Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 11, 2023


Chapter 5. Saturday Surprises

After Master Steven has his breakfast while the slave bathes his feet with its tongue, he orders Conor to make its own breakfast mush, but before he puts it on the floor, Steven pisses into it a little for more "flavoring," then puts it on the floor in the corner and tells the slave to go and eat, bowed before the bowl. Conor takes it all, as usual without complaining. Steven goes to his office to finish up some paperwork. When Conor has finished cleaning the kitchen and making its Master's bed, it brings itself to the Master's office and grovels on the floor as it was trained to do.

Steven speaks to the slave, "You have been a very good boy. I was particularly pleased to see that you did not hesitate to put your face in the bowl to eat your breakfast, even though you knew I had pissed in it. However this means I have no reason to punish you."

"Master, I am Your slave. You need no reason to punish me."

"Well said, slave, and I'm glad you realize that, because I do intend to whip your ass, now that the marks from you former Master have cleared up. Crawl after me into the dungeon, Conor."

Once they get there, Stephen has Conor kneel at the spanking bench and lean all the way over. He binds the slave's wrists, torso, thighs and feet to the bench but leaves its head free so he can see what happens. He takes a thick strap and tells the slave that it will receive a dozen lashes and to thank him after each one.

He takes a moment to admire the sight before him. The slave's golden blond skin is such a beautiful thing to behold, especially when it is bound as it is, ready to be thrashed by its Master.

Conor is a bit fearful, knowing full well that there will be no comparison between what used to happen and this full-on whipping with the Master's strap. At this point, the Master reminds him that he is not to fake any reactions, and that any moans or noises that it makes must be honest reactions to the lashes it is going to receive. "Yes, Master," Conor whispers, trembling a bit.

Stephen begins. "The first three will not be too severe, to warm you up a bit."

And so it happens, and the slave's voice doesn't even break when it thanks its Master for whipping its ass.

#4 steps up and Conor moans. As usual, Stephen waits for the full impression to sink in before continuing. This not only prolongs the beating, but it also insures that each lash is a distinct pain. When a Master whips too quickly, there is ultimately a lot less pain experienced.

Conor cries out after #7, and again after #8. It is breathing heavily and quickly right now, so Stephen waits until its breath settles down before dealing the cruelest lash so far, #9, and this time the slave's voice is broken as it tries to say the words. #10 backs off a bit, but was nearly in the same place as #9, increasing its fierceness. At #11, Conor is now crying the words in the midst of its tears, and after #12 it howls and continues crying."

Stephen backs off and just observes. He walks around the slave's body to see the way it is responding to the lash. Its ass is very red and there are lines across it from the sides of the belt when lashes overlapped. He takes a rag to put to the slave's face as he caresses the slave's scalp, which sends good feelings to the slave's system to mitigate the pain it is still suffering.

Stephen leaves the slave bound until all is calm again. Indeed, the slave may actually be falling asleep, as often happens with these twinks. Nonetheless, the slave awakens as the Master is unbinding it. "After you are whipped or punished in any way, your immediate response is to be licking and kissing the Master's feet. Get down there as quickly as you possibly can and get to work."

Conor performs wonderfully and then is eagerly drooling over the Master's feet and then sucking them clean. Stephen normally would want it to service the toes as well, but he has to get things back on track again.

He has the slave slobbering over his feet for several minutes then orders the slave to stand and bend over. He lubes his already hard cock and slams it into the slave's body and Conor screams once again. "Is that how you screamed when you were raped?" he asks Conor. "Nnno, Master, that was much uglier. I scream for you because you sometimes give me pain and pleasure all at the same time. Please, Master, fuck your slave. Take your pleasure from your slave's body, Master. Please, Master."

