Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 9, 2023


Chapter 21. As time goes by: Updates on all 6 couples.

Yes, six couples now, and it's hard keeping track. Let's begin with the original three:

Brandon and Michael and Conor, the original brothers, often have a chance to be together and their Masters (Gary, Oscar and Steven) decided to let them have a special treat: supper together at a local pizzeria without any supervision. However, at Gary's urging, before leaving for supper, each of the three receives a good thrashing from their Masters, all together in Gary's living room. That way they have a constant reminder that they are not ordinary free men when they have to sit on very sorry asses on hard plastic seating in the restaurant chosen specifically because the seats are not padded.

Of the three, of course, Conor gets the worst of it although all three are crying like naughty little boys by the time their Masters are done with them, and time is needed to dry their tears and give them eye drops before they head off for supper. Michael is the driver since he is used to driving to work on his own every day. Conor has no license and Gary prefers that Brandon's driving be restricted. They are each allowed one beer only.

This is one of two monthly occasions when the slaves are out together. The other occasion is TWINKnite (renamed) which is also monthly. At the last event they are the stars of the show. The three of them are strung up together around a single rotating pole and four invited Doms surround them, each with a different implement to use on the slaves as their bodies come near. One has an ordinary leather strap. The second has a light whippy cane. The third, a flogger, and the fourth, an African whip supposedly made of rhino-hide. It's that whip which elicits the loudest and most desperate screams from each of them. The "action" comes to an end when Steven calls it, and the slaves are left hanging for a while and are orders to make out with one another as a way of processing the pain and humiliation.

Once they're taken down, each slave is brought to a private play space by its Master and used as the Masters determine. Conor drinks its Master's piss. Michael blows its Master and then settles down at his feet. Brandon kneels before Gary who gives him a rather intense lecture reminding Brandon how their relationship has evolved and how turned on Gary is by the power he now has over his former childhood friend. Now his complete servitude has trumped most traces of friendship since Brandon is currently being trained with 24/7 protocols determining its behavior in all matters.

As is often the case, Conor is the one who is made to suffer the most by its sadistic Master who has come to understand how deeply set Conor's needs for pain and subjugation are within its spirit. Tonight, Steven has decided to try something new. Tonight, Conor is tightly bound and crucified in full view of the guests at the club. Many of whom take seats and watch Conor's agonizing struggle before them. And around the Club, there are a few sub boys who stand off at a distance and watch Conor with a certain degree of envy in their eyes. It must be said that Conor isn't left hanging for too long, and three talented men provide excellent after-care, massages, and words of admiration to lift the slave's spirits, especially after Steven informs the slave that this will be happening at every future meeting as well.

Yes, indeed, TWINKnite has become a great success. Every event draws more twinks with kinky notions in their heads, the admission fee for Members is hefty and all the money raised is donated to the Trevor Project, a wonderful organization which does a lot to help nearly-suicidal young gay boys who have been disowned by their parents and who are struggling to put a life together after being made homeless.

. . .

The 4th couple is Kelton and NoName. After a couple weeks, Matty does respond to NoName's letter. He expresses regret that NoName was left with no option other than make its escape from Matty since Matty had decided to terminate the bdsm aspect of their relationship. It is a sad irony that not too long after NoName had run away, Matty's inner Dom instincts again rose to the surface and he'd been acquiring a lot of good experience with a series of sub boys, none of whom stuck around for very long because it was clear to them that Matty was pining away for the one great love of his life whom he had driven away by his own stupidity.

When Kelton read Matty's reply he made two decisions. The first was that he was not going to let NoName read the letter or even know about it. The second was that Kelton replied personally to the letter, and he and Matty began chatting regularly via text and email, as Kelton continued to encourage the would-be Master to continue to develop his skills and his mindset. Kelton kept Matty abreast of the ways NoName was being trained and disciplined, and after a series of powerful messages, Kelton got the idea in his head that he would one day soon give NoName back to Matty provided that Matty realized the only way he could keep the former love of his life was by being a strict and demanding Master who would not hesitate to satisfy the slave's masochistic needs in the future. Kelton sees this as a win-win-win situation, because he is already tiring of the responsibility of having a full-time slave and he sees this as a fortunate development, again providing that Matty will not again get the notion of becoming vanilla in his mind. A date for a visit has been set. Kelton has a bit of time to decide how to let NoName know about what is going to happen in its life. Should he prepare the slave in advance, or just spring it as a surprise? What will be best for the slave? What will be the easiest to handle? Kelton being Kelton, of course, has the slave's need paramount in his own mind; nonetheless, he is looking forward to the day when he can take the slave's leash and place it back in Matty's hands.

