Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 11, 2023


Chapter 23. Justin's brought down; Matty gets his slave back; brandon is exhibited.

Before we get to the happy reunion, let's take a look Up North.

Justin had to wait almost four days before being ordered to masturbate by Darryl, and to eat it when he shot his load. He's busy with his internship, so it's easy to stay distracted with that. But the evening of the fourth day the order came through twice in three hours and then again at 4:15 am. The following night, he gets instructions to meet Darryl at a public storage facility, locker # 425. Strange request.

It's easy to find the locker because Darryl's car is outside it as well. Justin knocks on the door and Darryl opens to invite him in. It's a pretty large locker, some piles of boxes here and there, a dirty mattress on the floor, objects commonly used in bondage and discipline scenes. Dirty floor.

"Strip," says Darryl and Justin gives him a funny look but does as he's been told, looking around for somewhere to put his clothes. Darryl tells him to throw them on top of one of the piles of boxes and to hurry up.

Once Justin is completely naked, Darryl says, "ah yes, a true ginger. Bring those red pubes over here so I can run my fingers through them. And stop making faces. Lower your eyes. Don't think. All you have to do is obey me." As soon as Justin has gotten to Darryl he reaches out and takes a handful of the pubes and pulls them and Justin is forced to follow, and when Darryl pulls down on the hair, Justin is forced to kneel in the dust. Darryl smiles down at him which nearly causes him to melt. What is it about this man? "Look up here and open your mouth," Darryl commands, and once Justin has complied, he lets go of a large glob of spit and it drops right into Justin's mouth. "Don't swallow that," says Darryl. "Just hold it in your mouth as a gift from me."

Justin is hard as a rock. Darryl suspected that would be the case and he's pleased. "Lie down on your back on the dirty floor, boy."

As Justin does this, Darryl spits on him a couple more times with no particular aim in mind. "Move your feet closer to your ass so your legs are bent and then separate them giving me free access to your junk."

Darryl spits on that junk and then kicks the balls a couple times and Justin jumps around and even cries out a couple times. Darryl nods his head. "I'm glad you're finding your voice, boy."

"Now jerk off while you're lying in the dirt," the Master orders. As Justin is stroking himself, Darryl has a couple things to tell him.

"It's all so very simple. Like I told you weeks ago, I lead. It feels good to be led, doesn't it? No responsibility except for one thing: obey. And as you obey you find out things about yourself that you couldn't admit before. Your cock gives away your secrets. And now your cock is completely under my control because you wouldn't dare disobey me. That would ruin everything. And you need this. You need it to happen. You need to spend time thinking about it. You need to hope you'll be allowed to masturbate again so you could think about this again. Come on, now, boy. Let me see your spunk spill out of that dick which I control." And he does erupt and spills over his hand. He looks up to Darryl and Darryl nods at him, so he immediately starts to lick and suck on his hand to be able to swallow his entire load.

"Crawl through the dirt over to the mattress and then climb onto the mattress and lie on your stomach."

Justin feels exhausted. Darryl walks around the area and picks up Justin's clothing and checks to see that the keys are in it.

"You shall nap now. This door is unlocked so you can leave any time, but I am taking your clothing and your car keys so you would be wise to stay here. A good two-hour nap will do you good." He sets a timer. "I'll return to fetch you then," he says, and leaves the unit after turning off the light.

Justin is lying on the dirty mattress, filthy dirty himself, milked, spat upon, fed his load, and now practically a prisoner here because the Master has all his clothes. "Shit!" he says to himself. "I just called him Master again." Shortly after that, he does indeed fall asleep.

Just as the time goes off, Darryl comes back into the storage area. He's carrying a couple of rags. "Did you have a good nap, boy?"

"Yes, Sir, I really did."

"You are filthy, boy. But that's good for boys to get filthy some times. But I bet you'd like to get clean before leaving here so you don't track all that dirt into your car."

"That would be wonderful, Sir, thank you."

Darryl throws him the rags and points to the corner. "There's a water spigot there. Use it to wash yourself."

20 humiliation points, but what is he to do? Justin crawls over to the spigot (didn't dare stand), tries it out and tries to figure out the best way to get himself at least a little cleaned off.

Darryl is very interested in this and sits back on a lawn chair to watch. That makes even more humiliating. But damn, Justin is getting hard again. "You may stand up when you're finished, but hands behind your head."

Once Justin is standing, not really much cleaner, Darryl has more to say.

"I suspect that the events of the last few weeks have taught you some things about yourself that you never could accept before. So now, I'll let you in on a big secret. That kid, Brandon was his name? that ran away? He didn't run away because you were too brutal. He ran away because you weren't meant to be a Master. If you were meant to be a Master, none of that ever would have happened. You'd have instinctually known just how to train that boy."

