Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 6, 2023


Chapter 19 Up north; NoName gets punished.

The apartment lease was signed and it was easy for the couple to move in because they don't really have much between them. Austin has pretty free access to funds, so he managed to get them a bed and a few other things including a nice kitchen table. This night they've invited a few of their friends from classes and activities over to celebrate their "freedom from the dorm" and to play some drinking games. (What else?)

However, there is an interesting twist on this informal get-together, because Austin decided that there was no reason for any secrecy and that he wanted all of them to understand what dan(Johnny) had become and how it would be living from here on in. And so, dan was made to strip, was collared, started to protest about being naked in front of all the guys and was quickly taken over Austin's lap for a good sound thrashing, and now his glowing red ass would yet be further proof to the other guys about where things stood between them. In addition, it was instructed not to speak unless asked a specific question and was to keep its eyes lowered for most of the time. Waves of perverted pleasure began flowing up and down through the slave's body as it kept telling itself, "I am a fucking slave. A real fucking slave. Everyone will know it."

It was not wearing a cage. Austin decided it would feel more naked with its cock hanging out in the open air for anyone who wished to view it, along with anything else. however, the slave was not forbidden to drink, and a couple of the guys put their cans of beer or cups to its mouth so it could take a sip. Many brought booze, so it was a strange cocktail indeed that dan was being made to drink until Austin finally cut it off because he noticed it was beginning to sway a bit. He quickly got a roll of duct tape he had stashed inside and wrapped up the slave's mouth so it would consume no more booze.

"Hey guys, don't be shy about touching its body if you want. Here, in fact, I'll help." He made the slave put its hands behind its back and he bound the wrists with duct tape as well. Simple solution.

One of the more aggressive guys went right up and started pulling on the slave's cock, giving it an immediate hardon, which made things ever more humiliating, now that the slave was being called from person to person while walking around with his cock sticking out in the air. The drunker the guys got, the more audacious they became. A few of them had been visitors to Brandon and Michael`s rooms and were asking Austin about possible service in the future. Austin told them he wasn't sure yet how such things would be handled. This was all pretty new to the both of them, so he wasn't making any promises. One of the guys pointed out, however, that Austin was one of those who had made regular use of both Brandon and his roommate, and now he should make his slave available the same way.

Eventually, Austin decided it was time to put the slave away before things got even too much out of hand, so he sent it to the bedroom and shut the door without another word. dan was completely relieved, but then got quickly bored, especially since he could hear the sounds of revelry coming from the rest of the apartment, and then he really began to feel sorry for himself. Was he to be cut off from normal social life from here on? Could he handle that? It would soon be time for them to have a discussion about these matters.

The party eventually ended up, and four designated drivers carted their tipsy buddies home and left their cars behind. It could all be sorted out tomorrow.

Once everyone has left, Austin calls the slave to the kitchen, takes a scissors and pen knife to cut the tape from the slave's wrists but not its mouth, and orders it to clean up the place while he goes into the bedroom to watch television. Waves of resentment rolled through dan's body. "But what did you expect?" he asked himself. He made perfunctory attempts at throwing a few empty cups away and emptying out others. After only about 20 minutes, he became aware that Austin was standing there watching him. "Lean over the table," he commanded, and dan did as he was told. "All these weeks you have been telling me how much you were ready to be my slave, and now that it happens you are finding out what that is like. There is no fucking room in your life right now to start feeling sorry for yourself. If you keep doing that, you will drive yourself crazy. You wanted this. You asked for it. And now you have it. And a lot of it will most likely really hit you hard when it first happens, but I assure you of this one thing, dan: nothing will hit you as hard as I intend to hit you when you have these little spells. Now lean the fuck over the table, slave, and when I get done with you I'd better see you showing some energy and enthusiasm while you're cleaning up the mess here.

dan moves slowly to the table but Austin pushes him down. There is a doubled over strap in his other hand, and he begins lashing the crap out of dan's back and ass and even parts of its upper thighs, while dan is whining and trying to make more noise as the strap lands again and again over its body and finally the slave is weeping and choking on the tape around its mouth.

Austin quickly cuts it off. dan begins to say something and Austin slaps his face and says, "I don't want to hear a word out of you until you finish your chores and come to me and thank me for helping turn you into the slave you know you need to be. Then you may speak. Now get the fuck to work or I'll be back out here with a cane."

dan can't decide what hurts more: the pain in its well-punished body or the bite of Austin's words to him. Everything Austin said is true. It's what he wanted. What he decided to ask for. And right now, at this moment, as he is washing up stains on the floor, he realizes that Austin has turned him into a true slave, and that Austin had claimed an awful lot of power over him.

