Brandons Brothers

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on May 5, 2023


Chapter 18. Slaveboy playdate.

Kelton and Steven enjoy some wine while the two slaves are down on the ground kneeling next to their Masters, each too shy to make the first more. "Conor, I don't know why the fuck you're being so shy. You're fine with your other brothers, you will be fine with this one as well. Just remember, slaves don't get to choose who their brothers are—their Masters make those decisions."

Kelton speaks calmly to NoName. "Obey my wishes, slave. Get on all fours and crawl over to Conor right now, not too fast . . . . there, that's a good boy. Now rub its neck with your jaw and maybe lick just a little bit so you two can get used to the taste of each other. . . . there you go, that's a good boy.

Steven urges Conor to do the same thing to NoName. And before long, the two of them are snuggling together, sniffing and licking like a couple of puppies discovering each other.

"Armpits, slave," urges Kelton. Conor puts his hands behind his head so NoName can get to his pits and sniff them nicely. Both slaves are recently showered, so there aren't really any man smells to deal with. They change places and Conor not only sniffs NoName's pits, but he licks them like a real puppy, which causes Steven to chuckle and applaud.

"Okay, slaves: asses. Conor first. Sniff and lick my slave's asshole just like you do it for your Master. . . . . . come on, slave, get further into its hole. It's the only time you guys ever get to be treated so nicely. Now, NoName, return the favor. Make sure you get a good sniff and then bury your head inside your bothers asshole and eat it like it's a piece of pie."

They also get to sniff each other's cage and suck on their balls for a while, and by then they're well acquainted, at least physically. Now it's story time.

The Masters call each boy to come sit between their legs. Steven dribbles some of his wine over his slave's head and the slave sticks out its tongue to lick it up as it dribbles down its face. "You can go first, Conor. Tell NoName about your first experience as a slave with an on-line Master."

We don't have to go further with the sharing of the stories, because we already know them, but it's important for the slaves to tell their tales so they have something to talk about when they're left alone together later while the Masters have a bite to eat.

After they have both finished, Kelton says to them, "You both did a fine job on telling your stories, and we are pleased with your willingness to be honest. Now you'll have things to talk about alone together, and for that reason, we want you to go downstairs and hang out there until we call you back. Snacks and beverages are available there as well. Help yourselves, but not too much because we intend to have some fun with you later."

NoName and Conor do as they were told. As soon as they leave, Steven asks Kelton a perceptive question. "What are you going to do about that awful guilt complex your boy has?"

"I'm taking a direct approach and hope it will happen. Tomorrow I am going to punish it severely for what it had done, and order it to write a letter of apology and explanation to the guy it had left. I'm really hoping it will bring some closure to the situation. But if not, I've already decided I'll be sending it for professional help."

Steven smiles. "Knowing you the way I do, I am not at all surprised at how you've thought this out. Does NoName know about tomorrow?"

"Yes. I told it this afternoon. I'm sure it will be discussed downstairs."

"Are you going to have another Dom there, just to help stabilize you and make you aware in case you lose control?"

"I never thought of anything like that. I'd like to say I know I won't go out of control, but that's no excuse. Tell me, would you consider being that person for me.?"

Steven thinks for a while. "Only on one condition."

"What's that?"

"That if and when I give you a signal, you stop immediately and start the aftercare."


"What time tomorrow?"

"1 pm?"

"that works. Excellent. Actually, it will be good for me to see something like that, just in case I ever have to do something like that myself."

"Well, Steven, I've in this for years, and I never ever thought of doing something like this, but I really think it is the only way that will help that boy reach closure. We'll just have to see. So anyway, how are things going with you and Conor?"

"He's a sweet and smart boy and has survived awful times, not the least of which was the way that on-line shithead fucked him over. But that was all for the best. If they had met for real, the boy would just have been brutalized even more than ever. So anyway, I'm enjoying my time with him even when I'm not using him as the slave he is. He's fun to talk to and we've reached a comfortable level of communication where no respect is lost and where he always knows how I can snap my fingers and the entre dynamic shifts immediately."

"That's wonderful. I hope I get to see it in action."

"Well, if not tonight, eventually for sure. And in addition to all that, it seems like he is simply completely dedicated to serving me by being obedient and also by giving me incredible pleasure. But the obedience goes farther than that. He is living an obedient lifestyle in every aspect of his existence except for his memories, and bit by bit they're starting to come out and it amazes me how he was able to survive."

"Do you have any idea why he decided one day that he wanted—or needed—to become a slave?"

"not yet. But I do know that it must have been a powerful moment of decision. Some day he'll reveal it to me."

"I notice you're referring to Conor as "he." It that the way it is with you two?"

"You know, Steven, I haven't given it much thought. I generally use "it," but since I feel like I'm talking to you about a real person—the whole person, not only the slave part—it just seems more appropriate. As far as the slave is concerned itself, as always, they tend to survive better when the level of humiliation is high as possible. And that is true of this slave. I can see that. I can see how different it looks since the night it was delivered to me. I know I'm doing it some good. As we all should be with these boys, or slaves, we take under our wings. You know that. I don't have to tell you that. You're the one who taught it to me."