"Second point: You need this. You need to have opportunities to obey. You need humiliation. You need control. You need discipline. and You need to be led."

"Third point: I am the one who is going to lead you. And I'm in no hurry at all."

He reaches into his pocket and takes out Justin's car keys. He throws them to him.

"your clothing is locked in the trunk. You are to drive away from here naked."

"We will continue the current sexual activity. You will masturbate and eat it whenever I tell you to. Otherwise you will not touch yourself. This week, when you are at home and need to pee, you will text me for permission and I will tell you how you are to do it. Remember that I have already taken possession of your cock."

"Leave here now. Drive off naked. Oh, and one more thing: You are forbidden to go to the club. I have already made arrangements to have your membership temporarily put on hold. Now go."

back in Lipton

The morning seemed forever to both of the guys and at last, a little after lunch, Kelton decided it was time for Abel to serve him for the last time. Nothing was said. He just called the slave to his bed and ordered it to suck his cock and then drink his piss as usual. Abel was a little sad doing it, but his excitement at seeing Matty overrode any sadness.

He is sent in to take a good shower and is even given nice towels to dry himself off with. Teeth brushed, mouthwash used, Abel crawls back into the living room and kneels at Kelton's feet. "Go inside and bring out the collar and leash I've put on top of the dresser. Abel does as told and then kneeling before Kelton, Kelton tells him that "we had agreed that I would take your leash and put it into his hand and then the transfer is complete. I decided that when he walks in the door he will see you groveling before the door. That way he can not only see you as a naked collared groveling slave, but he would also see the remnants of the last couple of whippings you have had. I will hand him the leash and then turn and walk away."

It is all so simple. And yet, in this simple gesture, three lives are changed in a significant way.

When the time finally comes, and Matty's car is heard pulling up to the house, Abel gets down on the floor the way Kelton ordered and trembles while waiting. He wants so badly to be able to look at Matty once again, this Matty who he thought he would never get to see again. This Matty who had locked up his heart and thrown away the key. This newly "refurbished" Master whom Abel ached for in every pore of his body and spirit.

The doorbell rings and Kelton calls `It's open. Come on in."

Matty walks in and gasps as he sees Abel on the ground before him. A more emotional greeting will take place after Kelton hands over the leash and leaves, and that takes place after the two shake hands and exchange pleasantries. But Kelton wastes no time.

"Matty I am handing over this slave to you as a permanent exchange. Here is its leash."

Matty takes the leash. Kelton turns and leaves the room.

Matty has tears running down his face and he sits on the ground right at Abel's head.

"Abe! Abe! Kneel up, sport. Let me look at you." And the two are transfixed there, the Master and the slave. The Master crouching down and the slave kneeling before him and both of them have tears running down their faces. They embrace and Matty kisses him and immediately the slave feels juices coming from Matty's mouth (something he thought disgusting before) and drinks from him gratefully.

Matty stands and bids the slave to stand as well. "So much to say, baby. This is the happiest day of my life."

"Happiest for your slave as well, Master."

"Oh, aren't you fucking cute, all formal like that. But you don't have to be like that all the time. We'll work it out in time. Now, as your former Master and I agreed, you will be leaving here naked and penniless and with absolutely no possessions except for the collar and leash, which actually belong to me, not to you."

"It is okay to walk, Master?"

"yes. And there are things in the car for you to wear. We're checking into a hotel on the way because I am beat and need a nap. And maybe even a shower with you first.

Matty opens the slaves' door and has it enter then takes his own place. "Put the shirt on before I leave here," he orders, and Abel immediately obeys. "That was quite a whipping you got, boy."

"It was well deserved, Master."

"And there is no guilt left? Nothing I have to punish you further for?"

"No, Master, but I promise to spend the rest of my life making it up to you."

"I like the sound of that. So how are those shorts? They fit okay? I took them from the stuff you left behind when you took off."

"They're fine, Master."

"And you're fine Abe? Hey—note your new name: Abe. Just Abe. No L."

"Very fine, Master. Happy, Master. Missed you so much, Matty."

"Missed you too, baby. But things won't be the same as they were, even before I went vanilla. You'll find out soon enough slave. We're gonna take it seriously."

"Oh thank God, Master."

"Your pals are all pissed at you, you know, but are glad you'll be back. They already understand that you're not coming back as one of them, but as my slave. A couple of them are talking of using you now that things are changing, but we're going to have to discuss that first. Nothing is going to be done without us have some real honest chats about things."

"The most honest thing is how much I realize that I love you, Matty. Everything else can follow from that."