"I like hearing you beg, Conor." And with that, he fucks the slave hard and fast, and when it is time to cum, he yells out, "I own you, Conor!" and then remains deep within the slave's body until it is time to move on. He takes the rag he used on the slave's face before and now uses it to wipe the slave's ass and then, holding the rag, bids the slave stand up. He tells the slave to hold the rag to itself as it makes it way into the bathroom to take care of things.

When the slave returns, Stephen is standing and pulling out the things he wants the slave to wear later. "Fold these up and pack them, then put on the blue scrubs you wore last time and sneakers."

. . . As soon as they pull up to Brandon`s, the door opens and two naked slaves are standing there welcoming them. Stephen comes in with Conor following, and Conor knows to immediately strip off the scrubs and Brandon takes note of the state of its butt but doesn't say anything yet.

Stephen goes to find the other Doms while the boys hug and chatter. Gary is coming up from below and they are happy to see one another. Oscar finally joins them and they compare notes for the day's plans. Then Stephen goes to the slaves and orders them to put on their "going out" clothes quickly and to stand waiting at the door.

They take two cars. Stephen drives the car with the three boys who were ordered to remain silent while Gary and Oscar take the second car. "did you catch sight of Conor`s ass?" asks Gary. "No, not really." "That boy got the shit whipped out of it before they got here. Strap, I think." "I like how you can even determine what was used on it," says Oscar. "It was pretty obvious, though. Very recent, like maybe just before they got here. Next time we go out, I'm going to do the same thing to Brandon, says Gary.

The slaves still don't know where they're all going. Suddenly, they know: it's the city of Lisbon's historical center's wonderful exhibit. Stephen "You need to know all about where you are since you're stuck here for a long time to come." Actually, it's good for all of them because the exhibit is so detailed and filled with information. Needless to say, all of them enjoyed it. This was an excellent idea.

Then they went to (former Master with Stephen) Frank's place with its awesome property, some grassy, some wooded. The boys were stripped and left to frolic naked on the grounds by themselves while the Doms went inside for refreshments. Frank congratulates Gary for finally managing to become Brandon`s Master, and they start off chatting about a number of things, and Oscar and Gary keep getting more and more helpful information about becoming better Doms.

Gary has a bit of an announcement to make: "Oscar and I would enjoy seeing our boys bound together and thrashed, maybe outside.

"Easy", says Frank. "I've got a setup for that. What do you all want to use? something different from each of you is hot. Gets them really confused after a while." Gary I'd like to try the strap. Oscar flogger for me.

They continue their chatting. They look out over the grounds and see that the slaves have decided to simply lay out on their backs soaking up the sunlight. "Good vitamin D," says Gary. Finally, Stephen and company head outside holding the implements they're going to use. Frank shows them how to bind the boys and Brandon and Michael know they're in for it. Then Frank actually starts it to slowly spin. Gary and Oscar, by previous agreement, proceed slowly, but soon the boys are howling and are covered with bright red marks on their backs and asses and one welt across the back of its legs. Stephen stands there and watches, telling Conor that they wanted their boys marked up like him.

So now there is something else that the three of them have in common. But that's not the end of their adventures for the day. Now that they've all got sore bodies, this is an excellent time for them to go and clean out the stables. It's usually done in the morning, but Frank left it for their slaves to do. He also left a hunky foreman there to make sure they were doing a good job. He carries a riding crop with him which he wouldn't hesitate to use, and they realized that this was pure and simple slave labor. It took them a little over an hour. Once they were done, they were brought to the side of the building and the hunk, whose name was Cleet, hosed them off, all over their bodies. Fortunately the water wasn't completely ice cold. That being done, they were led to their Masters who were sitting on comfortable benches in a circle, and all had their cocks out waiting for their boys to get done with their chores.

And another chore awaited them, and the three of them, having been deeply thrust down into the depths of sub space, gave their Masters' cocks an amazingly humble and submissive way of showing their devotion for all this. And for a while, nothing could be heard except the sounds of licking and suckling and gagging, moaning, popping, slapping and so many other things as the three friends and brothers enjoyed the best their personal slaveboys had to give them and would continue to do that for far into the future.