Does that turn him on? Yes, dammit. Austin decided to stop playing around and has become a true Master and will not hesitate to punish this mixed up slaveboy when he feels it is necessary. And punishment hurts. A lot. "you are a slave. You are his slave." dan tells himself, and finishes up his work.

Once he's done, he crawls into the bedroom and kneels by the side of the bed and looks towards Austin with tear-strained cheeks.

Austin turns off the television and looks at him.

"thank you, Master," he says. "This has been awful and wonderful all at once, Master, and I have to thank You for being the one to decide how this slave is to live from now on. I am sorry, Master, for thinking that I would have some input. You have taken charge."

"That is what you truly need, dan. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master, even when it hurts a lot."

"It had to hurt a lot tonight, boy. It had to hurt so that we wouldn't have to waste any more time trying to play make believe. I know it hurt. I know it was hard. And I know that it had to be so you could come to your senses and realize what you are."

"I am a slave, Master. I am your slave, Master. I promise I will improve and become the type of slave you will be pleased with."

"Well, then, you can please me now and get up on this bed and suck my cock, slave. And after that, you can take my piss. We'll do that with you kneeling and me standing. I don't want you spilling piss on the bed. But you'd damn well be ready to take it all, slave. That's what I want from you. That degree of surrender. Now get up here and get started serving me."

dan's mind is blown at the change in Austin. A lot of it must have to do that they have their own home now. And it is obvious that Austin had made some decisions about what he wanted from all this and now he's going to make it happen. Or drive dan back out into the streets.

A while later, as dan was swallowing Austin's load of piss, he realized that it was a type of medicine for him, terrible tasting medicine. But it was going to help him realize his destiny and how it was that he had to live in order to find any peace and joy. And suddenly, he was happy doing for Austin what Austin ordered him to do to prove the kind of slave he was becoming.

Back in Lipton

Steven arrives at 1 pm as they agreed. a nervous and naked NoName answers the door and bows to the ground as Steven walks in. Kelton greets Steven and offers him a beer, which Steven gladly accepts. "I'm not drinking myself," says Kelton, "not now. I have to be stone cold sober to give this slave the punishment it has been begging for since I first met it."

"Has it ever told you how it managed to find its way into the club, not ever having lived in Lipton before."

"No. I'm waiting. I'm sure I haven't heard all of its story yet. A lot might come out today. Anyway, let's get on with it. Slave, crawl into the playroom and then grovel."

NoName obeys. Steven and Kelton follow it. Kelton turns the lights all the way up, then speaks quietly to the slave. "You've been begging for punishment since I met you, constantly claiming that you deserve a lifetime of punishment for what you did by leaving your old boyfriend in the middle of the night. Tonight you will get that lifetime of punishment and that will be the end of it. What you did was not really as serious as you make it out to be, and once you've written the letter to the guy you ghosted it will all be over. However, your nightmare is about to begin. I'm going to bind you over the table with your ass well dispayed and I'm going to whip your ass with my thick punishment strap until you are probably out of your mind. I don't care if you bleed. In fact, it might be necessary for you to bleed in order to realize that this punishment is for life. After I'm done, I will leave you bound until you calm down.

"After that will come an additional beating: you will be flogged back and front with my most severe flogger. Again you will be left bound until you have calmed down even though you are still in most dreadful pain.

"Once the punishment is completed, you will kneel on the ground and using a platform as a desk, while still feeling the pain from being punished with my whip, you will write your letter of apology to the fellow you have deserted in the middle of the night. Do you have anything to say before I begin?"

"Only thank you, Master, for punishing this slave the way you have decided, Please, Master, punish this slave severely. Whip out all of its guilt, as you said yesterday, Master. Please help it get free, Master."

Kelton has the slave stand and then he binds it to the table the way he said he would. He takes the strap and starts in with a steady rhythm, hard right from the beginning with no warm-up. NoName screams in reaction to the very first lash. He's never been hit as hard as this before, and a sense of terror about what's to come sets in, although it continues to tell itself that it deserves to be in terrible pain from this punishment.

Kelton knows that he's doing. He knows how to aim and he knows how to spread the pain around without concentrating in any one place for too long. He hauls off and continues to whip the slave's ass with this strap, keeping a steady rhythm so that the slave has a sense of when each lash is coming and one can see it trying to brace itself for the next lash.

"Stop fucking tightening up, slave. Stay loose. Accept what I give you. Take all the pain inside you." He keeps lashing, 30, 40, 50. The welts give way to one huge red display of pain and the skin starts to break a bit. Kelton keeps going, wanting to see blood. Finally, the slave's ass begins to bleed, and Kelton throws the strap down. He rubs the slave's ass which causes more screams. He puts his fingers into the small bleeding wounds and then goes around to the front and rubs the blood into the slave's face and makes it lick the rest of it off his fingers.