They get to the hotel parking lot and Matty takes off the slave's collar and puts it into his backpack. Then he uses his key card to get in the back door so they don't have to bypass the front desk. He checked in earlier today. And so as soon as they get into the (very nice) room, Matty immediately gives orders. "Strip." "Get on the floor where you belong. Then get my feet naked and get to work on them, slave. Do that for a good while just to get settled. I know much you like doing that for me, boy. I'm just so to have you back where you belong after we both screwed up, not only you, baby; me too. Oh shit, I forgot how good that feels! My feet are tired and sweaty after driving all day.

"Yes, Master, I can taste that."

"Oh shit. Maybe you should wash them first. I don't want you picking up a bug the first night we're together. Let's go take showers together then you can kneel in the tub and wash them that way."

And so that's what they do and there is now one happy slaveboy who forgot how much he lusted after Matty's hot body. And then, while the slave is washing its Master's feet, Matty actually starts pissing on him, and now there's even more of a mess to clean up. No problem. Abe discovers that he is deliriously happy. Everything that happened down in Lipton was through a grey fog of misery and guilt over fucking up so badly. He thought he'd never be happy again. And now? WOW!

Once they're all dried off, Matty picks Abe up in his arms and carries him to the bed and they make out together for a good long time. Finally, when Matty's eyes are closing because he's so tired, Abe holds him in his arms and says, "Enjoy your nap, sweetheart. I'll be right here when you wake up."


The next day, over at Gary's house. . . .

Archy has just arrived; he and Gary take some time to get acquainted while the slave is waiting downstairs, already trying to work the dildo Archy gave him so it won't seem like a new invasion when Archy goes to town in him.

Gary calls Brandon to come upstairs. "Show Archy your ass so he can see how things have healed." Brandon goes to Archy with a shy smile. Archy, in professional mode, gives a smile back and then inspects the slave's flesh with his fingers in gloves and says that everything looks fine. "thanks, Arch," says Gary. "Well, I leave you two to get started downstairs." That was the cue. Archy goes downstairs and Brandon follows. Archy sees the toy on the bed. "I'm glad to see you've been practicing with that thing. Let's find out how much your practice is paid off." He makes the slave kneel down and then Archy opens its mouth in such a way that the slave already begins to feel the discomfort when it has to choke with something like this in its mouth and going down its throat. "Take me," says Archy. "Lick and kiss and get me hard. Maybe even practice swallowing before I actually get hard."

Good idea. Brandon works Archy's cock the way it's learned to do with so many other Masters who've wanted to get hard in the slave's throat. Some just want to fuck hard. Others take a `more refined approach' in its thoughts. And so, the slave does its work while Archy speaks words of encouragement and finally he is totally hard, and then he slowly makes is way as deeply into the slave's mouth and throat as he can get before the resistance begins. Wow. Definitely deeper. "You're doing so well, Brandon . Soon I'll have all of you. And then those awful reactions will stop."

And so before long comes the gagging, and then the choking, and then the slave has to fight the Master to be able to dive off it and continue coughing for a while, because the Master has held its head tightly to his pubes. Archy says nothing. He just watches it all happening—which is a 10 on the humiliation meter in the slave's mind. And then, as soon as the Master wants in again, and it is always much sooner than the slave would prefer. And it all continues to happen the same way, just as I've told you before.

After a while, Archy decides to show mercy. "Just suck me without gagging, as far as you can and use your hand on the rest." The slave backs off one more time, and then goes down just a little bit of the way so it could give more pleasure to the Master's crown. And then, following Archy's urgings, the slave continues to serve his cock the way he instructs the slave. It always gets a little rougher right before the Master is ready to cum, and then the slave feels the liquid entering its mouth, and it backs off to take it all, swallowing as quickly as possible. Archy is one of those rare men who can just stay all the way in the slave's mouth right after cumming. That is what he does until finally he tells the slave to lick it clean and then withdraw to hand him a towel.

Eventually, Archy takes the towel and uses it to clean up the tears and snot off the slave's mouth and then tosses the towel over its shoulder. He pats the slave's cheeks a few times. "Keep practicing," he orders as he turns his back on the kneeling slave and goes back upstairs. Brandon falls to the ground and lies there for a while until it feels able to function. A session in the bathroom always follows, and this time Brandon decides to take a shower, Gary comes in with an old highschool friend of theirs and pulls back the shower curtain so his buddy can watch the slave as it showers itself. Just to show off, Gary takes out his cock and pisses all over the slave's legs and Buzz, his buddy laughs at the sight. "So fuck, man, you really can do whatever you want to him?" "You'll see after it finishes its shower, dries off and comes crawling to us while we're sitting on the couch." "Holy fucking shit, dude," Buzz says to Brandon, "I didn't believe you'd sink so low. Gary fucking owns you for real!" and he follows Gary into the other room.

Finally the slave crawls in, knowing full well that an ordeal is about to begin, so its inner sub starts pulsing. "Get over here and lick my fucking feet boy," orders Gary who had already gotten barefoot. "Get between the toes, slave," and then finally he tells the slave to stop and kneel up.