Conor realized that his Master had a couple of spots on his cock that drove him crazy, and so was really able to give him a good time. For someone who had only just begun sucking real cocks, this waif of his has natural ability and craves opportunities to show affection because there was never anyone who appreciated it in his life before. And he sucked it from Stephen with all the power of a jet engine.

Brandon was aching from the blows of the strap especially, and was driving himself wild whenever he realized that Gary had actually become his Master in all the senses of the word. It's a bit overwhelming but having Gary`s cock in his mouth really helped him because it gave him a way of showing Gary how much he wanted this too.

Michael, too, was feeling the severity of that beating balanced out by the pleasure he and Brandon were getting from rubbing their hard cocks against each other while they were bound together. How could he possibly show Oscar more love and gratitude he already had for him? But he sensed that right now Oscar would enjoy something long and slow and gentle, and so that is what he did.

None of the three men wanted to cum, so this was all about the act and the pleasure and not trying to reach a destination. And, of course, about their superiority and the humbled disciplined submissiveness of the boys. (Of course, one has to remember that the word `boy' in this story never refers to a minor but 19-28 years old.)

By now it was mid-afternoon and they were all quite hungry. Yet another surprise. The local favorite version of the larger international chains and the boys were allowed to order anything they wanted along with their Masters' orders and they had a nice early supper. Interestingly enough, however, all the boys preferred to eat standing up while the men were seated. Why was that?

Next stop was way, way downtown, to a strangely colored club with only a big S on its doors and signs. Steven explained that the S stood for Slavemarket. The boys were going to be displayed, and inspected, on a representation of an old slavemarket. Over two dozen "slaves" were on display. Some could be purchased for an hour or an evening and others like them were simply there to be enjoyed and inspected (no penetration). And that is what happened for three hours, after which the purchased slaves would be claimed by the ones who purchased them.

Conor really enjoyed this and wished he could have been available for purchase for an evening. Maybe he'll share this with the Master. Maybe not.

Michael had the most trouble with this. The "inspections" were sheer torture, especially those by a couple of drunken women, and he stood there praying that Oscar would rescue him. After 2 hours, however, he had become resigned and even started to more eagerly submit.

Brandon was out of his mind!!!!!!! It reminded him of that time he'd been forced to spend a weekend at the Ranch and the things that happened there. This was a lot safer, though, but still it pushed the same buttons. being used by anyone and everyone. Does Gary know how much he wishes . . . .

After all that was over with, they went back to the house, changed and separated and were all brought home by their Masters.

Steven trained Conor to eat ass and let it spend a great deal of time doing just that. After that, Steven bound its legs to its arms and had it raised above the ground and he fucked it in that position before locking it back in its cage and telling it that it would remain imprisoned in that cage until Sunday evening except for bathroom and meal breaks.

Gary spent a lot of time making out with Brandon again before demanding a neck-toes tongue bath before a final blowjob, a load of piss, and then off to sleep after brushing teeth. Once again they slept in each other's arms and didn't split up during the night.

Oscar took a bubblebath with Michael at his place, which was better equipped for that. After that, he wanted to make vanilla love to his slave who was actually relieved that it would not be too demanding. Nonetheless, Michael eventually realized that his Master wanted a lot and got everything He wanted, no questions asked. It was very easy to fall asleep after all that.

Sunday with Gary and Oscar

Gary wanted to play that piss game he made up with Brandon one day and he thought he'd offer to demonstrate it for Oscar at the same time. Meanwhile, Oscar suggested that they just both do it at the same time and maybe with the boys together there it would make it easier for both of them to do it. The truth is that both boys were doing it but were not yet comfortable enough, although they knew that of all the things the boys might ever be required to do, this was by far the most humiliating and punishing.

So anyway, that's what they did. They chose the largest bathtub in the house. After spending time alone with their boys, they got started on their kinky plan.

