Master throws down the crop and goes to pick up the long strap and immediately starts swinging it and landing it on anywhere it falls indiscriminately on the slave's body and the slave starts to move, trying to avoid the worst of the lashes, and still they come and the slave rushes along the ground to escape but there is no escape because the Master keeps lashing even from a great distance. Then the Master speaks, "in your life as my slave, there is no need for punishment because it is all very simple. I beat you just because I can. And you will be beaten every single day of your existence so that you can never forget what you are and who owns you totally." Then he goes to the opposite side of the room and holds out his cock which is now rock hard. "You want this cock so much, you lowlife faggot piss-drinking cocksucking slave, then come and get it!" And as the slave approaches, the Master continues to slash everywhere with the long strap. Sometimes it connects with the slave's body, other times it makes a lot of noise. Despite the blows, the slave advances to its goal: the Master's cock. The most wonderful part of any human body in the world. And he has the privilege of being able to serve it however the Master wants with whatever part of its body. Finally, the slave gets so close that the Master stops swinging the strap and throws it down as the slave lifts itself up high enough to put its mouth around the Master's cock, but the Master has to take off the gag first, and he does and immediately shoves his cock as far down the slave's throat as he can get it. And he holds the slave's head to his pubes even when the slave starts gagging and choking, and he refuses to let go until finally the slave almost passes out, and then he lets it loose and the slave is repelled off the Master's cock, and the Master looks at the whip-scarred slave and spits at it, again and again, and again. "Look into my eyes!" he yells, and the slave lifts its head and locks itself onto the Master's eyes and they stay like that until both of them are breathing normally again.

Finally, the Master says quietly to the slave, "Do you have any doubt that I own you, that I am your Master?"

The slave has trouble speaking, but finally it is able to get out the words "No doubt. Master. You own this slave."

"Every inch, slave."

"Every inch, Master."

"And I am going to beat you every day."

"And I will be beaten by my Master every day."

"Now crawl into the bathroom and wash your face, then crawl back to the bed and beg me to allow you to sleep with me."

It takes some time. The slave has trouble moving because of the beating it received, its face is a terrible mess and it takes a while to wash it, and then finally the slave painfully makes it way back to the side of the bed and grovels there. "Master, your slave begs your permission to sleep with you. Please, Master. Please don't leave your slave alone here. Please, Master. Let your slave feel your body nearby. Please."

The Master lifts up the covers so the slave can slide in and it does so, again, slowly and painfully. It is still wearing the collar but finally the Master takes it off the slave so it can cuddle its face against his the way it always does now when they sleep.

"You will not work tomorrow. I have need of you," the Master says, and these were his final words for the night.

For the first time in its life since its Daddy died, the slave feels complete. Now nothing is lacking.


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