Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Apr 9, 2023


Chapter 4. Revelations at Skelter's

Oscar has dressed Michael in jeans and a button-down shirt partly open so his silver slave collar is well in sight. He enters the bar with Michael following behind as is fitting. When Mack, Rick and Stanley see him, they hoot and wave him over, and Michael joins them easily with Oscar at his side, and he introduces Oscar to him. They've heard of his name in the regular business chat and gossip, but now they can put a face to the name and that is always good. They are happy to meet him, and it doesn't take much for them to notice that Oscar play an important role in Michael`s life. Stanley tells Oscar how much he admires the collar Michael is sporting for the evening. "It is always around his neck, but is easily hidden with full t-shirts, but I thought it would be nice for it to be more visible tonight, since this is a social occasion." Michael doesn't miss the fact that his work friend is talking to Oscar, not him, about what he is wearing. They've already figured out who is superior.

Oscar orders two beers and hands one to Michael who slips and says "thank You, Sir." Stanley catches it and smiles; the other two are oblivious and still are talking about the excitement at work this week. It turns out that not only was Martin fired, but he was arrested as well because his is the prime suspect in a case of male rape that occurred shortly before he had had sex with Michael. "You must have had a guardian angel looking out for you, dude," says Rick, "that nothing like that happened to you." "I'd bet," says Stanley, "that Martin treated Michael just as roughly as he treated the person who made the complaint, but Michael didn't complain, not only because his job was at stake, but because he kind of enjoyed it." And he winks at Oscar.

"Oh, you like it rough? I didn't know that," says Mack. "I really don't know much about what you guys all do with each other. I don't care, myself. It's all cool. I have my own weird things and I bet we all do in one way or another." "I agree, Mack, and I must say that I like the way you think. I wish all people were that accepting of individual differences," says Oscar, and then to Michael "finish that beer." Michael drinks it down and hands Oscar the empty can. Oscar orders him another. "I want you a little high on beer. I want to see what you're like." Michael nods his head and accepts the second beer and starts to drink it. "Three should do the trick," he says to Oscar, who nods and pats Michael on the cheek. "Holy shit! I get it!" says Rick, and turning to Oscar, he says, "you were the guardian angel that day! You were the one who helped him calm down!"

Oscar laughs. "How did you know someone took care of him?" he asks Rick. "Sandra told us he was with someone who would take care of him." "I just assumed he had a boyfriend and was relieved. Now more makes sense!" Stanley joins in, "and now I know why whatever Martin was doing that someone complained about was the type of thing that our little buddy gets into with his man!" And they all have a good laugh. "Damn, I have to find someone like that for myself. Martin came on to me that way, but I didn't want to mix business with pleasure." "You're lucky you didn't, man," says Michael. "He's pretty extreme. That's what started the whole problem in the first place. He was expecting me to ask for a second scene but I didn't want any more of his crap. Narcissist, in addition to sadist." "What were you doing with Martin when you had someone like Oscar at home? You a gay slut or something?" asks Stanley.

Oscar jumps to the rescue. "We hadn't made a commitment at that time." "But now you do?" asks Rick. Oscar grabs Michael by the collar to give Rick his answer. "hot!" says Rick. "Um I mean hot for you, not hot for me. If I ever wear a collar, it's gonna be for some big Mama!" and they guys laugh again.

"So now," says Stanley in a louder voice, "Will everyone please mark their score cards? Straight, gay, dom, sub, top, bottom." Oscar winks at Michael and says, "Add a column for `Master'," he says and the three guys look wide-eyed and make magic marks in the air. At this point, they get a table so they can order burgers and fries. When the waitress gets around to Michael, Oscar orders for him and then for himself and this doesn't miss the guys' attention either.

Mack takes special notice. "Does he always do that?" he asks Michael.

"Do what?"

"Order for you."

"Yes, most of the time."

"And he decides what you'll eat?" Michael nods. "Interesting."

"What's interesting?" asks Oscar

"Interesting that you always order for him in restaurants and you decide what he'll eat, kind of like he's a little kid or something."

"Or something," agrees Oscar. "He's not a little boy. He's a full-grown man who has freely chosen to surrender control of his life to me in most things."

"Kind of life `Fifty Shades', right?" asks Rick.

"Absolutely not. `Fifty Shades' was completely unrealistic. It's given a lot of people a lot of strange and sometimes dangerous ideas," says Oscar

"so you don't tie Michael down and whip him?" Rick pushes farther.

Michael gets visibly upset. Oscar takes note and puts his hand on the boy's back to reassure him.

Oscar whispers to Michael, "who is in charge here?"

"You are, Master," Michael whispers back.

And so Oscar makes a decision. He speaks to Rick. "would you like to see the evidence that Michael has been recently given a good thrashing?

Rick hesitates. Stanley and Mack urge him on. "Go ahead, Rick. You asked. Let him show you."