Gary spent most of his time just snogging with Brandon while exploring its body with his fingers as usual. When he took a break, he asked Brandon what he was. "I am a slave, Gary, your true slave. All the way." "Good. That means I can do anything I want to you, safety required." "Yes, Master." "Good. Master Oscar and I are going to work with the two of you boys so you can get better at drinking our piss. I want you to really get into it and realize how much you NEED it. Note my emphasis on the word `need'. To the point that you might even some day beg me for it." Then Gary made it suck His cock until it was time to put the boys together.

Oscar cuddled Michael for a while, then demanded a blow job again and while Michael was sucking him this time, he spoke to him. "I never thought that one day I would get so much pleasure out of having a nice boy like you completely at my disposal as a lover and as a slave, and to assume the role of disciplinarian in your life to make sure you become the best possible slave for me. I'm glad I own you and have the right to find ways to humiliated, control, punish and handle you in any way I want. Stop sucking now." Then Oscar explains to Michael what they will be doing and orders it to crawl after him into the bathroom they had chosen and to get into the tub alongside Brandon and in the same posture.

And so they started.

Gary had done this the last time to Brandon, so the slave knew what was coming and really worked to simply submit no matter what it was, and go through the first couple mouthfuls just fine. Michael, however, was so shocked when Oscar aimed for his open mouth that he closed it, and they had to start over. It was better the second time and Michael surrendered fine, especially since the Master promised him only five lashes with the strap later instead of the 10 he had planned on giving if he did a good job and took it with no resistance. Michael wanted to fall on the ground underneath his feet when the Master said to him, "you are becoming a good urinal for me, slave. Never expected to enjoy it so much." Michael realized that he was responsible for waking up the Master inside Oscar, so now he is reaping the consequences.

When it came time for them to just keep swallowing until finished, they looked at one another to encourage one another, and they both took all the Masters had to give with no hesitation or resistance.

Gary was pleased that his idea had done the trick. He stuck behind after sending his slave downstairs to grovel and wait while he hung back to watch Michael get the 5 lashes it had coming after fighting off the piss the first time. Then Gary went down to rub his foot on the groveling Brandon. Brandon begged him for the privilege of washing his foot with its mouth and Gary said yes. When he got tired of that, he got one last blow job and then the two of them fell out for the night.

Oscar really laid them on hard and Michael was shaking and sobbing as it crawled off after its Master after the beating it had just received. When they got up to the room, Oscar had Michael lie prone on the ground with its head at the ends of his feet and just lie there for a while as its breathing slowed and its tears subsided. Oscar tossed down a cloth and gave the slave permission to dry its eyes and its face and then to lie back down and consider its position in this little "family." Then he begins to speak:

"As much as we like to think in terms of dominance and submission, Mikey, ultimately each one of us has to choose where we belong. I've done that, even though this is so different than anything I ever imagined. Here I am. There are always more techniques to be learned and tried, but that is not what really matters. What really matters is that I am 100% committed to be the Master of a slave such as you. However: notice that I said a slave `such as you.' You have right of first refusal, as they say in business. Either you consciously consent to be my slave, to be as controlled, guided, disciplined and humiliated the way I am doing it, or you choose to move on, or rather to stay here in this house and continue your search for whatever it is you might require or desire.

So, your first task is to choose. I want to consume you and to own you, right here, right now, just the way things are. Do you choose to surrender yourself to my Rule, or do you choose to remain single in search of the one who will truly be able to own you?

Michael has really been pushed and pulled through things lately, far more than he realized he could handle or even enjoy, and the reason this has happened is because he is here lying at Oscars feet, recovering from another punishment. No one else could ever bring him this far. No one else could ever have this much influence over him (a better word, in his view, than control'). If he hadn't met Oscar, he would still be back where he was back up at the U, frustrated and basically alone because there was no one he could trust as much as Oscar. No one but Oscar. Unless he opts for a vanilla lifestyle (boring). No, no one but Oscar. And so, he makes his choice.