"You wanna try something, play with its nipples or its balls, check out the cage, finger its ass? Any of that" Buzz is very shy about this, shy about touching the slave's body. After all, they used to eat lunch together in school every day. And the gym showers. But now, here? Finally he gets an idea. "Um, can I punch it in the balls, not too hard?"

"Sure, Buzz. As hard and as much as you want. This slave has been trained not to bend over when its balls get hit. Go for it, dude," says Gary. Buzz takes a few shots, and once he hears Brandon grunting, takes one more real hard on and then draws back. "shit! That must be hurting in the stomach!" he says, and Gary pats him on the back.

"I'm letting one guy at a time find this out, so please don't spread anything around. You were my first choice."

"Cool, Gary. Who's next?"

"If he'll agree, it will be Tim. And after him, Randy."

"You sure you don't want me to say something to them? Let the know it's real. And hot!"

"You know that's probably a good idea. But don't tell them who it is, okay."

Buzz makes a dumb face. "Um, Dude, they will have no doubt. After all, you two?"

Gary shrugs his shoulders and asks Buzz if he wants a beer. Buzz declines; he has to get going. "Slave, bow to Buzz and thank him for playing with you." Buzz keeps shaking his head `no' in disbelief. "So Tim first, then Randy."

"You got it. Thanks, Buzz. Be in touch, okay?"

"how about contacting Brandon?

"Better you always go through me."

"But then again, why would I want to chat with a toe-sucker? Stupid. I'll be in touch with you, dude. I'll let you know how it goes with Tim."

They chat, going up the stairs. The slave waits for Gary to return.

Gary comes back downstairs and takes off his black belt and starts swinging it at Brandon, but not hard at all, and Brandon starts rolling round the floor, yelping and laughing until at last he gets his arms around Gary's legs and manages to wrestle him down on the floor, now with both of them laughing. They've been doing this ever since they were kids; the belt, however, as a recent additional prop.

"That was freaking hot!" Gary exclaims.

"what? the scene with Buzz?"

"yes. It was so much fun for me to be humiliating you as much as I want without ever worrying about you, about how you'd be taking it. I bet most Doms never get to have that experience."

"or rolling around laughing on the floor," adds b-.

"It is really turning me on that you have a plan for destroying my reputation for all time," Brandon says sarcastically.

"And this was genius, Buzz volunteering to help out."

"He's a hot guy. I just wish he hadn't chosen to punch my balls. Can't you encourage sometime yourself, maybe even a few smacks on the ass?

"For you, my favorite slave, I will endeavor to exert more influence over the way you get abused by our old friends."

"who could ask for more?" jokes b-. "Except some more ideas about scenarios."

"Well, the shower scene was completely accidental, but kind of hot. You should have seen the look on your face when I pulled back the curtain and you saw Buzz standing there, with his jaw dropping."

"hahaha. So, Master, what are you going to do about Michael?"

"I already spoke to Oscar. He said he wanted to give it some thought."

"That's fine. Oscar doesn't live here. They can just think of him as what he is, our housemate."

"True, but wouldn't you want Michael to be there with you through all this?"

"Um. . . . not so sure . . . . um . . . . how can I say this without sounding selfish?"

"Saying that you want all the attention on yourself?"

"Precisely. But it's the truth, Gary. But more than that: it's the attention on you-dominating-me that makes all the difference. Our former classmates, who always knew I was submissive to you throughout school, just finding out now how far that submissiveness goes. I'm your slave. You own me."

"And that makes you the happiest pervert in the world, baby. But that scene got me hot. Time to suck my cock, boy." Gary actually takes his pants off and then lies on the bed with his legs spread. Brandon gets up there between his legs and touches and kisses his inner thighs the way he likes, then his nicely shaved balls, and then right to the treasure: the sip of Gary's cock, that gorgeous crown which Brandon started wanting in his mouth probably when they are about 11 years old. And it took to age 16 before Gary got the idea. And now? for life? Please, God? We'll do good things."

Brandon has this new thing that happened by accident the last time, but he wants to try it again. Holding his mouth open nice and wide, he puts it over his Master's crown and then just holds it there inside his open mouth, nothing touching, and he discovers that his saliva starts to flow out of his mouth and down the shaft of his lover's cock. Then Brandon goes down and drinks it all up again and Gary moans more than he ever has before. He does it twice, then Gary says, "close your mouth, slave, and milk me dry. No more games. Blow me, bitch! Shit! Just wait till the guys see this, the way you devour my dick like it's the most wonderful thing in the world for you to swallow. Tighter, boy. That's perfect." . . . . . . Gary really was horny. It didn't take long before his slave was drinking him down like it was a milkshake.


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Next: Chapter 24

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