Then he and Steven leave the room and he turns off the lights, leaving the slave to float in its agony and tears.

Steven asks a question. "Might it be that the slave has been sufficiently punished?"

"I was just thinking the same thing, Steven. Or perhaps I will not make the flogging as severe as I intended. Let's wait to see what space the slave is in when we return to it. If it has reached a limit, I might bring it just a bit farther until the reality of what is happening helps the slave understand true punishment."

About 20 minutes later, Steven and Kelton return, the lights are on but very low.

"Slave, answer this question: has the punishment you just received made satisfaction for what you had done, for what you have been punished for?"

"Yes, Sir, in so many ways. This slave has never imagined that a thrashing could bring so much pain, a pain that is reaching deep inside."

"Good. So if you feel that satisfaction has been made, I will now begin to flog you, just so that you understand in an undeniable way that you are truly being punished by this, your true Master."

He turns up the lighting, picks up his flogger, and begins to lash the slave's back as ferociously as he had wielded the strap. Immediately, the slave begins again to cry and sob out the words, "I am so sorry, Master, so sorry. This hurts so much, Master. Your slave regrets what it has done. Please, Master, mercy."

Kelton never expected he would bring the slave to where it would beg for mercy. This is good, he thinks. And he lays four more lashes across the slave's back and they are obviously a lot less severe than all the others.

The slave is sobbing loudly now, "I'm so sorry Master, for all my life."

They turn out the lights and leave the room again.

"Wow," says Steven . "You got that slave to the place where it was begging for mercy, but that was not a safe word. And you did what you said you would. You brought it past that place of surrender so that it would understand that even surrendering doesn't take away the fact that it is a slave."

"That's one way of putting it. I hope that's the result of all this. But we'll have to wait and see. Like you, I've never gone to this point with even a seasoned slave before. I'm acting on instinct here."

"Which is what you always told me to do. It's such a privilege to see what happened here today, regardless of the results it brings." He chuckles a bit. "I wonder if it would be possible to just beat the masochism out of a slave."

"I really doubt that, Steven, I really doubt it. That is a very deep drive, very deep within a person's soul. I've never known anyone to simply stop seeking it."

Steven leaves so he can get back to his own slave. Kelton asks what the slave thought of last night, but Steven had nothing to tell him. "The slave was busy with chores all morning and i dropped it off at Gary's while I came here. We'll talk more about last night later on. I want to get back because I told them not to feed it."

"I've never known you to withhold meals from a slave like you do with this one. Is there a reason for it?"

"yes, actually it is. As it turns out, this slave often had to go without food for long periods of time when living with its mother. So it's used to it. That gave me the idea to make use of it as part of the subjugation. It understands the difference too. Before there simply wasn't any available because of the level of poverty until it started a job. Now, there is plenty available. It's Master sometimes deliberately withholds food as a sign of the power he has over the slave's life. The slave gets that well. And this particular slave can handle enduring it since it's not an extraordinary thing in its life. It wouldn't work with others, I think, certainly not in the beginning. I wouldn't just to that with anyone else without discussing it first."

"Wow, Steven, I think I created a monster when I started guiding you with this stuff!"

"Well, some day when you get a chance, take my slave aside and ask it whatever questions you want. I'll make sure it knows it must answer truthfully."

"Good deal. Be well, my friend. And thank you for being here. It really helped."

"I'm glad, buddy. Talk to you soon."

And Steven leaves. When it gets to about a half hour since Kelton had left the play room, he goes back in and the slave is not breathing too heavily. It may have been dozing off, but when the lights went on it work up, and just a bit later began to moan and cry again as it realized the pain it was in.

"Are you ready to write that letter or do you need more time processing the whipping?"

"Please, Master, I'm ready to do it."

And so, Kelton looks the slave over carefully. He uses an antibiotic where the slave had bled and applies a bandage. As for the rest, he sprays some Witch Hazel over it and it moans out loud because the stings a bit over beaten flesh.

Kelton pretty much ignores the slave's pain music and concentrates on releasing the slave, then helps it over to the little table and gets it down on its knees. Paper and pens are available. "don't edit yourself while you're writing. Just write what comes up and don't look back."

"Yes, Master."

Kelton leaves it a bottle of water and then goes back into the house.


PLEASE WRITE ME, dammit. Let me know you're still interested in this story so I'll keep posting it.

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Next: Chapter 20

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