"No one but You, Master," he says, and crawls a little forward so he can lick Oscars feet with his arms around them. Oscar only has one thing to say: "toes, slave, do the toes." And after a while, he commands his slave to stand. He takes Michael into his arms and says, "Okay, Mikey. You are mine. I own you. My slave, my way, my lash." And he smacks his hand on Michaels well-striped butt. Michael cries out, holds on more tightly, and says, "Yours, Master Oscar. Yours."

Oscar dresses him in a pair of black scrubs and flip-flops and brings him back to his own house so he can tell his housemates they have a new houseboy every Monday night from now on. He works naked. And they can slap him around if needed, but no sex.


They're all home for the first time in a long time. Oscar introduces Michael to them all. Bart, Mitch and Roman are happy to meet him but look askance at the way Michael is dressed.

"You're right. It looks strange. I only dress the slaveboy like this when it's necessary to move from place to place without wearing nice clothes. I prefer the boy to be naked most of the time. Michael, strip now please."

As the slave strips off its two garments, the guys all have their eyes fixed on him. After all, this slave is a cute kid, 19 now.

"Hey, that's awesome," says Mitch. "Can I check it out?"

"Absolutely, but no anal penetration. Michael, stand up straight and put your hands behind your head and stay like that. Silently.

Mitch immediately goes for the balls and pulls down on them until the slave bends its knees. "Stand up straight!" he orders and now the slave has to fight with itself to stand up, and the pain is intense."

"See?" says Oscar. "a good boy, obedient, kinky and willing to be trained and humiliated as a Master sees fit."

"And who is going to be its Master?" asks Roman.

"Actually, I am its Master, "admits Oscar. The guys are surprised, but also impressed with him.

No one seems to be put off by this. "Never expected this of you, dude," says Bart, "but congratulations on the transformation and on finding a suitable sub so quickly."

Roman notes that the boy has recently been thrashed and lightly runs his fingers on the sorest spots and the slave trembles.

"Punishment is needed from time to time," says Oscar with no further explanation. "The painful aftermath is part of the actual punishment.

Bart is interested in the slave's nipples and discovers that they've already been worked pretty hard and are still very sore. He gets the slave to scream twice as he explores them more closely. "Hey, take it easy, Bart, okay? This is the upper limit tonight."

After everyone's been satisfied from examining the slave, Oscar lets them know that beginning Monday night, this will be our Monday night naked houseboy for a few hours. He'll change beds, laundry the linens, clean bathrooms the kitchen and the common area. But no sex.

"Hallelujah!" shouts Roman. "Good deal. And I assume the slave will work for free."

"Of course," answers Oscar, "and if necessary, feel free to slap it around if you're not pleased." It has a day job. This is special service. The reason I wanted you all in on this is because of noises which you might hear when we're in my room from time to time." Truthfully, Oscar is quite pleased at their reactions.

Before they go to sleep, Oscar tells Michael that "this is probably the strongest way of making you realize that you are my real slave because there's no sexual payoff from it. Just hard humble work that many people have to do everyday to earn a living. Oscar means it as an eye-opener, perhaps a sociology item. I will be around to observe and if possible to show you better ways of doing things. Yes, I'll be there and of course I'll be carrying my riding crop in case it is needed. So work through the attitude this is going to arouse and start to let it go because tomorrow night after you've sucked my cock and swallowed my piss, you'll start your first shift by stripping the beds. All 4 of them even though I spent every night at your house."

Michael hangs on tightly to him, breathing heavily, obviously fighting to surrender. Oscar knew this would be more painful than any thrashing he could give it. He strokes the back of the boy's head to comfort it a bit more. "You are truly my slave," he whispers in the boy's ear. "You are my good boy. And it's okay for a boy like you to cry when it realizes what it's becoming."


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