. . .

Two more couples to peek in on, both UP NORTH.

When not on campus for classes, dan has become Austin's naked houseboy slave and also cocksucker to a number of Austin's friends from school, sometimes even servicing horny classmates in their dorm rooms when the timing is right. In addition to this, Austin frequently lends the slave to his cousin Joe and eventually, Joe's house is well-kept despite Joe's own tendency to sloppiness. This has paid off for Joe, because now when he has a "guest" over to hook-up, the guest isn't so turned off by the mess that he decides not to come back for more. Joe has no sexual interest in dan at all, but has become quite accomplished in using a cane to keep dan in line and on purpose when he's sent to him to keep house. dan often is returned to Austin with a number of bright welts in various places on the slave's body.

dan is now caged all the time, and already the size of the cages has been stepped down. dan has ceased begging for orgasms, since those outbursts have always been met by torture and further removal of privileges, including meals. In addition, Austin has procured a wire cage similar to those found at dog pounds and that is where dan spends most of its free time, and evenings, and where it does its homework. Austin has become a total Master in every respect, and they've learned together that dan has a deep need for continual humiliation. Austin is quite gifted at keeping the slave as far down into its headspace as possible and dan has gotten to the point where he worships Austin with considerable gratitude and even love. Austin had also pretty much decided that this will be dan's final semester as a very mediocre college student, and is looking into the possibility of the slave continuing its education in a trade school of some kind or in developing its career as a regular houseboy slave serving a number of different clients, (some of whom would have all rights to the use of the slave's body) but all having the right to deliver punishment as needed for motivation. So far there's only Joe. Austin is already sending out feelers to older gay men who live in the area who might be interested in making use of the slave as a naked gay houseboy. Austin is also discovering that this can be a lucrative source of income. It might sound hard to believe, but the fact of the matter is that dan has surrendered completely to whatever Austin wants for its future, and is in fact very turned on by the knowledge that all decisions about its life from here on in are made by the Master. All it has to do is surrender.

And now, finally, for Justin.

He didn't get to talk to Darryl until a week after their first time. Again, he watched Darryl operate from a distance until Darryl saw him watching and gestured for him to draw near while he dismissed the sub who had been kneeling in front of him. Again they sat down and shared a drink. "So you've been thinking of what I told you the last time?" Darryl asked.

"yes, I have, and it mystifies me because you told me that you lead. That's always been my style as well, and yet, you got me very hard last time. Harder than I've been in a long time."

"Harder than you've been since that boy left you, I imagine."

"that's right. I've been very confused since then, especially because you told me that I'm too hard on myself about what happened."

"I'm glad you bring that up. It's clear to me that you aren't making the right sense out of what happened, out of why that boy decided to turn on you and get away for good."

"May I ask what you mean by `making the rights sense out of what happened'?"

"Since you asked so politely—and that's not usually your style—I'll say a bit more about it. There was a reason things happened the way they did, and it had nothing with you being too rough with the boy. I know that's what you think, but you're wrong. Put that aside for a time and look to see if there might be another reason things went bad. Remember what I'm telling you, boy. It had nothing with you being too rough."

Justin did a double take when Darryl called him `boy.' Usually he would object to being misnamed like that, but this time he said nothing.

Darryl continues. "The secret lies in the way you reacted to me last time. How hard you got. And also how you obeyed me and did not jerk off that night."

"How did you know I obeyed you?"

"Because if you hadn't, you would look terribly sheepish right now. And sheep bore me."

"Darryl, I must admit that I've hardly jerked off at all since the last time you spoke with me, since that kiss and what you did with your fingers."

"I'm glad to hear that. So tell me, boy, was I too rough with you?"

"Not at all. No one ever did anything like that to me before."

"that's because you weren't ready. You had to go through the experience of that boy leaving you and these empty times since then before you could have allowed me to take possession of your mouth that way. Before then, you would probably have pushed me away, rather roughly, since `rough' basically describes what your style was like. I've heard talk about you, Justin."

"People pretty much know that way I am around here."

"correction: The way you used to be around here. You haven't been very active lately."

"that is true."

"And yet, you allowed me to take possession of your mouth the way I wanted to, and much to your surprise, it really turned you on. And I'd bet that the few times you have masturbated since then you've thought about it."

Justin chuckles nervously. "To tell you the truth Darryl, I did think about it. And once I even tried to put my own fingers into my mouth, but it didn't do anything for me."

"Of course it didn't. It was my fingers you were lusting after."

"that is all so strange to me."