"Well, I'm glad you learned your lesson well. So, changing the subject, what might you have in mind? Anything especially kinky?"

"considering what's happening to NoName there shouldn't be any heavy impact activities . . . in fact, any sort of pain should probably not be on the table."

Kelton thinks things over. "Then, in that case, let's go for humiliation. Let me think . . . "

Steven jumps right in. "urinal work. we switch slaves, expand their limits."

"Slapping and spitting to help them prepare."

"I know you believe so much in that. I've to get more active with it."

"Hey, it works for me. that doesn't mean it will work for you. Give it a try, then see where to go from there."

"Good idea. Well, let's call the slaves up here."

Meanwhile, downstairs, after all that's happened, the shy boys feel more comfortable with each other.

"I feel so bad for you, Conor, what happened with that scammer."

"You have no idea how I felt when that happened. My whole world went black and I'm surprised I was able to breathe. And at first, I wasn't angry. I was worried. About him. Like maybe something happened."

"You are a very trusting person."

"I guess. But it all worked out for me. Master Steven is awesome and I think I'm falling for him. After all, he's the first person who has ever been kind to me in my life. Sure, now I've got others, but he's the principal one, and that's the way it has to be. He's my Master. He owns me. I love what it feels like, being owned because to a large extent it also mean "being taken care of. Never had that before, either."

"I hope I can get to that point, but sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to ever have any happiness in my life again after what I did, how much I hurt that guy I used to think I loved."

"You are far too hard on yourself, NoName. You had very little resources and you gave it a lot of thought, and it seems to me that you had a good reason to think it would be best. And you have no idea how it actually worked out. He might have gotten over it all very quickly and then met someone and fell in love. You just have no way of knowing."

"You're right, Conor. And besides that, Master says there will be no return address on the envelope and it's being mailed by someone almost a thousand miles from here. So I won't get any answer. So I'll never know."

"I think that's punishment enough. I sure hope that whatever happens to you tomorrow can help. After all, I'm a masochist too. I know that sometimes corporal punishment is very good for me and really helps. Even though I hate it at times. I hope the same will be true for you."

"Thanks, Conor. I'm glad we got to talk to each other today."

At that, they hear Kelton's booming voice ordering them upstairs, and the rush to reply and then fall to the ground groveling before their Masters.

Steven speaks first. "We want to help you understand that we have taken all your rights from you, and that we will sometimes be sharing you for others to use and you will have no choice or right to object. That is the kind of slave we are training you to be. Tonight will be a good lesson for you to learn, to realize how low you are on the totem pole in this life. Kneel up before us."

Steven begins to do what he has done so often with his slave as he slaps its face again and again, more and more quickly, harder and harder, and he only stops to spit on the slave's face or into its mouth and then the slapping begins again until at last there are tears coming out of conor's eyes and Steven rubs them into its face along with the spit.

Kelton watches for a while. Steven is the best one to study this technique from, and Kelton quickly learns and springs into action himself. NoName's tears come to its eyes quickly, but they don't fall as it takes the type of beating it had never taken before from its Master, and once the spitting begins, the slave realizes how low it is that it would voluntarily surrender itself to such treatment, basically because he has no choice, that he would be beaten even more severely if he didn't surrender completely to his Master's will, no matter how degrading. But, he thinks, this might even be worse than getting whipped tomorrow.

Once the slave have been instructed as to the miserable state of their existence as slaves, then comes even a more humiliating pair of situations.

Kelton takes over. "Conor, get yourself over here and put my dick in your mouth. You will be my urinal now. Come, quickly, or I"ll get a whip!" Before he has time to give it any more thought, Conor rushes to take his place and only then does he realize what he's being forced to do. Drink another man's piss other than his Master's.

"NoName, over here, slave," says Steven, and NoName sighs deeply as Steven`s cock goes into its mouth. This is all so new for him. He never did this with the old boyfriend. Now he's doing it for anyone the Master tells him to. And it's still so hard, but he's determined to take it.

And for a while there is silence. Only the sound of two slaveboys gulping piss is heard.

Steven finishes first. He leans over and whispers into NoName's ear: "go back and clean my ass. Use your mouth." NoName crawls back and begins, drinking even more deeply from the pit of humiliation it is entering.

Once Kelton is finished, he points to NoName with his head and Conor gets the point as he crawls behind Kelton to serve this Master with any trace of pride it has left.

After this, the boys are sent into the bathroom to brush their teeth and clean out their mouths.

When they come back, Steven points to the ground and Conor takes its place there while Kelton reaches up to attach the leash to NoName and he pulls the slave out to the car before the slave has a chance to say goodbye to its new brother. Just the way things are in this life it is living, as fear about what will happen tomorrow begins to make itself known.


PLEASE WRITE ME, dammit. Let me know you're still interested in this story so I'll keep posting it.

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Next: Chapter 19

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