Oscar says to Michael in a loud voice for everyone at the table can hear. "Go into the bathroom with Rick and show him your naked ass," he commands. "Without a word, Michael gets up and heads for the bathroom, his hands shaking but his inner slave practically having an orgasm over this particular humiliation.

Rick follows him. No one else is there. Michael goes into a stall and opens his pants. "You really don't have to do this," he says. I believe you." "No," answers Michael. My Master commanded me to do it, so I have to do it," and he quickly drops his pants and leans forward a little so Rick can see. "Holy fucking shit! And you let Him?" "yes, I did something wrong and he punished me. I deserved to be punished. That's the way it is with us." And with that, he pulls up his pants and heads out into the bar again, Rick staying behind and trying to process what he had just seen. When he gets to the table he hears Oscar telling the others, "please consider all the times you fuck something up, either at work or in your personal life and you get down on yourself but it goes no farther. consider that you carry around inside a whole package of guilts, some big, some small. Now imagine that instead of having to do that, you could be punished for a mistake and have all the guilt removed. Might it make life easier?"

They are all pensive. Oscar continues. "Before I met Michael, I was like you, but one of his housemates hinted one day that Michael deserved to be punished and when I saw the look on Michael`s face, I realized that he agreed. So I took him upstairs and took him over my knee and spanked his butt. When I got done, he climbed into my lap and kissed my cheek and thanked me. He told me he'd feel a lot better now that I'd done that. And so I started to get the idea. I did some research, looked at a few gay porn clips, and began exploring the possibility more seriously. Michael let the way for me. And now that he's given himself to me in a bdsm relationship, he gets punished whenever I think he deserves it."

"sounds like he could easily become a complete doormat," says Mack, doubtfully.

"But he isn't. And you all have proof. Martin tried to manipulate and blackmail him. Did he take it? No. Not at all. He did something about it to make sure he and everyone else would be protected from it in the future. This boy knows how to stand up for himself. But when I tell him to bend over or kneel or whatever to be punished, he submits to my decisions because he has absolute trust in me that I will not injure him and that I'll be there for him after it's over."

By now, Michael has finished his third beer and is on his fourth. "I love the way he takes care of me, I love the way he is training me to be a good boy for him. I'm glad he punishes me when I need it. I love it when he makes me give him pleasure." Michael is starting to slur his words.

"finish your French fries, boy, and I'll take you home."

"yes, Master," Michael says without hesitation. "Take me to heaven, Oscar, please?"

Mack is mystified. Stanley is fascinated. Rick is confused.

"Heaven?" Oscar leans over and whispers into Rick's ear, "He's asking me to fuck him."

"And you do?"

"Almost every night, sure. He's mine. That's what he's around for. For me."

"fucking amazing!" is all Rick can say at this point. "Damn, dude. You get it all the time. I'm lucky to get it three times in a week, going in the front door."

"Gay guys have a lot more sex than straight ones,' says Oscar, and then to Mack, "keep that in mind, Mack. Go find what you need."

Oscar gets all their phone numbers and proposes to set up a group chat for the four of them for questions, observations, suggestions, just about anything. "Please realize that I am training this boy to be more and more obedient, not only in the bedroom but in the world as well. See him as decidedly inferior to all of you but treat him with kindness. Please do not let what you have learned spread through the office. That would be disastrous and I'd have to find him a new place to work."

And, having said that, Oscar throws a $20 on the table, excuses them both, helps Michael out of his seat and holds him up as he staggers along to leave the bar.

"Holy shit!" says Stanley. "Gives me a whole new way of looking at things."

"This has been the most mind-fucking Friday night we've ever had. Gotta hang out more with those fags." says Rick, not meaning to use that word. "Oh, shit. Pardon my French."

"Yeah," says Mack. "Don't you get personal, dude, or I'll take YOU over MY knee."

And with that, they all get up to leave for home.

On the way home, Oscar tell Michael that he was surprised and pleased by the way the evening went and has hopes for more fun in the future. "I want you to understand that just as you have brothers, I want to have more brothers of my own, potential Dom brothers. Hopefully one or more of these guys will fill the position. As for you, I am very pleased with the way you rode the waves of humiliation tonight and think you realize that this has caused a major shift in your relationships with these three co-workers. Many good things might develop along the way. Anything that helps keep you in the mindset of a faggot slave out in the world is good for you and will help keep our relationship ever new and ever closer."

Michael doesn't have much to say but picks up Oscar`s hand and kisses it. "I trust your judgment, Master. It was difficult to have to show my sore ass to one of them, and once I did it I realized that You continue to strip me of dignity that only belongs to superior men. I am your slave, Master. You own me. I am grateful to you."

And with that, it's home. Michael gets fucked and, after cleaning the Master's cock, drinks a final load of piss and this time is able to accept it without struggling. The events of the past evening have helped the slave find new humility in surrendering.


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Next: Chapter 5

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