"Life often presents us with things we can't figure out. It's usually a signal that we're moving on. And I'll leave you with that thought. I will see you next week at the same time. You will not jerk off again until then. In fact, you probably will not be able to get hard no matter how much you try. But it would be better if you didn't try at all, boy. Trust me in this." And with that Darryl turns and leaves the club.

. . . a week later . . .

This time, as soon as Justin sees Darryl, he walks right up to him.

Darryl raises his hand. "Never approach me until I invite you to do so, boy. Walk away now. I'll summon you when I'm ready to."

Justin does a slow burn and realizes that he's blushing with shame as he turns and walks away. Again he was called `boy.'

It is only an hour later when Darryl gives him a nod and pats the seat next to him. Justin tries not to hurry to respond.

"Don't be coy with me, boy. It bores me. When I summon you, come immediately. Don't be afraid of looking eager. So, anyway, tell me about your cock, boy."

"It hasn't been hard all week, Darryl, except for when I would first wake up."

"And did you touch it then, boy?"

"No, Sir, I didn't." Justin is shocked at the word that just came out of his mouth.

Darryl smiles at him. That smile is the sexiest thing that Justin has ever seen. "Because you were so obedient, I'm going to give you a reward. Open your mouth, boy."

Justin does so, and Darryl puts his fingers in Justin's mouth and starts exploring it again. Justin immediately gets hard again, much to his surprise.

"Don't be surprised that you're hard. I spoke to you about moving on. The old things aren't turning you on any longer, boy. Only I can."

"Yes, Sir. For some reason it's only you."

"the way it should be. But now for your reward. Open your pants and take out your hard cock, boy."

Justin fights the order, but finally obeys.

"You may masturbate. Right here, Right now. Pay no attention to others' reactions around here. Watch yourself masturbate your cock because I ordered you to. However, do not cum. Stop right before you would."

Justin does what Darryl told him to do, and watches his cock as ordered. It doesn't take long before he's ready to shoot. He takes his hand off his cock. Darryl reaches out and takes it into his hand, and immediately Justin cums, copiously, and Darryl has to catch it all in both his hands.

"Don't put your cock away, boy." Justin does as he was told. "Get up and follow me."

Darryl gets up and walks towards one of the private cubicles. Justin stands up, his cock still hard, sticking out of his pants, and follows Darryl. Others are watching with shocked expressions, and comments are being made. It is the most humiliating thing he has ever done. And yet, more is to follow. As soon as they are both in the private area, Darryl says, "Kneel before me, boy."

Justin does, almost as if hypnotized. Darryl holds his cum-covered hands down to Justin's face. "Eat your cum out of my hands and lick them clean, boy. Do not hesitate. Do it eagerly. Otherwise I will not ever have anything else to do with you."

Justin is totally grossed out. Usually he is the one feeding his cum to others. He's never tasted it himself. And yet, so great is his fear that Darryl would give up on him that he eagerly laps it all up and cleans Darryl's hands and his cock stays hard sticking out of his pants. Once he's finished, Darryl tells him to stand up, but does not thank him for what he did.

"Your cock is still hard. Your cock is hard because you humiliated yourself to please me. Do you understand what I just told you, boy?"

"yes, Sir. This is totally new territory to me."

"I know. But you need not worry. I will be your guide. Now, about that cock. I have to do something about it." Darryl takes a small strap out of his back pocket and begins using it on the head of Justin's cock until his erection goes down and his cock retreats because of the pain.

"Now you can put it away like a good boy," says Darryl. Justin does. "Hand me your phone and unlock it." Justin does so. Darryl enters his phone number into Justin's phone and then texts himself to get Justin's number back.

"I'm done with you for tonight. This week you will masturbate when I text you, and when you cum, you will eat it. Don't worry, I won't do so when you're in class. Will you obey me, boy?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. The next time we meet will not be here. It will be at a location I will give you. I am going to leave here now. You wait a bit and then walk around here and notice the kinds of looks some of the club members will be giving you. Slowly but surely, your former reputation is being ruined. That is good. Now give me a kiss goodbye, boy."

Justin puts his lips to Darryl's, and the kiss is electric. Darryl immediately reaches down and strokes Justin's crotch, then turns away and leaves the area. By the time Daryll leaves, he is nowhere to be found. Justin does walk around as ordered, and he notices that several of his usual acquaintances avert their eyes when they see him. Darryl is wrecking him. His reputation is shot. And he doesn't care. In fact, he feels like he's being liberated. From having to pretend. (But only Darryl could see that!)


PLEASE WRITE ME, dammit. Let me know you're still interested in this story so I'll keep posting it.

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Next: Chapter 22

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